Class Estraier::Result
In: estraier-doc.rb
Parent: Object

++ Abstraction of result set from database.


Public Class methods

Create a result set object.

Public Instance methods

Get the number of documents. The return value is the number of documents in the result.

Get the index of the container database of a document. `index’ specifies the index of a document. The return value is the index of the container database of the document or -1 if the index is out of bounds.

Get the ID number of a document. `index’ specifies the index of a document. The return value is the ID number of the document or -1 if the index is out of bounds.

Get the score of a document. `index’ specifies the index of a document. The return value is the score of the document or -1 if the index is out of bounds.

Get an array of ID numbers of eclipsed docuemnts of a document. `id’ specifies the ID number of a parent document. The return value is an array whose elements expresse the ID numbers and their scores alternately.

Get the value of a hint word. `word’ specifies a hint word. An empty string means the number of whole result. The return value is the number of documents corresponding the hint word. If the word is in a negative condition, the value is negative.

Get an array of hint words. The return value is an array of hint words.
