class Tkrzw::Index

Secondary index interface. All operations except for “open” and “close” are thread-safe; Multiple threads can access the same file concurrently. You can specify a data structure when you call the “open” method. Every opened index must be closed explicitly by the “close” method to avoid data corruption.

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

Does nothing especially.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1207
def initialize()
  # (native code)

Public Instance Methods

add(key, value) click to toggle source

Adds a record.

  • @param key The key of the record. This can be an arbitrary expression to search the index.

  • @param value The value of the record. This should be a primary value of another database.

  • @return The result status.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1252
def add(key, value)
  # (native code)
clear() click to toggle source

Removes all records.

  • @return The result status.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1278
def clear()
  # (native code)
close() click to toggle source

Closes the index file.

  • @return The result status.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1229
def close()
  # (native code)
count() click to toggle source

Gets the number of records.

  • @return The number of records, or 0 on failure.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1266
def count()
  # (native code)
destruct() click to toggle source

Releases the resource explicitly. The index is closed implicitly if it has not been closed. As long as you close the index explicitly, you don't have to call this method.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1213
def destruct()
  # (native code)
each(&block) click to toggle source

Calls the given block with the key and the value of each record

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1333
def each(&block)
  # (native code)
file_path() click to toggle source

Gets the path of the index file.

  • @return The file path of the index, or an empty string on failure.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1272
def file_path()
  # (native code)
get_values(key, max=0) click to toggle source

Gets all values of records of a key.

  • @param key The key to look for.

  • @param max The maximum number of values to get. 0 means unlimited.

  • @return A list of all values of the key. An empty list is returned on failure.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1244
def get_values(key, max=0)
  # (native code)
include?(key) click to toggle source

Checks if a record exists or not.

  • @param key The key of the record.

  • @return True if the record exists, or false if not.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1236
def include?(key)
  # (native code)
inspect() click to toggle source

Returns a string representation of the object.

  • @return The string representation of the object.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1328
def inspect()
  # (native code)
make_iterator() click to toggle source

Makes an iterator for each record.

  • @return The iterator for each record.

Every iterator should be destructed explicitly by the “destruct” method.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1310
def make_iterator()
  # (native code)
open(path, writable, **params) click to toggle source

Opens an index file.

  • @param path A path of the file.

  • @param writable If true, the file is writable. If false, it is read-only.

  • @param params Optional keyword parameters.

@:return The result status. If the path is empty, BabyDBM is used internally, which is equivalent to using the MemIndex class. If the path ends with “.tkt”, TreeDBM is used internally, which is equivalent to using the FileIndex class. If the key comparator of the tuning parameter is not set, PairLexicalKeyComparator is set implicitly. Other compatible key comparators are PairLexicalCaseKeyComparator, PairDecimalKeyComparator, PairHexadecimalKeyComparator, PairRealNumberKeyComparator, PairSignedBigEndianKeyComparator, and PairFloatBigEndianKeyComparator. Other options can be specified as with DBM#open.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1223
def open(path, writable, **params)
  # (native code)
open?() click to toggle source

Checks whether the index is open.

  • @return True if the index is open, or false if not.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1297
def open?()
  # (native code)
rebuild() click to toggle source

Rebuilds the entire index.

  • @return The result status.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1284
def rebuild()
  # (native code)
remove(key, value) click to toggle source

Removes a record.

  • @param key The key of the record.

  • @param value The value of the record.

  • @return The result status.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1260
def remove(key, value)
  # (native code)
synchronize(hard) click to toggle source

Synchronizes the content of the index to the file system.

  • @param hard True to do physical synchronization with the hardware or false to do only logical synchronization with the file system.

  • @return The result status.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1291
def synchronize(hard)
  # (native code)
to_i() click to toggle source

Gets the number of records.

  • @return The number of records on success, or 0 on failure.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1322
def to_i()
  # (native code)
to_s() click to toggle source

Returns a string representation of the content.

  • @return The string representation of the content.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1316
def to_s()
  # (native code)
writable?() click to toggle source

Checks whether the index is writable.

  • @return True if the index is writable, or false if not.

# File tkrzw.rb, line 1303
def writable?()
  # (native code)