CHAPTER XXVII (第27章) [名] the 27th chapter

 The adventure of the day mightily tormented Tom’s dreams that night.
Four times he had his hands on that rich treasure and four times it wasted to nothingness in his fingers as sleep forsook him and wakefulness brought back the hard reality of his misfortune.
four times (4回) [副] on four occasions
nothingness (無) [名] the absence of anything
forsook (捨て去る) [動] give up or renounce
wakefulness (目覚め) [名] the state of being awake
As he lay in the early morning recalling the incidents of his great adventure, he noticed that they seemed curiously subdued and far away—somewhat as if they had happened in another world, or in a time long gone by.
early morning (早朝) [名] the time of day from about 4 a.m. to about 8 a.m.
subdued (落ち着いた) [形] quiet and rather serious
another world (別の世界) [名] a different world
long gone by (遠い昔) [形] a long time ago
Then it occurred to him that the great adventure itself must be a dream!
itself (そのもの) [代] used to emphasize the identity of the subject
There was one very strong argument in favor of this idea—namely, that the quantity of coin he had seen was too vast to be real.
very (非常に) [副] to a high degree; extremely
strong (強力な) [形] having great power or force
favor (支持する) [動] approve of or be in favor of
real (現実のもの) [形] not imaginary; having objective existence
He had never seen as much as fifty dollars in one mass before, and he was like all boys of his age and station in life, in that he imagined that all references to “hundreds” and “thousands” were mere fanciful forms of speech, and that no such sums really existed in the world.
as much as (も) [副] to the extent or degree that
fifty dollars (50ドル) [名] an amount of money
one mass (一度に) [名] a large amount of something
all boys (すべての少年たち) [名] all male children
station (地位) [名] a person's social or professional position
thousands (何千) [名] a number between 1000 and 9999
fanciful (空想的な) [形] existing only in the imagination
speech (表現) [名] the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds
sum (金額) [名] a particular amount of money
exist (存在する) [動] have objective reality or being
He never had supposed for a moment that so large a sum as a hundred dollars was to be found in actual money in any one’s possession.
a hundred dollars (100ドル) [名] a sum of money
be to be found (見つかるはずだ) [動] be likely to be found
actual money (現金) [名] money in the form of coins or banknotes
in any one's possession (誰かの所有物として) [名] in the possession of someone
If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars.
hidden treasure (隠された宝) [名] a treasure that is hidden
notion (概念) [名] an idea or understanding of something
analyze (分析する) [動] examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of
bushel (山) [名] a large quantity
ungraspable (つかみどころのない) [形] difficult or impossible to understand

 But the incidents of his adventure grew sensibly sharper and clearer under the attrition of thinking them over, and so he presently found himself leaning to the impression that the thing might not have been a dream, after all.
sensibly (はっきりと) [副] in a way that is reasonable or makes sense
sharper (鮮明に) [形] having a fine edge or point
clearer (鮮明に) [形] easy to understand
attrition (考えれば考えるほど) [名] a gradual reduction in the number or strength of something
impression (印象) [名] an idea, feeling, or opinion that you get about something or someone
This uncertainty must be swept away.
uncertainty (不確実性) [名] the state of being uncertain
be swept away (一掃される) [動] be completely destroyed or eliminated
He would snatch a hurried breakfast and go and find Huck.
snatch (急いで済ませる) [動] grab or seize suddenly or quickly
go and find (会いに行く) [動] go to a place and find someone or something
Huck was sitting on the gunwale of a flatboat, listlessly dangling his feet in the water and looking very melancholy.
gunwale (船べり) [名] the upper edge of the side of a boat
look (そうにしていた) [動] seem to be; appear to be
Tom concluded to let Huck lead up to the subject.
lead up to (持ち出す) [動] introduce a topic
If he did not do it, then the adventure would be proved to have been only a dream.

 “Hello, Huck!”

 “Hello, yourself.”
yourself (君も) [代] you; yourself

 Silence, for a minute.
for a minute (しばらく) [副] for a short period of time

 “Tom, if we’d ’a’ left the blame tools at the dead tree, we’d ’a’ got the money.
Oh, ain’t it awful!”

 “’Tain’t a dream, then, ’tain’t a dream!
'tain't (~じゃない) [他] it is not
Somehow I most wish it was.
Dog’d if I don’t, Huck.”

 “What ain’t a dream?”

 “Oh, that thing yesterday.
I been half thinking it was.”

 “Dream! If them stairs hadn’t broke down you’d ’a’ seen how much dream it was!
break down (壊れる) [動] stop functioning properly
「夢だって! あの階段が壊れなければ、どれだけ夢か分かっただろうに!
I’ve had dreams enough all night—with that patch-eyed Spanish devil going for me all through ’em—rot him!”
all night (一晩中) [副] throughout the night
patch-eyed (眼帯の) [形] having an eye patch
Spanish (スペイン人の) [形] of or relating to Spain or its people
rot (くそったれ) [動] decay or cause to decay

 “No, not rot him. Find him!
Track the money!”
track (探す) [動] follow the course of

 “Tom, we’ll never find him.
A feller don’t have only one chance for such a pile—and that one’s lost.
don't have only one chance (そうそうあるもんじゃない) [動] not have many opportunities
pile (大金) [名] a large amount of money
that one's lost (そのチャンスを逃してしまった) [動] that opportunity is gone
I’d feel mighty shaky if I was to see him, anyway.”
feel shaky (震えてしまう) [動] feel nervous or anxious

 “Well, so’d I; but I’d like to see him, anyway—and track him out—to his Number Two.”
out (まで) [副] to a point of completion

 “Number Two—yes, that’s it.
I been thinking ’bout that.
But I can’t make nothing out of it.
make nothing out of (わからない) [動] be unable to understand
What do you reckon it is?”

 “I dono. It’s too deep.
Say, Huck—maybe it’s the number of a house!”
number (番号) [名] a symbol or word used to represent a particular quantity and that forms part of a system

 “Goody!... No, Tom, that ain’t it.
「やった! 違うよ、トム。
If it is, it ain’t in this one-horse town.
one-horse town (田舎町) [名] a small town with few inhabitants and little business activity
They ain’t no numbers here.”

 “Well, that’s so.
Lemme think a minute.
Here—it’s the number of a room—in a tavern, you know!”
tavern (居酒屋) [名] a place where people can buy and consume alcohol and food

 “Oh, that’s the trick!
They ain’t only two taverns.
We can find out quick.”
quick (すぐに) [副] at a fast pace; rapidly

 “You stay here, Huck, till I come.”

 Tom was off at once.
He did not care to have Huck’s company in public places.
care (好む) [動] like or want to do something
company (連れ添い) [名] a person or group of people with whom one spends time or associates
public place (公共の場所) [名] a place that is open to the public
He was gone half an hour.
half an hour (30分) [名] 30 minutes
He found that in the best tavern, No. 2 had long been occupied by a young lawyer, and was still so occupied.
No. 2 (2号室) [名] the second room
occupy (占領する) [動] take up all or a lot of a place or area
In the less ostentatious house, No. 2 was a mystery.
ostentatious (目立つ) [形] intended to attract notice
The tavern-keeper’s young son said it was kept locked all the time, and he never saw anybody go into it or come out of it except at night;
tavern-keeper (宿屋の主人) [名] the owner of a tavern
young son (小さな息子) [名] a young male child
keep locked (鍵がかかっている) [動] to be locked
go into (出入りする) [動] to enter or leave a place
he did not know any particular reason for this state of things;
had had some little curiosity, but it was rather feeble;
have had (あった) [動] to have experienced or possessed something in the past
some little (少し) [形] a small amount of
had made the most of the mystery by entertaining himself with the idea that that room was “ha’nted”;
make the most of (最大限に利用する) [動] to use or exploit something to the fullest extent
entertain (楽しませる) [動] to provide amusement or enjoyment for
had noticed that there was a light in there the night before.

 “That’s what I’ve found out, Huck.
I reckon that’s the very No. 2 we’re after.”
No. 2 (2番目の男) [名] the second man
after (追っている) [前] in pursuit of

 “I reckon it is, Tom.
Now what you going to do?”

 “Lemme think.”

 Tom thought a long time.
Then he said:

 “I’ll tell you. The back door of that No. 2 is the door that comes out into that little close alley between the tavern and the old rattle trap of a brick store.
back door (裏口) [名] a door at the back of a building
rattle trap (ガタガタ) [名] a rickety old vehicle
store (店) [名] a place where one can buy goods or services
Now you get hold of all the doorkeys you can find, and I’ll nip all of auntie’s, and the first dark night we’ll go there and try ’em.
get hold of (手に入れる) [動] obtain or acquire
doorkey (ドアの鍵) [名] a key that opens a door
nip (盗み取る) [動] steal or take without permission
And mind you, keep a lookout for Injun Joe, because he said he was going to drop into town and spy around once more for a chance to get his revenge.
keep a lookout (気をつけろ) [動] be careful or vigilant
drop into (忍び込む) [動] enter or visit casually or unexpectedly
spy around (うかがう) [動] try to find out something by spying
If you see him, you just follow him;
and if he don’t go to that No. 2, that ain’t the place.”
No. 2 (2番) [名] the second in a series
that (そこは) [限] used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker
ain't (違う) [動] be not

 “Lordy, I don’t want to foller him by myself!”
foller (後をつける) [動] follow

 “Why, it’ll be night, sure.
He mightn’t ever see you—and if he did, maybe he’d never think anything.”
mightn't (かもしれない) [助] may not

 “Well, if it’s pretty dark I reckon I’ll track him. I dono—I dono. I’ll try.”
track (跡をつける) [動] to follow the trail of

 “You bet I’ll follow him, if it’s dark, Huck.
Why, he might ’a’ found out he couldn’t get his revenge, and be going right after that money.”
go after (取りに行く) [動] pursue or chase

 “It’s so, Tom, it’s so. I’ll foller him;
foller (追いかける) [動] go after someone or something
I will, by jingoes!”

 “Now you’re talking!
be talking (話している) [動] be engaged in speech
Don’t you ever weaken, Huck, and I won’t.”
weaken (弱気になる) [動] become less strong or intense