Kyoto Cabinet
Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
kcutil.h File Reference

utility functions More...

#include <kccommon.h>


namespace  kyotocabinet

All symbols of Kyoto Cabinet.


typedef std::unordered_map
< std::string, std::string > 
 An alias of hash map of strings.
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
 An alias of tree map of strings.


int64_t kyotocabinet::atoi (const char *str)
 Convert a decimal string to an integer.
int64_t kyotocabinet::atoix (const char *str)
 Convert a decimal string with a metric prefix to an integer.
int64_t kyotocabinet::atoih (const char *str)
 Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer.
int64_t kyotocabinet::atoin (const char *ptr, size_t size)
 Convert a decimal byte array to an integer.
double kyotocabinet::atof (const char *str)
 Convert a decimal string to a real number.
double kyotocabinet::atofn (const char *ptr, size_t size)
 Convert a decimal byte array to a real number.
uint16_t kyotocabinet::hton16 (uint16_t num)
 Normalize a 16-bit number in the native order into the network byte order.
uint32_t kyotocabinet::hton32 (uint32_t num)
 Normalize a 32-bit number in the native order into the network byte order.
uint64_t kyotocabinet::hton64 (uint64_t num)
 Normalize a 64-bit number in the native order into the network byte order.
uint16_t kyotocabinet::ntoh16 (uint16_t num)
 Denormalize a 16-bit number in the network byte order into the native order.
uint32_t kyotocabinet::ntoh32 (uint32_t num)
 Denormalize a 32-bit number in the network byte order into the native order.
uint64_t kyotocabinet::ntoh64 (uint64_t num)
 Denormalize a 64-bit number in the network byte order into the native order.
void kyotocabinet::writefixnum (void *buf, uint64_t num, size_t width)
 Write a number in fixed length format into a buffer.
uint64_t kyotocabinet::readfixnum (const void *buf, size_t width)
 Read a number in fixed length format from a buffer.
size_t kyotocabinet::writevarnum (void *buf, uint64_t num)
 Write a number in variable length format into a buffer.
size_t kyotocabinet::readvarnum (const void *buf, size_t size, uint64_t *np)
 Read a number in variable length format from a buffer.
size_t kyotocabinet::sizevarnum (uint64_t num)
 Check the size of variable length format of a number.
uint64_t kyotocabinet::hashmurmur (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Get the hash value by MurMur hashing.
uint64_t kyotocabinet::hashfnv (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Get the hash value by FNV hashing.
uint32_t kyotocabinet::hashpath (const void *buf, size_t size, char *obuf)
 Get the hash value suitable for a file name.
uint64_t kyotocabinet::nearbyprime (uint64_t num)
 Get a prime number nearby a number.
double kyotocabinet::nan ()
 Get the quiet Not-a-Number value.
double kyotocabinet::inf ()
 Get the positive infinity value.
bool kyotocabinet::chknan (double num)
 Check a number is a Not-a-Number value.
bool kyotocabinet::chkinf (double num)
 Check a number is an infinity value.
void kyotocabinet::vstrprintf (std::string *dest, const char *format, va_list ap)
 Append a formatted string at the end of a string.
void kyotocabinet::strprintf (std::string *dest, const char *format,...)
 Append a formatted string at the end of a string.
std::string kyotocabinet::strprintf (const char *format,...)
 Generate a formatted string.
size_t kyotocabinet::strsplit (const std::string &str, char delim, std::vector< std::string > *elems)
 Split a string with a delimiter.
size_t kyotocabinet::strsplit (const std::string &str, const std::string &delims, std::vector< std::string > *elems)
 Split a string with delimiters.
std::string * kyotocabinet::strtoupper (std::string *str)
 Convert the letters of a string into upper case.
std::string * kyotocabinet::strtolower (std::string *str)
 Convert the letters of a string into lower case.
bool kyotocabinet::strfwm (const std::string &str, const std::string &key)
 Check whether a string begins with a key.
bool kyotocabinet::strbwm (const std::string &str, const std::string &key)
 Check whether a string ends with a key.
std::string * kyotocabinet::strtrim (std::string *str)
 Cut space characters at head or tail of a string.
void kyotocabinet::strutftoucs (const std::string &src, std::vector< uint32_t > *dest)
 Convert a UTF-8 string into a UCS-4 array.
void kyotocabinet::strucstoutf (const std::vector< uint32_t > &src, std::string *dest)
 Convert a UCS-4 array into a UTF-8 string.
void kyotocabinet::strvecdump (const std::vector< std::string > &src, std::string *dest)
 Serialize a string vector object into a string object.
void kyotocabinet::strvecload (const std::string &src, std::vector< std::string > *dest)
 Deserialize a string object into a string vector object.
void kyotocabinet::strmapdump (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &src, std::string *dest)
 Serialize a string vector object into a string object.
void kyotocabinet::strmapload (const std::string &src, std::map< std::string, std::string > *dest)
 Deserialize a string object into a string map object.
char * kyotocabinet::hexencode (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Encode a serial object by hexadecimal encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::hexdecode (const char *str, size_t *sp)
 Decode a string encoded by hexadecimal encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::urlencode (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Encode a serial object by URL encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::urldecode (const char *str, size_t *sp)
 Decode a string encoded by URL encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::quoteencode (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Encode a serial object by Quoted-printable encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::quotedecode (const char *str, size_t *sp)
 Decode a string encoded by Quoted-printable encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::baseencode (const void *buf, size_t size)
 Encode a serial object by Base64 encoding.
char * kyotocabinet::basedecode (const char *str, size_t *sp)
 Decode a string encoded by Base64 encoding.
void kyotocabinet::arccipher (const void *ptr, size_t size, const void *kbuf, size_t ksiz, void *obuf)
 Cipher or decipher a serial object with the Arcfour stream cipher.
char * kyotocabinet::memdup (const char *ptr, size_t size)
 Duplicate a region on memory.
int32_t kyotocabinet::memicmp (const void *abuf, const void *bbuf, size_t size)
 Compare two regions by case insensitive evaluation.
void * kyotocabinet::memmem (const void *hbuf, size_t hsiz, const void *nbuf, size_t nsiz)
 Find the first occurrence of a sub pattern.
void * kyotocabinet::memimem (const void *hbuf, size_t hsiz, const void *nbuf, size_t nsiz)
 Find the first occurrence of a sub pattern by case insensitive evaluation.
size_t kyotocabinet::memdist (const void *abuf, size_t asiz, const void *bbuf, size_t bsiz)
 Calculate the levenshtein distance of two regions in bytes.
char * kyotocabinet::strdup (const char *str)
 Duplicate a string on memory.
char * kyotocabinet::strtoupper (char *str)
 Convert the letters of a string into upper case.
char * kyotocabinet::strtolower (char *str)
 Convert the letters of a string into lower case.
char * kyotocabinet::strtrim (char *str)
 Cut space characters at head or tail of a string.
char * kyotocabinet::strsqzspc (char *str)
 Squeeze space characters in a string and trim it.
char * kyotocabinet::strnrmspc (char *str)
 Normalize space characters in a string and trim it.
int32_t kyotocabinet::stricmp (const char *astr, const char *bstr)
 Compare two strings by case insensitive evaluation.
char * kyotocabinet::stristr (const char *hstr, const char *nstr)
 Find the first occurrence of a substring by case insensitive evaluation.
bool kyotocabinet::strfwm (const char *str, const char *key)
 Check whether a string begins with a key.
bool kyotocabinet::strifwm (const char *str, const char *key)
 Check whether a string begins with a key by case insensitive evaluation.
bool kyotocabinet::strbwm (const char *str, const char *key)
 Check whether a string ends with a key.
bool kyotocabinet::stribwm (const char *str, const char *key)
 Check whether a string ends with a key by case insensitive evaluation.
size_t kyotocabinet::strutflen (const char *str)
 Get the number of characters in a UTF-8 string.
void kyotocabinet::strutftoucs (const char *src, uint32_t *dest, size_t *np)
 Convert a UTF-8 string into a UCS-4 array.
void kyotocabinet::strutftoucs (const char *src, size_t slen, uint32_t *dest, size_t *np)
 Convert a UTF-8 string into a UCS-4 array.
size_t kyotocabinet::strucstoutf (const uint32_t *src, size_t snum, char *dest)
 Convert a UCS-4 array into a UTF-8 string.
size_t kyotocabinet::strutfdist (const char *astr, const char *bstr)
 Calculate the levenshtein distance of two UTF-8 strings.
size_t kyotocabinet::strucsdist (const uint32_t *aary, size_t anum, const uint32_t *bary, size_t bnum)
 Calculate the levenshtein distance of two UCS-4 arrays.
void * kyotocabinet::xmalloc (size_t size)
 Allocate a region on memory.
void * kyotocabinet::xcalloc (size_t nmemb, size_t size)
 Allocate a nullified region on memory.
void * kyotocabinet::xrealloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
 Re-allocate a region on memory.
void kyotocabinet::xfree (void *ptr)
 Free a region on memory.
void * kyotocabinet::mapalloc (size_t size)
 Allocate a nullified region on mapped memory.
void kyotocabinet::mapfree (void *ptr)
 Free a region on mapped memory.
double kyotocabinet::time ()
 Get the time of day in seconds.
int64_t kyotocabinet::getpid ()
 Get the process ID.
const char * kyotocabinet::getenv (const char *name)
 Get the value of an environment variable.
void kyotocabinet::getsysinfo (std::map< std::string, std::string > *strmap)
 Get system information of the environment.
void kyotocabinet::setstdiobin ()
 Set the standard streams into the binary mode.
bool kyotocabinet::_dummytest ()
 Dummy test driver.


const int8_t kyotocabinet::INT8MAX = (std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of int8_t.
const int16_t kyotocabinet::INT16MAX = (std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of int16_t.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::INT32MAX = (std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of int32_t.
const int64_t kyotocabinet::INT64MAX = (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of int64_t.
const int8_t kyotocabinet::INT8MIN = (std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min)()
 The minimum value of int8_t.
const int16_t kyotocabinet::INT16MIN = (std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min)()
 The minimum value of int16_t.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::INT32MIN = (std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min)()
 The minimum value of int32_t.
const int64_t kyotocabinet::INT64MIN = (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min)()
 The minimum value of int64_t.
const uint8_t kyotocabinet::UINT8MAX = (std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of uint8_t.
const uint16_t kyotocabinet::UINT16MAX = (std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of uint16_t.
const uint32_t kyotocabinet::UINT32MAX = (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of uint32_t.
const uint64_t kyotocabinet::UINT64MAX = (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of uint64_t.
const size_t kyotocabinet::SIZEMAX = (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)()
 The maximum value of size_t.
const float kyotocabinet::FLTMAX = (std::numeric_limits<float>::max)()
 The maximum value of float.
const double kyotocabinet::DBLMAX = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)()
 The maximum value of double.
const char *const kyotocabinet::VERSION
 The package version.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::LIBVER
 The library version.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::LIBREV
 The library revision.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::FMTVER
 The database format version.
const char *const kyotocabinet::OSNAME
 The system name.
const bool kyotocabinet::BIGEND
 The flag for big endian environments.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::CLOCKTICK
 The clock tick of interruption.
const int32_t kyotocabinet::PAGESIZ
 The size of a page.
const char *const kyotocabinet::FEATURES
 The extra feature list.
const size_t kyotocabinet::NUMBUFSIZ = 32
 The buffer size for numeric data.
const size_t kyotocabinet::MEMMAXSIZ = INT32MAX / 2
 The maximum memory size for debugging.

Detailed Description

utility functions