Chapter XXX: Mrs. Skinner’s Romance
Skinner (スキナー) [名] a surname
第30章: スキナー夫人の恋

 Anne stepped off the train at Valley Road station and looked about to see if any one had come to meet her.
step off (降りる) [動] get off
come to meet (迎えに来る) [動] come to a place where someone is in order to meet them
She was to board with a certain Miss Janet Sweet, but she saw no one who answered in the least to her preconception of that lady, as formed from Esther’s letter.
Janet Sweet (ジャネット・スウィート) [名] a woman's name
preconception (先入観) [名] a preconceived idea or opinion
The only person in sight was an elderly woman, sitting in a wagon with mail bags piled around her.
wagon (荷馬車) [名] a vehicle with four wheels that is pulled by a horse
mail bag (郵便袋) [名] a bag used to carry mail
pile (積み上げる) [動] heap up or arrange in a pile
Two hundred would have been a charitable guess at her weight;
have been (だった) [助] be in the past
charitable (控えめな) [形] generous in giving money, time, help, etc., especially to people in need
her face was as round and red as a harvest-moon and almost as featureless.
harvest-moon (満月) [名] the full moon that occurs nearest to the autumnal equinox
featureless (特徴がない) [形] lacking interesting or attractive features
She wore a tight, black, cashmere dress, made in the fashion of ten years ago, a little dusty black straw hat trimmed with bows of yellow ribbon, and faded black lace mits.
tight (きつい) [形] fitting closely
cashmere (カシミア) [名] a fine soft wool
ten years ago (10年前) [名] a decade ago
straw hat (麦わら帽子) [名] a hat made from straw
mit (手袋) [名] a glove

 “Here, you,” she called, waving her whip at Anne.
here (おい) [間] used to attract attention
call (呼びかける) [動] cry out to attract attention
wave (振る) [動] move one's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal
whip (鞭) [名] a strip of leather or a similar material used for striking a person or an animal
“Are you the new Valley Road schoolma’am?”
schoolma'am (学校の先生) [名] a female teacher


 “Well, I thought so.
well (そうね) [副] used to express surprise, hesitation, or to introduce a remark
Valley Road is noted for its good-looking schoolma’ams, just as Millersville is noted for its humly ones.
be noted for (で有名である) [動] be well known for
good-looking (美人の) [形] attractive
Millersville (ミラーズビル) [名] a fictional town in the story
humly (醜い) [形] unpleasant to look at
Janet Sweet asked me this morning if I could bring you out.
I said, ‘Sartin I kin, if she don’t mind being scrunched up some.
I said (私は言った) [動] I said
Sartin I kin (もちろんできますよ) [動] I can
if she don't mind (彼女が気にしなければ) [動] if she doesn't mind
being scrunched up (押し込められる) [動] to be squeezed or crushed
This rig of mine’s kinder small for the mail bags and I’m some heftier than Thomas!’
rig (馬車) [名] a vehicle with wheels that is pulled by a horse
Just wait, miss, till I shift these bags a bit and I’ll tuck you in somehow.
shift (動かす) [動] move or cause to move from one place to another
tuck (押し込む) [動] push or fold the edges or ends of something firmly or neatly in or under something else
It’s only two miles to Janet’s.
Janet (ジャネット) [名] a female given name
Her next-door neighbor’s hired boy is coming for your trunk tonight.
next-door neighbor (隣人) [名] a person who lives next door
come for (運びに来る) [動] come to get or fetch
My name is Skinner—Amelia Skinner.”

 Anne was eventually tucked in, exchanging amused smiles with herself during the process.

 “Jog along, black mare,” commanded Mrs. Skinner, gathering up the reins in her pudgy hands.
jog along (走れ) [動] move at a steady and gentle pace
black mare (黒い雌馬) [名] a female horse that is black in color
command (命令する) [動] give an authoritative order
gather up (握りしめる) [動] collect or bring together
rein (手綱) [名] a long, narrow strap of leather or other material used to control a horse
pudgy (ずんぐりした) [形] short and fat
“This is my first trip on the mail rowte.
trip (旅) [名] a journey, especially a short one
rowte (配達) [名] the delivery of letters and packages
Thomas wanted to hoe his turnips today so he asked me to come.
hoe (鍬で耕す) [動] dig, cultivate, or weed with a hoe
turnip (カブ) [名] a round root vegetable with a white or cream-colored skin and white flesh
So I jest sot down and took a standing-up snack and started.
jest (ただ) [副] only; simply
sot down (座る) [動] sit down
standing-up snack (立ったままの軽食) [名] a snack that is eaten while standing
start (出発する) [動] set out on a journey
I sorter like it.
sorter (選別する) [名] a person who sorts
O’ course it’s rather tejus.
O' course (むろん) [副] of course
tejus (テジュス) [名] a type of lizard
Part of the time I sits and thinks and the rest I jest sits.
part of the time (時間の一部) [名] a portion of the time
Jog along, black mare.
jog (走る) [動] run slowly and steadily as part of exercise
along (走れ) [副] in a forward direction
mare (雌馬) [名] an adult female horse
I want to git home airly.
git (帰る) [動] go back to a place
airly (早く) [副] before the usual or expected time
Thomas is terrible lonesome when I’m away.
lonesome (寂しがる) [形] sad from being alone
You see, we haven’t been married very long.”
very long (あまり経っていない) [副] for a long time

 “Oh!” said Anne politely.
politely (丁寧に) [副] in a way that is socially correct and shows respect for other people

 “Just a month. Thomas courted me for quite a spell, though.
just (たった) [副] only; merely
It was real romantic.”
Anne tried to picture Mrs. Skinner on speaking terms with romance and failed.
term (言葉) [名] a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept

 “Oh?” she said again.

 “Yes. Y’see, there was another man after me.
there was (いたのよ) [動] exist or be present
Jog along, black mare.
I’d been a widder so long folks had given up expecting me to marry again.
a long time (長い間) [名] a lengthy period of time
But when my darter—she’s a schoolma’am like you—went out West to teach I felt real lonesome and wasn’t nowise sot against the idea.
wasn't nowise sot against (反対する気は全くなかった) [動] be against something; be opposed to something
Bime-by Thomas began to come up and so did the other feller—William Obadiah Seaman, his name was.
feller (男) [名] a man
William Obadiah Seaman (ウィリアム・オバディア・シーマン) [名] a man's name
For a long time I couldn’t make up my mind which of them to take, and they kep’ coming and coming, and I kep’ worrying.
for a long time (長い間) [副] for a long period of time
Y’see, W.O. was rich—he had a fine place and carried considerable style.
considerable (かなりの) [形] large in amount or extent
style (おしゃれ) [名] a manner of doing something
He was by far the best match.
by far (断然) [副] to a great extent; by a great deal
Jog along, black mare.”
jog along (ゆっくり行く) [動] move at a slow, steady pace

 “Why didn’t you marry him?” asked Anne.

 “Well, y’see, he didn’t love me,” answered Mrs. Skinner, solemnly.

 Anne opened her eyes widely and looked at Mrs. Skinner.
But there was not a glint of humor on that lady’s face.
glint (きらめき) [名] a small flash of light
Evidently Mrs. Skinner saw nothing amusing in her own case.
Mrs. Skinner (スキナー夫人) [名] a woman who is married to Mr. Skinner

 “He’d been a widder-man for three yers, and his sister kept house for him.
widder-man (やもめ男) [名] a man whose wife has died
three yers (3年間) [名] a period of three years
Then she got married and he just wanted some one to look after his house.
It was worth looking after, too, mind you that.
be worth (価値がある) [動] be worthy of
mind (覚えておく) [動] be careful not to forget
It’s a handsome house.
Jog along, black mare.
As for Thomas, he was poor, and if his house didn’t leak in dry weather it was about all that could be said for it, though it looks kind of pictureaskew.
leak (雨漏り) [名] a hole or crack that allows water or other liquid to pass through
dry weather (乾燥した天候) [名] weather that is not wet
But, y’see, I loved Thomas, and I didn’t care one red cent for W.O.
So I argued it out with myself.
‘Sarah Crowe,’ say I—my first was a Crowe—‘you can marry your rich man if you like but you won’t be happy.
Sarah Crowe (サラ・クロウ) [名] a person's name
Crowe (クロウ) [名] a person's name
Folks can’t get along together in this world without a little bit of love.
get along (仲良くする) [動] be on good terms
You’d just better tie up to Thomas, for he loves you and you love him and nothing else ain’t going to do you.’
tie up (結ばれる) [動] to be in a relationship with someone
nothing else (他に何も) [名] no other thing
Jog along, black mare.
So I told Thomas I’d take him.
All the time I was getting ready I never dared drive past W.O.’s place for fear the sight of that fine house of his would put me in the swithers again.
get ready (準備をする) [動] prepare oneself for something
drive past (通り過ぎる) [動] go past in a vehicle
put (迷わせる) [動] cause to be in a specified state
swither (迷い) [名] a state of uncertainty about what to do
But now I never think of it at all, and I’m just that comfortable and happy with Thomas.
Jog along, black mare.”

 “How did William Obadiah take it?” queried Anne.
William Obadiah (ウィリアム・オバディア) [名] a person's name

 “Oh, he rumpussed a bit.
rumpus (騒ぎ) [名] a noisy disturbance or commotion
But he’s going to see a skinny old maid in Millersville now, and I guess she’ll take him fast enough.
skinny (やせっぽちの) [形] very thin
fast enough (すぐに) [副] quickly enough
She’ll make him a better wife than his first did.
W.O. never wanted to marry her.
W.O. (ウィリアム・オバディア) [名] William Obadiah
He just asked her to marry him ’cause his father wanted him to, never dreaming but that she’d say ‘no.’
But mind you, she said ‘yes.’
mind (でもね) [間] used to introduce a statement that is surprising or unexpected
There was a predicament for you.
Jog along, black mare.
She was a great housekeeper, but most awful mean.
She wore the same bonnet for eighteen years.
bonnet (ボンネット) [名] a woman's or child's hat that is tied under the chin
eighteen years (18年間) [名] a period of time lasting for 18 years
Then she got a new one and W.O. met her on the road and didn’t know her.
Jog along, black mare.
I feel that I’d a narrer escape.
narrer (危機一髪の) [形] very close; very narrow
I might have married him and been most awful miserable, like my poor cousin, Jane Ann.
poor (かわいそう) [形] deserving of pity or sympathy
Jane Ann (ジェーン・アン) [名] a female name
Jane Ann married a rich man she didn’t care anything about, and she hasn’t the life of a dog.
She come to see me last week and says, says she, ‘Sarah Skinner, I envy you.
Sarah Skinner (サラ・スキナー) [名] a person's name
envy (うらやむ) [動] feel envious of
I’d rather live in a little hut on the side of the road with a man I was fond of than in my big house with the one I’ve got.’
hut (小屋) [名] a small, simple, often crudely built dwelling
side (道端) [名] the part of a surface that is not the top, bottom, front, or back
Jane Ann’s man ain’t such a bad sort, nuther, though he’s so contrary that he wears his fur coat when the thermometer’s at ninety.
such a bad sort (それほど悪い人ではない) [名] a person who is not very bad
nuther (~も) [接] neither
so contrary (とても気まぐれで) [形] very different from what is usual or expected
thermometer (温度計) [名] an instrument for measuring temperature
ninety (90度) [名] the cardinal number that is the product of nine and ten
The only way to git him to do anything is to coax him to do the opposite.
the only way (唯一の方法) [名] the one and only method
git (させる) [動] cause to be in a specified state
coax (説得する) [動] persuade someone to do something by talking to them in a gentle and friendly way
opposite (反対) [形] being the other of a pair of things of a contrary nature or quality
But there ain’t any love to smooth things down and it’s a poor way of living.
smooth down (円滑に進める) [動] make something go more easily or smoothly
Jog along, black mare.
There’s Janet’s place in the hollow—‘Wayside,’ she calls it.
Quite pictureaskew, ain’t it?
askew (歪む) [形] not in a straight or level position; crooked
I guess you’ll be glad to git out of this, with all them mail bags jamming round you.”
git out of (出る) [動] leave
jam (ぎゅうぎゅう詰め) [動] pack tightly

 “Yes, but I have enjoyed my drive with you very much,” said Anne sincerely.
very much (とても) [副] to a great extent or degree
sincerely (心から) [副] in a sincere manner

 “Git away now!” said Mrs. Skinner, highly flattered.
git away (やめてよ) [動] go away
flattered (喜んで) [形] pleased or satisfied
“Wait till I tell Thomas that.
He always feels dretful tickled when I git a compliment.
tickle (くすぐったい) [形] causing a tingling sensation
Jog along, black mare.
Well, here we are.
we (私たち) [代] I and another or others
are (いる) [動] be present
I hope you’ll git on well in the school, miss.
git on (うまくやる) [動] make progress; get along
miss (お嬢さん) [名] a young, unmarried woman
There’s a short cut to it through the ma’sh back of Janet’s. If you take that way be awful keerful.
take (通る) [動] follow (a particular route)
keerful (気をつけなさい) [形] taking care to avoid harm or damage
If you once got stuck in that black mud you’d be sucked right down and never seen or heard tell of again till the day of judgment, like Adam Palmer’s cow.
get stuck (はまる) [動] be unable to move or progress
black mud (黒い泥) [名] a mixture of water and soil that is dark in color
be sucked (吸い込まれる) [動] be pulled or drawn into something
right down (下に) [副] to a lower place or position
day of judgment (最後の審判の日) [名] the time when God will judge all people
Adam Palmer's cow (アダム・パーマーの牛) [名] a cow that belonged to Adam Palmer
Jog along, black mare.”