CHAPTER XXXIII (第33章) [名] the 33rd chapter

 So I started for town in the wagon, and when I was half-way I see a wagon coming, and sure enough it was Tom Sawyer, and I stopped and waited till he come along.
half-way (道の半ば) [名] the middle of a journey
I says “Hold on!” and it stopped alongside, and his mouth opened up like a trunk, and stayed so;
open up (開く) [動] become open
and he swallowed two or three times like a person that’s got a dry throat, and then says:

 “I hain’t ever done you no harm. You know that.
do no harm (悪いことをしない) [動] not cause any damage or injury
So, then, what you want to come back and ha’nt me for?”
ha'nt (悩ませる) [動] haunt; visit frequently

 I says:

 “I hain’t come back—
I hain’t been gone.”
been (行った) [動] go
gone (行ったこともない) [動] go

 When he heard my voice it righted him up some, but he warn’t quite satisfied yet.
right (落ち着く) [動] return to a normal or upright position
quite (完全に) [副] to the fullest extent
satisfied (納得する) [形] pleased because you have achieved something
He says:

 “Don’t you play nothing on me, because I wouldn’t on you.
play on (騙す) [動] to take advantage of
Honest injun now, you ain’t a ghost?”

 “Honest injun, I ain’t,” I says.

 “Well—I—I—well, that ought to settle it, of course;
settle (決める) [動] decide or agree about something
but I can’t somehow seem to understand it no way.
Looky here, warn’t you ever murdered at all?”

 “No. I warn’t ever murdered at all—I played it on them.
murdered (殺される) [動] kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation
play (ふりをする) [動] pretend to be
You come in here and feel of me if you don’t believe me.”

 So he done it; and it satisfied him; and he was that glad to see me again he didn’t know what to do.
satisfy (満足する) [動] be content with
don't know what to do (どうしたらいいかわからない) [動] be confused or perplexed
And he wanted to know all about it right off, because it was a grand adventure, and mysterious, and so it hit him where he lived.
hit (衝撃を与える) [動] come into forceful contact with
But I said, leave it alone till by-and-by; and told his driver to wait, and we drove off a little piece, and I told him the kind of a fix I was in, and what did he reckon we better do?
driver (運転手) [名] a person who drives a vehicle
drive off (走り去る) [動] leave quickly in a vehicle
He said, let him alone a minute, and don’t disturb him.
So he thought and thought, and pretty soon he says:

 “It’s all right; I’ve got it.
Take my trunk in your wagon, and let on it’s your’n;
and you turn back and fool along slow, so as to get to the house about the time you ought to;
turn back (戻る) [動] go back in the direction from which you came
fool along (ゆっくり歩く) [動] move or act slowly or aimlessly
and I’ll go towards town a piece, and take a fresh start, and get there a quarter or a half an hour after you;
go towards (の方へ行く) [動] move in the direction of
a piece (少し) [名] a small part of something
take a fresh start (出発する) [動] begin something again
a quarter (15分) [名] one of four equal parts
a half (30分) [名] one of two equal parts
and you needn’t let on to know me at first.”

 I says:

 “All right; but wait a minute.
wait a minute (ちょっと待って) [動] stop doing something for a short period of time
There’s one more thing—a thing that nobody don’t know but me.
one more (もう一つ) [形] an additional
And that is, there’s a nigger here that I’m a-trying to steal out of slavery, and his name is Jim—old Miss Watson’s Jim.”
Miss Watson (ワトソン老婦人) [名] a female given name

 He says:

 “What! Why, Jim is—”
「何だって! ジムは・・・」

 He stopped and went to studying.
I says:

 “I know what you’ll say.
You’ll say it’s dirty, low-down business;
business (行為) [名] an action or activity
but what if it is?
what if (どうした) [接] what would happen if
I’m low down; and I’m a-going to steal him, and I want you keep mum and not let on.
low down (卑劣) [形] of low moral character
Will you?”

 His eye lit up, and he says:

 “I’ll help you steal him!”

 Well, I let go all holts then, like I was shot.
holt (全て) [名] everything
It was the most astonishing speech I ever heard—and I’m bound to say Tom Sawyer fell considerable in my estimation.
the most astonishing (最も驚くべき) [形] the most surprising
bound to (言わざるを得ない) [形] obliged or compelled to do something
estimation (評価) [名] an opinion or judgment of the worth, quality, or importance of someone or something
Only I couldn’t believe it.
Tom Sawyer a nigger stealer!
stealer (泥棒) [名] a person who steals

 “Oh, shucks!” I says;
“you’re joking.”

 “I ain’t joking, either.”
joking (冗談を言う) [動] say something in jest or without seriousness

 “Well, then,” I says, “joking or no joking, if you hear anything said about a runaway nigger, don’t forget to remember that you don’t know nothing about him, and I don’t know nothing about him.”
joking (冗談) [名] something said or done for amusement and not seriously

 Then we took the trunk and put it in my wagon, and he drove off his way and I drove mine.
wagon (荷車) [名] a vehicle with two or more wheels that is pulled by an animal
drive (行く) [動] travel or be transported in a vehicle
But of course I forgot all about driving slow on accounts of being glad and full of thinking;
so I got home a heap too quick for that length of a trip.
a heap (とても) [副] very much
The old gentleman was at the door, and he says:

 “Why, this is wonderful!
Whoever would a thought it was in that mare to do it?
thought (思った) [動] have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something
I wish we’d a timed her.
time (時間を計る) [動] measure the duration of an event or action
And she hain’t sweated a hair—not a hair.
hair (一滴) [名] a very small amount
It’s wonderful.
Why, I wouldn’t take a hundred dollars for that horse now—I wouldn’t, honest;
wouldn't (~しない) [助] will not
and yet I’d a sold her for fifteen before, and thought ’twas all she was worth.”
and yet (でも) [接] nevertheless; however

 That’s all he said.
be all (だけである) [動] be the only thing or amount
He was the innocentest, best old soul I ever see.
But it warn’t surprising;
surprising (驚くべき) [形] causing surprise or wonder
because he warn’t only just a farmer, he was a preacher, too, and had a little one-horse log church down back of the plantation, which he built it himself at his own expense, for a church and schoolhouse, and never charged nothing for his preaching, and it was worth it, too.
schoolhouse (校舎) [名] a building used as a school
There was plenty other farmer-preachers like that, and done the same way, down South.
like that (そんな) [形] of that kind

 In about half an hour Tom’s wagon drove up to the front stile, and Aunt Sally she see it through the window, because it was only about fifty yards, and says:
about half an hour (30分ほど) [名] a period of time equal to thirty minutes
drive up (やってくる) [動] arrive in a vehicle
only about fifty yards (たった50ヤードほど) [名] a unit of length equal to three feet

 “Why, there’s somebody come!
I wonder who ’tis?
’tis (かしら) [他] it is
Why, I do believe it’s a stranger.
Jimmy” (that’s one of the children) “run and tell Lize to put on another plate for dinner.”
Jimmy (ジミー) [名] a male given name
Lize (ライズ) [名] a female given name
put on (出す) [動] place or position on top of something

 Everybody made a rush for the front door, because, of course, a stranger don’t come every year, and so he lays over the yaller-fever, for interest, when he does come.
every year (毎年) [副] once a year
lay over (よりも面白い) [動] be more interesting than
yaller-fever (黄熱病) [名] a tropical disease caused by a virus and characterized by high fever and jaundice
interest (面白い) [名] the quality of being interesting
Tom was over the stile and starting for the house;
be over (越える) [動] be above or higher than
the wagon was spinning up the road for the village, and we was all bunched in the front door.
spin (走る) [動] move or cause to move quickly
bunch (集まる) [動] come together or cause to come together
Tom had his store clothes on, and an audience—and that was always nuts for Tom Sawyer.
In them circumstances it warn’t no trouble to him to throw in an amount of style that was suitable.
in them circumstances (そういう状況では) [名] in those circumstances
suitable (適切な) [形] right or appropriate for a particular purpose or situation
He warn’t a boy to meeky along up that yard like a sheep;
meeky (歩く) [動] to go on foot; walk
no, he come ca’m and important, like the ram.
important (堂々と) [形] of great significance or value
When he got a-front of us he lifts his hat ever so gracious and dainty, like it was the lid of a box that had butterflies asleep in it and he didn’t want to disturb them, and says:
get a-front of (前に来る) [動] come to the front of
dainty (上品な) [形] of delicate beauty
butterfly (蝶々) [名] an insect with two pairs of large wings that are brightly colored

 “Mr. Archibald Nichols, I presume?”
Archibald Nichols (アーチボルド・ニコルズ) [名] a character in the story
presume (ですね) [動] suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability

 “No, my boy,” says the old gentleman, “I’m sorry to say ’t your driver has deceived you;
deceive (騙す) [動] cause (someone) to believe something that is not true
Nichols’s place is down a matter of three mile more.
Nichols's (ニコルズの) [名] a family name
more (ほど) [副] to a greater extent
Come in, come in.”

 Tom he took a look back over his shoulder, and says, “Too late—he’s out of sight.”
take a look (振り返る) [動] turn one's head or body to look in a specified direction
over one's shoulder (肩越しに) [副] looking back
too late (遅かった) [副] after the right or usual time

 “Yes, he’s gone, my son, and you must come in and eat your dinner with us;
and then we’ll hitch up and take you down to Nichols’s.”
hitch up (馬車を用意する) [動] to fasten or harness a horse or other animal to a vehicle
Nichols (ニコルズ) [名] a surname

 “Oh, I can’t make you so much trouble;
I couldn’t think of it.
I’ll walk—I don’t mind the distance.”

 “But we won’t let you walk—it wouldn’t be Southern hospitality to do it. Come right in.”
hospitality (おもてなし) [名] the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers

 “Oh, do,” says Aunt Sally;
“it ain’t a bit of trouble to us, not a bit in the world. You must stay.
a bit of (ちっとも) [名] a small amount of
It’s a long, dusty three mile, and we can’t let you walk.
dusty (埃っぽい) [形] covered with dust
And, besides, I’ve already told ’em to put on another plate when I see you coming;
put on (用意する) [動] prepare or make ready
so you mustn’t disappoint us.
disappoint (がっかりさせる) [動] fail to meet the hopes or expectations of
Come right in and make yourself at home.”
come right in (さあ、入って) [動] enter a place
make oneself at home (くつろいで) [動] feel comfortable in a place

 So Tom he thanked them very hearty and handsome, and let himself be persuaded, and come in;
hearty (心から) [形] warm and friendly
let oneself be persuaded (説得される) [動] allow oneself to be convinced
and when he was in he said he was a stranger from Hicksville, Ohio, and his name was William Thompson—and he made another bow.
be in (中に入る) [動] be inside
say (名乗る) [動] state or express something in words
Hicksville (ヒックスビル) [名] a village in Nassau County, New York
William Thompson (ウィリアム・トンプソン) [名] a man's name

 Well, he run on, and on, and on, making up stuff about Hicksville and everybody in it he could invent, and I getting a little nervious, and wondering how this was going to help me out of my scrape;
get nervious (不安になる) [動] become anxious or worried
help out (救う) [動] assist or aid
and at last, still talking along, he reached over and kissed Aunt Sally right on the mouth, and then settled back again in his chair comfortable, and was going on talking;
reach over (手を伸ばす) [動] stretch out one's hand
settle back (座り直す) [動] sit back again
but she jumped up and wiped it off with the back of her hand, and says:
wipe off (拭き取る) [動] clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth or towel

 “You owdacious puppy!”
puppy (小僧) [名] a young dog

 He looked kind of hurt, and says:

 “I’m surprised at you, m’am.”
be surprised at (驚く) [動] feel or show surprise
m'am (奥さん) [名] a polite term of address for a woman

 “You’re s’rp—Why, what do you reckon I am?
「あなたは驚いたのか? おい、私が何者だと思ってるんだ?
I’ve a good notion to take and—Say, what do you mean by kissing me?”

 He looked kind of humble, and says:

 “I didn’t mean nothing, m’am.
ma'am (奥さん) [名] a term of respectful or polite address used for a woman
I didn’t mean no harm.
I—I—thought you’d like it.”

 “Why, you born fool!”
born (生まれつきの) [形] having a particular quality or ability from birth
She took up the spinning stick, and it looked like it was all she could do to keep from giving him a crack with it.
spinning stick (紡ぎ棒) [名] a stick used for spinning
keep from (我慢する) [動] refrain from
give a crack (殴る) [動] hit
“What made you think I’d like it?”

 “Well, I don’t know.
Only, they—they—told me you would.”

 “They told you I would.
Whoever told you’s another lunatic.
lunatic (狂人) [名] a person who is mentally ill
I never heard the beat of it.
beat (音) [名] a regular repeating pattern of sound
Who’s they?”

 “Why, everybody. They all said so, m’am.”

 It was all she could do to hold in;
all (精一杯) [名] the whole of something
hold in (我慢する) [動] to keep or hold back
and her eyes snapped, and her fingers worked like she wanted to scratch him;
snap (ぎょろぎょろする) [動] move or act quickly and suddenly
scratch (引っかく) [動] make a long, narrow, shallow cut in the surface of something
and she says:

 “Who’s ‘everybody’? Out with their names, or ther’ll be an idiot short.”
out with (言え) [動] say something
「みんなって誰? 名前を言え、さもないと馬鹿が一人減ることになるぞ」

 He got up and looked distressed, and fumbled his hat, and says:
look distressed (困った顔をする) [動] have a troubled expression
fumble (いじる) [動] handle or touch something in a clumsy way

 “I’m sorry, and I warn’t expecting it. They told me to.
They all told me to.
They all said, kiss her; and said she’d like it.
They all said it—every one of them.
But I’m sorry, m’am, and I won’t do it no more—I won’t, honest.”

 “You won’t, won’t you?
Well, I sh’d reckon you won’t!”

 “No’m, I’m honest about it;
No'm (いいえ、奥さん) [他] no, ma'am
I won’t ever do it again—till you ask me.”

 “Till I ask you! Well, I never see the beat of it in my born days!
「私が頼むまで! 生まれてこのかた、こんなことは見たことがない!
I lay you’ll be the Methusalem-numskull of creation before ever I ask you—or the likes of you.”
Methusalem-numskull (老いぼれ) [名] a very old person
creation (創造物) [名] something that has been created

 “Well,” he says, “it does surprise me so.
surprise (驚かせる) [動] cause (someone) to feel mild astonishment or shock
I can’t make it out, somehow.
They said you would, and I thought you would.
He stopped and looked around slow, like he wished he could run across a friendly eye somewheres, and fetched up on the old gentleman’s, and says, “Didn’t you think she’d like me to kiss her, sir?”

 “Why, no; I—I—well, no, I b’lieve I didn’t.”
no (そうは) [副] to the contrary

 Then he looks on around the same way to me, and says:
look on (見回す) [動] look around

 “Tom, didn’t you think Aunt Sally ’d open out her arms and say, ‘Sid Sawyer—’”
open out (広げる) [動] to spread out or unfold

 “My land!” she says, breaking in and jumping for him, “you impudent young rascal, to fool a body so—” and was going to hug him, but he fended her off, and says:
impudent (生意気な) [形] people who lack modesty or good manners

 “No, not till you’ve asked me first.”

 So she didn’t lose no time, but asked him;
and hugged him and kissed him over and over again, and then turned him over to the old man, and he took what was left.
turn over (引き渡す) [動] give control or possession of
And after they got a little quiet again she says:
get quiet (落ち着く) [動] become quiet

 “Why, dear me, I never see such a surprise.
We warn’t looking for you at all, but only Tom.
Sis never wrote to me about anybody coming but him.”

 “It’s because it warn’t intended for any of us to come but Tom,” he says;
it warn't intended (来ることになっていなかった) [動] it was not intended
he says (彼は言った) [動] he said
“but I begged and begged, and at the last minute she let me come, too;
last minute (最後の最後) [名] the latest possible time
so, coming down the river, me and Tom thought it would be a first-rate surprise for him to come here to the house first, and for me to by-and-by tag along and drop in, and let on to be a stranger.
by-and-by (後から) [副] after a short time
tag along (ついてくる) [動] follow someone or something
But it was a mistake, Aunt Sally. This ain’t no healthy place for a stranger to come.”
healthy (安全な) [形] conducive to good health

 “No—not impudent whelps, Sid.
whelp (子供) [名] a young dog
You ought to had your jaws boxed;
box (殴る) [動] hit with the hand
I hain’t been so put out since I don’t know when.
put out (困惑する) [動] to be annoyed or upset
I don't know when (いつ以来かわからない) [名] I don't know the time
But I don’t care, I don’t mind the terms—I’d be willing to stand a thousand such jokes to have you here.
Well, to think of that performance!
performance (演技) [名] the execution of an action
I don’t deny it, I was most putrified with astonishment when you give me that smack.”
putrefy (腐る) [動] decompose or cause to decompose

 We had dinner out in that broad open passage betwixt the house and the kitchen;
out (外で) [副] not in a building
and there was things enough on that table for seven families—and all hot, too;
seven (七つ) [形] the number 7
none of your flabby, tough meat that’s laid in a cupboard in a damp cellar all night and tastes like a hunk of old cold cannibal in the morning.
flabby (ぐにゃぐにゃした) [形] lacking firmness or muscle tone
cupboard (食器棚) [名] a place, usually with a door and shelves, for storing food, dishes, or sometimes clothes
taste (味がする) [動] have a particular flavor
cannibal (人食い人種) [名] a person who eats the flesh of other human beings
Uncle Silas he asked a pretty long blessing over it, but it was worth it;
Uncle Silas (サイラスおじさん) [名] the uncle of Huckleberry Finn
ask (祈る) [動] say a prayer
pretty long (かなり長い) [形] very long
blessing (祝福) [名] a prayer asking for divine favor
and it didn’t cool it a bit, neither, the way I’ve seen them kind of interruptions do lots of times.
cool (冷める) [動] become or cause to become less hot
interruption (邪魔) [名] the stoppage of an activity or process
There was a considerable good deal of talk all the afternoon, and me and Tom was on the lookout all the time;
a considerable good deal of (かなりの) [名] a large amount or number of
talk (話し合い) [名] a speech or other form of discourse
on the lookout (見張る) [動] be vigilant for possible danger
but it warn’t no use, they didn’t happen to say nothing about any runaway nigger, and we was afraid to try to work up to it.
be afraid to (怖がる) [動] be scared to
work up to (話題にする) [動] gradually introduce a topic
But at supper, at night, one of the little boys says:

 “Pa, mayn’t Tom and Sid and me go to the show?”

 “No,” says the old man, “I reckon there ain’t going to be any;
and you couldn’t go if there was;
there was (あったとしても) [動] exist or occur
because the runaway nigger told Burton and me all about that scandalous show, and Burton said he would tell the people;
Burton (バートン) [名] a surname
scandalous (不名誉な) [形] causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law
so I reckon they’ve drove the owdacious loafers out of town before this time.”

 So there it was!—but I couldn’t help it.
there it was (そういうことだったんだ) [句] that was the situation
couldn't help it (どうしようもなかった) [句] could not do anything about it
そういうことだったんだ! でもどうしようもなかった。
Tom and me was to sleep in the same room and bed;
so, being tired, we bid good-night and went up to bed right after supper, and clumb out of the window and down the lightning-rod, and shoved for the town;
be tired (疲れている) [動] be in a state of mental or physical exhaustion
bid good-night (おやすみなさいと言う) [動] say good-night
go up to bed (ベッドに上がる) [動] go to bed
right after (すぐ後に) [副] immediately after
clumb out of (出て行く) [動] climb out of
lightning-rod (避雷針) [名] a metal rod or wire that is attached to a building or other structure and that is intended to protect it from damage by lightning
shove for (向かう) [動] go in a specified direction
for I didn’t believe anybody was going to give the king and the duke a hint, and so if I didn’t hurry up and give them one they’d get into trouble sure.
get into (巻き込まれる) [動] become involved in something

 On the road Tom he told me all about how it was reckoned I was murdered, and how pap disappeared pretty soon, and didn’t come back no more, and what a stir there was when Jim run away;
on the road (道中) [副] while traveling
stir (騒ぎ) [名] a disturbance or commotion
and I told Tom all about our Royal Nonesuch rapscallions, and as much of the raft voyage as I had time to;
voyage (旅) [名] a long journey by sea
and as we struck into the town and up through the the middle of it—it was as much as half-after eight, then—here comes a raging rush of people with torches, and an awful whooping and yelling, and banging tin pans and blowing horns;
strike into (突入する) [動] move quickly and forcefully into
the middle of (真ん中) [名] the point or part that is equally distant from all sides, ends, or surfaces of something
half-after (半) [名] one of two equal parts that together form a whole
raging rush (怒涛) [名] a violent or turbulent movement or action
torch (松明) [名] a portable electric lamp
whooping (叫び声) [名] a loud cry or shout
yelling (叫び声) [名] a loud cry or shout
banging (叩く) [動] strike or hit forcefully and noisily
blowing (吹く) [動] produce a current of air
horn (角笛) [名] a musical instrument made of a horn
and we jumped to one side to let them go by;
and as they went by I see they had the king and the duke astraddle of a rail—that is, I knowed it was the king and the duke, though they was all over tar and feathers, and didn’t look like nothing in the world that was human—just looked like a couple of monstrous big soldier-plumes.
astraddle (またがる) [動] sit or stand with one leg on each side of something
rail (柵) [名] a fence or barrier made of a series of bars
plume (羽飾り) [名] a large feather or a bunch of feathers used as a decoration
Well, it made me sick to see it;
make sick (気分が悪くなる) [動] cause to feel nausea
and I was sorry for them poor pitiful rascals, it seemed like I couldn’t ever feel any hardness against them any more in the world.
hardness (厳しさ) [名] the quality of being hard
any more (二度と) [副] ever again
in the world (この世で) [副] at all; ever
It was a dreadful thing to see.
Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.
human being (人間) [名] a human
cruel (残酷な) [形] willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it

 We see we was too late—couldn’t do no good.
do no good (どうにもならない) [動] be of no use or help
We asked some stragglers about it, and they said everybody went to the show looking very innocent;
straggler (遅れて来た人) [名] a person who is slow or late
and laid low and kept dark till the poor old king was in the middle of his cavortings on the stage;
keep dark (暗闇に隠れる) [動] to remain hidden or concealed
cavorting (大騒ぎ) [名] the action of moving or jumping around in a lively or playful way
then somebody give a signal, and the house rose up and went for them.
give a signal (合図をする) [動] make a gesture or sound to indicate that something is about to happen
house (観客) [名] the audience in a theater

 So we poked along back home, and I warn’t feeling so brash as I was before, but kind of ornery, and humble, and to blame, somehow—though I hadn’t done nothing.
brash (生意気な) [形] confident and rude
But that’s always the way;
it don’t make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person’s conscience ain’t got no sense, and just goes for him anyway.
go for (責める) [動] attack or criticize
If I had a yaller dog that didn’t know no more than a person’s conscience does I would pison him.
If I had (もし私が飼っていたら) [条] if I owned
yaller dog (黄色い犬) [名] a dog with yellow fur
didn't know no more (知らない) [動] be not aware of
person's conscience (人の良心) [名] a person's sense of right and wrong
would pison (毒殺するだろう) [動] would kill with poison
It takes up more room than all the rest of a person’s insides, and yet ain’t no good, nohow.
take up (占める) [動] occupy or fill
Tom Sawyer he says the same.