20 (20) [他] the number 20
DAINTY (優美な) [形] of delicate beauty
CHINA (陶器) [名] a hard, brittle, nonmetallic, highly heat-resistant, and corrosion-resistant substance made by firing clay and other materials

 While Tin Woodman was making a ladder from wood which he found in the forest Dorothy lay down and slept, for she was tired by the long walk.
wood (木) [名] the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub
walk (道のり) [名] a journey on foot
The Lion also curled himself up to sleep and Toto lay beside him.
lie (寝る) [動] to be in or move into a horizontal position

 The Scarecrow watched the Woodman while he worked, and said to him:

 “I cannot think why this wall is here, nor what it is made of.”

 “Rest your brains and do not worry about the wall,” replied the Woodman;
rest (休める) [動] be in a state of relaxation
“when we have climbed over it we shall know what is on the other side.”
climb over (登り切る) [動] climb to the top of

 After a time the ladder was finished.
It looked clumsy, but the Tin Woodman was sure it was strong and would answer their purpose.
sure (確信している) [形] having or showing confidence and certainty
answer (果たす) [動] to be satisfactory for
purpose (目的) [名] the intention to do something
The Scarecrow waked Dorothy and the Lion and Toto, and told them that the ladder was ready.
The Scarecrow climbed up the ladder first, but he was so awkward that Dorothy had to follow close behind and keep him from falling off.
climb up (登る) [動] go up
keep (支える) [動] cause to continue or be maintained
fall off (落ちる) [動] move or come quickly downward from a higher to a lower level
When he got his head over the top of the wall the Scarecrow said,
get (超える) [動] go beyond

 “Oh, my!”

 “Go on,” exclaimed Dorothy.

 So the Scarecrow climbed farther up and sat down on the top of the wall, and Dorothy put her head over and cried,

 “Oh, my!” just as the Scarecrow had done.
oh, my (おや) [間] an expression of surprise

 Then Toto came up, and immediately began to bark, but Dorothy made him be still.
come up (やってくる) [動] move toward the speaker
still (静かに) [副] without moving or making a sound

 The Lion climbed the ladder next, and the Tin Woodman came last;
last (最後に) [副] after all others; at the end
but both of them cried, “Oh, my!” as soon as they looked over the wall.
When they were all sitting in a row on the top of the wall they looked down and saw a strange sight.

 Before them was a great stretch of country having a floor as smooth and shining and white as the bottom of a big platter.
Scattered around were many houses made entirely of china and painted in the brightest colors.
around (周囲) [副] in all directions
make (作られる) [動] create or produce
These houses were quite small, the biggest of them reaching only as high as Dorothy’s waist.
waist (腰) [名] the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips
There were also pretty little barns, with china fences around them, and many cows and sheep and horses and pigs and chickens, all made of china, were standing about in groups.
barn (納屋) [名] a building for storing grain or hay
pig (豚) [名] an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal
chicken (鶏) [名] a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat
group (群れ) [名] a number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together

 But the strangest of all were the people who lived in this queer country.
There were milk-maids and shepherdesses, with bright-colored bodices and golden spots all over their gowns;
milk-maid (牛乳を運ぶ娘) [名] a girl or woman who milks cows
shepherdess (羊飼いの娘) [名] a girl or woman who tends sheep
bodice (ボディス) [名] the upper part of a woman's dress
golden (金色の) [形] made of or colored like gold
and princesses with most gorgeous frocks of silver and gold and purple;
and shepherds dressed in knee-breeches with pink and yellow and blue stripes down them, and golden buckles on their shoes;
shepherd (羊飼い) [名] a person who looks after sheep
knee-breeches (半ズボン) [名] short trousers reaching to the knees
pink (ピンク) [名] a light shade of red
stripe (縦縞) [名] a long narrow band or strip of a different color or texture from the rest of the surface
buckle (バックル) [名] a device with a clasp for fastening two parts of a belt, strap, or garment together
and princes with jeweled crowns upon their heads, wearing ermine robes and satin doublets;
prince (王子) [名] a male member of a royal family other than the king
jeweled crown (宝石のついた冠) [名] a head covering worn by a monarch
ermine robe (オコジョの毛皮のローブ) [名] a long, loose garment made of ermine
satin doublet (サテンのダブレット) [名] a man's close-fitting jacket with or without sleeves
and funny clowns in ruffled gowns, with round red spots upon their cheeks and tall, pointed caps.
clown (道化師) [名] a performer who wears brightly colored clothes and makeup and performs tricks and jokes
ruffled (フリルのついた) [形] having a ruffle
gown (ガウン) [名] a long, loose garment
And, strangest of all, these people were all made of china, even to their clothes, and were so small that the tallest of them was no higher than Dorothy’s knee.
strangest (最も奇妙な) [形] most unusual or extraordinary
china (磁器) [名] a hard, fine-grained, white, translucent porcelain
knee (膝) [名] the joint between the thigh and the lower leg

 No one did so much as look at the travellers at first, except one little purple china dog with an extra-large head, which came to the wall and barked at them in a tiny voice, afterwards running away again.
so much as (~さえも) [副] to the extent of
extra-large (とても大きい) [形] extremely large
afterwards (その後) [副] at a later time; subsequently

 “How shall we get down?” asked Dorothy.

 They found the ladder so heavy they could not pull it up, so the Scarecrow fell off the wall and the others jumped down upon him so that the hard floor would not hurt their feet.
pull up (引き上げる) [動] move something upwards
jump down (飛び降りる) [動] move quickly downwards from a higher to a lower level
Of course they took pains not to light on his head and get the pins in their feet.
take pains (注意する) [動] be very careful or concerned about doing something
light on (着地する) [動] come to rest on
When all were safely down they picked up the Scarecrow, whose body was quite flattened out, and patted his straw into shape again.
all (全員) [名] the whole amount or number of
down (降りる) [動] move or go down
flatten (平らになる) [動] make or become flat

 “We must cross this strange place in order to get to the other side,” said Dorothy;
order (ために) [名] a command, instruction, or request
“for it would be unwise for us to go any other way except due South.”
be unwise (賢明ではない) [動] foolish or ill-considered
any other way (他の道) [名] a different route or course
due South (真南) [名] the direction that is directly opposite to the north

 They began walking through the country of the china people, and the first thing they came to was a china milk-maid milking a china cow.
milk (乳) [名] an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young
maid (女) [名] a young unmarried woman
As they drew near, the cow suddenly gave a kick and kicked over the stool, the pail, and even the milk-maid herself, and all fell on the china ground with a great clatter.
give a kick (蹴る) [動] strike or propel forcibly with the foot
kick over (蹴り飛ばす) [動] knock over with the foot
stool (スツール) [名] a seat without a back or arms
pail (バケツ) [名] a cylindrical container with a handle
clatter (音を立てる) [名] a loud rattling noise

 Dorothy was shocked to see that the cow had broken her leg short off, and that the pail was lying in several small pieces, while the poor milk-maid had a nick in her left elbow.
be shocked (ショックを受ける) [動] be surprised and upset
nick (傷) [名] a small cut or notch

 “There!” cried the milk-maid, angrily;
“see what you have done!
My cow has broken her leg, and I must take her to the mender’s shop and have it glued on again.
mender (修理屋) [名] a person who repairs things
shop (店) [名] a place where goods or services are sold
glue (接着する) [動] stick or fasten with glue
What do you mean by coming here and frightening my cow?”
mean (どういうつもり) [動] intend to convey

 “I’m very sorry,” returned Dorothy;
“please forgive us.”

 But the pretty milk-maid was much too vexed to make any answer.
much too (あまりにも) [副] to a very great degree
vexed (腹を立てる) [動] to annoy or irritate
She picked up the leg sulkily and led her cow away, the poor animal limping on three legs.
sulkily (不機嫌そうに) [副] in a bad-tempered and sulky manner
limp (びっこを引く) [動] walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or injured leg or foot
As she left them the milk-maid cast many reproachful glances over her shoulder at the clumsy strangers, holding her nicked elbow close to her side.
cast (向ける) [動] direct or throw
reproachful (非難の) [形] expressing disapproval
glance (まなざし) [名] a brief or hurried look
hold (抱える) [動] keep or carry in one's arms or hands
nick (傷つける) [動] make a small cut in
elbow (肘) [名] the joint between the upper and lower arm

 Dorothy was quite grieved at this mishap.
be grieved (悲しむ) [動] feel sadness or sorrow

 “We must be very careful here,” said the kind-hearted Woodman, “or we may hurt these pretty little people so they will never get over it.”
get over (立ち直る) [動] recover from or overcome

 A little farther on Dorothy met a most beautifully dressed young princess, who stopped short as she saw the strangers and started to run away.
a little farther (もう少し先) [副] a small distance away
dressed (服を着た) [形] wearing clothes

 Dorothy wanted to see more of the princess, so she ran after her;
but the china girl cried out,

 “Don’t chase me! Don’t chase me!”
「追いかけないで! 追いかけないで!」

 She had such a frightened little voice that Dorothy stopped and said,

 “Why not?”

 “Because,” answered the princess, also stopping, a safe distance away, “if I run I may fall down and break myself.”
safe (安全な) [形] not likely to cause or lead to harm, injury, or loss
fall down (転ぶ) [動] lose one's balance and collapse

 “But could you not be mended?”
asked the girl.

 “Oh, yes; but one is never so pretty after being mended, you know,” replied the princess.
so (とても) [副] to a great extent or degree
being mended (直した後) [動] repair or restore

 “I suppose not,” said Dorothy.

 “Now there is Mr. Joker, one of our clowns,” continued the china lady, “who is always trying to stand upon his head.
Mr. Joker (ジョーカーさん) [名] a character in the story
He has broken himself so often that he is mended in a hundred places, and doesn’t look at all pretty.
hundred (百) [名] the number 100
Here he comes now, so you can see for yourself.”

 Indeed, a jolly little clown now came walking toward them, and Dorothy could see that in spite of his pretty clothes of red and yellow and green he was completely covered with cracks, running every which way and showing plainly that he had been mended in many places.
jolly (陽気な) [形] happy and cheerful
red (赤い) [形] of the color intermediate between orange and violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies
completely (完全に) [副] totally; utterly; absolutely
every which way (あちこち) [副] in all directions
plainly (はっきりと) [副] in a clear and simple manner

 The clown put his hands in his pockets, and after puffing out his cheeks and nodding his head at them saucily, he said,
put one's hands in one's pockets (ポケットに手を入れた) [動] put one's hands into one's pockets
puff out (膨らませる) [動] to make or become swollen or distended
saucily (生意気に) [副] in a bold and confident way

 “My lady fair,
my lady (私のお嬢さん) [名] a polite way of addressing a woman
fair (美しい) [形] beautiful

 Why do you stare

 At poor old Mr. Joker?
Mr. (氏) [名] a title used before a man's surname
Joker (道化師) [名] a person who tells jokes or does funny things to make people laugh

 You’re quite as stiff
stiff (硬い) [形] not easily bent or changed in shape

 And prim as if
prim (きちんとした) [形] neat, tidy, and proper in appearance or behavior

 You’d eaten up a poker!”
eat up (食べる) [動] consume all of
poker (火かき棒) [名] a metal rod used to stir a fire

 “Be quiet, sir!” said the princess;
be quiet (静かにする) [動] make or become silent
sir (旦那) [名] a respectful form of address for a man
“can’t you see these are strangers, and should be treated with respect?”
respect (敬意) [名] a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something
「彼らは見知らぬ人だということに気づかないの? 敬意をもって扱うべきよ」

 “Well, that’s respect, I expect,” declared the clown, and immediately stood upon his head.

 “Don’t mind Mr. Joker,” said the princess to Dorothy;
Mr. Joker (道化師さん) [名] a person who tells jokes or does funny things to make people laugh
“he is considerably cracked in his head, and that makes him foolish.”
considerably (かなり) [副] to a large extent
crack (おかす) [動] break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts

 “Oh, I don’t mind him a bit,” said Dorothy.
a bit (少し) [副] a small amount or degree
“But you are so beautiful,” she continued, “that I am sure I could love you dearly.
Won’t you let me carry you back to Kansas and stand you on Aunt Em’s mantel-shelf?
mantel-shelf (マントルピースの棚) [名] a shelf above a fireplace
I could carry you in my basket.”

 “That would make me very unhappy,” answered the china princess.
“You see, here in our country we live contentedly, and can talk and move around as we please.
contentedly (満足して) [副] in a satisfied manner
But whenever any of us are taken away our joints at once stiffen, and we can only stand straight and look pretty.
take away (連れ去る) [動] remove or carry away
stiffen (硬くなる) [動] become hard or rigid
Of course that is all that is expected of us when we are on mantel-shelves and cabinets and drawing-room tables, but our lives are much pleasanter here in our own country.”
that is all (それだけ) [代] that is the only thing
be expected of (期待されている) [動] be regarded as likely to happen or to be the case
when (ときに) [接] at the time that; at or during the time that
on (上) [前] in contact with and supported by the upper surface of
cabinet (キャビネット) [名] a cupboard with shelves or drawers
drawing-room (応接間) [名] a room in a house for entertaining guests
pleasanter (楽しい) [形] giving or capable of giving joy or pleasure; delightful

 “I would not make you unhappy for all the world!” exclaimed Dorothy;
all the world (世界中) [名] the whole world; the entire world
“so I’ll just say good-bye.”
say good-bye (さよならを言う) [動] express a farewell

 “Good-bye,” replied the princess.

 They walked carefully through the china country.
The little animals and all the people scampered out of their way, fearing the strangers would break them, and after an hour or so the travellers reached the other side of the country and came to another china wall.

 It was not so high as the first, however, and by standing upon the Lion’s back they all managed to scramble to the top.
scramble (よじ登る) [動] climb or move quickly and awkwardly, using your hands as well as your feet
Then the Lion gathered his legs under him and jumped on the wall;
gather (集める) [動] come together or cause to come together
but just as he jumped, he upset a china church with his tail and smashed it all to pieces.
upset (ひっくり返す) [動] turn upside down
church (教会) [名] a building used for public Christian worship
smash (粉々にする) [動] break or cause to break violently into pieces

 “That was too bad,” said Dorothy, “but really I think we were lucky in not doing these little people more harm than breaking a cow’s leg and a church.
They are all so brittle!”
brittle (もろい) [形] easily broken or damaged

 “They are, indeed,” said the Scarecrow, “and I am thankful I am made of straw and cannot be easily damaged.
damage (壊れる) [動] cause harm to
There are worse things in the world than being a Scarecrow.”