Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NtkrzwCommon namespace of Tkrzw
 CCompressorInterfrace of data compression and decompression
 CDummyCompressorDummy compressor implemetation
 CZLibCompressorCompressor implemeted with ZLib
 CZStdCompressorCompressor implemeted with ZStd
 CLZ4CompressorCompressor implemeted with LZ4
 CLZMACompressorCompressor implemeted with LZMA
 CRC4CompressorCompressor implemeted with RC4 encryption
 CAESCompressorCompressor implemeted with AES encryption
 CLinkedHashMapDoubly-linked hash map
 CLRUCacheLRU cache
 CDoubleLRUCacheDouble-layered LRU cache
 CAtomicSetThread-safe wrapper of std::set
 CDBMInterface of database manager
 CAsyncDBMAsynchronous database manager adapter
 CStatusFutureWrapper of std::future containing a status object and extra data
 CBabyDBMOn-memory database manager implementation based on B+ tree
 CCacheDBMOn-memory database manager implementation with LRU deletion
 CHashDBMFile database manager implementation based on hash table
 CHashRecordKey and value record structure in the file hash database
 COffsetReaderReader of a sequence of offsets
 CFreeBlockFree block structure
 CFreeBlockPoolRegistry of free blocks
 CParamDBMParametric database manager interface
 CPolyDBMPolymorphic database manager adapter
 CShardDBMSharding database manager adapter
 CSkipDBMFile database manager implementation based on skip list
 CSkipRecordKey and value record structure in the file skip database
 CSkipRecordCacheCache of skip records
 CRecordSorterSorter for a large amound of records based on merge sort on files
 CStdHashDBMOn-memory database manager implemented with std::unordered_map
 CStdTreeDBMOn-memory database manager implemented with std::map
 CTinyDBMOn-memory database manager implementation based on hash table
 CTreeDBMFile database manager implementation based on B+ tree
 CTreeRecordKey and value record structure in the file tree database
 CTreeRecordOnStackHolder of TreeRecord on stack for search
 CTreeRecordComparatorComparator for TreeRecord objects
 CTreeLinkLink to a child node
 CTreeLinkOnStackHolder of TreeLink on stack for search
 CTreeLinkComparatorComparator for TreeLink objects
 CDBMUpdateLoggerStrDequeDBM update logger to store logs into a string deque
 CDBMUpdateLoggerDBMDBM update logger to replicate updates in another DBM
 CDBMUpdateLoggerSecondShardUpdate logger adapter for the second shard and later
 CDBMUpdateLoggerMQDBM update logger with a message queue
 CFileInterface of file operations
 CMemoryMapFileInterface for memory mapping file implementations
 CMemoryMapParallelFileFile implementation by memory mapping and locking for parallel operations
 CMemoryMapAtomicFileFile implementation by memory mapping and locking for atomic operations
 CPolyFilePolymorphic file adapter
 CPositionalFileInterface for positional access file implementations
 CPositionalParallelFileFile implementation by positional access and locking for parallel operations
 CPositionalAtomicFileFile implementation with positional access and locking for atomic operations
 CStdFileFile implementation with the std::fstream
 CFileStatusStatus information of a file
 CTemporaryDirectoryTemporary directory whose life duration is bound with the object
 CPageCachePage cache for buffering I/O operations
 CFileReaderFile reader
 CFlatRecordFlat record structure in the file
 CFlatRecordReaderReader of flat records
 CFileIndexFile secondary index implementation with TreeDBM
 CMemIndexOn-memory secondary index implementation with BabyDBM
 CPolyIndexPolymorphic index manager adapter with PolyDBM
 CStdIndexOn-memory secondary index implementation with std::map for generic types
 CStdIndexStrOn-memory secondary index implementation with std::map for strings
 CStatusStatus of operations
 CStatusExceptionException to convey the status of operations
 CLoggerInterface for logging operations
 CBaseLoggerBase implementation for logging operations
 CStreamLoggerStream implementation for logging operations
 CMessageQueueMessage queue on the file stream
 CScopedStringViewWrapper of string_view of allocated memory
 CSpinMutexSpin lock mutex
 CSpinSharedMutexSpin lock shared mutex
 CSpinWPSharedMutexSpin lock shared mutex, with write-preferring policy
 CSlottedMutexSlotted shared mutex
 CScopedSlottedLockScoped lock with a slotted shared mutex
 CHashMutexMutex for a hash table
 CScopedHashLockScoped lock with a mutex for a hash table
 CScopedHashLockMultiScoped lock with multiple mutexes for a hash table
 CTaskQueueTask queue with a thread pool
 CWaitCounterWait counter for monitoring other threads
 CSignalBrokerBroker to send a signal to another thread
 CKeySignalBrokerBroker to send a signal associated with a key to another thread
 CSlottedKeySignalBrokerSlotted broker to send a signal associated with a key to another thread
 CScopedCounterScoped counter for auto increment and decrement
 CTkrzwAsyncDBMAsynchronous DBM interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwDBMDBM interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwDBMIterIterator interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwFileFile interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwFutureFuture interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwIndexIndex interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwIndexIterIndex iterator interface, just for type check
 CTkrzwKeyProcPairPair of a key and its processor
 CTkrzwKeyValuePairPair of a key and its value
 CTkrzwStatusPair of a status code and a message
 CTkrzwStrString pointer and its size