CHAPTER XIV (第十四章) [名] the 14th chapter

 When Tom awoke in the morning, he wondered where he was.
He sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked around.
Then he comprehended.
It was the cool gray dawn, and there was a delicious sense of repose and peace in the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods.
cool (涼しい) [形] moderately cold
gray (灰色の) [形] of a color intermediate between black and white
dawn (夜明け) [名] the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
delicious (心地よい) [形] extremely pleasant
repose (安らぎ) [名] a state of relaxation and rest
peace (平和) [名] a state of tranquility or quiet
pervade (広がる) [動] spread or extend throughout
Not a leaf stirred; not a sound obtruded upon great Nature’s meditation.
leaf (葉) [名] a flattened structure of a higher plant that is typically green and blade-like
obtrude (妨げる) [動] be too noticeable or prominent
meditation (瞑想) [名] the act of meditating
Beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses.
bead (玉) [名] a small round object with a hole through it
dewdrop (露) [名] a drop of dew
A white layer of ashes covered the fire, and a thin blue breath of smoke rose straight into the air.
layer (層) [名] a sheet or covering of material
cover (覆う) [動] be or provide a covering for
Joe and Huck still slept.

 Now, far away in the woods a bird called;
call (鳴く) [動] make a loud clear sound
another answered; presently the hammering of a woodpecker was heard.
hammering (叩く音) [名] the sound of a hammer hitting something
woodpecker (キツツキ) [名] a bird that climbs trees and drills holes in the bark to find insects to eat
Gradually the cool dim gray of the morning whitened, and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself.
cool (冷たい) [形] of or at a fairly low temperature
gray (灰色) [名] a color intermediate between black and white
whiten (白くなる) [動] become white or whiter
multiply (増える) [動] increase in number
The marvel of Nature shaking off sleep and going to work unfolded itself to the musing boy.
shake off (振り払う) [動] get rid of
go to work (仕事に取りかかる) [動] start working
unfold (映る) [動] be revealed or disclosed
A little green worm came crawling over a dewy leaf, lifting two-thirds of his body into the air from time to time and “sniffing around,” then proceeding again—for he was measuring, Tom said;
worm (虫) [名] an animal that has a long, thin, soft body without bones
come crawling (這ってくる) [動] move slowly and carefully
dewy (露のついた) [形] wet with dew
two-thirds (3分の2) [名] a fraction equal to two divided by three
time to time (時々) [副] occasionally
sniff (匂いを嗅ぐ) [動] draw air into the nose with a sharp audible intake
measure (測量する) [動] ascertain the size, amount, or degree of something by using an instrument or device marked in standard units or by comparing it with an object of known size
and when the worm approached him, of its own accord, he sat as still as a stone, with his hopes rising and falling, by turns, as the creature still came toward him or seemed inclined to go elsewhere;
of one's own accord (自ら) [副] without being asked or forced
stone (石) [名] a hard solid nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material
fall (下がる) [動] go down
turn (交互に) [名] an action that changes direction
and when at last it considered a painful moment with its curved body in the air and then came decisively down upon Tom’s leg and began a journey over him, his whole heart was glad—for that meant that he was going to have a new suit of clothes—without the shadow of a doubt a gaudy piratical uniform.
painful (苦しそうな) [形] causing pain
curved (曲がった) [形] not straight
journey (旅) [名] a long and difficult process
shadow (疑い) [名] a dark area or shape produced by an object coming between the light and a surface
doubt (疑い) [名] a feeling of uncertainty about something
uniform (制服) [名] a distinctive outfit worn by members of an organization or group
Now a procession of ants appeared, from nowhere in particular, and went about their labors;
nowhere (どこ) [名] no place
labor (働く) [動] work hard
one struggled manfully by with a dead spider five times as big as itself in its arms, and lugged it straight up a tree-trunk.
manfully (男らしく) [副] in a courageous or resolute manner
spider (クモ) [名] an eight-legged predatory arachnid with an unsegmented body that produces silk to make webs
lug (登る) [動] carry or drag with difficulty
A brown spotted lady-bug climbed the dizzy height of a grass blade, and Tom bent down close to it and said, “Lady-bug, lady-bug, fly away home, your house is on fire, your children’s alone,” and she took wing and went off to see about it—which did not surprise the boy, for he knew of old that this insect was credulous about conflagrations, and he had practised upon its simplicity more than once.
lady-bug (テントウムシ) [名] a small round beetle with a convex body and spotted elytra
dizzy (めまいがする) [形] having or causing a sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance
height (高さ) [名] the distance from the top to the bottom of something
blade (葉) [名] the flat, thin, green part of a plant that grows from the stem
fly away (飛んで帰る) [動] move through the air with wings or a winged structure
fire (火事) [名] a situation in which something is burning
alone (一人ぼっち) [形] having no one else present
take wing (羽を広げる) [動] start flying
see about (様子を見る) [動] find out about
surprise (驚かせる) [動] cause to feel or show surprise
credulous (信じやすい) [形] too ready to believe things
conflagration (大火事) [名] a large and destructive fire
simplicity (単純さ) [名] the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do
A tumblebug came next, heaving sturdily at its ball, and Tom touched the creature, to see it shut its legs against its body and pretend to be dead.
tumblebug (タマムシ) [名] a beetle that rolls balls of dung
heave (持ち上げる) [動] lift or carry with great effort
sturdily (頑丈に) [副] strongly and firmly made or built
ball (ボール) [名] a round object with a smooth or textured surface that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game
The birds were fairly rioting by this time.
fairly (すっかり) [副] to a moderate degree; moderately
riot (暴れ回る) [動] take part in a violent disturbance of the peace
A catbird, the Northern mocker, lit in a tree over Tom’s head, and trilled out her imitations of her neighbors in a rapture of enjoyment;
catbird (ネコドリ) [名] a gray American songbird with a black cap and a reddish-brown undertail
Northern mocker (北のモッカー) [名] a species of bird in the family Mimidae
light (止まる) [動] come to rest on and stay on
trill (震わせる) [動] sing or play with a trill
imitation (真似) [名] the action of using someone or something as a model
then a shrill jay swept down, a flash of blue flame, and stopped on a twig almost within the boy’s reach, cocked his head to one side and eyed the strangers with a consuming curiosity;
shrill (甲高い) [形] high-pitched and piercing
jay (カケス) [名] a noisy and aggressive bird
sweep down (舞い降りる) [動] move quickly and smoothly
blue flame (青い炎) [名] a flame that burns with a blue color
twig (小枝) [名] a small branch of a tree or bush
cock (かしげる) [動] tilt or turn to one side
a gray squirrel and a big fellow of the “fox” kind came skurrying along, sitting up at intervals to inspect and chatter at the boys, for the wild things had probably never seen a human being before and scarcely knew whether to be afraid or not.
gray squirrel (灰色のリス) [名] a tree squirrel with gray or black fur
big fellow (大きな仲間) [名] a large animal
fox (キツネ) [名] a wild mammal with a bushy tail and a pointed muzzle
come skurrying (走り回る) [動] move quickly and in a hurry
sit up (立ち上がる) [動] move from a lying to a sitting position
inspect (じろじろ見る) [動] look at closely and carefully
chatter (おしゃべりする) [動] talk quickly and continuously
wild thing (野生の動物) [名] an animal that lives in the wild
All Nature was wide awake and stirring, now;
stirring (動き回る) [動] move or cause to move slightly
long lances of sunlight pierced down through the dense foliage far and near, and a few butterflies came fluttering upon the scene.
lance (槍) [名] a long weapon with a sharp point
sunlight (日光) [名] the direct light of the sun
pierce (突き刺す) [動] make a hole in
near (近く) [副] a short distance away
butterfly (蝶) [名] an insect with two pairs of large wings that are brightly colored
flutter (ひらひら舞う) [動] move or fly with a light irregular or trembling motion

 Tom stirred up the other pirates and they all clattered away with a shout, and in a minute or two were stripped and chasing after and tumbling over each other in the shallow limpid water of the white sandbar.
stir up (奮い立たせる) [動] to cause to become active or excited
clatter away (走り去る) [動] to move away quickly and noisily
strip (脱ぎ捨てる) [動] to remove all the clothes from one's body
chase after (追いかける) [動] to follow someone or something in order to catch them
tumble over (転げ回る) [動] to roll over and over
limpid (澄んだ) [形] clear and transparent
They felt no longing for the little village sleeping in the distance beyond the majestic waste of water.
longing (憧れ) [名] a strong desire or wish
waste (荒野) [名] an area of land that has not been developed or cultivated
A vagrant current or a slight rise in the river had carried off their raft, but this only gratified them, since its going was something like burning the bridge between them and civilization.
rise (上昇) [名] an increase in amount, value, or level
carry off (流す) [動] to take or carry away
gratify (喜ぶ) [動] to please or satisfy
civilization (文明社会) [名] a human society that has developed a high level of culture and technology

 They came back to camp wonderfully refreshed, glad-hearted, and ravenous;
wonderfully (すばらしく) [副] in a wonderful manner
refreshed (元気を取り戻す) [形] feeling or appearing more energetic or alert
glad-hearted (心も晴れ晴れとして) [形] feeling or showing joy or pleasure
ravenous (腹をすかせて) [形] very hungry
and they soon had the camp-fire blazing up again.
have (燃え上がらせる) [動] cause to be in a specified state
camp-fire (キャンプファイヤー) [名] a fire made in the open air, especially when camping
blaze (燃え上がる) [動] burn brightly
Huck found a spring of clear cold water close by, and the boys made cups of broad oak or hickory leaves, and felt that water, sweetened with such a wildwood charm as that, would be a good enough substitute for coffee.
spring (泉) [名] a natural flow of water from the ground
clear (澄んだ) [形] free from clouds, mist, or haze
close by (近くに) [副] near
cup (コップ) [名] a small bowl-shaped container with a handle, used for drinking from
oak (オーク) [名] a tree of the genus Quercus
hickory (ヒッコリー) [名] a tree of the genus Carya
feel (思う) [動] be of the opinion
sweeten (甘くなる) [動] make or become sweet
wildwood (野生の森) [名] a wild or uncultivated wood
substitute (代わり) [名] a person or thing acting or serving in place of another
coffee (コーヒー) [名] a beverage made by percolation, infusion, or decoction from the roasted and ground seeds of a tropical shrub of the genus Coffea
While Joe was slicing bacon for breakfast, Tom and Huck asked him to hold on a minute;
slice (切る) [動] cut into thin pieces
minute (ちょっと) [名] a short period of time
they stepped to a promising nook in the river-bank and threw in their lines;
promising (有望な) [形] likely to be successful or good
nook (場所) [名] a small corner or area
almost immediately they had reward.
have (得る) [動] receive or be given, presented with, or paid
Joe had not had time to get impatient before they were back again with some handsome bass, a couple of sun-perch and a small catfish—provisions enough for quite a family.
have time (暇がある) [動] have the time to do something
get impatient (イライラする) [動] become impatient
be back (戻ってくる) [動] return to a place
handsome (立派な) [形] good-looking
bass (バス) [名] a type of fish
a couple of (二匹の) [名] two
sun-perch (サンパーチ) [名] a type of fish
catfish (ナマズ) [名] a type of fish
They fried the fish with the bacon, and were astonished;
fry (揚げる) [動] cook in hot fat
fish (魚) [名] a cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water
astonish (びっくりさせる) [動] surprise greatly
for no fish had ever seemed so delicious before.
so (こんなに) [副] to such a great extent
They did not know that the quicker a fresh-water fish is on the fire after he is caught the better he is;
fresh-water fish (淡水魚) [名] a fish that lives in fresh water
the quicker (より速く) [副] more quickly
on the fire (火にかける) [動] to cook something by putting it over or near a fire
he is caught (捕まえる) [動] to take or keep in custody
the better he is (よりおいしい) [形] more good or desirable
and they reflected little upon what a sauce open-air sleeping, open-air exercise, bathing, and a large ingredient of hunger make, too.
sauce (調味料) [名] a liquid or semi-liquid substance served with food to add moistness and flavor
open-air (野外) [形] not enclosed or covered
sleeping (寝ること) [名] the state of being asleep
exercise (運動) [名] physical activity that is done in order to become or stay fit and healthy
bathing (水浴び) [名] the act of washing and cleaning oneself
hunger (空腹) [名] a state of having a desire to eat food

 They lay around in the shade, after breakfast, while Huck had a smoke, and then went off through the woods on an exploring expedition.
lay around (横になる) [動] to lie in a relaxed position
smoke (煙草) [名] a cloud of fine particles in the air
go off (出発する) [動] to leave
They tramped gayly along, over decaying logs, through tangled underbrush, among solemn monarchs of the forest, hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines.
tramp (歩き回る) [動] walk heavily or noisily
decaying (腐った) [形] rotting or decomposing
tangled (もつれた) [形] twisted together in a confused mass
underbrush (下草) [名] small trees and bushes growing beneath the main trees in a wood
among (間を) [前] surrounded by; in the middle of
monarch (君主) [名] the head of a monarchy
crown (王冠) [名] a circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch
drooping (垂れた) [形] hanging or bending downward
regalia (王権) [名] the emblems or symbols of royalty
grape (ブドウ) [名] a small round fruit with a smooth dark skin and a juicy flesh
vine (つる) [名] a climbing or trailing plant
Now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers.
snug (居心地の良い) [形] warm and comfortable
carpet (敷き詰める) [動] cover with a carpet

 They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at.
plenty of (たくさん) [名] a lot of
be delighted with (喜ぶ) [動] be very pleased about
be astonished at (驚く) [動] be very surprised
They discovered that the island was about three miles long and a quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.
long (長さ) [名] the measurement of the distance from one end of something to the other
a quarter of a mile (4分の1マイル) [名] a unit of length equal to 1320 feet
wide (幅) [名] the measurement of the distance from one side of something to the other
closest (最も近い) [形] nearest in space or time
separate (隔てる) [動] keep or cause to be apart
channel (水路) [名] a body of water that connects two larger bodies of water
They took a swim about every hour, so it was close upon the middle of the afternoon when they got back to camp.
take a swim (泳ぎに行く) [動] go swimming
about every hour (1時間ごとに) [副] once every hour
close upon (近くに) [副] near
middle of the afternoon (午後も半ば) [名] the middle of the afternoon
get back (戻る) [動] return
They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk.
too hungry (空腹すぎる) [形] having a very strong desire or need for food
stop (やめる) [動] cease an action
fare (食べる) [動] eat
sumptuously (たらふく) [副] in a very generous or lavish way
throw (身を投げ出す) [動] move or cause to move quickly and suddenly
But the talk soon began to drag, and then died.
drag (長引く) [動] move slowly and with difficulty
The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon the spirits of the boys.
brood (漂う) [動] to be in a state of deep thought
loneliness (孤独感) [名] the state of being lonely
tell (語り始める) [動] to communicate or express something
They fell to thinking.
A sort of undefined longing crept upon them.
a sort of (一種の) [名] a kind of
undefined (漠然とした) [形] not clearly defined or stated
This took dim shape, presently—it was budding homesickness.
take shape (形をとる) [動] to become clear or definite
budding (芽生えつつある) [形] beginning to develop
homesickness (ホームシック) [名] a feeling of longing for one's home
Even Finn the Red-Handed was dreaming of his doorsteps and empty hogsheads.
dream (夢見る) [動] have a dream
But they were all ashamed of their weakness, and none was brave enough to speak his thought.
be ashamed of (恥じる) [動] to be embarrassed or ashamed about something
weakness (弱さ) [名] the quality or state of being weak
brave (勇気がある) [形] having or showing courage

 For some time, now, the boys had been dully conscious of a peculiar sound in the distance, just as one sometimes is of the ticking of a clock which he takes no distinct note of.
dully (ぼんやりと) [副] in a dull manner
conscious (意識する) [形] aware of and responding to one's surroundings
peculiar (奇妙な) [形] strange or odd
just as (ちょうど〜のように) [接] in the same way that
take no distinct note of (はっきりと聞こえない) [動] not be able to hear clearly
But now this mysterious sound became more pronounced, and forced a recognition.
pronounced (はっきりとした) [形] very noticeable or marked
The boys started, glanced at each other, and then each assumed a listening attitude.
start (びっくりする) [動] make a sudden movement
assume (取る) [動] take on or adopt
attitude (態度) [名] a way of thinking or feeling about someone or something
There was a long silence, profound and unbroken;
unbroken (途切れることのない) [形] not interrupted or broken
then a deep, sullen boom came floating down out of the distance.
sullen (不機嫌そうな) [形] bad-tempered and sulky
boom (音) [名] a loud, deep, resonant sound

 “What is it!” exclaimed Joe, under his breath.
what (なんだ) [間] used to express surprise or anger

 “I wonder,” said Tom in a whisper.

 “’Tain’t thunder,” said Huckleberry, in an awed tone, “becuz thunder—”
thunder (雷) [名] the sound caused by lightning
awed (畏敬の念を込めた) [形] filled with awe

 “Hark!” said Tom.
hark (聞け) [動] listen attentively
“Listen—don’t talk.”

 They waited a time that seemed an age, and then the same muffled boom troubled the solemn hush.
muffle (くぐもった) [動] wrap or cover for warmth

 “Let’s go and see.”
let's (~しよう) [動] a suggestion to do something

 They sprang to their feet and hurried to the shore toward the town.
spring to one's feet (飛び起きる) [動] stand up quickly
They parted the bushes on the bank and peered out over the water.
part (分ける) [動] divide into two or more pieces
bank (岸) [名] the land alongside a river
water (水面) [名] the surface of a body of water
The little steam ferry-boat was about a mile below the village, drifting with the current.
steam (蒸気) [名] water in the form of an invisible gas
ferry-boat (フェリーボート) [名] a boat used to transport people or goods across a river or narrow stretch of water
Her broad deck seemed crowded with people.
deck (甲板) [名] the floor of a ship
There were a great many skiffs rowing about or floating with the stream in the neighborhood of the ferryboat, but the boys could not determine what the men in them were doing.
skiff (小舟) [名] a small boat
row (漕ぐ) [動] propel a boat with oars
stream (流れ) [名] a flow of water in a channel
neighborhood (近く) [名] the area around a place
determine (判断する) [動] decide or settle in advance
Presently a great jet of white smoke burst from the ferryboat’s side, and as it expanded and rose in a lazy cloud, that same dull throb of sound was borne to the listeners again.
jet (噴出) [名] a stream of liquid or gas forced out of a small opening
burst (噴き出す) [動] break or cause to break suddenly and violently
ferryboat (フェリーボート) [名] a boat used to transport passengers and goods
expand (膨らむ) [動] become or make larger or more extensive
throb (鼓動) [名] a strong, regular, repeated beat or sound
listener (聞き手) [名] a person who listens to something

 “I know now!” exclaimed Tom;
“somebody’s drownded!”

 “That’s it!” said Huck;
“they done that last summer, when Bill Turner got drownded;
last summer (去年の夏) [名] the summer of the previous year
Bill Turner (ビル・ターナー) [名] a person's name
get drownded (溺れる) [動] die through submersion in and inhalation of water
they shoot a cannon over the water, and that makes him come up to the top.
shoot (撃つ) [動] hit or kill with a bullet or other projectile
Yes, and they take loaves of bread and put quicksilver in ’em and set ’em afloat, and wherever there’s anybody that’s drownded, they’ll float right there and stop.”
loaf (塊) [名] a quantity of bread that is shaped and baked in one piece
bread (パン) [名] a food made of flour or meal that is mixed with a liquid, usually water, and often yeast, and then baked
quicksilver (水銀) [名] the element mercury
set afloat (浮かべる) [動] cause to float

 “Yes, I’ve heard about that,” said Joe.
hear about (聞いたことがある) [動] be told or informed about
“I wonder what makes the bread do that.”

 “Oh, it ain’t the bread, so much,” said Tom;
“I reckon it’s mostly what they say over it before they start it out.”
mostly (たぶん) [副] for the most part; mainly
start (浮かべる) [動] to begin doing something

 “But they don’t say anything over it,” said Huck.
over (~について) [前] on the subject of; concerning
“I’ve seen ’em and they don’t.”

 “Well, that’s funny,” said Tom.
funny (変だ) [形] causing laughter or amusement
“But maybe they say it to themselves.
to oneself (心の中で) [副] in one's own mind
Of course they do.
of course (きっと) [副] certainly; definitely
do (そうに違いない) [動] perform or carry out
Anybody might know that.”

 The other boys agreed that there was reason in what Tom said, because an ignorant lump of bread, uninstructed by an incantation, could not be expected to act very intelligently when set upon an errand of such gravity.
ignorant (無知な) [形] lacking knowledge or awareness in general
lump (塊) [名] a compact mass of a substance
uninstructed (指示を与えていない) [形] not having been taught or trained
intelligently (賢く) [副] in an intelligent manner
gravity (重大さ) [名] the importance or seriousness of something

 “By jings, I wish I was over there, now,” said Joe.
over there (あそこ) [副] in or to that place

 “I do too,” said Huck.
do too (私もだ) [動] do the same thing
“I’d give heaps to know who it is.”
give heaps (知りたい) [動] give a lot

 The boys still listened and watched.
Presently a revealing thought flashed through Tom’s mind, and he exclaimed:
revealing (ひらめき) [形] making known or showing something that was previously hidden or unknown
flash (走る) [動] move or cause to move very quickly

 “Boys, I know who’s drownded—it’s us!”

 They felt like heroes in an instant.
feel like (気分になる) [動] to be in the mood for
Here was a gorgeous triumph;
gorgeous (素晴らしい) [形] very beautiful or attractive
they were missed;
be missed (行方不明である) [動] be absent and have no known whereabouts
they were mourned;
mourn (悼む) [動] feel or show deep sorrow or regret for the death of someone
hearts were breaking on their account;
on one's account (~のせいで) [前] because of someone or something
tears were being shed;
shed (流す) [動] cause to flow
accusing memories of unkindness to these poor lost lads were rising up, and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged;
unkindness (不親切) [名] the quality of being unkind
lost (失われた) [形] no longer possessed or owned
rise up (浮かび上がる) [動] come to the surface
unavailing (無駄な) [形] not successful or not producing the desired result
indulge (耽る) [動] allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of
and best of all, the departed were the talk of the whole town, and the envy of all the boys, as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned.
best of all (何よりも) [副] most importantly
departed (亡くなった人たち) [名] a person who has died
talk of the whole town (町中の話題) [名] the subject of much discussion or gossip
as far as (に関する限り) [接] to the extent or degree that
dazzling (まばゆいばかりの) [形] extremely bright
notoriety (悪名高さ) [名] the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed
This was fine.
be fine (よかった) [動] be satisfactory or acceptable
It was worth while to be a pirate, after all.
be worth while (価値がある) [動] be worth the time or effort spent
after all (結局のところ) [副] in spite of everything; in the end

 As twilight drew on, the ferryboat went back to her accustomed business and the skiffs disappeared.
twilight (夕暮れ) [名] the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon
draw on (近づく) [動] approach
ferryboat (渡し船) [名] a boat used to carry people or goods across a river or narrow stretch of water
The pirates returned to camp.
They were jubilant with vanity over their new grandeur and the illustrious trouble they were making.
be jubilant with (喜びにあふれる) [動] be extremely happy about
They caught fish, cooked supper and ate it, and then fell to guessing at what the village was thinking and saying about them;
cook (料理する) [動] to prepare food by heating it
guess (推測する) [動] to form an opinion or make a judgment about something without having all the facts
and the pictures they drew of the public distress on their account were gratifying to look upon—from their point of view.
point of view (視点) [名] a particular attitude or way of considering a matter
But when the shadows of night closed them in, they gradually ceased to talk, and sat gazing into the fire, with their minds evidently wandering elsewhere.
close in (閉じ込める) [動] to surround or envelop
The excitement was gone, now, and Tom and Joe could not keep back thoughts of certain persons at home who were not enjoying this fine frolic as much as they were.
be gone (去る) [動] leave
keep back (考えずにはいられない) [動] not say or show something
frolic (お祭り騒ぎ) [名] a light-hearted game or entertainment
as much as (ほど) [副] to the same extent or degree that
Misgivings came; they grew troubled and unhappy;
troubled (困惑した) [形] worried or anxious
unhappy (不幸な) [形] not happy; sad or disappointed
a sigh or two escaped, unawares.
escape (もれる) [動] get free from confinement or control
unawares (思わず) [副] without knowing or realizing
By and by Joe timidly ventured upon a roundabout “feeler” as to how the others might look upon a return to civilization—not right now, but—
venture (探りを入れ) [動] to take a risk or chance
roundabout (遠回しに) [形] not direct
feeler (探り) [名] a tentative proposal or suggestion
look upon (思っている) [動] to regard or consider
return (帰還) [名] the act of going back to a place
right now (今すぐ) [副] at this very moment

 Tom withered him with derision!
wither (萎縮させる) [動] cause to feel embarrassed or ashamed
Huck, being uncommitted as yet, joined in with Tom, and the waverer quickly “explained,” and was glad to get out of the scrape with as little taint of chicken-hearted home-sickness clinging to his garments as he could.
uncommitted (決心がつかない) [形] not having made a decision
join in (加勢する) [動] take part in an activity
waverer (迷っている人) [名] a person who is indecisive
explain (説明する) [動] make (something) clear or easy to understand
scrape (この場) [名] a difficult or unpleasant situation
chicken-hearted (臆病な) [形] lacking courage
home-sickness (ホームシック) [名] a feeling of longing for one's home
cling to (着せられる) [動] hold on to something tightly
Mutiny was effectually laid to rest for the moment.
mutiny (反乱) [名] an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers
effectually (効果的に) [副] in an effective way
lay to rest (鎮圧する) [動] put an end to
for the moment (当面) [副] for the present time; for now

 As the night deepened, Huck began to nod, and presently to snore.
deepen (更ける) [動] become more intense or serious
Joe followed next.
Tom lay upon his elbow motionless, for some time, watching the two intently.
motionless (じっと) [形] not moving
At last he got up cautiously, on his knees, and went searching among the grass and the flickering reflections flung by the campfire.
on one's knees (膝をついて) [副] in a kneeling position
go searching (探し回る) [動] search thoroughly
grass (草むら) [名] a plant with narrow leaves growing from the base
flickering (ちらちらと揺れる) [形] shining or burning unsteadily
reflection (反射光) [名] the light or heat that is reflected back
campfire (キャンプファイヤー) [名] an outdoor fire for cooking or warmth
He picked up and inspected several large semi-cylinders of the thin white bark of a sycamore, and finally chose two which seemed to suit him.
inspect (調べる) [動] examine closely and thoroughly
semi-cylinder (半円筒) [名] a solid shape with two flat ends and a curved surface
bark (樹皮) [名] the tough outer covering of a tree
Then he knelt by the fire and painfully wrote something upon each of these with his “red keel”; one he rolled up and put in his jacket pocket, and the other he put in Joe’s hat and removed it to a little distance from the owner.
red keel (赤いキールの石) [名] a piece of red chalk
roll up (丸める) [動] make or become round or cylindrical
put (入れる) [動] move something into a place
remove (置く) [動] take away or off
distance (少し離れたところ) [名] the space or interval between two points or objects
And he also put into the hat certain schoolboy treasures of almost inestimable value—among them a lump of chalk, an India-rubber ball, three fishhooks, and one of that kind of marbles known as a “sure ’nough crystal.”
put into (入れる) [動] place something inside something else
certain (ある種の) [形] particular but not specified
schoolboy (少年) [名] a boy who attends school
inestimable (計り知れない) [形] too great or extreme to be measured
among (中に) [前] in the middle of; surrounded by
India-rubber (ゴム) [名] a type of rubber that is made from the latex of certain tropical plants
fishhook (釣り針) [名] a hook used for catching fish
known (知られる) [動] be familiar with; have knowledge of
sure (本物) [形] certain; confident
enough (の) [形] sufficient for the purpose
crystal (水晶) [名] a clear, transparent mineral that is a form of quartz
Then he tiptoed his way cautiously among the trees till he felt that he was out of hearing, and straightway broke into a keen run in the direction of the sandbar.
hearing (聞こえ) [名] the ability to hear
straightway (すぐに) [副] immediately
break into (走り出す) [動] start suddenly
keen (急いで) [形] eager or enthusiastic
sandbar (砂州) [名] a natural landform that is a long, narrow, sandy elevation within or extending into a body of water