3 (3) [他] three
Scarecrow (カカシ) [名] a figure of a man made of straw and old clothes and put in a field to scare birds away

 When Dorothy was left alone she began to feel hungry.
be left alone (一人になる) [動] be without company
feel hungry (空腹を感じる) [動] have a need for food
So she went to the cupboard and cut herself some bread, which she spread with butter.
go to (行く) [動] move or travel toward
cut (切る) [動] divide or separate with a sharp-edged tool
bread (パン) [名] a food made of flour or meal that has been mixed with a liquid, usually water, and kneaded, shaped, and baked
spread (塗る) [動] apply or cover a surface with a thin layer of something
She gave some to Toto, and taking a pail from the shelf she carried it down to the little brook and filled it with clear, sparkling water.
fill (満たす) [動] make or become full
Toto ran over to the trees and began to bark at the birds sitting there.
run over (走り寄る) [動] move quickly
bird (鳥) [名] a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by having feathers and wings
Dorothy went to get him, and saw such delicious fruit hanging from the branches that she gathered some of it, finding it just what she wanted to help out her breakfast.
go to get (連れに行く) [動] go to fetch
delicious (おいしそうな) [形] very pleasant to the taste
fruit (果物) [名] the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food
hang (ぶら下がる) [動] be suspended or held up
branch (枝) [名] a woody stem growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub
gather (摘み取る) [動] bring together or collect
want (思う) [動] feel a need or a wish for

 Then she went back to the house, and having helped herself and Toto to a good drink of the cool, clear water, she set about making ready for the journey to the City of Emeralds.
go back (戻る) [動] return to a place
drink (飲む) [動] take liquid into the mouth and swallow
set about (取りかかる) [動] start doing something

 Dorothy had only one other dress, but that happened to be clean and was hanging on a peg beside her bed.
have (持っている) [動] possess, own, or hold
only (しか) [副] no more than; solely
other (もう一着) [形] different from the one already mentioned
dress (服) [名] a one-piece garment for a woman or girl
happen (たまたま) [動] take place or occur
clean (きれい) [形] free from dirt, marks, or stains
It was gingham, with checks of white and blue;
gingham (ギンガム) [名] a cotton fabric with a checked pattern
and although the blue was somewhat faded with many washings, it was still a pretty frock.
although (にもかかわらず) [接] in spite of the fact that
somewhat (少し) [副] to a small extent
fade (色あせる) [動] lose brightness or vividness
many (何度も) [形] a large number of
washing (洗濯) [名] the action of washing something
still (それでも) [副] nevertheless; yet; even so
frock (ワンピース) [名] a woman's or girl's dress
The girl washed herself carefully, dressed herself in the clean gingham, and tied her pink sunbonnet on her head.
carefully (念入りに) [副] in a careful manner
tie (結ぶ) [動] fasten or secure with a cord, string, or lace
She took a little basket and filled it with bread from the cupboard, laying a white cloth over the top.
basket (バスケット) [名] a container made from wood, straw, or other flexible material with an open top, used to carry things
lay (かける) [動] put or set down
cloth (布) [名] a piece of woven or knitted material
Then she looked down at her feet and noticed how old and worn her shoes were.
look down (見下ろす) [動] direct one's gaze downward
old (古い) [形] having lived or existed for a long time
worn (すり切れた) [形] damaged or deteriorated by wear or use

 “They surely will never do for a long journey, Toto,” she said.
surely (きっと) [副] certainly; definitely
long journey (長い旅) [名] a long trip
And Toto looked up into her face with his little black eyes and wagged his tail to show he knew what she meant.
look up (見上げる) [動] direct one's gaze upward
wag (振る) [動] move or cause to move up and down or from side to side
tail (しっぽ) [名] the posterior prolongation of the body of some animals
show (示す) [動] demonstrate or make evident by argument or reasoning
mean (言う) [動] intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (something)

 At that moment Dorothy saw lying on the table the silver shoes that had belonged to the Witch of the East.
at that moment (その瞬間) [副] at that time
belong (ものだった) [動] be the property of

 “I wonder if they will fit me,” she said to Toto.
fit (合う) [動] be of the right shape and size
“They would be just the thing to take a long walk in, for they could not wear out.”
just the thing (ちょうどいい) [名] exactly what is needed
take a long walk (長い道のりを歩く) [動] walk for a long time
wear out (すり減る) [動] become used up or worn out

 She took off her old leather shoes and tried on the silver ones, which fitted her as well as if they had been made for her.
leather (革) [名] a material made from the skin of an animal
try on (試着する) [動] put on an item of clothing to see if it fits or suits you
as well as (まるで) [接] in addition to; also
make (作る) [動] create or produce something

 Finally she picked up her basket.
finally (最後に) [副] after a long time, or at the end of a series of events

 “Come along, Toto,” she said, “we will go to the Emerald City and ask the Great Oz how to get back to Kansas again.”
come along (おいで) [動] come with someone
Emerald City (エメラルドの都) [名] the capital city of the Land of Oz
Great Oz (偉大なオズ) [名] the ruler of the Land of Oz

 She closed the door, locked it, and put the key carefully in the pocket of her dress.
lock (かける) [動] fasten or secure (something) with a lock
put (入れる) [動] move something to a place
carefully (注意深く) [副] taking care to avoid damage or risk
pocket (ポケット) [名] a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles
And so, with Toto trotting along soberly behind her, she started on her journey.
with (連れて) [前] accompanied by
trot (歩き回る) [動] run at a moderate pace
soberly (落ち着いて) [副] in a serious, sensible, and solemn manner

 There were several roads near by, but it did not take her long to find the one paved with yellow brick.
several (いくつかの) [形] more than two but not very many
road (道) [名] a way on land between two places that has been paved to allow travel by transport
near (近く) [副] not far away
take (かかる) [動] require
pave (舗装する) [動] cover with a hard surface of stone or concrete
brick (レンガ) [名] a small rectangular block of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building
Within a short time she was walking briskly toward the Emerald City, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the hard, yellow roadbed.
within a short time (すぐに) [副] in a short time; soon
briskly (元気に) [副] quickly and energetically
hard (固い) [形] firm or solid to the touch; not soft
yellow (黄色い) [形] of the color intermediate between green and orange in the spectrum, a primary subtractive color complementary to blue
roadbed (路盤) [名] the foundation of a road or railway
The sun shone bright and the birds sang sweet and Dorothy did not feel nearly so bad as you might think a little girl would who had been suddenly whisked away from her own country and set down in the midst of a strange land.
shine (輝く) [動] be bright; emit or reflect light
sweet (甘い) [形] having a pleasant taste like that of sugar or honey
bad (悪い) [形] of poor quality; unsatisfactory
would (だろう) [助] used to express a strong intention or determination
whisk (連れ去る) [動] move or cause to move quickly and lightly with a sweeping motion
away (離れる) [副] from a place
own (自分の) [形] belonging to (the person or thing mentioned)
set down (降ろす) [動] put down; place on a surface

 She was surprised, as she walked along, to see how pretty the country was about her.
be surprised (驚く) [動] feel or show surprise
walk along (歩きながら) [動] walk on a path
There were neat fences at the sides of the road, painted a dainty blue color, and beyond them were fields of grain and vegetables in abundance.
side (脇) [名] the part of a person's or animal's body that is on the left or right
neat (きれいな) [形] tidy, clean, or smart
fence (柵) [名] a barrier made of wood or wire enclosing an area of ground to control access or escape
dainty (きれいな) [形] small and pretty
blue (青色) [名] the color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day
beyond (向こう) [前] at or to the further side of
field (畑) [名] an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture
grain (穀物) [名] the seed of a cereal
vegetable (野菜) [名] a plant or part of a plant used as food
Evidently the Munchkins were good farmers and able to raise large crops.
farmer (農民) [名] a person who grows crops or raises animals for a living
able (できる) [形] having the power or skill to do something
raise (育てる) [動] to cause to grow or increase
Once in a while she would pass a house, and the people came out to look at her and bow low as she went by;
once in a while (時々) [副] occasionally
pass (通り過ぎる) [動] go past
look at (見る) [動] direct one's gaze toward
for everyone knew she had been the means of destroying the Wicked Witch and setting them free from bondage.
everyone (誰もが) [代] every person
she (彼女が) [代] a female person or animal that is being discussed
be the means of (手段であった) [動] be the method or way of doing something
destroy (破壊し) [動] cause to cease to exist
Wicked Witch (邪悪な魔女) [名] a witch who uses her powers for evil
The houses of the Munchkins were odd looking dwellings, for each was round, with a big dome for a roof.
odd (奇妙な) [形] different from what is usual or expected; strange
dwelling (住居) [名] a place where someone lives
each (それぞれ) [形] every one of two or more people or things
All were painted blue, for in this country of the East blue was the favorite color.
paint (塗る) [動] cover the surface of (something) with paint or a similar substance
this (この) [限] the person or thing that is close to you or that you are thinking about
favorite (好きな) [形] preferred before all others of the same kind

 Toward evening, when Dorothy was tired with her long walk and began to wonder where she should pass the night, she came to a house rather larger than the rest.
toward evening (夕方近く) [副] in the late afternoon
tired (疲れた) [形] in need of rest or sleep
long walk (長い散歩) [名] a long walk
wonder (迷い始める) [動] be curious or uncertain about something
large (大きい) [形] of great size or extent
On the green lawn before it many men and women were dancing.
on (で) [前] at or in a place
lawn (芝生) [名] an area of short, regularly mown grass in the garden of a house or park
before (前) [前] earlier than; in front of
be dancing (踊っている) [動] move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps
Five little fiddlers played as loudly as possible and the people were laughing and singing, while a big table near by was loaded with delicious fruits and nuts, pies and cakes, and many other good things to eat.
five (5人) [名] the number 5
fiddler (バイオリニスト) [名] a person who plays the fiddle
play (演奏する) [動] perform music on a musical instrument
possible (できるだけ) [形] able to be done
load (載っている) [動] put a load on or in
nut (ナッツ) [名] a dry fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel
pie (パイ) [名] a baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry
cake (ケーキ) [名] a sweet dessert made from ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, and baking powder and baked in an oven

 The people greeted Dorothy kindly, and invited her to supper and to pass the night with them;
greet (挨拶する) [動] to address someone politely or formally
kindly (親切に) [副] in a kind manner
invite (招待する) [動] to request the presence of someone at an event
supper (夕食) [名] the last meal of the day
pass (過ごす) [動] to go through or across
for this was the home of one of the richest Munchkins in the land, and his friends were gathered with him to celebrate their freedom from the bondage of the Wicked Witch.
this (ここ) [代] the place that is being referred to
the home of (の家) [名] the place where one lives
the richest (最も裕福な) [形] having a great deal of money or assets
Munchkins (マンチキン) [名] a member of a fictional race of little people in the Oz books
in the land (この国で) [名] in this country
and (そして) [接] used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, and to show that two things are happening at the same time
his friends (彼の友人) [名] the people that he is friends with
be gathered (集まっていた) [動] to come together in a group
with him (彼の家に) [名] in his company
to celebrate (祝うために) [動] to mark an important occasion with a social gathering or enjoyable activity
their freedom (解放) [名] the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
from the bondage (束縛からの) [名] from the state of being a slave
of the Wicked Witch (邪悪な魔女の) [名] belonging to the Wicked Witch

 Dorothy ate a hearty supper and was waited upon by the rich Munchkin himself, whose name was Boq.
eat (食べる) [動] take into the body by the mouth
hearty (心のこもった) [形] warm and friendly
wait upon (給仕される) [動] serve
Boq (ボック) [名] the name of the rich Munchkin
Then she sat upon a settle and watched the people dance.
settle (長椅子) [名] a long wooden bench with a high back and arms, typically with a box under the seat
watch (見る) [動] look at or observe attentively

 When Boq saw her silver shoes he said,

 “You must be a great sorceress.”
must (違いありません) [助] be obliged to; be required to

 “Why?” asked the girl.

 “Because you wear silver shoes and have killed the Wicked Witch.
Besides, you have white in your frock, and only witches and sorceresses wear white.”
besides (その上) [副] in addition to; as well as

 “My dress is blue and white checked,” said Dorothy, smoothing out the wrinkles in it.
check (チェック) [名] a pattern of small squares
smooth out (伸ばす) [動] to make flat or even

 “It is kind of you to wear that,” said Boq.
wear (着る) [動] have on one's body or part of one's body
“Blue is the color of the Munchkins, and white is the witch color;
color (色) [名] the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light
so we know you are a friendly witch.”

 Dorothy did not know what to say to this, for all the people seemed to think her a witch, and she knew very well she was only an ordinary little girl who had come by the chance of a cyclone into a strange land.
very well (よく) [副] to a high degree
ordinary (普通の) [形] normal or usual
chance (たまたま) [名] a possibility of something happening
strange (見知らぬ) [形] not known or familiar

 When she had tired watching the dancing, Boq led her into the house, where he gave her a room with a pretty bed in it.
be tired (飽きる) [動] be bored
lead (連れて行く) [動] take or guide someone or something to a destination
give (与える) [動] transfer the possession of something to someone
The sheets were made of blue cloth, and Dorothy slept soundly in them till morning, with Toto curled up on the blue rug beside her.
sheet (シーツ) [名] a large piece of cloth used as a covering for a bed
be made of (でできている) [動] be composed of
sleep soundly (ぐっすり眠る) [動] sleep deeply and peacefully
curl up (丸まる) [動] lie with the knees bent and the head close to them
rug (敷物) [名] a small carpet

 She ate a hearty breakfast, and watched a wee Munchkin baby, who played with Toto and pulled his tail and crowed and laughed in a way that greatly amused Dorothy.
hearty (たらふく) [形] large and satisfying
breakfast (朝食) [名] the first meal of the day
baby (赤ちゃん) [名] a very young child
pull (引っ張る) [動] exert force on (someone or something) so as to move or try to move them toward oneself or the origin of the force
crow (啼く) [動] make the loud, high-pitched sound characteristic of a cock
greatly (とても) [副] to a high degree; very much
amuse (面白がる) [動] cause to laugh or smile
Toto was a fine curiosity to all the people, for they had never seen a dog before.
fine (珍しい) [形] of high quality
curiosity (珍しいもの) [名] a strange or unusual object or person
never (一度も~ない) [副] not ever; on no occasion; at no time in the past or future; not at all

 “How far is it to the Emerald City?”
how far (どれくらい) [副] to what extent or degree
the girl asked.

 “I do not know,” answered Boq, gravely, “for I have never been there.
gravely (真面目な顔で) [副] in a serious manner
have never been (行ったことがありません) [動] have not been at any time in the past
It is better for people to keep away from Oz, unless they have business with him.
keep away from (近寄らない) [動] not go near or approach
have business with (用事がある) [動] have something to do with
But it is a long way to the Emerald City, and it will take you many days.
long way (長い道のり) [名] a long distance
many days (何日も) [名] a large number of days
The country here is rich and pleasant, but you must pass through rough and dangerous places before you reach the end of your journey.”
pleasant (快適) [形] giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment
must (しなければならない) [助] be obliged to; should
pass through (通過する) [動] go through or across
rough (荒れた) [形] having an uneven or irregular surface
dangerous (危険な) [形] able or likely to cause harm or injury
place (場所) [名] a particular position, point, or area in space
reach (たどり着く) [動] arrive at a destination
end (終わり) [名] the final part of something

 This worried Dorothy a little, but she knew that only the Great Oz could help her get to Kansas again, so she bravely resolved not to turn back.
a little (少し) [副] to a small extent
again (再び) [副] once more; another time
bravely (勇敢に) [副] in a courageous manner
turn back (引き返す) [動] go back in the direction from which you came

 She bade her friends good-bye, and again started along the road of yellow brick.
bid farewell (別れを告げる) [動] say goodbye
When she had gone several miles she thought she would stop to rest, and so climbed to the top of the fence beside the road and sat down.
several miles (数マイル) [名] a distance of several miles
stop (止まる) [動] come to a halt
rest (休憩する) [動] cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength
climb (登る) [動] go up or down with effort
sit down (腰を下ろす) [動] take or be in a sitting position
There was a great cornfield beyond the fence, and not far away she saw a Scarecrow, placed high on a pole to keep the birds from the ripe corn.
cornfield (トウモロコシ畑) [名] a field where corn is grown
far (遠い) [形] a long way off
scarecrow (かかし) [名] an object made of sticks and old clothes that is put in a field to frighten birds away from crops
pole (棒) [名] a long thin piece of wood or metal
keep (食べないように) [動] not let go of
ripe (熟した) [形] (of fruit or grain) ready to be eaten
corn (トウモロコシ) [名] a plant that produces large yellow seeds on a cob

 Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the Scarecrow.
lean (当てる) [動] be in or move into a sloping position
chin (顎) [名] the lower part of a person's face below the mouth
gaze (見つめる) [動] look intently or steadily
thoughtfully (じっと) [副] in a thoughtful manner
Its head was a small sack stuffed with straw, with eyes, nose, and mouth painted on it to represent a face.
sack (袋) [名] a large bag made of a strong material
stuff (詰める) [動] fill tightly with something
straw (わら) [名] dried stalks of grain
mouth (口) [名] the opening and cavity in the lower part of the human face through which food is taken in and vocal sounds are emitted
represent (表す) [動] be a symbol or a sign of
An old, pointed blue hat, that had belonged to some Munchkin, was perched on this head, and the rest of the figure was a blue suit of clothes, worn and faded, which had also been stuffed with straw.
pointed (とがった) [形] having a sharp or tapered end
perch (のせられる) [動] sit, as on a branch
figure (部分) [名] a number representing a particular quantity
suit (スーツ) [名] a set of clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or skirt made from the same fabric
clothes (服) [名] things that people wear
faded (色あせた) [形] having lost color or brightness
On the feet were some old boots with blue tops, such as every man wore in this country, and the figure was raised above the stalks of corn by means of the pole stuck up its back.
on the feet (足元に) [副] on the feet
some old boots (古いブーツ) [名] a pair of old boots
blue tops (青い上部) [名] blue tops
such as (のような) [接] for example
every man (誰もが) [名] every man
wore (履く) [動] be wearing
in this country (この国では) [副] in this country
the figure (人形) [名] the figure
was raised (持ち上げていました) [動] be raised
above the stalks (茎の上に) [副] above the stalks
by means of (によって) [前] by means of
the pole (棒) [名] the pole
stuck up (突き刺して) [動] stick up
its back (背中) [名] its back

 While Dorothy was looking earnestly into the queer, painted face of the Scarecrow, she was surprised to see one of the eyes slowly wink at her.
look earnestly (真剣に見つめる) [動] look at someone or something in a serious way
painted (塗られた) [形] covered with paint
surprised (驚いた) [形] feeling or showing surprise
one of (片方の) [名] a member of a group of two or more people or things
wink (ウィンクする) [動] shut one eye briefly, typically to indicate that something is a joke or secret or as a signal of affection or greeting
She thought she must have been mistaken, at first, for none of the scarecrows in Kansas ever wink;
but presently the figure nodded its head to her in a friendly way.
presently (すぐに) [副] in a short time; soon
figure (人形) [名] a representation of a person or animal
nod (頭を下げる) [動] move your head to show that you agree or understand
way (態度) [名] a method, style, or manner of doing something
Then she climbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while Toto ran around the pole and barked.
walk up to (近づく) [動] approach someone or something
run around (走り回る) [動] move quickly in circles

 “Good day,” said the Scarecrow, in a rather husky voice.
good day (こんにちは) [名] a greeting
husky (ハスキー) [形] (of a voice) deep and rough

 “Did you speak?” asked the girl, in wonder.
speak (しゃべる) [動] to say something

 “Certainly,” answered the Scarecrow.
certainly (もちろん) [副] without doubt; definitely
“How do you do?”
how do you do (ごきげんいかが) [句] a greeting

 “I’m pretty well, thank you,” replied Dorothy politely;
pretty well (元気) [副] in a good or satisfactory way
thank you (ありがとう) [間] an expression of gratitude
politely (丁寧に) [副] in a way that is socially correct and shows respect for other people
“how do you do?”

 “I’m not feeling well,” said the Scarecrow, with a smile, “for it is very tedious being perched up here night and day to scare away crows.”
feel well (気分が良い) [動] be in a good mood
smile (微笑む) [動] form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed
tedious (退屈な) [形] too long, slow, or dull
day (昼) [名] the period of light in a day
scare away (追い払う) [動] cause to go away by frightening
crow (カラス) [名] a large black bird

 “Can’t you get down?” asked Dorothy.
get down (降りる) [動] move from a higher to a lower position

 “No, for this pole is stuck up my back.
stick (刺さる) [動] be or become fixed or embedded in something
If you will please take away the pole I shall be greatly obliged to you.”
take away (抜く) [動] remove something from a place
be obliged to (ありがたい) [動] be grateful for

 Dorothy reached up both arms and lifted the figure off the pole, for, being stuffed with straw, it was quite light.
reach up (伸ばす) [動] stretch out so as to touch or grasp something
lift (降ろす) [動] move or carry from a lower to a higher position
light (軽い) [形] of little weight

 “Thank you very much,” said the Scarecrow, when he had been set down on the ground.
thank (ありがとう) [動] express gratitude to
very much (どうも) [副] to a great extent or degree
“I feel like a new man.”
feel like (気分だ) [動] to be in the mood for
new (生まれ変わった) [形] recently created or having started recently

 Dorothy was puzzled at this, for it sounded queer to hear a stuffed man speak, and to see him bow and walk along beside her.
be puzzled (困惑する) [動] be confused or perplexed
sound queer (奇妙に聞こえる) [動] seem strange or odd
stuffed man (わらの詰まった人間) [名] a scarecrow
speak (話す) [動] say words
walk along (歩く) [動] move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once

 “Who are you?” asked the Scarecrow, when he had stretched himself and yawned,
stretch (伸びをする) [動] extend one's body or limbs
yawn (あくびをする) [動] open one's mouth and take a deep breath due to tiredness or boredom
“and where are you going?”
be going to (行く) [助] have something already planned or arranged; have something that is bound to happen; will

 “My name is Dorothy,” said the girl, “and I am going to the Emerald City, to ask the Great Oz to send me back to Kansas.”

 “Where is the Emerald City?” he enquired;
“and who is Oz?”
who (誰) [代] what or which person or people

 “Why, don’t you know?” she returned, in surprise.
don't know (知らない) [動] be not aware of
return (答える) [動] say something in reply
in surprise (驚いて) [副] in a surprised manner

 “No, indeed; I don’t know anything.
You see, I am stuffed, so I have no brains at all,” he answered sadly.
see (ほら) [間] look
be stuffed (詰め物である) [動] be filled with a soft material
have no brains (頭がない) [動] be stupid
sadly (悲しそうに) [副] in a sad manner

 “Oh,” said Dorothy;
“I’m awfully sorry for you.”
awfully (本当に) [副] very; extremely
sorry (気の毒に思う) [形] feeling regret or guilt

 “Do you think,” he asked, “if I go to the Emerald City with you, that the Great Oz would give me some brains?”
brain (脳みそ) [名] the organ inside the head that controls all bodily functions

 “I cannot tell,” she returned;
“but you may come with me, if you like.
come with (一緒に来る) [動] accompany
if you like (もしよかったら) [条] if you want to
If Oz will not give you any brains you will be no worse off than you are now.”
give (くれる) [動] transfer something to someone
worse (悪くなる) [形] of poorer quality or a lower standard

 “That is true,” said the Scarecrow.
“You see,” he continued, confidentially, “I don’t mind my legs and arms and body being stuffed, because I cannot get hurt.
confidentially (内緒話のように) [副] in a confidential manner
mind (かまう) [動] object to or dislike
leg (足) [名] one of the two lower limbs of a person or animal that are used for standing or walking
arm (腕) [名] an upper limb of the human body
body (体) [名] the physical structure, including the bones, flesh and organs, of a person or an animal
get hurt (怪我をする) [動] be injured
If anyone treads on my toes or sticks a pin into me, it doesn’t matter, for I can’t feel it.
tread on (踏む) [動] step on
stick (刺す) [動] push a sharp or pointed object into or through
matter (問題) [名] a subject of concern
But I do not want people to call me a fool, and if my head stays stuffed with straw instead of with brains, as yours is, how am I ever to know anything?”
fool (馬鹿) [名] a person who lacks judgment or sense
stay (詰まったまま) [動] remain in a place

 “I understand how you feel,” said the little girl, who was truly sorry for him.
understand (分かる) [動] perceive the intended meaning of words, language, or a speaker
truly (本当に) [副] in a real, genuine, or actual manner or sense; really
“If you will come with me I’ll ask Oz to do all he can for you.”
ask (頼む) [動] make a request for something
do all (すべてやる) [動] do everything
for (のために) [前] for the sake of

 “Thank you,” he answered gratefully.
gratefully (感謝して) [副] in a grateful manner

 They walked back to the road,
walk back (戻る) [動] go back to a place
Dorothy helped him over the fence, and they started along the path of yellow brick for the Emerald City.
over (越える) [前] above or across
fence (塀) [名] a barrier enclosing an area of ground to control access or escape
path (道) [名] a way on land between two places that has been paved to make travel easier

 Toto did not like this addition to the party, at first.
addition (増加) [名] the mathematical operation of combining two numbers into one
party (仲間) [名] a group of people who are traveling together
He smelled around the stuffed man as if he suspected there might be a nest of rats in the straw, and he often growled in an unfriendly way at the Scarecrow.
smell (嗅ぎ回る) [動] perceive or detect the odor of
nest (巣) [名] a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young
rat (ネズミ) [名] a small rodent that typically has a pointed snout, a long sparsely haired tail, and is widely distributed and very destructive
suspect (疑う) [動] have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof
growl (唸る) [動] utter a low guttural sound of anger
unfriendly (不機嫌そう) [形] not friendly; hostile

 “Don’t mind Toto,” said Dorothy, to her new friend;
mind (気にする) [動] be concerned about
“he never bites.”
never (絶対に) [副] at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever
bite (噛む) [動] cut or tear with the teeth

 “Oh, I’m not afraid,” replied the Scarecrow, “he can’t hurt the straw.
be afraid (怖がる) [動] be frightened or scared
hurt (傷つける) [動] cause pain or injury to
Do let me carry that basket for you.
let (~させる) [動] allow or permit
carry (持つ) [動] take or support from one place to another
I shall not mind it, for I can’t get tired.
get tired (疲れる) [動] become exhausted
I’ll tell you a secret,” he continued, as he walked along;
secret (秘密) [名] something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others
“there is only one thing in the world I am afraid of.”
there is (ある) [動] exist
thing (もの) [名] an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to
world (世界) [名] the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on

 “What is that?” asked Dorothy;
what (何) [代] which thing or things
“the Munchkin farmer who made you?”

 “No,” answered the Scarecrow;
“it’s a lighted match.”
light (火がつく) [動] to set on fire or catch fire
match (マッチ) [名] a small stick of wood or cardboard with a tip coated with a chemical that produces a flame when rubbed against a rough surface