Chapter XXXVI: The Gardners’Call
第36章: ガードナー家の訪問

 “Here is a letter with an Indian stamp for you, Aunt Jimsie,” said Phil.
Indian (インドの) [形] of or relating to India or its people or culture
stamp (切手) [名] a small adhesive piece of paper of specified value issued by a post office, to be affixed to a letter or parcel to indicate the amount of postage paid
“Here are three for Stella, and two for Pris, and a glorious fat one for me from Jo.
There’s nothing for you, Anne, except a circular.”
circular (回覧板) [名] a letter or notice sent to a large number of people

 Nobody noticed Anne’s flush as she took the thin letter Phil tossed her carelessly.
flush (顔を赤らめる) [動] blush
But a few minutes later Phil looked up to see a transfigured Anne.
a few minutes later (数分後) [名] a short period of time after the present moment
transfigure (輝く) [動] change in form or appearance

 “Honey, what good thing has happened?”

 “The Youth’s Friend has accepted a little sketch I sent them a fortnight ago,” said Anne, trying hard to speak as if she were accustomed to having sketches accepted every mail, but not quite succeeding.
The Youth's Friend (ユース・フレンド) [名] a magazine
a fortnight ago (二週間前) [名] two weeks ago
every mail (毎回) [名] each time

 “Anne Shirley! How glorious! What was it?
「アン・シャーリー! なんて素晴らしいの! 何だったんだ?
When is it to be published?
Did they pay you for it?”
for (に対して) [前] in exchange for; in return for

 “Yes; they’ve sent a check for ten dollars, and the editor writes that he would like to see more of my work.
ten dollars (10ドル) [名] an amount of money
Dear man, he shall.
shall (そうするでしょう) [助] expressing a strong intention or determination
It was an old sketch I found in my box.
I re-wrote it and sent it in—but I never really thought it could be accepted because it had no plot,” said Anne, recalling the bitter experience of Averil’s Atonement.
re-write (書き直す) [動] write again
send in (送る) [動] cause to go or be taken to a destination; arrange for the delivery of
bitter experience (苦い経験) [名] an unpleasant event that one has lived through
Averil's Atonement (アヴェリルの贖罪) [名] a story written by Anne Shirley

 “What are you going to do with that ten dollars, Anne?
do with (するつもり) [動] have to do with; be connected with
Let’s all go up town and get drunk,” suggested Phil.
town (街) [名] a human settlement larger than a village
get drunk (酔っぱらう) [動] become intoxicated with alcohol

 “I am going to squander it in a wild soulless revel of some sort,” declared Anne gaily.
soulless (魂のない) [形] lacking inspiration or excitement
revel (酒宴) [名] a wild party
“At all events it isn’t tainted money—like the check I got for that horrible Reliable Baking Powder story.
tainted (汚れた) [形] contaminated or polluted
I spent it usefully for clothes and hated them every time I put them on.”
usefully (有効に) [副] in a way that is effective or helpful

 “Think of having a real live author at Patty’s Place,” said Priscilla.
live (生きている) [形] not dead
author (作家) [名] a person who writes books

 “It’s a great responsibility,” said Aunt Jamesina solemnly.

 “Indeed it is,” agreed Pris with equal solemnity.
equal (同じように) [形] the same in quantity, size, value, or status
“Authors are kittle cattle.
cattle (家畜) [名] cows, bulls, or oxen
You never know when or how they will break out.
Anne may make copy of us.”
make copy of (真似する) [動] imitate or copy
may (かもしれない) [助] expressing possibility

 “I meant that the ability to write for the Press was a great responsibility,” said Aunt Jamesina severely, “and I hope Anne realizes, it.
ability (能力) [名] the power or capacity to perform or achieve
Press (新聞) [名] newspapers and magazines considered collectively
realize (自覚する) [動] be fully aware of (something as a fact)
My daughter used to write stories before she went to the foreign field, but now she has turned her attention to higher things.
foreign (外国の) [形] of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own
She used to say her motto was ‘Never write a line you would be ashamed to read at your own funeral.’
You’d better take that for yours, Anne, if you are going to embark in literature.
take that for yours (それをモットーにする) [動] adopt something as your own
embark (進む) [動] begin a journey
Though, to be sure,” added Aunt Jamesina perplexedly, “Elizabeth always used to laugh when she said it.
perplexedly (困惑したように) [副] in a confused or bewildered manner
She always laughed so much that I don’t know how she ever came to decide on being a missionary.
decide on (決める) [動] reach a decision about
missionary (宣教師) [名] a person who is sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to a foreign country
I’m thankful she did—I prayed that she might—but—I wish she hadn’t.”

 Then Aunt Jamesina wondered why those giddy girls all laughed.
giddy (軽薄な) [形] lacking seriousness or maturity

 Anne’s eyes shone all that day;
literary ambitions sprouted and budded in her brain;
bud (蕾をつける) [動] begin to grow
their exhilaration accompanied her to Jennie Cooper’s walking party, and not even the sight of Gilbert and Christine, walking just ahead of her and Roy, could quite subdue the sparkle of her starry hopes.
accompany (続く) [動] go with someone or something
Jennie Cooper (ジェニー・クーパー) [名] a character in the story
walking party (ウォーキング・パーティー) [名] a social gathering at which people walk around and talk to each other
subdue (抑える) [動] bring under control or subdue
Nevertheless, she was not so rapt from things of earth as to be unable to notice that Christine’s walk was decidedly ungraceful.
rapt (夢中になる) [形] carried away with emotion
be unable to (できない) [動] not have the ability, power, or skill to do something
walk (歩き方) [名] the manner in which someone walks
ungraceful (優雅でない) [形] lacking grace or elegance

 “But I suppose Gilbert looks only at her face.
So like a man,” thought Anne scornfully.

 “Shall you be home Saturday afternoon?” asked Roy.


 “My mother and sisters are coming to call on you,” said Roy quietly.
call on (訪ねる) [動] pay a visit to

 Something went over Anne which might be described as a thrill, but it was hardly a pleasant one.
go over (走り抜ける) [動] move or travel across
hardly (決して~ない) [副] not at all; almost not
She had never met any of Roy’s family;
she realized the significance of his statement;
statement (言葉) [名] a declaration or remark
and it had, somehow, an irrevocableness about it that chilled her.
irrevocableness (取り返しのつかなさ) [名] the quality of being unable to be changed or reversed
chill (ぞっとさせる) [動] to make cold or colder

 “I shall be glad to see them,” she said flatly;
flatly (平坦に) [副] in a flat manner
and then wondered if she really would be glad.
be glad (楽しみである) [動] be happy or pleased about something
She ought to be, of course.
But would it not be something of an ordeal?
Gossip had filtered to Anne regarding the light in which the Gardners viewed the “infatuation” of son and brother.
filter (届く) [動] pass gradually through or as if through a filter
light (見方) [名] the way in which something is regarded
view (見ている) [動] look at or inspect
infatuation (熱愛) [名] an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something
Roy must have brought pressure to bear in the matter of this call.
bring pressure to bear (圧力をかけた) [動] to use one's influence to persuade or force someone to do something
matter (訪問) [名] a situation or event that is being dealt with or considered
Anne knew she would be weighed in the balance.
weigh (かける) [動] measure the weight of
balance (天秤) [名] an instrument for weighing, typically a beam with a central pivot and two pans of equal weight suspended from each end
From the fact that they had consented to call she understood that, willingly or unwillingly, they regarded her as a possible member of their clan.
willingly (喜んで) [副] of your own free will
unwillingly (不本意に) [副] in a reluctant manner
possible (可能性のある) [形] that may happen or be true
clan (一族) [名] a group of people with a common ancestor

 “I shall just be myself.
be (する) [動] exist; be present
I shall not try to make a good impression,” thought Anne loftily.
make a good impression (良い印象を与える) [動] make someone like you
But she was wondering what dress she would better wear Saturday afternoon, and if the new style of high hair-dressing would suit her better than the old;
and the walking party was rather spoiled for her.
walking party (散歩会) [名] a group of people who go for a walk together
spoiled (台無し) [形] ruined or damaged
By night she had decided that she would wear her brown chiffon on Saturday, but would do her hair low.
by night (夜になるまでに) [副] during the night
low (低く) [副] not high or tall

 Friday afternoon none of the girls had classes at Redmond.
Stella took the opportunity to write a paper for the Philomathic Society, and was sitting at the table in the corner of the living-room with an untidy litter of notes and manuscript on the floor around her.
take the opportunity (機会をとらえる) [動] make use of a favorable situation
write a paper (論文を書く) [動] produce a scholarly article
Philomathic Society (哲学協会) [名] a society for the promotion of learning
sit at the table (テーブルに座る) [動] be seated at a table
corner of the living-room (居間の隅) [名] the area of a room where two walls meet
untidy litter (散らかる) [名] a disorderly accumulation of things
note (メモ) [名] a short written record of something
Stella always vowed she never could write anything unless she threw each sheet down as she completed it.
unless (~しない限り) [接] except if; only if
threw (投げる) [動] propel or cause to move in a specified way with a rapid, energetic, or violent movement of the arm and hand
as (書き終えた) [接] at the same time that; while
completed (書き終える) [動] finish making or doing
Anne, in her flannel blouse and serge skirt, with her hair rather blown from her windy walk home, was sitting squarely in the middle of the floor, teasing the Sarah-cat with a wishbone.
flannel blouse (フランネルのブラウス) [名] a shirt made of flannel
serge skirt (サージのスカート) [名] a skirt made of serge
blown (乱れる) [動] to be moved by the wind
squarely (どっかり) [副] in a direct or straightforward manner
wishbone (叉骨) [名] a forked bone between the neck and breast of a bird
Joseph and Rusty were both curled up in her lap.
A warm plummy odor filled the whole house, for Priscilla was cooking in the kitchen.
plummy (プラムの) [形] having the flavor or aroma of plums
Presently she came in, enshrouded in a huge work-apron, with a smudge of flour on her nose, to show Aunt Jamesina the chocolate cake she had just iced.
enshroud (まとい) [動] cover or envelop completely
work-apron (作業用エプロン) [名] an apron worn to protect one's clothes while working
flour (小麦粉) [名] a powder made by grinding grain, especially wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry
ice (アイシングする) [動] cover with icing

 At this auspicious moment the knocker sounded.
auspicious (縁起の良い) [形] conducive to success; favorable
Nobody paid any attention to it save Phil, who sprang up and opened it, expecting a boy with the hat she had bought that morning.
pay attention to (注意を払う) [動] take notice of
On the doorstep stood Mrs. Gardner and her daughters.
on the doorstep (玄関先に) [副] very close
Mrs. Gardner (ガードナー夫人) [名] a woman who is married

 Anne scrambled to her feet somehow, emptying two indignant cats out of her lap as she did so, and mechanically shifting her wishbone from her right hand to her left.
scramble to one's feet (立ち上がる) [動] get up quickly and with difficulty
empty (下ろす) [動] remove the contents of
mechanically (機械的に) [副] in a mechanical manner
shift (移す) [動] move from one place to another
right hand (右手) [名] the hand that is on the right side of the body
left hand (左手) [名] the hand that is on the left side of the body
Priscilla, who would have had to cross the room to reach the kitchen door, lost her head, wildly plunged the chocolate cake under a cushion on the inglenook sofa, and dashed upstairs.
lose one's head (頭が真っ白になる) [動] become flustered or confused
plunge (押し込む) [動] thrust or force suddenly or violently
dash (駆け上がる) [動] move or travel quickly
Stella began feverishly gathering up her manuscript.
feverishly (熱狂的に) [副] in a feverish manner
Only Aunt Jamesina and Phil remained normal.
Thanks to them, everybody was soon sitting at ease, even Anne.
thanks to (おかげで) [前] because of
Priscilla came down, apronless and smudgeless, Stella reduced her corner to decency, and Phil saved the situation by a stream of ready small talk.
smudge (汚れ) [名] a dirty mark
reduce (整える) [動] make or become smaller or less
decency (きちんと) [名] the quality or state of being decent
save (救う) [動] prevent from being lost, wasted, or destroyed
situation (場) [名] a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself
stream (流れ) [名] a continuous flow of something
small talk (世間話) [名] polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions

 Mrs. Gardner was tall and thin and handsome, exquisitely gowned, cordial with a cordiality that seemed a trifle forced.
exquisitely (優雅に) [副] in a way that is extremely beautiful or delicate
cordiality (愛想のよさ) [名] the quality of being warm and friendly
forced (無理をしている) [形] done or produced with effort
Aline Gardner was a younger edition of her mother, lacking the cordiality.
Aline Gardner (アリーン・ガードナー) [名] a character in the story
younger edition (若い版) [名] a person who is similar to an older person
She endeavored to be nice, but succeeded only in being haughty and patronizing.
endeavor (努力する) [動] try hard to do or achieve something
succeed (しかできなかった) [動] achieve a desired aim or result
haughty (横柄) [形] arrogantly superior and disdainful
patronizing (恩着せがましい) [形] treating in a condescending manner
Dorothy Gardner was slim and jolly and rather tomboyish.
Dorothy Gardner (ドロシー・ガードナー) [名] a character in the story
slim (ほっそりとした) [形] of small girth or thickness
tomboyish (おてんばな) [形] of or like a girl who behaves in a manner usually considered boyish
Anne knew she was Roy’s favorite sister and warmed to her.
favorite (お気に入り) [形] preferred before all others
warm to (親しみを感じる) [動] become more friendly or affectionate toward
She would have looked very much like Roy if she had had dreamy dark eyes instead of roguish hazel ones.
dreamy (夢見るような) [形] given to dreaming or fantasy
roguish (いたずらっぽい) [形] playfully mischievous
Thanks to her and Phil, the call really went off very well, except for a slight sense of strain in the atmosphere and two rather untoward incidents.
go off (うまくいく) [動] happen or take place
strain (緊張感) [名] a state of mental or emotional tension
Rusty and Joseph, left to themselves, began a game of chase, and sprang madly into Mrs. Gardner’s silken lap and out of it in their wild career.
leave to oneself (放っておく) [動] not to interfere with
chase (追いかけっこ) [名] a game in which one or more players try to catch other players
spring (飛び込む) [動] move or jump suddenly and rapidly
silken (絹のような) [形] made of silk
out of (飛び出す) [前] from inside to outside of
career (勢い) [名] a person's progress or general course of action through life
Mrs. Gardner lifted her lorgnette and gazed after their flying forms as if she had never seen cats before, and Anne, choking back slightly nervous laughter, apologized as best she could.
lorgnette (ロルネット) [名] a pair of eyeglasses with a handle
slightly (少し) [副] to a small extent
nervous (神経質な) [形] easily agitated or anxious
apologize (謝罪する) [動] express regret for a mistake

 “You are fond of cats?” said Mrs. Gardner, with a slight intonation of tolerant wonder.
be fond of (~が好きである) [動] to like something or someone a lot
slight (少しの) [形] small in degree; inconsiderable
intonation (イントネーション) [名] the rise and fall of the voice in speech
wonder (驚き) [名] a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration

 Anne, despite her affection for Rusty, was not especially fond of cats, but Mrs. Gardner’s tone annoyed her.
annoy (イライラさせる) [動] to disturb or irritate
Inconsequently she remembered that Mrs. John Blythe was so fond of cats that she kept as many as her husband would allow.
Mrs. John Blythe (ジョン・ブライス夫人) [名] the wife of John Blythe
as many as (何匹も) [副] the greatest number or amount possible

 “They are adorable animals, aren’t they?” she said wickedly.
wickedly (意地悪く) [副] in a wicked manner

 “I have never liked cats,” said Mrs. Gardner remotely.
remotely (よそよそしく) [副] from a distance; not closely

 “I love them,” said Dorothy.
Dorothy (ドロシー) [名] a female given name
“They are so nice and selfish.
Dogs are too good and unselfish.
unselfish (利己的でない) [形] concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own
They make me feel uncomfortable.
But cats are gloriously human.”
gloriously (見事なまでに) [副] in a glorious manner

 “You have two delightful old china dogs there.
May I look at them closely?” said Aline, crossing the room towards the fireplace and thereby becoming the unconscious cause of the other accident.
fireplace (暖炉) [名] a structure or appliance that is made or used for burning fuel for heating or cooking
cause (原因) [名] a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition
Picking up Magog, she sat down on the cushion under which was secreted Priscilla’s chocolate cake.
pick up (抱き上げる) [動] lift up
Priscilla and Anne exchanged agonized glances but could do nothing.
agonize (苦悶する) [動] suffer great pain
glance (視線) [名] a brief or hurried look
do nothing (何もできない) [動] be unable to do anything
The stately Aline continued to sit on the cushion and discuss china dogs until the time of departure.

 Dorothy lingered behind a moment to squeeze Anne’s hand and whisper impulsively.

 “I know you and I are going to be chums.
Oh, Roy has told me all about you.
I’m the only one of the family he tells things to, poor boy—nobody could confide in mamma and Aline, you know.
confide (打ち明ける) [動] tell someone about a secret or private matter
What glorious times you girls must have here!
Won’t you let me come often and have a share in them?”
have a share in (共有する) [動] have a portion of something

 “Come as often as you like,” Anne responded heartily, thankful that one of Roy’s sisters was likable.
as often as (好きなだけ) [副] as frequently as
likable (好きになれたこと) [形] having qualities that make one liked
She would never like Aline, so much was certain;
would never (決してないだろう) [助] will not ever
so much (それは確かだった) [副] to a great extent or degree
and Aline would never like her, though Mrs. Gardner might be won.
Aline (アリン) [名] a female given name
Altogether, Anne sighed with relief when the ordeal was over.
altogether (すっかり) [副] completely

 “‘Of all sad words of tongue or pen The saddest are it might have been,’”

 quoted Priscilla tragically, lifting the cushion.
“This cake is now what you might call a flat failure.
And the cushion is likewise ruined.
likewise (同様に) [副] in a similar manner
ruin (台無しにする) [動] damage something beyond repair
Never tell me that Friday isn’t unlucky.”
unlucky (不吉な) [形] having or bringing bad luck

 “People who send word they are coming on Saturday shouldn’t come on Friday,” said Aunt Jamesina.

 “I fancy it was Roy’s mistake,” said Phil.
fancy (思う) [動] to like or be fond of
“That boy isn’t really responsible for what he says when he talks to Anne. Where is Anne?”
be responsible for (責任を負う) [動] be in charge of or have control over

 Anne had gone upstairs.
go upstairs (二階に上がる) [動] go to a higher floor of a building
She felt oddly like crying.
But she made herself laugh instead.
make oneself (~する) [動] force oneself to do something
Rusty and Joseph had been too awful!
be too awful (ひどすぎる) [動] be very bad
And Dorothy was a dear.