CHAPTER X (第十章) [名] the tenth chapter

 The two boys flew on and on, toward the village, speechless with horror.
fly (走る) [動] move very fast
on and on (走り続ける) [副] continuously
speechless (言葉もない) [形] unable to speak
horror (恐怖) [名] an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust
They glanced backward over their shoulders from time to time, apprehensively, as if they feared they might be followed.
from time to time (時々) [副] occasionally
apprehensively (心配そうに) [副] in a worried or anxious way
Every stump that started up in their path seemed a man and an enemy, and made them catch their breath;
start up (現れる) [動] come into existence
path (道) [名] a way on land between two places that has been paved to make travel easier
catch one's breath (息を呑む) [動] to stop breathing for a short time, usually because of surprise, shock, or fear
and as they sped by some outlying cottages that lay near the village, the barking of the aroused watch-dogs seemed to give wings to their feet.
speed (走り抜ける) [動] move quickly
outlying (離れ) [形] situated far from a center
cottage (小屋) [名] a small house, especially in the country
arouse (目を覚ます) [動] cause to be awake
watch-dog (番犬) [名] a dog kept to guard property
bark (吠え声) [名] the sharp explosive cry of a dog
give wings to (翼を与える) [動] make something move very fast

 “If we can only get to the old tannery before we break down!” whispered Tom, in short catches between breaths.
break down (倒れる) [動] fail to function
catch (つかむ) [動] grasp or seize suddenly or forcibly
“I can’t stand it much longer.”
can't stand (耐えられない) [動] be unable to tolerate or endure
much longer (これ以上) [副] any more; any longer

 Huckleberry’s hard pantings were his only reply, and the boys fixed their eyes on the goal of their hopes and bent to their work to win it.
hard pantings (激しい息) [名] the sound of breathing heavily
reply (答え) [名] a spoken or written answer
fix (向ける) [動] direct steadily
goal (ゴール) [名] the object of a person's ambition or effort
work (努力) [名] effort directed to produce or accomplish something
They gained steadily on it, and at last, breast to breast, they burst through the open door and fell grateful and exhausted in the sheltering shadows beyond.
gain on (近づく) [動] get closer to
breast to breast (肩を並べて) [副] side by side
burst through (突き破る) [動] break through
grateful (感謝) [形] feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness
exhausted (疲労) [形] very tired
By and by their pulses slowed down, and Tom whispered:
pulse (脈拍) [名] the regular throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them
slow down (落ち着く) [動] become slower

 “Huckleberry, what do you reckon’ll come of this?”
come of (なる) [動] to happen to or be the result of

 “If Doctor Robinson dies, I reckon hanging’ll come of it.”
come of (になる) [動] result from
hanging (絞首刑) [名] the act of killing someone by hanging them

 “Do you though?”
do (思う) [動] think

 “Why, I know it, Tom.”

 Tom thought a while, then he said:
a while (しばらく) [名] a period of time

 “Who’ll tell? We?”
we (私たち) [代] I and one or more other people
「誰が言うんだ? 私たち?」

 “What are you talking about?
talk about (言っている) [動] speak about; discuss
S’pose something happened and Injun Joe didn’t hang?
suppose (起こる) [動] assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge
Why, he’d kill us some time or other, just as dead sure as we’re a laying here.”
some time or other (いつか) [名] at some time in the future
just as dead sure as (同じくらい確実に) [副] with the same degree of certainty as

 “That’s just what I was thinking to myself, Huck.”
myself (私) [代] I or me

 “If anybody tells, let Muff Potter do it, if he’s fool enough.
He’s generally drunk enough.”

 Tom said nothing—went on thinking.
say nothing (何も言わない) [動] not say anything
thinking (考える) [動] use one's mind to consider or reason about something
Presently he whispered:

 “Huck, Muff Potter don’t know it.
How can he tell?”

 “What’s the reason he don’t know it?”

 “Because he’d just got that whack when Injun Joe done it.
when (時に) [接] at the time that
D’you reckon he could see anything?
D’you reckon he knowed anything?”

 “By hokey, that’s so, Tom!”
by hokey (おい) [間] an expression of surprise
that's so (本当だ) [句] that is true

 “And besides, look-a-here—maybe that whack done for him!”
look-a-here (ほら) [間] used to attract someone's attention

 “No, ’taint likely, Tom.
He had liquor in him;
have liquor (酒を飲む) [動] drink alcohol
in (飲む) [前] inside
I could see that; and besides, he always has.
Well, when pap’s full, you might take and belt him over the head with a church and you couldn’t phase him.
full (酔っ払っている) [形] having drunk a lot of alcohol
take (殴る) [動] hit or strike
phase (動揺させる) [動] disturb the composure of
He says so, his own self.
So it’s the same with Muff Potter, of course.
But if a man was dead sober, I reckon maybe that whack might fetch him;
dead sober (しらふ) [形] not drunk
fetch (連れてくる) [動] to go and get someone or something
I dono.”
dono (わからない) [動] do not know

 After another reflective silence, Tom said:
another (再び) [限] an additional one of the same type
reflective (考え込んだ) [形] involving or characterized by deep thought

 “Hucky, you sure you can keep mum?”
keep mum (黙っている) [動] remain silent

 “Tom, we got to keep mum. You know that.
That Injun devil wouldn’t make any more of drownding us than a couple of cats, if we was to squeak ’bout this and they didn’t hang him.
make any more of (簡単に~する) [動] do something easily
drown (溺れさせる) [動] die through submersion in and inhalation of water
squeak (しゃべる) [動] make a high-pitched sound
hang (絞首刑にする) [動] kill someone by hanging them
Now, look-a-here, Tom, less take and swear to one another—that’s what we got to do—swear to keep mum.”
less (お互いに) [形] not as much
take (誓い合う) [動] make a solemn promise

 “I’m agreed. It’s the best thing.
best (最善) [形] of the highest quality, excellence, or standing
Would you just hold hands and swear that we—”
hold hands (手を握る) [動] to hold someone's hand

 “Oh no, that wouldn’t do for this.
do (だめだ) [動] be acceptable or satisfactory
That’s good enough for little rubbishy common things—specially with gals, cuz they go back on you anyway, and blab if they get in a huff—but there orter be writing ’bout a big thing like this.
good enough (十分だ) [形] satisfactory
rubbishy (くだらない) [形] of poor quality
common (普通の) [形] ordinary
gal (女の子) [名] a young woman
get in a huff (怒る) [動] become angry
blab (べらべらしゃべる) [動] talk too much
big (大事な) [形] of great importance
writing (書く) [名] the activity or skill of writing
'bout (〜について) [前] about
And blood.”

 Tom’s whole being applauded this idea.
whole being (心から) [名] the entire physical and mental constitution of a person
applaud (賞賛する) [動] express approval of
It was deep, and dark, and awful;
the hour, the circumstances, the surroundings, were in keeping with it.
surrounding (周囲の環境) [名] the conditions or area around a person or thing
keep with (合う) [動] be in accordance with
He picked up a clean pine shingle that lay in the moon-light, took a little fragment of “red keel” out of his pocket, got the moon on his work, and painfully scrawled these lines, emphasizing each slow down-stroke by clamping his tongue between his teeth, and letting up the pressure on the up-strokes.
moon-light (月明かり) [名] the light of the moon
work (当てる) [名] effort exerted to do or accomplish something
painfully (苦労して) [副] in a way that causes pain
down-stroke (下向きの線) [名] a stroke made in a downward direction
let up (抜く) [動] become less intense or severe

 “Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer swears they will keep mum about This and They wish They may Drop down dead in Their Tracks if They ever Tell and Rot.”
drop down dead (死んでしまう) [動] die suddenly
rot (腐る) [動] decompose or cause to decompose

 Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom’s facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language.
be filled with (抱く) [動] to be full of something
facility (巧みさ) [名] the quality of being easy to do or use
sublimity (壮大さ) [名] the quality of being great or noble
He at once took a pin from his lapel and was going to prick his flesh, but Tom said:
at once (すぐに) [副] immediately
take (抜く) [動] remove something from a place
flesh (肉) [名] the soft substance of the body of a person or an animal
prick (刺す) [動] pierce slightly with a sharp point

 “Hold on! Don’t do that. A pin’s brass.
hold on (待って) [動] wait
「待って! そんなことはするな。ピンは真鍮だ。
It might have verdigrease on it.”
verdigrease (緑青) [名] a green or bluish patina formed on copper or brass by atmospheric oxidation

 “What’s verdigrease?”

 “It’s p’ison. That’s what it is.
poison (毒) [名] a substance that is harmful or fatal if ingested or absorbed
that's what it is (そういうことだ) [句] that is the explanation
You just swaller some of it once—you’ll see.”
swaller (飲む) [動] take into the mouth and swallow
once (一度) [副] on one occasion or for one time only

 So Tom unwound the thread from one of his needles, and each boy pricked the ball of his thumb and squeezed out a drop of blood.
unwound (ほどく) [動] undo or unfasten
ball (腹) [名] the rounded part of the hand at the base of the thumb
squeeze (絞り出す) [動] apply pressure to
In time, after many squeezes, Tom managed to sign his initials, using the ball of his little finger for a pen.
in time (やがて) [副] eventually
manage (どうにかする) [動] succeed in doing something
sign (書く) [動] write one's name on
initial (イニシャル) [名] the first letter of a person's name
pen (ペン) [名] a handheld instrument with a pointed tip used for writing or drawing with ink
Then he showed Huckleberry how to make an H and an F, and the oath was complete.
show (教える) [動] to cause or allow to be seen
how to (書き方) [名] the method or manner of doing something
oath (誓い) [名] a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior
They buried the shingle close to the wall, with some dismal ceremonies and incantations, and the fetters that bound their tongues were considered to be locked and the key thrown away.
close to (近くに) [副] near
ceremony (儀式) [名] a formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event or anniversary
lock (鍵をかける) [動] fasten or secure (something) with a lock

 A figure crept stealthily through a break in the other end of the ruined building, now, but they did not notice it.
stealthily (こっそりと) [副] in a secretive manner
break (割れ目) [名] a gap or opening

 “Tom,” whispered Huckleberry, “does this keep us from ever telling—always?”
keep (すむ) [動] not have to do something
「トム」とハックルベリーはささやいた、「これで絶対に話さなくてすむのかい? いつまでも?」

 “Of course it does.
It don’t make any difference what happens, we got to keep mum.
make any difference (関係ない) [動] be of importance or significance
We’d drop down dead—don’t you know that?”
don't you know (知らないのか) [動] be not aware of

 “Yes, I reckon that’s so.”

 They continued to whisper for some little time.
Presently a dog set up a long, lugubrious howl just outside—within ten feet of them.
set up (始めた) [動] start or begin
lugubrious (悲しげな) [形] mournful; dismal
just (すぐ) [副] very recently; in the very recent past
ten feet (10フィート) [名] a unit of length equal to 12 inches or 0.3048 meter
The boys clasped each other suddenly, in an agony of fright.

 “Which of us does he mean?” gasped Huckleberry.
which (どっち) [代] which one

 “I dono—peep through the crack. Quick!”
peep (覗く) [動] look quickly or furtively
crack (割れ目) [名] a break or fissure in something
quick (早く) [形] done or occurring with great speed

 “No, you, Tom!”

 “I can’t—I can’t do it, Huck!”

 “Please, Tom. There ’tis again!”
there (また) [副] in that place

 “Oh, lordy, I’m thankful!” whispered Tom.
lordy (神様) [名] a person who has authority, control, or power over others
thankful (感謝する) [形] feeling or showing gratitude
“I know his voice.
It’s Bull Harbison.”
Bull Harbison (ブル・ハービソン) [名] a character in the story

 “Oh, that’s good—I tell you, Tom, I was most scared to death;
scared to death (死ぬほど怖い) [形] very scared
I’d a bet anything it was a stray dog.”
stray (野良) [形] having no home or having wandered away from home

 The dog howled again.
howl (遠吠えする) [動] utter a long, loud, doleful cry
The boys’ hearts sank once more.

 “Oh, my! that ain’t no Bull Harbison!” whispered Huckleberry.
oh, my (ああ) [間] an expression of surprise
“Do, Tom!”

 Tom, quaking with fear, yielded, and put his eye to the crack.
quaking (震える) [動] shake or tremble
fear (恐怖) [名] an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat
His whisper was hardly audible when he said:
whisper (ささやき) [名] a soft or confidential tone of voice
audible (聞こえる) [形] able to be heard

 “Oh, Huck, it’s a stray dog!”

 “Quick, Tom, quick!
Who does he mean?”

 “Huck, he must mean us both—we’re right together.”

 “Oh, Tom, I reckon we’re goners.
I reckon there ain’t no mistake ’bout where I’ll go to.
no mistake (間違いはない) [名] something that is not correct or accurate
I been so wicked.”

 “Dad fetch it! This comes of playing hookey and doing everything a feller’s told not to do.
Dad fetch it (ちくしょう) [他] an expression of anger or annoyance
come of (結果だ) [動] be the result of
do everything (するなと言われたことばかりする) [動] perform all the actions or activities
「ちくしょう! これが学校をさぼったり、するなと言われたことばかりする結果だ。
I might a been good, like Sid, if I’d a tried—but no, I wouldn’t, of course.
might (かもしれない) [助] expressing possibility or probability
But if ever I get off this time, I lay I’ll just waller in Sunday-schools!”
get off (出る) [動] leave a place
And Tom began to snuffle a little.

 “You bad!” and Huckleberry began to snuffle too.
“Consound it, Tom Sawyer, you’re just old pie, ’long-side o’ what I am.
Consound (くそっ) [動] damn
pie (パイ) [名] a baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry
long-side (比べたら) [前] next to
Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, I wisht I only had half your chance.”

 Tom choked off and whispered:
choke off (言葉を詰まらせる) [動] to stop or prevent the flow of something

 “Look, Hucky, look!
He’s got his back to us!”
get one's back to (背を向ける) [動] turn one's back to

 Hucky looked, with joy in his heart.

 “Well, he has, by jingoes! Did he before?”
by jingoes (本当に) [間] an expression of surprise or excitement
「そうか、本当に背を向けてる! 前は背を向けてたか?」

 “Yes, he did. But I, like a fool, never thought.
Oh, this is bully, you know.
bully (いじめ) [名] the act of intimidating a weaker person
Now who can he mean?”

 The howling stopped.
howling (遠吠え) [名] the act of howling
Tom pricked up his ears.
prick up (そばだてる) [動] to listen attentively

 “Sh! What’s that?” he whispered.
「シーッ! あれは何だ?」と彼はささやいた。

 “Sounds like—like hogs grunting.
sound like (〜みたいだ) [動] to be similar to
hog (豚) [名] a domesticated pig
No—it’s somebody snoring, Tom.”

 “That is it! Where ’bouts is it, Huck?”
’bouts (らへん) [名] the area around a place
「それだ! どこらへんだ、ハック?」

 “I bleeve it’s down at ’tother end.
down (下の方) [副] to or in a lower place or position
Sounds so, anyway.
Pap used to sleep there, sometimes, ’long with the hogs, but laws bless you, he just lifts things when he snores.
law (法律) [名] a rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority
Besides, I reckon he ain’t ever coming back to this town any more.”

 The spirit of adventure rose in the boys’ souls once more.
rise (湧き上がる) [動] go up or increase

 “Hucky, do you das’t to go if I lead?”
lead (先導する) [動] be in charge or command of

 “I don’t like to, much.
Tom, s’pose it’s Injun Joe!”

 Tom quailed.
quail (怖気づく) [動] lose courage or confidence
But presently the temptation rose up strong again and the boys agreed to try, with the understanding that they would take to their heels if the snoring stopped.
rise up (強くなる) [動] become stronger or more intense
understanding (了解) [名] a state of mutual comprehension
take to one's heels (逃げ出す) [動] run away
snoring (いびき) [名] the hoarse or harsh sound that is made in the nose and throat when breathing during sleep
So they went tiptoeing stealthily down, the one behind the other.
stealthily (そっと) [副] in a stealthy manner
down (降りる) [副] from a higher to a lower place
When they had got to within five steps of the snorer, Tom stepped on a stick, and it broke with a sharp snap.
within five steps (五歩以内) [名] a distance of five steps
snorer (いびきをかいている人) [名] a person who snores
step on (踏む) [動] put one's foot on something
stick (棒) [名] a thin piece of wood
snap (音を立てる) [動] make a sharp sound
The man moaned, writhed a little, and his face came into the moonlight.
writhe (身をよじる) [動] twist or turn the body about
moonlight (月明かり) [名] the light of the moon
It was Muff Potter.
The boys’ hearts had stood still, and their hopes too, when the man moved, but their fears passed away now.
pass away (消え去る) [動] die
They tip-toed out, through the broken weather-boarding, and stopped at a little distance to exchange a parting word.
tip-toe (つま先で歩く) [動] walk on one's toes
broken (壊れた) [形] damaged or altered by breaking
weather-boarding (羽目板) [名] a type of cladding used to protect buildings from the weather
a little distance (少し離れたところ) [名] a short distance
parting (別れ) [名] the action of leaving someone or something
That long, lugubrious howl rose on the night air again!
They turned and saw the strange dog standing within a few feet of where Potter was lying, and facing Potter, with his nose pointing heavenward.
strange (見知らぬ) [形] not known or familiar
few (数) [形] a small number of
face (向く) [動] have the front or main side towards
point (向ける) [動] direct or aim something at

 “Oh, geeminy, it’s him!”
geeminy (なんてことだ) [間] an expression of surprise or disgust
it (彼) [代] the person or thing mentioned
exclaimed both boys, in a breath.

 “Say, Tom—they say a stray dog come howling around Johnny Miller’s house, ’bout midnight, as much as two weeks ago;
stray dog (野良犬) [名] a dog that has no home
come howling (遠吠えする) [動] to make a long, loud cry
and a whippoorwill come in and lit on the banisters and sung, the very same evening;
light on (止まる) [動] land on
banister (手すり) [名] a railing on a staircase
and there ain’t anybody dead there yet.”

 “Well, I know that.
And suppose there ain’t.
Didn’t Gracie Miller fall in the kitchen fire and burn herself terrible the very next Saturday?”
Gracie Miller (グレーシー・ミラー) [名] a person's name
fall in (落ちる) [動] move or be moved from a higher to a lower position
burn (火傷する) [動] be or cause to be on fire
terrible (ひどい) [形] very bad or serious

 “Yes, but she ain’t dead.
And what’s more, she’s getting better, too.”
what's more (それに) [副] in addition to what has been said
get better (回復する) [動] become healthier or more well

 “All right, you wait and see.
wait and see (待っててごらんなさい) [動] wait for something to happen before taking action
She’s a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter’s a goner.
dead sure (確実に) [形] absolutely certain
That’s what the niggers say, and they know all about these kind of things, Huck.”

 Then they separated, cogitating.
When Tom crept in at his bedroom window the night was almost spent.
creep in (忍び込む) [動] move slowly and carefully so as not to be seen or heard
almost (ほとんど) [副] very nearly; all but
He undressed with excessive caution, and fell asleep congratulating himself that nobody knew of his escapade.
undress (服を脱ぐ) [動] take off one's clothes
excessive (過度な) [形] more than is usual or necessary
fall asleep (眠りつく) [動] go to sleep
congratulate (祝福する) [動] express praise or admiration for
escapade (逃亡) [名] an act or incident that is irresponsible or foolish
He was not aware that the gently-snoring Sid was awake, and had been so for an hour.
be aware (気づく) [動] notice or realize
awake (起きる) [動] stop sleeping

 When Tom awoke, Sid was dressed and gone.
go (出かける) [動] leave a place
There was a late look in the light, a late sense in the atmosphere.
look (様子) [名] the way that someone or something appears
atmosphere (大気) [名] the blanket of air around the earth
He was startled.
startle (驚く) [動] to cause to feel sudden shock or alarm
Why had he not been called—persecuted till he was up, as usual?
call (呼ばれる) [動] to communicate with (someone) by telephone
persecute (迫害される) [動] to treat (someone) cruelly or unfairly, especially because of their race or religious beliefs
The thought filled him with bodings.
boding (予感) [名] a feeling that something bad is going to happen
Within five minutes he was dressed and down-stairs, feeling sore and drowsy.
within five minutes (5分以内に) [副] in less than five minutes
down-stairs (階下に) [副] to or on a lower floor
sore (痛み) [名] a painful place on the body
The family were still at table, but they had finished breakfast.
table (食卓) [名] a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at
There was no voice of rebuke;
rebuke (叱責) [名] an expression of disapproval
but there were averted eyes;
avert (そらす) [動] turn away from
there was a silence and an air of solemnity that struck a chill to the culprit’s heart.
strike (冷たくさせる) [動] hit or attack suddenly and forcefully
culprit (犯人) [名] a person who is guilty of a crime or wrongdoing
He sat down and tried to seem gay, but it was up-hill work;
gay (陽気な) [形] lighthearted and carefree
up-hill work (困難な仕事) [名] a task that is very difficult to do
it roused no smile, no response, and he lapsed into silence and let his heart sink down to the depths.
rouse (引き起こす) [動] cause to be active or excited
response (反応) [名] an answer or reaction to a stimulus or situation

 After breakfast his aunt took him aside, and Tom almost brightened in the hope that he was going to be flogged;
after breakfast (朝食後) [名] the first meal of the day
take aside (脇に連れて行く) [動] take someone to a private place to talk to them
brighten (明るくなる) [動] become more cheerful
be going to (されるかもしれない) [助] have something already planned or arranged; have something that is bound to happen; will
flog (鞭打つ) [動] beat with a whip or stick
but it was not so.
be not so (そうはならなかった) [動] not be the case
His aunt wept over him and asked him how he could go and break her old heart so;
and finally told him to go on, and ruin himself and bring her gray hairs with sorrow to the grave, for it was no use for her to try any more.
finally (最後に) [副] after a long time
ruin (破滅させる) [動] destroy
gray hair (白髪) [名] hair that has lost its color
grave (墓場) [名] a location where dead people are buried
no use (無駄) [名] not worth doing
This was worse than a thousand whippings, and Tom’s heart was sorer now than his body.
whipping (鞭打ち) [名] the act of striking with a whip
He cried, he pleaded for forgiveness, promised to reform over and over again, and then received his dismissal, feeling that he had won but an imperfect forgiveness and established but a feeble confidence.
plead (請う) [動] to make an emotional appeal
forgiveness (許し) [名] the act of forgiving
promise (約束する) [動] to make a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified
reform (改心する) [動] to make or become better by removing or correcting faults, errors, etc.
over and over again (何度も何度も) [副] repeatedly
dismissal (解雇) [名] the termination of a person's employment
win (得る) [動] to be successful or victorious in (a contest or game)
imperfect (不完全な) [形] not perfect; faulty or incomplete
establish (築く) [動] to set up or lay the groundwork for
feeble (弱い) [形] lacking in strength or power
confidence (信頼) [名] the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust

 He left the presence too miserable to even feel revengeful toward Sid; and so the latter’s prompt retreat through the back gate was unnecessary.
even (さえ) [副] to a greater extent or degree than is usual or expected
feel (抱く) [動] experience (an emotion or sensation)
revengeful (復讐心) [形] filled with or showing a desire to hurt someone for a wrong suffered at their hands
toward (に対して) [前] in the direction of
latter (シド) [名] the second of two people or things mentioned
prompt (素早い) [形] done without delay
retreat (退却) [名] an act of moving back or withdrawing
unnecessary (不必要) [形] not needed
He moped to school gloomy and sad, and took his flogging, along with Joe Harper, for playing hookey the day before, with the air of one whose heart was busy with heavier woes and wholly dead to trifles.
mope (ふさぎ込む) [動] be dejected or depressed
gloomy (憂鬱な) [形] dark or poorly lit
take (受ける) [動] receive or accept
flogging (鞭打ち) [名] the act of beating someone with a whip or stick
along with (一緒に) [前] in the company of
playing hookey (学校をさぼる) [動] stay away from school without permission
the day before (前日) [名] the day preceding the present day
with the air of (のような様子で) [前] having the appearance of
was busy with (で忙しい) [動] be occupied with
heavier (もっと重い) [形] of greater weight
woes (悲しみ) [名] a feeling of great distress or unhappiness
trifles (些細なこと) [名] something of little value or importance
Then he betook himself to his seat, rested his elbows on his desk and his jaws in his hands, and stared at the wall with the stony stare of suffering that has reached the limit and can no further go.
betake oneself to (行く) [動] go to
rest (置く) [動] place on or against a support
limit (限界) [名] a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass
go (耐える) [動] move at a steady and regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once
His elbow was pressing against some hard substance.
press against (押し付けられる) [動] to push against something with steady force
hard substance (固いもの) [名] a solid material
After a long time he slowly and sadly changed his position, and took up this object with a sigh.
after a long time (長い時間が経って) [副] after a long period of time
slowly (ゆっくりと) [副] not fast; slowly
change (変える) [動] make or become different
position (姿勢) [名] the way in which someone or something is placed or arranged
take up (取り上げる) [動] pick up
It was in a paper.
be in (包まれている) [動] be contained or enclosed by
He unrolled it.
A long, lingering, colossal sigh followed, and his heart broke.
lingering (長引く) [形] continuing for a long time
colossal (巨大な) [形] extremely large
It was his brass andiron knob!

 This final feather broke the camel’s back.
final (最後の) [形] coming at the end of a series
camel (ラクダ) [名] a large, long-necked ungulate mammal of arid country, with humped back, used as a beast of burden and for its milk, hair, and flesh