Kyoto Tycoon
Namespaces | Functions | Variables
ktutil.h File Reference

utility functions More...

#include <ktcommon.h>


namespace  kyototycoon

All symbols of Kyoto Tycoon.


bool kyototycoon::setkillsignalhandler (void(*handler)(int))
 Set the signal handler for termination signals.
bool kyototycoon::maskthreadsignal ()
 Set the signal mask of the current to ignore all.
bool kyototycoon::daemonize ()
 Switch the process into the background.
int32_t kyototycoon::executecommand (const std::vector< std::string > &args)
 Execute a shell command.
const char * kyototycoon::strmapget (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &map, const char *key, size_t *sp=NULL)
 Get the C-style string value of a record in a string map.
void kyototycoon::printstrvec (const std::vector< std::string > &vec, std::ostream &strm=std::cout)
 Print all records in a string vector.
void kyototycoon::printstrmap (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &map, std::ostream &strm=std::cout)
 Print all records in a string map.
void kyototycoon::urlbreak (const char *url, std::map< std::string, std::string > *elems)
 Break up a URL into elements.
char * kyototycoon::xmlescape (const char *str)
 Escape meta characters in a string with the entity references of XML.
char * kyototycoon::xmlunescape (const char *str)
 Unescape meta characters in a string with the entity references of XML.
void kyototycoon::wwwformtomap (const std::string &str, std::map< std::string, std::string > *map)
 Parse a www-form-urlencoded string and store each records into a map.
void kyototycoon::maptowwwform (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &map, std::string *str)
 Serialize a string map into a www-form-urlencoded string.
void kyototycoon::tsvtomap (const std::string &str, std::map< std::string, std::string > *map)
 Parse a TSV string and store each records into a map.
void kyototycoon::maptotsv (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &map, std::string *str)
 Serialize a string map into a TSV string.
void kyototycoon::tsvmapencode (std::map< std::string, std::string > *map, int32_t mode)
 Encode each record of a string map.
void kyototycoon::tsvmapdecode (std::map< std::string, std::string > *map, int32_t mode)
 Decode each record of a string map.
int32_t kyototycoon::checkmapenc (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &map)
 Check the best suited encoding of a string map.
char * kyototycoon::strcapitalize (char *str)
 Capitalize letters of a string.
bool kyototycoon::strisalnum (const char *str)
 Check a string is composed of alphabets or numbers only.
void kyototycoon::strtokenize (const char *str, std::vector< std::string > *tokens)
 Tokenize a string separating by space characters.
void kyototycoon::getcalendar (int64_t t, int32_t jl, int32_t *yearp=NULL, int32_t *monp=NULL, int32_t *dayp=NULL, int32_t *hourp=NULL, int32_t *minp=NULL, int32_t *secp=NULL)
 Get the Gregorian calendar of a time.
void kyototycoon::datestrwww (int64_t t, int32_t jl, char *buf)
 Format a date as a string in W3CDTF.
void kyototycoon::datestrwww (double t, int32_t jl, int32_t acr, char *buf)
 Format a date as a string in W3CDTF with the fraction part.
void kyototycoon::datestrhttp (int64_t t, int32_t jl, char *buf)
 Format a date as a string in RFC 1123 format.
int64_t kyototycoon::strmktime (const char *str)
 Get the time value of a date string.
int32_t kyototycoon::jetlag ()
 Get the jet lag of the local time.
int32_t kyototycoon::dayofweek (int32_t year, int32_t mon, int32_t day)
 Get the day of week of a date.
bool kyototycoon::getlocaltime (time_t time, struct std::tm *result)
 Get the local time of a time.
bool kyototycoon::getgmtime (time_t time, struct std::tm *result)
 Get the GMT local time of a time.
time_t kyototycoon::mkgmtime (struct std::tm *tm)
 Make the GMT from a time structure.


const char *const kyototycoon::VERSION
 The package version.
const int32_t kyototycoon::LIBVER
 The library version.
const int32_t kyototycoon::LIBREV
 The library revision.
const char *const kyototycoon::FEATURES
 The extra feature list.
const int32_t kyototycoon::DEFPORT = 1978
 The default port number.

Detailed Description

utility functions