11 (11) [他] the number 11

 Even with eyes protected by the green spectacles, Dorothy and her friends were at first dazzled by the brilliancy of the wonderful City.
even with (でさえ) [副] in spite of
The streets were lined with beautiful houses all built of green marble and studded everywhere with sparkling emeralds.
line (並ぶ) [動] be arranged in or form a line
marble (大理石) [名] a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, usually calcite or dolomite
stud (ちりばめる) [動] decorate with studs or other small objects
They walked over a pavement of the same green marble, and where the blocks were joined together were rows of emeralds, set closely, and glittering in the brightness of the sun.
walk over (歩く) [動] move at regular paces by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once
pavement (歩道) [名] a raised path for pedestrians
join (つながる) [動] connect or fasten together
row (列) [名] a series of things arranged in a straight line
set (並ぶ) [動] put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position
glitter (きらめく) [動] shine or sparkle brightly
The window panes were of green glass;
window pane (窓ガラス) [名] a sheet of glass in a window
even the sky above the City had a green tint, and the rays of the sun were green.
above (上の) [前] in or to a higher place or position
tint (色合い) [名] a shade or variety of a color
ray (光) [名] a line or narrow beam of light

 There were many people, men, women and children, walking about, and these were all dressed in green clothes and had greenish skins.
They looked at Dorothy and her strangely assorted company with wondering eyes, and the children all ran away and hid behind their mothers when they saw the Lion; but no one spoke to them.
hide (隠れる) [動] be or go out of sight
mother (母親) [名] a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth
Many shops stood in the street, and Dorothy saw that everything in them was green.
stand (並ぶ) [動] be in a position in which you put your weight on your feet but not on your knees
Green candy and green pop-corn were offered for sale, as well as green shoes, green hats and green clothes of all sorts.
candy (キャンディ) [名] a sweet food made from sugar or chocolate
pop-corn (ポップコーン) [名] a snack food made from corn kernels that have been popped
offer (売られる) [動] present for sale
sale (販売) [名] the exchange of goods or services for money
At one place a man was selling green lemonade, and when the children bought it Dorothy could see that they paid for it with green pennies.
one place (ある場所) [名] a particular location
green lemonade (緑のレモネード) [名] a drink made from lemons, limes, or other citrus fruits, sugar, and water
buy (買う) [動] obtain in exchange for payment
pay (支払う) [動] give (someone) money that is owed or due
green penny (緑のペニー) [名] a one-cent coin of the United States

 There seemed to be no horses nor animals of any kind;
the men carried things around in little green carts, which they pushed before them.
cart (荷車) [名] a small vehicle with two wheels that is pulled or pushed by a person or animal
Everyone seemed happy and contented and prosperous.
contented (満足し) [形] in a state of peaceful happiness
prosperous (豊か) [形] having a great deal of money, possessions, or other material goods

 The Guardian of the Gate led them through the streets until they came to a big building, exactly in the middle of the City, which was the Palace of Oz, the Great Wizard.
lead (案内する) [動] show the way to someone by going in front of or beside them
city (街) [名] a large town defined by a charter, with its own local government, and typically a cathedral
There was a soldier before the door, dressed in a green uniform and wearing a long green beard.
soldier (兵士) [名] a person who serves in an army
uniform (制服) [名] a distinctive outfit worn by members of a particular group

 “Here are strangers,” said the Guardian of the Gate to him, “and they demand to see the Great Oz.”
stranger (見知らぬ人) [名] a person whom one does not know
demand (言う) [動] ask for with authority; insist on having

 “Step inside,” answered the soldier, “and I will carry your message to him.”
step inside (中に入る) [動] go into a place
message (メッセージ) [名] a communication that is sent from one person to another

 So they passed through the Palace gates and were led into a big room with a green carpet and lovely green furniture set with emeralds.
lead into (案内される) [動] take someone to a place
lovely (素敵な) [形] very beautiful or attractive
furniture (家具) [名] the movable, generally functional, articles that equip a room, house, or other area
The soldier made them all wipe their feet upon a green mat before entering this room, and when they were seated he said, politely,
seat (着席する) [動] sit down

 “Please make yourselves comfortable while I go to the door of the Throne Room and tell Oz you are here.”
make oneself comfortable (くつろぐ) [動] relax

 They had to wait a long time before the soldier returned.
have to (~しなければならない) [助] be obliged to; must
long time (長い時間) [名] a period of time that seems to extend beyond the usual or expected duration
When, at last, he came back, Dorothy asked,
come back (戻ってくる) [動] return to a place

 “Have you seen Oz?”

 “Oh, no;” returned the soldier;
“I have never seen him.
have never (一度もない) [助] not ever; on no occasion; at no time in the past or future
But I spoke to him as he sat behind his screen, and gave him your message.
screen (スクリーン) [名] a device on which images or data are displayed
He says he will grant you an audience, if you so desire;
grant (許す) [動] allow or give
audience (謁見) [名] a formal meeting with a king or queen
but each one of you must enter his presence alone, and he will admit but one each day.
each one (一人ずつ) [名] every individual
enter (現れる) [動] come or go into
admit (認める) [動] allow to enter; allow to participate
Therefore, as you must remain in the Palace for several days,
several days (数日) [名] a period of time that is more than two days but less than a week
I will have you shown to rooms where you may rest in comfort after your journey.”
have (させる) [動] cause or allow someone to do something
shown (案内する) [動] direct or guide someone or something to a destination

 “Thank you,” replied the girl;
“that is very kind of Oz.”

 The soldier now blew upon a green whistle, and at once a young girl, dressed in a pretty green silk gown, entered the room.
blow (吹く) [動] to move or be moved by the wind
whistle (笛) [名] a device in which air or steam is forced through a small opening to produce a shrill sound
young girl (少女) [名] a young female human being
She had lovely green hair and green eyes, and she bowed low before Dorothy as she said,

 “Follow me and I will show you your room.”
show (ご案内します) [動] guide someone to a place

 So Dorothy said good-bye to all her friends except Toto, and taking the dog in her arms followed the green girl through seven passages and up three flights of stairs until they came to a room at the front of the Palace.
say good-bye (別れを告げる) [動] say farewell
through (通り抜ける) [前] from one end or side to the other
up (上る) [前] to a higher place
It was the sweetest little room in the world, with a soft, comfortable bed that had sheets of green silk and a green velvet counterpane.
the sweetest (一番素敵な) [形] the most pleasant or attractive
comfortable (快適な) [形] providing physical ease and relaxation
silk (絹) [名] a fine, strong, soft, lustrous fiber produced by silkworms and used to make textiles and clothing
counterpane (ベッドカバー) [名] a bedspread
There was a tiny fountain in the middle of the room, that shot a spray of green perfume into the air, to fall back into a beautifully carved green marble basin.
fountain (噴水) [名] an artificial jet or stream of water made to spout for decorative or cooling purposes
perfume (香水) [名] a liquid solution of fragrant oils or aroma compounds, fixatives and solvents, used to give the human body, animals, food, objects, and living-spaces an agreeable scent
fall back (落ちる) [動] move or cause to move to a lower position
beautifully (美しく) [副] in a way that is pleasing to the eye or the ear
carve (彫る) [動] cut (something) out of a hard material
basin (水盤) [名] a large bowl-shaped container that holds water
Beautiful green flowers stood in the windows, and there was a shelf with a row of little green books.
stand (飾られる) [動] be in a place or position
book (本) [名] a written or printed work consisting of pages bound together between two covers
When Dorothy had time to open these books she found them full of queer green pictures that made her laugh, they were so funny.
have time (暇がある) [動] be not busy
full of (いっぱい) [形] having a lot of something
queer (おかしな) [形] strange; odd
picture (絵) [名] a representation of a person, animal, or thing in a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.

 In a wardrobe were many green dresses, made of silk and satin and velvet;
wardrobe (衣装だんす) [名] a tall cupboard with shelves and drawers for storing clothes
satin (サテン) [名] a smooth, glossy fabric, usually of silk, produced by a weave in which the warp threads predominate on the surface
velvet (ビロード) [名] a closely woven fabric with a thick short pile on one side
and all of them fitted Dorothy exactly.
exactly (ぴったり) [副] in a precise manner

 “Make yourself perfectly at home,” said the green girl, “and if you wish for anything ring the bell.
make oneself at home (くつろぐ) [動] to relax and feel comfortable in a place that is not your own
ring (鳴らす) [動] to make a clear resonant sound
Oz will send for you to-morrow morning.”
send for (呼び出す) [動] to ask someone to come to you
tomorrow (明日) [名] the day after today

 She left Dorothy alone and went back to the others.
These she also led to rooms, and each one of them found himself lodged in a very pleasant part of the Palace.
lodge (宿泊する) [動] be temporarily accommodated
Of course this politeness was wasted on the Scarecrow; for when he found himself alone in his room he stood stupidly in one spot, just within the doorway, to wait till morning.
politeness (礼儀正しさ) [名] the quality or state of being polite
be wasted on (ムダになる) [動] be used or expended ineffectively or to no purpose
find oneself (一人きりになる) [動] become aware of one's own situation
stupidly (ただ) [副] in a foolish manner
spot (一点) [名] a particular place or location
It would not rest him to lie down, and he could not close his eyes;
so he remained all night staring at a little spider which was weaving its web in a corner of the room, just as if it were not one of the most wonderful rooms in the world.
stare (見つめる) [動] look fixedly or intently
spider (蜘蛛) [名] an eight-legged predatory arachnid with an unsegmented body consisting of a cephalothorax and an abdomen
weave (張る) [動] form by interlacing strands
web (巣) [名] a structure of fine silken thread constructed by a spider to catch its prey
The Tin Woodman lay down on his bed from force of habit, for he remembered when he was made of flesh;
force of habit (習慣) [名] the tendency to do something repeatedly
but not being able to sleep, he passed the night moving his joints up and down to make sure they kept in good working order.
be able to (できる) [助] have the ability to
up and down (上下) [副] in an alternating upward and downward direction
make sure (確かめる) [動] be certain about something
good working order (正常に動く) [名] in good condition and functioning properly
The Lion would have preferred a bed of dried leaves in the forest, and did not like being shut up in a room;
shut up (閉じ込める) [動] confine or enclose
but he had too much sense to let this worry him, so he sprang upon the bed and rolled himself up like a cat and purred himself asleep in a minute.
too much (あまりにも) [副] more than is needed or wanted
sense (分別) [名] the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way
roll up (丸まる) [動] curl up
cat (猫) [名] a small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractile claws
purr (眠り込む) [動] make a low continuous vibratory sound
minute (すぐに) [名] a unit of time equal to 60 seconds

 The next morning, after breakfast, the green maiden came to fetch Dorothy, and she dressed her in one of the prettiest gowns—made of green brocaded satin.
after breakfast (朝食後) [名] the first meal of the day
come to fetch (迎えに来る) [動] come to get someone or something
dress (着せる) [動] put clothes on someone
one of the prettiest (最もきれいな) [名] one of the most beautiful
make of (でできた) [動] be made of
green brocaded satin (緑の錦織サテン) [名] a type of fabric
Dorothy put on a green silk apron and tied a green ribbon around Toto’s neck, and they started for the Throne Room of the Great Oz.
put on (着る) [動] to put clothes on oneself
silk (絹の) [形] made of silk
ribbon (リボン) [名] a narrow strip of fabric, used especially for decoration
start (向かう) [動] to go to a place

 First they came to a great hall in which were many ladies and gentlemen of the court, all dressed in rich costumes.
great hall (大広間) [名] a large room in a castle or palace
lady (淑女) [名] a woman who is well-mannered and graceful
gentleman (紳士) [名] a man who is well-mannered and courteous
court (宮廷) [名] the residence of a sovereign or other high-ranking person
costume (衣装) [名] a set of clothes that are worn together to create a character
These people had nothing to do but talk to each other, but they always came to wait outside the Throne Room every morning, although they were never permitted to see Oz.
each other (お互い) [代] one another
outside (外) [名] the external part of something
every morning (毎朝) [名] the time of day from sunrise to noon
As Dorothy entered they looked at her curiously, and one of them whispered,
as (~すると) [接] at the same time that; while
curiously (好奇心をもって) [副] in a curious manner

 “Are you really going to look upon the face of Oz the Terrible?”
look upon (見る) [動] to view or regard

 “Of course,” answered the girl, “if he will see me.”
will (だろう) [助] expressing the future tense

 “Oh, he will see you,” said the soldier who had taken her message to the Wizard, “although he does not like to have people ask to see him.
Indeed, at first he was angry, and said I should send you back where you came from.
where you came from (元来た場所) [名] the place you came from
Then he asked me what you looked like, and when I mentioned your silver shoes he was very much interested.
mention (言及する) [動] refer to briefly
be interested in (興味を持つ) [動] want to know or learn about something or someone
At last I told him about the mark upon your forehead, and he decided he would admit you to his presence.”
mark (印) [名] a visible sign

 Just then a bell rang, and the green girl said to Dorothy,
bell (ベル) [名] a hollow metal object that makes a ringing sound when struck
ring (鳴る) [動] make a clear resonant sound

 “That is the signal.
signal (合図) [名] a gesture, action, or sound that is used to give information or instructions
You must go into the Throne Room alone.”
go into (入る) [動] move or travel into

 She opened a little door and Dorothy walked boldly through and found herself in a wonderful place.
boldly (勇敢に) [副] in a confident and courageous manner
It was a big, round room with a high arched roof, and the walls and ceiling and floor were covered with large emeralds set closely together.
ceiling (天井) [名] the upper interior surface of a room or other similar compartment
In the center of the roof was a great light, as bright as the sun, which made the emeralds sparkle in a wonderful manner.

 But what interested Dorothy most was the big throne of green marble that stood in the middle of the room.
throne (玉座) [名] the seat of a king, queen, or other sovereign
stand (置かれる) [動] be in a specified state or condition
It was shaped like a chair and sparkled with gems, as did everything else.
gem (宝石) [名] a precious or semiprecious stone, especially one cut, polished, and used in a piece of jewelry
In the center of the chair was an enormous Head, without a body to support it or any arms or legs whatever.
enormous (巨大な) [形] extremely large
support (支える) [動] give assistance to, especially financially
There was no hair upon this head, but it had eyes and nose and mouth, and was bigger than the head of the biggest giant.
giant (巨人) [名] a person of very great stature

 As Dorothy gazed upon this in wonder and fear, the eyes turned slowly and looked at her sharply and steadily.
fear (恐怖) [名] an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat
steadily (じっと) [副] in a steady manner
Then the mouth moved, and Dorothy heard a voice say:

 “I am Oz, the Great and Terrible.
Who are you, and why do you seek me?”
seek (探す) [動] try to find or obtain

 It was not such an awful voice as she had expected to come from the big Head;
awful (ひどい) [形] very bad or unpleasant
so she took courage and answered,
take courage (勇気を出す) [動] to become brave

 “I am Dorothy, the Small and Meek.
Meek (おとなしい) [形] quiet and gentle
I have come to you for help.”

 The eyes looked at her thoughtfully for a full minute.
full minute (一分間) [名] a period of time equal to sixty seconds
Then said the voice:

 “Where did you get the silver shoes?”
get (手に入れた) [動] come to have possession of

 “I got them from the Wicked Witch of the East, when my house fell on her and killed her,” she replied.
fall on (落ちる) [動] move or come down freely under the influence of gravity

 “Where did you get the mark upon your forehead?”
get (つける) [動] receive, obtain, or acquire
continued the voice.

 “That is where the Good Witch of the North kissed me when she bade me good-bye and sent me to you,” said the girl.
Good Witch of the North (北の良い魔女) [名] a character in the story
kiss (キスする) [動] touch with the lips as a sign of love, affection, greeting, or reverence
say goodbye (別れを告げる) [動] express a farewell

 Again the eyes looked at her sharply, and they saw she was telling the truth.
truth (真実) [名] the true or actual state of a matter
Then Oz asked,

 “What do you wish me to do?”

 “Send me back to Kansas, where my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are,” she answered earnestly.
“I don’t like your country, although it is so beautiful.
And I am sure Aunt Em will be dreadfully worried over my being away so long.”
be dreadfully worried (とても心配している) [動] be very worried
over (について) [前] on the subject of; concerning

 The eyes winked three times, and then they turned up to the ceiling and down to the floor and rolled around so queerly that they seemed to see every part of the room.
turn up (見上げる) [動] direct or move upward
down (見下ろす) [副] from a higher to a lower position
roll around (ぐるぐる回る) [動] move or cause to move in a circular direction
queerly (奇妙に) [副] in a strange or unusual way
And at last they looked at Dorothy again.

 “Why should I do this for you?” asked Oz.

 “Because you are strong and I am weak;
weak (弱い) [形] lacking the power to perform well or to withstand
because you are a Great Wizard and I am only a helpless little girl,” she answered.

 “But you were strong enough to kill the Wicked Witch of the East,” said Oz.

 “That just happened,” returned Dorothy, simply;
just (ただ) [副] only; simply
“I could not help it.”
could not help (仕方なかった) [動] be unable to prevent or avoid

 “Well,” said the Head, “I will give you my answer.
You have no right to expect me to send you back to Kansas unless you do something for me in return.
have no right (権利がない) [動] not be allowed to do something
unless (〜ない限り) [接] except if; if not
do something (何かをする) [動] perform an action
in return (お返しに) [副] as a return for something
In this country everyone must pay for everything he gets.
If you wish me to use my magic power to send you home again you must do something for me first.
magic (魔法) [名] the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces
power (力) [名] the ability or capacity to perform or act
Help me and I will help you.”

 “What must I do?” asked the girl.

 “Kill the Wicked Witch of the West,” answered Oz.

 “But I cannot!” exclaimed Dorothy, greatly surprised.
greatly (大いに) [副] very much; to a great extent

 “You killed the Witch of the East and you wear the silver shoes, which bear a powerful charm.
bear (かかる) [動] carry or support
There is now but one Wicked Witch left in all this land, and when you can tell me she is dead I will send you back to Kansas—but not before.”
There is now but one (今や一人しかいない) [名] there is only one
left (残っている) [動] remain
in all this land (この国には) [名] in this country
when you can tell me (私に告げることができたら) [名] when you can tell me
she is dead (彼女が死んだ) [名] she is dead
I will send you back (私はあなたを送り返すだろう) [名] I will send you back
to Kansas (カンザスへ) [名] to Kansas
but not before (それまではだめだ) [名] but not before

 The little girl began to weep, she was so much disappointed;
disappointed (がっかりした) [形] unhappy because something has not happened or is not as good as you hoped or expected
and the eyes winked again and looked upon her anxiously, as if the Great Oz felt that she could help him if she would.

 “I never killed anything, willingly,” she sobbed;
willingly (自ら進んで) [副] of one's own free will; voluntarily
“and even if I wanted to, how could I kill the Wicked Witch?
even if (たとえ) [接] although; even though
want (したい) [動] wish or desire
If you, who are Great and Terrible, cannot kill her yourself, how do you expect me to do it?”

 “I do not know,” said the Head;
“but that is my answer, and until the Wicked Witch dies you will not see your uncle and aunt again.
that (それが) [代] the thing mentioned before
my (私の) [代] belonging to or connected with the speaker
the Wicked Witch (悪い魔女) [名] a character in the story
will not (できない) [助] be unwilling to
Remember that the Witch is Wicked—tremendously Wicked—and ought to be killed.
Now go, and do not ask to see me again until you have done your task.”
go (行け) [動] move from one place to another

 Sorrowfully Dorothy left the Throne Room and went back where the Lion and the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were waiting to hear what Oz had said to her.

 “There is no hope for me,” she said sadly, “for Oz will not send me home until I have killed the Wicked Witch of the West;
and that I can never do.”

 Her friends were sorry, but could do nothing to help her;
could do nothing (何もできなかった) [動] be unable to do anything
so she went to her own room and lay down on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

 The next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the Scarecrow and said,
the next morning (次の朝) [名] the morning after the day that is now
whisker (ひげ) [名] a long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of an animal

 “Come with me, for Oz has sent for you.”
send for (呼ぶ) [動] summon

 So the Scarecrow followed him and was admitted into the great Throne Room, where he saw, sitting in the emerald throne, a most lovely Lady.
admit (通す) [動] allow to enter
Lady (女性) [名] a woman of high social position
She was dressed in green silk gauze and wore upon her flowing green locks a crown of jewels.
gauze (紗) [名] a thin transparent fabric
flowing (流れるような) [形] moving or capable of moving easily and quickly
lock (髪) [名] a strand or portion of hair
jewel (宝石) [名] a precious stone used as an ornament
crown (冠) [名] a circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch as a symbol of authority
Growing from her shoulders were wings, gorgeous in color and so light that they fluttered if the slightest breath of air reached them.
wing (翼) [名] an organ of flight
flutter (ひらひらと舞う) [動] move or fly with a light irregular or trembling motion
slightest (わずかな) [形] very small in degree; inconsiderable
breath (風) [名] the air that is taken into or expelled from the lungs

 When the Scarecrow had bowed, as prettily as his straw stuffing would let him, before this beautiful creature, she looked upon him sweetly, and said,
stuffing (詰め物) [名] a mixture of food, herbs, and spices used to fill a cavity in a bird, fish, or vegetable
look upon (見つめる) [動] to regard or consider in a particular way

 “I am Oz, the Great and Terrible.
Who are you, and why do you seek me?”

 Now the Scarecrow, who had expected to see the great Head Dorothy had told him of, was much astonished;
but he answered her bravely.

 “I am only a Scarecrow, stuffed with straw.
Therefore I have no brains, and I come to you praying that you will put brains in my head instead of straw, so that I may become as much a man as any other in your dominions.”
pray (お願いする) [動] address a solemn request or expression of thanks to a deity or other object of worship
dominion (支配) [名] sovereignty; control

 “Why should I do this for you?” asked the Lady.

 “Because you are wise and powerful, and no one else can help me,” answered the Scarecrow.
else (他に) [副] other than the one or ones mentioned

 “I never grant favors without some return,” said Oz;
grant (与える) [動] give or allow something to someone
favor (恩恵) [名] an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual
return (見返り) [名] the money that a business or investment makes
“but this much I will promise.
this much (これだけ) [名] this amount
If you will kill for me the Wicked Witch of the West, I will bestow upon you a great many brains, and such good brains that you will be the wisest man in all the Land of Oz.”
bestow (授ける) [動] confer or present as a gift, honor, or award

 “I thought you asked Dorothy to kill the Witch,” said the Scarecrow, in surprise.

 “So I did. I don’t care who kills her.
But until she is dead I will not grant your wish.
Now go, and do not seek me again until you have earned the brains you so greatly desire.”
seek (探さないで) [動] try to find

 The Scarecrow went sorrowfully back to his friends and told them what Oz had said;
and Dorothy was surprised to find that the Great Wizard was not a Head, as she had seen him, but a lovely Lady.
lovely (愛らしい) [形] very attractive or pleasing

 “All the same,” said the Scarecrow, “she needs a heart as much as the Tin Woodman.”

 On the next morning the soldier with the green whiskers came to the Tin Woodman and said,
on the next morning (次の朝) [名] the morning after the current day

 “Oz has sent for you. Follow me.”
follow (ついて来なさい) [動] to go after someone or something
me (私) [代] the person who is speaking or writing

 So the Tin Woodman followed him and came to the great Throne Room.
He did not know whether he would find Oz a lovely Lady or a Head, but he hoped it would be the lovely Lady.
“For,” he said to himself, “if it is the Head, I am sure I shall not be given a heart, since a head has no heart of its own and therefore cannot feel for me.
say to oneself (独り言を言う) [動] talk to oneself
feel for (同情する) [動] to be sympathetic to
But if it is the lovely Lady I shall beg hard for a heart, for all ladies are themselves said to be kindly hearted.”
kindly (親切な) [形] having or showing a friendly, generous, or warmhearted nature

 But when the Woodman entered the great Throne Room he saw neither the Head nor the Lady, for Oz had taken the shape of a most terrible Beast.
It was nearly as big as an elephant, and the green throne seemed hardly strong enough to hold its weight.
hardly (十分に) [副] almost not; barely
strong (強く) [形] having the power to perform well or to withstand force, pressure, or wear
hold (支える) [動] keep in a certain position
weight (重さ) [名] the force of gravity on a body
The Beast had a head like that of a rhinoceros, only there were five eyes in its face.
rhinoceros (サイ) [名] a large, thick-skinned mammal with one or two horns on the nose
There were five long arms growing out of its body and it also had five long, slim legs.
slim (細い) [形] having a small width or thickness
Thick, woolly hair covered every part of it, and a more dreadful looking monster could not be imagined.
woolly (羊毛のような) [形] made of wool
monster (怪物) [名] a large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature
It was fortunate the Tin Woodman had no heart at that moment, for it would have beat loud and fast from terror.
have no heart (心臓を持っていない) [動] be heartless
beat loud and fast (大きく速く鼓動する) [動] beat loudly and quickly
terror (恐怖) [名] extreme fear
But being only tin, the Woodman was not at all afraid, although he was much disappointed.
be afraid (恐れる) [動] be scared or frightened

 “I am Oz, the Great and Terrible,” spake the Beast, in a voice that was one great roar.
I am (私は) [代] the speaker
the Great and Terrible (偉大で恐ろしい) [形] of great importance or significance
spake (言った) [動] past tense of speak
“Who are you, and why do you seek me?”

 “I am a Woodman, and made of tin.
Therefore I have no heart, and cannot love.
have no (ない) [動] not have
I pray you to give me a heart that I may be as other men are.”
pray (祈る) [動] address a prayer to God or another deity

 “Why should I do this?” demanded the Beast.
should (しなければならない) [助] used to express obligation, duty, or correctness

 “Because I ask it, and you alone can grant my request,” answered the Woodman.
request (願い) [名] an act of asking for something

 Oz gave a low growl at this, but said, gruffly,
give a low growl (低く唸る) [動] make a low guttural sound
gruffly (ぶっきらぼうに) [副] in a rough or surly manner

 “If you indeed desire a heart, you must earn it.”
desire (欲しい) [動] want or wish for
earn (得る) [動] obtain by work, effort, or merit

 “How?” asked the Woodman.

 “Help Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch of the West,” replied the Beast.
“When the Witch is dead, come to me, and I will then give you the biggest and kindest and most loving heart in all the Land of Oz.”
when (~したら) [接] at or after the time that
biggest (一番大きい) [形] of the greatest size or extent
kindest (一番優しい) [形] of the most kind or considerate nature
most loving (一番愛情深い) [形] of the most loving nature

 So the Tin Woodman was forced to return sorrowfully to his friends and tell them of the terrible Beast he had seen.
They all wondered greatly at the many forms the Great Wizard could take upon himself, and the Lion said,
wonder (驚く) [動] be curious or surprised about something
take upon oneself (変身する) [動] to assume or undertake a responsibility or task

 “If he is a Beast when I go to see him, I shall roar my loudest, and so frighten him that he will grant all I ask.
grant (聞き入れる) [動] to give or allow something
And if he is the lovely Lady, I shall pretend to spring upon her, and so compel her to do my bidding.
and if (そしてもし) [接] and in the event that
spring upon (飛びかかる) [動] jump on
pretend (ふりをする) [動] make believe
compel (聞かせる) [動] force or oblige (someone) to do something
And if he is the great Head, he will be at my mercy;
be (なる) [動] exist or occur in a specified place or way
at (で) [前] used to show a place or time
mercy (なすがまま) [名] compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm
for I will roll this Head all about the room until he promises to give us what we desire.
desire (望む) [動] want strongly
So be of good cheer my friends, for all will yet be well.”
be of good cheer (元気を出せ) [動] be cheerful or optimistic
be well (うまくいく) [動] be in a good or healthy condition

 The next morning the soldier with the green whiskers led the Lion to the great Throne Room
and bade him enter the presence of Oz.

 The Lion at once passed through the door, and glancing around saw, to his surprise, that before the throne was a Ball of Fire, so fierce and glowing he could scarcely bear to gaze upon it.
glance around (見回す) [動] look around quickly
ball (玉) [名] a round solid object
fierce (激しい) [形] violent or intense
gaze upon (じっと見る) [動] look intently at
His first thought was that Oz had by accident caught on fire and was burning up;
catch on fire (火事になる) [動] start burning
burn up (燃え上がる) [動] be destroyed or consumed by fire
but, when he tried to go nearer, the heat was so intense that it singed his whiskers, and he crept back tremblingly to a spot nearer the door.
heat (熱) [名] the quality or state of being hot
intense (強い) [形] of extreme force, degree, or strength
singe (焦げる) [動] burn or be burned slightly

 Then a low, quiet voice came from the Ball of Fire, and these were the words it spoke:
quiet (静かな) [形] making little or no noise
Ball of Fire (火の玉) [名] a large, round mass of fire
these (こう) [代] the ones mentioned

 “I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Who are you, and why do you seek me?”
And the Lion answered, “I am a Cowardly Lion, afraid of everything.
I came to you to beg that you give me courage, so that in reality I may become the King of Beasts, as men call me.”
come to (参る) [動] arrive at
in reality (本当に) [副] in fact; actually

 “Why should I give you courage?” demanded Oz.

 “Because of all Wizards you are the greatest, and alone have power to grant my request,” answered the Lion.
because of (のために) [前] for the sake of
alone (ただ一人) [形] without any other people
have power to (力を持つ) [動] be able to do something

 The Ball of Fire burned fiercely for a time, and the voice said,
fiercely (激しく) [副] in a violent or intense way

 “Bring me proof that the Wicked Witch is dead, and that moment I will give you courage.
proof (証拠) [名] evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement
But so long as the Witch lives you must remain a coward.”

 The Lion was angry at this speech, but could say nothing in reply, and while he stood silently gazing at the Ball of Fire it became so furiously hot that he turned tail and rushed from the room.
be angry at (怒る) [動] feel or show anger
say nothing (何も言えない) [動] not say anything
reply (言い返す) [動] say something in return
furiously (とても) [副] extremely
hot (熱い) [形] having a high temperature
turn tail (尻尾を巻く) [動] run away
He was glad to find his friends waiting for him, and told them of his terrible interview with the Wizard.
be glad to (喜ぶ) [動] be happy to
wait for (待つ) [動] stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens
terrible (ひどい) [形] extremely bad or serious
interview (面会) [名] a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation

 “What shall we do now?” asked Dorothy sadly.

 “There is only one thing we can do,” returned the Lion, “and that is to go to the land of the Winkies, seek out the Wicked Witch, and destroy her.”
only one (ただ一つ) [形] the only one
seek out (探し出す) [動] find by searching

 “But suppose we cannot?” said the girl.
suppose (できなかったら) [動] assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge

 “Then I shall never have courage,” declared the Lion.

 “And I shall never have brains,” added the Scarecrow.

 “And I shall never have a heart,” spoke the Tin Woodman.

 “And I shall never see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry,” said Dorothy, beginning to cry.
begin to cry (泣き始める) [動] start crying

 “Be careful!” cried the green girl.
“The tears will fall on your green silk gown, and spot it.”
spot (シミ) [名] a small area of a different color from the surface around it

 So Dorothy dried her eyes and said,

 “I suppose we must try it;
but I am sure I do not want to kill anybody, even to see Aunt Em again.”

 “I will go with you;
but I’m too much of a coward to kill the Witch,” said the Lion.
too much of (すぎる) [副] more than is usual or desirable

 “I will go too,” declared the Scarecrow;
“but I shall not be of much help to you,
not be of much help (あまり役に立たない) [動] not be very helpful
to (に) [前] for the benefit of
I am such a fool.”

 “I haven’t the heart to harm even a Witch,” remarked the Tin Woodman;
“but if you go I certainly shall go with you.”
with (一緒に) [前] in the company of; accompanied by

 Therefore it was decided to start upon their journey the next morning, and the Woodman sharpened his axe on a green grindstone and had all his joints properly oiled.
sharpen (研ぐ) [動] make or become sharp
grindstone (砥石) [名] a round stone used for sharpening tools
The Scarecrow stuffed himself with fresh straw and Dorothy put new paint on his eyes that he might see better.
The green girl, who was very kind to them, filled Dorothy’s basket with good things to eat, and fastened a little bell around Toto’s neck with a green ribbon.

 They went to bed quite early and slept soundly until daylight, when they were awakened by the crowing of a green cock that lived in the back yard of the Palace, and the cackling of a hen that had laid a green egg.
go to bed (床につく) [動] go to sleep
quite early (かなり早く) [副] very early
be awakened (目が覚める) [動] be woken up
crowing (鳴き声) [名] the sound made by a rooster
green cock (緑の雄鶏) [名] a male chicken that is green in color
back yard (裏庭) [名] the yard behind a house
cackling (鳴き声) [名] the sound made by a hen
green egg (緑の卵) [名] an egg that is green in color