Kyoto Cabinet
Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
kclangc.h File Reference

C language binding. More...

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>


struct  KCDB
 C wrapper of polymorphic database. More...
struct  KCCUR
 C wrapper of polymorphic cursor. More...
struct  KCSTR
 Binary string of byte array. More...
struct  KCREC
 Key-Value record. More...
struct  KCIDX
 C wrapper of index database. More...
struct  KCMAP
 C wrapper of memory-saving string hash map. More...
 C wrapper of iterator of memory-saving string hash map. More...
 C wrapper of sorter of memory-saving string hash map. More...
struct  KCLIST
 C wrapper of memory-saving string hash map. More...


#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS   1
 enable limit macros for C++


typedef const char *(* KCVISITFULL )(const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz, size_t *sp, void *opq)
 Call back function to visit a full record.
typedef const char *(* KCVISITEMPTY )(const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t *sp, void *opq)
 Call back function to visit an empty record.
typedef int32_t(* KCFILEPROC )(const char *path, int64_t count, int64_t size, void *opq)
 Call back function to process the database file.


enum  {
 Error codes. More...
enum  {
  KCOREADER = 1 << 0, KCOWRITER = 1 << 1, KCOCREATE = 1 << 2, KCOTRUNCATE = 1 << 3,
  KCOAUTOTRAN = 1 << 4, KCOAUTOSYNC = 1 << 5, KCONOLOCK = 1 << 6, KCOTRYLOCK = 1 << 7,
  KCONOREPAIR = 1 << 8
 Open modes. More...
 Merge modes. More...


void * kcmalloc (size_t size)
 Allocate a region on memory.
void kcfree (void *ptr)
 Release a region allocated in the library.
double kctime (void)
 Get the time of day in seconds.
int64_t kcatoi (const char *str)
 Convert a string to an integer.
int64_t kcatoix (const char *str)
 Convert a string with a metric prefix to an integer.
double kcatof (const char *str)
 Convert a string to a real number.
uint64_t kchashmurmur (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Get the hash value by MurMur hashing.
uint64_t kchashfnv (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Get the hash value by FNV hashing.
size_t kclevdist (const void *abuf, size_t asiz, const void *bbuf, size_t bsiz, int32_t utf)
 Calculate the levenshtein distance of two regions.
double kcnan ()
 Get the quiet Not-a-Number value.
double kcinf ()
 Get the positive infinity value.
int32_t kcchknan (double num)
 Check a number is a Not-a-Number value.
int32_t kcchkinf (double num)
 Check a number is an infinity value.
const char * kcecodename (int32_t code)
 Get the readable string of an error code.
KCDBkcdbnew (void)
 Create a polymorphic database object.
void kcdbdel (KCDB *db)
 Destroy a database object.
int32_t kcdbopen (KCDB *db, const char *path, uint32_t mode)
 Open a database file.
int32_t kcdbclose (KCDB *db)
 Close the database file.
int32_t kcdbecode (KCDB *db)
 Get the code of the last happened error.
const char * kcdbemsg (KCDB *db)
 Get the supplement message of the last happened error.
int32_t kcdbaccept (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, KCVISITFULL fullproc, KCVISITEMPTY emptyproc, void *opq, int32_t writable)
 Accept a visitor to a record.
int32_t kcdbacceptbulk (KCDB *db, const KCSTR *keys, size_t knum, KCVISITFULL fullproc, KCVISITEMPTY emptyproc, void *opq, int32_t writable)
 Accept a visitor to multiple records at once.
int32_t kcdbiterate (KCDB *db, KCVISITFULL fullproc, void *opq, int32_t writable)
 Iterate to accept a visitor for each record.
int32_t kcdbscanpara (KCDB *db, KCVISITFULL fullproc, void *opq, size_t thnum)
 Scan each record in parallel.
int32_t kcdbset (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Set the value of a record.
int32_t kcdbadd (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Add a record.
int32_t kcdbreplace (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Replace the value of a record.
int32_t kcdbappend (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Append the value of a record.
int64_t kcdbincrint (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, int64_t num, int64_t orig)
 Add a number to the numeric value of a record.
double kcdbincrdouble (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, double num, double orig)
 Add a number to the numeric value of a record.
int32_t kcdbcas (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *ovbuf, size_t ovsiz, const char *nvbuf, size_t nvsiz)
 Perform compare-and-swap.
int32_t kcdbremove (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz)
 Remove a record.
char * kcdbget (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t *sp)
 Retrieve the value of a record.
int32_t kcdbcheck (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz)
 Check the existence of a record.
int32_t kcdbgetbuf (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, char *vbuf, size_t max)
 Retrieve the value of a record.
char * kcdbseize (KCDB *db, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t *sp)
 Retrieve the value of a record and remove it atomically.
int64_t kcdbsetbulk (KCDB *db, const KCREC *recs, size_t rnum, int32_t atomic)
 Store records at once.
int64_t kcdbremovebulk (KCDB *db, const KCSTR *keys, size_t knum, int32_t atomic)
 Remove records at once.
int64_t kcdbgetbulk (KCDB *db, const KCSTR *keys, size_t knum, KCREC *recs, int32_t atomic)
 Retrieve records at once.
int32_t kcdbsync (KCDB *db, int32_t hard, KCFILEPROC proc, void *opq)
 Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.
int32_t kcdboccupy (KCDB *db, int32_t writable, KCFILEPROC proc, void *opq)
 Occupy database by locking and do something meanwhile.
int32_t kcdbcopy (KCDB *db, const char *dest)
 Create a copy of the database file.
int32_t kcdbbegintran (KCDB *db, int32_t hard)
 Begin transaction.
int32_t kcdbbegintrantry (KCDB *db, int32_t hard)
 Try to begin transaction.
int32_t kcdbendtran (KCDB *db, int32_t commit)
 End transaction.
int32_t kcdbclear (KCDB *db)
 Remove all records.
int32_t kcdbdumpsnap (KCDB *db, const char *dest)
 Dump records into a file.
int32_t kcdbloadsnap (KCDB *db, const char *src)
 Load records from a file.
int64_t kcdbcount (KCDB *db)
 Get the number of records.
int64_t kcdbsize (KCDB *db)
 Get the size of the database file.
char * kcdbpath (KCDB *db)
 Get the path of the database file.
char * kcdbstatus (KCDB *db)
 Get the miscellaneous status information.
int64_t kcdbmatchprefix (KCDB *db, const char *prefix, char **strary, size_t max)
 Get keys matching a prefix string.
int64_t kcdbmatchregex (KCDB *db, const char *regex, char **strary, size_t max)
 Get keys matching a regular expression string.
int64_t kcdbmatchsimilar (KCDB *db, const char *origin, uint32_t range, int32_t utf, char **strary, size_t max)
 Get keys similar to a string in terms of the levenshtein distance.
int32_t kcdbmerge (KCDB *db, KCDB **srcary, size_t srcnum, uint32_t mode)
 Merge records from other databases.
KCCURkcdbcursor (KCDB *db)
 Create a polymorphic cursor object.
void kccurdel (KCCUR *cur)
 Destroy a cursor object.
int32_t kccuraccept (KCCUR *cur, KCVISITFULL fullproc, void *opq, int32_t writable, int32_t step)
 Accept a visitor to the current record.
int32_t kccursetvalue (KCCUR *cur, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz, int32_t step)
 Set the value of the current record.
int32_t kccurremove (KCCUR *cur)
 Remove the current record.
char * kccurgetkey (KCCUR *cur, size_t *sp, int32_t step)
 Get the key of the current record.
char * kccurgetvalue (KCCUR *cur, size_t *sp, int32_t step)
 Get the value of the current record.
char * kccurget (KCCUR *cur, size_t *ksp, const char **vbp, size_t *vsp, int32_t step)
 Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.
char * kccurseize (KCCUR *cur, size_t *ksp, const char **vbp, size_t *vsp)
 Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record and remove it atomically.
int32_t kccurjump (KCCUR *cur)
 Jump the cursor to the first record for forward scan.
int32_t kccurjumpkey (KCCUR *cur, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz)
 Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.
int32_t kccurjumpback (KCCUR *cur)
 Jump the cursor to the last record for backward scan.
int32_t kccurjumpbackkey (KCCUR *cur, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz)
 Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.
int32_t kccurstep (KCCUR *cur)
 Step the cursor to the next record.
int32_t kccurstepback (KCCUR *cur)
 Step the cursor to the previous record.
KCDBkccurdb (KCCUR *cur)
 Get the database object.
int32_t kccurecode (KCCUR *cur)
 Get the code of the last happened error.
const char * kccuremsg (KCCUR *cur)
 Get the supplement message of the last happened error.
KCIDXkcidxnew (void)
 Create an index database object.
void kcidxdel (KCIDX *idx)
 Destroy a database object.
int32_t kcidxopen (KCIDX *idx, const char *path, uint32_t mode)
 Open a database file.
int32_t kcidxclose (KCIDX *idx)
 Close the database file.
int32_t kcidxecode (KCIDX *idx)
 Get the code of the last happened error.
const char * kcidxemsg (KCIDX *idx)
 Get the supplement message of the last happened error.
int32_t kcidxset (KCIDX *idx, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Set the value of a record.
int32_t kcidxadd (KCIDX *idx, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Add a record.
int32_t kcidxreplace (KCIDX *idx, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Replace the value of a record.
int32_t kcidxappend (KCIDX *idx, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Append the value of a record.
int32_t kcidxremove (KCIDX *idx, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz)
 Remove a record.
char * kcidxget (KCIDX *idx, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t *sp)
 Retrieve the value of a record.
int32_t kcidxsync (KCIDX *idx, int32_t hard, KCFILEPROC proc, void *opq)
 Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.
int32_t kcidxclear (KCIDX *idx)
 Remove all records.
int64_t kcidxcount (KCIDX *idx)
 Get the number of records.
int64_t kcidxsize (KCIDX *idx)
 Get the size of the database file.
char * kcidxpath (KCIDX *idx)
 Get the path of the database file.
char * kcidxstatus (KCIDX *idx)
 Get the miscellaneous status information.
KCDBkcidxrevealinnerdb (KCIDX *idx)
 Reveal the inner database object.
KCMAPkcmapnew (size_t bnum)
 Create a string hash map object.
void kcmapdel (KCMAP *map)
 Destroy a map object.
void kcmapset (KCMAP *map, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Set the value of a record.
int32_t kcmapadd (KCMAP *map, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Add a record.
int32_t kcmapreplace (KCMAP *map, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Replace the value of a record.
void kcmapappend (KCMAP *map, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz)
 Append the value of a record.
int32_t kcmapremove (KCMAP *map, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz)
 Remove a record.
const char * kcmapget (KCMAP *map, const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t *sp)
 Retrieve the value of a record.
void kcmapclear (KCMAP *map)
 Remove all records.
size_t kcmapcount (KCMAP *map)
 Get the number of records.
KCMAPITERkcmapiterator (KCMAP *map)
 Create a string hash map iterator object.
void kcmapiterdel (KCMAPITER *iter)
 Destroy an iterator object.
const char * kcmapitergetkey (KCMAPITER *iter, size_t *sp)
 Get the key of the current record.
const char * kcmapitergetvalue (KCMAPITER *iter, size_t *sp)
 Get the value of the current record.
const char * kcmapiterget (KCMAPITER *iter, size_t *ksp, const char **vbp, size_t *vsp)
 Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.
void kcmapiterstep (KCMAPITER *iter)
 Step the cursor to the next record.
KCMAPSORTkcmapsorter (KCMAP *map)
 Create a string hash map sorter object.
void kcmapsortdel (KCMAPSORT *sort)
 Destroy an sorter object.
const char * kcmapsortgetkey (KCMAPSORT *sort, size_t *sp)
 Get the key of the current record.
const char * kcmapsortgetvalue (KCMAPSORT *sort, size_t *sp)
 Get the value of the current record.
const char * kcmapsortget (KCMAPSORT *sort, size_t *ksp, const char **vbp, size_t *vsp)
 Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.
void kcmapsortstep (KCMAPSORT *sort)
 Step the cursor to the next record.
KCLISTkclistnew ()
 Create a string array list object.
void kclistdel (KCLIST *list)
 Destroy a list object.
void kclistpush (KCLIST *list, const char *buf, size_t size)
 Insert a record at the bottom of the list.
int32_t kclistpop (KCLIST *list)
 Remove a record at the bottom of the list.
void kclistunshift (KCLIST *list, const char *buf, size_t size)
 Insert a record at the top of the list.
int32_t kclistshift (KCLIST *list)
 Remove a record at the top of the list.
void kclistinsert (KCLIST *list, const char *buf, size_t size, size_t idx)
 Insert a record at the position of the given index of the list.
void kclistremove (KCLIST *list, size_t idx)
 Remove a record at the position of the given index of the list.
const char * kclistget (KCLIST *list, size_t idx, size_t *sp)
 Retrieve a record at the position of the given index of the list.
void kclistclear (KCLIST *list)
 Remove all records.
size_t kclistcount (KCLIST *list)
 Get the number of records.


const char *const KCVERSION
 The package version.
const char *const KCVISNOP
 Special pointer for no operation by the visiting function.
const char *const KCVISREMOVE
 Special pointer to remove the record by the visiting function.

Detailed Description

C language binding.

Define Documentation

#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS   1

enable limit macros for C++

Typedef Documentation

typedef const char*(* KCVISITFULL)(const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, const char *vbuf, size_t vsiz, size_t *sp, void *opq)

Call back function to visit a full record.

kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
opqan opaque pointer.
If it is the pointer to a region, the value is replaced by the content. If it is KCVISNOP, nothing is modified. If it is KCVISREMOVE, the record is removed.
typedef const char*(* KCVISITEMPTY)(const char *kbuf, size_t ksiz, size_t *sp, void *opq)

Call back function to visit an empty record.

kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
opqan opaque pointer.
If it is the pointer to a region, the value is replaced by the content. If it is KCVISNOP or KCVISREMOVE, nothing is modified.
typedef int32_t(* KCFILEPROC)(const char *path, int64_t count, int64_t size, void *opq)

Call back function to process the database file.

paththe path of the database file.
countthe number of records.
sizethe size of the available region.
opqan opaque pointer.
true on success, or false on failure.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Error codes.




not implemented


invalid operation


no repository


no permission


broken file


record duplication


no record


logical inconsistency


system error


miscellaneous error

anonymous enum

Open modes.


open as a reader


open as a writer


writer creating


writer truncating


auto transaction


auto synchronization


open without locking


lock without blocking


open without auto repair

anonymous enum

Merge modes.


overwrite the existing value


keep the existing value


modify the existing record only


append the new value

Function Documentation

void* kcmalloc ( size_t  size)

Allocate a region on memory.

sizethe size of the region.
the pointer to the allocated region. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
void kcfree ( void *  ptr)

Release a region allocated in the library.

ptrthe pointer to the region.
double kctime ( void  )

Get the time of day in seconds.

the time of day in seconds. The accuracy is in microseconds.
int64_t kcatoi ( const char *  str)

Convert a string to an integer.

strspecifies the string.
the integer. If the string does not contain numeric expression, 0 is returned.
int64_t kcatoix ( const char *  str)

Convert a string with a metric prefix to an integer.

strthe string, which can be trailed by a binary metric prefix. "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", and "E" are supported. They are case-insensitive.
the integer. If the string does not contain numeric expression, 0 is returned. If the integer overflows the domain, INT64_MAX or INT64_MIN is returned according to the sign.
double kcatof ( const char *  str)

Convert a string to a real number.

strspecifies the string.
the real number. If the string does not contain numeric expression, 0.0 is returned.
uint64_t kchashmurmur ( const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Get the hash value by MurMur hashing.

bufthe source buffer.
sizethe size of the source buffer.
the hash value.
uint64_t kchashfnv ( const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Get the hash value by FNV hashing.

bufthe source buffer.
sizethe size of the source buffer.
the hash value.
size_t kclevdist ( const void *  abuf,
size_t  asiz,
const void *  bbuf,
size_t  bsiz,
int32_t  utf 

Calculate the levenshtein distance of two regions.

abufthe pointer to the region of one buffer.
asizthe size of the region of one buffer.
bbufthe pointer to the region of the other buffer.
bsizthe size of the region of the other buffer.
utfflag to treat keys as UTF-8 strings.
the levenshtein distance of two regions.
double kcnan ( )

Get the quiet Not-a-Number value.

the quiet Not-a-Number value.
double kcinf ( )

Get the positive infinity value.

the positive infinity value.
int32_t kcchknan ( double  num)

Check a number is a Not-a-Number value.

true for the number is a Not-a-Number value, or false if not.
int32_t kcchkinf ( double  num)

Check a number is an infinity value.

true for the number is an infinity value, or false if not.
const char* kcecodename ( int32_t  code)

Get the readable string of an error code.

codethe error code.
the readable string of the error code.
KCDB* kcdbnew ( void  )

Create a polymorphic database object.

the created database object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kcdbdel function when it is no longer in use.
void kcdbdel ( KCDB db)

Destroy a database object.

dbthe database object.
int32_t kcdbopen ( KCDB db,
const char *  path,
uint32_t  mode 

Open a database file.

dba database object.
paththe path of a database file. If it is "-", the database will be a prototype hash database. If it is "+", the database will be a prototype tree database. If it is ":", the database will be a stash database. If it is "*", the database will be a cache hash database. If it is "%", the database will be a cache tree database. If its suffix is ".kch", the database will be a file hash database. If its suffix is ".kct", the database will be a file tree database. If its suffix is ".kcd", the database will be a directory hash database. If its suffix is ".kcf", the database will be a directory tree database. If its suffix is ".kcx", the database will be a plain text database. Otherwise, this function fails. Tuning parameters can trail the name, separated by "#". Each parameter is composed of the name and the value, separated by "=". If the "type" parameter is specified, the database type is determined by the value in "-", "+", ":", "*", "%", "kch", "kct", "kcd", kcf", and "kcx". All database types support the logging parameters of "log", "logkinds", and "logpx". The prototype hash database and the prototype tree database do not support any other tuning parameter. The stash database supports "bnum". The cache hash database supports "opts", "bnum", "zcomp", "capcnt", "capsiz", and "zkey". The cache tree database supports all parameters of the cache hash database except for capacity limitation, and supports "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition. The file hash database supports "apow", "fpow", "opts", "bnum", "msiz", "dfunit", "zcomp", and "zkey". The file tree database supports all parameters of the file hash database and "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition. The directory hash database supports "opts", "zcomp", and "zkey". The directory tree database supports all parameters of the directory hash database and "psiz", "rcomp", "pccap" in addition. The plain text database does not support any other tuning parameter.
modethe connection mode. KCOWRITER as a writer, KCOREADER as a reader. The following may be added to the writer mode by bitwise-or: KCOCREATE, which means it creates a new database if the file does not exist, KCOTRUNCATE, which means it creates a new database regardless if the file exists, KCOAUTOTRAN, which means each updating operation is performed in implicit transaction, KCOAUTOSYNC, which means each updating operation is followed by implicit synchronization with the file system. The following may be added to both of the reader mode and the writer mode by bitwise-or: KCONOLOCK, which means it opens the database file without file locking, KCOTRYLOCK, which means locking is performed without blocking, KCONOREPAIR, which means the database file is not repaired implicitly even if file destruction is detected.
true on success, or false on failure.
The tuning parameter "log" is for the original "tune_logger" and the value specifies the path of the log file, or "-" for the standard output, or "+" for the standard error. "logkinds" specifies kinds of logged messages and the value can be "debug", "info", "warn", or "error". "logpx" specifies the prefix of each log message. "opts" is for "tune_options" and the value can contain "s" for the small option, "l" for the linear option, and "c" for the compress option. "bnum" corresponds to "tune_bucket". "zcomp" is for "tune_compressor" and the value can be "zlib" for the ZLIB raw compressor, "def" for the ZLIB deflate compressor, "gz" for the ZLIB gzip compressor, "lzo" for the LZO compressor, "lzma" for the LZMA compressor, or "arc" for the Arcfour cipher. "zkey" specifies the cipher key of the compressor. "capcount" is for "cap_count". "capsize" is for "cap_size". "psiz" is for "tune_page". "rcomp" is for "tune_comparator" and the value can be "lex" for the lexical comparator or "dec" for the decimal comparator. "pccap" is for "tune_page_cache". "apow" is for "tune_alignment". "fpow" is for "tune_fbp". "msiz" is for "tune_map". "dfunit" is for "tune_defrag". Every opened database must be closed by the kcdbclose method when it is no longer in use. It is not allowed for two or more database objects in the same process to keep their connections to the same database file at the same time.
int32_t kcdbclose ( KCDB db)

Close the database file.

dba database object.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbecode ( KCDB db)

Get the code of the last happened error.

dba database object.
the code of the last happened error.
const char* kcdbemsg ( KCDB db)

Get the supplement message of the last happened error.

dba database object.
the supplement message of the last happened error.
int32_t kcdbaccept ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
KCVISITFULL  fullproc,
KCVISITEMPTY  emptyproc,
void *  opq,
int32_t  writable 

Accept a visitor to a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
fullproca call back function to visit a record.
emptyproca call back function to visit an empty record space.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back functions.
writabletrue for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
true on success, or false on failure.
The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcdbacceptbulk ( KCDB db,
const KCSTR keys,
size_t  knum,
KCVISITFULL  fullproc,
KCVISITEMPTY  emptyproc,
void *  opq,
int32_t  writable 

Accept a visitor to multiple records at once.

dba database object.
keysspecifies an array of binary strings of the keys.
knumspecifies the number of the keys.
fullproca call back function to visit a record.
emptyproca call back function to visit an empty record space.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back functions.
writabletrue for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
true on success, or false on failure.
The operations for specified records are performed atomically and other threads accessing the same records are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcdbiterate ( KCDB db,
KCVISITFULL  fullproc,
void *  opq,
int32_t  writable 

Iterate to accept a visitor for each record.

dba database object.
fullproca call back function to visit a record.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
writabletrue for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
true on success, or false on failure.
The whole iteration is performed atomically and other threads are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcdbscanpara ( KCDB db,
KCVISITFULL  fullproc,
void *  opq,
size_t  thnum 

Scan each record in parallel.

dba database object.
fullproca call back function to visit a record.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
thnumthe number of worker threads.
true on success, or false on failure.
This function is for reading records and not for updating ones. The return value of the visitor is just ignored. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcdbset ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Set the value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the value is overwritten.
int32_t kcdbadd ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Add a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the record is not modified and false is returned.
int32_t kcdbreplace ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Replace the value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, no new record is created and false is returned. If the corresponding record exists, the value is modified.
int32_t kcdbappend ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Append the value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the given value is appended at the end of the existing value.
int64_t kcdbincrint ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
int64_t  num,
int64_t  orig 

Add a number to the numeric value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
numthe additional number.
origthe origin number if no record corresponds to the key. If it is INT64_MIN and no record corresponds, this function fails. If it is INT64_MAX, the value is set as the additional number regardless of the current value.
the result value, or INT64_MIN on failure.
The value is serialized as an 8-byte binary integer in big-endian order, not a decimal string. If existing value is not 8-byte, this function fails.
double kcdbincrdouble ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
double  num,
double  orig 

Add a number to the numeric value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
numthe additional number.
origthe origin number if no record corresponds to the key. If it is negative infinity and no record corresponds, this function fails. If it is positive infinity, the value is set as the additional number regardless of the current value.
the result value, or Not-a-number on failure.
The value is serialized as an 16-byte binary fixed-point number in big-endian order, not a decimal string. If existing value is not 16-byte, this function fails.
int32_t kcdbcas ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  ovbuf,
size_t  ovsiz,
const char *  nvbuf,
size_t  nvsiz 

Perform compare-and-swap.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
ovbufthe pointer to the old value region. NULL means that no record corresponds.
ovsizthe size of the old value region.
nvbufthe pointer to the new value region. NULL means that the record is removed.
nvsizthe size of new old value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbremove ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz 

Remove a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.
char* kcdbget ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
size_t *  sp 

Retrieve the value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int32_t kcdbcheck ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz 

Check the existence of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
the size of the value, or -1 on failure.
int32_t kcdbgetbuf ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
char *  vbuf,
size_t  max 

Retrieve the value of a record.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the buffer into which the value of the corresponding record is written.
maxthe size of the buffer.
the size of the value, or -1 on failure.
char* kcdbseize ( KCDB db,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
size_t *  sp 

Retrieve the value of a record and remove it atomically.

dba database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int64_t kcdbsetbulk ( KCDB db,
const KCREC recs,
size_t  rnum,
int32_t  atomic 

Store records at once.

dba database object.
recsthe records to store.
rnumspecifies the number of the records.
atomictrue to perform all operations atomically, or false for non-atomic operations.
the number of stored records, or -1 on failure.
int64_t kcdbremovebulk ( KCDB db,
const KCSTR keys,
size_t  knum,
int32_t  atomic 

Remove records at once.

dba database object.
keysthe keys of the records to remove.
knumspecifies the number of the keys.
atomictrue to perform all operations atomically, or false for non-atomic operations.
the number of removed records, or -1 on failure.
int64_t kcdbgetbulk ( KCDB db,
const KCSTR keys,
size_t  knum,
KCREC recs,
int32_t  atomic 

Retrieve records at once.

dba database object.
keysthe keys of the records to retrieve.
knumspecifies the number of the keys.
recsan array to contain the result. Its size must be sufficient.
atomictrue to perform all operations atomically, or false for non-atomic operations.
the number of retrieved records, or -1 on failure.
The regions of the key and the value of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int32_t kcdbsync ( KCDB db,
int32_t  hard,
void *  opq 

Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.

dba database object.
hardtrue for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical synchronization with the file system.
proca postprocessor call back function. If it is NULL, no postprocessing is performed.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
true on success, or false on failure.
The operation of the postprocessor is performed atomically and other threads accessing the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcdboccupy ( KCDB db,
int32_t  writable,
void *  opq 

Occupy database by locking and do something meanwhile.

dba database object.
writabletrue to use writer lock, or false to use reader lock.
proca processor object. If it is NULL, no processing is performed.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
true on success, or false on failure.
The operation of the processor is performed atomically and other threads accessing the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcdbcopy ( KCDB db,
const char *  dest 

Create a copy of the database file.

dba database object.
destthe path of the destination file.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbbegintran ( KCDB db,
int32_t  hard 

Begin transaction.

dba database object.
hardtrue for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical synchronization with the file system.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbbegintrantry ( KCDB db,
int32_t  hard 

Try to begin transaction.

dba database object.
hardtrue for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical synchronization with the file system.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbendtran ( KCDB db,
int32_t  commit 

End transaction.

dba database object.
committrue to commit the transaction, or false to abort the transaction.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbclear ( KCDB db)

Remove all records.

dba database object.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbdumpsnap ( KCDB db,
const char *  dest 

Dump records into a file.

dba database object.
destthe path of the destination file.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcdbloadsnap ( KCDB db,
const char *  src 

Load records from a file.

dba database object.
srcthe path of the source file.
true on success, or false on failure.
int64_t kcdbcount ( KCDB db)

Get the number of records.

dba database object.
the number of records, or -1 on failure.
int64_t kcdbsize ( KCDB db)

Get the size of the database file.

dba database object.
the size of the database file in bytes, or -1 on failure.
char* kcdbpath ( KCDB db)

Get the path of the database file.

dba database object.
the path of the database file, or an empty string on failure.
The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
char* kcdbstatus ( KCDB db)

Get the miscellaneous status information.

dba database object.
the result string of tab saparated values, or NULL on failure. Each line consists of the attribute name and its value separated by a tab character.
The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int64_t kcdbmatchprefix ( KCDB db,
const char *  prefix,
char **  strary,
size_t  max 

Get keys matching a prefix string.

dba database object.
prefixthe prefix string.
straryan array to contain the result. Its size must be sufficient.
maxthe maximum number to retrieve.
the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
The region of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int64_t kcdbmatchregex ( KCDB db,
const char *  regex,
char **  strary,
size_t  max 

Get keys matching a regular expression string.

dba database object.
regexthe regular expression string.
straryan array to contain the result. Its size must be sufficient.
maxthe maximum number to retrieve.
the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
The region of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int64_t kcdbmatchsimilar ( KCDB db,
const char *  origin,
uint32_t  range,
int32_t  utf,
char **  strary,
size_t  max 

Get keys similar to a string in terms of the levenshtein distance.

dba database object.
originthe origin string.
rangethe maximum distance of keys to adopt.
utfflag to treat keys as UTF-8 strings.
straryan array to contain the result. Its size must be sufficient.
maxthe maximum number to retrieve.
the number of retrieved keys or -1 on failure.
The region of each element of the result should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int32_t kcdbmerge ( KCDB db,
KCDB **  srcary,
size_t  srcnum,
uint32_t  mode 

Merge records from other databases.

dba database object.
srcaryan array of the source detabase objects.
srcnumthe number of the elements of the source array.
modethe merge mode. KCMSET to overwrite the existing value, KCMADD to keep the existing value, KCMREPLACE to modify the existing record only, KCMAPPEND to append the new value.
true on success, or false on failure.
KCCUR* kcdbcursor ( KCDB db)

Create a polymorphic cursor object.

dba database object.
the return value is the created cursor object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kccurdel function when it is no longer in use.
void kccurdel ( KCCUR cur)

Destroy a cursor object.

curthe cursor object.
int32_t kccuraccept ( KCCUR cur,
KCVISITFULL  fullproc,
void *  opq,
int32_t  writable,
int32_t  step 

Accept a visitor to the current record.

cura cursor object.
fullproca call back function to visit a record.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back functions.
writabletrue for writable operation, or false for read-only operation.
steptrue to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
true on success, or false on failure.
The operation for each record is performed atomically and other threads accessing the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kccursetvalue ( KCCUR cur,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz,
int32_t  step 

Set the value of the current record.

cura cursor object.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
steptrue to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kccurremove ( KCCUR cur)

Remove the current record.

cura cursor object.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned. The cursor is moved to the next record implicitly.
char* kccurgetkey ( KCCUR cur,
size_t *  sp,
int32_t  step 

Get the key of the current record.

cura cursor object.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
steptrue to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
the pointer to the key region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
char* kccurgetvalue ( KCCUR cur,
size_t *  sp,
int32_t  step 

Get the value of the current record.

cura cursor object.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
steptrue to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
the pointer to the value region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
char* kccurget ( KCCUR cur,
size_t *  ksp,
const char **  vbp,
size_t *  vsp,
int32_t  step 

Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.

cura cursor object.
kspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
vbpthe pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is assigned.
vspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is assigned.
steptrue to move the cursor to the next record, or false for no move.
the pointer to the pair of the key region, or NULL on failure.
If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of each region of the key and the value, each region can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
char* kccurseize ( KCCUR cur,
size_t *  ksp,
const char **  vbp,
size_t *  vsp 

Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record and remove it atomically.

cura cursor object.
kspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
vbpthe pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is assigned.
vspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is assigned.
the pointer to the pair of the key region, or NULL on failure.
If the cursor is invalidated, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of each region of the key and the value, each region can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use. The cursor is moved to the next record implicitly.
int32_t kccurjump ( KCCUR cur)

Jump the cursor to the first record for forward scan.

cura cursor object.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kccurjumpkey ( KCCUR cur,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz 

Jump the cursor to a record for forward scan.

cura cursor object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kccurjumpback ( KCCUR cur)

Jump the cursor to the last record for backward scan.

cura cursor object.
true on success, or false on failure.
This method is dedicated to tree databases. Some database types, especially hash databases, may provide a dummy implementation.
int32_t kccurjumpbackkey ( KCCUR cur,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz 

Jump the cursor to a record for backward scan.

cura cursor object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
true on success, or false on failure.
This method is dedicated to tree databases. Some database types, especially hash databases, will provide a dummy implementation.
int32_t kccurstep ( KCCUR cur)

Step the cursor to the next record.

cura cursor object.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kccurstepback ( KCCUR cur)

Step the cursor to the previous record.

cura cursor object.
true on success, or false on failure.
This method is dedicated to tree databases. Some database types, especially hash databases, may provide a dummy implementation.
KCDB* kccurdb ( KCCUR cur)

Get the database object.

cura cursor object.
the database object.
int32_t kccurecode ( KCCUR cur)

Get the code of the last happened error.

cura cursor object.
the code of the last happened error.
const char* kccuremsg ( KCCUR cur)

Get the supplement message of the last happened error.

cura cursor object.
the supplement message of the last happened error.
KCIDX* kcidxnew ( void  )

Create an index database object.

the created database object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kcidxdel function when it is no longer in use.
void kcidxdel ( KCIDX idx)

Destroy a database object.

idxthe database object.
int32_t kcidxopen ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  path,
uint32_t  mode 

Open a database file.

idxa database object.
paththe path of a database file. The same as with the polymorphic database.
modethe connection mode. The same as with the polymorphic database.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcidxclose ( KCIDX idx)

Close the database file.

idxa database object.
true on success, or false on failure.
int32_t kcidxecode ( KCIDX idx)

Get the code of the last happened error.

idxa database object.
the code of the last happened error.
const char* kcidxemsg ( KCIDX idx)

Get the supplement message of the last happened error.

idxa database object.
the supplement message of the last happened error.
int32_t kcidxset ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Set the value of a record.

idxa database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the value is overwritten.
int32_t kcidxadd ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Add a record.

idxa database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the record is not modified and false is returned.
int32_t kcidxreplace ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Replace the value of a record.

idxa database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, no new record is created and false is returned. If the corresponding record exists, the value is modified.
int32_t kcidxappend ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Append the value of a record.

idxa database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the given value is appended at the end of the existing value.
int32_t kcidxremove ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz 

Remove a record.

idxa database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.
char* kcidxget ( KCIDX idx,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
size_t *  sp 

Retrieve the value of a record.

idxa database object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, NULL is returned. Because an additional zero code is appended at the end of the region of the return value, the return value can be treated as a C-style string. The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
int32_t kcidxsync ( KCIDX idx,
int32_t  hard,
void *  opq 

Synchronize updated contents with the file and the device.

idxa database object.
hardtrue for physical synchronization with the device, or false for logical synchronization with the file system.
proca postprocessor call back function. If it is NULL, no postprocessing is performed.
opqan opaque pointer to be given to the call back function.
true on success, or false on failure.
The operation of the postprocessor is performed atomically and other threads accessing the same record are blocked. To avoid deadlock, any explicit database operation must not be performed in this function.
int32_t kcidxclear ( KCIDX idx)

Remove all records.

idxa database object.
true on success, or false on failure.
int64_t kcidxcount ( KCIDX idx)

Get the number of records.

idxa database object.
the number of records, or -1 on failure.
int64_t kcidxsize ( KCIDX idx)

Get the size of the database file.

idxa database object.
the size of the database file in bytes, or -1 on failure.
char* kcidxpath ( KCIDX idx)

Get the path of the database file.

idxa database object.
the path of the database file, or an empty string on failure.
The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.
char* kcidxstatus ( KCIDX idx)

Get the miscellaneous status information.

idxa database object.
the result string of tab saparated values, or NULL on failure. Each line consists of the attribute name and its value separated by a tab character.
The region of the return value should be released with the kcfree function when it is no longer in use.

Reveal the inner database object.

the inner database object, or NULL on failure.
KCMAP* kcmapnew ( size_t  bnum)

Create a string hash map object.

bnumthe number of buckets of the hash table. If it is not more than 0, the default setting 31 is specified.
the created map object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kcmapdel function when it is no longer in use.
void kcmapdel ( KCMAP map)

Destroy a map object.

mapthe map object.
void kcmapset ( KCMAP map,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Set the value of a record.

mapthe map object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the value is overwritten.
int32_t kcmapadd ( KCMAP map,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Add a record.

mapthe map object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the record is not modified and false is returned.
int32_t kcmapreplace ( KCMAP map,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Replace the value of a record.

mapthe map object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, no new record is created and false is returned. If the corresponding record exists, the value is modified.
void kcmapappend ( KCMAP map,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
const char *  vbuf,
size_t  vsiz 

Append the value of a record.

mapthe map object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
vbufthe pointer to the value region.
vsizthe size of the value region.
If no record corresponds to the key, a new record is created. If the corresponding record exists, the given value is appended at the end of the existing value.
int32_t kcmapremove ( KCMAP map,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz 

Remove a record.

mapthe map object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
true on success, or false on failure.
If no record corresponds to the key, false is returned.
const char* kcmapget ( KCMAP map,
const char *  kbuf,
size_t  ksiz,
size_t *  sp 

Retrieve the value of a record.

mapthe map object.
kbufthe pointer to the key region.
ksizthe size of the key region.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the value region of the corresponding record, or NULL on failure.
void kcmapclear ( KCMAP map)

Remove all records.

mapthe map object.
size_t kcmapcount ( KCMAP map)

Get the number of records.

mapthe map object.
the number of records.

Create a string hash map iterator object.

mapa map object.
the return value is the created iterator object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kcmapiterdel function when it is no longer in use.
This object will not be invalidated even when the map object is updated once. However, phantom records may be retrieved if they are removed after creation of each iterator.
void kcmapiterdel ( KCMAPITER iter)

Destroy an iterator object.

iterthe iterator object.
const char* kcmapitergetkey ( KCMAPITER iter,
size_t *  sp 

Get the key of the current record.

iterthe iterator object.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the key region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
const char* kcmapitergetvalue ( KCMAPITER iter,
size_t *  sp 

Get the value of the current record.

iterthe iterator object.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the value region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
const char* kcmapiterget ( KCMAPITER iter,
size_t *  ksp,
const char **  vbp,
size_t *  vsp 

Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.

iterthe iterator object.
kspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
vbpthe pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is assigned.
vspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is assigned.
the pointer to the key region, or NULL on failure.
void kcmapiterstep ( KCMAPITER iter)

Step the cursor to the next record.

iterthe iterator object.

Create a string hash map sorter object.

mapa map object.
the return value is the created sorter object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kcmapsortdel function when it is no longer in use.
This object will not be invalidated even when the map object is updated once. However, phantom records may be retrieved if they are removed after creation of each sorter.
void kcmapsortdel ( KCMAPSORT sort)

Destroy an sorter object.

sortthe sorter object.
const char* kcmapsortgetkey ( KCMAPSORT sort,
size_t *  sp 

Get the key of the current record.

sortthe sorter object.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the key region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
const char* kcmapsortgetvalue ( KCMAPSORT sort,
size_t *  sp 

Get the value of the current record.

sortthe sorter object.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the value region of the current record, or NULL on failure.
const char* kcmapsortget ( KCMAPSORT sort,
size_t *  ksp,
const char **  vbp,
size_t *  vsp 

Get a pair of the key and the value of the current record.

sortthe sorter object.
kspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
vbpthe pointer to the variable into which the pointer to the value region is assigned.
vspthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the value region is assigned.
the pointer to the key region, or NULL on failure.
void kcmapsortstep ( KCMAPSORT sort)

Step the cursor to the next record.

sortthe sorter object.

Create a string array list object.

the created list object.
The object of the return value should be released with the kclistdel function when it is no longer in use.
void kclistdel ( KCLIST list)

Destroy a list object.

listthe list object.
void kclistpush ( KCLIST list,
const char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Insert a record at the bottom of the list.

listthe list object.
bufthe pointer to the record region.
sizethe size of the record region.
int32_t kclistpop ( KCLIST list)

Remove a record at the bottom of the list.

listthe list object.
true if the operation success, or false if there is no record in the list.
void kclistunshift ( KCLIST list,
const char *  buf,
size_t  size 

Insert a record at the top of the list.

listthe list object.
bufthe pointer to the record region.
sizethe size of the record region.
int32_t kclistshift ( KCLIST list)

Remove a record at the top of the list.

listthe list object.
true if the operation success, or false if there is no record in the list.
void kclistinsert ( KCLIST list,
const char *  buf,
size_t  size,
size_t  idx 

Insert a record at the position of the given index of the list.

listthe list object.
bufthe pointer to the record region.
sizethe size of the record region.
idxthe index of the position. It must be equal to or less than the number of records.
void kclistremove ( KCLIST list,
size_t  idx 

Remove a record at the position of the given index of the list.

listthe list object.
idxthe index of the position. It must be less than the number of records.
const char* kclistget ( KCLIST list,
size_t  idx,
size_t *  sp 

Retrieve a record at the position of the given index of the list.

listthe list object.
idxthe index of the position. It must be less than the number of records.
spthe pointer to the variable into which the size of the region of the return value is assigned.
the pointer to the region of the retrieved record.
void kclistclear ( KCLIST list)

Remove all records.

listthe list object.
size_t kclistcount ( KCLIST list)

Get the number of records.

listthe list object.
the number of records.

Variable Documentation

const char* const KCVERSION

The package version.

const char* const KCVISNOP

Special pointer for no operation by the visiting function.

const char* const KCVISREMOVE

Special pointer to remove the record by the visiting function.