CHAPTER XII (第十二章) [名] the twelfth chapter

 One of the reasons why Tom’s mind had drifted away from its secret troubles was, that it had found a new and weighty matter to interest itself about.
one of the reasons (理由の一つ) [名] a cause or explanation for an action or event
drift away (離れてしまった) [動] move slowly and gradually away from a place
secret (秘密の) [形] not known or seen or meant to be known or seen by others
weighty (重大な) [形] serious or important
matter (事柄) [名] a subject or situation that is being dealt with or considered
Becky Thatcher had stopped coming to school.
stop (来なくなった) [動] cease an action or activity
Tom had struggled with his pride a few days, and tried to “whistle her down the wind,” but failed.
a few days (数日間) [名] a small number of days
whistle (吹き飛ばす) [動] produce a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small opening between one's lips
He began to find himself hanging around her father’s house, nights, and feeling very miserable.
find oneself (気づく) [動] become aware of
hang around (うろつく) [動] loiter or wait around
She was ill.
be ill (病気である) [動] be sick; be unwell
What if she should die!
There was distraction in the thought.
distraction (混乱) [名] something that distracts
He no longer took an interest in war, nor even in piracy.
take an interest in (興味を持つ) [動] be interested in
war (戦争) [名] a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state
piracy (海賊) [名] the unauthorized use or reproduction of another's work
The charm of life was gone;
charm (魅力) [名] the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration
be gone (失われる) [動] be no longer present or available
there was nothing but dreariness left.
but (だけ) [接] only
dreariness (悲しみ) [名] sadness or gloominess
He put his hoop away, and his bat;
put away (片付ける) [動] to put something in its proper place
hoop (輪) [名] a circular band of metal or wood or plastic
bat (バット) [名] a club used for hitting a ball in games such as baseball and cricket
there was no joy in them any more.
there be no (ない) [動] not exist
His aunt was concerned.
be concerned (心配する) [動] be worried or anxious about something
She began to try all manner of remedies on him.
remedy (治療) [名] a medicine or treatment that cures or alleviates a disease or symptom
She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all new-fangled methods of producing health or mending it.
one of those (一人) [名] a person who is a member of a group
infatuated (夢中になっている) [形] having an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something
patent medicine (特許薬) [名] a medicine that is protected by a patent
health (健康) [名] the condition of being sound in body and mind
mend (修復する) [動] repair or restore
She was an inveterate experimenter in these things.
inveterate (熱心な) [形] having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change
experimenter (実験者) [名] a person who carries out scientific experiments
When something fresh in this line came out she was in a fever, right away, to try it;
fever (熱) [名] a body temperature above the normal range
not on herself, for she was never ailing, but on anybody else that came handy.
not on herself (自分自身ではなく) [副] not on or to herself
ailing (病気) [形] in poor health
anybody else (誰か他の人) [名] any other person
She was a subscriber for all the “Health” periodicals and phrenological frauds;
subscriber (購読者) [名] a person who receives a publication regularly by paying in advance
periodical (定期刊行物) [名] a publication issued at regular and usually fairly frequent intervals
fraud (詐欺) [名] a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud
and the solemn ignorance they were inflated with was breath to her nostrils.
ignorance (無知) [名] lack of knowledge or information
inflate (膨らむ) [動] become or cause to become distended with air or gas
nostril (鼻孔) [名] either of the two openings in the nose through which air passes
All the “rot” they contained about ventilation, and how to go to bed, and how to get up, and what to eat, and what to drink, and how much exercise to take, and what frame of mind to keep one’s self in, and what sort of clothing to wear, was all gospel to her, and she never observed that her health-journals of the current month customarily upset everything they had recommended the month before.
ventilation (換気) [名] the process of supplying fresh air and removing stale or contaminated air
get up (起きる) [動] rise from a lying, sitting, or kneeling position
gospel (福音) [名] the teachings of Jesus Christ
journal (雑誌) [名] a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations
customarily (いつも) [副] according to custom or habit
upset (覆す) [動] turn or cause to turn upside down
She was as simple-hearted and honest as the day was long, and so she was an easy victim.
simple-hearted (単純な) [形] lacking in subtlety or sophistication
victim (犠牲者) [名] someone who is harmed or killed by another person or by an event
She gathered together her quack periodicals and her quack medicines, and thus armed with death, went about on her pale horse, metaphorically speaking, with “hell following after.”
gather together (集める) [動] come together in a group
quack (いかさま) [名] a person who pretends to have knowledge or skill that they do not have
medicine (薬) [名] a substance used to treat or prevent illness or disease
go about (歩き回る) [動] move from place to place
pale (青白い) [形] having little color
metaphorically (比喩的に) [副] in a metaphorical manner
hell (地獄) [名] a place of great suffering
But she never suspected that she was not an angel of healing and the balm of Gilead in disguise, to the suffering neighbors.
disguise (変装) [名] a way of changing your appearance or behavior in order to hide your identity
neighbor (隣人) [名] a person who lives next door or near you

 The water treatment was new, now, and Tom’s low condition was a windfall to her.
water treatment (水治療法) [名] the process of removing contaminants from water
low condition (低い状態) [名] a state of being in poor health
windfall (棚からぼた餅) [名] an unexpected piece of good fortune
She had him out at daylight every morning, stood him up in the wood-shed and drowned him with a deluge of cold water;
have out (連れ出す) [動] take out
every morning (毎朝) [名] the time of day from sunrise to noon
wood-shed (木小屋) [名] a small building where wood is stored
then she scrubbed him down with a towel like a file, and so brought him to;
scrub (こすり洗いする) [動] rub hard so as to clean
bring to (連れてくる) [動] cause to come to a place
then she rolled him up in a wet sheet and put him away under blankets till she sweated his soul clean and “the yellow stains of it came through his pores”—as Tom said.
roll up (巻く) [動] to wrap something around itself or around something else
put away (置く) [動] to place something in a designated place
stain (染み) [名] a spot or mark left on something by a dirty substance
come through (出てくる) [動] to arrive or be received
pore (毛穴) [名] a minute opening in the skin or other surface through which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles can pass

 Yet notwithstanding all this, the boy grew more and more melancholy and pale and dejected.
notwithstanding (にもかかわらず) [前] without being influenced by; despite
pale (青ざめる) [形] light in color or having little color
dejected (落胆する) [形] sad and disappointed
She added hot baths, sitz baths, shower baths, and plunges.
hot bath (温浴) [名] a bath in hot water
sitz bath (座浴) [名] a bath in which only the hips and buttocks are immersed in water
shower bath (シャワー浴) [名] a bath in which water is sprayed on the body
plunge (水浴) [名] a bath in which the body is immersed in water
The boy remained as dismal as a hearse.
remain (ままだった) [動] stay in the same place or condition
hearse (霊柩車) [名] a vehicle that carries a coffin to a funeral
She began to assist the water with a slim oatmeal diet and blister-plasters.
assist (加える) [動] help by sharing work
oatmeal (オートミール) [名] meal made from rolled or ground oats
diet (ダイエット) [名] the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats
blister (水ぶくれ) [名] a bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage
plaster (膏薬) [名] a soft, sticky substance that is spread over a surface and becomes hard when it dries
She calculated his capacity as she would a jug’s, and filled him up every day with quack cure-alls.
capacity (容量) [名] the maximum amount that something can contain
jug (水差し) [名] a large container with a handle and a spout, used for holding and pouring liquids
cure-all (万能薬) [名] a medicine that is claimed to cure all diseases or solve all problems

 Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time.
become indifferent to (無関心になる) [動] to lose interest in something
persecution (迫害) [名] hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs
This phase filled the old lady’s heart with consternation.
phase (段階) [名] a distinct period or stage in a process of change or development
fill (いっぱいにする) [動] make or become full
consternation (驚愕) [名] a feeling of fear or shock, especially at something unexpected
This indifference must be broken up at any cost.
indifference (無関心) [名] lack of interest or concern
break up (打ち砕く) [動] cause to break into pieces
any cost (どんな犠牲を払っても) [名] no matter how much it costs
Now she heard of Pain-killer for the first time.
hear of (聞く) [動] be told or informed of
for the first time (初めて) [副] never before; on no previous occasion
She ordered a lot at once.
a lot (たくさん) [名] a large number or amount
at once (一度に) [副] immediately; without delay
She tasted it and was filled with gratitude.
taste (味わう) [動] to experience the flavor of
be filled with (いっぱいになる) [動] to be full of
It was simply fire in a liquid form.
She dropped the water treatment and everything else, and pinned her faith to Pain-killer.
drop (捨てる) [動] let or make fall
everything else (その他すべて) [名] all the other things
pin (置く) [動] attach or fasten with a pin
faith (信頼) [名] complete trust or confidence in someone or something
pain-killer (痛み止め) [名] a drug that relieves pain
She gave Tom a teaspoonful and watched with the deepest anxiety for the result.
teaspoonful (小さじ一杯) [名] the amount that a teaspoon can hold
Her troubles were instantly at rest, her soul at peace again;
at rest (休息する) [動] not moving; in a state of rest
for the “indifference” was broken up.
The boy could not have shown a wilder, heartier interest, if she had built a fire under him.
wilder (もっと激しく) [形] more wild
heartier (心からの) [形] more hearty

 Tom felt that it was time to wake up;
wake up (起きる) [動] stop sleeping
this sort of life might be romantic enough, in his blighted condition, but it was getting to have too little sentiment and too much distracting variety about it.
sentiment (感情) [名] a thought, view, or attitude, especially one based mainly on emotion or feeling
too much (あまりに多くの) [副] more than is wanted, needed, or can be dealt with
So he thought over various plans for relief, and finally hit upon that of professing to be fond of Pain-killer.
think over (考える) [動] consider carefully
relief (救済) [名] alleviation of or deliverance from pain, anxiety, or distress
hit upon (思いつく) [動] discover or devise by chance
profess (公言する) [動] declare openly
He asked for it so often that he became a nuisance, and his aunt ended by telling him to help himself and quit bothering her.
so often (あまりに頻繁に) [副] very often
nuisance (迷惑) [名] a person or thing that causes trouble or annoyance
end by (~することで終わる) [動] finish by doing something
help oneself (自分で飲む) [動] take something for oneself
quit (やめる) [動] stop doing something
If it had been Sid, she would have had no misgivings to alloy her delight;
have been (だったら) [助] used to describe a possible situation or action in the past
have no (ない) [動] not have or possess
misgiving (不安) [名] a feeling of doubt or worry about something
alloy (混ぜ合わせる) [動] to mix with another metal
but since it was Tom, she watched the bottle clandestinely.
since (なので) [接] for the reason that; because
She found that the medicine did really diminish, but it did not occur to her that the boy was mending the health of a crack in the sitting-room floor with it.
find (気づく) [動] become aware of
occur (思う) [動] come into the mind of

 One day Tom was in the act of dosing the crack when his aunt’s yellow cat came along, purring, eyeing the teaspoon avariciously, and begging for a taste.
in the act of (している最中に) [名] in the process of doing something
dose (薬を飲ませる) [動] give a dose of medicine to
purr (喉を鳴らす) [動] make a low continuous vibratory sound
eye (見つめる) [動] look at or observe
teaspoon (ティースプーン) [名] a small spoon that holds about one teaspoonful
avariciously (貪欲に) [副] in an extremely greedy manner
Tom said:

 “Don’t ask for it unless you want it, Peter.”
unless (~でない限り) [接] except if; if not

 But Peter signified that he did want it.
signify (意味する) [動] be a sign of; indicate

 “You better make sure.”

 Peter was sure.
be sure (確かである) [動] be certain or confident about something

 “Now you’ve asked for it, and I’ll give it to you, because there ain’t anything mean about me;
mean (卑劣な) [形] unkind or unfair
but if you find you don’t like it, you mustn’t blame anybody but your own self.”
like (気に入る) [動] be fond of
self (自分) [名] a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others

 Peter was agreeable.
agreeable (同意した) [形] able or willing to agree to something
So Tom pried his mouth open and poured down the Pain-killer.
pry (こじ開ける) [動] force open
Peter sprang a couple of yards in the air, and then delivered a war-whoop and set off round and round the room, banging against furniture, upsetting flower-pots, and making general havoc.
set off (出発する) [動] start a journey
room (部屋) [名] a part of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling
bang against (ぶつかる) [動] hit or strike something forcefully
upset (ひっくり返す) [動] turn upside down
flower-pot (植木鉢) [名] a container in which plants are grown
general (大) [形] affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread
Next he rose on his hind feet and pranced around, in a frenzy of enjoyment, with his head over his shoulder and his voice proclaiming his unappeasable happiness.
hind (後ろ) [形] situated at the back
prance (跳ね回る) [動] move or walk in a lively, energetic way
frenzy (狂ったように) [名] a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior
enjoyment (満足感) [名] the state or process of taking delight in something
proclaim (宣言する) [動] announce officially or publicly
Then he went tearing around the house again spreading chaos and destruction in his path.
go tearing (走り回る) [動] run around
destruction (破壊) [名] the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired
Aunt Polly entered in time to see him throw a few double summersets, deliver a final mighty hurrah, and sail through the open window, carrying the rest of the flower-pots with him.
enter (入ってくる) [動] come or go into
in time (ちょうど) [副] at the right moment
throw (やる) [動] propel or cast in a specified way
double summerset (二重宙返り) [名] a jump in which the body makes two complete revolutions in the air
mighty (雄叫び) [形] having or showing great power or strength
hurrah (雄叫び) [名] a shout of joy or approval
sail (飛び出していく) [動] move smoothly and quickly
The old lady stood petrified with astonishment, peering over her glasses;
petrify (石のように固まる) [動] turn into stone
peer (じっと見つめる) [動] look intently or with difficulty
Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter.
expire (笑い転げる) [動] die; come to an end

 “Tom, what on earth ails that cat?”
on earth (いったい) [副] used to emphasize a question
ail (どうしたんだい) [動] trouble or afflict

 “I don’t know, aunt,” gasped the boy.

 “Why, I never see anything like it.
What did make him act so?”

 “Deed I don’t know, Aunt Polly;
deed (本当に) [副] in fact; really
cats always act so when they’re having a good time.”
so (こんなこと) [副] in this or that manner; like this; thus
have a good time (楽しい時) [名] an enjoyable experience

 “They do, do they?”
There was something in the tone that made Tom apprehensive.
tone (口調) [名] the quality of a sound or of someone's voice
apprehensive (不安な) [形] anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen

 “Yes’m. That is, I believe they do.”
that is (つまり) [副] in other words; to put it differently

 “You do?”


 The old lady was bending down, Tom watching, with interest emphasized by anxiety.
anxiety (不安) [名] a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome
Too late he divined her “drift.”
divine (悟る) [動] perceive by intuition
drift (意図) [名] the general intention or meaning of a speech or text
The handle of the telltale tea-spoon was visible under the bed-valance.
telltale (告げ口する) [形] revealing or betraying something
tea-spoon (ティースプーン) [名] a small spoon for stirring tea
bed-valance (ベッドの飾り布) [名] a short curtain around the frame of a bed
Aunt Polly took it, held it up.
hold up (持ち上げる) [動] raise to a higher position
Tom winced, and dropped his eyes.
wince (顔をしかめる) [動] to make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body, as from pain or embarrassment
Aunt Polly raised him by the usual handle—his ear—and cracked his head soundly with her thimble.
usual (いつもの) [形] happening or done frequently or habitually
handle (取っ手) [名] a part of an object that is held in the hand when using or carrying it
crack (叩く) [動] hit or strike with a sharp blow
soundly (ピシャリと) [副] in a thorough manner

 “Now, sir, what did you want to treat that poor dumb beast so, for?”
dumb (無口な) [形] unable to speak
beast (動物) [名] an animal other than a human being

 “I done it out of pity for him—because he hadn’t any aunt.”

 “Hadn’t any aunt!—you numskull.
numskull (まぬけた子) [名] a stupid person
「おばさんがいないだと! このまぬけた子。
What has that got to do with it?”
have to do with (関係がある) [動] be concerned with or connected to

 “Heaps. Because if he’d had one she’d a burnt him out herself!
heap (大いに) [名] a large number or amount
burn (焼く) [動] be on fire; be very hot
She’d a roasted his bowels out of him ’thout any more feeling than if he was a human!”
roast (焼く) [動] cook by dry heat in an oven
bowel (腸) [名] the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach

 Aunt Polly felt a sudden pang of remorse.
sudden (突然の) [形] happening or done quickly and without warning or preparation
remorse (後悔) [名] a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done
This was putting the thing in a new light;
thing (事態) [名] a situation or event
light (局面) [名] a particular aspect of a situation or event
what was cruelty to a cat might be cruelty to a boy, too.
cruelty (残酷な行為) [名] behavior that causes pain or suffering to others
She began to soften;
soften (軟化させる) [動] make or become less hard, harsh, or severe
she felt sorry.
feel sorry (気の毒に思う) [動] feel regret or guilt
Her eyes watered a little, and she put her hand on Tom’s head
water (潤む) [動] to produce tears
and said gently:

 “I was meaning for the best, Tom.
And, Tom, it did do you good.”
do good (良いことをする) [動] be beneficial or helpful

 Tom looked up in her face with just a perceptible twinkle peeping through his gravity.
just (わずかに) [副] only; merely
twinkle (きらめき) [名] a sparkle or gleam
peep (のぞく) [動] look quickly and furtively
gravity (真面目さ) [名] seriousness

 “I know you was meaning for the best, aunty, and so was I with Peter.
mean for (尽くそうとする) [動] intend to convey or indicate
aunty (おばさん) [名] the sister of one's mother or father
Peter (ピーター) [名] a Christian apostle and the first pope
It done him good, too.
I never see him get around so since—”
get around (元気になる) [動] to become healthy again

 “Oh, go ’long with you, Tom, before you aggravate me again.
go ’long with (行きなさい) [動] go away
aggravate (怒らせる) [動] make worse
And you try and see if you can’t be a good boy, for once, and you needn’t take any more medicine.”
for once (一度でいいから) [副] on this occasion only
needn't (必要ない) [助] not need to
take (飲む) [動] swallow or consume (something)

 Tom reached school ahead of time.
ahead of time (時間前に) [副] early
It was noticed that this strange thing had been occurring every day latterly.
every day (毎日) [副] on each day; daily
latterly (最近) [副] recently; lately
And now, as usual of late, he hung about the gate of the schoolyard instead of playing with his comrades.
of late (最近) [副] recently
instead of (代わりに) [前] as an alternative to
He was sick, he said, and he looked it.
be sick (病気だ) [動] be ill
He tried to seem to be looking everywhere but whither he really was looking—down the road.
everywhere (あらゆるところ) [副] in all places or in all parts
Presently Jeff Thatcher hove in sight, and Tom’s face lighted;
light (明るくなる) [動] become bright
he gazed a moment, and then turned sorrowfully away.
When Jeff arrived, Tom accosted him;
and “led up” warily to opportunities for remark about Becky, but the giddy lad never could see the bait.
lead up (引き出す) [動] to cause to happen
remark (発言) [名] a statement that expresses a fact or opinion
bait (餌) [名] food used to attract animals
giddy (軽薄な) [形] lacking seriousness or maturity
Tom watched and watched, hoping whenever a frisking frock came in sight, and hating the owner of it as soon as he saw she was not the right one.
frisk (はしゃぎ回る) [動] move or jump about playfully
sight (見える) [名] the ability or an instance of seeing
owner (持ち主) [名] a person who owns something
right (彼女ではない) [形] correct or true
At last frocks ceased to appear, and he dropped hopelessly into the dumps;
hopelessly (絶望的に) [副] without hope
dump (落ち込む) [名] a place where waste is deposited
he entered the empty schoolhouse and sat down to suffer.
schoolhouse (校舎) [名] a building used as a school
Then one more frock passed in at the gate, and Tom’s heart gave a great bound.
one more (もう一着) [形] an additional
pass in (くぐる) [動] go or come in
give a great bound (大きく跳ね上がる) [動] jump or leap vigorously
The next instant he was out, and “going on” like an Indian; yelling, laughing, chasing boys, jumping over the fence at risk of life and limb, throwing handsprings, standing on his head—doing all the heroic things he could conceive of, and keeping a furtive eye out, all the while, to see if Becky Thatcher was noticing.
be out (外にいる) [動] be away from home
yell (叫ぶ) [動] cry out loudly
jump over (飛び越える) [動] leap over
risk (危険にさらす) [名] the possibility of something bad happening
handspring (宙返り) [名] an acrobatic feat in which the body is flipped completely over from a standing position, landing first on the hands and then on the feet
stand on one's head (頭で立つ) [動] balance oneself in an upside-down position with one's feet in the air and one's head on the ground
heroic (英雄的) [形] having the characteristics of a hero
conceive of (考えつく) [動] imagine or think of
keep an eye out (盗み見る) [動] watch carefully
all the while (その間ずっと) [副] throughout the entire time
see (気づく) [動] notice
But she seemed to be unconscious of it all;
she never looked.
Could it be possible that she was not aware that he was there?
He carried his exploits to her immediate vicinity;
exploit (手柄) [名] a notable or heroic act
immediate (すぐ) [形] happening or done without delay
vicinity (近く) [名] the area near or surrounding a place
came war-whooping around, snatched a boy’s cap, hurled it to the roof of the schoolhouse, broke through a group of boys, tumbling them in every direction, and fell sprawling, himself, under Becky’s nose, almost upsetting her—and she turned, with her nose in the air, and he heard her say: “Mf! some people think they’re mighty smart—always showing off!”
war-whooping (雄叫び) [名] a loud cry or yell
hurl (投げつける) [動] to throw or fling with great force
break through (突き破る) [動] to force one's way through
tumble (転がる) [動] to roll over and over
every direction (四方八方) [名] all directions
fall sprawling (大の字に倒れる) [動] to fall with the limbs spread out
some people (人) [名] an unspecified number of people
戦争の雄叫びを上げながらやってきて、男の子の帽子をひったくり、校舎の屋根に投げつけ、男の子の集団を突き破り、四方八方に転がし、ベッキーの鼻先で大の字に倒れ、彼女をひっくり返しそうになった。彼女は鼻を空中に突き出して振り返り、彼は彼女が言うのを聞いた。「ふん! 自分をとても賢いと思ってる人がいるのね。いつも見せびらかして!」

 Tom’s cheeks burned.
cheek (頬) [名] the side of the face below the eye and between the ear and the mouth
He gathered himself up and sneaked off, crushed and crestfallen.
gather oneself up (気を取り直す) [動] to regain one's composure
crush (打ちひしぐ) [動] to defeat or subdue completely
crestfallen (意気消沈した) [形] dejected or dispirited