CHAPTER IV (第4章) [名] the fourth chapter
LIMITS (限界) [名] the final, utmost, or furthest point
第4章: 個人に対する社会の権限の限界について

 What, then, is the rightful limit to the sovereignty of the individual over himself?
sovereignty (主権) [名] supreme power or authority
rightful (正当な) [形] having a just or lawful claim

 Where does the authority of society begin?
begin (始まる) [動] start to happen or exist

 How much of human life should be assigned to individuality, and how much to society?
assign (割り当てる) [動] give a task or responsibility to someone

 Each will receive its proper share, if each has that which more particularly concerns it.

 To individuality should belong the part of life in which it is chiefly the individual that is interested;
belong (属する) [動] be a member of
interested (関心を持つ) [形] having or showing curiosity or concern about something
to society, the part which chiefly interests society.

 Though society is not founded on a contract, and though no good purpose is answered by inventing a contract in order to deduce social obligations from it, every one who receives the protection of society owes a return for the benefit, and the fact of living in society renders it indispensable that each should be bound to observe a certain line of conduct towards the rest.
found (成立する) [動] establish or originate
contract (契約) [名] a legally binding agreement

 This conduct consists, first, in not injuring the interests of one another;
injure (傷つける) [動] cause physical harm or damage to
or rather certain interests which, either by express legal provision or by tacit understanding, ought to be considered as rights;
provision (規定) [名] a clause that provides for a particular matter
understanding (了解) [名] a mental grasp
be considered (見なされる) [動] to think of as being; regard as
and secondly, in each person's bearing his share (to be fixed on some equitable principle) of the labours and sacrifices incurred for defending the society or its members from injury and molestation.
bearing (負うこと) [動] carry or support
equitable (公平な) [形] just or fair
incurred (生じた) [動] become subject to (something unwelcome)
molestation (嫌がらせ) [名] the act of subjecting someone to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity

 These conditions society is justified in enforcing, at all costs to those who endeavour to withhold fulfilment.
at all costs (いかなる犠牲を払ってでも) [副] no matter what the cost or risk
withhold (差し控える) [動] refuse to give or allow
fulfilment (履行) [名] the achievement of something desired or promised

 Nor is this all that society may do.

 The acts of an individual may be hurtful to others, or wanting in due consideration for their welfare, without going the length of violating any of their constituted rights.
hurtful (傷つける) [形] causing emotional pain
want (欠く) [動] to feel a need or a wish for
due consideration (十分な配慮) [名] proper or sufficient attention or care

 The offender may then be justly punished by opinion though not by law.
offender (違反者) [名] a person who has committed a crime or broken the law
justly (正当に) [副] in a fair and just way

 As soon as any part of a person's conduct affects prejudicially the interests of others, society has jurisdiction over it, and the question whether the general welfare will or will not be promoted by interfering with it, becomes open to discussion.
prejudicially (不利益に) [副] in a way that is harmful to someone or something
jurisdiction (管轄) [名] the official power to make legal decisions and judgments
interfere (妨害する) [動] prevent from continuing or being carried out properly

 But there is no room for entertaining any such question when a person's conduct affects the interests of no persons besides himself, or needs not affect them unless they like (all the persons concerned being of full age, and the ordinary amount of understanding).
entertain (考える) [動] to consider or think about
In all such cases there should be perfect freedom, legal and social, to do the action and stand the consequences.

 It would be a great misunderstanding of this doctrine, to suppose that it is one of selfish indifference, which pretends that human beings have no business with each other's conduct in life, and that they should not concern themselves about the well-doing or well-being of one another, unless their own interest is involved.
It would be (それは) [代] the thing that is being discussed
misunderstanding (誤解) [名] a failure to understand something correctly
have no business with (干渉すべきではない) [動] have no legitimate interest in
involved (関わっている) [動] be included or concerned in something

 Instead of any diminution, there is need of a great increase of disinterested exertion to promote the good of others.
diminution (減少) [名] the action or fact of making or becoming less
promote (促進) [動] further the progress of; support or actively encourage

 But disinterested benevolence can find other instruments to persuade people to their good, than whips and scourges, either of the literal or the metaphorical sort.
benevolence (慈悲) [名] the quality of being kind and generous
whip (鞭) [名] a strip of leather or a similar material used for beating or driving animals or people
scourge (鞭) [名] a whip used as an instrument of punishment
literal (文字通りの) [形] taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory
metaphorical (比喩的な) [形] relating to or using metaphor

 I am the last person to undervalue the self-regarding virtues;
undervalue (過小評価する) [動] estimate or regard at too low a value
self-regarding (自己中心的な) [形] concerned with oneself or one's own interests
they are only second in importance, if even second, to the social.

 It is equally the business of education to cultivate both.
cultivate (育てる) [動] prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening

 But even education works by conviction and persuasion as well as by compulsion, and it is by the former only that, when the period of education is past, the self-regarding virtues should be inculcated.
work (働く) [動] to be employed

 Human beings owe to each other help to distinguish the better from the worse, and encouragement to choose the former and avoid the latter.
each other (互いに) [代] one another
encouragement (励まし) [名] the action of encouraging

 They should be for ever stimulating each other to increased exercise of their higher faculties, and increased direction of their feelings and aims towards wise instead of foolish, elevating instead of degrading, objects and contemplations.
higher faculty (より高度な能力) [名] a higher ability or power
degrading (堕落させる) [形] causing a severe loss in the quality or value of someone or something

 But neither one person, nor any number of persons, is warranted in saying to another human creature of ripe years, that he shall not do with his life for his own benefit what he chooses to do with it.
any number of persons (何人かの人間) [名] a group of people
another human creature (別の人間) [名] a different human being
ripe years (成熟した年齢) [名] an age at which a person is fully developed
his own benefit (自分の利益) [名] something that is good for oneself
his life (自分の人生) [名] the period of time during which a person is alive
what he chooses to do with it (自分で選んではならない) [名] the thing that a person decides to do

 He is the person most interested in his own well-being: the interest which any other person, except in cases of strong personal attachment, can have in it, is trifling, compared with that which he himself has;
interested (関心のある) [形] having a feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone
attachment (愛着) [名] a feeling of affection or loyalty that you have for someone or something
trifling (些細な) [形] unimportant or of little value
the interest which society has in him individually (except as to his conduct to others) is fractional, and altogether indirect:
fractional (部分的) [形] relating to a fraction; being a fraction
altogether (全体的に) [副] completely; in total
indirect (間接的) [形] not direct; not going straight to the point
while, with respect to his own feelings and circumstances, the most ordinary man or woman has means of knowledge immeasurably surpassing those that can be possessed by any one else.
with respect to (に関して) [前] in relation to; regarding
immeasurably (計り知れないほど) [副] to a very great degree
surpass (超える) [動] be greater or better than

 The interference of society to overrule his judgment and purposes in what only regards himself, must be grounded on general presumptions;
overrule (無効にする) [動] to rule against or reject
ground (基づいている) [動] to provide a basis for
presumption (推定) [名] an idea that is taken to be true, or something that is accepted as true without proof
which may be altogether wrong, and even if right, are as likely as not to be misapplied to individual cases, by persons no better acquainted with the circumstances of such cases than those are who look at them merely from without.
as likely as not (十中八九) [副] very probably
misapply (誤用する) [動] use wrongly or incorrectly
acquainted (知っている) [形] having knowledge or information
without (外) [名] the external part of something

 In this department, therefore, of human affairs, Individuality has its proper field of action.
field of action (行動領域) [名] the range of a person's activities

 In the conduct of human beings towards one another, it is necessary that general rules should for the most part be observed, in order that people may know what they have to expect;
but in each person's own concerns, his individual spontaneity is entitled to free exercise.
entitled (権利がある) [動] give (someone) a legal right or claim to something

 Considerations to aid his judgment, exhortations to strengthen his will, may be offered to him, even obtruded on him, by others;
aid (助ける) [動] to give help to
exhortation (勧告) [名] an urgent appeal
obtrude (押し付ける) [動] to force oneself or one's opinions on others
but he himself is the final judge.
himself (彼自身) [代] the male person being discussed

 All errors which he is likely to commit against advice and warning, are far outweighed by the evil of allowing others to constrain him to what they deem his good.
far outweigh (はるかに上回る) [動] be much greater in weight, value, or importance than (something else)

 I do not mean that the feelings with which a person is regarded by others, ought not to be in any way affected by his self-regarding qualities or deficiencies.
affect (影響を受ける) [動] have an effect on; make a difference to
self (自己) [名] a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others

 This is neither possible nor desirable.

 If he is eminent in any of the qualities which conduce to his own good, he is, so far, a proper object of admiration.
eminent (優れている) [形] standing out so as to be readily seen or noticed
conduce (役立つ) [動] lead or contribute to (a result)
so far (これまでのところ) [副] to the extent or degree attained or described
admiration (賞賛) [名] a feeling of very strong approval

 He is so much the nearer to the ideal perfection of human nature.
perfection (完成) [名] the state or quality of being perfect or complete

 If he is grossly deficient in those qualities, a sentiment the opposite of admiration will follow.
grossly (著しく) [副] to a very large extent
deficient (欠けている) [形] lacking in some necessary quality or element

 There is a degree of folly, and a degree of what may be called (though the phrase is not unobjectionable) lowness or depravation of taste, which, though it cannot justify doing harm to the person who manifests it, renders him necessarily and properly a subject of distaste, or, in extreme cases, even of contempt: a person could not have the opposite qualities in due strength without entertaining these feelings.
folly (愚かさ) [名] foolishness
what may be called (呼べるもの) [名] something that can be described as
lowness (低俗さ) [名] the quality or state of being low
depravation (堕落) [名] the state of being depraved
manifest (表す) [動] to show or demonstrate clearly
distaste (嫌悪) [名] a feeling of strong dislike
contempt (軽蔑) [名] the feeling that a person or a thing is not good enough to be treated with respect
opposite (正反対の) [形] completely different from each other

 Though doing no wrong to any one, a person may so act as to compel us to judge him, and feel to him, as a fool, or as a being of an inferior order: and since this judgment and feeling are a fact which he would prefer to avoid, it is doing him a service to warn him of it beforehand, as of any other disagreeable consequence to which he exposes himself.
do no wrong (悪事を働かない) [動] not do anything wrong
fool (愚か者) [名] a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person
warn (警告する) [動] inform someone in advance of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation
beforehand (事前に) [副] in advance; before the event
disagreeable (不快な) [形] unpleasant; objectionable

 It would be well, indeed, if this good office were much more freely rendered than the common notions of politeness at present permit, and if one person could honestly point out to another that he thinks him in fault, without being considered unmannerly or presuming.
good office (善い行い) [名] a kind or helpful act
rendered (行われる) [動] cause to be or become
politeness (礼儀) [名] the quality or state of being polite
fault (間違い) [名] an error in judgment, opinion, or procedure
unmannerly (無礼な) [形] lacking good manners
presuming (傲慢な) [形] arrogant or presumptuous

 We have a right, also, in various ways, to act upon our unfavourable opinion of any one, not to the oppression of his individuality, but in the exercise of ours.
have a right (権利がある) [動] be entitled to
unfavourable (好ましくない) [形] not favourable

 We are not bound, for example, to seek his society;
be bound (義務がある) [動] be required to do something
we have a right to avoid it (though not to parade the avoidance), for we have a right to choose the society most acceptable to us.
have a right to (権利がある) [動] be entitled to
parade (誇示する) [動] march in a formal way as part of a ceremony

 We have a right, and it may be our duty, to caution others against him, if we think his example or conversation likely to have a pernicious effect on those with whom he associates.
caution (警告する) [動] warn someone to take care
example (模範) [名] a person or thing regarded as a perfect specimen of something
associate (交際する) [動] regularly keep company with

 We may give others a preference over him in optional good offices, except those which tend to his improvement.
optional (任意の) [形] not compulsory; not required
good offices (善意の行為) [名] the efforts of a third party to bring about a settlement of a dispute between two or more parties

 In these various modes a person may suffer very severe penalties at the hands of others, for faults which directly concern only himself;
suffer (受ける) [動] experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant)
fault (過失) [名] an action or event that is not correct or right
but he suffers these penalties only in so far as they are the natural, and, as it were, the spontaneous consequences of the faults themselves, not because they are purposely inflicted on him for the sake of punishment.

 A person who shows rashness, obstinacy, self-conceit—who cannot live within moderate means—who cannot restrain himself from hurtful indulgences—who pursues animal pleasures at the expense of those of feeling and intellect—must expect to be lowered in the opinion of others, and to have a less share of their favourable sentiments;
rashness (軽率) [名] the quality of being too hasty or reckless
obstinacy (頑固) [名] the quality of being unwilling to change your opinion or to do what someone else wants
self-conceit (うぬぼれ) [名] an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance, merit, or superiority
moderate (適度な) [形] not extreme or excessive
restrain (守る) [動] hold back from doing something
lower (従う) [動] move something to a lower position
favourable (好意的な) [形] expressing approval or consent
but of this he has no right to complain, unless he has merited their favour by special excellence in his social relations, and has thus established a title to their good offices, which is not affected by his demerits towards himself.
merit (値する) [動] deserve or be worthy of
favour (好意) [名] approval, liking, or goodwill
demerit (欠点) [名] a fault or defect

 What I contend for is, that the inconveniences which are strictly inseparable from the unfavourable judgment of others, are the only ones to which a person should ever be subjected for that portion of his conduct and character which concerns his own good, but which does not affect the interests of others in their relations with him.
inconvenience (不都合) [名] trouble or difficulty
judgement (判断) [名] the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions

 Acts injurious to others require a totally different treatment.
injurious (有害な) [形] causing or likely to cause injury

 Encroachment on their rights;
infliction on them of any loss or damage not justified by his own rights;
infliction (与えること) [名] the action of inflicting something
damage (損害) [名] physical harm caused to something in such a way as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function
falsehood or duplicity in dealing with them;
duplicity (二枚舌) [名] the quality of being deceitful
unfair or ungenerous use of advantages over them;
ungenerous (不当な) [形] not generous; stingy
use (利用) [名] the act of using something
even selfish abstinence from defending them against injury—these are fit objects of moral reprobation, and, in grave cases, of moral retribution and punishment.
reprobation (非難) [名] the expression of disapproval or condemnation
retribution (報復) [名] punishment for a crime or wrongdoing

 And not only these acts, but the dispositions which lead to them, are properly immoral, and fit subjects of disapprobation which may rise to abhorrence.
lead (至る) [動] be in charge or command of
immoral (不道徳) [形] not conforming to a high moral standard
fit (対象) [形] in good health

 Cruelty of disposition; malice and ill-nature; that most anti-social and odious of all passions, envy;
cruelty (残酷さ) [名] behavior that causes pain or suffering to others
malice (悪意) [名] the intention or desire to do evil
ill-nature (悪意) [名] a tendency to be unpleasant or spiteful
odious (憎しみに満ちた) [形] deserving strong dislike or hatred
dissimulation and insincerity; irascibility on insufficient cause, and resentment disproportioned to the provocation;
dissimulation (偽り) [名] the act of hiding your true feelings, thoughts, or intentions
insincerity (不誠実) [名] the quality of not being sincere
irascibility (怒り) [名] the quality of being easily angered
resentment (恨み) [名] a feeling of anger or displeasure about something
the love of domineering over others;
domineering (支配) [名] the act of exercising power or authority in a domineering manner
the desire to engross more than one's share of advantages (the πλεονεξἱα [Greek: pleonexia] of the Greeks); the pride which derives gratification from the abasement of others;
engross (独占する) [動] occupy all of someone's attention or time
more than (以上) [前] to a greater degree or extent than
one's share (自分の取り分) [名] the part of something that belongs to or is given to a particular person
pride (プライド) [名] a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements
gratification (満足感) [名] pleasure, especially when gained from the satisfaction of a desire
abasement (卑下) [名] a reduction in rank, reputation, or status
自分の取り分以上の利益を独占したいという欲望(ギリシャ人のπλεονεξἱα [ギリシャ語: πλεονεξἱα])、他人を卑下することで満足感を得るプライド。
the egotism which thinks self and its concerns more important than everything else, and decides all doubtful questions in its own favour;—these are moral vices, and constitute a bad and odious moral character: unlike the self-regarding faults previously mentioned, which are not properly immoralities, and to whatever pitch they may be carried, do not constitute wickedness.
egotism (利己主義) [名] the practice of talking about oneself too much
everything (すべてのもの) [名] all the things
unlike (とは異なり) [前] not similar to
previously (先に) [副] at a previous time
mention (述べる) [動] refer to briefly
fault (欠点) [名] a weakness or imperfection in someone or something
pitch (高み) [名] the highest or most intense point
carry (達する) [動] take or bring from one place to another
wickedness (邪悪) [名] the quality of being evil or harmful

 They may be proofs of any amount of folly, or want of personal dignity and self-respect;
self-respect (自尊心) [名] a feeling of deep pride and confidence in oneself
but they are only a subject of moral reprobation when they involve a breach of duty to others, for whose sake the individual is bound to have care for himself.
involve (伴う) [動] have as a necessary logical consequence
bound (しなければならない) [形] obliged to do something
care (大切にする) [動] feel concern or interest; attach importance to

 What are called duties to ourselves are not socially obligatory, unless circumstances render them at the same time duties to others.
ourselves (自分) [代] the person or thing that is being discussed
socially (社会的に) [副] in a social manner
obligatory (義務付けられている) [形] required by a law or rule

 The term duty to oneself, when it means anything more than prudence, means self-respect or self-development;
and for none of these is any one accountable to his fellow-creatures, because for none of them is it for the good of mankind that he be held accountable to them.
none of (どれも) [限] not one of
fellow-creatures (仲間の生き物) [名] a person or animal

 The distinction between the loss of consideration which a person may rightly incur by defect of prudence or of personal dignity, and the reprobation which is due to him for an offence against the rights of others, is not a merely nominal distinction.
distinction (区別) [名] the quality or state of being distinguishable
nominal (名目上の) [形] existing in name only

 It makes a vast difference both in our feelings and in our conduct towards him, whether he displeases us in things in which we think we have a right to control him, or in things in which we know that we have not.
make a difference (違いを生じる) [動] to have an effect or impact
displease (不快にさせる) [動] to make someone angry or annoyed

 If he displeases us, we may express our distaste, and we may stand aloof from a person as well as from a thing that displeases us;
distaste (嫌悪感) [名] a feeling of dislike or disgust
stand aloof (遠ざかる) [動] to keep away from others
but we shall not therefore feel called on to make his life uncomfortable.
feel called on (求められていると感じること) [動] to feel that you have a duty or responsibility to do something
uncomfortable (不快な) [形] causing discomfort or unease

 We shall reflect that he already bears, or will bear, the whole penalty of his error;
if he spoils his life by mismanagement, we shall not, for that reason, desire to spoil it still further:
spoil (台無しにする) [動] diminish or destroy the value or quality of
mismanagement (不始末) [名] the action or fact of managing something badly
further (さらに) [副] to a greater extent or degree
instead of wishing to punish him, we shall rather endeavour to alleviate his punishment, by showing him how he may avoid or cure the evils his conduct tends to bring upon him.
wish (望む) [動] feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable
alleviate (軽減する) [動] make (something) less severe, serious, or painful
tend (もたらす) [動] be inclined or disposed to have or do something

 He may be to us an object of pity, perhaps of dislike, but not of anger or resentment;
pity (哀れみ) [名] a feeling of sympathy and sadness for someone else's misfortune
anger (怒り) [名] a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
we shall not treat him like an enemy of society:
the worst we shall think ourselves justified in doing is leaving him to himself, if we do not interfere benevolently by showing interest or concern for him.
the worst (最悪) [名] the most serious or unpleasant thing that could happen
think oneself justified (正当化する) [動] to show or prove to be right or reasonable
concern (懸念) [名] worry or anxiety about something
benevolently (慈悲深く) [副] in a kind and generous way

 It is far otherwise if he has infringed the rules necessary for the protection of his fellow-creatures, individually or collectively.
fellow-creature (仲間の人間) [名] a human being

 The evil consequences of his acts do not then fall on himself, but on others;
fall on (及ぶ) [動] be the responsibility of
and society, as the protector of all its members, must retaliate on him;
retaliate (報復する) [動] to return a military attack, or counterattack
must inflict pain on him for the express purpose of punishment, and must take care that it be sufficiently severe.
severe (厳しい) [形] very great or intense

 In the one case, he is an offender at our bar, and we are called on not only to sit in judgment on him, but, in one shape or another, to execute our own sentence: in the other case, it is not our part to inflict any suffering on him, except what may incidentally follow from our using the same liberty in the regulation of our own affairs, which we allow to him in his.
in the one case (一方の場合には) [句] in one situation
at our bar (私たちの法廷の) [句] in our court
be called on (求められている) [動] to be asked or required to do something
sit in judgment (裁く) [動] to make a decision about someone or something
in one shape or another (何らかの形で) [句] in some way
execute (執行する) [動] to carry out or put into effect
in the other case (もう一方の場合には) [句] in the other situation
suffering (苦痛) [名] the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship
our part (私たちの役目) [句] our role
what may incidentally follow (偶然に生じるかもしれないこと) [句] something that might happen by chance
from our using (私たちが用いることから) [句] from our using
the same liberty (同じ自由) [句] the same freedom
in the regulation of (の規制に) [句] in the control of
our own affairs (私たち自身の事柄) [句] our own business
which we allow to him (私たちが彼に認めている) [句] which we allow him to have
in his (彼に) [句] in his

 The distinction here pointed out between the part of a person's life which concerns only himself, and that which concerns others, many persons will refuse to admit.

 How (it may be asked) can any part of the conduct of a member of society be a matter of indifference to the other members?

 No person is an entirely isolated being;
isolated (孤立した) [形] far away from other places, buildings, or people
it is impossible for a person to do anything seriously or permanently hurtful to himself, without mischief reaching at least to his near connections, and often far beyond them.
impossible (ありえない) [形] not possible; unable to be, exist, happen, or be done
seriously (深刻な) [副] in a serious manner
permanently (永続的な) [副] in a permanent manner
beyond (それよりはるかに広く) [前] at or to the further side of

 If he injures his property, he does harm to those who directly or indirectly derived support from it, and usually diminishes, by a greater or less amount, the general resources of the community.
indirectly (間接的に) [副] in a way that is not direct
support (援助) [名] a thing that provides assistance
diminish (減少させる) [動] make or become smaller or less

 If he deteriorates his bodily or mental faculties, he not only brings evil upon all who depended on him for any portion of their happiness, but disqualifies himself for rendering the services which he owes to his fellow-creatures generally;
deteriorate (低下させる) [動] become worse or of a lower quality
bring (もたらす) [動] cause to come or happen
perhaps becomes a burthen on their affection or benevolence;
and if such conduct were very frequent, hardly any offence that is committed would detract more from the general sum of good.

 Finally, if by his vices or follies a person does no direct harm to others, he is nevertheless (it may be said) injurious by his example;
finally (最後に) [副] after a long time
folly (愚行) [名] a foolish act, idea, or practice
and ought to be compelled to control himself, for the sake of those whom the sight or knowledge of his conduct might corrupt or mislead.
sight (光景) [名] the ability to see

 And even (it will be added) if the consequences of misconduct could be confined to the vicious or thoughtless individual, ought society to abandon to their own guidance those who are manifestly unfit for it?
vicious (悪質な) [形] deliberately cruel or violent
abandon (委ねる) [動] give up or leave behind
manifestly (明らかに) [副] in a way that is clear and easy to understand
unfit (適していない) [形] not suitable or appropriate

 If protection against themselves is confessedly due to children and persons under age, is not society equally bound to afford it to persons of mature years who are equally incapable of self-government?
confess (認める) [動] admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way
due (当然) [形] expected or required
children (子供) [名] a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
year (年) [名] the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun
If gambling, or drunkenness, or incontinence, or idleness, or uncleanliness, are as injurious to happiness, and as great a hindrance to improvement, as many or most of the acts prohibited by law, why (it may be asked) should not law, so far as is consistent with practicability and social convenience, endeavour to repress these also?
gambling (賭博) [名] the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes
drunkenness (飲酒) [名] the state of being drunk
incontinence (失禁) [名] the inability to control urination or defecation
idleness (怠惰) [名] the state of being idle
uncleanliness (不潔) [名] the state of being unclean
practicability (実用性) [名] the quality of being practicable
convenience (便宜) [名] the state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty

 And as a supplement to the unavoidable imperfections of law, ought not opinion at least to organise a powerful police against these vices, and visit rigidly with social penalties those who are known to practise them?
supplement (補うもの) [名] something that completes or enhances something else when added to it
unavoidable (避けられない) [形] not able to be avoided or prevented
imperfection (不完全さ) [名] the quality or condition of being imperfect
organise (組織する) [動] arrange into a structured whole
police (警察) [名] the civil force of a state responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order
practise (犯す) [動] carry out or perform

 There is no question here (it may be said) about restricting individuality, or impeding the trial of new and original experiments in living.
restrict (制限する) [動] set or serve as a limit to
impede (妨げる) [動] delay or prevent the progress of
trial (試み) [名] a test of the performance, qualities, or truth of something

 The only things it is sought to prevent are things which have been tried and condemned from the beginning of the world until now;
things which experience has shown not to be useful or suitable to any person's individuality.
useful (役立つ) [形] being of use or service

 There must be some length of time and amount of experience, after which a moral or prudential truth may be regarded as established: and it is merely desired to prevent generation after generation from falling over the same precipice which has been fatal to their predecessors.
length of time (時間の長さ) [名] the duration of an event
amount of experience (経験の量) [名] the total amount of experience that a person has
fall over (落ちる) [動] to lose your balance and fall to the ground
precipice (崖) [名] a very steep rock face
predecessor (先人) [名] a person who held a job or office before the current holder

 I fully admit that the mischief which a person does to himself, may seriously affect, both through their sympathies and their interests, those nearly connected with him, and in a minor degree, society at large.
do (与える) [動] make, produce, or create
seriously (深刻に) [副] in a manner that is serious
nearly (密接に) [副] very close or connected

 When, by conduct of this sort, a person is led to violate a distinct and assignable obligation to any other person or persons, the case is taken out of the self-regarding class, and becomes amenable to moral disapprobation in the proper sense of the term.
distinct (明確な) [形] able to be perceived clearly as being different
assignable (割り当て可能な) [形] able to be given or allocated
class (範疇) [名] a set or category of things having some property in common

 If, for example, a man, through intemperance or extravagance, becomes unable to pay his debts, or, having undertaken the moral responsibility of a family, becomes from the same cause incapable of supporting or educating them, he is deservedly reprobated, and might be justly punished;
for example (例えば) [副] used to introduce an example
intemperance (不摂生) [名] lack of moderation or self-control
extravagance (浪費) [名] spending money or using resources in a careless or wasteful way
pay (返済する) [動] give money that you owe to someone
debt (借金) [名] something, especially money, that you owe someone
undertake (負う) [動] take on a task or job
moral responsibility (道徳的責任) [名] the obligation to do what is right
support (養う) [動] provide with the necessities of life
but it is for the breach of duty to his family or creditors, not for the extravagance.
creditor (債権者) [名] a person or organization to whom money is owed

 If the resources which ought to have been devoted to them, had been diverted from them for the most prudent investment, the moral culpability would have been the same.
devote (捧げる) [動] give all of one's time or energy to a particular activity
prudent (慎重な) [形] acting with or showing care for the consequences of an action; careful
investment (投資) [名] the action or process of investing money for profit or material result

 George Barnwell murdered his uncle to get money for his mistress, but if he had done it to set himself up in business, he would equally have been hanged.
George Barnwell (ジョージ・バーンウェル) [名] a character in a play by George Lillo
murder (殺害する) [動] kill someone unlawfully and with premeditation
uncle (叔父) [名] the brother of one's father or mother
money (金) [名] a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes
mistress (愛人) [名] a woman having a sexual relationship with a married man
hang (絞首刑にする) [動] kill someone by hanging them

 Again, in the frequent case of a man who causes grief to his family by addiction to bad habits, he deserves reproach for his unkindness or ingratitude;
addiction (耽溺) [名] the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity
grief (悲しみ) [名] deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death
unkindness (不親切) [名] the quality of being unkind
ingratitude (恩知らず) [名] the quality of being ungrateful
but so he may for cultivating habits not in themselves vicious, if they are painful to those with whom he passes his life, or who from personal ties are dependent on him for their comfort.
cultivate (身につける) [動] to grow or tend
painful (苦痛) [形] causing pain
pass (共にする) [動] to move or cause to move
comfort (慰め) [名] a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint
depend (頼る) [動] to be controlled or determined by

 Whoever fails in the consideration generally due to the interests and feelings of others, not being compelled by some more imperative duty, or justified by allowable self-preference, is a subject of moral disapprobation for that failure, but not for the cause of it, nor for the errors, merely personal to himself, which may have remotely led to it.
fail (怠る) [動] be unsuccessful in doing or achieving something
personal (個人) [形] belonging to or connected with a particular person
remotely (遠く) [副] far away in space or time

 In like manner, when a person disables himself, by conduct purely self-regarding, from the performance of some definite duty incumbent on him to the public, he is guilty of a social offence.
in like manner (同様に) [副] in a similar way
disable (不能にする) [動] make unable to perform a certain function
performance (履行) [名] the execution of an action
incumbent (負っている) [形] currently holding a specified office or position
guilty (犯した) [形] having committed a specified or implied offense
offense (犯罪) [名] a crime or other violation of the law

 No person ought to be punished simply for being drunk;
be punished (罰せられる) [動] to be subjected to a penalty for a crime or wrongdoing
drunk (酔っ払った) [形] affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior
but a soldier or a policeman should be punished for being drunk on duty.
soldier (兵士) [名] a person who serves in an army
policeman (警察官) [名] a person who is a member of a police force

 Whenever, in short, there is a definite damage, or a definite risk of damage, either to an individual or to the public, the case is taken out of the province of liberty, and placed in that of morality or law.
whenever (いつでも) [副] at any time
take out (取り除く) [動] to remove something from a place
province (領域) [名] an area of knowledge or activity

 But with regard to the merely contingent, or, as it may be called, constructive injury which a person causes to society, by conduct which neither violates any specific duty to the public, nor occasions perceptible hurt to any assignable individual except himself;
contingent (偶発的) [形] subject to chance
constructive (建設的) [形] helpful or positive
occasion (与える) [動] cause or give rise to
perceptible (知覚できる) [形] able to be perceived
hurt (損害) [名] physical or mental harm or damage
the inconvenience is one which society can afford to bear, for the sake of the greater good of human freedom.
inconvenience (不便) [名] a lack of ease or comfort
greater good (より大きな善) [名] the good of the majority of people
human freedom (人間の自由) [名] the freedom of a human being

 If grown persons are to be punished for not taking proper care of themselves, I would rather it were for their own sake, than under pretence of preventing them from impairing their capacity of rendering to society benefits which society does not pretend it has a right to exact.
grown person (成人) [名] an adult
take proper care of (適切な世話をする) [動] to look after someone or something properly
exact (強要する) [動] to demand and obtain something from someone, especially by force or authority

 But I cannot consent to argue the point as if society had no means of bringing its weaker members up to its ordinary standard of rational conduct, except waiting till they do something irrational, and then punishing them, legally or morally, for it.
point (論点) [名] the most important part of something
irrational (非合理的な) [形] not logical or reasonable
legally (法的に) [副] in a way that is allowed or required by the law

 Society has had absolute power over them during all the early portion of their existence: it has had the whole period of childhood and nonage in which to try whether it could make them capable of rational conduct in life.
childhood (幼少期) [名] the state or period of being a child
nonage (未成年期) [名] the period of legal minority
in which (において) [接] in or during which
whether (かどうか) [接] if it is the case that; if
make (できる) [動] to cause to be or become

 The existing generation is master both of the training and the entire circumstances of the generation to come;
it cannot indeed make them perfectly wise and good, because it is itself so lamentably deficient in goodness and wisdom;
cannot (できない) [助] be unable to
next (次) [形] coming immediately after the present one
lamentably (嘆かわしいほど) [副] in a way that is deserving of sorrow or regret
and its best efforts are not always, in individual cases, its most successful ones;
but it is perfectly well able to make the rising generation, as a whole, as good as, and a little better than, itself.
rising generation (新しく生まれる世代) [名] the generation of people who are currently young
as a whole (全体として) [副] in general; on the whole
as good as (同じくらい) [副] to the same degree or extent
a little better than (少しだけ自分たちよりも善良に) [副] to a small extent

 If society lets any considerable number of its members grow up mere children, incapable of being acted on by rational consideration of distant motives, society has itself to blame for the consequences.
let (させる) [動] allow to
act on (行動する) [動] take action on
motive (動機) [名] a reason for doing something

 Armed not only with all the powers of education, but with the ascendency which the authority of a received opinion always exercises over the minds who are least fitted to judge for themselves;
armed (備えている) [動] equipped with a weapon
and aided by the natural penalties which cannot be prevented from falling on those who incur the distaste or the contempt of those who know them;
fall (降りかかる) [動] to move from a higher to a lower position
let not society pretend that it needs, besides all this, the power to issue commands and enforce obedience in the personal concerns of individuals, in which, on all principles of justice and policy, the decision ought to rest with those who are to abide the consequences.
pretend (~のふりをする) [動] act as if something is the case when in fact it is not
besides (~に加えて) [前] as well as; in addition to
issue (発行する) [動] supply or distribute
command (命令) [名] an authoritative order
policy (政策) [名] a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual
rest with (~にかかっている) [動] be the responsibility of

 Nor is there anything which tends more to discredit and frustrate the better means of influencing conduct, than a resort to the worse.
tend (傾向がある) [動] be likely to behave in a particular manner
frustrate (挫折させる) [動] prevent from accomplishing a goal or from progressing
resort (頼る) [動] turn to for help or as a last resort

 If there be among those whom it is attempted to coerce into prudence or temperance, any of the material of which vigorous and independent characters are made, they will infallibly rebel against the yoke.
temperance (節制) [名] the quality of being moderate and self-disciplined
coerce (強要する) [動] to force someone to do something
vigorous (精力的) [形] strong and energetic

 No such person will ever feel that others have a right to control him in his concerns, such as they have to prevent him from injuring them in theirs;
and it easily comes to be considered a mark of spirit and courage to fly in the face of such usurped authority, and do with ostentation the exact opposite of what it enjoins;
fly in the face of (直面する) [動] to act in a way that is opposite to what is expected or accepted
usurped (横領された) [形] taken or assumed without right
do with (~する) [動] to have a connection with
ostentation (誇示) [名] a showy display of wealth or possessions
enjoin (命じる) [動] to give an order or command to
as in the fashion of grossness which succeeded, in the time of Charles II., to the fanatical moral intolerance of the Puritans.
as in (のように) [前] used to introduce a comparison
succeed (続く) [動] come after in time
Charles II (チャールズ二世) [名] King of England, Scotland and Ireland from 30 January 1649
Puritan (ピューリタン) [名] a member of a group of English Protestants of the 16th and 17th centuries who opposed the established church and were noted for their strict morality
With respect to what is said of the necessity of protecting society from the bad example set to others by the vicious or the self-indulgent; it is true that bad example may have a pernicious effect, especially the example of doing wrong to others with impunity to the wrong-doer.
set (示す) [動] to put, lay, or place
self-indulgent (自己中心的な) [形] indulging or tending to indulge oneself excessively
wrong-doer (悪事を行った者) [名] a person who does something illegal or immoral
But we are now speaking of conduct which, while it does no wrong to others, is supposed to do great harm to the agent himself: and I do not see how those who believe this, can think otherwise than that the example, on the whole, must be more salutary than hurtful, since, if it displays the misconduct, it displays also the painful or degrading consequences which, if the conduct is justly censured, must be supposed to be in all or most cases attendant on it.
do no wrong (害を与えない) [動] not cause any harm or damage
great harm (大きな害) [名] a lot of damage or injury
degrading (品位を落とす) [形] causing a loss of self-respect
attendant (付随する) [形] accompanying or following as a result

 But the strongest of all the arguments against the interference of the public with purely personal conduct, is that when it does interfere, the odds are that it interferes wrongly, and in the wrong place.
odds (可能性) [名] the probability that one thing is so or will happen rather than another
wrongly (間違った) [副] in a wrong manner

 On questions of social morality, of duty to others, the opinion of the public, that is, of an overruling majority, though often wrong, is likely to be still oftener right;
social morality (社会道徳) [名] the moral code of a particular society
others (他者) [名] people other than oneself
overruling majority (過半数) [名] a majority that is greater than a simple majority
still (それでも) [副] even so; nevertheless
oftener (より頻繁に) [副] more often
because on such questions they are only required to judge of their own interests;
be required to (求められる) [動] be obliged to do something
of the manner in which some mode of conduct, if allowed to be practised, would affect themselves.

 But the opinion of a similar majority, imposed as a law on the minority, on questions of self-regarding conduct, is quite as likely to be wrong as right;
for in these cases public opinion means, at the best, some people's opinion of what is good or bad for other people;
in these cases (このような場合) [名] in the situations described
at the best (せいぜい) [副] to the highest degree
some people's opinion (一部の人の意見) [名] the beliefs or views of a group of people
what is good or bad (何が良いか悪いか) [名] the quality of something
for other people (他の人にとって) [名] for people other than oneself
while very often it does not even mean that;
very often (多くの場合) [副] frequently
not even (それすら) [副] not at all; not in the least
the public, with the most perfect indifference, passing over the pleasure or convenience of those whose conduct they censure, and considering only their own preference.
pass over (無視する) [動] to ignore or disregard

 There are many who consider as an injury to themselves any conduct which they have a distaste for, and resent it as an outrage to their feelings;
resent (憤慨する) [動] feel bitter or angry about something
outrage (侮辱) [名] an act of great violence or cruelty
as a religious bigot, when charged with disregarding the religious feelings of others, has been known to retort that they disregard his feelings, by persisting in their abominable worship or creed.
bigot (偏屈者) [名] a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, especially on politics, religion, or race
retort (反論する) [動] say something in answer, especially angrily
abominable (忌まわしい) [形] causing disgust or hatred
worship (崇拝) [名] the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity

 But there is no parity between the feeling of a person for his own opinion, and the feeling of another who is offended at his holding it;
parity (同等性) [名] equality in value, amount, or status
offended (腹を立てる) [動] cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful
no more than between the desire of a thief to take a purse, and the desire of the right owner to keep it.
no more than (以上のない) [形] not more than
purse (財布) [名] a small pouch of leather or plastic used for carrying money, typically by a woman

 And a person's taste is as much his own peculiar concern as his opinion or his purse.

 It is easy for any one to imagine an ideal public, which leaves the freedom and choice of individuals in all uncertain matters undisturbed, and only requires them to abstain from modes of conduct which universal experience has condemned.

 But where has there been seen a public which set any such limit to its censorship?
set (設ける) [動] put in a certain place or position
limit (制限) [名] a point beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass
or when does the public trouble itself about universal experience?
trouble (悩む) [動] to cause to be worried or anxious

 In its interferences with personal conduct it is seldom thinking of anything but the enormity of acting or feeling differently from itself;
anything (何も) [代] a thing of any kind
enormity (異常性) [名] the great or extreme seriousness of something
and this standard of judgment, thinly disguised, is held up to mankind as the dictate of religion and philosophy, by nine-tenths of all moralists and speculative writers.
thinly (ほとんど) [副] to a small extent
disguised (偽装された) [形] changed in appearance or behavior in order to hide your true identity

 These teach that things are right because they are right;
because we feel them to be so.

 They tell us to search in our own minds and hearts for laws of conduct binding on ourselves and on all others.
search (探す) [動] try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly
law (法則) [名] a statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions be present
bind (縛る) [動] tie or fasten with a band, rope, or other such thing

 What can the poor public do but apply these instructions, and make their own personal feelings of good and evil, if they are tolerably unanimous in them, obligatory on all the world?
poor (哀れな) [形] lacking in money or material possessions
instruction (教え) [名] a statement that tells you how to do something
unanimous (一致している) [形] fully in agreement
obligatory (義務づける) [形] involving or required as a duty or responsibility

 The evil here pointed out is not one which exists only in theory;
and it may perhaps be expected that I should specify the instances in which the public of this age and country improperly invests its own preferences with the character of moral laws.
specify (特定する) [動] to state or describe something clearly and exactly
invest (投資する) [動] to put money into something with the hope of getting more money back in the future
moral law (道徳法) [名] a law that is based on morality and that is intended to govern behavior

 I am not writing an essay on the aberrations of existing moral feeling.

 That is too weighty a subject to be discussed parenthetically, and by way of illustration.
weighty (重い) [形] having great importance or significance
parenthetically (括弧書きで) [副] as a parenthesis
illustration (例示) [名] a picture or drawing that shows or explains something

 Yet examples are necessary, to show that the principle I maintain is of serious and practical moment, and that I am not endeavouring to erect a barrier against imaginary evils.
serious (真面目な) [形] requiring much thought or work
moment (重要性) [名] importance or significance
erect (築く) [動] to construct or build
imaginary (想像上の) [形] existing only in the imagination

 And it is not difficult to show, by abundant instances, that to extend the bounds of what may be called moral police, until it encroaches on the most unquestionably legitimate liberty of the individual, is one of the most universal of all human propensities.
bound (境界) [名] a limit or boundary
propensity (性向) [名] a natural tendency to behave in a particular way

 As a first instance, consider the antipathies which men cherish on no better grounds than that persons whose religious opinions are different from theirs, do not practise their religious observances, especially their religious abstinences.
cherish (抱く) [動] to hold or treat as dear or valuable
ground (理由) [名] a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or belief

 To cite a rather trivial example, nothing in the creed or practice of Christians does more to envenom the hatred of Mahomedans against them, than the fact of their eating pork.
cite (挙げる) [動] mention or quote as an example
trivial (些細な) [形] of little value or importance
Mahomedan (マホメット教徒) [名] a Muslim
envenom (増長させる) [動] make more bitter or painful
pork (豚肉) [名] the flesh of a pig or hog

 There are few acts which Christians and Europeans regard with more unaffected disgust, than Mussulmans regard this particular mode of satisfying hunger.
unaffected (影響を受けていない) [形] not affected
disgust (嫌悪感) [名] a strong feeling of dislike
Mussulman (ムスリム) [名] a follower of the religion of Islam
satisfy (満たす) [動] meet the requirements of
hunger (空腹) [名] a state of having a desire to eat food

 It is, in the first place, an offence against their religion;
offence (冒涜) [名] a crime or illegal act
but this circumstance by no means explains either the degree or the kind of their repugnance;
by no means (決して~ない) [副] not at all; in no way
repugnance (嫌悪感) [名] a strong feeling of dislike or disgust
for wine also is forbidden by their religion, and to partake of it is by all Mussulmans accounted wrong, but not disgusting.
wine (ワイン) [名] an alcoholic drink typically made from fermented grape juice
also (また) [副] in addition; too; as well
partake (飲む) [動] to take part in something
disgusting (嫌悪感を抱く) [形] causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval

 Their aversion to the flesh of the “unclean beast” is, on the contrary, of that peculiar character, resembling an instinctive antipathy, which the idea of uncleanness, when once it thoroughly sinks into the feelings, seems always to excite even in those whose personal habits are anything but scrupulously cleanly, and of which the sentiment of religious impurity, so intense in the Hindoos, is a remarkable example.
aversion (嫌悪感) [名] a feeling of intense dislike
flesh (肉) [名] the soft substance of the body of a person or an animal
unclean (汚れた) [形] not clean
beast (獣) [名] an animal
instinctive (本能的な) [形] relating to or prompted by instinct
uncleanness (不潔) [名] the state of being dirty
sink (沈む) [動] go down below the surface of something
excite (興奮させる) [動] cause strong feelings of anger, interest, or sexual arousal in someone
scrupulously (几帳面) [副] in a very careful and thorough way
cleanly (きれい) [形] free from dirt, marks, or stains
which (その) [代] used to refer to the thing previously mentioned or easily identified
impurity (不純物) [名] a substance that is present in something in small quantities and that spoils its quality
intense (強い) [形] of extreme force, degree, or strength
Hindoos (ヒンズー教徒) [名] a follower of Hinduism

 Suppose now that in a people, of whom the majority were Mussulmans, that majority should insist upon not permitting pork to be eaten within the limits of the country.
Mussulmans (ムスリム) [名] a follower of the religion of Islam
insist (主張する) [動] demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal
be eaten (食べられる) [動] be consumed as food

 This would be nothing new in Mahomedan countries.
nothing new (珍しいことではない) [名] something that is not new or unusual
Mahomedan (イスラム教) [名] the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah

 Would it be a legitimate exercise of the moral authority of public opinion?
and if not, why not?
if not (そうでなければ) [接] or else; otherwise
why not (なぜか) [副] for what reason not

 The practice is really revolting to such a public.
revolt (嫌悪感を抱かせる) [動] fill with disgust

 They also sincerely think that it is forbidden and abhorred by the Deity.
abhorred (忌み嫌われた) [形] detested; hated
Neither could the prohibition be censured as religious persecution.

 It might be religious in its origin, but it would not be persecution for religion, since nobody's religion makes it a duty to eat pork.

 The only tenable ground of condemnation would be, that with the personal tastes and self-regarding concerns of individuals the public has no business to interfere.

 To come somewhat nearer home: the majority of Spaniards consider it a gross impiety, offensive in the highest degree to the Supreme Being, to worship him in any other manner than the Roman Catholic;
come nearer (近づく) [動] move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker
Spaniards (スペイン人) [名] a native or inhabitant of Spain
gross (ひどい) [形] very obvious and unacceptable
offensive (不快な) [形] causing someone to feel resentful, upset, or annoyed
Supreme Being (神) [名] the creator and ruler of the universe
worship (崇拝する) [動] show reverence and adoration for (a deity)
Roman Catholic (ローマ・カトリック) [名] the body of the Catholic Church of which the pope is the head
and no other public worship is lawful on Spanish soil.
no other (他の~はない) [限] not any other
lawful (合法な) [形] being in accordance with the law; permitted by law

 The people of all Southern Europe look upon a married clergy as not only irreligious, but unchaste, indecent, gross, disgusting.
Southern Europe (南ヨーロッパ) [名] the region of Europe comprising the countries on the Mediterranean Sea
look upon (見ている) [動] to regard or consider in a particular way
married (結婚した) [形] in a state of marriage
unchaste (不貞) [形] not chaste
indecent (下品) [形] not decent

 What do Protestants think of these perfectly sincere feelings, and of the attempt to enforce them against non-Catholics?
non-Catholic (非カトリック教徒) [名] a person who is not a member of the Roman Catholic Church
Yet, if mankind are justified in interfering with each other's liberty in things which do not concern the interests of others, on what principle is it possible consistently to exclude these cases?
or who can blame people for desiring to suppress what they regard as a scandal in the sight of God and man?
blame (非難する) [動] assign responsibility for a fault or wrong
scandal (スキャンダル) [名] an action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage

 No stronger case can be shown for prohibiting anything which is regarded as a personal immorality, than is made out for suppressing these practices in the eyes of those who regard them as impieties;
No stronger case (これ以上強力な事例) [名] no case that is stronger
be shown (示される) [動] be presented or demonstrated
be regarded as (見なされる) [動] be considered or thought of as
be made out (作られる) [動] be constructed or created
and unless we are willing to adopt the logic of persecutors, and to say that we may persecute others because we are right, and that they must not persecute us because they are wrong, we must beware of admitting a principle of which we should resent as a gross injustice the application to ourselves.
beware (注意する) [動] be careful or cautious
injustice (不正) [名] lack of fairness or justice

 The preceding instances may be objected to, although unreasonably, as drawn from contingencies impossible among us: opinion, in this country, not being likely to enforce abstinence from meats, or to interfere with people for worshipping, and for either marrying or not marrying, according to their creed or inclination.
unreasonable (不合理な) [形] not guided by or based on good sense
contingency (偶然) [名] a possible event or circumstance
draw from (引き出す) [動] to take or get something from a particular source
marry (結婚する) [動] to take as one's spouse

 The next example, however, shall be taken from an interference with liberty which we have by no means passed all danger of.
next (次の) [形] immediately following the time of writing
shall (する) [助] expressing a strong intention or determination
pass (乗り越える) [動] to go beyond or surpass

 Wherever the Puritans have been sufficiently powerful, as in New England, and in Great Britain at the time of the Commonwealth, they have endeavoured, with considerable success, to put down all public, and nearly all private, amusements: especially music, dancing, public games, or other assemblages for purposes of diversion, and the theatre.
New England (ニューイングランド) [名] a northeastern region of the U.S.
Great Britain (イギリス) [名] an island in the North Atlantic off the north coast of continental Europe
Commonwealth (コモンウェルス) [名] a political unit
amusement (娯楽) [名] something that provides entertainment or enjoyment
dancing (ダンス) [名] the activity, practice, or art of moving the body in a rhythmic way, typically to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking d...
game (ゲーム) [名] a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck
theatre (劇場) [名] a building or area for dramatic performances and a building or area for dramatic performances and

 There are still in this country large bodies of persons by whose notions of morality and religion these recreations are condemned;
in this country (この国には) [名] the United Kingdom
large bodies of persons (大勢いる) [名] a large number of people
by whose notions of morality and religion (道徳や宗教の観念から) [名] the ideas that people have about what is right and wrong and what people should do
these recreations (これらの娯楽) [名] activities that people do for enjoyment when they are not working
are condemned (非難する) [動] express strong disapproval of
and those persons belonging chiefly to the middle class, who are the ascendant power in the present social and political condition of the kingdom, it is by no means impossible that persons of these sentiments may at some time or other command a majority in Parliament.
ascendant (優勢な) [形] rising or increasing
power (勢力) [名] the ability to do or act
at some time or other (いつの日か) [副] at some time in the future
command (占める) [動] be in possession of
Parliament (議会) [名] the highest legislative body of a country
How will the remaining portion of the community like to have the amusements that shall be permitted to them regulated by the religious and moral sentiments of the stricter Calvinists and Methodists?
permitted (許可される) [動] allow (something) to happen
regulated (規制される) [動] control or supervise (something) by means of rules and regulations
stricter (より厳格な) [形] enforcing rules or standards strictly
Methodist (メソジスト) [名] a member of a Christian denomination that developed from the teachings of John Wesley
Would they not, with considerable peremptoriness, desire these intrusively pious members of society to mind their own business?
peremptoriness (横柄さ) [名] the quality of being peremptory
intrusively (押しつけがましく) [副] in a way that is too forceful or direct
pious (信心深い) [形] devoted to religion or religious purposes
mind (気にかける) [動] to be careful or concerned about something
business (事) [名] a person's work or profession

 This is precisely what should be said to every government and every public, who have the pretension that no person shall enjoy any pleasure which they think wrong.

 But if the principle of the pretension be admitted, no one can reasonably object to its being acted on in the sense of the majority, or other preponderating power in the country;
preponderating (優勢な) [形] having greater weight, value, or importance
reasonably (合理的に) [副] in a fair and sensible way
and all persons must be ready to conform to the idea of a Christian commonwealth, as understood by the early settlers in New England, if a religious profession similar to theirs should ever succeed in regaining its lost ground, as religions supposed to be declining have so often been known to do.
settler (入植者) [名] a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area
regain (取り戻す) [動] obtain possession or use of (something) again
known (知られている) [動] be aware of the existence, fact, or truth of (something)

 To imagine another contingency, perhaps more likely to be realised than the one last mentioned.

 There is confessedly a strong tendency in the modern world towards a democratic constitution of society, accompanied or not by popular political institutions.
modern world (現代世界) [名] the world of recent times
democratic constitution (民主的な体制) [名] a system of government in which the people have the power to make decisions
political institution (政治制度) [名] a system of government or the set of rules and laws by which a country or state is governed

 It is affirmed that in the country where this tendency is most completely realised—where both society and the government are most democratic—the United States—the feeling of the majority, to whom any appearance of a more showy or costly style of living than they can hope to rival is disagreeable, operates as a tolerably effectual sumptuary law, and that in many parts of the Union it is really difficult for a person possessing a very large income, to find any mode of spending it, which will not incur popular disapprobation.
democratic (民主的な) [形] relating to or supporting democracy or its principles
United States (アメリカ) [名] a country in North America
showy (派手な) [形] very bright or noticeable in a way that is intended to attract attention
costly (高価な) [形] high in price or value
style (スタイル) [名] a manner of doing something
operate (機能する) [動] work or function
tolerably (かなり) [副] to a moderate degree
effectual (効果的な) [形] producing the intended or expected result
sumptuary (奢侈禁止の) [形] relating to or designed to regulate personal expenditure on food, dress, and other items
Union (連邦) [名] a political unit consisting of a number of states or provinces united by a central government
income (収入) [名] money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
spend (使う) [動] pay out (money) in buying or hiring goods or services
popular (世間の) [形] relating to the general public

 Though such statements as these are doubtless much exaggerated as a representation of existing facts, the state of things they describe is not only a conceivable and possible, but a probable result of democratic feeling, combined with the notion that the public has a right to a veto on the manner in which individuals shall spend their incomes.
statement (主張) [名] a declaration or remark
exaggerated (誇張されている) [形] too much
existing (現実の) [形] in existence
fact (状況) [名] a thing that is known or proved to be true
describe (描写している) [動] to give an account of something
conceivable (考えうる) [形] capable of being imagined or understood
possible (起こりうること) [形] able to happen or exist
probable (考えうる) [形] likely to happen or be true
democratic (民主主義的な) [形] of or relating to democracy
veto (拒否権) [名] the power or right to reject a proposed law or decision

 We have only further to suppose a considerable diffusion of Socialist opinions, and it may become infamous in the eyes of the majority to possess more property than some very small amount, or any income not earned by manual labour.
Socialist (社会主義) [名] a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
infamous (悪名高い) [形] well known for some bad quality or deed

 Opinions similar in principle to these, already prevail widely among the artisan class, and weigh oppressively on those who are amenable to the opinion chiefly of that class, namely, its own members.
prevail (普及する) [動] be widespread or current
artisan (職人) [名] a skilled craftsman
oppressively (重く) [副] in a manner that is oppressive

 It is known that the bad workmen who form the majority of the operatives in many branches of industry, are decidedly of opinion that bad workmen ought to receive the same wages as good, and that no one ought to be allowed, through piecework or otherwise, to earn by superior skill or industry more than others can without it.
bad workman (質の悪い労働者) [名] a worker who is not good at their job
form the majority (過半数を占める) [動] be more than half of a total
industry (産業) [名] the production of goods or services
branch (部門) [名] a division of a large organization
decidedly (明らかに) [副] in a way that is very clear and easy to understand
wage (賃金) [名] a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee, especially to a manual or unskilled worker
piecework (出来高払い) [名] work paid for according to the number of units produced
earn (稼ぐ) [動] obtain (money) in return for labor or services
industry (勤勉さ) [名] the quality of being hard-working or diligent

 And they employ a moral police, which occasionally becomes a physical one, to deter skilful workmen from receiving, and employers from giving, a larger remuneration for a more useful service.
employ (雇う) [動] give work to
workman (労働者) [名] a person who works
employer (雇用主) [名] a person or organization that employs people
give (支払う) [動] transfer to another as a gift or as payment
remuneration (報酬) [名] money paid for work or a service

 If the public have any jurisdiction over private concerns, I cannot see that these people are in fault, or that any individual's particular public can be blamed for asserting the same authority over his individual conduct, which the general public asserts over people in general.

 But, without dwelling upon supposititious cases, there are, in our own day, gross usurpations upon the liberty of private life actually practised, and still greater ones threatened with some expectation of success, and opinions proposed which assert an unlimited right in the public not only to prohibit by law everything which it thinks wrong, but in order to get at what it thinks wrong, to prohibit any number of things which it admits to be innocent.
dwell (こだわる) [動] to think or write about something at length
supposititious (仮定の) [形] based on an assumption or hypothesis
usurpation (侵害) [名] the action of taking something for oneself by force or without right
propose (出す) [動] to put forward for consideration or discussion
innocent (無実の) [形] not guilty of a crime or offence

 Under the name of preventing intemperance, the people of one English colony, and of nearly half the United States, have been interdicted by law from making any use whatever of fermented drinks, except for medical purposes: for prohibition of their sale is in fact, as it is intended to be, prohibition of their use.
colony (植民地) [名] a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country
fermented (発酵した) [形] produced by or subjected to fermentation
drink (飲料) [名] a liquid that can be drunk
medical (医療) [形] of or relating to the treatment of illness and injuries
sale (販売) [名] the exchange of a commodity for money

 And though the impracticability of executing the law has caused its repeal in several of the States which had adopted it, including the one from which it derives its name, an attempt has notwithstanding been commenced, and is prosecuted with considerable zeal by many of the professed philanthropists, to agitate for a similar law in this country.
impracticability (不可能) [名] the quality or state of being impracticable
repeal (廃止) [動] revoke or cancel officially
commence (始まる) [動] begin
prosecute (推進する) [動] follow up or continue
profess (自称する) [動] claim to have a skill or quality
agitate (制定する) [動] move or cause to move up and down or to and fro with a rapid, irregular motion

 The association, or “Alliance” as it terms itself, which has been formed for this purpose, has acquired some notoriety through the publicity given to a correspondence between its Secretary and one of the very few English public men who hold that a politician's opinions ought to be founded on principles.
association (協会) [名] a group of people organized for a joint purpose
alliance (同盟) [名] a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
secretary (幹事) [名] an officer of an organization who deals with correspondence, records, and other routine work
correspondence (書簡) [名] communication by exchanging letters
publicity (公表) [名] the state of being well known

 Lord Stanley's share in this correspondence is calculated to strengthen the hopes already built on him, by those who know how rare such qualities as are manifested in some of his public appearances, unhappily are among those who figure in political life.
Lord Stanley (スタンレー卿) [名] a British politician
build (寄せる) [動] to make or form by putting parts or materials together over a period of time
public appearance (公的な場に現れる) [名] an occasion when someone appears in public
figure (登場する) [動] to be included or mentioned
political life (政治生活) [名] the activities of a politician or political party

 The organ of the Alliance, who would “deeply deplore the recognition of any principle which could be wrested to justify bigotry and persecution,” undertakes to point out the “broad and impassable barrier” which divides such principles from those of the association.
deplore (嘆く) [動] feel or express strong disapproval of
undertake (約束する) [動] to make oneself responsible for
broad (広い) [形] having a large distance from one side to the other
impassable (通行不能な) [形] not able to be traveled or crossed
“All matters relating to thought, opinion, conscience, appear to me,” he says, “to be without the sphere of legislation;
all pertaining to social act, habit, relation, subject only to a discretionary power vested in the State itself, and not in the individual, to be within it.”
pertain (関係する) [動] be appropriate or suitable
social act (社会的行為) [名] an act that is done in a social setting
subject (従属する) [動] cause to experience or undergo
discretionary power (裁量権) [名] the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment
within (範囲内) [前] inside the limits or area of
No mention is made of a third class, different from either of these, viz.
third (第三) [形] coming after second and before fourth in position
acts and habits which are not social, but individual;
individual (個人的な) [形] relating to a single person or thing
although it is to this class, surely, that the act of drinking fermented liquors belongs.
although (だが) [接] in spite of the fact that
it is to this class (このクラスに属する) [動] belong to this class
that the act of drinking fermented liquors (発酵酒を飲むという行為) [名] the act of drinking fermented liquors
belongs (属する) [動] be a member of a group

 Selling fermented liquors, however, is trading, and trading is a social act.
fermented liquor (発酵酒) [名] an alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation of grain, fruit, or other plant material
trading (取引) [名] the action of buying and selling goods and services

 But the infringement complained of is not on the liberty of the seller, but on that of the buyer and consumer;
infringement (侵害) [名] the action of breaking or failing to comply with a law, agreement, or treaty
seller (売り手) [名] a person or company that sells something
buyer (買い手) [名] a person or company that buys something
consumer (消費者) [名] a person who buys and uses goods and services
since the State might just as well forbid him to drink wine, as purposely make it impossible for him to obtain it.
drink (飲む) [動] take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow
purposely (故意に) [副] deliberately; intentionally

 The Secretary, however, says, “I claim, as a citizen, a right to legislate whenever my social rights are invaded by the social act of another.”
Secretary (書記官) [名] an officer of a society or organization who keeps records, takes minutes of meetings, and generally deals with correspondence
legislate (立法する) [動] make or enact laws
invade (侵害する) [動] enter (a place, situation, or sphere of activity) in large numbers, especially with intrusive effect
And now for the definition of these “social rights.”
definition (定義) [名] a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary

 “If anything invades my social rights, certainly the traffic in strong drink does.
social right (社会的権利) [名] a right that is believed to belong to every person as a member of society
traffic (取引) [名] the movement of people or vehicles through a place or area
strong drink (強い酒) [名] an alcoholic drink

 It destroys my primary right of security, by constantly creating and stimulating social disorder.
destroy (破壊する) [動] cause (something) to cease to exist or be in a usable condition
primary (第一の) [形] of first importance or significance
create (生み出す) [動] cause to come into existence
stimulate (刺激する) [動] make (someone or something) more active or lively
disorder (無秩序) [名] a lack of order or regular arrangement

 It invades my right of equality, by deriving a profit from the creation of a misery, I am taxed to support.
profit (利益) [名] a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something
creation (創造) [名] the act of genuinely creating something
misery (悲惨さ) [名] a state or feeling of great distress or discomfort

 It impedes my right to free moral and intellectual development, by surrounding my path with dangers, and by weakening and demoralising society, from which I have a right to claim mutual aid and intercourse.”
free (自由にする) [動] to make someone or something free
demoralise (道徳を低下させる) [動] to cause someone to lose confidence or hope
claim (要求する) [動] to state or assert that something is the case
mutual (相互) [形] shared by two or more people or things
intercourse (交流) [名] communication or dealings between people or groups
A theory of “social rights,” the like of which probably never before found its way into distinct language—being nothing short of this—that it is the absolute social right of every individual, that every other individual shall act in every respect exactly as he ought;
social rights (社会的権利) [名] the rights of individuals to receive public assistance
every other (他のすべての) [限] each of the remaining members of a group
exactly (まさに) [副] in exact terms; precisely
that whosoever fails thereof in the smallest particular, violates my social right, and entitles me to demand from the legislature the removal of the grievance.
thereof (それ) [代] of that
smallest (小さい) [形] of a size that is less than normal or usual
particular (事) [名] a fact or detail
entitle (権利を持つ) [動] give (someone) a legal right or claim to something
removal (除去) [名] the action of taking away something
grievance (不満) [名] a real or imagined cause for complaint or protest

 So monstrous a principle is far more dangerous than any single interference with liberty;
monstrous (恐ろしい) [形] causing or likely to cause great fear or horror; shocking
far (はるかに) [副] to a great extent; by a great deal
single (単一の) [形] not accompanied by another; solitary
there is no violation of liberty which it would not justify;
violation (侵害) [名] the action of breaking or failing to comply with a law, agreement, or other formal requirement
it acknowledges no right to any freedom whatever, except perhaps to that of holding opinions in secret, without ever disclosing them:
whatever (いかなる) [限] no matter what; of any kind
for the moment an opinion which I consider noxious, passes any one's lips, it invades all the “social rights” attributed to me by the Alliance.
for the moment (今のところ) [副] for the present time; temporarily
lip (唇) [名] either of the two fleshy parts that form the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth
The doctrine ascribes to all mankind a vested interest in each other's moral, intellectual, and even physical perfection, to be defined by each claimant according to his own standard.
vested interest (既得権益) [名] a special right or advantage that a person or group has, usually because of social or economic power
claimant (主張者) [名] a person who makes a claim

 Another important example of illegitimate interference with the rightful liberty of the individual, not simply threatened, but long since carried into triumphant effect, is Sabbatarian legislation.
Sabbatarian (安息日) [名] a person who observes the Sabbath
legislation (法) [名] the laws of a country or region

 Without doubt, abstinence on one day in the week, so far as the exigencies of life permit, from the usual daily occupation, though in no respect religiously binding on any except Jews, is a highly beneficial custom.
Without doubt (疑いもなく) [副] certainly
one day (一日) [名] a period of time
week (週) [名] a period of seven days
usual (通常の) [形] happening or done often or regularly
occupation (仕事) [名] a person's regular paid work
religiously (宗教的に) [副] in a religious manner
bind (拘束される) [動] tie or fasten together

 And inasmuch as this custom cannot be observed without a general consent to that effect among the industrious classes, therefore, in so far as some persons by working may impose the same necessity on others, it may be allowable and right that the law should guarantee to each, the observance by others of the custom, by suspending the greater operations of industry on a particular day.
industrious (勤勉な) [形] working hard and steadily
guarantee (保証) [動] to promise that something will be done or will happen
suspend (一時停止する) [動] to stop something from happening or being in effect for a period of time
operation (活動) [名] the state of being active or functioning

 But this justification, grounded on the direct interest which others have in each individual's observance of the practice, does not apply to the self-chosen occupations in which a person may think fit to employ his leisure;
grounded (基づく) [動] have a basis in; be based on
direct interest (直接的な利益) [名] a benefit that is received directly from an action or investment
self-chosen (自分で選んだ) [形] chosen by oneself
leisure (余暇) [名] time when you are not working or doing other duties
nor does it hold good, in the smallest degree, for legal restrictions on amusements.
hold good (当てはまる) [動] be valid or applicable

 It is true that the amusement of some is the day's work of others;
day's work (日課) [名] the work that is done in a day
but the pleasure, not to say the useful recreation, of many, is worth the labour of a few, provided the occupation is freely chosen, and can be freely resigned.
recreation (レクリエーション) [名] an activity that you do for enjoyment when you are not working
worth (価値がある) [形] deserving to be treated or regarded in the way specified
resign (辞める) [動] leave a job, post, or position voluntarily

 The operatives are perfectly right in thinking that if all worked on Sunday, seven days' work would have to be given for six days' wages:
operative (労働者) [名] a person who works in a factory
Sunday (日曜日) [名] the first day of the week
seven (七) [数] the number 7
six (六) [数] the number 6
but so long as the great mass of employments are suspended, the small number who for the enjoyment of others must still work, obtain a proportional increase of earnings;
great mass (大部分) [名] a large number or amount
be suspended (停止される) [動] to stop or be stopped for a period of time
for the enjoyment of (楽しみのために) [前] for the purpose of
must still work (働かなければならない) [動] to be obliged to do something
proportional increase (比例的増加) [名] an increase in the same proportion as something else
earnings (収入) [名] money that is earned
and they are not obliged to follow those occupations, if they prefer leisure to emolument.
emolument (報酬) [名] a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office

 If a further remedy is sought, it might be found in the establishment by custom of a holiday on some other day of the week for those particular classes of persons.
further (さらなる) [形] more or greater in addition to what has already been done, said, or experienced
remedy (救済策) [名] a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury
holiday (休日) [名] a day on which people do not work

 The only ground, therefore, on which restrictions on Sunday amusements can be defended, must be that they are religiously wrong;
a motive of legislation which never can be too earnestly protested against.
“Deorum injuriæ Diis curæ.”
Deorum injuriæ Diis curæ (神々への侮辱は神々が処理する) [名] a Latin phrase meaning "the gods take care of injuries to the gods"
It remains to be proved that society or any of its officers holds a commission from on high to avenge any supposed offence to Omnipotence, which is not also a wrong to our fellow-creatures.
officer (役人) [名] a person who has a position of authority in an organization
hold (有する) [動] to have or possess
commission (権限) [名] an official document issued by a government or other authority
avenge (天罰を下す) [動] to inflict harm in return for an injury or wrong
Omnipotence (全能の神) [名] the quality of having unlimited power
fellow-creature (同胞) [名] a person or animal that is similar to oneself
The notion that it is one man's duty that another should be religious, was the foundation of all the religious persecutions ever perpetrated, and if admitted, would fully justify them.

 Though the feeling which breaks out in the repeated attempts to stop railway travelling on Sunday, in the resistance to the opening of Museums, and the like, has not the cruelty of the old persecutors, the state of mind indicated by it is fundamentally the same.
railway (鉄道) [名] a track made of steel rails on which trains run
museum (博物館) [名] a place where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited
state of mind (精神状態) [名] a person's mood or mental state
fundamentally (基本的に) [副] in a fundamental way

 It is a determination not to tolerate others in doing what is permitted by their religion, because it is not permitted by the persecutor's religion.
determination (決意) [名] a firm decision to do something
permitted (許されている) [動] officially allow (someone) to do something

 It is a belief that God not only abominates the act of the misbeliever, but will not hold us guiltless if we leave him unmolested.
abominate (忌み嫌う) [動] to hate or dislike something very much
misbeliever (異教徒) [名] a person who does not believe in the same religion as you
hold (見なす) [動] to have or keep something in a particular position or state
guiltless (無罪) [形] not guilty of a crime or offense
unmolested (邪魔をしない) [形] not disturbed or interfered with

 I cannot refrain from adding to these examples of the little account commonly made of human liberty, the language of downright persecution which breaks out from the press of this country, whenever it feels called on to notice the remarkable phenomenon of Mormonism.
add (付け加える) [動] say or write something further
downright (あからさまな) [形] complete and without any qualification
break out (飛び出す) [動] escape from a place
call on (注目する) [動] to pay a visit to
phenomenon (現象) [名] a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question
Much might be said on the unexpected and instructive fact, that an alleged new revelation, and a religion founded on it, the product of palpable imposture, not even supported by the prestige of extraordinary qualities in its founder, is believed by hundreds of thousands, and has been made the foundation of a society, in the age of newspapers, railways, and the electric telegraph.
unexpected (予想外) [形] not expected or anticipated
revelation (啓示) [名] a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way
found (もとづいて作られた) [動] to establish or create
imposture (詐欺) [名] the action or crime of deceiving someone by giving them a false impression of yourself
support (支えられない) [動] to give assistance to, or to be in favor of
prestige (威信) [名] high status or reputation achieved through success or influence
believe (信じられる) [動] to accept that (something) is true, especially without proof
hundreds of thousands (何十万人もの) [名] a very large number
newspaper (新聞) [名] a printed publication consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, articles, advertisements and correspondence
electric telegraph (電信) [名] a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection

 What here concerns us is, that this religion, like other and better religions, has its martyrs;
martyr (殉教者) [名] someone who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs
that its prophet and founder was, for his teaching, put to death by a mob;
prophet (預言者) [名] a person who speaks for God or a god
founder (創始者) [名] a person who establishes an institution or settlement
that others of its adherents lost their lives by the same lawless violence;
adherent (信者) [名] a person who believes in a particular religion, philosophy, or political system
lawless (無法な) [形] not governed by or obedient to laws
that they were forcibly expelled, in a body, from the country in which they first grew up;
expel (追放する) [動] force to leave a place
body (集団) [名] a group of people
while, now that they have been chased into a solitary recess in the midst of a desert, many in this country openly declare that it would be right (only that it is not convenient) to send an expedition against them, and compel them by force to conform to the opinions of other people.
have been chased (追いやられた) [動] to cause to go away by force or threat
into (の中へ) [前] to the inside of
a solitary recess (孤独な隠れ場所) [名] a place where someone can be alone
in the midst of (の真ん中に) [前] in the middle of
a desert (砂漠) [名] a dry, sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperature, and sparse vegetation
in this country (この国) [名] the country that is being discussed
openly declare (公然と宣言している) [動] to make a public and formal statement about something
it would be right (正しいことだと) [動] to be correct or good
to send (送り) [動] to cause to go or be taken to a destination; to dispatch
an expedition (遠征隊) [名] a journey of exploration, discovery, or research
by force (強制的に) [名] power or strength exerted upon an object
to conform (従うように) [動] to be in accordance with
to the opinions (意見に) [名] a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
of other people (他の人々の) [名] people other than oneself

 The article of the Mormonite doctrine which is the chief provocative to the antipathy which thus breaks through the ordinary restraints of religious tolerance, is its sanction of polygamy;
Mormonite doctrine (モルモン教の教義) [名] the beliefs and teachings of the Mormon church
provocative (引き起こしている) [形] causing annoyance or anger
religious tolerance (宗教的寛容) [名] the willingness to accept or tolerate the existence of different religions or religious beliefs
sanction (認めている) [名] a punishment for breaking a law or rule
polygamy (一夫多妻制) [名] the practice of having more than one wife or husband at the same time
which, though permitted to Mahomedans, and Hindoos, and Chinese, seems to excite unquenchable animosity when practised by persons who speak English, and profess to be a kind of Christians.
Mahomedans (イスラム教徒) [名] a follower of the religion of Islam
Chinese (中国人) [名] a person from China
English (英語) [名] the language of England
Christians (キリスト教徒) [名] a follower of the religion of Christianity
No one has a deeper disapprobation than I have of this Mormon institution;
deeper (より深い) [形] extending far down from the top or surface
disapprobation (不満) [名] the expression of disapproval
I (私) [名] the speaker or writer of the sentence
Mormon (モルモン教) [名] a religion founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith
both for other reasons, and because, far from being in any way countenanced by the principle of liberty, it is a direct infraction of that principle, being a mere riveting of the chains of one half of the community, and an emancipation of the other from reciprocity of obligation towards them.
far from (どころか) [副] not at all; on the contrary
in any way (何らかの形で) [副] to any extent or degree; at all
countenanced (容認される) [動] to allow or accept
direct (直接的) [形] extending or moving from one place to another by the shortest way without changing direction or stopping
infraction (侵害) [名] the action of breaking the law or a rule
a mere (ただの) [形] that is the only thing mentioned
riveting (つなぎ合わせ) [動] to fasten or join together with a rivet
chain (鎖) [名] a series of connected metal links
one half (半分) [名] one of two equal parts into which something is or can be divided
emancipation (解放) [名] the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions
reciprocity (相互性) [名] the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit, especially privileges granted by one country or organization to another

 Still, it must be remembered that this relation is as much voluntary on the part of the women concerned in it, and who may be deemed the sufferers by it, as is the case with any other form of the marriage institution;
be remembered (忘れてはならない) [動] be kept in the memory
concerned (関係する) [形] involved or interested in something
sufferer (被害者) [名] a person who suffers
marriage (結婚) [名] the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman)
and however surprising this fact may appear, it has its explanation in the common ideas and customs of the world, which teaching women to think marriage the one thing needful, make it intelligible that many a woman should prefer being one of several wives, to not being a wife at all.
intelligible (理解できる) [形] able to be understood
wife (妻) [名] a married woman
all (全く) [副] completely or entirely

 Other countries are not asked to recognise such unions, or release any portion of their inhabitants from their own laws on the score of Mormonite opinions.
union (結婚) [名] the state of being joined or connected
release (解放する) [動] to set free
Mormonite (モルモン教徒) [名] a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

 But when the dissentients have conceded to the hostile sentiments of others, far more than could justly be demanded;
hostile (敵意) [形] showing or feeling opposition or dislike
when they have left the countries to which their doctrines were unacceptable, and established themselves in a remote corner of the earth, which they have been the first to render habitable to human beings;
unacceptable (受け入れられない) [形] not satisfactory or allowable
establish (定住する) [動] settle in a place
remote (遠く離れた) [形] far away in space or time
corner (場所) [名] a place or area, especially one with its own character
it is difficult to see on what principles but those of tyranny they can be prevented from living there under what laws they please, provided they commit no aggression on other nations, and allow perfect freedom of departure to those who are dissatisfied with their ways.
please (喜ばせる) [動] cause to feel happy, satisfied, or grateful
aggression (侵略) [名] hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to attack or confront
allow (認める) [動] give (someone) permission to do something

 A recent writer, in some respects of considerable merit, proposes (to use his own words), not a crusade, but a civilizade, against this polygamous community, to put an end to what seems to him a retrograde step in civilisation.
recent (最近の) [形] having happened, begun, or been done not long ago or not long before; belonging to a past period of time comparatively close to the present
merit (功績) [名] the quality of being good and deserving praise
crusade (十字軍) [名] any of the military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims
civilizade (文明化) [名] the process by which a society or country develops its social, political, and economic structures
polygamous (一夫多妻制の) [形] relating to or characterized by polygamy
retrograde (逆行する) [形] directed or moving backward
step (行為) [名] an action or movement

 It also appears so to me, but I am not aware that any community has a right to force another to be civilised.
appear (思える) [動] seem or give the impression of being
civilise (文明化する) [動] bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced

 So long as the sufferers by the bad law do not invoke assistance from other communities, I cannot admit that persons entirely unconnected with them ought to step in and require that a condition of things with which all who are directly interested appear to be satisfied, should be put an end to because it is a scandal to persons some thousands of miles distant, who have no part or concern in it.
bad law (悪法) [名] a law that is considered to be unfair or unjust
assistance (援助) [名] the action of helping someone by sharing work, providing money, or giving advice
unconnected (関係のない) [形] not joined or connected
step in (介入する) [動] take action to become involved in a situation, especially in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
satisfied (満足している) [形] contented with the fulfillment of one's wishes and expectations
thousands of miles (何千マイルも) [名] a unit of distance equal to 1,760 yards (1.609 kilometers)
no part or concern (何の関係もない) [名] not involved or interested in something

 Let them send missionaries, if they please, to preach against it;
send (送る) [動] cause to go or be taken to a destination; arrange for the delivery of
missionary (宣教師) [名] a person who is sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to a foreign country
preach (説教する) [動] deliver a sermon or religious address
and let them, by any fair means (of which silencing the teachers is not one), oppose the progress of similar doctrines among their own people.

 If civilisation has got the better of barbarism when barbarism had the world to itself, it is too much to profess to be afraid lest barbarism, after having been fairly got under, should revive and conquer civilisation.
barbarism (野蛮) [名] the state of being uncivilised
got the better of (勝利する) [動] to defeat or overcome
lest (~しないように) [接] for fear that
revive (復活する) [動] to return to life or consciousness
conquer (征服する) [動] to take control of a country or area by force

 A civilisation that can thus succumb to its vanquished enemy, must first have become so degenerate, that neither its appointed priests and teachers, nor anybody else, has the capacity, or will take the trouble, to stand up for it.
succumb (屈する) [動] to give in to something
vanquished (打ち負かされた) [形] defeated in battle
first (まず) [副] before anything else
degenerate (退廃する) [動] to become worse in quality
appointed (任命された) [形] having been selected for a position
priest (司祭) [名] a person who has been ordained for religious duties
anybody (誰も) [代] any person
take the trouble (面倒をみる) [動] to make an effort to do something
stand up for (守る) [動] to defend or support someone or something

 If this be so, the sooner such a civilisation receives notice to quit, the better.
be so (そうである) [動] to be the case
sooner (より早く) [副] at or before the time that is usual or expected
notice (通知) [名] information or warning that something is going to happen or has happened
quit (辞める) [動] leave a job, post, or position voluntarily

 It can only go on from bad to worse, until destroyed and regenerated (like the Western Empire) by energetic barbarians.
go on (続く) [動] continue
destroyed (破壊される) [動] cause so much damage to that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired
regenerated (再生される) [動] bring back to life, restore to a better condition
Western Empire (西ローマ帝国) [名] the western half of the Roman Empire after its division in 395