CHAPTER XIX (第十九章) [名] the 19th chapter

 Two or three days and nights went by;
two or three (二、三) [形] two or three
I reckon I might say they swum by, they slid along so quiet and smooth and lovely.
smooth (滑らか) [形] having a continuous even surface
Here is the way we put in the time.
It was a monstrous big river down there—sometimes a mile and a half wide;
a mile and a half (1マイル半) [名] a unit of length equal to 5280 feet
we run nights, and laid up and hid daytimes;
lay up (横になる) [動] rest or be inactive
soon as night was most gone we stopped navigating and tied up—nearly always in the dead water under a tow-head; and then cut young cottonwoods and willows, and hid the raft with them.
soon (明けそうになると) [副] in or after a short time
navigate (航行する) [動] direct the course of a ship, aircraft, or other type of vehicle
Then we set out the lines.
Next we slid into the river and had a swim, so as to freshen up and cool off;
freshen up (気分転換する) [動] make or become fresh
cool off (涼む) [動] become or make less hot
then we set down on the sandy bottom where the water was about knee deep, and watched the daylight come.
sandy bottom (砂地) [名] a sandy area at the bottom of a body of water
Not a sound anywheres—perfectly still—just like the whole world was asleep, only sometimes the bullfrogs a-cluttering, maybe.
not a sound (音一つなく) [名] no sound at all
perfectly still (まったく静かで) [形] completely motionless
just like (まるで) [副] in the same way that
only sometimes (ただ時々) [副] only occasionally
bullfrog (ウシガエル) [名] a large frog with a deep voice
clutter (鳴く) [動] make a sound
The first thing to see, looking away over the water, was a kind of dull line—that was the woods on t’other side;
line (線) [名] a long, narrow mark or band
you couldn’t make nothing else out;
make out (見える) [動] to be able to see or understand something
then a pale place in the sky;
then more paleness spreading around;
paleness (薄い部分) [名] the property of being pale
then the river softened up away off, and warn’t black any more, but gray;
soften up (柔らかくなる) [動] become less hard or firm
you could see little dark spots drifting along ever so far away—trading scows, and such things;
spot (点) [名] a small round area
trade (貿易) [名] the activity of buying and selling goods and services
scow (平底船) [名] a flat-bottomed boat with square ends
and long black streaks—rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep screaking;
screak (きしむ) [動] make a high-pitched sound
or jumbled up voices, it was so still, and sounds come so far;
jumble up (ごちゃ混ぜにする) [動] mix up in a confused or disordered way
and by-and-by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there’s a snag there in a swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way;
snag (流木) [名] a short, sharp, or jagged projection
make (見える) [動] cause to be or seem
and you see the mist curl up off of the water, and the east reddens up, and the river, and you make out a log-cabin in the edge of the woods, away on the bank on t’other side of the river, being a woodyard, likely, and piled by them cheats so you can throw a dog through it anywheres;
mist (霧) [名] a cloud of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the ground
curl up (立ち上る) [動] to move into a curved or circular shape
redden (赤く染まる) [動] to become red
log-cabin (丸太小屋) [名] a cabin made of logs
woodyard (材木置き場) [名] a place where wood is stored
pile (積み上げる) [動] to make a pile of
cheat (材木) [名] a person who deceives or misleads
throw (投げ込む) [動] to propel through the air with a rapid movement of the arm and hand
then the nice breeze springs up, and comes fanning you from over there, so cool and fresh and sweet to smell on account of the woods and the flowers;
nice (心地よい) [形] pleasant; agreeable; delightful
spring up (吹く) [動] to come into existence
fan (そよそよと) [動] to move or cause to move with a gentle current of air
fresh (新鮮な) [形] recently produced or harvested
smell (香りがする) [動] to have or give off an odor
but sometimes not that way, because they’ve left dead fish laying around, gars and such, and they do get pretty rank;
not that way (そうじゃない) [副] not in that manner
dead fish (死んだ魚) [名] a fish that is no longer alive
lay around (放置する) [動] to be in a state of inactivity
gars (ガー) [名] a fish that is long and thin with a long, pointed snout
get pretty rank (かなり臭くなる) [動] to become quite smelly
and next you’ve got the full day, and everything smiling in the sun, and the song-birds just going it!
full day (日中) [名] the period of time from sunrise to sunset
song-bird (歌う鳥) [名] a bird that produces a series of musical sounds

 A little smoke couldn’t be noticed now, so we would take some fish off of the lines and cook up a hot breakfast.
a little (少しの) [形] small in amount, degree, or size
And afterwards we would watch the lonesomeness of the river, and kind of lazy along, and by-and-by lazy off to sleep.
lonesomeness (孤独) [名] the quality or state of being alone or lonely
Wake up by-and-by, and look to see what done it, and maybe see a steamboat coughing along up-stream, so far off towards the other side you couldn’t tell nothing about her only whether she was a stern-wheel or side-wheel; then for about an hour there wouldn’t be nothing to hear nor nothing to see—just solid lonesomeness.
look to see (見てみると) [動] try to see
what done it (何が起こったのか) [名] what happened
cough (咳き込む) [動] expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound
so far off (遠く離れている) [副] at a great distance
the other side (向こう岸) [名] the opposite side
you couldn’t tell nothing (何もわからない) [動] be unable to say or know something
about her (それ以外は) [前] on the subject of
only whether she was a stern-wheel or side-wheel (船尾車輪か側車輪か) [名] a wheel that is located at the back of a ship or boat
for about an hour (約1時間) [名] a period of time equal to 60 minutes
there wouldn’t be nothing (何も聞こえず) [動] be unable to hear something
nor nothing (何も見えず) [接] and not
to see (見えない) [動] be unable to see something
just solid lonesomeness (ただただ孤独だけが続く) [名] the state of being alone
Next you’d see a raft sliding by, away off yonder, and maybe a galoot on it chopping, because they’re most always doing it on a raft;
galoot (ガルート) [名] a clumsy, foolish person
chop (薪割りをする) [動] cut into pieces with an axe or other sharp tool
you’d see the axe flash and come down—you don’t hear nothing;
flash (光る) [動] shine brightly and briefly
you see that axe go up again, and by the time it’s above the man’s head then you hear the k’chunk!—it had took all that time to come over the water.
all that time (それだけの時間) [名] a long period of time
come over (渡ってくる) [動] move or travel toward or into a place
So we would put in the day, lazying around, listening to the stillness.
lazy (怠惰に過ごす) [動] spend time doing nothing
Once there was a thick fog, and the rafts and things that went by was beating tin pans so the steamboats wouldn’t run over them.
thing (船) [名] a vessel that floats on water
A scow or a raft went by so close we could hear them talking and cussing and laughing—heard them plain;
but we couldn’t see no sign of them;
it made you feel crawly; it was like spirits carrying on that way in the air.
crawly (ぞっとするような) [形] causing a feeling of fear or disgust
Jim said he believed it was spirits;
but I says:

 “No; spirits wouldn’t say, ‘Dern the dern fog.’”

 Soon as it was night out we shoved;
when we got her out to about the middle we let her alone, and let her float wherever the current wanted her to;
let alone (放す) [動] not to mention
then we lit the pipes, and dangled our legs in the water, and talked about all kinds of things—we was always naked, day and night, whenever the mosquitoes would let us—the new clothes Buck’s folks made for me was too good to be comfortable, and besides I didn’t go much on clothes, nohow.
dangle (ぶら下げる) [動] hang or swing loosely
day (昼) [名] the time from sunrise to sunset
mosquito (蚊) [名] any of various small two-winged insects of the family Culicidae that are bloodsucking females and that are important vectors of many diseases

 Sometimes we’d have that whole river all to ourselves for the longest time.
longest (長い) [形] of great or more than average length or duration
Yonder was the banks and the islands, across the water;
and maybe a spark—which was a candle in a cabin window;
and sometimes on the water you could see a spark or two—on a raft or a scow, you know;
and maybe you could hear a fiddle or a song coming over from one of them crafts.
fiddle (バイオリン) [名] a stringed musical instrument played with a bow
song (歌) [名] a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung
It’s lovely to live on a raft.
We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened.
speckle (ちりばめる) [動] mark with small spots
discuss (議論する) [動] talk about something with another person or group of people
Jim he allowed they was made, but I allowed they happened;
make (作られる) [動] to cause to exist or happen
happen (偶然にできる) [動] to take place or occur
I judged it would have took too long to make so many.
Jim said the moon could a laid them;
lay (産む) [動] produce an egg
well, that looked kind of reasonable, so I didn’t say nothing against it, because I’ve seen a frog lay most as many, so of course it could be done.
say nothing against (何も言わない) [動] not say anything against
be done (可能だ) [動] be possible
We used to watch the stars that fell, too, and see them streak down.
streak (流れ落ちる) [動] move very fast
Jim allowed they’d got spoiled and was hove out of the nest.
allow (考える) [動] to think or suppose
get spoiled (腐る) [動] to become bad or rotten
be hove out of (放り出される) [動] to be thrown out of

 Once or twice of a night we would see a steamboat slipping along in the dark, and now and then she would belch a whole world of sparks up out of her chimbleys, and they would rain down in the river and look awful pretty;
once or twice (一度か二度) [副] one or two times
belch (吹き上げる) [動] emit (something) noisily
whole world (火花) [名] the earth and all the people living on it
chimbley (煙突) [名] a vertical pipe or shaft through which smoke and gases are discharged
rain down (降り注ぐ) [動] fall in large quantities
awful (とても) [副] very
then she would turn a corner and her lights would wink out and her powwow shut off and leave the river still again;
turn a corner (角を曲がる) [動] change direction
wink out (消える) [動] stop shining
powwow (騒ぎ) [名] a large social gathering of American Indians
shut off (止まる) [動] stop or cause to stop operating
and by-and-by her waves would get to us, a long time after she was gone, and joggle the raft a bit, and after that you wouldn’t hear nothing for you couldn’t tell how long, except maybe frogs or something.
wave (波) [名] a wall of water that moves towards the shore
joggle (揺らす) [動] shake or move jerkily
bit (少し) [名] a small piece, part, or amount

 After midnight the people on shore went to bed, and then for two or three hours the shores was black—no more sparks in the cabin windows.
after midnight (真夜中を過ぎると) [副] after 12 o'clock at night
for two or three hours (二、三時間) [副] for a period of two or three hours
be black (真っ暗になる) [動] be of the darkest color
These sparks was our clock—the first one that showed again meant morning was coming, so we hunted a place to hide and tie up right away.

 One morning about daybreak I found a canoe and crossed over a chute to the main shore—it was only two hundred yards—and paddled about a mile up a crick amongst the cypress woods, to see if I couldn’t get some berries.
chute (水路) [名] a water slide
main shore (本土) [名] the main part of a country or continent
two hundred yards (二百ヤード) [名] a unit of length equal to 3 feet or 36 inches
up (上流へ) [前] in a direction toward the upper part of something
cypress woods (ヒノキの森) [名] a forest of cypress trees
see (探す) [動] try to find
if (かどうか) [接] whether or not
berries (ベリー) [名] a small round fruit
Just as I was passing a place where a kind of a cowpath crossed the crick, here comes a couple of men tearing up the path as tight as they could foot it.
cowpath (牛道) [名] a path made by cows walking
couple (二人) [名] two people
tear up (踏みつける) [動] rip or pull apart
path (道) [名] a way on land between two places that has been paved to make travel easier
tight (できるだけ) [形] held or tied together or held in position firmly
I thought I was a goner, for whenever anybody was after anybody I judged it was me—or maybe Jim.
goner (もう駄目) [名] a person or thing that is doomed or has no chance of success
I was about to dig out from there in a hurry, but they was pretty close to me then, and sung out and begged me to save their lives—said they hadn’t been doing nothing, and was being chased for it—said there was men and dogs a-coming.
dig out (逃げ出す) [動] to leave a place quickly
They wanted to jump right in, but I says:
jump right in (すぐに飛び込む) [動] start doing something immediately

 “Don’t you do it.
I don’t hear the dogs and horses yet;
you’ve got time to crowd through the brush and get up the crick a little ways;
get up (遡る) [動] go up
then you take to the water and wade down to me and get in—that’ll throw the dogs off the scent.”
take to (入る) [動] go into or onto
throw off (嗅ぎつけられない) [動] confuse or mislead

 They done it, and soon as they was aboard I lit out for our tow-head, and in about five or ten minutes we heard the dogs and the men away off, shouting.
ten (十) [名] the number 10
We heard them come along towards the crick, but couldn’t see them;
they seemed to stop and fool around a while;
then, as we got further and further away all the time, we couldn’t hardly hear them at all;
get further and further away (どんどん遠ざかっていく) [動] move away from something or someone
by the time we had left a mile of woods behind us and struck the river, everything was quiet, and we paddled over to the tow-head and hid in the cottonwoods and was safe.

 One of these fellows was about seventy or upwards, and had a bald head and very gray whiskers.
seventy (70歳) [名] the cardinal number that is the product of seven and ten
upwards (くらい) [副] more than
bald (禿げている) [形] lacking hair
whiskers (ひげ) [名] the hair growing on a man's face
He had an old battered-up slouch hat on, and a greasy blue woollen shirt, and ragged old blue jeans britches stuffed into his boot-tops, and home-knit galluses—no, he only had one.
battered-up (ボロボロの) [形] damaged by repeated blows or hard usage
slouch hat (帽子) [名] a soft hat with a wide brim
woollen (ウールの) [形] made of wool
blue jeans (ブルージーンズ) [名] casual pants made of denim
stuff (詰め込む) [動] fill tightly with something
boot-top (ブーツのトップ) [名] the upper part of a boot
home-knit (手編みの) [形] made by knitting at home
galluses (サスペンダー) [名] a pair of straps that pass over the shoulders and fasten to the waistband of trousers to hold them up
He had an old long-tailed blue jeans coat with slick brass buttons flung over his arm, and both of them had big, fat, ratty-looking carpet-bags.
have (羽織る) [動] be wearing
long-tailed (ロングテールの) [形] having a long tail
slick (ピカピカの) [形] smooth and shiny
fat (太った) [形] having a lot of flesh
carpet-bag (カーペットバッグ) [名] a traveling bag made of carpeting

 The other fellow was about thirty, and dressed about as ornery.
about thirty (30歳くらい) [名] approximately thirty years old
about as ornery (同じようにみすぼらしい) [形] similarly shabby
After breakfast we all laid off and talked, and the first thing that come out was that these chaps didn’t know one another.
come out (わかる) [動] to become known

 “What got you into trouble?” says the baldhead to t’other chap.
get into trouble (トラブルになる) [動] get into a difficult or unpleasant situation
baldhead (ハゲ頭) [名] a person with a bald head

 “Well, I’d been selling an article to take the tartar off the teeth—and it does take it off, too, and generly the enamel along with it—but I stayed about one night longer than I ought to, and was just in the act of sliding out when I ran across you on the trail this side of town, and you told me they were coming, and begged me to help you to get off.
run across (出会う) [動] meet by chance
So I told you I was expecting trouble myself, and would scatter out with you.
expect (予期する) [動] regard as likely to happen
scatter (逃げる) [動] move off quickly in different directions
That’s the whole yarn—what’s yourn?
yourn (君のは) [代] yours

 “Well, I’d ben a-runnin’ a little temperance revival thar, ’bout a week, and was the pet of the women folks, big and little, for I was makin’ it mighty warm for the rummies, I tell you, and takin’ as much as five or six dollars a night—ten cents a head, children and niggers free—and business a-growin’ all the time, when somehow or another a little report got around last night that I had a way of puttin’ in my time with a private jug on the sly.
a-runnin' (運営する) [動] to be in charge of or manage
temperance (禁酒) [名] moderation or self-restraint in the use of alcoholic beverages
revival (復興) [名] a new presentation or publication of something old
thar (そこ) [副] there
'bout (約) [前] approximately
pet (人気者) [名] a person who is treated with special or excessive kindness
makin' (作る) [動] to cause to exist or come into being
rummies (酔っ払い) [名] a person who drinks alcohol to excess
takin' (取る) [動] to get into one's possession, power, or control
much (多い) [形] great in quantity
five (5) [数] the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one
niggers (黒人) [名] a black person
free (無料) [形] without cost or payment
a-growin' (成長する) [動] to become larger or greater over a period of time
report (報告) [名] a statement or account of something that has been done or observed
got around (広まる) [動] to become known to many people
puttin' (過ごす) [動] to pass or spend time
in (で) [前] within the limits or bounds of
my (私の) [代] belonging to or connected with the speaker
private (秘密の) [形] belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only
A nigger rousted me out this mornin’, and told me the people was getherin’ on the quiet with their dogs and horses, and they’d be along pretty soon and give me ’bout half an hour’s start, and then run me down if they could;
this mornin' (今朝) [名] the morning of the current day
run down (追い詰める) [動] catch or capture by chasing
and if they got me they’d tar and feather me and ride me on a rail, sure.
tar (タールを塗る) [動] cover with tar
feather (羽をつける) [動] cover with feathers
rail (レール) [名] a bar of wood or metal fixed horizontally between two upright supports
I didn’t wait for no breakfast—I warn’t hungry.”

 “Old man,” said the young one, “I reckon we might double-team it together;
young one (若いやつ) [名] a young person
double-team (一緒にやる) [動] to work together on something
what do you think?”

 “I ain’t undisposed.
undisposed (乗り気じゃない) [形] unwilling or reluctant
What’s your line—mainly?”
what's your line (主に何をやっているんだ) [名] what is your occupation

 “Jour printer by trade; do a little in patent medicines;
jour printer (日刊新聞の印刷屋) [名] a person who prints newspapers
by trade (本業は) [副] by one's occupation
do a little in (少し扱っている) [動] be involved in something to a small extent
patent medicine (特許薬) [名] a drug or medicine that is protected by a patent
theater-actor—tragedy, you know;
theater (劇場) [名] a building or area for dramatic performances and spectacles
actor (俳優) [名] a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television
tragedy (悲劇) [名] a drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable c...
take a turn to mesmerism and phrenology when there’s a chance;
take a turn (やる) [動] do something
mesmerism (催眠術) [名] a therapeutic system developed by Franz Mesmer in which the patient is put into a trance and given suggestions
phrenology (骨相学) [名] the study of the shape and size of the cranium as a supposed indication of character and mental faculties
teach singing-geography school for a change;
teach (教える) [動] impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something
singing (歌) [名] the action of producing musical sounds with the voice
geography (地理) [名] the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and...
sling a lecture sometimes—oh, I do lots of things—most anything that comes handy, so it ain’t work.
sling (する) [動] throw or fling
lecture (講演) [名] a talk or speech given to an audience
What’s your lay?”
lay (やっている) [動] to put or set down

 “I’ve done considerble in the doctoring way in my time.
doctoring (医者) [名] a person qualified to practice medicine
Layin’ on o’ hands is my best holt—for cancer and paralysis, and sich things;
lay on (かざす) [動] put or place on
holt (技) [名] a small wood or grove
cancer (癌) [名] a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body
paralysis (麻痺) [名] the loss of the ability to move a part of your body
and I k’n tell a fortune pretty good when I’ve got somebody along to find out the facts for me.
tell a fortune (占いをする) [動] predict the future
Preachin’s my line, too, and workin’ camp-meetin’s, and missionaryin’ around.”
preachin' (説教) [名] a sermon or religious address
line (専門) [名] a type of work or business
workin' (やっている) [動] be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a purpose of result
camp-meetin' (野外集会) [名] a religious gathering held outdoors
missionaryin' (布教) [名] the spreading of a religious message

 Nobody never said anything for a while;
for a while (しばらく) [副] for a short period of time
then the young man hove a sigh and says:
sigh (ため息) [名] a long, deep, audible breath that expresses sadness, tiredness, relief, etc.


 “What ’re you alassin’ about?” says the baldhead.
alassin' (嘆いている) [動] to express great sorrow or distress

 “To think I should have lived to be leading such a life, and be degraded down into such company.”
degrade (落ちぶれる) [動] cause a severe loss in the quality of
company (仲間) [名] a commercial business
And he begun to wipe the corner of his eye with a rag.
wipe (拭く) [動] clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth or towel

 “Dern your skin, ain’t the company good enough for you?” says the baldhead, pretty pert and uppish.
good enough (十分良い) [形] of a satisfactory standard
pert (生意気な) [形] bold and confident in a way that is rude or not respectful
uppish (傲慢な) [形] arrogant or snobbish

 “Yes, it is good enough for me;
for me (私には) [前] in my opinion
it’s as good as I deserve; for who fetched me so low when I was so high?
as good as (相応しい) [形] of the same quality as
I did myself.
myself (私自身) [代] the speaker
I don’t blame you, gentlemen—far from it;
far from it (それどころか) [副] on the contrary; quite the opposite
I don’t blame anybody.
I deserve it all.
Let the cold world do its worst;
world (世間) [名] the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on
one thing I know—there’s a grave somewhere for me.
one thing (一つのこと) [名] a single thing
somewhere (どこか) [副] in or to some place
The world may go on just as it’s always done, and take everything from me—loved ones, property, everything;
loved one (愛する人) [名] a person that one loves
but it can’t take that.
Some day I’ll lie down in it and forget it all, and my poor broken heart will be at rest.”
some day (いつか) [副] at some unspecified time in the future
lie down (横たわる) [動] be in or move into a horizontal position
broken (傷ついた) [形] damaged or altered by breaking
be at rest (安らぐ) [動] be in a state of peace, relaxation, or inactivity
He went on a-wiping.

 “Drot your pore broken heart,” says the baldhead;
“what are you heaving your pore broken heart at us f’r?
heave (押し付ける) [動] lift or carry with great effort
pore (哀れな) [形] pitifully inadequate or ineffective
at (に) [前] the place or time of
f'r (何事だ) [名] what
We hain’t done nothing.”

 “No, I know you haven’t.
I ain’t blaming you, gentlemen.
I brought myself down—yes, I did it myself.
bring down (落ち込ませる) [動] cause to fall
It’s right I should suffer—perfectly right—I don’t make any moan.”
right (当然の) [形] just or fair
suffer (苦しむ) [動] experience or be subjected to something bad or unpleasant
perfectly (まったく) [副] in a manner or to a degree that is entirely or completely
moan (不平) [名] a complaint or expression of dissatisfaction

 “Brought you down from whar?
bring down (連れてくる) [動] cause to come to a lower position
Whar was you brought down from?”
be brought down (連れてきた) [動] be taken to a lower place

 “Ah, you would not believe me;
the world never believes—let it pass—’tis no matter.
let (置く) [動] allow to remain in a specified condition
The secret of my birth—”
birth (出生) [名] the beginning of life

 “The secret of your birth!
Do you mean to say—”

 “Gentlemen,” says the young man, very solemn, “I will reveal it to you, for I feel I may have confidence in you.
young man (若者) [名] a man who is relatively young
reveal (打ち明ける) [動] make known
confidence (信頼) [名] a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities
By rights I am a duke!”
by rights (本当は) [副] in fairness

 Jim’s eyes bugged out when he heard that;
and I reckon mine did, too.
mine (私) [代] the person who is speaking or writing
Then the baldhead says: “No! you can’t mean it?”
mean (本気で言っている) [動] intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (something)
すると、はげ頭が言った、「まさか! 本気で言っているんですか?」

 “Yes. My great-grandfather, eldest son of the Duke of Bridgewater, fled to this country about the end of the last century, to breathe the pure air of freedom;
great-grandfather (曽祖父) [名] the father of one's grandfather or grandmother
eldest son (長男) [名] the oldest son
Duke of Bridgewater (ブリッジウォーター公爵) [名] a title of nobility in the Peerage of Great Britain
flee (逃げる) [動] run away from a place or situation of danger
about the end of (終わり頃) [名] the last part of something
last century (前世紀) [名] the century before the present one
breathe (吸う) [動] take air into the lungs and then expel it
pure air (純粋な空気) [名] air that is free of pollutants
married here, and died, leaving a son, his own father dying about the same time.
The second son of the late duke seized the titles and estates—the infant real duke was ignored.
second son (次男) [名] the second son of a family
late (亡き) [形] no longer living; dead
seize (奪う) [動] take or keep in possession by force
title (称号) [名] a name that describes someone's position or job
estate (領地) [名] a large area of land in the country, usually with a large house on it
infant (幼い) [形] very young; not yet mature
ignore (無視する) [動] refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally
I am the lineal descendant of that infant—I am the rightful Duke of Bridgewater;
lineal descendant (直系の子孫) [名] a person who is descended in a direct line from another
and here am I, forlorn, torn from my high estate, hunted of men, despised by the cold world, ragged, worn, heart-broken, and degraded to the companionship of felons on a raft!”
forlorn (孤独な) [形] pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
high estate (高い地位) [名] a position of great importance or high rank
hunt (追う) [動] chase or search for
cold world (冷たい世界) [名] a world that is not friendly or welcoming
worn (疲れ果てた) [形] showing the effects of wear or use
heart-broken (心が折れた) [形] feeling very sad because of the end of a relationship or a great disappointment
companionship (仲間) [名] the fellowship existing among companions
felon (重罪犯) [名] a person who has committed a serious crime

 Jim pitied him ever so much, and so did I.
pity (哀れむ) [動] feel sorry for
so much (とても) [副] to a very great extent
We tried to comfort him, but he said it warn’t much use, he couldn’t be much comforted;
comfort (慰める) [動] make someone feel less unhappy, worried, or upset
be comforted (慰められる) [動] be consoled or reassured
said if we was a mind to acknowledge him, that would do him more good than most anything else;
acknowledge (認める) [動] recognize the existence or truth of
do good (良いことをする) [動] be beneficial to
so we said we would, if he would tell us how.
how (方法) [名] the means by which something is done or achieved
He said we ought to bow when we spoke to him, and say “Your Grace,” or “My Lord,” or “Your Lordship”—and he wouldn’t mind it if we called him plain “Bridgewater,” which, he said, was a title anyway, and not a name;
grace (恵み) [名] a short prayer before a meal
lordship (主権) [名] the authority of a lord
plain (ただの) [形] simple or ordinary
title (肩書き) [名] the name of a book, play, film, etc.
and one of us ought to wait on him at dinner, and do any little thing for him he wanted done.
one of us (私たちの1人) [名] a member of our group

 Well, that was all easy, so we done it.
All through dinner Jim stood around and waited on him, and says, “Will yo’ Grace have some o’ dis or some o’ dat?” and so on, and a body could see it was mighty pleasing to him.
all through (ずっと) [副] during the whole of
stand around (立って待つ) [動] to wait or do nothing in a particular place
wait on (給仕する) [動] to serve food and drink to
some o' dis (何か) [名] an unspecified thing
some o' dat (何か) [名] an unspecified thing
pleasing (楽しい) [形] giving or capable of giving joy or pleasure

 But the old man got pretty silent by-and-by—didn’t have much to say, and didn’t look pretty comfortable over all that petting that was going on around that duke.
get pretty silent (黙り込む) [動] become quiet
by-and-by (だんだん) [副] after a while
have much to say (話すことがあまりない) [動] not have a lot to say
look pretty comfortable (満足そうに見える) [動] appear to be satisfied
all that petting (すべての愛撫) [名] all the caressing
He seemed to have something on his mind.
have something on one's mind (何かを考えている) [動] to be thinking about something
So, along in the afternoon, he says:
along (になって) [副] at a later time
afternoon (午後) [名] the time from noon to evening

 “Looky here, Bilgewater,” he says, “I’m nation sorry for you, but you ain’t the only person that’s had troubles like that.”
looky here (ここを見ろ) [動] look here
Bilgewater (ビルジウォーター) [名] a fictional town in the story
nation (とても) [副] very


 “No you ain’t. You ain’t the only person that’s ben snaked down wrongfully out’n a high place.”
the only person (唯一の人) [名] the one and only person
ben (ベン) [名] a man's name
snaked down (引きずり降ろされた) [動] to move or cause to move in a winding or zigzag course
wrongfully (不当に) [副] unjustly; unfairly
out'n (から) [前] out of
a high place (高い地位) [名] a position of high rank or importance


 “No, you ain’t the only person that’s had a secret of his birth.”
And, by jings, he begins to cry.

 “Hold! What do you mean?”
hold (待て) [動] stop or delay
「待て! どういう意味だ?」

 “Bilgewater, kin I trust you?” says the old man, still sort of sobbing.
kin (できる) [動] be able to
sobbing (すすり泣き) [名] the act of crying with short convulsive gasps

 “To the bitter death!”
to the bitter death (死ぬまで) [名] until the very end
He took the old man by the hand and squeezed it, and says, “That secret of your being: speak!”
take by the hand (手をとる) [動] to take someone's hand in one's own
squeeze (握りしめる) [動] to press firmly and usually with both hands
being (存在) [名] the quality or state of having existence

 “Bilgewater, I am the late Dauphin!”
Dauphin (ドーファン) [名] the eldest son of the King of France

 You bet you, Jim and me stared this time.
you bet (間違いなく) [副] certainly; definitely
Then the duke says:

 “You are what?”

 “Yes, my friend, it is too true—your eyes is lookin’ at this very moment on the pore disappeared Dauphin, Looy the Seventeen, son of Looy the Sixteen and Marry Antonette.”
this very moment (今この瞬間) [名] the present time
pore (行方不明) [形] missing
disappear (なる) [動] cease to be visible
Looy (ルイ) [名] a male given name
Seventeen (17世) [名] the cardinal number that is the sum of sixteen and one
Sixteen (16世) [名] the cardinal number that is the sum of fifteen and one
Marry (マリー) [名] a female given name
Antonette (アントワネット) [名] a female given name

 “You! At your age! No!
age (年) [名] the number of years that a person has lived
「あなたが! その年で! いや!
You mean you’re the late Charlemagne;
mean (つまり) [動] have as a purpose or intention
Charlemagne (シャルルマーニュ大王) [名] King of the Franks from 768 and Emperor of the Romans from 800
you must be six or seven hundred years old, at the very least.”
six or seven hundred (六、七百) [名] a number
at the very least (少なくとも) [副] at the lowest possible estimate

 “Trouble has done it, Bilgewater, trouble has done it;
trouble has brung these gray hairs and this premature balditude.
bring (招く) [動] cause to come or happen
gray hair (白髪) [名] hair that has turned white or gray
premature (早すぎる) [形] happening or done before the usual or proper time
balditude (はげ) [名] the state of having little or no hair on the head
Yes, gentlemen, you see before you, in blue jeans and misery, the wanderin’, exiled, trampled-on, and sufferin’ rightful King of France.”
Yes (そうです) [副] used to give an affirmative response
gentlemen (皆さん) [名] a man who is well mannered, courteous, or honorable
misery (みじめな姿) [名] a state of great unhappiness and emotional or physical pain
wander (放浪する) [動] move about aimlessly or unsystematically
exile (追放) [名] the state of being barred from one's native country
trample (踏みつけにする) [動] tread on and crush

 Well, he cried and took on so that me and Jim didn’t know hardly what to do, we was so sorry—and so glad and proud we’d got him with us, too.
So we set in, like we done before with the duke, and tried to comfort him.
set in (始める) [動] start to happen or develop
But he said it warn’t no use, nothing but to be dead and done with it all could do him any good;
be done with (終わらせる) [動] to finish doing something
do good (救い) [動] to be beneficial or helpful
though he said it often made him feel easier and better for a while if people treated him according to his rights, and got down on one knee to speak to him, and always called him “Your Majesty,” and waited on him first at meals, and didn’t set down in his presence till he asked them.
often (しばしば) [副] many times; frequently
easier (楽) [形] less difficult
presence (前) [名] the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present
So Jim and me set to majestying him, and doing this and that and t’other for him, and standing up till he told us we might set down.
set to (~し始める) [動] start doing something
do this and that (あれこれする) [動] do various things
This done him heaps of good, and so he got cheerful and comfortable.
do good (元気になる) [動] benefit someone
heap (すっかり) [名] a large amount of something
cheerful (陽気な) [形] happy and positive
But the duke kind of soured on him, and didn’t look a bit satisfied with the way things was going;
still, the king acted real friendly towards him, and said the duke’s great-grandfather and all the other Dukes of Bilgewater was a good deal thought of by his father, and was allowed to come to the palace considerable;
still (それでも) [副] nevertheless; yet; even so
act (振る舞う) [動] behave in a specified way
real (とても) [副] very; extremely
all the other (他の全ての) [限] the remaining; the rest of
Dukes of Bilgewater (ビルジウォーターの公爵) [名] a member of the highest rank of the British peerage
a good deal (とても) [副] very much; considerably
think of (大事にする) [動] regard with affection
allow (許す) [動] give (someone) permission to do something
but the duke stayed huffy a good while, till by-and-by the king says:
huffy (不機嫌な) [形] annoyed or offended
a good while (しばらく) [名] a fairly long time

 “Like as not we got to be together a blamed long time on this h-yer raft, Bilgewater, and so what’s the use o’ your bein’ sour?
blamed (長い) [形] deserving censure or disapproval
It’ll only make things oncomfortable.
oncomfortable (気まずい) [形] causing or feeling unease or awkwardness
It ain’t my fault I warn’t born a duke, it ain’t your fault you warn’t born a king—so what’s the use to worry?
Make the best o’ things the way you find ’em, says I—that’s my motto.
make the best of (受け入れる) [動] to accept something and deal with it in a positive way
motto (モットー) [名] a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief or purpose
This ain’t no bad thing that we’ve struck here—plenty grub and an easy life—come, give us your hand, Duke, and le’s all be friends.”
no bad thing (悪くない) [名] not a bad thing
grub (食料) [名] food
le's (~しよう) [動] let us
be friends (仲良くする) [動] be on good terms with

 The duke done it, and Jim and me was pretty glad to see it.
It took away all the uncomfortableness and we felt mighty good over it, because it would a been a miserable business to have any unfriendliness on the raft;
take away (取り除く) [動] remove or carry something from a place
uncomfortableness (気まずさ) [名] the quality of being uncomfortable
feel good (気分が良くなる) [動] be happy or satisfied
for what you want, above all things, on a raft, is for everybody to be satisfied, and feel right and kind towards the others.
above all things (何よりも) [副] more than anything else
kind (親切) [形] having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature

 It didn’t take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds.
take long (時間がかかる) [動] require a lot of time
liar (嘘つき) [名] a person who tells lies
humbug (ペテン師) [名] a person who deceives or misleads others
fraud (詐欺師) [名] a person who deceives or misleads others
But I never said nothing, never let on;
kept it to myself; it’s the best way; then you don’t have no quarrels, and don’t get into no trouble.
keep to oneself (自分だけに留めておく) [動] not share with others
If they wanted us to call them kings and dukes, I hadn’t no objections, ’long as it would keep peace in the family;
and it warn’t no use to tell Jim, so I didn’t tell him.
If I never learnt nothing else out of pap, I learnt that the best way to get along with his kind of people is to let them have their own way.
get along (うまくやっていく) [動] be on good terms
have one's own way (思い通りにする) [動] do what one wants