▼Ntkrzw | Common namespace of Tkrzw |
CCompressor | Interfrace of data compression and decompression |
CDummyCompressor | Dummy compressor implemetation |
CZLibCompressor | Compressor implemeted with ZLib |
CZStdCompressor | Compressor implemeted with ZStd |
CLZ4Compressor | Compressor implemeted with LZ4 |
CLZMACompressor | Compressor implemeted with LZMA |
CRC4Compressor | Compressor implemeted with RC4 encryption |
CAESCompressor | Compressor implemeted with AES encryption |
►CLinkedHashMap | Doubly-linked hash map |
►CLRUCache | LRU cache |
►CDoubleLRUCache | Double-layered LRU cache |
CAtomicSet | Thread-safe wrapper of std::set |
►CDBM | Interface of database manager |
►CAsyncDBM | Asynchronous database manager adapter |
CStatusFuture | Wrapper of std::future containing a status object and extra data |
►CBabyDBM | On-memory database manager implementation based on B+ tree |
►CCacheDBM | On-memory database manager implementation with LRU deletion |
►CHashDBM | File database manager implementation based on hash table |
CHashRecord | Key and value record structure in the file hash database |
COffsetReader | Reader of a sequence of offsets |
CFreeBlock | Free block structure |
CFreeBlockPool | Registry of free blocks |
CParamDBM | Parametric database manager interface |
►CPolyDBM | Polymorphic database manager adapter |
►CShardDBM | Sharding database manager adapter |
►CSkipDBM | File database manager implementation based on skip list |
CSkipRecord | Key and value record structure in the file skip database |
CSkipRecordCache | Cache of skip records |
CRecordSorter | Sorter for a large amound of records based on merge sort on files |
►CStdHashDBM | On-memory database manager implemented with std::unordered_map |
►CStdTreeDBM | On-memory database manager implemented with std::map |
►CTinyDBM | On-memory database manager implementation based on hash table |
►CTreeDBM | File database manager implementation based on B+ tree |
CTreeRecord | Key and value record structure in the file tree database |
CTreeRecordOnStack | Holder of TreeRecord on stack for search |
CTreeRecordComparator | Comparator for TreeRecord objects |
CTreeLink | Link to a child node |
CTreeLinkOnStack | Holder of TreeLink on stack for search |
CTreeLinkComparator | Comparator for TreeLink objects |
CDBMUpdateLoggerStrDeque | DBM update logger to store logs into a string deque |
CDBMUpdateLoggerDBM | DBM update logger to replicate updates in another DBM |
CDBMUpdateLoggerSecondShard | Update logger adapter for the second shard and later |
►CDBMUpdateLoggerMQ | DBM update logger with a message queue |
CFile | Interface of file operations |
CMemoryMapFile | Interface for memory mapping file implementations |
►CMemoryMapParallelFile | File implementation by memory mapping and locking for parallel operations |
►CMemoryMapAtomicFile | File implementation by memory mapping and locking for atomic operations |
CPolyFile | Polymorphic file adapter |
CPositionalFile | Interface for positional access file implementations |
CPositionalParallelFile | File implementation by positional access and locking for parallel operations |
CPositionalAtomicFile | File implementation with positional access and locking for atomic operations |
CStdFile | File implementation with the std::fstream |
CFileStatus | Status information of a file |
CTemporaryDirectory | Temporary directory whose life duration is bound with the object |
CPageCache | Page cache for buffering I/O operations |
CFileReader | File reader |
CFlatRecord | Flat record structure in the file |
CFlatRecordReader | Reader of flat records |
►CFileIndex | File secondary index implementation with TreeDBM |
►CMemIndex | On-memory secondary index implementation with BabyDBM |
►CPolyIndex | Polymorphic index manager adapter with PolyDBM |
►CStdIndex | On-memory secondary index implementation with std::map for generic types |
►CStdIndexStr | On-memory secondary index implementation with std::map for strings |
CStatus | Status of operations |
CStatusException | Exception to convey the status of operations |
CLogger | Interface for logging operations |
CBaseLogger | Base implementation for logging operations |
CStreamLogger | Stream implementation for logging operations |
►CMessageQueue | Message queue on the file stream |
CScopedStringView | Wrapper of string_view of allocated memory |
CSpinMutex | Spin lock mutex |
CSpinSharedMutex | Spin lock shared mutex |
CSpinWPSharedMutex | Spin lock shared mutex, with write-preferring policy |
CSlottedMutex | Slotted shared mutex |
CScopedSlottedLock | Scoped lock with a slotted shared mutex |
CHashMutex | Mutex for a hash table |
CScopedHashLock | Scoped lock with a mutex for a hash table |
CScopedHashLockMulti | Scoped lock with multiple mutexes for a hash table |
►CTaskQueue | Task queue with a thread pool |
CWaitCounter | Wait counter for monitoring other threads |
►CSignalBroker | Broker to send a signal to another thread |
►CKeySignalBroker | Broker to send a signal associated with a key to another thread |
►CSlottedKeySignalBroker | Slotted broker to send a signal associated with a key to another thread |
CScopedCounter | Scoped counter for auto increment and decrement |