CHAPTER XX (第20章) [名] the 20th chapter

 There was something about Aunt Polly’s manner, when she kissed Tom, that swept away his low spirits and made him lighthearted and happy again.
sweep away (吹き飛ばす) [動] remove or destroy completely
low spirits (落ち込んだ気分) [名] a state of mind characterized by a lack of hope or confidence
lighthearted (陽気な) [形] free from care or anxiety
He started to school and had the luck of coming upon Becky Thatcher at the head of Meadow Lane.
start (向かう) [動] go in a specified direction
have the luck of (幸運にも) [動] be lucky enough to
His mood always determined his manner.
determine (決まる) [動] cause to occur in a particular way
Without a moment’s hesitation he ran to her and said:
without a moment's hesitation (一瞬の躊躇もなく) [副] without any delay

 “I acted mighty mean today, Becky, and I’m so sorry.
act (態度をとる) [動] behave in a particular manner
mighty (ひどい) [形] very great in power, size, or degree
today (今日) [名] the present day
I won’t ever, ever do that way again, as long as ever I live—please make up, won’t you?”
make up (仲直りする) [動] become reconciled

 The girl stopped and looked him scornfully in the face:
scornfully (軽蔑して) [副] in a contemptuous manner

 “I’ll thank you to keep yourself to yourself, Mr. Thomas Sawyer.
keep to oneself (自分を貫く) [動] to not talk about oneself or one's feelings
I’ll never speak to you again.”

 She tossed her head and passed on.
pass on (通り過ぎる) [動] go past
Tom was so stunned that he had not even presence of mind enough to say “Who cares, Miss Smarty?” until the right time to say it had gone by.
be stunned (びっくりする) [動] be shocked or surprised
presence of mind (落ち着き) [名] the ability to think and act calmly and sensibly in a difficult situation
Miss Smarty (おませさん) [名] a girl who is too clever or confident
right time (言うべき時) [名] the most suitable or appropriate time
So he said nothing.
But he was in a fine rage, nevertheless.
be in a rage (激怒している) [動] be very angry
He moped into the schoolyard wishing she were a boy, and imagining how he would trounce her if she were.
imagine (想像する) [動] form a mental image or concept of
trounce (打ち負かす) [動] defeat heavily
He presently encountered her and delivered a stinging remark as he passed.
encounter (遭遇する) [動] meet unexpectedly
She hurled one in return, and the angry breach was complete.
hurl (言い返す) [動] throw or fling forcefully
breach (溝) [名] an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct
It seemed to Becky, in her hot resentment, that she could hardly wait for school to “take in,” she was so impatient to see Tom flogged for the injured spelling-book.
hot resentment (激しい憤り) [名] a strong feeling of anger or annoyance
hardly wait (待ちきれない) [動] be very eager for something to happen
take in (始まる) [動] start
injured spelling-book (破れた綴り字の本) [名] a book that teaches spelling
flogged (鞭打たれる) [動] beat with a whip or stick
If she had had any lingering notion of exposing Alfred Temple, Tom’s offensive fling had driven it entirely away.
expose (告発する) [動] make known to the public
linger (少しでも持つ) [動] remain present for an unusually long time
drive away (吹き飛ばす) [動] cause to go away

 Poor girl, she did not know how fast she was nearing trouble herself.
near (近づく) [動] come close to
The master, Mr. Dobbins, had reached middle age with an unsatisfied ambition.
Mr. Dobbins (ドビンズ氏) [名] the name of a person
middle age (中年) [名] the period of life from about 45 to about 65
unsatisfied (満たされない) [形] not satisfied
The darling of his desires was, to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster.
darling (望み) [名] a person who is very dear to someone
poverty (貧しさ) [名] the state of being extremely poor
decreed (できなかった) [動] officially order or decide something
Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting.
absorb (没頭する) [動] take up the attention or interest of
class (授業) [名] a period of time during which a subject is taught
He kept that book under lock and key.
lock (鍵) [名] a device for fastening or securing something
There was not an urchin in school but was perishing to have a glimpse of it, but the chance never came.
urchin (子供) [名] a mischievous child
Every boy and girl had a theory about the nature of that book;
have a theory (持論を持つ) [動] have an opinion or explanation for something
but no two theories were alike, and there was no way of getting at the facts in the case.
no two theories (二つの理論) [名] two theories
alike (似ている) [形] having a similar appearance or qualities
no way (方法がない) [名] no method or means
get at (知る) [動] to find out or discover
fact (真相) [名] a thing that is known or proved to be true
Now, as Becky was passing by the desk, which stood near the door, she noticed that the key was in the lock!
lock (鍵穴) [名] a mechanism for fastening a door, lid, etc., typically operated only by a key
It was a precious moment.
She glanced around; found herself alone, and the next instant she had the book in her hands.
glance around (見回す) [動] look around quickly
next instant (次の瞬間) [名] the very next moment
have in one's hands (手に持つ) [動] be holding something
The titlepage—Professor Somebody’s Anatomy—carried no information to her mind;
titlepage (表紙) [名] the page at the beginning of a book that gives the title, author, and publisher
Professor Somebody's Anatomy (誰か先生の解剖学) [名] the title of a book
carry (書いてある) [動] to have or contain something
information (情報) [名] knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance
so she began to turn the leaves.
turn (めくる) [動] move or cause to move around an axis or center
She came at once upon a handsomely engraved and colored frontispiece—a human figure, stark naked.
come upon (たどり着く) [動] find or encounter by chance
handsomely (美しく) [副] in a beautiful manner
engrave (彫刻する) [動] cut or carve (a design or inscription) on a hard surface
color (彩色する) [動] add color to
frontispiece (口絵) [名] an illustration facing the title page of a book
stark naked (真っ裸) [形] completely naked
At that moment a shadow fell on the page and Tom Sawyer stepped in at the door and caught a glimpse of the picture.
at that moment (その瞬間) [副] at that time
step in (入ってくる) [動] come or go into a place
catch a glimpse of (ちらっと見る) [動] see something briefly or partially
Becky snatched at the book to close it, and had the hard luck to tear the pictured page half down the middle.
tear (破る) [動] pull or rip apart or to pieces
She thrust the volume into the desk, turned the key, and burst out crying with shame and vexation.
volume (本) [名] a book
burst out (泣き出す) [動] suddenly and uncontrollably begin to do something
shame (恥ずかしさ) [名] a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior

 “Tom Sawyer, you are just as mean as you can be, to sneak up on a person and look at what they’re looking at.”
sneak up on (忍び寄る) [動] approach stealthily

 “How could I know you was looking at anything?”

 “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Tom Sawyer;
be ashamed of (恥ずかしいと思う) [動] feel shame or guilt
yourself (自分) [代] the person that you are
you know you’re going to tell on me, and oh, what shall I do, what shall I do!
tell on (言いつける) [動] to report the bad behavior of someone to someone in authority
what shall I do (どうしよう) [名] an expression of worry or confusion
I’ll be whipped, and I never was whipped in school.”
be whipped (鞭打たれる) [動] be beaten with a whip

 Then she stamped her little foot and said:
stamp (踏み鳴らす) [動] bring down (one's foot) heavily and noisily

 “Be so mean if you want to!
mean (そうしたい) [動] intend to convey or indicate
I know something that’s going to happen.
You just wait and you’ll see!
Hateful, hateful, hateful!”—and she flung out of the house with a new explosion of crying.
hateful (憎らしい) [形] deserving of hatred
fling (飛び出す) [動] move or cause to move with a sudden and violent movement

 Tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.
onslaught (猛攻) [名] a fierce or destructive attack
Presently he said to himself:

 “What a curious kind of a fool a girl is!
curious (奇妙な) [形] eager to know or learn something
fool (バカ) [名] a person who lacks judgment or sense
Never been licked in school!
be licked (負ける) [動] be defeated or beaten
Shucks! What’s a licking!
licking (負け) [名] a beating or defeat
ちぇっ! 負けなんて!
That’s just like a girl—they’re so thin-skinned and chicken-hearted.
just like (そんなもの) [副] in the same way as
thin-skinned (皮が薄い) [形] sensitive to criticism or insults
Well, of course I ain’t going to tell old Dobbins on this little fool, because there’s other ways of getting even on her, that ain’t so mean;
Dobbins (ドビンズ) [名] a character in the story
on (~について) [前] about
getting (得る) [動] receive
even (仕返しする) [動] inflict harm in return for
on (~に) [前] against
her (彼女) [代] a female person or animal that is being discussed
that (そんなに) [副] to such a degree
so (そんなに) [副] to such a degree
but what of it?
Old Dobbins will ask who it was tore his book.
Old Dobbins (ドビンズ先生) [名] the teacher of Tom Sawyer
Nobody’ll answer.
Then he’ll do just the way he always does—ask first one and then t’other, and when he comes to the right girl he’ll know it, without any telling.
do just the way (いつも通りにする) [動] do something in the same way as usual
come to (たどり着く) [動] reach a place
Girls’ faces always tell on them.
tell on (告げ口する) [動] to give information about someone's bad behavior to someone in authority
They ain’t got any backbone.
backbone (気骨) [名] the ability to stand up for what you believe in
She’ll get licked.
get licked (殴られる) [動] be hit or beaten
Well, it’s a kind of a tight place for Becky Thatcher, because there ain’t any way out of it.”
tight (きつい) [形] closely held or drawn together
Tom conned the thing a moment longer, and then added:
con (考える) [動] study or examine carefully
“All right, though; she’d like to see me in just such a fix—let her sweat it out!”
just such a fix (こんな目に遭う) [名] a difficult or problematic situation

 Tom joined the mob of skylarking scholars outside.
mob (群れ) [名] a large crowd of people
In a few moments the master arrived and school “took in.”
a few moments (しばらく) [名] a short period of time
Tom did not feel a strong interest in his studies.
Every time he stole a glance at the girls’ side of the room Becky’s face troubled him.
steal a glance (盗み見る) [動] look at someone or something quickly and secretly
girl (女子) [名] a young female human being
trouble (悩ませる) [動] cause distress to
Considering all things, he did not want to pity her, and yet it was all he could do to help it.
all things (あらゆること) [名] everything
He could get up no exultation that was really worthy the name.
get up (上げる) [動] to rise from a lying, sitting, or kneeling position
Presently the spelling-book discovery was made, and Tom’s mind was entirely full of his own matters for a while after that.
discovery (発見) [名] the act of finding something
Becky roused up from her lethargy of distress and showed good interest in the proceedings.
rouse up (立ち直る) [動] wake up or wake someone up
lethargy (無気力) [名] a lack of energy or enthusiasm
show interest (興味を示す) [動] express interest in something
She did not expect that Tom could get out of his trouble by denying that he spilt the ink on the book himself;
get out of (抜け出す) [動] escape from
and she was right.
be right (正しい) [動] be correct or true
The denial only seemed to make the thing worse for Tom.
denial (否定) [名] a refusal to admit the truth or existence of something
make worse (悪化させる) [動] cause to become worse
Becky supposed she would be glad of that, and she tried to believe she was glad of it, but she found she was not certain.
suppose (思う) [動] think or assume that something is true or probable
be glad of (喜ぶ) [動] be happy about
When the worst came to the worst, she had an impulse to get up and tell on Alfred Temple, but she made an effort and forced herself to keep still—because, said she to herself, “he’ll tell about me tearing the picture sure.
when the worst came to the worst (最悪の事態になった時) [名] when the situation became as bad as it could possibly be
have an impulse to (衝動に駆られる) [動] have a sudden strong desire to do something
force oneself to (自分に強いた) [動] make oneself do something
said to oneself (自分に言い聞かせる) [動] say something to oneself
I wouldn’t say a word, not to save his life!”
say a word (一言も言わない) [動] say anything
save one's life (命を救う) [動] prevent someone from dying

 Tom took his whipping and went back to his seat not at all broken-hearted, for he thought it was possible that he had unknowingly upset the ink on the spelling-book himself, in some skylarking bout—he had denied it for form’s sake and because it was custom, and had stuck to the denial from principle.
not at all (全く~ない) [副] not in the least; not in any way
broken-hearted (悲しみに暮れる) [形] very sad
it was possible that (~かもしれない) [句] it is possible that
unknowingly (知らないうちに) [副] without knowing
upset (こぼす) [動] spill
skylarking (ふざけ) [名] playful behavior
bout (試合) [名] a contest or fight
for form's sake (形式上) [句] for the sake of form
stick to (貫く) [動] continue to do or use something
principle (原則) [名] a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief, behavior, or for a chain of reasoning

 A whole hour drifted by, the master sat nodding in his throne, the air was drowsy with the hum of study.
a whole hour (一時間ほど) [名] a period of 60 minutes
drift by (過ぎる) [動] pass slowly
By and by, Mr. Dobbins straightened himself up, yawned, then unlocked his desk, and reached for his book, but seemed undecided whether to take it out or leave it.
Mr. Dobbins (ドビンズ先生) [名] the teacher
straighten up (身を起こす) [動] to make or become straight
unlock (鍵を開ける) [動] to release the lock of
reach for (手を伸ばす) [動] to stretch out so as to touch or grasp something
leave (そのままにする) [動] to go away from a place
Most of the pupils glanced up languidly, but there were two among them that watched his movements with intent eyes.
most of (ほとんどの) [限] the majority of
glance up (見上げる) [動] look upwards
languidly (ぼんやりと) [副] in a slow and relaxed way
movement (動き) [名] an act of moving
Mr. Dobbins fingered his book absently for a while, then took it out and settled himself in his chair to read!
finger (なぞる) [動] touch or feel with the fingers
absently (ぼんやりと) [副] in a state of mental abstraction
settle (腰を下ろす) [動] sit down
Tom shot a glance at Becky.
shoot a glance (ちらっと見る) [動] look at someone or something quickly
He had seen a hunted and helpless rabbit look as she did, with a gun levelled at its head.
hunted (狩られる) [形] chased and killed for food
rabbit (ウサギ) [名] a small mammal with long ears and a short tail
gun (銃) [名] a weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a bullet or shell may be shot
level (突きつける) [動] aim or direct
Instantly he forgot his quarrel with her.
Quick—something must be done!
be done (しなければならない) [動] be finished or completed
done in a flash, too!
flash (一瞬) [名] a very brief period of time
But the very imminence of the emergency paralyzed his invention.
emergency (緊急事態) [名] a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment
invention (創意工夫) [名] the creation of something that has not existed before
Good!—he had an inspiration!
have an inspiration (ひらめいた) [動] to have a sudden brilliant or timely idea
よかった! 彼はひらめいた!
He would run and snatch the book, spring through the door and fly.
But his resolution shook for one little instant, and the chance was lost—the master opened the volume.
lose (逃す) [動] fail to keep or maintain
If Tom only had the wasted opportunity back again!
have back (取り戻す) [動] get back; regain
Too late.
There was no help for Becky now, he said.
no help (手立てはない) [名] no way to help
The next moment the master faced the school.
face (向かう) [動] be oriented or turned toward
Every eye sank under his gaze.
There was that in it which smote even the innocent with fear.
there was that in it (そこには) [名] there was something in it
smote (襲われる) [動] past tense of smite
There was silence while one might count ten—the master was gathering his wrath.
Then he spoke: “Who tore this book?”
speak (言う) [動] say words

 There was not a sound.
One could have heard a pin drop.
could have (かもしれない) [助] a possibility in the past
The stillness continued;
the master searched face after face for signs of guilt.
search (調べる) [動] examine thoroughly
guilt (罪) [名] the fact or state of having committed an offense

 “Benjamin Rogers, did you tear this book?”
Benjamin Rogers (ベンジャミン・ロジャース) [名] a character in the story

 A denial.
Another pause.

 “Joseph Harper, did you?”
Joseph Harper (ジョセフ・ハーパー) [名] a character in the story
did (か) [助] used in questions to ask for confirmation

 Another denial.
Tom’s uneasiness grew more and more intense under the slow torture of these proceedings.
uneasiness (不安) [名] a feeling of worry or nervousness
intense (激しい) [形] very strong or extreme
proceeding (手続き) [名] an official action or course of action
The master scanned the ranks of boys—considered a while, then turned to the girls:
rank (列) [名] a line of people or things

 “Amy Lawrence?”

 A shake of the head.

 “Gracie Miller?”
Gracie Miller (グレイシー・ミラー) [名] a character in the story

 The same sign.
sign (合図) [名] a gesture or action that is intended to convey information or instructions

 “Susan Harper, did you do this?”
Susan Harper (スーザン・ハーパー) [名] a person's name

 Another negative.
negative (否定) [名] a word or statement that expresses denial, refusal, or negation
The next girl was Becky Thatcher.
Tom was trembling from head to foot with excitement and a sense of the hopelessness of the situation.
hopelessness (絶望感) [名] a feeling of despair or lack of hope
situation (状況) [名] the combination of circumstances at a particular time and place

 “Rebecca Thatcher” [Tom glanced at her face—it was white with terror]—“did you tear—no, look me in the face” [her hands rose in appeal]—“did you tear this book?”
Rebecca Thatcher (レベッカ・サッチャー) [名] a character in the story
appeal (訴えかける) [動] make an urgent and heartfelt request

 A thought shot like lightning through Tom’s brain.
shoot (閃く) [動] move or cause to move suddenly and rapidly
brain (脳) [名] the organ of the body that is the center of the nervous system
He sprang to his feet and shouted—“I done it!”
I done it (私がやりました) [動] I did it

 The school stared in perplexity at this incredible folly.
perplexity (当惑) [名] a state of confusion or uncertainty
incredible (信じられない) [形] too extraordinary or improbable to be believed
folly (愚行) [名] a foolish act or idea
Tom stood a moment, to gather his dismembered faculties;
dismembered (バラバラになった) [形] cut off or torn off a limb or other body part
and when he stepped forward to go to his punishment the surprise, the gratitude, the adoration that shone upon him out of poor Becky’s eyes seemed pay enough for a hundred floggings.
step forward (前に進む) [動] move forward
punishment (罰) [名] a penalty imposed for a crime or other offense
pay (報い) [名] money paid for work or a service
Inspired by the splendor of his own act, he took without an outcry the most merciless flaying that even Mr. Dobbins had ever administered;
inspire (触発する) [動] fill with the urge or ability to do or feel something
outcry (叫び声) [名] a strong public protest
merciless (無慈悲な) [形] showing no mercy
flay (鞭打つ) [動] beat with a whip
administer (行う) [動] manage or be in charge of
and also received with indifference the added cruelty of a command to remain two hours after school should be dismissed—for he knew who would wait for him outside till his captivity was done, and not count the tedious time as loss, either.
command (命令) [名] an authoritative order
two hours (2時間) [名] a period of time equal to 120 minutes
after school (放課後) [名] the time after school
be dismissed (終わる) [動] be told to leave

 Tom went to bed that night planning vengeance against Alfred Temple;
vengeance (復讐) [名] punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong
for with shame and repentance Becky had told him all, not forgetting her own treachery;
repentance (後悔) [名] a feeling of sorrow and being sorry for something you have done
treachery (裏切り) [名] the act of betraying someone or something
but even the longing for vengeance had to give way, soon, to pleasanter musings, and he fell asleep at last with Becky’s latest words lingering dreamily in his ear—
give way (道を譲る) [動] move aside to allow someone or something to pass
pleasanter (もっと楽しい) [形] more pleasant
musing (空想) [名] a period of reflection or thought
lingering (残る) [動] remain present for an unusually long time
dreamily (夢のように) [副] in a dreamy manner

 “Tom, how could you be so noble!”