CHAPTER XXXVI (第36章) [名] the 36th chapter

 As soon as we reckoned everybody was asleep that night we went down the lightning-rod, and shut ourselves up in the lean-to, and got out our pile of fox-fire, and went to work.
shut oneself up (閉じこもる) [動] to stay in a place and not go out or see anyone
lean-to (物置小屋) [名] a small building with a sloping roof that is built against a wall
go to work (仕事に取りかかる) [動] to start working
We cleared everything out of the way, about four or five foot along the middle of the bottom log.
clear (片づける) [動] remove all items from
Tom said he was right behind Jim’s bed now, and we’d dig in under it, and when we got through there couldn’t nobody in the cabin ever know there was any hole there, because Jim’s counter-pin hung down most to the ground, and you’d have to raise it up and look under to see the hole.
right behind (真後ろ) [副] directly behind
get through (通り抜ける) [動] pass through or across
counter-pin (カウンターピン) [名] a pin used to secure a counter
So we dug and dug with the case-knives till most midnight;
and then we was dog-tired, and our hands was blistered, and yet you couldn’t see we’d done anything hardly.
At last I says:

 “This ain’t no thirty-seven year job;
this is a thirty-eight year job, Tom Sawyer.”
thirty-eight (38) [数] the number 38

 He never said nothing.
But he sighed, and pretty soon he stopped digging, and then for a good little while I knowed that he was thinking.
for a good little while (しばらくの間) [名] for a short period of time
Then he says:

 “It ain’t no use, Huck, it ain’t a-going to work.
ain't a-going to work (うまくいかない) [動] will not work or function properly
If we was prisoners it would, because then we’d have as many years as we wanted, and no hurry;
and we wouldn’t get but a few minutes to dig, every day, while they was changing watches, and so our hands wouldn’t get blistered, and we could keep it up right along, year in and year out, and do it right, and the way it ought to be done.
a few minutes (数分) [名] a small amount of time
get blistered (水ぶくれになる) [動] develop a blister
year in and year out (何年も) [副] continuously
do it right (正しく行う) [動] perform correctly
the way it ought to be done (そうあるべき方法) [名] the correct way to do something
But we can’t fool along; we got to rush; we ain’t got no time to spare.
fool along (ぐずぐずする) [動] waste time
spare (余裕がある) [動] have enough of something to be able to give some of it to others
If we was to put in another night this way we’d have to knock off for a week to let our hands get well—couldn’t touch a case-knife with them sooner.”
another (もう一つ) [形] an additional
knock off (休む) [動] stop working

 “Well, then, what we going to do, Tom?”

 “I’ll tell you. It ain’t right, and it ain’t moral, and I wouldn’t like it to get out;
moral (道徳的) [形] concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior
get out (広まる) [動] become known
but there ain’t only just the one way:
we got to dig him out with the picks, and let on it’s case-knives.”
pick (ピック) [名] a tool with a long handle and a curved, pointed head, used for breaking up hard ground

 “Now you’re talking!” I says;
be talking (話している) [動] be engaged in speech
“your head gets leveler and leveler all the time, Tom Sawyer,” I says.
leveler (冷静) [形] calm and unemotional
“Picks is the thing, moral or no moral;
and as for me, I don’t care shucks for the morality of it, nohow.
morality (道徳) [名] principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior
When I start in to steal a nigger, or a watermelon, or a Sunday-school book, I ain’t no ways particular how it’s done so it’s done.
Sunday-school book (日曜学校の本) [名] a book used in a Sunday school
ain't no ways particular (どうでもいい) [動] not care about something
it's done (やる) [動] do something
What I want is my nigger; or what I want is my watermelon;
what I want (私が欲しい) [名] the thing that I desire
Sunday school book (日曜学校の本) [名] a book used in a Sunday school
or what I want is my Sunday-school book;
and if a pick’s the handiest thing, that’s the thing I’m a-going to dig that nigger or that watermelon or that Sunday-school book out with;
handiest (一番手近にある) [形] most convenient or easy to use
and I don’t give a dead rat what the authorities thinks about it nuther.”
authority (当局) [名] the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
dead rat (死んだネズミ) [名] a rat that is no longer alive

 “Well,” he says, “there’s excuse for picks and letting-on in a case like this;
if it warn’t so, I wouldn’t approve of it, nor I wouldn’t stand by and see the rules broke—because right is right, and wrong is wrong, and a body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better.
if it warn't so (そうでなければ) [接] if it were not so
approve of (認める) [動] have a favorable opinion of
rule (規則) [名] one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular area of activity
ain't got no business (する必要はない) [動] have no reason or need to
know better (よく知っている) [動] be aware of the truth of a situation
It might answer for you to dig Jim out with a pick, without any letting on, because you don’t know no better;
but it wouldn’t for me, because I do know better.
Gimme a case-knife.”

 He had his own by him, but I handed him mine.
He flung it down, and says:

 “Gimme a case-knife.”

 I didn’t know just what to do—but then I thought.
I scratched around amongst the old tools, and got a pickaxe and give it to him, and he took it and went to work, and never said a word.
scratch around (探し回る) [動] search for something by moving things around
pickaxe (つるはし) [名] a hand tool with a long handle and a curved, pointed head, used for breaking up hard ground or rock

 He was always just that particular.
particular (几帳面) [形] concerned with or attentive to details
Full of principle.
principle (主義) [名] a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning

 So then I got a shovel, and then we picked and shoveled, turn about, and made the fur fly.
pick (掘る) [動] break up or loosen with a pick
turn about (交代で) [動] change direction or position
We stuck to it about a half an hour, which was as long as we could stand up;
stick to (続ける) [動] continue doing something
stand up (立っている) [動] be in or assume a position in which you put your weight on your feet but not on your knees
but we had a good deal of a hole to show for it.
have a good deal of (かなりの) [動] have a lot of
When I got up stairs I looked out at the window and see Tom doing his level best with the lightning-rod, but he couldn’t come it, his hands was so sore.
do one's level best (最善を尽くす) [動] do the best one can
be sore (痛い) [動] causing pain or discomfort
At last he says:

 “It ain’t no use, it can’t be done.
What you reckon I better do?
Can’t you think of no way?”

 “Yes,” I says, “but I reckon it ain’t regular.
Come up the stairs, and let on it’s a lightning-rod.”

 So he done it.

 Next day Tom stole a pewter spoon and a brass candlestick in the house, for to make some pens for Jim out of, and six tallow candles;
pewter spoon (ピューターのスプーン) [名] a spoon made of pewter
brass candlestick (真鍮の燭台) [名] a candlestick made of brass
tallow candle (獣脂蝋燭) [名] a candle made of tallow
and I hung around the nigger cabins and laid for a chance, and stole three tin plates.
hang around (うろつく) [動] loiter or wait around
lay for (待つ) [動] wait for
Tom says it wasn’t enough;
but I said nobody wouldn’t ever see the plates that Jim throwed out, because they’d fall in the dog-fennel and jimpson weeds under the window-hole—then we could tote them back and he could use them over again.
throw out (投げ捨てる) [動] to get rid of something
dog-fennel (犬のフェンネル) [名] a plant
jimpson weed (ジムソンの雑草) [名] a plant
So Tom was satisfied.
Then he says:

 “Now, the thing to study out is, how to get the things to Jim.”
study out (考え出す) [動] to manage to produce, deliver, or present something by inventing, creating, thinking of, or obtaining it
get (届ける) [動] cause to come or go to a place

 “Take them in through the hole,” I says, “when we get it done.”
take (入れる) [動] cause to be in a place
get (開く) [動] become or cause to become open

 He only just looked scornful, and said something about nobody ever heard of such an idiotic idea, and then he went to studying.
look scornful (軽蔑したように見える) [動] to have an expression of scorn on one's face
say something (何かを言う) [動] to make a statement or remark
go to (取りかかる) [動] to begin doing something
studying (勉強) [名] the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge especially by means of books
By-and-by he said he had ciphered out two or three ways, but there warn’t no need to decide on any of them yet.
Said we’d got to post Jim first.

 That night we went down the lightning-rod a little after ten, and took one of the candles along, and listened under the window-hole, and heard Jim snoring;
a little after ten (十時過ぎ) [名] a time slightly after ten o'clock
so we pitched it in, and it didn’t wake him.
pitch (投げ込む) [動] throw or fling something with a particular aim or purpose
Then we whirled in with the pick and shovel, and in about two hours and a half the job was done.
whirl (掘る) [動] move or cause to move rapidly around and around
two hours and a half (二時間半) [名] a period of time lasting 150 minutes
We crept in under Jim’s bed and into the cabin, and pawed around and found the candle and lit it, and stood over Jim awhile, and found him looking hearty and healthy, and then we woke him up gentle and gradual.
creep in (忍び込む) [動] move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being seen or heard
hearty (元気) [形] strong and healthy
gradual (ゆっくり) [形] taking place or changing slowly or by degrees
He was so glad to see us he most cried;
and called us honey, and all the pet names he could think of;
pet name (愛称) [名] a name used to express affection for someone or something
and was for having us hunt up a cold-chisel to cut the chain off of his leg with right away, and clearing out without losing any time.
cold-chisel (コールドチゼル) [名] a chisel made of hardened steel
But Tom he showed him how unregular it would be, and set down and told him all about our plans, and how we could alter them in a minute any time there was an alarm;
alter (変える) [動] to make different
and not to be the least afraid, because we would see he got away, sure.
not to be (しないように) [動] not to do something
afraid (恐れる) [形] feeling fear or worry
So Jim he said it was all right, and we set there and talked over old times awhile, and then Tom asked a lot of questions, and when Jim told him Uncle Silas come in every day or two to pray with him, and Aunt Sally come in to see if he was comfortable and had plenty to eat, and both of them was kind as they could be, Tom says:

 “Now I know how to fix it.
We’ll send you some things by them.”

 I said, “Don’t do nothing of the kind;
do nothing of the kind (そんなことはするな) [動] do not do anything like that
it’s one of the most jackass ideas I ever struck;”
one of the most (一番) [名] the most
jackass (馬鹿げた) [名] a stupid person
but he never paid no attention to me;
pay attention (注意を払う) [動] direct one's mind to something
went right on.
go right on (そのまま続ける) [動] continue doing something without stopping
It was his way when he’d got his plans set.
set (立てる) [動] put up or erect

 So he told Jim how we’d have to smuggle in the rope-ladder pie and other large things by Nat, the nigger that fed him, and he must be on the lookout, and not be surprised, and not let Nat see him open them;
rope-ladder (ロープ梯子) [名] a ladder made of rope
large (大きな) [形] of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity
Nat (ナット) [名] a male given name
be on the lookout (見張りをする) [動] be vigilant or observant
be surprised (驚く) [動] feel or show surprise
and we would put small things in uncle’s coat-pockets and he must steal them out;
and we would tie things to aunt’s apron-strings or put them in her apron-pocket, if we got a chance;
apron (エプロン) [名] a garment worn over the front of one's clothes to protect them from dirt or damage
and told him what they would be and what they was for.
And told him how to keep a journal on the shirt with his blood, and all that.
keep a journal (日記をつける) [動] write in a journal
all that (その他もろもろ) [名] everything else
He told him everything.
Jim he couldn’t see no sense in the most of it, but he allowed we was white folks and knowed better than him;
couldn't see no sense (意味を見出せなかった) [動] be unable to understand
so he was satisfied, and said he would do it all just as Tom said.

 Jim had plenty corn-cob pipes and tobacco;
corn-cob pipe (とうもろこしの軸のパイプ) [名] a pipe made from the cob of a corn plant
so we had a right down good sociable time;
have a right down good time (本当に楽しい時間を過ごす) [動] have a very enjoyable time
sociable (社交的な) [形] friendly and pleasant
then we crawled out through the hole, and so home to bed, with hands that looked like they’d been chawed.
crawl out (這い出る) [動] move slowly and carefully
chew (噛む) [動] bite and grind with the teeth
Tom was in high spirits.
be in high spirits (上機嫌である) [動] be very happy or cheerful
He said it was the best fun he ever had in his life, and the most intellectural;
the best (一番) [形] of the highest quality
the most (一番) [形] of the highest quality
intellectual (知的) [形] of or relating to the intellect or its use
and said if he only could see his way to it we would keep it up all the rest of our lives and leave Jim to our children to get out;
see one's way to (方法を見つける) [動] find a way to do something
for he believed Jim would come to like it better and better the more he got used to it.
the more (~すればするほど) [接] to a greater extent
He said that in that way it could be strung out to as much as eighty year, and would be the best time on record.
string out (及ぶ) [動] extend or stretch out
eighty year (80年) [名] a period of time equal to 80 years
best time (最高の時期) [名] the most enjoyable or most successful period of time
on record (記録上) [副] known or recorded
And he said it would make us all celebrated that had a hand in it.
have a hand in (関わる) [動] be involved in
celebrate (有名になる) [動] make famous

 In the morning we went out to the woodpile and chopped up the brass candlestick into handy sizes, and Tom put them and the pewter spoon in his pocket.
chop up (切り刻む) [動] cut into pieces
size (大きさ) [名] how big or small something is
Then we went to the nigger cabins, and while I got Nat’s notice off, Tom shoved a piece of candlestick into the middle of a corn-pone that was in Jim’s pan, and we went along with Nat to see how it would work, and it just worked noble;
nigger cabin (黒人の小屋) [名] a small house for a black person
get off (そらす) [動] to turn away from
work (作用する) [動] to have an effect
noble (見事) [形] of high birth or rank
when Jim bit into it it most mashed all his teeth out;
mash (砕く) [動] crush or pound to a pulpy mass
and there warn’t ever anything could a worked better.
there warn't ever anything (これ以上うまくいくことはあり得なかった) [名] there was never anything
could a worked better (うまくいくことはあり得なかった) [動] could have worked better
Tom said so himself.
Jim he never let on but what it was only just a piece of rock or something like that that’s always getting into bread, you know;
but after that he never bit into nothing but what he jabbed his fork into it in three or four places first.
bite into (噛む) [動] cut into with the teeth
but what (~でないと) [接] except that; other than
jab (突き刺す) [動] poke or thrust abruptly
into (~に) [前] to the inside of

 And whilst we was a-standing there in the dimmish light, here comes a couple of the hounds bulging in from under Jim’s bed;
dimmish (薄暗い) [形] somewhat dim
bulge (飛び出す) [動] swell or protrude beyond the normal limits
and they kept on piling in till there was eleven of them, and there warn’t hardly room in there to get your breath.
pile in (次から次へと入ってくる) [動] enter a place in large numbers
By jings, we forgot to fasten that lean-to door!
The nigger Nat he only just hollered “Witches” once, and keeled over on to the floor amongst the dogs, and begun to groan like he was dying.
keel over (ひっくり返る) [動] to fall over
Tom jerked the door open and flung out a slab of Jim’s meat, and the dogs went for it, and in two seconds he was out himself and back again and shut the door, and I knowed he’d fixed the other door too.
jerk (ぐいと開ける) [動] move or pull with a sudden sharp movement
slab (塊) [名] a thick, flat piece of something
go for (飛びつく) [動] try to get or reach
two seconds (2秒後) [名] a very short period of time
Then he went to work on the nigger, coaxing him and petting him, and asking him if he’d been imagining he saw something again.
imagine (思い込む) [動] form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case
He raised up, and blinked his eyes around, and says:
blink (パチパチさせる) [動] shut and open the eyes quickly

 “Mars Sid, you’ll say I’s a fool, but if I didn’t b’lieve I see most a million dogs, er devils, er some’n, I wisht I may die right heah in dese tracks.
some'n (何か) [名] something
right (ここで) [副] in this place
I did, mos’ sholy.
did (見た) [動] see
mos’ sholy (間違いなく) [副] certainly; without doubt
Mars Sid, I felt um—I felt um, sah;
Mars (シド) [名] the Roman god of war
sah (様) [名] a title of respect used for men
dey was all over me.
Dad fetch it, I jis’ wisht I could git my han’s on one er dem witches jis’ wunst—on’y jis’ wunst—it’s all I’d ast.
Dad fetch it (くそっ) [間] an expression of annoyance
wisht (願う) [動] feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable
han's (手) [名] the end of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb
ast (尋ねる) [動] say something in order to obtain an answer or some information
But mos’ly I wisht dey’d lemme ’lone, I does.”
lemme (私に) [代] me
’lone (一人で) [形] having no companions; solitary

 Tom says:

 “Well, I tell you what I think.
What makes them come here just at this runaway nigger’s breakfast-time?
make (来る) [動] cause to come or go
It’s because they’re hungry;
that’s the reason.
You make them a witch pie;
that’s the thing for you to do.”
thing (仕事) [名] a task or action that needs to be done

 “But my lan’, Mars Sid, how’s I gwyne to make ’m a witch pie?
I doan’ know how to make it.
how to make (作り方) [名] the method of making something
I hain’t ever hearn er sich a thing b’fo’.”
sich (そのような) [形] of that kind; of the type mentioned
b'fo' (前に) [前] earlier than; in front of

 “Well, then, I’ll have to make it myself.”

 “Will you do it, honey?—will you?
「やってくれるかい、ハニー? やってくれるかい?
I’ll wusshup de groun’ und’ yo’ foot, I will!”
worship (崇拝する) [動] show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites

 “All right, I’ll do it, seeing it’s you, and you’ve been good to us and showed us the runaway nigger.
But you got to be mighty careful.
When we come around, you turn your back;
come around (来る) [動] move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker
and then whatever we’ve put in the pan, don’t you let on you see it at all.
And don’t you look when Jim unloads the pan—something might happen, I don’t know what.
unload (取り出す) [動] remove the load or cargo from
And above all, don’t you handle the witch-things.”
above all (何よりも) [副] most importantly
handle (触る) [動] touch or hold with the hands

 “Hannel ’m, Mars Sid?
Hannel (触る) [動] to touch or feel
What is you a-talkin’ ’bout?
a-talkin' (言っている) [動] say something
I wouldn’ lay de weight er my finger on um, not f’r ten hund’d thous’n billion dollars, I wouldn’t.”
weight (重さ) [名] the heaviness of a person or thing
thousand (1000) [名] the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one hundred
billion (10億) [名] the cardinal number that is the product of one thousand and one million