CHAPTER XV (第十五章) [名] the 15th chapter

 We judged that three nights more would fetch us to Cairo, at the bottom of Illinois, where the Ohio River comes in, and that was what we was after.
Cairo (カイロ) [名] the capital of Egypt
Ohio River (オハイオ川) [名] a river in the US
come in (流れ込む) [動] flow into
what (目的地) [名] the thing that is intended or aimed at
We would sell the raft and get on a steamboat and go way up the Ohio amongst the free States, and then be out of trouble.
get on (乗る) [動] go onto or into (a vehicle, ship, or aircraft)
go up (遡る) [動] move or travel in a direction regarded as up
free State (自由州) [名] a state in which slavery was forbidden before the American Civil War
be out of (なくなる) [動] no longer have any of (something)

 Well, the second night a fog begun to come on, and we made for a tow-head to tie to, for it wouldn’t do to try to run in a fog;
fog (霧) [名] a cloud of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the ground
come on (出てくる) [動] start to happen or exist
but when I paddled ahead in the canoe, with the line to make fast, there warn’t anything but little saplings to tie to.
ahead (先に) [副] in front of
line (ロープ) [名] a length of cord
sapling (苗木) [名] a young tree
I passed the line around one of them right on the edge of the cut bank, but there was a stiff current, and the raft come booming down so lively she tore it out by the roots and away she went.
stiff (速い) [形] moving or able to move quickly
lively (勢いよく) [形] full of life or energy
tear (引き抜く) [動] pull or rip something apart or to pieces with force
I see the fog closing down, and it made me so sick and scared I couldn’t budge for most a half a minute it seemed to me—and then there warn’t no raft in sight;
close down (迫る) [動] to come near or nearer
sick (気分が悪くなる) [形] affected by nausea
scared (怖くなる) [形] frightened
half a minute (三十秒) [名] thirty seconds
you couldn’t see twenty yards.
I jumped into the canoe and run back to the stern, and grabbed the paddle and set her back a stroke.
jump into (飛び乗る) [動] get into something quickly and suddenly
run back (走り) [動] move at a speed faster than a walk
set back (漕ぐ) [動] propel a boat by means of oars
But she didn’t come.
I was in such a hurry I hadn’t untied her.
in a hurry (急いで) [副] quickly; in a rushed manner
untie (ほどく) [動] undo the ties of
her (彼女) [代] the woman or girl previously mentioned
I got up and tried to untie her, but I was so excited my hands shook so I couldn’t hardly do anything with them.
excited (興奮する) [形] feeling or showing great emotion
hardly (ほとんど) [副] almost not at all; barely

 As soon as I got started I took out after the raft, hot and heavy, right down the tow-head.
right down (下っていく) [動] move from a higher to a lower position
tow-head (トウヘッド) [名] a sandbar or shoal in a river
That was all right as far as it went, but the tow-head warn’t sixty yards long, and the minute I flew by the foot of it I shot out into the solid white fog, and hadn’t no more idea which way I was going than a dead man.
as far as (まで) [接] to the extent or degree that
sixty yards (60ヤード) [名] a unit of length equal to 3 feet or 36 inches
the minute (瞬間) [名] a unit of time equal to 60 seconds
fly by (飛び回る) [動] pass quickly
shoot out (飛び出す) [動] move or cause to move suddenly and rapidly
solid (真っ白な) [形] firm or strong in structure
have no idea (全く分からない) [動] not know or understand something

 Thinks I, it won’t do to paddle;
first I know I’ll run into the bank or a tow-head or something;
run into (ぶつかる) [動] collide with
I got to set still and float, and yet it’s mighty fidgety business to have to hold your hands still at such a time.
set still (じっと座る) [動] sit still
I whooped and listened.
whoop (叫ぶ) [動] utter a loud cry
Away down there somewheres I hears a small whoop, and up comes my spirits.
somewheres (どこか) [副] in or to some place
small (小さな) [形] of a size that is less than normal or usual
whoop (叫び声) [名] a loud cry of joy or excitement
I went tearing after it, listening sharp to hear it again.
go tearing (追いかける) [動] move or travel very quickly
listen sharp (注意深く聞く) [動] listen attentively
The next time it come, I see I warn’t heading for it, but heading away to the right of it.
head (向かう) [動] move in a specified direction
right (右) [名] the side of the body or of an object that is to the east when the person or object is facing north
And the next time I was heading away to the left of it—and not gaining on it much either, for I was flying around, this way and that and t’other, but it was going straight ahead all the time.
head away (向かう) [動] go in a specified direction
gain on (追いつく) [動] catch up with
fly around (飛び回る) [動] move quickly and erratically
this way and that (あちらこちら) [副] in various directions
t'other (その他) [形] other
straight ahead (真っ直ぐに) [副] directly forward

 I did wish the fool would think to beat a tin pan, and beat it all the time, but he never did, and it was the still places between the whoops that was making the trouble for me.
trouble (困らせる) [動] cause difficulty or problems for
Well, I fought along, and directly I hears the whoop behind me.
along (ずっと) [副] continuously or progressively
I was tangled good now.
tangle (もつれる) [動] to twist or become twisted together in a confused mass
good (完全に) [副] completely
That was somebody else’s whoop, or else I was turned around.
somebody else (誰か他の人) [名] a person other than the speaker or the person addressed
else (あるいは) [接] if not; otherwise

 I throwed the paddle down.
I heard the whoop again; it was behind me yet, but in a different place;
it kept coming, and kept changing its place, and I kept answering, till by-and-by it was in front of me again, and I knowed the current had swung the canoe’s head down-stream, and I was all right if that was Jim and not some other raftsman hollering.
change (変わる) [動] become different
front (前方) [名] the part of something that faces forward
swing (向ける) [動] move or cause to move in a smooth, curving motion
raftsman (いかだ乗り) [名] a person who works on a raft
holler (叫び声) [名] a loud shout or cry
I couldn’t tell nothing about voices in a fog, for nothing don’t look natural nor sound natural in a fog.
sound (聞こえる) [動] be perceived or understood

 The whooping went on, and in about a minute I come a-booming down on a cut bank with smoky ghosts of big trees on it, and the current throwed me off to the left and shot by, amongst a lot of snags that fairly roared, the currrent was tearing by them so swift.
about a minute (約1分) [名] a period of time equal to 60 seconds
come a-booming down (ドンとぶつかる) [動] come down with a loud noise
cut bank (切り立った土手) [名] a bank with a steep slope
smoky ghost (煙のような幽霊) [名] a ghost that is made of smoke
big tree (大きな木) [名] a tree that is large in size
throw off (投げ飛ばす) [動] to get rid of something or someone
shoot by (通り過ぎる) [動] to move past something quickly
a lot of (たくさんの) [名] a large number of
snag (引っかかり) [名] an obstacle or difficulty
fairly roar (かなり轟音を立てる) [動] to make a loud, deep sound
tear by (引き裂く) [動] to move past something quickly and violently

 In another second or two it was solid white and still again.
solid (真っ白) [形] of a single color with no pattern
I set perfectly still then, listening to my heart thump, and I reckon I didn’t draw a breath while it thumped a hundred.
thump (ドキドキする) [動] beat or strike heavily or loudly
draw (吸う) [動] take in

 I just give up then.
I knowed what the matter was.
That cut bank was an island, and Jim had gone down t’other side of it.
t'other (反対側) [名] the other side
It warn’t no tow-head that you could float by in ten minutes.
float by (通り過ぎる) [動] pass by
ten minutes (10分) [名] a period of time equal to 600 seconds
It had the big timber of a regular island;
have (ある) [動] possess, own, or hold
it might be five or six miles long and more than half a mile wide.
five or six miles (5、6マイル) [名] a unit of length equal to 1.609344 kilometers
more than half a mile (半マイル以上) [名] a unit of length equal to 0.804672 kilometers

 I kept quiet, with my ears cocked, about fifteen minutes, I reckon.
keep quiet (じっとしている) [動] remain silent or still
cock (そばだてる) [動] turn or tilt to one side
fifteen minutes (15分) [名] a quarter of an hour
I was floating along, of course, four or five miles an hour;
four or five (4、5) [名] a number
but you don’t ever think of that.
No, you feel like you are laying dead still on the water;
and if a little glimpse of a snag slips by you don’t think to yourself how fast you’re going, but you catch your breath and think, my!
glimpse (ちらっと見える) [名] a brief, passing look
slip by (すり抜ける) [動] pass quickly and unnoticed
how that snag’s tearing along.
tear (流れる) [動] move or be moved quickly and forcefully
If you think it ain’t dismal and lonesome out in a fog that way by yourself in the night, you try it once—you’ll see.
dismal (陰気な) [形] causing gloom or dejection

 Next, for about a half an hour, I whoops now and then;
half an hour (30分) [名] 30 minutes
at last I hears the answer a long ways off, and tries to follow it, but I couldn’t do it, and directly I judged I’d got into a nest of tow-heads, for I had little dim glimpses of them on both sides of me—sometimes just a narrow channel between, and some that I couldn’t see I knowed was there because I’d hear the wash of the current against the old dead brush and trash that hung over the banks.
a long ways off (遠く) [副] a long distance away
nest (巣) [名] a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young
glimpse (ぼんやりと見える) [名] a brief, incomplete view
both sides (両側) [名] the two parts on either side of something
couldn't see (見えなかった) [動] was not able to see
brush (木) [名] a small tree
trash (ゴミ) [名] waste material
hang over (張り出す) [動] project over or beyond something
Well, I warn’t long loosing the whoops down amongst the tow-heads; and I only tried to chase them a little while, anyway, because it was worse than chasing a Jack-o’-lantern.
loose (放つ) [動] set free
whoop (叫び) [名] a loud cry or shout
Jack-o'-lantern (ジャック・オ・ランタン) [名] a pumpkin with a face carved out of it and a candle inside, made for Halloween
You never knowed a sound dodge around so, and swap places so quick and so much.
dodge (逃げ回る) [動] move quickly to avoid something

 I had to claw away from the bank pretty lively four or five times, to keep from knocking the islands out of the river;
claw away (離れる) [動] move away from something
pretty lively (かなり活発に) [副] in a very active or energetic way
keep from (しないようにする) [動] prevent or stop from doing something
knock out (押し出す) [動] push or force out
and so I judged the raft must be butting into the bank every now and then, or else it would get further ahead and clear out of hearing—it was floating a little faster than what I was.
butt (ぶつかる) [動] hit or strike with the head or horns
get ahead (先に進む) [動] make progress; advance
clear out (聞こえなくなる) [動] become inaudible
what I was (私よりも) [名] the person that I am

 Well, I seemed to be in the open river again by-and-by, but I couldn’t hear no sign of a whoop nowheres.
open river (開けた川) [名] a river that is not blocked by anything
I reckoned Jim had fetched up on a snag, maybe, and it was all up with him.
fetch up (引っかかる) [動] to arrive at a place
snag (障害) [名] an unexpected or hidden obstacle
be all up with (おしまいである) [動] to be finished or done for
I was good and tired, so I laid down in the canoe and said I wouldn’t bother no more.
good and tired (すっかり疲れ果てた) [形] very tired
I didn’t want to go to sleep, of course;
go to sleep (眠る) [動] rest with the eyes closed
but I was so sleepy I couldn’t help it;
so I thought I would take jest one little cat-nap.
jest (ちょっと) [名] a joke or humorous remark
cat-nap (仮眠) [名] a short, light sleep

 But I reckon it was more than a cat-nap, for when I waked up the stars was shining bright, the fog was all gone, and I was spinning down a big bend stern first.
be gone (消える) [動] disappear
spin (回る) [動] turn or cause to turn around and around
bend (曲がり角) [名] a change of direction
First I didn’t know where I was;
I thought I was dreaming; and when things began to come back to me they seemed to come up dim out of last week.
dream (夢を見る) [動] have a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep
come back (思い出される) [動] be recalled to the mind
last week (先週) [名] the week before the present one

 It was a monstrous big river here, with the tallest and the thickest kind of timber on both banks;
tall (高い) [形] of great vertical extent
just a solid wall, as well as I could see by the stars.
as well as (限り) [接] and in addition; also
I looked away down-stream, and seen a black speck on the water.
look away (目をそらす) [動] turn one's eyes away from something
I took after it; but when I got to it it warn’t nothing but a couple of sawlogs made fast together.
take after (追いかける) [動] follow in pursuit
sawlog (丸太) [名] a log of wood of a size and quality suitable for sawing into lumber
make fast (くっつける) [動] attach or fasten securely
Then I see another speck, and chased that;
then another, and this time I was right.
right (正解) [名] a correct answer
It was the raft.

 When I got to it Jim was setting there with his head down between his knees, asleep, with his right arm hanging over the steering-oar.
The other oar was smashed off, and the raft was littered up with leaves and branches and dirt.
smash (壊れる) [動] break or cause to break violently
litter (散らかる) [動] make untidy by scattering things around
dirt (泥) [名] soil or earth
So she’d had a rough time.

 I made fast and laid down under Jim’s nose on the raft, and began to gap, and stretch my fists out against Jim, and says:
make fast (急ぐ) [動] move or act quickly
stretch (突き出す) [動] extend one's limbs or body
against (向かって) [前] in opposition to

 “Hello, Jim, have I been asleep?
have (寝てた) [動] experience or undergo
Why didn’t you stir me up?”
stir up (起こす) [動] cause to be active or excited

 “Goodness gracious, is dat you, Huck?
goodness gracious (おやおや) [間] an expression of surprise
En you ain’ dead—you ain’ drownded—you’s back agin?
It’s too good for true, honey, it’s too good for true.
too good for true (本当とは思えないほど嬉しい) [形] so good that it is hard to believe
Lemme look at you chile, lemme feel o’ you.
feel (触る) [動] perceive through physical contact
No, you ain’ dead!
you’s back agin, ’live en soun’, jis de same ole Huck—de same ole Huck, thanks to goodness!”
sound (無事な) [形] free from injury or disease

 “What’s the matter with you, Jim?
matter (どうしたんだ) [名] the problem or difficulty
You been a-drinking?”
be a-drinking (酒を飲む) [動] drink alcohol

 “Drinkin’? Has I ben a-drinkin’?
「酒? 酒を飲んだか?
Has I had a chance to be a-drinkin’?”

 “Well, then, what makes you talk so wild?”
wild (おかしな) [形] not subject to control, restraint, or domestication

 “How does I talk wild?”

 “How? Why, hain’t you been talking about my coming back, and all that stuff, as if I’d been gone away?”
「どうしてって? だって、私が帰って来たことや、私がどこかへ行っていたかのようなことを話していたじゃないか?」

 “Huck—Huck Finn, you look me in de eye;
look me in de eye.
Hain’t you ben gone away?”
ben (~だった) [助] be in the past tense
gone away (どこかへ行っていた) [動] leave a place

 “Gone away? Why, what in the nation do you mean?
what in the nation (いったい何) [名] what in the world; what on earth
「どこかへ行っていた? いったい何を言っているんだ?
I hain’t been gone anywheres.
Where would I go to?”

 “Well, looky here, boss, dey’s sumf’n wrong, dey is.
boss (旦那) [名] a person who employs or supervises workers
Is I me, or who is I?
Is I heah, or whah is I?
Now dat’s what I wants to know.”

 “Well, I think you’re here, plain enough, but I think you’re a tangle-headed old fool, Jim.”
be here (ここにいる) [動] be present
tangle-headed (頭の混乱した) [形] confused or muddled
old fool (老いぼれ) [名] a foolish old person

 “I is, is I? Well, you answer me dis:
dis (これ) [名] this
「私はそうか? ええと、これに答えて。
Didn’t you tote out de line in de canoe fer to make fas’ to de tow-head?”
make fas' (結び付ける) [動] fasten or attach

 “No, I didn’t. What tow-head?
I hain’t see no tow-head.”

 “You hain’t seen no tow-head?
Looky here, didn’t de line pull loose en de raf’ go a-hummin’ down de river, en leave you en de canoe behine in de fog?”
looky here (ほら) [間] used to attract attention to something
pull loose (緩む) [動] become loose
go a-hummin' (下っていく) [動] go down
behine (後ろに) [副] at or to the back of something
in de fog (霧の中に) [前] in the fog

 “What fog?”

 “Why, de fog!—de fog dat’s been aroun’ all night.
「霧だよ! 一晩中あった霧だ。
En didn’t you whoop, en didn’t I whoop, tell we got mix’ up in de islands en one un us got los’ en t’other one was jis’ as good as los’, ’kase he didn’ know whah he wuz?
mix up (混乱する) [動] confuse or be confused
get lost (迷子になる) [動] fail to find one's way
as good as (も同然) [副] almost or nearly
En didn’t I bust up agin a lot er dem islands en have a turrible time en mos’ git drownded?
bust up (ぶつかる) [動] collide with
agin (~に) [前] against
have a turrible time (ひどい目に合う) [動] experience something very unpleasant
git drownded (溺れそうになる) [動] almost die from submersion in and inhalation of water
Now ain’ dat so, boss—ain’t it so?
You answer me dat.”

 “Well, this is too many for me, Jim.
too many (難しすぎる) [形] more than needed or wanted
I hain’t seen no fog, nor no islands, nor no troubles, nor nothing.
I been setting here talking with you all night till you went to sleep about ten minutes ago, and I reckon I done the same.
do the same (同じことをする) [動] do the same thing
You couldn’t a got drunk in that time, so of course you’ve been dreaming.”
that time (その間) [名] the period of time between two points in time

 “Dad fetch it, how is I gwyne to dream all dat in ten minutes?”
Dad fetch it (ちくしょう) [間] an expression of anger or annoyance
how is I gwyne to (どうやってできるんだ) [動] how can I

 “Well, hang it all, you did dream it, because there didn’t any of it happen.”
hang it all (ちくしょう) [間] damn it

 “But, Huck, it’s all jis’ as plain to me as—”

 “It don’t make no difference how plain it is;
plain (はっきりしている) [形] clear and simple in meaning
there ain’t nothing in it.
there ain't nothing (何もないんだ) [名] there is nothing
in it (そこに) [副] in that place
I know, because I’ve been here all the time.”

 Jim didn’t say nothing for about five minutes, but set there studying over it.
say nothing (何も言わない) [動] not say anything
about five minutes (5分ほど) [名] a period of time equal to 300 seconds
set there (じっとしている) [動] sit or stand in a specified way
Then he says:

 “Well, den, I reck’n I did dream it, Huck; but dog my cats ef it ain’t de powerfullest dream I ever see.
En I hain’t ever had no dream b’fo’ dat’s tired me like dis one.”
hain’t (~ない) [動] have not
b’fo’ (前に) [前] earlier than; in front of
one (もの) [名] a single person or thing

 “Oh, well, that’s all right, because a dream does tire a body like everything sometimes.
tire (疲労を与える) [動] make or become weary
But this one was a staving dream;
this one (これは) [名] the one that is here
be a staving dream (すごい夢だった) [動] be a very good dream
tell me all about it, Jim.”

 So Jim went to work and told me the whole thing right through, just as it happened, only he painted it up considerable.
go to work (話し始める) [動] start talking
right through (通りに) [副] in the same way as
only (かなり) [副] to a great extent
paint up (脚色する) [動] exaggerate
Then he said he must start in and “’terpret” it, because it was sent for a warning.
start in (始める) [動] begin doing something
’terpret (解釈する) [動] explain the meaning of
warning (警告) [名] a statement or event that indicates a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation
He said the first tow-head stood for a man that would try to do us some good, but the current was another man that would get us away from him.
stand for (表す) [動] represent or symbolize
The whoops was warnings that would come to us every now and then, and if we didn’t try hard to make out to understand them they’d just take us into bad luck, ’stead of keeping us out of it.
try hard (努力する) [動] make a great effort
take into (陥らせる) [動] cause to enter
keep out of (遠ざける) [動] prevent from entering
The lot of tow-heads was troubles we was going to get into with quarrelsome people and all kinds of mean folks, but if we minded our business and didn’t talk back and aggravate them, we would pull through and get out of the fog and into the big clear river, which was the free States, and wouldn’t have no more trouble.
quarrelsome (喧嘩っ早い) [形] tending to argue or fight
mind (気を配る) [動] be careful or concerned about
business (自分のこと) [名] a person's work or profession
talk back (口答えする) [動] reply defiantly or impudently
aggravate (怒らせる) [動] make worse
pull through (切り抜ける) [動] get through a difficult situation
into (入る) [前] expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something is inside something
clear (澄んだ) [形] free from clouds, mist, or haze

 It had clouded up pretty dark just after I got on to the raft, but it was clearing up again now.
just after (直後) [副] immediately after
clear up (晴れる) [動] become sunny

 “Oh, well, that’s all interpreted well enough as far as it goes, Jim,” I says;
Oh, well (ああ、まあ) [間] an expression of surprise, disappointment, or disgust
that's all (それで十分だ) [代] that is all
interpreted (解釈されている) [動] explain the meaning of
I says (私は言った) [動] say something
“but what does these things stand for?”

 It was the leaves and rubbish on the raft and the smashed oar.
rubbish (ゴミ) [名] waste material; refuse
You could see them first-rate now.

 Jim looked at the trash, and then looked at me, and back at the trash again.
He had got the dream fixed so strong in his head that he couldn’t seem to shake it loose and get the facts back into its place again right away.
fix (固定する) [動] make or become firm, stable, or secure
strong (強く) [形] having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
loose (元の場所) [形] not held or tied together, or not held or fastened firmly
fact (事実) [名] a thing that is known or proved to be true
But when he did get the thing straightened around he looked at me steady without ever smiling, and says:
get something straightened around (理解する) [動] to understand something
smile (笑顔) [名] a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed

 “What do dey stan’ for?
stan' for (どういう意味だ) [動] be an abbreviation for
I’se gwyne to tell you.
When I got all wore out wid work, en wid de callin’ for you, en went to sleep, my heart wuz mos’ broke bekase you wuz los’, en I didn’ k’yer no’ mo’ what become er me en de raf’.
lose (いなくなる) [動] to no longer have something
En when I wake up en fine you back agin, all safe en soun’, de tears come, en I could a got down on my knees en kiss yo’ foot, I’s so thankful.
fine (見つける) [動] discover or notice
safe (無事) [形] not likely to cause or be affected by injury, damage, or loss
soun' (元気) [形] healthy
En all you wuz thinkin’ ’bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid a lie.
Dat truck dah is trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren’s en makes ’em ashamed.”
truck (手品) [名] a small object or device that is used in a magic trick
trash (くだらない) [名] something that is of poor quality or worthless
put dirt on (泥を塗る) [動] to say or do something that damages someone's reputation
ashamed (恥ずかしい) [形] feeling shame or guilt

 Then he got up slow and walked to the wigwam, and went in there without saying anything but that.
But that was enough.
It made me feel so mean I could almost kissed his foot to get him to take it back.
mean (卑屈) [形] unkind or spiteful
kiss (キスする) [動] touch with the lips as a sign of love, affection, greeting, or reverence
take back (撤回する) [動] retract a statement or accusation

 It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger;
work oneself up (決心する) [動] to become agitated or excited
humble oneself (頭を下げる) [動] to make oneself seem less important than one really is
but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither.
I didn’t do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d a knowed it would make him feel that way.
trick (いたずら) [名] a mischievous act or prank