Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ctkrzw::AsyncDBMAsynchronous database manager adapter
 Ctkrzw::AtomicSet< VALUETYPE >Thread-safe wrapper of std::set
 Ctkrzw::AsyncDBM::CommonPostprocessorInterface of a common post processor for a record
 Ctkrzw::CompressorInterfrace of data compression and decompression
 Ctkrzw::LinkedHashMap< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, HASHTYPE, EQUALTOTYPE >::ConstIteratorConst iterator of records
 Ctkrzw::DBMInterface of database manager
 Ctkrzw::DoubleLRUCache< VALUETYPE >Double-layered LRU cache
 Ctkrzw::FileInterface of file operations
 Ctkrzw::FileIndexFile secondary index implementation with TreeDBM
 Ctkrzw::DBM::FileProcessorInterface of processor for a record
 Ctkrzw::FileReaderFile reader
 Ctkrzw::FileStatusStatus information of a file
 Ctkrzw::FlatRecordFlat record structure in the file
 Ctkrzw::FlatRecordReaderReader of flat records
 Ctkrzw::FreeBlockFree block structure
 Ctkrzw::FreeBlockPoolRegistry of free blocks
 Ctkrzw::HashMutex< SHAREDMUTEX >Mutex for a hash table
 Ctkrzw::HashMutex< std::shared_mutex >
 Ctkrzw::HashRecordKey and value record structure in the file hash database
 Ctkrzw::DBM::IteratorInterface of iterator for each record
 Ctkrzw::DoubleLRUCache< VALUETYPE >::IteratorIterator to access each record
 Ctkrzw::FileIndex::IteratorIterator for each record
 Ctkrzw::LinkedHashMap< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, HASHTYPE, EQUALTOTYPE >::IteratorIterator of records
 Ctkrzw::LRUCache< VALUETYPE >::IteratorIterator to access each record
 Ctkrzw::MemIndex::IteratorIterator for each record
 Ctkrzw::PolyIndex::IteratorIterator for each record
 Ctkrzw::StdIndex< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, CMPTYPE >::IteratorIterator for each record
 Ctkrzw::StdIndexStr::IteratorIterator for each record
 Ctkrzw::KeySignalBroker< KEYTYPE >Broker to send a signal associated with a key to another thread
 Ctkrzw::LinkedHashMap< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, HASHTYPE, EQUALTOTYPE >Doubly-linked hash map
 Ctkrzw::LinkedHashMap< int64_t, Page >
 Ctkrzw::LinkedHashMap< int64_t, std::shared_ptr< VALUETYPE > >
 Ctkrzw::LoggerInterface for logging operations
 Ctkrzw::LRUCache< VALUETYPE >LRU cache
 Ctkrzw::MemIndexOn-memory secondary index implementation with BabyDBM
 Ctkrzw::MessageQueueMessage queue on the file stream
 Ctkrzw::OffsetReaderReader of a sequence of offsets
 Ctkrzw::PageCachePage cache for buffering I/O operations
 Ctkrzw::PolyIndexPolymorphic index manager adapter with PolyDBM
 Ctkrzw::MessageQueue::ReaderMesssage reader
 Ctkrzw::LinkedHashMap< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, HASHTYPE, EQUALTOTYPE >::RecordRecord data
 Ctkrzw::StdIndexStr::RecordComparatorComparator for sorting records
 Ctkrzw::DBM::RecordProcessorInterface of processor for a record
 Ctkrzw::RecordSorterSorter for a large amound of records based on merge sort on files
 Ctkrzw::ScopedCounter< T >Scoped counter for auto increment and decrement
 Ctkrzw::ScopedHashLock< SHAREDMUTEX >Scoped lock with a mutex for a hash table
 Ctkrzw::ScopedHashLockMulti< SHAREDMUTEX >Scoped lock with multiple mutexes for a hash table
 Ctkrzw::ScopedSlottedLock< SHAREDMUTEX >Scoped lock with a slotted shared mutex
 Ctkrzw::ScopedStringViewWrapper of string_view of allocated memory
 Ctkrzw::SignalBrokerBroker to send a signal to another thread
 Ctkrzw::SkipRecordKey and value record structure in the file skip database
 Ctkrzw::SkipRecordCacheCache of skip records
 Ctkrzw::SlottedKeySignalBroker< KEYTYPE >Slotted broker to send a signal associated with a key to another thread
 Ctkrzw::SlottedMutex< SHAREDMUTEX >Slotted shared mutex
 Ctkrzw::SlottedMutex< std::shared_mutex >
 Ctkrzw::SpinMutexSpin lock mutex
 Ctkrzw::SpinSharedMutexSpin lock shared mutex
 Ctkrzw::SpinWPSharedMutexSpin lock shared mutex, with write-preferring policy
 Ctkrzw::StatusStatus of operations
 Ctkrzw::StatusFutureWrapper of std::future containing a status object and extra data
 Ctkrzw::StdIndex< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, CMPTYPE >On-memory secondary index implementation with std::map for generic types
 Ctkrzw::StdIndexStrOn-memory secondary index implementation with std::map for strings
 Ctkrzw::TaskQueue::TaskInterface of a task
 Ctkrzw::TaskQueueTask queue with a thread pool
 Ctkrzw::TemporaryDirectoryTemporary directory whose life duration is bound with the object
 CTkrzwAsyncDBMAsynchronous DBM interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwDBMDBM interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwDBMIterIterator interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwFileFile interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwFutureFuture interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwIndexIndex interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwIndexIterIndex iterator interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwKeyProcPairPair of a key and its processor
 CTkrzwKeyValuePairPair of a key and its value
 CTkrzwStatusPair of a status code and a message
 CTkrzwStrString pointer and its size
 Ctkrzw::TreeLinkLink to a child node
 Ctkrzw::TreeLinkComparatorComparator for TreeLink objects
 Ctkrzw::TreeLinkOnStackHolder of TreeLink on stack for search
 Ctkrzw::TreeRecordKey and value record structure in the file tree database
 Ctkrzw::TreeRecordComparatorComparator for TreeRecord objects
 Ctkrzw::TreeRecordOnStackHolder of TreeRecord on stack for search
 Ctkrzw::HashDBM::TuningParametersTuning parameters for the database
 Ctkrzw::SkipDBM::TuningParametersTuning parameters for the database
 Ctkrzw::DBMUpdateLoggerMQ::UpdateLogCommon structure of an update log
 Ctkrzw::DBM::UpdateLoggerInterface of update logger
 Ctkrzw::WaitCounterWait counter for monitoring other threads
 Ctkrzw::KeySignalBroker< KEYTYPE >::WaiterHandler to wait for the signal
 Ctkrzw::SignalBroker::WaiterHandler to wait for the signal
 Ctkrzw::SlottedKeySignalBroker< KEYTYPE >::WaiterHandler to wait for the signal
 Ctkrzw::MemoryMapAtomicFile::ZoneStructure to make a critical section where a region can be accessed
 Ctkrzw::MemoryMapParallelFile::ZoneStructure to make a shared section where a region can be accessed