CHAPTER XIX (第19章) [名] the 19th chapter

 Tom arrived at home in a dreary mood, and the first thing his aunt said to him showed him that he had brought his sorrows to an unpromising market:
dreary (憂鬱な) [形] sad and dull
unpromising (期待できない) [形] not likely to produce good results
market (市場) [名] a place where goods and services are bought and sold

 “Tom, I’ve a notion to skin you alive!”
notion (考え) [名] a general understanding

 “Auntie, what have I done?”
have done (した) [動] to have finished doing something

 “Well, you’ve done enough.
well (そうね) [副] used to express surprise, hesitation, or disgust
Here I go over to Sereny Harper, like an old softy, expecting I’m going to make her believe all that rubbage about that dream, when lo and behold you she’d found out from Joe that you was over here and heard all the talk we had that night.
old softy (お人好し) [名] a person who is too kind or generous
make believe (信じさせる) [動] cause someone to believe something that is not true
rubbage (くだらない話) [名] nonsense
lo and behold (なんと) [間] used to express surprise or disgust
find out (聞く) [動] discover or notice something
be over (いる) [動] be present in a place
Tom, I don’t know what is to become of a boy that will act like that.
what is to become of (どうなるか) [名] what will happen to
a boy (男の子) [名] a male child
will act (振る舞う) [動] behave
It makes me feel so bad to think you could let me go to Sereny Harper and make such a fool of myself and never say a word.”
make me feel so bad (とても悲しい) [動] cause me to feel sad
let me go (行かせる) [動] allow me to go
make a fool of myself (馬鹿げたことをする) [動] do something foolish
never say a word (黙って見ている) [動] remain silent

 This was a new aspect of the thing.
aspect (見方) [名] a particular way of considering something
His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious.
morning (午前中) [名] the period of time from sunrise to noon
smartness (賢さ) [名] the quality of being smart
good joke (良いジョーク) [名] a funny story or saying
ingenious (独創的) [形] having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving
It merely looked mean and shabby now.
merely (ただ) [副] only; simply
He hung his head and could not think of anything to say for a moment.
hang one's head (頭を垂れる) [動] to lower one's head
could not think of (思いつかなかった) [動] to be unable to think of
Then he said:

 “Auntie, I wish I hadn’t done it—but I didn’t think.”
hadn't done (やらなければよかった) [動] had not done
didn't think (考えもしなかった) [動] did not think

 “Oh, child, you never think.
You never think of anything but your own selfishness.
selfishness (利己主義) [名] the quality of being selfish
You could think to come all the way over here from Jackson’s Island in the night to laugh at our troubles, and you could think to fool me with a lie about a dream;
all the way (わざわざ) [副] to the full extent
over here (ここまで) [副] to this place
in the night (夜に) [副] during the night
laugh at (笑う) [動] find something funny
fool (騙す) [動] deceive or trick
but you couldn’t ever think to pity us and save us from sorrow.”

 “Auntie, I know now it was mean, but I didn’t mean to be mean.
I didn’t, honest.
And besides, I didn’t come over here to laugh at you that night.”

 “What did you come for, then?”
come for (しに来る) [動] come to do something

 “It was to tell you not to be uneasy about us, because we hadn’t got drownded.”
uneasy (心配する) [形] anxious or nervous

 “Tom, Tom, I would be the thankfullest soul in this world if I could believe you ever had as good a thought as that, but you know you never did—and I know it, Tom.”
this world (この世) [名] the earth and all its inhabitants

 “Indeed and ’deed I did, auntie—I wish I may never stir if I didn’t.”

 “Oh, Tom, don’t lie—don’t do it.
It only makes things a hundred times worse.”
worse (悪くなる) [形] of poorer quality or a lower standard

 “It ain’t a lie, auntie; it’s the truth.
truth (本当のこと) [名] the body of real things, events, and facts
I wanted to keep you from grieving—that was all that made me come.”
keep from (しないようにする) [動] prevent from doing something

 “I’d give the whole world to believe that—it would cover up a power of sins, Tom.
cover up (覆い隠す) [動] hide or conceal
I’d ’most be glad you’d run off and acted so bad.
run off (逃げ出す) [動] leave quickly and suddenly
But it ain’t reasonable; because, why didn’t you tell me, child?”
reasonable (理にかなっている) [形] in accordance with reason or logic

 “Why, you see, when you got to talking about the funeral, I just got all full of the idea of our coming and hiding in the church, and I couldn’t somehow bear to spoil it.
So I just put the bark back in my pocket and kept mum.”

 “What bark?”

 “The bark I had wrote on to tell you we’d gone pirating.
write on (書く) [動] to write something on something
I wish, now, you’d waked up when I kissed you—I do, honest.”

 The hard lines in his aunt’s face relaxed and a sudden tenderness dawned in her eyes.
hard line (厳しい線) [名] a firm and uncompromising attitude
tenderness (優しさ) [名] the quality of being gentle and kind
dawn (浮かぶ) [動] begin to be understood or realized

 “Did you kiss me, Tom?”

 “Why, yes, I did.”

 “Are you sure you did, Tom?”

 “Why, yes, I did, auntie—certain sure.”
certain (確かに) [形] having or showing no doubt

 “What did you kiss me for, Tom?”

 “Because I loved you so, and you laid there moaning
because (だって) [接] for the reason that
and I was so sorry.”
be sorry (悲しい) [動] feeling sad or unhappy

 The words sounded like truth.
The old lady could not hide a tremor in her voice when she said:
tremor (震え) [名] an involuntary trembling or quivering

 “Kiss me again, Tom!—and be off with you to school, now, and don’t bother me any more.”
「もう一度キスして、トム! そして、学校に行って、もう私を困らせないで」

 The moment he was gone, she ran to a closet and got out the ruin of a jacket which Tom had gone pirating in.
the moment (~するとすぐに) [名] the exact point in time
go pirating (海賊行為に出かける) [動] go out to rob ships at sea
Then she stopped, with it in her hand, and said to herself:

 “No, I don’t dare.
Poor boy, I reckon he’s lied about it—but it’s a blessed, blessed lie, there’s such a comfort come from it.
blessed (祝福された) [形] consecrated or dedicated to God or to some religious purpose or to some person
I hope the Lord—I know the Lord will forgive him, because it was such good-heartedness in him to tell it.
But I don’t want to find out it’s a lie.
I won’t look.”

 She put the jacket away, and stood by musing a minute.
stand by (立っている) [動] to be present but not taking part
Twice she put out her hand to take the garment again, and twice she refrained.
put out (伸ばす) [動] extend
garment (上着) [名] an article of clothing
refrain (思いとどまる) [動] hold oneself back from doing something
Once more she ventured, and this time she fortified herself with the thought: “It’s a good lie—it’s a good lie—I won’t let it grieve me.”
venture (思い切る) [動] do something new or dangerous
fortify (奮い立たせる) [動] strengthen or reinforce
So she sought the jacket pocket.
A moment later she was reading Tom’s piece of bark through flowing tears and saying: “I could forgive the boy, now, if he’d committed a million sins!”
a moment later (しばらくして) [副] a short time after
read (読む) [動] look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words
commit (犯す) [動] carry out or perpetrate