Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
tkrzw_langc.h File Reference

C language binding of Tkrzw. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


struct  TkrzwStatus
 Pair of a status code and a message. More...
struct  TkrzwFuture
 Future interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwDBM
 DBM interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwDBMIter
 Iterator interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwAsyncDBM
 Asynchronous DBM interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwFile
 File interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwIndex
 Index interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwIndexIter
 Index iterator interface, just for type check. More...
struct  TkrzwStr
 String pointer and its size. More...
struct  TkrzwKeyValuePair
 Pair of a key and its value. More...
struct  TkrzwKeyProcPair
 Pair of a key and its processor. More...


typedef const char *(* tkrzw_record_processor) (void *, const char *, int32_t, const char *, int32_t, int32_t *)
 Type of the record processor function. More...
typedef void(* tkrzw_file_processor) (void *arg, const char *)
 Type of the file processor function. More...


enum  {
 Enumeration for status codes. More...


void tkrzw_set_last_status (int32_t code, const char *message)
 Sets the status code and the message as if it is from the last system operation. More...
TkrzwStatus tkrzw_get_last_status ()
 Gets the status code and the message of the last system operation. More...
int32_t tkrzw_get_last_status_code ()
 Gets the status code of the last system operation. More...
const char * tkrzw_get_last_status_message ()
 Gets the status message of the last system operation. More...
const char * tkrzw_status_code_name (int32_t code)
 Gets the string name of a status code. More...
double tkrzw_get_wall_time ()
 Gets the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. More...
int64_t tkrzw_get_memory_capacity ()
 Gets the memory capacity of the platform. More...
int64_t tkrzw_get_memory_usage ()
 Gets the current memory usage of the process. More...
uint64_t tkrzw_primary_hash (const char *data_ptr, int32_t data_size, uint64_t num_buckets)
 Primary hash function for the hash database. More...
uint64_t tkrzw_secondary_hash (const char *data_ptr, int32_t data_size, uint64_t num_shards)
 Secondary hash function for sharding. More...
void tkrzw_free_str_array (TkrzwStr *array, int32_t size)
 Releases an allocated array and its elements of allocated strings. More...
void tkrzw_free_str_map (TkrzwKeyValuePair *array, int32_t size)
 Releases an allocated array and its elements of allocated key-value pairs. More...
TkrzwKeyValuePairtkrzw_search_str_map (TkrzwKeyValuePair *array, int32_t size, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size)
 Searches an array of key-value pairs for a record with the given key. More...
int32_t tkrzw_str_search_regex (const char *text, const char *pattern)
 Searches a string for a pattern matching a regular expression. More...
char * tkrzw_str_replace_regex (const char *text, const char *pattern, const char *replace)
 Replaces substrings matching a pattern of regular expression. More...
int32_t tkrzw_str_edit_distance_lev (const char *a, const char *b, bool utf)
 Gets the Levenshtein edit distance of two strings. More...
uint64_t tkrzw_str_to_int_be (const void *ptr, size_t size)
 Converts a big-endian binary string to an integer. More...
long double tkrzw_str_to_float_be (const void *ptr, size_t size)
 Converts a big-endian binary string to a floating-point number. More...
char * tkrzw_int_to_str_be (uint64_t data, size_t size)
 Converts an integer into a big-endian binary string. More...
char * tkrzw_float_to_str_be (long double data, size_t size)
 Converts a floating-point number into a big-endian binary string. More...
char * tkrzw_str_escape_c (const char *ptr, int32_t size, bool esc_nonasc, int32_t *res_size)
 Escapes C-style meta characters in a string. More...
char * tkrzw_str_unescape_c (const char *ptr, int32_t size, int32_t *res_size)
 Unescapes C-style escape sequences in a string. More...
char * tkrzw_str_append (char *modified, const char *appended)
 Appends a string at the end of another allocated string. More...
void tkrzw_future_free (TkrzwFuture *future)
 Releases the future object. More...
bool tkrzw_future_wait (TkrzwFuture *future, double timeout)
 Waits for the operation of the future object to be done. More...
void tkrzw_future_get (TkrzwFuture *future)
 Gets the status of the operation of the future object. More...
char * tkrzw_future_get_str (TkrzwFuture *future, int32_t *size)
 Gets the status and the extra string data of the operation of the future object. More...
TkrzwKeyValuePairtkrzw_future_get_str_pair (TkrzwFuture *future)
 Gets the status and the extra string pair of the operation of the future object. More...
TkrzwStrtkrzw_future_get_str_array (TkrzwFuture *future, int32_t *num_elems)
 Gets the status and the extra string array of the operation of the future object. More...
TkrzwKeyValuePairtkrzw_future_get_str_map (TkrzwFuture *future, int32_t *num_elems)
 Gets the status and the extra string map of the operation of the future object. More...
int64_t tkrzw_future_get_int (TkrzwFuture *future)
 Gets the status and the extra integer data of the operation of the future object. More...
TkrzwDBMtkrzw_dbm_open (const char *path, bool writable, const char *params)
 Opens a database file and makes a database object. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_close (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Closes the database file and releases the database object. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_process (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, tkrzw_record_processor proc, void *proc_arg, bool writable)
 Processes a record with callback functions. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_check (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size)
 Checks if a record exists or not. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_get (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, int32_t *value_size)
 Gets the value of a record of a key. More...
TkrzwKeyValuePairtkrzw_dbm_get_multi (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const TkrzwStr *keys, int32_t num_keys, int32_t *num_matched)
 Gets the values of multiple records of keys. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_set (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, bool overwrite)
 Sets a record of a key and a value. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_set_and_get (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, bool overwrite, int32_t *old_value_size)
 Sets a record and get the old value. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_set_multi (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *records, int32_t num_records, bool overwrite)
 Sets multiple records. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_remove (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size)
 Removes a record of a key. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_remove_and_get (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, int32_t *value_size)
 Removes a record and get the value. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_remove_multi (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const TkrzwStr *keys, int32_t num_keys)
 Removes records of keys. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_append (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, const char *delim_ptr, int32_t delim_size)
 Appends data at the end of a record of a key. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_append_multi (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *records, int32_t num_records, const char *delim_ptr, int32_t delim_size)
 Appends data to multiple records. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *expected_ptr, int32_t expected_size, const char *desired_ptr, int32_t desired_size)
 Compares the value of a record and exchanges if the condition meets. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange_and_get (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *expected_ptr, int32_t expected_size, const char *desired_ptr, int32_t desired_size, int32_t *actual_size)
 Does compare-and-exchange and/or gets the old value of the record. More...
int64_t tkrzw_dbm_increment (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, int64_t increment, int64_t initial)
 Increments the numeric value of a record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_process_multi (TkrzwDBM *dbm, TkrzwKeyProcPair *key_proc_pairs, int32_t num_pairs, bool writable)
 Processes multiple records with processors. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange_multi (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *expected, int32_t num_expected, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *desired, int32_t num_desired)
 Compares the values of records and exchanges if the condition meets. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_rekey (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *old_key_ptr, int32_t old_key_size, const char *new_key_ptr, int32_t new_key_size, bool overwrite, bool copying)
 Changes the key of a record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_process_first (TkrzwDBM *dbm, tkrzw_record_processor proc, void *proc_arg, bool writable)
 Processes the first record with a processor. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_pop_first (TkrzwDBM *dbm, char **key_ptr, int32_t *key_size, char **value_ptr, int32_t *value_size)
 Gets the first record and removes it. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_push_last (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, double wtime)
 Adds a record with a key of the current timestamp. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_process_each (TkrzwDBM *dbm, tkrzw_record_processor proc, void *proc_arg, bool writable)
 Processes each and every record in the database with a processor. More...
int64_t tkrzw_dbm_count (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Gets the number of records. More...
int64_t tkrzw_dbm_get_file_size (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Gets the current file size of the database. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_get_file_path (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Gets the path of the database file. More...
double tkrzw_dbm_get_timestamp (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Gets the timestamp in seconds of the last modified time. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_clear (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Removes all records. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_rebuild (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *params)
 Rebuilds the entire database. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_should_be_rebuilt (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Checks whether the database should be rebuilt. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_synchronize (TkrzwDBM *dbm, bool hard, tkrzw_file_processor proc, void *proc_arg, const char *params)
 Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_copy_file_data (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *dest_path, bool sync_hard)
 Copies the content of the database files to other files. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_export (TkrzwDBM *dbm, TkrzwDBM *dest_dbm)
 Exports all records to another database. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_export_to_flat_records (TkrzwDBM *dbm, TkrzwFile *dest_file)
 Exports all records of a database to a flat record file. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_import_from_flat_records (TkrzwDBM *dbm, TkrzwFile *src_file)
 Imports records to a database from a flat record file. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_export_keys_as_lines (TkrzwDBM *dbm, TkrzwFile *dest_file)
 Exports the keys of all records of a database as lines to a text file. More...
TkrzwKeyValuePairtkrzw_dbm_inspect (TkrzwDBM *dbm, int32_t *num_records)
 Inspects the database. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_is_writable (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Checks whether the database is writable. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_is_healthy (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Checks whether the database condition is healthy. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_is_ordered (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Checks whether ordered operations are supported. More...
TkrzwStrtkrzw_dbm_search (TkrzwDBM *dbm, const char *mode, const char *pattern_ptr, int32_t pattern_size, int32_t capacity, int32_t *num_matched)
 Searches a database and get keys which match a pattern, according to a mode expression. More...
TkrzwDBMItertkrzw_dbm_make_iterator (TkrzwDBM *dbm)
 Makes an iterator for each record. More...
void tkrzw_dbm_iter_free (TkrzwDBMIter *iter)
 Releases the iterator object. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_first (TkrzwDBMIter *iter)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate the first record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_last (TkrzwDBMIter *iter)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate the last record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate a specific record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump_lower (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, bool inclusive)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate the last record whose key is lower than a given key. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump_upper (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, bool inclusive)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate the first record whose key is upper than a given key. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_next (TkrzwDBMIter *iter)
 Moves the iterator to the next record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_previous (TkrzwDBMIter *iter)
 Moves the iterator to the previous record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_process (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, tkrzw_record_processor proc, void *proc_arg, bool writable)
 Processes the current record with a processor. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_get (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, char **key_ptr, int32_t *key_size, char **value_ptr, int32_t *value_size)
 Gets the key and the value of the current record of the iterator. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_iter_get_key (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, int32_t *key_size)
 Gets the key of the current record, in a simple way. More...
char * tkrzw_dbm_iter_get_value (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, int32_t *value_size)
 Gets the key of the current record, in a simple way. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_set (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size)
 Sets the value of the current record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_remove (TkrzwDBMIter *iter)
 Removes the current record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_step (TkrzwDBMIter *iter, char **key_ptr, int32_t *key_size, char **value_ptr, int32_t *value_size)
 Gets the current record and moves the iterator to the next record. More...
bool tkrzw_dbm_restore_database (const char *old_file_path, const char *new_file_path, const char *class_name, int64_t end_offset, const char *cipher_key)
 Restores a broken database as a new healthy database. More...
TkrzwAsyncDBMtkrzw_async_dbm_new (TkrzwDBM *dbm, int32_t num_worker_threads)
 Creates an asynchronous database adapter. More...
void tkrzw_async_dbm_free (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async)
 Releases the asynchronous database adapter. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_get (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size)
 Gets the value of a record of a key asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_get_multi (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const TkrzwStr *keys, int32_t num_keys)
 Gets the values of multiple records of keys asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_set (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, bool overwrite)
 Sets a record of a key and a value asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_set_multi (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *records, int32_t num_records, bool overwrite)
 Sets multiple records asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_remove (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size)
 Removes a record of a key asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_remove_multi (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const TkrzwStr *keys, int32_t num_keys)
 Removes records of keys asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_append (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, const char *delim_ptr, int32_t delim_size)
 Appends data at the end of a record of a key asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_append_multi (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *records, int32_t num_records, const char *delim_ptr, int32_t delim_size)
 Appends data to multiple records asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_compare_exchange (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *expected_ptr, int32_t expected_size, const char *desired_ptr, int32_t desired_size)
 Compares the value of a record and exchanges if the condition meets asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_increment (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, int64_t increment, int64_t initial)
 Increments the numeric value of a record asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_compare_exchange_multi (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *expected, int32_t num_expected, const TkrzwKeyValuePair *desired, int32_t num_desired)
 Compares the values of records and exchanges if the condition meets asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_rekey (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *old_key_ptr, int32_t old_key_size, const char *new_key_ptr, int32_t new_key_size, bool overwrite, bool copying)
 Changes the key of a record asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_pop_first (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async)
 Gets the first record and removes it asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_push_last (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size, double wtime)
 Adds a record with a key of the current timestamp. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_clear (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async)
 Removes all records asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_rebuild (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *params)
 Rebuilds the entire database asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_synchronize (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, bool hard, const char *params)
 Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_copy_file_data (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *dest_path, bool sync_hard)
 Copies the content of the database files to other files. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_export (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, TkrzwDBM *dest_dbm)
 Exports all records to another database. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_export_to_flat_records (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, TkrzwFile *dest_file)
 Exports all records of a database to a flat record file. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_import_from_flat_records (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, TkrzwFile *src_file)
 Imports records to a database from a flat record file. More...
TkrzwFuturetkrzw_async_dbm_search (TkrzwAsyncDBM *async, const char *mode, const char *pattern_ptr, int32_t pattern_size, int32_t capacity)
 Searches a database and get keys asynchronously. More...
TkrzwFiletkrzw_file_open (const char *path, bool writable, const char *params)
 Opens a file. More...
bool tkrzw_file_close (TkrzwFile *file)
 Closes the file. More...
bool tkrzw_file_read (TkrzwFile *file, int64_t off, void *buf, size_t size)
 Reads data. More...
bool tkrzw_file_write (TkrzwFile *file, int64_t off, const void *buf, size_t size)
 Writes data. More...
bool tkrzw_file_append (TkrzwFile *file, const void *buf, size_t size, int64_t *off)
 Appends data at the end of the file. More...
bool tkrzw_file_truncate (TkrzwFile *file, int64_t size)
 Truncates the file. More...
bool tkrzw_file_synchronize (TkrzwFile *file, bool hard, int64_t off, int64_t size)
 Synchronizes the content of the file to the file system. More...
int64_t tkrzw_file_get_size (TkrzwFile *file)
 Gets the size of the file. More...
char * tkrzw_file_get_path (TkrzwFile *file)
 Gets the path of the file. More...
TkrzwStrtkrzw_file_search (TkrzwFile *file, const char *mode, const char *pattern_ptr, int32_t pattern_size, int32_t capacity, int32_t *num_matched)
 Searches the file and get lines which match a pattern, according to a mode expression. More...
TkrzwIndextkrzw_index_open (const char *path, bool writable, const char *params)
 Opens an index file and makes an index object. More...
bool tkrzw_index_close (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Closes the index file and releases the index object. More...
bool tkrzw_index_check (TkrzwIndex *index, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size)
 Checks whether a record exists in the index. More...
TkrzwStrtkrzw_index_get_values (TkrzwIndex *index, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, int32_t max, int32_t *num_elems)
 Gets all values of records of a key. More...
bool tkrzw_index_add (TkrzwIndex *index, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size)
 Adds a record. More...
bool tkrzw_index_remove (TkrzwIndex *index, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size)
 Remove a record. More...
int32_t tkrzw_index_count (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Gets the number of records. More...
char * tkrzw_index_get_file_path (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Gets the path of the index file. More...
bool tkrzw_index_clear (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Removes all records. More...
bool tkrzw_index_rebuild (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Rebuilds the entire database. More...
bool tkrzw_index_synchronize (TkrzwIndex *index, bool hard)
 Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system. More...
bool tkrzw_index_is_writable (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Checks whether the database is writable. More...
TkrzwIndexItertkrzw_index_make_iterator (TkrzwIndex *index)
 Makes an iterator for each record. More...
void tkrzw_index_iter_free (TkrzwIndexIter *iter)
 Releases the iterator object. More...
void tkrzw_index_iter_first (TkrzwIndexIter *iter)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate the first record. More...
void tkrzw_index_iter_last (TkrzwIndexIter *iter)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate the last record. More...
void tkrzw_index_iter_jump (TkrzwIndexIter *iter, const char *key_ptr, int32_t key_size, const char *value_ptr, int32_t value_size)
 Initializes the iterator to indicate a specific range. More...
void tkrzw_index_iter_next (TkrzwIndexIter *iter)
 Moves the iterator to the next record. More...
void tkrzw_index_iter_previous (TkrzwIndexIter *iter)
 Moves the iterator to the previous record. More...
bool tkrzw_index_iter_get (TkrzwIndexIter *iter, char **key_ptr, int32_t *key_size, char **value_ptr, int32_t *value_size)
 Gets the key and the value of the current record of the iterator. More...


const char *const TKRZW_PACKAGE_VERSION
 The string expression of the package version. More...
const char *const TKRZW_LIBRARY_VERSION
 The string expression of the library version. More...
const char *const TKRZW_OS_NAME
 The recognized OS name. More...
const int32_t TKRZW_PAGE_SIZE
 The size of a memory page on the OS. More...
const int64_t TKRZW_INT64MIN
 The minimum value of int64_t. More...
const int64_t TKRZW_INT64MAX
 The maximum value of int64_t. More...
const char *const TKRZW_ANY_DATA
 The special string_view value to represent any data. More...
const char *const TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP
 The special string indicating no operation. More...
const char *const TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE
 The special string indicating removing operation. More...

Detailed Description

C language binding of Tkrzw.

Typedef Documentation

◆ tkrzw_record_processor

typedef const char*(* tkrzw_record_processor) (void *, const char *, int32_t, const char *, int32_t, int32_t *)

Type of the record processor function.

The first parameter is an opaque argument set by the caller. The second parameter is the key pointer. The third parameter is the key size. The fourth parameter is the value pointer or NULL if there's no existing record. The fifth parameter is the value size or -1 if there's no existing record. The sixth parameter is the pointer where the size of the region of the return value is to be stored.

◆ tkrzw_file_processor

typedef void(* tkrzw_file_processor) (void *arg, const char *)

Type of the file processor function.

The first parameter is an opaque argument set by the caller. The second parameter is the path of file.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Enumeration for status codes.




Generic error whose cause is unknown.


Generic error from underlying systems.


Error that the feature is not implemented.


Error that a precondition is not met.


Error that a given argument is invalid.


Error that the operation is canceled.


Error that a specific resource is not found.


Error that the operation is not permitted.


Error that the operation is infeasible.


Error that a specific resource is duplicated.


Error that internal data are broken.


Error caused by networking failure.


Generic error caused by the application logic.

Function Documentation

◆ tkrzw_set_last_status()

void tkrzw_set_last_status ( int32_t  code,
const char *  message 

Sets the status code and the message as if it is from the last system operation.

codeThe status code.
messageThe status message. If it is NULL, no message is set.

◆ tkrzw_get_last_status()

TkrzwStatus tkrzw_get_last_status ( )

Gets the status code and the message of the last system operation.

The status code and the message of the last system operation.

The region of the message string is available until the this function or tkrzw_get_last_status_message function is called next time.

◆ tkrzw_get_last_status_code()

int32_t tkrzw_get_last_status_code ( )

Gets the status code of the last system operation.

The status code of the last system operation.

◆ tkrzw_get_last_status_message()

const char* tkrzw_get_last_status_message ( )

Gets the status message of the last system operation.

The status message of the last system operation.

The region of the message string is available until the this function or tkrzw_get_last_status function is called next time.

◆ tkrzw_status_code_name()

const char* tkrzw_status_code_name ( int32_t  code)

Gets the string name of a status code.

codeThe status code.
The name of the status code.

◆ tkrzw_get_wall_time()

double tkrzw_get_wall_time ( )

Gets the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.

The number of seconds since the UNIX epoch with microsecond precision.

◆ tkrzw_get_memory_capacity()

int64_t tkrzw_get_memory_capacity ( )

Gets the memory capacity of the platform.

The memory capacity of the platform in bytes, or -1 on failure.

◆ tkrzw_get_memory_usage()

int64_t tkrzw_get_memory_usage ( )

Gets the current memory usage of the process.

The current memory usage of the process in bytes, or -1 on failure.

◆ tkrzw_primary_hash()

uint64_t tkrzw_primary_hash ( const char *  data_ptr,
int32_t  data_size,
uint64_t  num_buckets 

Primary hash function for the hash database.

data_ptrThe pointer to the data to calculate the hash value for.
data_sizeThe size of the data. If it is negative, strlen(data_ptr) is used.
num_bucketsThe number of buckets of the hash table.
The hash value.

◆ tkrzw_secondary_hash()

uint64_t tkrzw_secondary_hash ( const char *  data_ptr,
int32_t  data_size,
uint64_t  num_shards 

Secondary hash function for sharding.

data_ptrThe pointer to the data to calculate the hash value for.
data_sizeThe size of the data. If it is negative, strlen(data_ptr) is used.
num_shardsThe number of shards.
The hash value.

◆ tkrzw_free_str_array()

void tkrzw_free_str_array ( TkrzwStr array,
int32_t  size 

Releases an allocated array and its elements of allocated strings.

arrayThe pointer to the array to release.
sizeThe number of the elements of the array.

◆ tkrzw_free_str_map()

void tkrzw_free_str_map ( TkrzwKeyValuePair array,
int32_t  size 

Releases an allocated array and its elements of allocated key-value pairs.

arrayThe pointer to the array to release.
sizeThe number of the elements of the array.

◆ tkrzw_search_str_map()

TkrzwKeyValuePair* tkrzw_search_str_map ( TkrzwKeyValuePair array,
int32_t  size,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size 

Searches an array of key-value pairs for a record with the given key.

arrayThe pointer to the array to search.
sizeThe number of the elements of the array.
key_ptrThe key pointer to search for.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
The pointer to the matched record or NULL on failure.

◆ tkrzw_str_search_regex()

int32_t tkrzw_str_search_regex ( const char *  text,
const char *  pattern 

Searches a string for a pattern matching a regular expression.

textThe text to search.
patternThe regular expression pattern to search for.
The position of the first matching pattern. If there's no matching pattern. -1 is returned. If the regular expression is invalid, -2 is returned.

◆ tkrzw_str_replace_regex()

char* tkrzw_str_replace_regex ( const char *  text,
const char *  pattern,
const char *  replace 

Replaces substrings matching a pattern of regular expression.

textThe text to process.
patternThe regular expression pattern to search for.
replaceThe replacing expression. "$&" means the entire matched pattern. "$1", "$2", and etc represent n-th bracketed patterns.
The pointer to the result string, which should be released by the free function.

◆ tkrzw_str_edit_distance_lev()

int32_t tkrzw_str_edit_distance_lev ( const char *  a,
const char *  b,
bool  utf 

Gets the Levenshtein edit distance of two strings.

aA string.
bThe other string.
utfIf true, text is treated as UTF-8. If false, it is treated as raw bytes.
The Levenshtein edit distance of the two strings.

◆ tkrzw_str_to_int_be()

uint64_t tkrzw_str_to_int_be ( const void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Converts a big-endian binary string to an integer.

ptrThe pointer to the string to convert.
sizeThe size of the string to convert.
The converted integer. As the return type is unsigned, type cast is necessary to handle negative values.

◆ tkrzw_str_to_float_be()

long double tkrzw_str_to_float_be ( const void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Converts a big-endian binary string to a floating-point number.

ptrThe pointer to the string to convert.
sizeThe size of the string to convert.
The converted floating-point number.

◆ tkrzw_int_to_str_be()

char* tkrzw_int_to_str_be ( uint64_t  data,
size_t  size 

Converts an integer into a big-endian binary string.

dataThe integer to convert.
sizeThe size of the converted string.
The pointer to the result binary string, which should be released by the free function.

◆ tkrzw_float_to_str_be()

char* tkrzw_float_to_str_be ( long double  data,
size_t  size 

Converts a floating-point number into a big-endian binary string.

dataThe floating-point number to convert.
sizeThe size of the converted string.
The pointer to the result binary string, which should be released by the free function.

◆ tkrzw_str_escape_c()

char* tkrzw_str_escape_c ( const char *  ptr,
int32_t  size,
bool  esc_nonasc,
int32_t *  res_size 

Escapes C-style meta characters in a string.

ptrThe pointer to the string to convert.
sizeThe size of the string to convert. If it is negative, strlen(ptr) is used.
esc_nonascIf true, non-ASCII characters are excaped.
res_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the result string size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The result string, which should be released by the free function.

◆ tkrzw_str_unescape_c()

char* tkrzw_str_unescape_c ( const char *  ptr,
int32_t  size,
int32_t *  res_size 

Unescapes C-style escape sequences in a string.

ptrThe pointer to the string to convert.
sizeThe size of the string to convert. If it is negative, strlen(ptr) is used.
res_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the result string size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The result string, which should be released by the free function.

◆ tkrzw_str_append()

char* tkrzw_str_append ( char *  modified,
const char *  appended 

Appends a string at the end of another allocated string.

modifiedThe string to be modified. It must be allocated by malloc. The ownership is taken. If it is NULL, a new string is allocated.
appendedThe string to be appended at the end.
The result string, which should be released by the free function.

◆ tkrzw_future_free()

void tkrzw_future_free ( TkrzwFuture future)

Releases the future object.

futureThe future object.

◆ tkrzw_future_wait()

bool tkrzw_future_wait ( TkrzwFuture future,
double  timeout 

Waits for the operation of the future object to be done.

futureThe future object.
timeoutThe waiting time in seconds. If it is negative, no timeout is set.
True if the operation has done. False if timeout occurs.

◆ tkrzw_future_get()

void tkrzw_future_get ( TkrzwFuture future)

Gets the status of the operation of the future object.

futurethe future object.

The status is set as the last system operation status so the data can be accessed by the tkrzw_get_last_status and so on. This can be called with the future which is associated to the single status without any extra data. This can be called only once for each future. object.

◆ tkrzw_future_get_str()

char* tkrzw_future_get_str ( TkrzwFuture future,
int32_t *  size 

Gets the status and the extra string data of the operation of the future object.

futurethe future object.
sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the extra string size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the extra string data, which should be released by the free function. An empty string is returned on failure. The string data is trailed by a null code so that the region can be treated as a C-style string.

The status is set as the last system operation status so the data can be accessed by the tkrzw_get_last_status and so on. This can be called with the future which is associated to the status with an extra string data. This can be called only once for each future. object.

◆ tkrzw_future_get_str_pair()

TkrzwKeyValuePair* tkrzw_future_get_str_pair ( TkrzwFuture future)

Gets the status and the extra string pair of the operation of the future object.

futurethe future object.
The pointer to the extra string pair, which should be released by the free function. An empty string pair is returned on failure.

The status is set as the last system operation status so the data can be accessed by the tkrzw_get_last_status and so on. This can be called with the future which is associated to the status with an extra string pair. This can be called only once for each future. object.

◆ tkrzw_future_get_str_array()

TkrzwStr* tkrzw_future_get_str_array ( TkrzwFuture future,
int32_t *  num_elems 

Gets the status and the extra string array of the operation of the future object.

futurethe future object.
num_elemsThe pointer to the variable to store the number of elements of the extra string array.
The pointer to an array of the extra string array, which should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_array function. An empty array is returned on failure.

The status is set as the last system operation status so the data can be accessed by the tkrzw_get_last_status and so on. This can be called with the future which is associated to the status with an extra string array. This can be called only once for each future. object.

◆ tkrzw_future_get_str_map()

TkrzwKeyValuePair* tkrzw_future_get_str_map ( TkrzwFuture future,
int32_t *  num_elems 

Gets the status and the extra string map of the operation of the future object.

futurethe future object.
num_elemsThe pointer to the variable to store the number of elements of the extra string map.
The pointer to an array of the extra string map, which should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_map function. An empty array is returned on failure.

The status is set as the last system operation status so the data can be accessed by the tkrzw_get_last_status and so on. This can be called with the future which is associated to the status with an extra string map. This can be called only once for each future. object.

◆ tkrzw_future_get_int()

int64_t tkrzw_future_get_int ( TkrzwFuture future)

Gets the status and the extra integer data of the operation of the future object.

futurethe future object.
The extra integer data.

The status is set as the last system operation status so the data can be accessed by the tkrzw_get_last_status and so on. This can be called with the future which is associated to the status with an extra integer data. This can be called only once for each future. object.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_open()

TkrzwDBM* tkrzw_dbm_open ( const char *  path,
bool  writable,
const char *  params 

Opens a database file and makes a database object.

pathA path of the file.
writableIf true, the file is writable. If false, it is read-only.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format. The options for the file opening operation are set by "truncate", "no_create", "no_wait", "no_lock", and "sync_hard". The option for the number of shards is set by "num_shards". Other options are the same as PolyDBM::OpenAdvanced.
The new database object, which should be released by the tkrzw_dbm_close function. NULL is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_close()

bool tkrzw_dbm_close ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Closes the database file and releases the database object.

dbmThe database object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_process()

bool tkrzw_dbm_process ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
tkrzw_record_processor  proc,
void *  proc_arg,
bool  writable 

Processes a record with callback functions.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
procThe callback function to process the record.
proc_argAn arbitrary data which is given to the callback function.
writableTrue if the processor can edit the record.
True on success or false on failure.

If the specified record exists, the value is given to the callback function. If it doesn't exist, NULL is given instead. The callback function returns TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP to keep the current value, TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE to remove the record, or a string pointer to a new value to set. The ownership of the return value is not taken.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_check()

bool tkrzw_dbm_check ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size 

Checks if a record exists or not.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
True if the record exists, or false if not.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_get()

char* tkrzw_dbm_get ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
int32_t *  value_size 

Gets the value of a record of a key.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the value size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the value data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned on failure. The value data is trailed by a null code so that the region can be treated as a C-style string.

If there's no matching record, NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_get_multi()

TkrzwKeyValuePair* tkrzw_dbm_get_multi ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const TkrzwStr keys,
int32_t  num_keys,
int32_t *  num_matched 

Gets the values of multiple records of keys.

dbmThe database object.
keysAn array of the keys of records to retrieve.
num_keysThe number of elements of the key array.
num_matchedThe pointer to the variable to store the number of the elements of the return value.
The pointer to an array of matched key-value pairs. This function returns an empty array on failure. If all records of the given keys are found, the status is set SUCCESS. If one or more records are missing, NOT_FOUND_ERROR is set. The array and its elements are allocated dynamically so they should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_map function.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_set()

bool tkrzw_dbm_set ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
bool  overwrite 

Sets a record of a key and a value.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing value if there's a record with the same key. If true, the existing value is overwritten by the new value. If false, the operation is given up and an error status is set.
True on success or false on failure.

If overwriting is abandoned, DUPLICATION_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_set_and_get()

char* tkrzw_dbm_set_and_get ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
bool  overwrite,
int32_t *  old_value_size 

Sets a record and get the old value.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe new value pointer.
value_sizeThe new value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing value if there's a record with the same key. If true, the existing value is overwritten by the new value. If false, the operation is given up and an error status is set.
old_value_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the value size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the old value data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned if there's no existing record. The value data is trailed by a null code so that the region can be treated as a C-style string.

If overwriting is abandoned, DUPLICATION_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_set_multi()

bool tkrzw_dbm_set_multi ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair records,
int32_t  num_records,
bool  overwrite 

Sets multiple records.

dbmThe database object.
recordsAn array of the key-value pairs of records to store.
num_recordsThe number of elements of the record array.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing value if there's a record with the same key. If true, the existing value is overwritten by the new value. If false, the operation is given up and an error status is set.
True on success or false on failure. If there are records avoiding overwriting, false is returned and DUPLICATION_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_remove()

bool tkrzw_dbm_remove ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size 

Removes a record of a key.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

If there's no matching record, NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_remove_and_get()

char* tkrzw_dbm_remove_and_get ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
int32_t *  value_size 

Removes a record and get the value.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the value size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the value data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned if there's no existing record. The value data is trailed by a null code so that the region can be treated as a C-style string.

If there's no matching record, NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_remove_multi()

bool tkrzw_dbm_remove_multi ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const TkrzwStr keys,
int32_t  num_keys 

Removes records of keys.

dbmThe database object.
keysAn array of the keys of records to retrieve.
num_keysThe number of elements of the key array.
True on success or false on failure. If there are missing records, false is returned and NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_append()

bool tkrzw_dbm_append ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
const char *  delim_ptr,
int32_t  delim_size 

Appends data at the end of a record of a key.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
delim_ptrThe delimiter pointer.
delim_sizeThe delimiter size. If it is negative, strlen(delim_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

If there's no existing record, the value is set without the delimiter.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_append_multi()

bool tkrzw_dbm_append_multi ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair records,
int32_t  num_records,
const char *  delim_ptr,
int32_t  delim_size 

Appends data to multiple records.

dbmThe database object.
recordsAn array of the key-value pairs of records to append.
num_recordsThe number of elements of the record array.
delim_ptrThe delimiter pointer.
delim_sizeThe delimiter size. If it is negative, strlen(delim_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

If there's no existing record, the value is set without the delimiter.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange()

bool tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  expected_ptr,
int32_t  expected_size,
const char *  desired_ptr,
int32_t  desired_size 

Compares the value of a record and exchanges if the condition meets.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
expected_ptrThe expected value pointer. If it is NULL, no existing record is expected. If it is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, an existing record with any value is expacted.
expected_sizeThe expected value size. If it is negative, strlen(expected_ptr) is used.
desired_ptrThe desired value pointer. If it is NULL, the record is to be removed. expected. If it is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, no update is done.
desired_sizeThe desired value size. If it is negative, strlen(desired_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

If the condition doesn't meet, INFEASIBLE_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange_and_get()

char* tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange_and_get ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  expected_ptr,
int32_t  expected_size,
const char *  desired_ptr,
int32_t  desired_size,
int32_t *  actual_size 

Does compare-and-exchange and/or gets the old value of the record.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
expected_ptrThe expected value pointer. If it is NULL, no existing record is expected. If it is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, an existing record with any value is expacted.
expected_sizeThe expected value size. If it is negative, strlen(expected_ptr) is used.
desired_ptrThe desired value pointer. If it is NULL, the record is to be removed. expected. If it is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, no update is done.
desired_sizeThe desired value size. If it is negative, strlen(desired_ptr) is used.
actual_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the value size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the old value data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned if there's no existing record. The value data is trailed by a null code so that the region can be treated as a C-style string.

If the condition doesn't meet, INFEASIBLE_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_increment()

int64_t tkrzw_dbm_increment ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
int64_t  increment,
int64_t  initial 

Increments the numeric value of a record.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
incrementThe incremental value. If it is TKRZW_INT64MIN, the current value is not changed and a new record is not created.
initialThe initial value.
The current value or TKRZW_INT64MIN on failure.

The record value is stored as an 8-byte big-endian integer. Negative is also supported.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_process_multi()

bool tkrzw_dbm_process_multi ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
TkrzwKeyProcPair key_proc_pairs,
int32_t  num_pairs,
bool  writable 

Processes multiple records with processors.

dbmThe database object.
key_proc_pairsAn array of pairs of the keys and their processor functions.
num_pairsThe number of the array.
writableTrue if the processors can edit the records.
True on success or false on failure.

If the specified record exists, the value is given to the callback function. If it doesn't exist, NULL is given instead. The callback function returns TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP to keep the current value, TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE to remove the record, or a string pointer to a new value to set. The ownership of the return value is not taken.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange_multi()

bool tkrzw_dbm_compare_exchange_multi ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair expected,
int32_t  num_expected,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair desired,
int32_t  num_desired 

Compares the values of records and exchanges if the condition meets.

dbmThe database object.
expectedAn array of the record keys and their expected values. If the value is NULL, no existing record is expected. If the value is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, an existing record with any value is expacted.
num_expectedThe number of the expected array.
desiredAn array of the record keys and their desired values. If the value is NULL, the record is to be removed.
num_desiredThe number of the desired array.
True on success or false on failure.

If the condition doesn't meet, INFEASIBLE_ERROR is returned.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_rekey()

bool tkrzw_dbm_rekey ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  old_key_ptr,
int32_t  old_key_size,
const char *  new_key_ptr,
int32_t  new_key_size,
bool  overwrite,
bool  copying 

Changes the key of a record.

dbmThe database object.
old_key_ptrThe old key pointer.
old_key_sizeThe old key size. If it is negative, strlen(old_key_ptr) is used.
new_key_ptrThe new key pointer.
new_key_sizeThe new key size. If it is negative, strlen(new_key_ptr) is used.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing record of the new key.
copyingWhether to retain the record of the old key.
True on success or false on failure.

If there's no matching record to the old key, NOT_FOUND_ERROR is set. If the overwrite flag is false and there is an existing record of the new key, DUPLICATION ERROR is set. This method is done atomically by ProcessMulti. The other threads observe that the record has either the old key or the new key. No intermediate states are observed.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_process_first()

bool tkrzw_dbm_process_first ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
tkrzw_record_processor  proc,
void *  proc_arg,
bool  writable 

Processes the first record with a processor.

dbmThe database object.
procThe callback function to process the record.
proc_argAn arbitrary data which is given to the callback function.
writableTrue if the processor can edit the record.

If the first record exists, the callback function is called. Otherwise, this method fails and the callback is not called. If the callback function returns TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP, TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE, or a string pointer to a new value, whose ownership is not taken.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_pop_first()

bool tkrzw_dbm_pop_first ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
char **  key_ptr,
int32_t *  key_size,
char **  value_ptr,
int32_t *  value_size 

Gets the first record and removes it.

dbmThe database object.
key_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record key. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
key_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record key. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record value. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record value. If it is NULL, it is not used.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_push_last()

bool tkrzw_dbm_push_last ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
double  wtime 

Adds a record with a key of the current timestamp.

dbmThe database object.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
wtimeThe current wall time used to generate the key. If it is negative, the system clock is used.
True on success or false on failure.

The key is generated as an 8-bite big-endian binary string of the timestamp. If there is an existing record matching the generated key, the key is regenerated and the attempt is repeated until it succeeds.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_process_each()

bool tkrzw_dbm_process_each ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
tkrzw_record_processor  proc,
void *  proc_arg,
bool  writable 

Processes each and every record in the database with a processor.

dbmThe database object.
procThe callback function to process the record.
proc_argAn arbitrary data which is given to the callback function.
writableTrue if the processor can edit the record.

If the specified record exists, the value is given to the callback function. If it doesn't exist, NULL is given instead. The callback function returns TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP to keep the current value, TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE to remove the record, or a string pointer to a new value to set. The ownership of the return value is not taken. It is also called once before the iteration and once after the iteration with both the key and the value being NULL.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_count()

int64_t tkrzw_dbm_count ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Gets the number of records.

dbmThe database object.
The number of records or -1 on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_get_file_size()

int64_t tkrzw_dbm_get_file_size ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Gets the current file size of the database.

dbmThe database object.
The current file size of the database or -1 on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_get_file_path()

char* tkrzw_dbm_get_file_path ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Gets the path of the database file.

dbmThe database object.
The pointer to the path data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_get_timestamp()

double tkrzw_dbm_get_timestamp ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Gets the timestamp in seconds of the last modified time.

dbmThe database object.
The timestamp of the last modified time, or NaN on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_clear()

bool tkrzw_dbm_clear ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Removes all records.

dbmThe database object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_rebuild()

bool tkrzw_dbm_rebuild ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  params 

Rebuilds the entire database.

dbmThe database object.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format. The parameters work in the same way as with PolyDBM::RebuildAdvanced.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_should_be_rebuilt()

bool tkrzw_dbm_should_be_rebuilt ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Checks whether the database should be rebuilt.

True to be rebuilt, or false to not be rebuilt.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_synchronize()

bool tkrzw_dbm_synchronize ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
bool  hard,
tkrzw_file_processor  proc,
void *  proc_arg,
const char *  params 

Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system.

dbmThe database object.
hardTrue to do physical synchronization with the hardware or false to do only logical synchronization with the file system.
procThe callback function to process the file, which is called while the content of the file is synchronized. If it is NULL, it is ignored.
proc_argAn arbitrary data which is given to the callback function.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format. The parameters work in the same way as with PolyDBM::OpenAdvanced.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_copy_file_data()

bool tkrzw_dbm_copy_file_data ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  dest_path,
bool  sync_hard 

Copies the content of the database files to other files.

dbmThe database object.
dest_pathThe path prefix to the destination files.
sync_hardTrue to do physical synchronization with the hardware.
True on success or false on failure.

Copying is done while the content is synchronized and stable. So, this method is suitable for making a backup file while running a database service.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_export()

bool tkrzw_dbm_export ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
TkrzwDBM dest_dbm 

Exports all records to another database.

dbmThe database object.
dest_dbmThe destination database object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_export_to_flat_records()

bool tkrzw_dbm_export_to_flat_records ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
TkrzwFile dest_file 

Exports all records of a database to a flat record file.

dbmThe database object.
dest_fileThe file object to write records in.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_import_from_flat_records()

bool tkrzw_dbm_import_from_flat_records ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
TkrzwFile src_file 

Imports records to a database from a flat record file.

dbmThe database object.
src_fileThe file object to read records from.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_export_keys_as_lines()

bool tkrzw_dbm_export_keys_as_lines ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
TkrzwFile dest_file 

Exports the keys of all records of a database as lines to a text file.

dbmThe database object of the database.
dest_fileThe file object to write keys in.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_inspect()

TkrzwKeyValuePair* tkrzw_dbm_inspect ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
int32_t *  num_records 

Inspects the database.

dbmThe database object.
num_recordsThe pointer to the variable to store the number of the elements of the return value.
The pointer to an array of property key-value pairs. This function returns an empty array on failure. The array and its elements are allocated dynamically so they should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_map function.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_is_writable()

bool tkrzw_dbm_is_writable ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Checks whether the database is writable.

dbmThe database object.
True if the database is writable, or false if not.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_is_healthy()

bool tkrzw_dbm_is_healthy ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Checks whether the database condition is healthy.

dbmThe database object.
True if the database condition is healthy, or false if not.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_is_ordered()

bool tkrzw_dbm_is_ordered ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Checks whether ordered operations are supported.

dbmThe database object.
True if ordered operations are supported, or false if not.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_search()

TkrzwStr* tkrzw_dbm_search ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
const char *  mode,
const char *  pattern_ptr,
int32_t  pattern_size,
int32_t  capacity,
int32_t *  num_matched 

Searches a database and get keys which match a pattern, according to a mode expression.

dbmThe database object.
modeThe search mode. "contain" extracts keys containing the pattern. "begin" extracts keys beginning with the pattern. "end" extracts keys ending with the pattern. "regex" extracts keys partially matches the pattern of a regular expression. "edit" extracts keys whose edit distance to the pattern is the least. "editbin" extracts keys whose edit distance to the binary pattern is the least. "containcase", "containword", and "containcaseword" extract keys considering case and word boundary. "contain*", "containcase*", "containword*", and "containcaseword*" take a null-code-separatable pattern and do batch operations for each element. Ordered databases support "upper" and "lower" which extract keys whose positions are equal to or upper/lower than the pattern. "upperex" and "lowerex" are their exclusive versions.
pattern_ptrThe pattern pointer.
pattern_sizeThe pattern size. If it is negative, strlen(pattern_ptr) is used.
capacityThe maximum records to obtain. 0 means unlimited.
num_matchedThe pointer to the variable to store the number of the element of the return value.
The pointer to an array of matched keys or NULL on failure. If not NULL, the array and its elements are allocated dynamically so they should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_array function.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_make_iterator()

TkrzwDBMIter* tkrzw_dbm_make_iterator ( TkrzwDBM dbm)

Makes an iterator for each record.

dbmThe database object.
The new iterator object, which should be released by the tkrzw_dbm_iter_free function.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_free()

void tkrzw_dbm_iter_free ( TkrzwDBMIter iter)

Releases the iterator object.

iterThe iterator object.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_first()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_first ( TkrzwDBMIter iter)

Initializes the iterator to indicate the first record.

iterThe iterator object.
True on success or false on failure.

Even if there's no record, the operation doesn't fail.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_last()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_last ( TkrzwDBMIter iter)

Initializes the iterator to indicate the last record.

iterThe iterator object.
True on success or false on failure.

Even if there's no record, the operation doesn't fail. This method is suppoerted only by ordered databases.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size 

Initializes the iterator to indicate a specific record.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

Ordered databases can support "lower bound" jump; If there's no record with the same key, the iterator refers to the first record whose key is greater than the given key. The operation fails with unordered databases if there's no record with the same key.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump_lower()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump_lower ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
bool  inclusive 

Initializes the iterator to indicate the last record whose key is lower than a given key.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
inclusiveIf true, the condition is inclusive: equal to or lower than the key.
True on success or false on failure.

Even if there's no matching record, the operation doesn't fail. This method is suppoerted only by ordered databases.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump_upper()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_jump_upper ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
bool  inclusive 

Initializes the iterator to indicate the first record whose key is upper than a given key.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
inclusiveIf true, the condition is inclusive: equal to or upper than the key.
True on success or false on failure.

Even if there's no matching record, the operation doesn't fail. This method is suppoerted only by ordered databases.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_next()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_next ( TkrzwDBMIter iter)

Moves the iterator to the next record.

iterThe iterator object.
True on success or false on failure.

If the current record is missing, the operation fails. Even if there's no next record, the operation doesn't fail.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_previous()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_previous ( TkrzwDBMIter iter)

Moves the iterator to the previous record.

iterThe iterator object.
True on success or false on failure.

If the current record is missing, the operation fails. Even if there's no previous record, the operation doesn't fail. This method is suppoerted only by ordered databases.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_process()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_process ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
tkrzw_record_processor  proc,
void *  proc_arg,
bool  writable 

Processes the current record with a processor.

iterThe iterator object.
procThe callback function to process the record.
proc_argAn arbitrary data which is given to the callback function.
writableTrue if the processor can edit the record.
True on success or false on failure.

If the current record exists, the callback function is called. Otherwise, this method fails and the callback is not called. The callback function returns TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP to keep the current value, TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE to remove the record, or a string pointer to a new value to set. The ownership of the return value is not taken. If the current record is removed, the iterator is moved to the next record.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_get()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_get ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
char **  key_ptr,
int32_t *  key_size,
char **  value_ptr,
int32_t *  value_size 

Gets the key and the value of the current record of the iterator.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record key. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
key_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record key. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record value. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record value. If it is NULL, it is not used.
True on success or false on failure. If theres no record to fetch, false is returned.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_get_key()

char* tkrzw_dbm_iter_get_key ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
int32_t *  key_size 

Gets the key of the current record, in a simple way.

iterThe iterator object.
key_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the key size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the key data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_get_value()

char* tkrzw_dbm_iter_get_value ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
int32_t *  value_size 

Gets the key of the current record, in a simple way.

iterThe iterator object.
value_sizeThe pointer to the variable to store the value size. If it is NULL, it is not used.
The pointer to the key data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_set()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_set ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size 

Sets the value of the current record.

iterThe iterator object.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_remove()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_remove ( TkrzwDBMIter iter)

Removes the current record.

True on success or false on failure.

If possible, the iterator moves to the next record.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_iter_step()

bool tkrzw_dbm_iter_step ( TkrzwDBMIter iter,
char **  key_ptr,
int32_t *  key_size,
char **  value_ptr,
int32_t *  value_size 

Gets the current record and moves the iterator to the next record.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record key. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
key_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record key. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record value. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record value. If it is NULL, it is not used.

◆ tkrzw_dbm_restore_database()

bool tkrzw_dbm_restore_database ( const char *  old_file_path,
const char *  new_file_path,
const char *  class_name,
int64_t  end_offset,
const char *  cipher_key 

Restores a broken database as a new healthy database.

old_file_pathThe path of the broken database.
new_file_pathThe path of the new database to be created.
class_nameThe name of the database class. If it is NULL or empty, the class is guessed from the file extension.
end_offsetThe exclusive end offset of records to read. Negative means unlimited. 0 means the size when the database is synched or closed properly. Using a positive value is not meaningful if the number of shards is more than one.
cipher_keyThe encryption key for cipher compressors. If it is NULL, an empty key is used.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_new()

TkrzwAsyncDBM* tkrzw_async_dbm_new ( TkrzwDBM dbm,
int32_t  num_worker_threads 

Creates an asynchronous database adapter.

dbmA database object which has been opened. The ownership is not taken.
num_worker_threadsThe number of threads in the internal thread pool.
The new database object, which should be released by the tkrzw_async_dbm_destruct function.

This class is a wrapper of DBM for asynchronous operations. A task queue with a thread pool is used inside. Every methods except for the constructor and the destructor are run by a thread in the thread pool and the result is set in the future oject of the return value. While the caller should release the returned future object, it can omit evaluation of the result status if it is not interesting. The destructor of this asynchronous database manager waits for all tasks to be done. Therefore, the destructor should be called before the database is closed. Asynchronous functions which take pointers to C-strings copies the regions of them so the caller doesn't have to expand the lifetime of them.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_free()

void tkrzw_async_dbm_free ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async)

Releases the asynchronous database adapter.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_get()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_get ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size 

Gets the value of a record of a key asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get_str function.

If there's no matching record, NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_get_multi()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_get_multi ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const TkrzwStr keys,
int32_t  num_keys 

Gets the values of multiple records of keys asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
keysAn array of the keys of records to retrieve.
num_keysThe number of elements of the key array.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get_str_map function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_set()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_set ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
bool  overwrite 

Sets a record of a key and a value asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing value if there's a record with the same key. If true, the existing value is overwritten by the new value. If false, the operation is given up and an error status is set.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If overwriting is abandoned, DUPLICATION_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_set_multi()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_set_multi ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair records,
int32_t  num_records,
bool  overwrite 

Sets multiple records asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
recordsAn array of the key-value pairs of records to store.
num_recordsThe number of elements of the record array.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing value if there's a record with the same key. If true, the existing value is overwritten by the new value. If false, the operation is given up and an error status is set.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If overwriting is abandoned, DUPLICATION_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_remove()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_remove ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size 

Removes a record of a key asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If there's no matching record, NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_remove_multi()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_remove_multi ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const TkrzwStr keys,
int32_t  num_keys 

Removes records of keys asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
keysAn array of the keys of records to retrieve.
num_keysThe number of elements of the key array.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If there are missing records, NOT_FOUND_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_append()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_append ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
const char *  delim_ptr,
int32_t  delim_size 

Appends data at the end of a record of a key asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
delim_ptrThe delimiter pointer.
delim_sizeThe delimiter size. If it is negative, strlen(delim_ptr) is used.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If there's no existing record, the value is set without the delimiter.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_append_multi()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_append_multi ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair records,
int32_t  num_records,
const char *  delim_ptr,
int32_t  delim_size 

Appends data to multiple records asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
recordsAn array of the key-value pairs of records to append.
num_recordsThe number of elements of the record array.
delim_ptrThe delimiter pointer.
delim_sizeThe delimiter size. If it is negative, strlen(delim_ptr) is used.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If there's no existing record, the value is set without the delimiter.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_compare_exchange()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_compare_exchange ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  expected_ptr,
int32_t  expected_size,
const char *  desired_ptr,
int32_t  desired_size 

Compares the value of a record and exchanges if the condition meets asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
expected_ptrThe expected value pointer. If it is NULL, no existing record is expected. If it is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, an existing record with any value is expacted.
expected_sizeThe expected value size. If it is negative, strlen(expected_ptr) is used.
desired_ptrThe desired value pointer. If it is NULL, the record is to be removed. expected. If it is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, no update is done.
desired_sizeThe desired value size. If it is negative, strlen(desired_ptr) is used.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If the condition doesn't meet, INFEASIBLE_ERROR status code is set.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_increment()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_increment ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
int64_t  increment,
int64_t  initial 

Increments the numeric value of a record asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
incrementThe incremental value. If it is TKRZW_INT64MIN, the current value is not changed and a new record is not created.
initialThe initial value.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get_int function.

The record value is stored as an 8-byte big-endian integer. Negative is also supported.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_compare_exchange_multi()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_compare_exchange_multi ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair expected,
int32_t  num_expected,
const TkrzwKeyValuePair desired,
int32_t  num_desired 

Compares the values of records and exchanges if the condition meets asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
expectedAn array of the record keys and their expected values. If the value is NULL, no existing record is expected. If the value is TKRZW_ANY_DATA, an existing record with any value is expacted.
num_expectedThe number of the expected array.
desiredAn array of the record keys and their desired values. If the value is NULL, the record is to be removed.
num_desiredThe number of the desired array.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If the condition doesn't meet, INFEASIBLE_ERROR is returned.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_rekey()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_rekey ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  old_key_ptr,
int32_t  old_key_size,
const char *  new_key_ptr,
int32_t  new_key_size,
bool  overwrite,
bool  copying 

Changes the key of a record asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
old_key_ptrThe old key pointer.
old_key_sizeThe old key size. If it is negative, strlen(old_key_ptr) is used.
new_key_ptrThe new key pointer.
new_key_sizeThe new key size. If it is negative, strlen(new_key_ptr) is used.
overwriteWhether to overwrite the existing record of the new key.
copyingWhether to retain the record of the old key.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

If there's no matching record to the old key, NOT_FOUND_ERROR is set. If the overwrite flag is false and there is an existing record of the new key, DUPLICATION ERROR is set. This method is done atomically by ProcessMulti. The other threads observe that the record has either the old key or the new key. No intermediate states are observed.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_pop_first()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_pop_first ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async)

Gets the first record and removes it asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get_str_pair function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_push_last()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_push_last ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size,
double  wtime 

Adds a record with a key of the current timestamp.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
wtimeThe current wall time used to generate the key. If it is negative, the system clock is used.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

The key is generated as an 8-bite big-endian binary string of the timestamp. If there is an existing record matching the generated key, the key is regenerated and the attempt is repeated until it succeeds.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_clear()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_clear ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async)

Removes all records asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_rebuild()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_rebuild ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  params 

Rebuilds the entire database asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format. The parameters work in the same way as with PolyDBM::RebuildAdvanced.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_synchronize()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_synchronize ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
bool  hard,
const char *  params 

Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
hardTrue to do physical synchronization with the hardware or false to do only logical synchronization with the file system.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format. The parameters work in the same way as with PolyDBM::OpenAdvanced.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_copy_file_data()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_copy_file_data ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  dest_path,
bool  sync_hard 

Copies the content of the database files to other files.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
dest_pathThe path prefix to the destination files.
sync_hardTrue to do physical synchronization with the hardware.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

Copying is done while the content is synchronized and stable. So, this method is suitable for making a backup file while running a database service.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_export()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_export ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
TkrzwDBM dest_dbm 

Exports all records to another database.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
dest_dbmThe destination database object. The lefetime of the database object must last until the task finishes.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_export_to_flat_records()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_export_to_flat_records ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
TkrzwFile dest_file 

Exports all records of a database to a flat record file.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
dest_fileThe file object to write records in. The lefetime of the file object must last until the task finishes.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_import_from_flat_records()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_import_from_flat_records ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
TkrzwFile src_file 

Imports records to a database from a flat record file.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
src_fileThe file object to read records from. The lefetime of the file object must last until the task finishes.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get function.

◆ tkrzw_async_dbm_search()

TkrzwFuture* tkrzw_async_dbm_search ( TkrzwAsyncDBM async,
const char *  mode,
const char *  pattern_ptr,
int32_t  pattern_size,
int32_t  capacity 

Searches a database and get keys asynchronously.

asyncthe asynchronous database adapter.
modeThe search mode. "contain" extracts keys containing the pattern. "begin" extracts keys beginning with the pattern. "end" extracts keys ending with the pattern. "regex" extracts keys partially matches the pattern of a regular expression. "edit" extracts keys whose edit distance to the pattern is the least. Ordered databases support "upper" and "lower" which extract keys whose positions are equal to or upper/lower than the pattern. "upperex" and "lowerex" are their exclusive versions.
pattern_ptrThe pattern pointer.
pattern_sizeThe pattern size. If it is negative, strlen(pattern_ptr) is used.
capacityThe maximum records to obtain. 0 means unlimited.
The future object to monitor the result. The future object should be released by the tkrzw_future_free function. The result should be gotten by the tkrzw_future_get_str_array function.

◆ tkrzw_file_open()

TkrzwFile* tkrzw_file_open ( const char *  path,
bool  writable,
const char *  params 

Opens a file.

pathA path of the file.
writableIf true, the file is writable. If false, it is read-only.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format.
The new file object, which should be released by the tkrzw_dbm_close function. NULL is returned on failure.

The optional parameters can include options for the file opening operation.

  • truncate (bool): True to truncate the file.
  • no_create (bool): True to omit file creation.
  • no_wait (bool): True to fail if the file is locked by another process.
  • no_lock (bool): True to omit file locking.
  • sync_hard (bool): True to do physical synchronization when closing.

    The optional parameter "file" specifies the internal file implementation class. The default file class is "MemoryMapAtomicFile". The other supported classes are "StdFile", "MemoryMapAtomicFile", "PositionalParallelFile", and "PositionalAtomicFile".

    For the file "PositionalParallelFile" and "PositionalAtomicFile", these optional parameters are supported.

  • block_size (int): The block size to which all blocks should be aligned.
  • access_options (str): Values separated by colon. "direct" for direct I/O. "sync" for synchrnizing I/O, "padding" for file size alignment by padding, "pagecache" for the mini page cache in the process.

◆ tkrzw_file_close()

bool tkrzw_file_close ( TkrzwFile file)

Closes the file.

fileThe file object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_file_read()

bool tkrzw_file_read ( TkrzwFile file,
int64_t  off,
void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Reads data.

fileThe file object.
offThe offset of a source region.
bufThe pointer to the destination buffer.
sizeThe size of the data to be read.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_file_write()

bool tkrzw_file_write ( TkrzwFile file,
int64_t  off,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size 

Writes data.

fileThe file object.
offThe offset of the destination region.
bufThe pointer to the source buffer.
sizeThe size of the data to be written.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_file_append()

bool tkrzw_file_append ( TkrzwFile file,
const void *  buf,
size_t  size,
int64_t *  off 

Appends data at the end of the file.

fileThe file object.
bufThe pointer to the source buffer.
sizeThe size of the data to be written.
offThe pointer to an integer object to contain the offset at which the data has been put. If it is nullptr, it is ignored.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_file_truncate()

bool tkrzw_file_truncate ( TkrzwFile file,
int64_t  size 

Truncates the file.

fileThe file object.
sizeThe new size of the file.
True on success or false on failure.

If the file is shrunk, data after the new file end is discarded. If the file is expanded, null codes are filled after the old file end.

◆ tkrzw_file_synchronize()

bool tkrzw_file_synchronize ( TkrzwFile file,
bool  hard,
int64_t  off,
int64_t  size 

Synchronizes the content of the file to the file system.

fileThe file object.
hardTrue to do physical synchronization with the hardware or false to do only logical synchronization with the file system.
offThe offset of the region to be synchronized.
sizeThe size of the region to be synchronized. If it is zero, the length to the end of file is specified.
True on success or false on failure.

The pysical file size can be larger than the logical size in order to improve performance by reducing frequency of allocation. Thus, you should call this function before accessing the file with external tools.

◆ tkrzw_file_get_size()

int64_t tkrzw_file_get_size ( TkrzwFile file)

Gets the size of the file.

fileThe file object.
The size of the on success, or -1 on failure.

◆ tkrzw_file_get_path()

char* tkrzw_file_get_path ( TkrzwFile file)

Gets the path of the file.

fileThe file object.
The pointer to the path data, which should be released by the free function. NULL is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_file_search()

TkrzwStr* tkrzw_file_search ( TkrzwFile file,
const char *  mode,
const char *  pattern_ptr,
int32_t  pattern_size,
int32_t  capacity,
int32_t *  num_matched 

Searches the file and get lines which match a pattern, according to a mode expression.

fileThe file object.
modeThe search mode. "contain" extracts keys containing the pattern. "begin" extracts keys beginning with the pattern. "end" extracts keys ending with the pattern. "regex" extracts keys partially matches the pattern of a regular expression. "edit" extracts keys whose edit distance to the UTF-8 pattern is the least. "editbin" extracts keys whose edit distance to the binary pattern is the least.
pattern_ptrThe key pointer.
pattern_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(pattern_ptr) is used.
capacityThe maximum records to obtain. 0 means unlimited.
num_matchedThe pointer to the variable to store the number of the element of the return value.
The pointer to an array of matched keys or NULL on failure. If not NULL, the array and its elements are allocated dynamically so they should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_array function.

◆ tkrzw_index_open()

TkrzwIndex* tkrzw_index_open ( const char *  path,
bool  writable,
const char *  params 

Opens an index file and makes an index object.

pathA path of the file.
writableIf true, the file is writable. If false, it is read-only.
paramsOptional parameters in "key=value,key=value" format. The options for the file opening operation are set by "truncate", "no_create", "no_wait", "no_lock", and "sync_hard". Other options are the same as PolyIndex::Open.
The new database object, which should be released by the tkrzw_index_close function. NULL is returned on failure.

If the path is empty, BabyDBM is used internally, which is equivalent to using the MemIndex class. If the path ends with ".tkt", TreeDBM is used internally, which is equivalent to using the FileIndex class. If the key comparator of the tuning parameter is not set, PairLexicalKeyComparator is set implicitly. Other compatible key comparators are PairLexicalCaseKeyComparator, PairDecimalKeyComparator, PairHexadecimalKeyComparator, PairRealNumberKeyComparator, PairSignedBigEndianKeyComparator, and PairFloatBigEndianKeyComparator.

◆ tkrzw_index_close()

bool tkrzw_index_close ( TkrzwIndex index)

Closes the index file and releases the index object.

indexThe index object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_check()

bool tkrzw_index_check ( TkrzwIndex index,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size 

Checks whether a record exists in the index.

indexThe index object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
True if the record exists, or false if not.

◆ tkrzw_index_get_values()

TkrzwStr* tkrzw_index_get_values ( TkrzwIndex index,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
int32_t  max,
int32_t *  num_elems 

Gets all values of records of a key.

indexThe index object.
key_ptrThe key pointer.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
maxThe maximum number of values to get. 0 means unlimited.
num_elemsThe pointer to the variable to store the number of elements of the extra string array.
The pointer to an array of all values of the key, which should be released by the tkrzw_free_str_array function. An empty array is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_add()

bool tkrzw_index_add ( TkrzwIndex index,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size 

Adds a record.

indexThe index object.
key_ptrThe key pointer. This can be an arbitrary expression to search the index.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer. This should be a primary value of another database.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_remove()

bool tkrzw_index_remove ( TkrzwIndex index,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size 

Remove a record.

indexThe index object.
key_ptrThe key pointer. This can be an arbitrary expression to search the index.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer. This should be a primary value of another database.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_count()

int32_t tkrzw_index_count ( TkrzwIndex index)

Gets the number of records.

indexThe index object.
The number of records, or -1 on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_get_file_path()

char* tkrzw_index_get_file_path ( TkrzwIndex index)

Gets the path of the index file.

indexThe index object.
The pointer to the path data, which should be released by the free function. An empty string is returned on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_clear()

bool tkrzw_index_clear ( TkrzwIndex index)

Removes all records.

indexThe index object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_rebuild()

bool tkrzw_index_rebuild ( TkrzwIndex index)

Rebuilds the entire database.

indexThe index object.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_synchronize()

bool tkrzw_index_synchronize ( TkrzwIndex index,
bool  hard 

Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system.

indexThe index object.
hardTrue to do physical synchronization with the hardware or false to do only logical synchronization with the file system.
True on success or false on failure.

◆ tkrzw_index_is_writable()

bool tkrzw_index_is_writable ( TkrzwIndex index)

Checks whether the database is writable.

indexThe index object.
True if the database is writable, or false if not.

◆ tkrzw_index_make_iterator()

TkrzwIndexIter* tkrzw_index_make_iterator ( TkrzwIndex index)

Makes an iterator for each record.

indexThe index object.
The new iterator object, which should be released by the tkrzw_index_iter_free function.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_free()

void tkrzw_index_iter_free ( TkrzwIndexIter iter)

Releases the iterator object.

iterThe iterator object.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_first()

void tkrzw_index_iter_first ( TkrzwIndexIter iter)

Initializes the iterator to indicate the first record.

iterThe iterator object.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_last()

void tkrzw_index_iter_last ( TkrzwIndexIter iter)

Initializes the iterator to indicate the last record.

iterThe iterator object.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_jump()

void tkrzw_index_iter_jump ( TkrzwIndexIter iter,
const char *  key_ptr,
int32_t  key_size,
const char *  value_ptr,
int32_t  value_size 

Initializes the iterator to indicate a specific range.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe key pointer of the lower bound.
key_sizeThe key size. If it is negative, strlen(key_ptr) is used.
value_ptrThe value pointer of the lower bound.
value_sizeThe value size. If it is negative, strlen(value_ptr) is used.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_next()

void tkrzw_index_iter_next ( TkrzwIndexIter iter)

Moves the iterator to the next record.

iterThe iterator object.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_previous()

void tkrzw_index_iter_previous ( TkrzwIndexIter iter)

Moves the iterator to the previous record.

iterThe iterator object.

◆ tkrzw_index_iter_get()

bool tkrzw_index_iter_get ( TkrzwIndexIter iter,
char **  key_ptr,
int32_t *  key_size,
char **  value_ptr,
int32_t *  value_size 

Gets the key and the value of the current record of the iterator.

iterThe iterator object.
key_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record key. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
key_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record key. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_ptrThe pointer to a variable which points to the region containing the record value. If this function returns true, the region should be released by the free function. If it is NULL, it is not used.
value_sizeThe pointer to a variable which stores the size of the region containing the record value. If it is NULL, it is not used.
True on success or false on failure. If theres no record to fetch, false is returned.

Variable Documentation


const char* const TKRZW_PACKAGE_VERSION

The string expression of the package version.


const char* const TKRZW_LIBRARY_VERSION

The string expression of the library version.


const char* const TKRZW_OS_NAME

The recognized OS name.


const int32_t TKRZW_PAGE_SIZE

The size of a memory page on the OS.


const int64_t TKRZW_INT64MIN

The minimum value of int64_t.


const int64_t TKRZW_INT64MAX

The maximum value of int64_t.


const char* const TKRZW_ANY_DATA

The special string_view value to represent any data.


const char* const TKRZW_REC_PROC_NOOP

The special string indicating no operation.


const char* const TKRZW_REC_PROC_REMOVE

The special string indicating removing operation.