Chapter XXXVII: Full-fledged B.A.’s
full-fledged (一人前の) [形] having reached full development
第37章: 一人前の学士

 “I wish I were dead, or that it were tomorrow night,” groaned Phil.

 “If you live long enough both wishes will come true,” said Anne calmly.
long enough (十分に長く) [副] for a sufficient amount of time
come true (叶う) [動] happen or become real

 “It’s easy for you to be serene.
be easy for (簡単だ) [動] not difficult
be serene (落ち着いている) [動] calm, peaceful, and untroubled
You’re at home in Philosophy.
at home (得意) [形] very familiar with or skilled in something
I’m not—and when I think of that horrible paper tomorrow I quail.
quail (怖気づく) [動] to lose courage or confidence
If I should fail in it what would Jo say?”

 “You won’t fail. How did you get on in Greek today?”
get on (どうだった) [動] make progress

 “I don’t know. Perhaps it was a good paper and perhaps it was bad enough to make Homer turn over in his grave.
I don't know (わからない) [句] I am not sure
Homer (ホメロス) [名] an ancient Greek poet
turn over (寝返りを打つ) [動] change from one position to another
I’ve studied and mulled over notebooks until I’m incapable of forming an opinion of anything.
mull over (熟考する) [動] think about carefully
form (形成する) [動] make or produce
How thankful little Phil will be when all this examinating is over.”

 “Examinating? I never heard such a word.”
examine (試験) [名] a formal test of knowledge or skill
「試験? 聞いたことのない言葉だ。」

 “Well, haven’t I as good a right to make a word as any one else?” demanded Phil.
as good a right (同じ権利) [名] the same right
make a word (言葉を作る) [動] create a word
as any one else (他の人と同じように) [副] in the same way as other people

 “Words aren’t made—they grow,” said Anne.

 “Never mind—I begin faintly to discern clear water ahead where no examination breakers loom.
discern (見分ける) [動] perceive or recognize
clear water (澄んだ水) [名] water that is free of impurities
ahead (前方) [副] in front of one
breaker (波) [名] a large wave that breaks on the shore
loom (迫る) [動] appear in a large or threatening form
Girls, do you—can you realize that our Redmond Life is almost over?”
girl (みんな) [名] a young woman
Redmond Life (レドモンド生活) [名] life in Redmond

 “I can’t,” said Anne, sorrowfully.
“It seems just yesterday that Pris and I were alone in that crowd of Freshmen at Redmond.
just yesterday (つい昨日) [名] the day before today
And now we are Seniors in our final examinations.”
senior (四年生) [名] a student in the fourth year of a four-year college or high school
final examination (期末試験) [名] a test given at the end of a school term

 “‘Potent, wise, and reverend Seniors,’” quoted Phil.
“Do you suppose we really are any wiser than when we came to Redmond?”

 “You don’t act as if you were by times,” said Aunt Jamesina severely.
act (行動する) [動] do something
by times (時々) [副] occasionally

 “Oh, Aunt Jimsie, haven’t we been pretty good girls, take us by and large, these three winters you’ve mothered us?” pleaded Phil.
haven't we (そうでしょう) [助] have not we
pretty good (かなり良い) [形] fairly good
take us by and large (概して) [副] generally speaking
these three winters (この三年間) [名] the three winters
you've mothered us (おばさんが私たちの母親代わりをしてくれた) [動] you have mothered us
pleaded (懇願した) [動] beg someone earnestly

 “You’ve been four of the dearest, sweetest, goodest girls that ever went together through college,” averred Aunt Jamesina, who never spoiled a compliment by misplaced economy.
sweetest (最も優しい) [形] most kind or pleasant
goodest (最も良い) [形] most good
misplaced (見当違いの) [形] in an inappropriate or wrong place
economy (節約) [名] the careful use of money or resources

 “But I mistrust you haven’t any too much sense yet.
mistrust (疑う) [動] have no confidence in
It’s not to be expected, of course.
be to be expected (期待される) [動] to be regarded as likely to happen
Experience teaches sense.
You can’t learn it in a college course.
course (講義) [名] a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject
You’ve been to college four years and I never was, but I know heaps more than you do, young ladies.”
young lady (お嬢さん) [名] a young woman

 “‘There are lots of things that never go by rule, There’s a powerful pile o’ knowledge That you never get at college, There are heaps of things you never learn at school,’”
go by (従う) [動] be guided by
rule (決まり) [名] a statement that tells you what you are allowed or not allowed to do

 quoted Stella.

 “Have you learned anything at Redmond except dead languages and geometry and such trash?”
dead language (死語) [名] a language that is no longer spoken
geometry (幾何学) [名] a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogues
queried Aunt Jamesina.

 “Oh, yes. I think we have, Aunty,” protested Anne.

 “We’ve learned the truth of what Professor Woodleigh told us last Philomathic,” said Phil.
Philomathic (フィロマティック) [名] a person who loves learning
“He said, ‘Humor is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence.
feast (宴) [名] a large meal, typically a formal one, for many people
Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them, joke over your troubles but gather strength from them, make a jest of your difficulties but overcome them.’
joke (笑い飛ばす) [動] to make fun of
gather (得る) [動] to come together
make a jest of (笑い飛ばす) [動] to make fun of
difficulty (困難) [名] a thing that is hard to do or understand
overcome (乗り越える) [動] to successfully deal with or gain control over (a problem or difficulty)
Isn’t that worth learning, Aunt Jimsie?”
learning (学ぶ) [動] gain knowledge or skills

 “Yes, it is, dearie.
dearie (愛しい人) [名] a term of endearment
When you’ve learned to laugh at the things that should be laughed at, and not to laugh at those that shouldn’t, you’ve got wisdom and understanding.”
understanding (理解) [名] the ability to understand something

 “What have you got out of your Redmond course, Anne?” murmured Priscilla aside.
get out of (得る) [動] receive as a result of some effort or action
course (授業) [名] a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject

 “I think,” said Anne slowly, “that I really have learned to look upon each little hindrance as a jest and each great one as the foreshadowing of victory.
foreshadowing (前兆) [名] a warning or indication of a future event
Summing up, I think that is what Redmond has given me.”
sum up (要約する) [動] give the main points of

 “I shall have to fall back on another Professor Woodleigh quotation to express what it has done for me,” said Priscilla.
fall back on (頼る) [動] have recourse to
do for (してくれる) [動] be of benefit to
“You remember that he said in his address, ‘There is so much in the world for us all if we only have the eyes to see it, and the heart to love it, and the hand to gather it to ourselves—so much in men and women, so much in art and literature, so much everywhere in which to delight, and for which to be thankful.’
art (芸術) [名] the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination
I think Redmond has taught me that in some measure, Anne.”
measure (程度) [名] the extent, size, or amount of something

 “Judging from what you all, say” remarked Aunt Jamesina, “the sum and substance is that you can learn—if you’ve got natural gumption enough—in four years at college what it would take about twenty years of living to teach you.
judge (判断する) [動] form an opinion or conclusion about
what you all, say (あなたたちみんなが言っていること) [名] the things that you all say
sum and substance (要約) [名] the most important aspects of something
natural gumption (生来の才覚) [名] a natural ability to do something
Well, that justifies higher education in my opinion.
justify (正当化する) [動] show or prove to be right or reasonable
It’s a matter I was always dubious about before.”
before (以前) [副] at a time in the past

 “But what about people who haven’t natural gumption, Aunt Jimsie?”
natural (生来の) [形] existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind
gumption (才覚) [名] shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness

 “People who haven’t natural gumption never learn,” retorted Aunt Jamesina, “neither in college nor life.
If they live to be a hundred they really don’t know anything more than when they were born.
It’s their misfortune not their fault, poor souls.
But those of us who have some gumption should duly thank the Lord for it.”
duly (きちんと) [副] in a proper or appropriate manner

 “Will you please define what gumption is, Aunt Jimsie?”
define (定義する) [動] state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of
asked Phil.

 “No, I won’t, young woman.
young woman (お嬢さん) [名] a young woman
Any one who has gumption knows what it is, and any one who hasn’t can never know what it is.
So there is no need of defining it.”
there is no need of (する必要はない) [動] not have to

 The busy days flew by and examinations were over.
Anne took High Honors in English.
High Honors (優等賞) [名] a special distinction for outstanding academic performance
Priscilla took Honors in Classics, and Phil in Mathematics.
take Honors (優等賞を取る) [動] receive a distinction or award
Classics (古典) [名] the study of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome
Stella obtained a good all-round showing.
obtain (収める) [動] get, acquire, or achieve
all-round (総合的な) [形] having many different skills or abilities
showing (成績) [名] an act of presenting something to view
Then came Convocation.

 “This is what I would once have called an epoch in my life,” said Anne, as she took Roy’s violets out of their box and gazed at them thoughtfully.
epoch (転機) [名] a period of time in which events occur
She meant to carry them, of course, but her eyes wandered to another box on her table.
carry (身に着ける) [動] have or hold as a possession
It was filled with lilies-of-the-valley, as fresh and fragrant as those which bloomed in the Green Gables yard when June came to Avonlea.
be filled with (いっぱいである) [動] be full of
fragrant (香り高い) [形] having a pleasant smell
Gilbert Blythe’s card lay beside it.

 Anne wondered why Gilbert should have sent her flowers for Convocation.
convocation (入学式) [名] an assembly of people formally convoked
She had seen very little of him during the past winter.
very little (ほとんど~ない) [副] not very much; not at all
past winter (去年の冬) [名] the winter of the previous year
He had come to Patty’s Place only one Friday evening since the Christmas holidays, and they rarely met elsewhere.
Friday evening (金曜日の夕方) [名] the evening of Friday
only once (一度だけ) [副] on one occasion only
She knew he was studying very hard, aiming at High Honors and the Cooper Prize, and he took little part in the social doings of Redmond.
aim (目指す) [動] direct or point at a target
Cooper Prize (クーパー賞) [名] a prize awarded to the best student in a particular subject
take part in (参加する) [動] be involved in
doings (行事) [名] an event or activity
Anne’s own winter had been quite gay socially.
socially (社交的に) [副] in a social manner
She had seen a good deal of the Gardners; she and Dorothy were very intimate;
see a good deal of (よく会う) [動] meet often
Gardners (ガードナー家) [名] the Gardner family
college circles expected the announcement of her engagement to Roy any day.
college circle (大学関係者) [名] people who are involved in a college
Anne expected it herself.
Yet just before she left Patty’s Place for Convocation she flung Roy’s violets aside and put Gilbert’s lilies-of-the-valley in their place.
in their place (その場所に) [副] in the place that something else was in
She could not have told why she did it.
could not have (できなかった) [助] be unable to do something
Somehow, old Avonlea days and dreams and friendships seemed very close to her in this attainment of her long-cherished ambitions.
attainment (達成) [名] the action or fact of achieving a goal
long-cherished (長く抱いていた) [形] held dear for a long time
She and Gilbert had once picturedout merrily the day on which they should be capped and gowned graduates in Arts.
picture out (思い描く) [動] to form a mental image of
merrily (陽気に) [副] in a cheerful manner
The wonderful day had come and Roy’s violets had no place in it.
Only her old friend’s flowers seemed to belong to this fruition of old-blossoming hopes which he had once shared.
old-blossoming hope (古い花開く希望) [名] a hope that has been around for a long time
fruition (結実) [名] the point at which something comes to a successful conclusion

 For years this day had beckoned and allured to her;
for years (何年もの間) [副] for a long time
beckon (招く) [動] to make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to call someone or to indicate that they should come closer
but when it came the one single, keen, abiding memory it left with her was not that of the breathless moment when the stately president of Redmond gave her cap and diploma and hailed her B.A.;
keen (鋭い) [形] having a sharp edge or point
breathless (息もつかせない) [形] out of breath
president (学長) [名] the head of a college or university
diploma (卒業証書) [名] a document issued by an educational institution certifying that a particular person has earned a degree or completed a course of study
B.A. (文学士) [名] a bachelor's degree in arts or letters
it was not of the flash in Gilbert’s eyes when he saw her lilies, nor the puzzled pained glance Roy gave her as he passed her on the platform.
flash (輝き) [名] a sudden brief burst of light or heat
platform (壇上) [名] a raised level surface on which people or things can stand
It was not of Aline Gardner’s condescending congratulations, or Dorothy’s ardent, impulsive good wishes.
congratulations (祝福) [名] an expression of praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion
ardent (熱烈な) [形] very enthusiastic or passionate
impulsive (衝動的な) [形] acting or done without forethought or planning
It was of one strange, unaccountable pang that spoiled this long-expected day for her and left in it a certain faint but enduring flavor of bitterness.
unaccountable (不可解な) [形] hard to explain or understand
long-expected (長く待ち望んだ) [形] anticipated or expected for a long time
enduring (永続的な) [形] lasting a long time

 The Arts graduates gave a graduation dance that night.
Arts (芸術学部) [名] the study of the humanities
When Anne dressed for it she tossed aside the pearl beads she usually wore and took from her trunk the small box that had come to Green Gables on Christmas day.
toss aside (放り出す) [動] throw or fling away
pearl bead (真珠の首飾り) [名] a bead made of nacre
Christmas day (クリスマスの日) [名] an annual festival, originally Christian, celebrating the birth of Jesus and now also a secular family holiday
small box (小さな箱) [名] a small container with a lid
In it was a thread-like gold chain with a tiny pink enamel heart as a pendant.
in it (その中に) [副] inside it
thread-like (糸のような) [形] resembling a thread
gold chain (金の鎖) [名] a chain made of gold
enamel (エナメル) [名] a glassy substance used to coat the surface of metal, glass, or pottery
heart (ハート) [名] a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the body
pendant (ペンダント) [名] a piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain worn around the neck
On the accompanying card was written, “With all good wishes from your old chum, Gilbert.”
accompanying (添えられた) [形] going with or following as a companion
Anne, laughing over the memory the enamel heart conjured up the fatal day when Gilbert had called her “Carrots” and vainly tried to make his peace with a pink candy heart, had written him a nice little note of thanks.
enamel heart (エナメルのハート) [名] a heart-shaped piece of jewelry made of enamel
conjure up (思い出させる) [動] bring to mind; cause to be remembered
fatal day (運命の日) [名] a day on which something important or disastrous happens
Carrots (にんじん) [名] a root vegetable
vainly (無駄に) [副] without success or result
make peace (仲直りする) [動] to end a conflict or disagreement
nice little note (素敵な手紙) [名] a short, pleasant letter
thanks (感謝) [名] gratitude; appreciation
But she had never worn the trinket.
Tonight she fastened it about her white throat with a dreamy smile.

 She and Phil walked to Redmond together.
Anne walked in silence;
Phil chattered of many things.
Suddenly she said,

 “I heard today that Gilbert Blythe’s engagement to Christine Stuart was to be announced as soon as Convocation was over.
Did you hear anything of it?”

 “No,” said Anne.

 “I think it’s true,” said Phil lightly.

 Anne did not speak.
In the darkness she felt her face burning.
She slipped her hand inside her collar and caught at the gold chain.
collar (襟) [名] the part of a garment that fits around the neck
One energetic twist and it gave way.
energetic (力強い) [形] having or showing great energy or force
Anne thrust the broken trinket into her pocket.
thrust (押し込む) [動] push or drive with force
broken (壊れた) [形] damaged or altered by breaking
trinket (装身具) [名] a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value
Her hands were trembling and her eyes were smarting.
tremble (震える) [動] shake or shiver
smart (痛む) [動] cause a sharp, stinging pain

 But she was the gayest of all the gay revellers that night, and told Gilbert unregretfully that her card was full when he came to ask her for a dance.
reveller (飲み騒ぐ人) [名] a person who is having a lot of fun
unregretfully (後悔することなく) [副] without regret
Afterwards, when she sat with the girls before the dying embers at Patty’s Place, removing the spring chilliness from their satin skins, none chatted more blithely than she of the day’s events.
afterwards (その後) [副] later; after that
ember (残り火) [名] a small piece of burning or glowing wood or coal in a dying fire
chilliness (肌寒さ) [名] a slightly cold feeling
skin (肌) [名] the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal
blithely (陽気に) [副] in a cheerful, carefree manner
event (出来事) [名] something that happens or takes place

 “Moody Spurgeon MacPherson called here tonight after you left,” said Aunt Jamesina, who had sat up to keep the fire on.
sit up (起きる) [動] rise from a lying or sitting position
“He didn’t know about the graduation dance.
That boy ought to sleep with a rubber band around his head to train his ears not to stick out.
stick out (はみ出す) [動] project beyond the main body or surface
I had a beau once who did that and it improved him immensely.
do that (そうする) [動] do the same thing
It was I who suggested it to him and he took my advice, but he never forgave me for it.”
take (聞き入れる) [動] accept or follow
advice (忠告) [名] guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action

 “Moody Spurgeon is a very serious young man,” yawned Priscilla.
“He is concerned with graver matters than his ears.
be concerned with (関心がある) [動] be interested in or worried about
He is going to be a minister, you know.”

 “Well, I suppose the Lord doesn’t regard the ears of a man,” said Aunt Jamesina gravely, dropping all further criticism of Moody Spurgeon.
regard (気にする) [動] think carefully about
drop (やめる) [動] stop doing something
Aunt Jamesina had a proper respect for the cloth even in the case of an unfledged parson.
have a proper respect for (相応の敬意を払う) [動] to have a proper respect for something
even in the case of (であっても) [接] even if
unfledged parson (未熟な牧師) [名] a person who is not yet fully qualified as a minister of religion