CHAPTER IV (第4章) [名] the fourth chapter

 The sun rose upon a tranquil world, and beamed down upon the peaceful village like a benediction.
rise (昇る) [動] move from a lower position to a higher position
tranquil (穏やかな) [形] free from disturbance or agitation
beam (照らす) [動] send out a bright light
peaceful (平和な) [形] free from disturbance or agitation
Breakfast over, Aunt Polly had family worship: it began with a prayer built from the ground up of solid courses of Scriptural quotations, welded together with a thin mortar of originality;
breakfast (朝食) [名] the first meal of the day
over (終わる) [前] finished; ended
family worship (家族礼拝) [名] a religious service held at home
begin (始まる) [動] start
build (構築する) [動] construct
solid (堅固な) [形] strong and firm
course (引用) [名] a part of a meal
Scriptural quotation (聖書の引用) [名] a passage from the Bible
weld (つなぎ合わせる) [動] join together by welding
thin (薄い) [形] having little distance between opposite sides
mortar (モルタル) [名] a mixture of sand, cement, and water, used in building to hold bricks or stones together
and from the summit of this she delivered a grim chapter of the Mosaic Law, as from Sinai.
summit (頂上) [名] the highest point of a mountain
deliver (語る) [動] say or express something
grim (厳しい) [形] stern or forbidding in appearance
Mosaic Law (モーセの律法) [名] the laws of the ancient Israelites as set out in the Pentateuch
Sinai (シナイ山) [名] a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt

 Then Tom girded up his loins, so to speak, and went to work to “get his verses.”
gird up one's loins (腰を据える) [動] prepare oneself for a difficult task
so to speak (いわば) [副] used to introduce a phrase that is not literally true
get (覚える) [動] come to know or memorize
verse (聖書の節) [名] a group of lines forming a unit in a poem
Sid had learned his lesson days before.
lesson (聖書の節) [名] a passage from the Bible that is read during a church service
day (数日前) [名] a period of time that is equal to 24 hours
Tom bent all his energies to the memorizing of five verses, and he chose part of the Sermon on the Mount, because he could find no verses that were shorter.
bend (傾ける) [動] turn or cause to turn from a straight line or from a normal position
memorize (暗記する) [動] commit to memory; learn by heart
choose (選ぶ) [動] pick out or select from a number of alternatives
Sermon on the Mount (山上の説教) [名] a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus, especially those found in the Gospel of Matthew
find (見つける) [動] discover or notice
At the end of half an hour Tom had a vague general idea of his lesson, but no more, for his mind was traversing the whole field of human thought, and his hands were busy with distracting recreations.
at the end of (終わりに) [前] at the time when something finishes
half an hour (三十分) [名] a period of time equal to thirty minutes
have a vague general idea (漠然とした全体像をつかむ) [動] to have a general understanding of something but not know the details
no more (それ以上は何も) [副] not any more; no longer
for (なぜなら) [接] because
traverse (横断する) [動] to travel across or through
field (領域) [名] an area of knowledge or interest
thought (思考) [名] the action or process of thinking
busy (忙しい) [形] having a lot to do
distracting (気を散らす) [形] causing someone to lose concentration
recreation (遊び) [名] an activity that is done for enjoyment
Mary took his book to hear him recite, and he tried to find his way through the fog:
hear (聞く) [動] perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something)
recite (暗唱する) [動] repeat aloud from memory
fog (霧) [名] a cloud of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the ground

 “Blessed are the—a—a—”
blessed (幸いなるかな) [形] having received a special favor or blessing from God
are (である) [動] be


 “Yes—poor; blessed are the poor—a—a—”
poor (貧しい人々) [名] people who have little or no money, goods, or other means of support

 “In spirit—”

 “In spirit; blessed are the poor in spirit, for they—they—”
they (彼ら) [代] the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified

theirs (彼らは) [代] belonging to or connected with the people or things previously mentioned

 “For theirs. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
kingdom (天国) [名] a country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen
Blessed are they that mourn, for they—they—”
mourn (悲しむ) [動] feel or show sorrow or regret for the death of someone

Sh (し) [名] the 14th letter of the English alphabet

 “For they—a—”

 “S, H, A—”

 “For they S, H— Oh, I don’t know what it is!”
I don't know (わからない) [動] be not aware of

shall (する) [助] used to express a strong intention or determination

 “Oh, shall! for they shall—for they shall—a—a—shall mourn—a—a—blessed are they that shall—they that—a—they that shall mourn, for they shall—a—shall what?
blessed (幸いである) [形] having a special favor or protection of God
「ああ、する! 彼らはする、彼らはする、あ、あ、悲しむ、あ、あ、彼らは幸いである、彼らは、あ、彼らは悲しむ、彼らは、あ、何をする?
Why don’t you tell me, Mary?—what do you want to be so mean for?”
mean (意地悪) [形] unkind or spiteful
どうして教えてくれないんだ、メアリー? そんなに意地悪したいのかい?」

 “Oh, Tom, you poor thick-headed thing, I’m not teasing you.
thick-headed (頭の固い) [形] stupid
tease (からかう) [動] make fun of or attempt to provoke a reaction from
I wouldn’t do that.
that (そんなこと) [代] the thing that has just been mentioned
You must go and learn it again.
Don’t you be discouraged, Tom, you’ll manage it—and if you do, I’ll give you something ever so nice.
be discouraged (落胆する) [動] lose confidence or hope
manage (できる) [動] be able to do something
There, now, that’s a good boy.”
that (それ) [代] the thing mentioned before
good (良い) [形] to be desired or approved of

 “All right! What is it, Mary, tell me what it is.”
all right (いいよ) [副] yes; okay
「いいよ! 何なの、メアリー、何なのか教えて」

 “Never you mind, Tom.
never mind (気にしないで) [動] do not worry about or be concerned about
You know if I say it’s nice, it is nice.”

 “You bet you that’s so, Mary.
bet (決まってる) [動] be certain or sure about something
Mary (メアリー) [名] a female given name
All right, I’ll tackle it again.”
all right (よし) [間] an expression of agreement
tackle (やってみる) [動] try to deal with or solve a problem

 And he did “tackle it again”—and under the double pressure of curiosity and prospective gain he did it with such spirit that he accomplished a shining success.
curiosity (好奇心) [名] a strong desire to know or learn something
prospective (将来の) [形] expected or likely to happen in the future
gain (利益) [名] an increase in wealth or resources
spirit (気迫) [名] the quality of courage or energy
accomplish (成し遂げる) [動] successfully complete something
success (成功) [名] the accomplishment of an aim or purpose
Mary gave him a brand-new “Barlow” knife worth twelve and a half cents;
give (くれる) [動] transfer the possession of something to someone
brand-new (真新しい) [形] completely new
Barlow (バーロー) [名] a brand of knife
worth (価値がある) [形] having a specified value
twelve and a half (12セント半) [名] a number equal to 12.5
and the convulsion of delight that swept his system shook him to his foundations.
convulsion (痙攣) [名] a violent involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles
sweep (襲う) [動] move quickly and forcefully
system (全身) [名] a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole
foundation (根底) [名] the basis on which something is founded or built
True, the knife would not cut anything, but it was a “sure-enough” Barlow, and there was inconceivable grandeur in that—though where the Western boys ever got the idea that such a weapon could possibly be counterfeited to its injury is an imposing mystery and will always remain so, perhaps.
True (確かに) [副] in accordance with fact or reality
cut (切る) [動] divide or separate with a sharp-edged tool
anything (何も) [代] any object, event, or state
sure-enough (本物の) [形] genuine; real
inconceivable (想像を絶する) [形] too great or extreme to be imagined or believed
grandeur (壮大さ) [名] splendor or impressiveness of appearance or style
Western (西部の) [形] of or relating to the west
idea (考え) [名] a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action
weapon (武器) [名] a thing that is used or designed to cause bodily harm or physical damage
possibly (恐らく) [副] perhaps; maybe
counterfeit (偽造する) [動] imitate something else with intent to deceive
injury (損害) [名] physical or mental harm or damage
imposing (恐ろしい) [形] impressive or formidable in appearance or effect
mystery (謎) [名] something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain
Tom contrived to scarify the cupboard with it, and was arranging to begin on the bureau, when he was called off to dress for Sunday-school.
contrive (工夫する) [動] plan or devise in a clever and skillful way
scarify (傷つける) [動] make a series of small cuts or scratches on
cupboard (食器棚) [名] a place, usually with a door and shelves, where dishes, food, or sometimes clothes are kept
bureau (局) [名] a chest of drawers, typically with a mirror on top
Sunday-school (日曜学校) [名] a school for religious education, typically held on Sundays

 Mary gave him a tin basin of water and a piece of soap, and he went outside the door and set the basin on a little bench there;
basin (洗面器) [名] a large bowl
soap (石鹸) [名] a cleansing agent made from fats and oils
go outside (外に出る) [動] leave a building
set (置く) [動] put something in a certain place
bench (ベンチ) [名] a long seat for several people
then he dipped the soap in the water and laid it down;
turned up his sleeves; poured out the water on the ground, gently, and then entered the kitchen and began to wipe his face diligently on the towel behind the door.
turn up (まくり上げる) [動] to fold or roll upwards
sleeve (袖) [名] the part of a garment that covers the arm
pour (注ぐ) [動] cause to flow in a stream
gently (そっと) [副] in a gentle manner
enter (入る) [動] go or come in
diligently (熱心に) [副] in a diligent manner
towel (タオル) [名] a piece of absorbent cloth or paper that is used for drying or wiping something
But Mary removed the towel and said:
remove (外す) [動] take off or away

 “Now ain’t you ashamed, Tom.
You mustn’t be so bad.
mustn't (いけない) [助] must not
Water won’t hurt you.”

 Tom was a trifle disconcerted.
trifle (少し) [名] a thing of little value or importance
disconcert (当惑させる) [動] to disturb the composure of
The basin was refilled, and this time he stood over it a little while, gathering resolution;
basin (たらい) [名] a large, round, open container with a flat bottom
refill (水を足す) [動] fill something again
stand over (前に立つ) [動] stand near or next to
a little while (しばらく) [名] a short period of time
gather (固める) [動] come together; assemble
resolution (決意) [名] a firm decision to do or not to do something
took in a big breath and began.
take in (吸い込む) [動] breathe in
breath (息) [名] the air taken into or expelled from the lungs
When he entered the kitchen presently, with both eyes shut and groping for the towel with his hands, an honorable testimony of suds and water was dripping from his face.
shut (閉じる) [動] move or cause to move into a position that blocks an opening
grope (手探りする) [動] feel about or search blindly or uncertainly
honorable (立派な) [形] worthy of honor or respect
testimony (証拠) [名] a statement or declaration of fact or truth
suds (石鹸) [名] soapy water
But when he emerged from the towel, he was not yet satisfactory, for the clean territory stopped short at his chin and his jaws, like a mask;
emerge (顔を出す) [動] come out into view
satisfactory (満足のいく) [形] good enough to fulfill a need or requirement
clean (きれいな) [形] free from dirt, marks, or stains
territory (部分) [名] an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state
stop short (止まる) [動] come to an abrupt halt
chin (あご) [名] the lower part of a person's face below the mouth
jaw (顎) [名] either of the two bones that form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth in position
mask (マスク) [名] a covering for the face, typically made of fabric, and worn as a disguise or for protection
below and beyond this line there was a dark expanse of unirrigated soil that spread downward in front and backward around his neck.
below (下) [副] in or to a lower place or position
unirrigated (灌漑されていない) [形] not supplied with water
soil (土) [名] the upper layer of earth in which plants grow
spread (広がる) [動] stretch out over a wide area
front (前方) [名] the side or part of something that faces forward
backward (後方) [副] toward the back
Mary took him in hand, and when she was done with him he was a man and a brother, without distinction of color, and his saturated hair was neatly brushed, and its short curls wrought into a dainty and symmetrical general effect.
take in hand (連れて行く) [動] take charge of
be done with (終わる) [動] finish
distinction (区別) [名] a difference or contrast between similar things or people
saturated (びしょ濡れ) [形] extremely wet
neatly (きれいに) [副] in a tidy manner
brush (ブラシをかける) [動] clean, smooth, or polish with a brush
dainty (可憐な) [形] small and pretty
symmetrical (対称的な) [形] made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis
[He privately smoothed out the curls, with labor and difficulty, and plastered his hair close down to his head;
privately (内緒で) [副] in a private manner
smooth out (伸ばす) [動] make smooth or smoother
labor (苦労) [名] hard work
difficulty (困難) [名] a thing that is hard to do or understand
plaster (貼り付ける) [動] cover with a sticky substance
for he held curls to be effeminate, and his own filled his life with bitterness.]
hold (考える) [動] have or keep in the mind
effeminate (女々しい) [形] having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman
bitterness (苦々しさ) [名] the quality of being bitter
Then Mary got out a suit of his clothing that had been used only on Sundays during two years—they were simply called his “other clothes”—and so by that we know the size of his wardrobe.
suit (スーツ) [名] a set of clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or skirt
clothing (服) [名] the things that people wear
Sunday (日曜日) [名] the first day of the week
two years (2年間) [名] a period of time equal to 24 months
wardrobe (ワードローブ) [名] a tall cupboard in which clothes are hung
The girl “put him to rights” after he had dressed himself;
put to rights (正す) [動] to make neat, tidy, or orderly
after (後) [前] later or following (the event mentioned)
dress (服を着る) [動] put clothes on oneself
she buttoned his neat roundabout up to his chin, turned his vast shirt collar down over his shoulders, brushed him off and crowned him with his speckled straw hat.
neat (きちんとした) [形] tidy, clean, or smart
roundabout (上着) [名] a short coat
turn down (かける) [動] fold or bend something so that it is in a lower position
brush off (払う) [動] remove something by brushing
crown (かぶせる) [動] put a crown on someone's head
speckled (斑点のある) [形] marked with small spots
straw hat (麦わら帽子) [名] a hat made from straw
He now looked exceedingly improved and uncomfortable.
look (見える) [動] to seem or appear
exceedingly (非常に) [副] to a very great degree
improve (改善される) [動] make or become better
uncomfortable (不快そう) [形] causing discomfort or unease
He was fully as uncomfortable as he looked;
fully (とても) [副] completely or entirely
as (通りに) [接] to the extent or degree that
look (見た目) [動] direct one's gaze
for there was a restraint about whole clothes and cleanliness that galled him.
restraint (制約) [名] a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits
cleanliness (清潔感) [名] the state of being clean
gall (苛立たせる) [動] to annoy or irritate
He hoped that Mary would forget his shoes, but the hope was blighted;
she coated them thoroughly with tallow, as was the custom, and brought them out.
thoroughly (完全に) [副] completely
tallow (獣脂) [名] a hard fatty substance made from animal fat
custom (習慣) [名] a practice or behavior that is usual or expected
bring out (持ってくる) [動] to produce or introduce something
He lost his temper and said he was always being made to do everything he didn’t want to do.
lose one's temper (癇癪を起こす) [動] become angry
be made to do (やらされる) [動] be forced to do
everything (全て) [名] all that exists; all that is
But Mary said, persuasively:
persuasively (説得するように) [副] in a way that is likely to persuade

 “Please, Tom—that’s a good boy.”
please (お願い) [動] make someone happy or satisfied

 So he got into the shoes snarling.
get into (履く) [動] put on
shoe (靴) [名] an outer covering for the foot, typically made of leather, having a sturdy sole and not reaching above the ankle
Mary was soon ready, and the three children set out for Sunday-school—a place that Tom hated with his whole heart;
ready (準備ができて) [形] in a state of readiness
set out (出かける) [動] start a journey
whole heart (心から) [名] with all one's being
but Sid and Mary were fond of it.
be fond of (好きである) [動] to like something or someone a lot

 Sabbath-school hours were from nine to half-past ten;
Sabbath-school (日曜学校) [名] a school for religious instruction on Sundays
nine (9時) [名] the number 9
half-past ten (10時半) [名] 30 minutes after 10 o'clock
and then church service.
and then (そして) [接] after that; next; afterwards
church (教会) [名] a building used for public Christian worship
service (礼拝) [名] a religious ceremony
Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, and the other always remained too—for stronger reasons.
children (子供たち) [名] a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
voluntarily (自発的に) [副] out of your own free will
sermon (説教) [名] a speech or discourse on a religious or moral subject, especially one delivered by a preacher or minister
too (また) [副] in addition; also; as well
reason (理由) [名] a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event
The church’s high-backed, uncushioned pews would seat about three hundred persons;
high-backed (背もたれの高い) [形] having a high back
uncushioned (クッションのない) [形] not having a cushion
pew (会衆席) [名] a long bench with a back, used in a church
seat (座れる) [動] have seats for
three hundred (300) [数] three times one hundred
the edifice was but a small, plain affair, with a sort of pine board tree-box on top of it for a steeple.
edifice (建物) [名] a large, impressive building
plain (質素な) [形] simple and ordinary
affair (もの) [名] a thing
sort of (一種の) [名] a kind of
pine (松) [名] an evergreen coniferous tree
tree (木) [名] a woody perennial plant typically having a main stem and generally a distinct elevated crown
box (箱) [名] a container with a flat base and sides, typically with a lid
top (上) [名] the highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something
steeple (尖塔) [名] a tall, narrow tower on a building, typically a church or cathedral, typically forming a tapering point at the top of a structure
At the door Tom dropped back a step and accosted a Sunday-dressed comrade:
at the door (ドアのところで) [副] near the door
drop back (下がる) [動] move to a lower position
a step (一歩) [名] a single action, movement, or process
accost (声をかける) [動] approach and address someone boldly or aggressively

 “Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket?”
Billy (ビリー) [名] a male given name
got (持ってる) [動] have or possess
yaller (黄色い) [形] of the color intermediate between green and orange in the visible spectrum
ticket (切符) [名] a piece of paper or card that gives you the right to enter a place, travel on a vehicle, etc.


 “What’ll you take for her?”
take (売る) [動] exchange or receive money for goods or services
for (で) [前] in exchange for

 “What’ll you give?”

 “Piece of lickrish and a fish-hook.”
piece (一片) [名] a portion of something
lickrish (甘草) [名] a plant with a sweet root
fish-hook (釣り針) [名] a hook used for catching fish

 “Less see ’em.”
less (見せろ) [動] show
see (見ろ) [動] look at or watch

 Tom exhibited. They were satisfactory, and the property changed hands.
property (所有権) [名] a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions
change hands (移る) [動] be transferred from one owner to another
Then Tom traded a couple of white alleys for three red tickets, and some small trifle or other for a couple of blue ones.
red (赤い) [形] of the color intermediate between orange and violet
trifle (つまらないもの) [名] something of little value or importance
He waylaid other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or fifteen minutes longer.
waylay (待ち伏せする) [動] lie in wait for and attack or ambush
various (様々な) [形] different from one another; of different kinds
color (色) [名] the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light
ten (10) [数] the number 10
fifteen (15) [数] the number 15
minute (分) [名] a unit of time equal to sixty seconds
longer (長く) [形] having a greater length or duration
He entered the church, now, with a swarm of clean and noisy boys and girls, proceeded to his seat and started a quarrel with the first boy that came handy.
swarm (群れ) [名] a large number of people or things
noisy (騒がしい) [形] making a lot of noise
proceed (進む) [動] follow a certain course
seat (席) [名] a place where someone may sit
The teacher, a grave, elderly man, interfered;
teacher (教師) [名] a person who teaches, especially in a school
grave (真面目な) [形] serious in manner or appearance
elderly (年配の) [形] old or aging
interfere (割って入る) [動] get involved in something that is not your concern
then turned his back a moment and Tom pulled a boy’s hair in the next bench, and was absorbed in his book when the boy turned around;
pull (引っ張る) [動] exert force on (someone or something) so as to move or try to move them toward oneself or the origin of the force
turn around (振り返る) [動] turn to face the opposite direction
absorb (夢中になる) [動] take up the whole of someone's attention or time
stuck a pin in another boy, presently, in order to hear him say “Ouch!” and got a new reprimand from his teacher.
stick (刺す) [動] push a sharp or pointed object into or through
pin (ピン) [名] a thin, pointed piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a round head at the other
another (別の) [形] different from the one already mentioned
presently (すぐに) [副] in a short time; soon
order (ために) [名] a command, direction, or instruction
Tom’s whole class were of a pattern—restless, noisy, and troublesome.
whole (全体) [形] all of; the entire
pattern (パターン) [名] a repeated decorative design
restless (落ち着きがない) [形] unable to rest or relax
troublesome (面倒な) [形] causing difficulty or problems
When they came to recite their lessons, not one of them knew his verses perfectly, but had to be prompted all along.
come to (段になる) [動] reach a certain point
lesson (教訓) [名] a thing learned by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something
perfectly (完璧に) [副] in a perfect manner
prompt (促す) [動] cause to happen or be done
all along (終始) [副] from the beginning to the end
However, they worried through, and each got his reward—in small blue tickets, each with a passage of Scripture on it;
worry through (心配しながらも) [動] to manage to do something despite being worried
reward (報酬) [名] something given in return for good behavior or good work
passage (一節) [名] a section of a piece of writing
each blue ticket was pay for two verses of the recitation.
each (一枚につき) [形] every one of two or more people or things
pay (分だった) [動] give (someone) money that is owed for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred
recitation (暗唱) [名] the action of repeating something aloud from memory
Ten blue tickets equalled a red one, and could be exchanged for it;
equal (等しい) [動] be the same as or equivalent to
ten red tickets equalled a yellow one;
for ten yellow tickets the superintendent gave a very plainly bound Bible (worth forty cents in those easy times) to the pupil.
superintendent (校長先生) [名] a person who manages or supervises an organization or activity
Bible (聖書) [名] the Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments
pupil (生徒) [名] a person who is studying at a school
How many of my readers would have the industry and application to memorize two thousand verses, even for a Doré Bible?
how many (何人) [名] the number of people
industry (勤勉さ) [名] the quality of being hard-working
application (熱意) [名] the quality of being dedicated to a task or purpose
even (たとえ) [接] although; even if
Doré Bible (ドレの聖書) [名] a Bible illustrated by Gustave Doré
And yet Mary had acquired two Bibles in this way—it was the patient work of two years—and a boy of German parentage had won four or five.
acquire (獲得する) [動] to gain or obtain
German (ドイツ系) [形] of or relating to Germany
four or five (四、五冊) [数] the number after three and before six
He once recited three thousand verses without stopping;
three thousand (三千) [数] 3000
but the strain upon his mental faculties was too great, and he was little better than an idiot from that day forth—a grievous misfortune for the school, for on great occasions, before company, the superintendent (as Tom expressed it) had always made this boy come out and “spread himself.”
strain (負担) [名] a force that tends to distort or change the shape of something
mental (精神的な) [形] of or relating to the mind
idiot (白痴) [名] a person of low intelligence
day (日から) [名] a period of time from one sunrise to the next
forth (その) [副] onward in time
grievous (悲惨な) [形] causing severe pain or suffering
occasion (行事) [名] a special event or ceremony
company (際に) [名] a business organization
come out (前に出させる) [動] to move or travel from inside to outside
spread (広げさせる) [動] to stretch out or open out
Only the older pupils managed to keep their tickets and stick to their tedious work long enough to get a Bible, and so the delivery of one of these prizes was a rare and noteworthy circumstance;
older (年長の) [形] having lived or existed for a long time
keep (保管する) [動] have or retain possession of
stick (耐える) [動] remain attached or fastened
tedious (退屈な) [形] too long, slow, or dull
delivery (授与) [名] the action of delivering something
prize (賞品) [名] something offered or won as a reward for victory or success
rare (まれな) [形] not common or frequent
noteworthy (注目に値する) [形] worthy of attention or notice
the successful pupil was so great and conspicuous for that day that on the spot every scholar’s heart was fired with a fresh ambition that often lasted a couple of weeks.
successful (成功した) [形] having achieved success
conspicuous (目立つ) [形] standing out so as to be easily seen
that day (その日) [名] the day being discussed
on the spot (その場で) [副] immediately
scholar (生徒) [名] a person who is studying at a school
fire (燃え上がる) [動] to burn
ambition (野心) [名] a strong desire to achieve something
couple of weeks (数週間) [名] a period of time lasting for two weeks
It is possible that Tom’s mental stomach had never really hungered for one of those prizes, but unquestionably his entire being had for many a day longed for the glory and the eclat that came with it.
stomach (胃袋) [名] the organ in the body that receives food from the esophagus and begins digestion
hunger (欲しがる) [動] have a strong desire or need for
unquestionably (疑いなく) [副] without doubt
long (切望する) [動] feel a strong desire or need for
eclat (名声) [名] brilliant or conspicuous success or distinction

 In due course the superintendent stood up in front of the pulpit, with a closed hymn-book in his hand and his forefinger inserted between its leaves, and commanded attention.
in due course (やがて) [副] at the proper time
in front of (の前で) [前] in the space that is directly ahead of something
pulpit (説教壇) [名] a raised platform in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon
hymn-book (賛美歌の本) [名] a book containing hymns
forefinger (人差し指) [名] the finger next to the thumb
insert (挟む) [動] put or place something into something else
between (間に) [前] in the space or interval that separates two things
leaf (ページ) [名] a sheet of paper in a book
command (促す) [動] give an authoritative order
attention (注意) [名] the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important
When a Sunday-school superintendent makes his customary little speech, a hymn-book in the hand is as necessary as is the inevitable sheet of music in the hand of a singer who stands forward on the platform and sings a solo at a concert—though why, is a mystery: for neither the hymn-book nor the sheet of music is ever referred to by the sufferer.
customary (いつもの) [形] according to custom or usage
little (短い) [形] small in size, amount, or degree
speech (スピーチ) [名] a public address or talk
necessary (必要である) [形] required to be done, achieved, or present
inevitable (必然的な) [形] certain to happen; unavoidable
sheet (楽譜) [名] a piece of paper
forward (前) [副] toward the front
platform (演壇) [名] a raised floor or stage
solo (ソロ) [名] a piece of music for one performer
concert (コンサート) [名] a musical performance given in public, typically by several performers or of several compositions
referred to (参照される) [動] mention or allude to
This superintendent was a slim creature of thirty-five, with a sandy goatee and short sandy hair;
slim (痩せた) [形] of small width or thickness
thirty-five (三十五歳) [名] the number 35
sandy (砂色の) [形] of the color of sand
goatee (顎髭) [名] a beard on a man's chin
he wore a stiff standing-collar whose upper edge almost reached his ears and whose sharp points curved forward abreast the corners of his mouth—a fence that compelled a straight lookout ahead, and a turning of the whole body when a side view was required;
stiff (堅い) [形] not easily bent or changed in shape
standing-collar (スタンドカラー) [名] a collar that stands up rather than lying flat
upper edge (上端) [名] the top edge
almost (届きそうに) [副] very nearly
ear (耳) [名] the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates
sharp (尖った) [形] having a thin edge or point
point (先端) [名] the sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object
curve (曲がる) [動] move or cause to move in a smooth, rounded course
compel (強要する) [動] force or oblige (someone) to do something
straight (真っ直ぐ) [形] extending or moving uniformly in one direction only
lookout (見渡す) [名] a careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
side (横) [名] a position to the left or right of an object, place, or central point
view (見渡す) [名] the ability to see something or to be seen from a particular place
his chin was propped on a spreading cravat which was as broad and as long as a bank-note, and had fringed ends;
prop (支える) [動] support or hold up
cravat (ネクタイ) [名] a scarf worn around the neck
broad (広い) [形] having a large distance from one side to the other
bank-note (銀行券) [名] a piece of paper money
fringe (フリンジ) [名] a border of loose threads left on a piece of cloth
his boot toes were turned sharply up, in the fashion of the day, like sleigh-runners—an effect patiently and laboriously produced by the young men by sitting with their toes pressed against a wall for hours together.
boot (ブーツ) [名] a covering for the foot and lower leg
toe (つま先) [名] the end of a foot
turn up (上を向く) [動] to be found or discovered
fashion (流行) [名] a popular trend
day (当時) [名] a period of time
sleigh (そり) [名] a vehicle on runners for sliding over snow or ice
runner (そり) [名] a person who runs
patiently (忍耐強く) [副] in a patient manner
laboriously (苦労して) [副] with or involving hard work
produce (作り出す) [動] to make or create something
Mr. Walters was very earnest of mien, and very sincere and honest at heart;
Mr. Walters (ウォルターズ先生) [名] the teacher
earnest (真面目な) [形] serious and sincere
mien (態度) [名] a person's appearance or manner
sincere (誠実な) [形] free from pretense or deceit
honest (正直な) [形] truthful and trustworthy
and he held sacred things and places in such reverence, and so separated them from worldly matters, that unconsciously to himself his Sunday-school voice had acquired a peculiar intonation which was wholly absent on week-days.
hold (敬う) [動] have or feel a high opinion of
reverence (敬意) [名] a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe
separate (区別する) [動] keep apart or divide from one another
voice (声) [名] the sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song
acquire (帯びる) [動] come to have or possess
intonation (抑揚) [名] the rise and fall of the pitch of the voice in speech
wholly (全く) [副] completely; entirely
absent (見られない) [形] not present; missing
He began after this fashion:
after this fashion (こんな風に) [副] in this manner

 “Now, children, I want you all to sit up just as straight and pretty as you can and give me all your attention for a minute or two.
sit up (背筋を伸ばす) [動] sit with a straight back
straight (まっすぐ) [形] without a bend or curve
pretty (きれいに) [副] in a pleasing manner
There—that is it.
That is the way good little boys and girls should do.
should (するべき) [助] used to express obligation, duty, or correctness
I see one little girl who is looking out of the window—I am afraid she thinks I am out there somewhere—perhaps up in one of the trees making a speech to the little birds. [Applausive titter.]
afraid (恐らく) [形] feeling fear or worry
think (思っている) [動] have an opinion about something
somewhere (どこか) [副] in or to some place
perhaps (もしかしたら) [副] possibly
up (上) [副] in or to a higher place
make (している) [動] cause to happen
applause (拍手喝采) [名] the expression of approval or praise by clapping
I want to tell you how good it makes me feel to see so many bright, clean little faces assembled in a place like this, learning to do right and be good.”
assemble (集まる) [動] come or bring together
place (場所) [名] a particular position, point, or area in space
right (正しい) [形] morally good, justified, or acceptable
And so forth and so on.
and so forth (などなど) [副] and other similar things; and so on
and so on (などなど) [副] and other similar things; and so forth
It is not necessary to set down the rest of the oration.
set down (書き記す) [動] to write something down
oration (演説) [名] a formal public speech
It was of a pattern which does not vary, and so it is familiar to us all.
vary (変化する) [動] be different from one another
familiar (馴染みのある) [形] well known from long or close association

 The latter third of the speech was marred by the resumption of fights and other recreations among certain of the bad boys, and by fidgetings and whisperings that extended far and wide, washing even to the bases of isolated and incorruptible rocks like Sid and Mary.
latter third (最後の三分の一) [名] the last third
marred (台無しにされた) [動] spoil the appearance of
resumption (再開) [名] the action of beginning something again
recreation (娯楽) [名] an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
fidgeting (そわそわした動き) [名] restless or nervous movement
whispering (ささやき) [名] a soft or confidential tone of voice
extend (及ぶ) [動] stretch out so as to reach or touch something
far and wide (広く) [副] over a large area
wash (及ぶ) [動] move or flow over or against
base (根元) [名] the lowest part or edge of something
isolated (孤立した) [形] far away from other places, buildings, or people
incorruptible (腐敗しない) [形] not able to be influenced by bribery or other dishonest means
rock (岩) [名] the hard solid substance that forms the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans
But now every sound ceased suddenly, with the subsidence of Mr. Walters’ voice, and the conclusion of the speech was received with a burst of silent gratitude.
cease (止む) [動] come or bring to an end
subsidence (沈静化) [名] the sinking of a surface
conclusion (結論) [名] the end or finish of something
receive (受け止める) [動] be given, presented with, or paid

 A good part of the whispering had been occasioned by an event which was more or less rare—the entrance of visitors: lawyer Thatcher, accompanied by a very feeble and aged man;
a good part of (大部分) [名] a large part of
occasion (引き起こす) [動] cause or produce
more or less (多かれ少なかれ) [副] to some extent; somewhat
rare (珍しい) [形] not common or usual
entrance (入場) [名] the act of going or coming in
visitor (訪問者) [名] a person who visits a place
lawyer (弁護士) [名] a person who is a member of the legal profession
Thatcher (ザッチャー) [名] a surname
accompany (連れる) [動] go with someone as a companion or escort
feeble (弱々しい) [形] lacking physical strength
aged (年老いた) [形] having lived for a long time
a fine, portly, middle-aged gentleman with iron-gray hair;
fine (立派な) [形] of high quality
portly (恰幅の良い) [形] rather fat
middle-aged (中年の) [形] being between young and old
iron-gray (鉄灰色の) [形] of a gray color like that of iron
and a dignified lady who was doubtless the latter’s wife.
dignified (威厳のある) [形] having or showing a serious and impressive manner
lady (女性) [名] a woman of good breeding, refinement, and gentle manners
wife (妻) [名] a married woman
The lady was leading a child.
lead (連れる) [動] take or guide someone or something along a route
Tom had been restless and full of chafings and repinings;
chafing (苛立ち) [名] irritation caused by rubbing
repining (不満) [名] a feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction
conscience-smitten, too—he could not meet Amy Lawrence’s eye, he could not brook her loving gaze.
conscience-smitten (良心の呵責に苛まれる) [形] feeling guilty about something
meet (合わせる) [動] come together with
brook (耐える) [動] tolerate or allow
loving (愛情のこもった) [形] feeling or showing love
gaze (視線) [名] a steady intent look
But when he saw this small newcomer his soul was all ablaze with bliss in a moment.
newcomer (新参者) [名] a person who has recently arrived in a place
ablaze (燃え上がる) [形] on fire
bliss (至福) [名] perfect happiness; great joy
The next moment he was “showing off” with all his might—cuffing boys, pulling hair, making faces—in a word, using every art that seemed likely to fascinate a girl and win her applause.
the next moment (次の瞬間) [名] the moment immediately following the present
all one's might (全力で) [名] all of one's strength or power
cuff (殴る) [動] to hit with an open hand
make a face (顔をしかめる) [動] to contort one's face into an expression of disgust, displeasure, or pain
in a word (つまり) [副] to put it briefly
use (駆使する) [動] to put into service or employ for a particular purpose
every art (あらゆる芸当) [名] all of the skills or techniques that one knows
fascinate (魅了する) [動] to attract and hold the interest of
win (浴びる) [動] to be awarded or given something
His exaltation had but one alloy—the memory of his humiliation in this angel’s garden—and that record in sand was fast washing out, under the waves of happiness that were sweeping over it now.
exaltation (高揚感) [名] a feeling or state of intense happiness or elation
alloy (不純物) [名] a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion
humiliation (屈辱) [名] a feeling of shame or embarrassment
sand (砂) [名] a loose granular material blanketing the beaches, riverbeds and deserts of the world, consisting mainly of tiny eroded rock fragments
record (記録) [名] a permanent account of something
fast (急速に) [副] at high speed
wash out (洗い流す) [動] to remove something by washing
wave (波) [名] a wall of water that moves towards the shore
happiness (幸福) [名] the state of being happy

 The visitors were given the highest seat of honor, and as soon as Mr. Walters’ speech was finished, he introduced them to the school.
visitor (来賓) [名] a guest or person who visits a place
be given (案内される) [動] be presented with
honor (名誉) [名] high respect
introduce (紹介する) [動] make known to each other
The middle-aged man turned out to be a prodigious personage—no less a one than the county judge—altogether the most august creation these children had ever looked upon—and they wondered what kind of material he was made of—and they half wanted to hear him roar, and were half afraid he might, too.
turn out (判明する) [動] to become known or apparent
prodigious (驚くべき) [形] remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
personage (人物) [名] a person of importance or distinction
no less (にほかならない) [副] used to emphasize that a person or thing is the same as the one mentioned
county (郡) [名] a territorial division of a state
judge (判事) [名] a public official who hears and decides cases in a court of law
altogether (今まで) [副] in total
august (威厳のある) [形] respected and impressive
creation (人物) [名] a person or thing that is created
kind (種類) [名] a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic
material (材料) [名] the matter from which a thing is or can be made
want (聞きたいと思う) [動] to feel a need or a wish for
roar (咆哮する) [動] to make a loud, deep, prolonged sound
afraid (恐れる) [形] filled with fear or apprehension
He was from Constantinople, twelve miles away—so he had travelled, and seen the world—these very eyes had looked upon the county court-house—which was said to have a tin roof.
Constantinople (コンスタンチノープル) [名] the capital of the Roman Empire
twelve miles (12マイル) [名] a unit of length equal to 1.609344 kilometers
travel (旅をする) [動] go from one place to another
look upon (見る) [動] regard or consider in a specified way
county court-house (郡裁判所) [名] a court of law that has jurisdiction over a county
tin roof (ブリキの屋根) [名] a roof made of tin
The awe which these reflections inspired was attested by the impressive silence and the ranks of staring eyes.
awe (畏敬の念) [名] a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder
inspire (引き起こす) [動] fill with a feeling or emotion
silence (沈黙) [名] the absence of sound or noise
This was the great Judge Thatcher, brother of their own lawyer.
Judge Thatcher (裁判官サッチャー) [名] the judge in the story
Jeff Thatcher immediately went forward, to be familiar with the great man and be envied by the school.
Jeff Thatcher (ジェフ・サッチャー) [名] a character in the story
immediately (すぐに) [副] at once; without delay
go forward (前に出る) [動] move ahead
be familiar with (親しくなる) [動] know someone or something well
great man (偉大な人物) [名] a man who is admired for his achievements or qualities
be envied by (羨ましがられる) [動] be the object of envy
It would have been music to his soul to hear the whisperings:

 “Look at him, Jim!
He’s a going up there.
go up (上って行く) [動] move to a higher position
there (そこ) [副] in or to that place
Say—look! he’s a going to shake hands with him—he is shaking hands with him!
say (おい) [動] to express (something) in words
shake hands (握手する) [動] clasp someone's right hand in one's own at meeting or parting, in reconciliation, or as a sign of agreement
with (と) [前] accompanied by
him (彼) [代] the man or boy that is being talked about
he (彼) [代] the man or boy that is being talked about
is (だ) [動] be
a going to (つもりだ) [助] have something already planned or arranged; have something that is bound to happen; will
shaking hands (握手している) [動] clasp someone's right hand in one's own at meeting or parting, in reconciliation, or as a sign of agreement
おい、見ろ! 彼は彼と握手するつもりだ、彼は彼と握手している!
By jings, don’t you wish you was Jeff?”
by jings (おい) [間] an expression of surprise or excitement
don't you wish (なりたくないか) [動] feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable

 Mr. Walters fell to “showing off,” with all sorts of official bustlings and activities, giving orders, delivering judgments, discharging directions here, there, everywhere that he could find a target.
Mr. Walters (ウォルターズ氏) [名] a man
fall to (~し始める) [動] start doing something
official (公式の) [形] relating to an authority or public body and its activities and responsibilities
bustling (忙しさ) [名] a state of energetic activity
activity (活動) [名] an action or task
deliver (下す) [動] give or send something to the intended recipient
judgment (判断) [名] the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions
discharge (出す) [動] release or send out
direction (指示) [名] the management or guidance of a group of people or an organization
everywhere (あらゆる場所) [副] in all places
target (標的) [名] a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack
The librarian “showed off”—running hither and thither with his arms full of books and making a deal of the splutter and fuss that insect authority delights in.
librarian (司書) [名] a person who works in a library
hither and thither (あちこち) [副] in various directions
make a deal of (大騒ぎする) [動] to treat as important
splutter (騒ぎ) [名] a series of short, explosive sounds
fuss (大騒ぎ) [名] a state of excessive commotion or excitement
insect (虫) [名] a small animal with six legs and a body divided into three parts
authority (権威) [名] the power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge
delight in (喜ぶ) [動] to take great pleasure in
The young lady teachers “showed off”—bending sweetly over pupils that were lately being boxed, lifting pretty warning fingers at bad little boys and patting good ones lovingly.
bend (かがむ) [動] to move or cause to move into a curved or angled position
sweetly (優しく) [副] in a kind or gentle way
lately (最近) [副] recently; not long ago
lift (上げる) [動] to move something to a higher position
pretty (きれいな) [形] attractive in a delicate way
warning (警告) [名] a statement or event that indicates a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation
finger (指) [名] any of the four long thin parts at the end of the hand
lovingly (愛情を込めて) [副] in a loving way
The young gentlemen teachers “showed off” with small scoldings and other little displays of authority and fine attention to discipline—and most of the teachers, of both sexes, found business up at the library, by the pulpit;
scolding (叱責) [名] an angry or severe rebuke
other (その他の) [形] used to refer to a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about
display (誇示) [名] a public exhibition or demonstration
sex (性) [名] either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions
library (図書館) [名] a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution
and it was business that frequently had to be done over again two or three times (with much seeming vexation).
frequently (しばしば) [副] often; many times
two or three times (二度三度) [名] two or three times
over again (やり直す) [動] do again
much seeming vexation (とても困惑しているように見えた) [名] a state of great annoyance, frustration, or worry
The little girls “showed off” in various ways, and the little boys “showed off” with such diligence that the air was thick with paper wads and the murmur of scufflings.
little girl (少女) [名] a young female human being
little boy (少年) [名] a young male human being
thick (厚い) [形] having a large distance between opposite sides
paper wad (紙くず) [名] a small ball of paper
scuffle (喧嘩) [名] a short, rough fight or struggle
And above it all the great man sat and beamed a majestic judicial smile upon all the house, and warmed himself in the sun of his own grandeur—for he was “showing off,” too.
beam (浮かべる) [動] smile radiantly
majestic (威厳のある) [形] having or showing impressive beauty or dignity
judicial (裁判官のような) [形] of, by, or appropriate to a court of law or to a judge
smile (笑顔) [名] a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed
warm (暖める) [動] make or become warm

 There was only one thing wanting to make Mr. Walters’ ecstasy complete, and that was a chance to deliver a Bible-prize and exhibit a prodigy.
want (足りない) [動] be lacking or deficient
deliver (授与する) [動] give or send out
prize (賞) [名] a reward for winning a contest or competition
exhibit (披露する) [動] show or display
prodigy (天才児) [名] a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities
Several pupils had a few yellow tickets, but none had enough—he had been around among the star pupils inquiring.
several (何人かの) [形] more than two but not many
star (優等生) [名] a very successful performer
inquire (尋ねる) [動] ask about something
He would have given worlds, now, to have that German lad back again with a sound mind.
give (差し出す) [動] to freely transfer the possession of
have (戻って来てくれる) [動] to possess, own, or hold
back (戻って) [副] to or toward the rear
sound (正気な) [形] free from injury, damage, defect, or disease

 And now at this moment, when hope was dead, Tom Sawyer came forward with nine yellow tickets, nine red tickets, and ten blue ones, and demanded a Bible.
at this moment (この瞬間) [名] now
come forward (前に出る) [動] move towards the front
red (赤) [形] of the color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies
demand (要求する) [動] ask authoritatively or urgently for something
This was a thunderbolt out of a clear sky.
clear sky (晴天) [名] a sky free of clouds
thunderbolt (霹靂) [名] a flash of lightning with a simultaneous crash of thunder
Walters was not expecting an application from this source for the next ten years.
Walters (ウォルターズ) [名] a person's name
expect (期待する) [動] regard something as likely to happen
application (申し込み) [名] a formal request to be considered for a job or a place at a school or college
source (方面) [名] a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained
next ten years (この先10年間) [名] the period of time that begins now and will continue for ten years
But there was no getting around it—here were the certified checks, and they were good for their face.
get around (回避する) [動] avoid or circumvent
certified check (保証小切手) [名] a check that has been guaranteed by the bank
good for (額面通りの価値がある) [形] worth the amount shown
Tom was therefore elevated to a place with the Judge and the other elect, and the great news was announced from headquarters.
be elevated to (昇格する) [動] be promoted to
elect (選挙管理委員) [名] a person who is elected to a position
news (ニュース) [名] newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events
announce (発表する) [動] make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention
It was the most stunning surprise of the decade, and so profound was the sensation that it lifted the new hero up to the judicial one’s altitude, and the school had two marvels to gaze upon in place of one.
decade (10年間) [名] a period of ten years
stunning (驚くべき) [形] extremely impressive or attractive
surprise (驚き) [名] an unexpected event
profound (深い) [形] having or showing great knowledge or insight
sensation (感動) [名] a feeling or an awareness of something
lift (引き上げる) [動] move something to a higher position
judicial (裁判官) [形] relating to the law or to the administration of justice
altitude (高度) [名] the height of something above sea level
gaze (見つめる) [動] look intently or steadily
The boys were all eaten up with envy—but those that suffered the bitterest pangs were those who perceived too late that they themselves had contributed to this hated splendor by trading tickets to Tom for the wealth he had amassed in selling whitewashing privileges.
eat up (苛まれる) [動] to be consumed with
envy (嫉妬) [名] a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck
bitter (憎しみに満ちた) [形] causing a sharp, stinging pain
pang (苦しみ) [名] a sudden sharp pain
perceive (気づく) [動] to become aware of something through the senses
late (遅ればせながら) [副] after the usual or expected time
contribute (貢献する) [動] to give or supply in common with others
splendor (栄華) [名] magnificence; grandeur
trade (渡す) [動] to buy and sell goods and services
amass (蓄える) [動] to gather together or acquire a large amount of something
These despised themselves, as being the dupes of a wily fraud, a guileful snake in the grass.
despise (恥じる) [動] to look down on with intense aversion
wily (ずる賢い) [形] skilled at gaining an advantage, especially by tricking or deceiving others
fraud (詐欺師) [名] a person who deceives in order to gain something
guileful (狡猾な) [形] characterized by or full of deceit or cunning
snake (蛇) [名] a long, thin, legless reptile

 The prize was delivered to Tom with as much effusion as the superintendent could pump up under the circumstances;
superintendent (校長) [名] the person in charge of a school
but it lacked somewhat of the true gush, for the poor fellow’s instinct taught him that there was a mystery here that could not well bear the light, perhaps;
lack (欠ける) [動] be without or deficient in
gush (熱意) [名] a sudden and plentiful outpouring
fellow (男) [名] a man or boy
instinct (本能) [名] an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli
teach (教える) [動] impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something
bear (明るみに出す) [動] bring to light; make known
it was simply preposterous that this boy had warehoused two thousand sheaves of Scriptural wisdom on his premises—a dozen would strain his capacity, without a doubt.
warehouse (保管する) [動] store in a warehouse
sheaf (束) [名] a bundle of things tied together
Scriptural (聖書の) [形] of or relating to the Bible
wisdom (知恵) [名] the quality of being wise
premises (敷地内) [名] a house or building with its land and outbuildings
dozen (十数) [名] a group of twelve
strain (酷使する) [動] use or exploit to excess
capacity (能力) [名] the ability to hold or contain

 Amy Lawrence was proud and glad, and she tried to make Tom see it in her face—but he wouldn’t look.
Amy Lawrence (エイミー・ローレンス) [名] a girl in Tom's class
proud (誇らしい) [形] feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated
make (見せる) [動] cause (someone) to see or experience something
look (見る) [動] direct one's gaze at someone or something
She wondered; then she was just a grain troubled;
grain (少し) [名] a small amount
trouble (困る) [動] cause difficulty or problems for
next a dim suspicion came and went—came again;
next (次に) [副] immediately after the time being considered
dim (ぼんやりとした) [形] not bright or distinct
come and go (浮かんでは消える) [動] appear and disappear
she watched; a furtive glance told her worlds—and then her heart broke, and she was jealous, and angry, and the tears came and she hated everybody.
world (すべて) [名] the earth and all the people living on it
jealous (嫉妬する) [形] feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages
angry (怒る) [形] feeling or showing anger
Tom most of all (she thought).
most of all (誰よりも) [副] more than anything else

 Tom was introduced to the Judge; but his tongue was tied, his breath would hardly come, his heart quaked—partly because of the awful greatness of the man, but mainly because he was her parent.
be introduced to (紹介される) [動] be made known to
be tied (きけない) [動] be unable to speak
hardly (つかず) [副] almost not
quake (震える) [動] shake or tremble
partly (せいもあった) [副] to some extent
greatness (偉大さ) [名] the quality of being great
mainly (主に) [副] for the most part
parent (親) [名] a father or mother
He would have liked to fall down and worship him, if it were in the dark.
fall down (ひれ伏す) [動] drop to the ground
The Judge put his hand on Tom’s head and called him a fine little man, and asked him what his name was.
put one's hand on (手を置く) [動] place one's hand on
The boy stammered, gasped, and got it out:
stammer (どもる) [動] speak or say something with difficulty, especially because of nervousness
gasp (息を切らす) [動] catch one's breath with an open mouth
get it out (口にする) [動] say something that is difficult to say


 “Oh, no, not Tom—it is—”
no (違う) [間] a negative response

Thomas (トーマス) [名] a male given name

 “Ah, that’s it. I thought there was more to it, maybe.
that's it (それだ) [名] that is the explanation
more (もっと) [副] to a greater extent or degree
That’s very well.
very well (とても良い) [副] to a high standard; very well
But you’ve another one I daresay, and you’ll tell it to me, won’t you?”
another (もう一枚) [形] one more; an additional

 “Tell the gentleman your other name, Thomas,” said Walters, “and say sir. You mustn’t forget your manners.”
other (もう一つ) [形] used to refer to a different person or thing from the one already mentioned or known about
sir (サー) [名] a polite or respectful way of addressing a man
manner (礼儀) [名] a way of behaving

 “Thomas Sawyer—sir.”
Thomas Sawyer (トーマス・ソーヤー) [名] the protagonist of the story

 “That’s it! That’s a good boy.
that's it (そうそう) [間] that is all there is to it
good boy (いい子) [名] a boy who behaves well
「そうそう! いい子だ。
Fine boy. Fine, manly little fellow.
manly (男らしい) [形] having or showing qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men
Two thousand verses is a great many—very, very great many.
a great many (とても多い) [名] a large number of
And you never can be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them;
be sorry for (後悔する) [動] feel regret or guilt for
for knowledge is worth more than anything there is in the world;
knowledge (知識) [名] information, understanding, and skills that you gain through education or experience
anything (何よりも) [代] something, no matter what
it’s what makes great men and good men;
make (作る) [動] create or produce
you’ll be a great man and a good man yourself, some day, Thomas, and then you’ll look back and say, It’s all owing to the precious Sunday-school privileges of my boyhood—it’s all owing to my dear teachers that taught me to learn—it’s all owing to the good superintendent, who encouraged me, and watched over me, and gave me a beautiful Bible—a splendid elegant Bible—to keep and have it all for my own, always—it’s all owing to right bringing up!
great man (偉人) [名] a man who has achieved great things
good man (善人) [名] a man who is kind and generous
yourself (君) [代] you
some day (いつか) [副] at some time in the future
owing to (おかげで) [前] because of
precious (貴重な) [形] of great value or worth
boyhood (少年時代) [名] the time when a boy is growing up
dear (親愛なる) [形] much loved or cherished
superintendent (監督) [名] a person who supervises
encourage (励ます) [動] to give support, courage, or hope to
watch over (見守る) [動] to take care of
beautiful (美しい) [形] pleasing to the senses or the mind
elegant (優雅な) [形] graceful and stylish in appearance or manner
keep (持ち続ける) [動] to continue to have or do something
own (自分自身の) [形] belonging to (the person or thing mentioned)
bring up (育てる) [動] to care for and educate (a child)
That is what you will say, Thomas—and you wouldn’t take any money for those two thousand verses—no indeed you wouldn’t.
what (もの) [代] the thing or things mentioned before
indeed (本当に) [副] in fact; really; truly
And now you wouldn’t mind telling me and this lady some of the things you’ve learned—no, I know you wouldn’t—for we are proud of little boys that learn.
mind (嫌がる) [動] object to or dislike
thing (こと) [名] a fact or situation
Now, no doubt you know the names of all the twelve disciples.
no doubt (疑いなく) [副] certainly; without doubt
disciple (使徒) [名] a follower of Jesus during his life, or of his teachings after his death
Won’t you tell us the names of the first two that were appointed?”
first (最初) [形] coming before all others in time or order

 Tom was tugging at a button-hole and looking sheepish.
button-hole (ボタン穴) [名] a hole in a garment through which a button is passed
look sheepish (気まずそうにする) [動] look embarrassed or ashamed
He blushed, now, and his eyes fell.
blush (顔を赤らめる) [動] become red in the face
Mr. Walters’ heart sank within him.
sink (沈む) [動] go down below the surface of something
He said to himself, it is not possible that the boy can answer the simplest question—why did the Judge ask him?
say to oneself (心の中で言う) [動] think
it is not possible that (はずがない) [慣] it is not possible that
answer (答える) [動] say or write something in reply
Yet he felt obliged to speak up and say:
feel obliged (義務があると感じた) [動] feel that one must do something
speak up (声を上げる) [動] speak loudly and clearly

 “Answer the gentleman, Thomas—don’t be afraid.”

 Tom still hung fire.
still (依然として) [副] even now or even then
hang fire (ぐずぐずする) [動] delay or hesitate

 “Now I know you’ll tell me,” said the lady.
“The names of the first two disciples were—”
disciple (弟子) [名] a follower of a teacher or leader

 “David and Goliah!”
David (ダビデ) [名] the second king of the united kingdom of Israel and Judah
Goliah (ゴリアテ) [名] a giant Philistine warrior who was slain by David

 Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene.
draw the curtain (カーテンを下ろす) [動] to close the curtains
charity (慈悲) [名] the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need
scene (場面) [名] a place where an incident in a story or play occurs