Chapter XX: Gilbert Speaks
Chapter XX (第20章) [名] the 20th chapter
第20章: ギルバート語る

 “This has been a dull, prosy day,” yawned Phil, stretching herself idly on the sofa, having previously dispossessed two exceedingly indignant cats.
prosy (退屈な) [形] tediously dull
idly (ぐうたらと) [副] in an idle manner
previously (その前に) [副] earlier; before
dispossess (追い払う) [動] deprive someone of a possession

 Anne looked up from Pickwick Papers.
look up (目を上げる) [動] raise one's eyes
Pickwick Papers (ピクウィック・ペーパーズ) [名] a novel by Charles Dickens
Now that spring examinations were over she was treating herself to Dickens.
treat (楽しむ) [動] to behave toward or deal with in a certain way
Dickens (ディケンズ) [名] an English writer and social critic

 “It has been a prosy day for us,” she said thoughtfully, “but to some people it has been a wonderful day.
Some one has been rapturously happy in it.
be rapturously happy (とても幸せに過ごす) [動] be extremely happy
Perhaps a great deed has been done somewhere today—or a great poem written—or a great man born.
great deed (偉業) [名] a great or heroic act
great poem (素晴らしい詩) [名] a poem of great merit
great man (偉人) [名] a man of great importance or influence
And some heart has been broken, Phil.”
break (傷つく) [動] to cause a strong emotional reaction in

 “Why did you spoil your pretty thought by tagging that last sentence on, honey?” grumbled Phil.
tag (くっつける) [動] attach or fasten
“I don’t like to think of broken hearts—or anything unpleasant.”
broken heart (傷ついた心) [名] a heart that is broken
unpleasant (不愉快な) [形] not pleasant; disagreeable

 “Do you think you’ll be able to shirk unpleasant things all your life, Phil?”
shirk (避ける) [動] avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility)

 “Dear me, no. Am I not up against them now?
dear me (いや) [間] an expression of surprise, disappointment, or disgust
up against (直面している) [動] in a situation of conflict or difficulty with
You don’t call Alec and Alonzo pleasant things, do you, when they simply plague my life out?”
plague (悩ませる) [動] cause continual trouble or problems for

 “You never take anything seriously, Phil.”
take seriously (真面目に考える) [動] to consider something to be important or worthy of attention

 “Why should I? There are enough folks who do.
why should I (どうしてそうしなきゃいけないんだ) [句] why do I have to
there are enough (たくさんいる) [句] there are many
who do (真面目に考える) [他] who think seriously
「どうしてそうしなきゃいけないんだ? 真面目に考える人なんてたくさんいるじゃないか。
The world needs people like me, Anne, just to amuse it.
It would be a terrible place if everybody were intellectual and serious and in deep, deadly earnest.
intellectual (知的) [形] of or relating to the intellect or its use
deadly (ひどい) [形] causing or able to cause death
earnest (真剣) [形] characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind
MY mission is, as Josiah Allen says, ‘to charm and allure.’
mission (使命) [名] a special task or purpose that someone is given
Josiah Allen (ジョサイア・アレン) [名] a fictional character created by Marietta Holley
charm (魅了する) [動] attract and delight
allure (誘惑する) [動] attract or tempt by offering some pleasure or advantage
Confess now.
Hasn’t life at Patty’s Place been really much brighter and pleasanter this past winter because I’ve been here to leaven you?”
this past winter (この冬) [名] the winter that has just passed
leaven (元気づける) [動] to make lighter or more cheerful

 “Yes, it has,” owned Anne.
own (認める) [動] to admit to something

 “And you all love me—even Aunt Jamesina, who thinks I’m stark mad.
So why should I try to be different?
Oh, dear, I’m so sleepy.
dear (困ったよ) [間] an expression of surprise, disappointment, or disgust
I was awake until one last night, reading a harrowing ghost story.
awake (起きる) [動] be not asleep
I read it in bed, and after I had finished it do you suppose I could get out of bed to put the light out?
get out of (出る) [動] to leave
put out (消す) [動] to extinguish
And if Stella had not fortunately come in late that lamp would have burned good and bright till morning.
come in (帰宅する) [動] arrive home
When I heard Stella I called her in, explained my predicament, and got her to put out the light.
If I had got out myself to do it I knew something would grab me by the feet when I was getting in again.
By the way, Anne, has Aunt Jamesina decided what to do this summer?”
this summer (この夏) [名] the summer of this year

 “Yes, she’s going to stay here.
I know she’s doing it for the sake of those blessed cats, although she says it’s too much trouble to open her own house, and she hates visiting.”
for the sake of (のために) [前] with the aim or purpose of
blessed (祝福された) [形] consecrated by a religious rite
too much trouble (面倒) [名] difficulty or problems

 “What are you reading?”

Pickwick (ピクウィック) [名] the protagonist of Charles Dickens's first novel, The Pickwick Papers

 “That’s a book that always makes me hungry,” said Phil.
hungry (空腹) [形] feeling a need or desire to eat food
“There’s so much good eating in it.
so much (たくさんの) [副] a lot of
eating (食べ物) [名] food that is ready to be eaten
The characters seem always to be reveling on ham and eggs and milk punch.
ham (ハム) [名] meat from the upper part of a pig's leg that has been salted and dried
egg (卵) [名] an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, especially one containing a developing embryo
milk (ミルク) [名] a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals
punch (パンチ) [名] a drink made of fruit juice, soda water, and sometimes alcoholic liquor
I generally go on a cupboard rummage after reading Pickwick.
generally (たいてい) [副] usually; in most cases
rummage (漁る) [動] search something thoroughly by moving things around
The mere thought reminds me that I’m starving.
Is there any tidbit in the pantry, Queen Anne?”
tidbit (おいしいもの) [名] a small piece of tasty food

 “I made a lemon pie this morning.
lemon pie (レモンパイ) [名] a pie made with lemon
You may have a piece of it.”
have (食べていい) [動] eat

 Phil dashed out to the pantry and Anne betook herself to the orchard in company with Rusty.
dash out (飛び出す) [動] run or move quickly
betake oneself (向かう) [動] go to a place
It was a moist, pleasantly-odorous night in early spring.
moist (湿った) [形] slightly wet
odorous (香りのする) [形] having a strong and usually unpleasant smell
early spring (早春) [名] the first part of spring
The snow was not quite all gone from the park;
a little dingy bank of it yet lay under the pines of the harbor road, screened from the influence of April suns.
dingy (薄汚れた) [形] dirty or dark
bank (土手) [名] a raised land alongside a river or lake
screen (遮る) [動] to provide shelter or protection for
influence (影響) [名] the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself
It kept the harbor road muddy, and chilled the evening air.
muddy (泥だらけ) [形] covered or full of mud
chill (冷やす) [動] make or become cold
But grass was growing green in sheltered spots and Gilbert had found some pale, sweet arbutus in a hidden corner.
sheltered (日陰の) [形] protected from the weather
arbutus (イチゴノキ) [名] a genus of flowering plants in the heath family
He came up from the park, his hands full of it.

 Anne was sitting on the big gray boulder in the orchard looking at the poem of a bare, birchen bough hanging against the pale red sunset with the very perfection of grace.
bare (裸の) [形] not clothed or covered
birch (白樺) [名] a deciduous tree of the genus Betula
bough (枝) [名] a large branch of a tree
hang (映える) [動] be suspended or supported from above
grace (優雅) [名] a pleasing or attractive quality or manner
She was building a castle in air—a wondrous mansion whose sunlit courts and stately halls were steeped in Araby’s perfume, and where she reigned queen and chatelaine.
build a castle in air (空中に城を建てる) [動] make plans that are not based on reality
wondrous (素晴らしい) [形] causing wonder; astonishing
mansion (大邸宅) [名] a large, impressive house
sunlit (日当たりの良い) [形] lighted by the sun
court (中庭) [名] an open area surrounded by walls or buildings
hall (広間) [名] a large room in a house
steep (浸す) [動] soak or saturate
perfume (香水) [名] a liquid with a pleasant smell
reign (君臨する) [動] rule as a monarch
chatelaine (城主夫人) [名] the mistress of a castle
She frowned as she saw Gilbert coming through the orchard.
frown (眉をひそめる) [動] wrinkle one's brow in thought or displeasure
Of late she had managed not to be left alone with Gilbert.
of late (最近) [副] lately; recently
But he had caught her fairly now;
fairly (今) [副] at the present time; now
and even Rusty had deserted her.

 Gilbert sat down beside her on the boulder and held out his Mayflowers.
boulder (岩) [名] a large rock

 “Don’t these remind you of home and our old schoolday picnics, Anne?”
schoolday (学校の) [名] a day on which school is in session

 Anne took them and buried her face in them.

 “I’m in Mr. Silas Sloane’s barrens this very minute,” she said rapturously.
this very minute (今) [名] the present moment

 “I suppose you will be there in reality in a few days?”
be there (そこにいる) [動] be present at a place
in reality (実際に) [副] in fact; really
in a few days (数日後) [副] a few days from now

 “No, not for a fortnight.
I’m going to visit with Phil in Bolingbroke before I go home.
visit with (訪ねる) [動] go to see someone or something
You’ll be in Avonlea before I will.”
before (先に) [副] earlier than; sooner than

 “No, I shall not be in Avonlea at all this summer, Anne.
I’ve been offered a job in the Daily News office and I’m going to take it.”
Daily News (デイリー・ニュース) [名] a newspaper
office (社) [名] a room or set of rooms or a building where people work, usually sitting at desks
take (引き受ける) [動] accept or receive something offered

 “Oh,” said Anne vaguely.
She wondered what a whole Avonlea summer would be like without Gilbert.
be like (~のようだ) [動] resemble; be similar to
Somehow she did not like the prospect.
not like (気に入らない) [動] to be not fond of
“Well,” she concluded flatly, “it is a good thing for you, of course.”

 “Yes, I’ve been hoping I would get it.
It will help me out next year.”
help out (役に立つ) [動] be of use or service to

 “You mustn’t work too hard,” said Anne, without any very clear idea of what she was saying.
work too hard (働きすぎる) [動] work more than is usual or expected
without any very clear idea (はっきりとは分かっていない) [副] not knowing something clearly
She wished desperately that Phil would come out.
desperately (必死に) [副] in a way that shows extreme need or anxiety
“You’ve studied very constantly this winter.
Isn’t this a delightful evening?
Do you know, I found a cluster of white violets under that old twisted tree over there today?
I felt as if I had discovered a gold mine.”

 “You are always discovering gold mines,” said Gilbert—also absently.
gold mine (金鉱) [名] a mine where gold is extracted

 “Let us go and see if we can find some more,” suggested Anne eagerly.
let us (~しましょう) [動] used to make a suggestion
“I’ll call Phil and—”

 “Never mind Phil and the violets just now, Anne,” said Gilbert quietly, taking her hand in a clasp from which she could not free it.
never mind (忘れよう) [動] do not worry about
just now (今は) [副] at this moment
clasp (握りしめた) [名] a device with two parts that fit together to fasten something
free (離せなかった) [動] release from captivity or slavery
“There is something I want to say to you.”

 “Oh, don’t say it,” cried Anne, pleadingly.
“Don’t—please, Gilbert.”

 “I must. Things can’t go on like this any longer.
like this (こんな風に) [副] in this way; like this
any longer (長く) [副] for any more time
Anne, I love you.
You know I do.
do (愛してる) [動] feel a deep or constant affection for
I—I can’t tell you how much.
can't tell (言い表せない) [動] be unable to express in words
how much (どれだけ) [副] to what extent or degree
Will you promise me that some day you’ll be my wife?”

 “I—I can’t,” said Anne miserably.
“Oh, Gilbert—you—you’ve spoiled everything.”

 “Don’t you care for me at all?” Gilbert asked after a very dreadful pause, during which Anne had not dared to look up.
pause (沈黙) [名] a temporary stop or rest

 “Not—not in that way.
I do care a great deal for you as a friend.
a great deal (とても) [副] very much
But I don’t love you, Gilbert.”

 “But can’t you give me some hope that you will—yet?”
will (いつか) [助] expressing a strong intention or determination

 “No, I can’t,” exclaimed Anne desperately.
“I never, never can love you—in that way—Gilbert.
You must never speak of this to me again.”

 There was another pause—so long and so dreadful that Anne was driven at last to look up.
Gilbert’s face was white to the lips.
And his eyes—but Anne shuddered and looked away.
look away (目をそらす) [動] turn one's eyes away from something
There was nothing romantic about this.
nothing (何一つ) [名] not a single thing
Must proposals be either grotesque or—horrible?
Could she ever forget Gilbert’s face?

 “Is there anybody else?” he asked at last in a low voice.

 “No—no,” said Anne eagerly.
“I don’t care for any one like that—and I like you better than anybody else in the world, Gilbert.
care for (好きになる) [動] feel love or affection for
better than (よりも) [副] to a greater degree than
anybody else (誰よりも) [名] any other person
in the world (世界中の) [副] in the entire world
And we must—we must go on being friends, Gilbert.”

 Gilbert gave a bitter little laugh.
bitter (苦々しい) [形] causing a sharp, pungent, or stinging sensation

 “Friends! Your friendship can’t satisfy me, Anne.
satisfy (満足する) [動] meet the requirements of; be enough for
「友達! 君の友情では私は満足できないよ、アン。
I want your love—and you tell me I can never have that.”

 “I’m sorry. Forgive me, Gilbert,” was all Anne could say.
Where, oh, where were all the gracious and graceful speeches wherewith, in imagination, she had been wont to dismiss rejected suitors?
graceful (上品な) [形] having or showing grace or elegance

 Gilbert released her hand gently.
release (放す) [動] let go of

 “There isn’t anything to forgive.
There have been times when I thought you did care.
there have been times (時もあった) [名] a period of time in which events occur and in which things change
I thought (私は思った) [動] have or formulate in the mind
you did care (君は気にかけてくれていた) [動] feel concern or interest; attach importance to something
I’ve deceived myself, that’s all.
that's all (それだけのこと) [名] that is the only thing
Goodbye, Anne.”
goodbye (さよなら) [間] a phrase used to express a farewell

 Anne got herself to her room, sat down on her window seat behind the pines, and cried bitterly.
get oneself to (たどり着く) [動] reach a place
window seat (窓際の席) [名] a seat built into a window recess
She felt as if something incalculably precious had gone out of her life.
incalculably (計り知れないほど) [副] to a very great degree
go out of (去る) [動] leave
It was Gilbert’s friendship, of course.
Oh, why must she lose it after this fashion?
fashion (風) [名] a manner of doing something

 “What is the matter, honey?” asked Phil, coming in through the moonlit gloom.

 Anne did not answer.
At that moment she wished Phil were a thousand miles away.
mile (マイル) [名] a unit of length equal to 1.609344 kilometers

 “I suppose you’ve gone and refused Gilbert Blythe.
You are an idiot, Anne Shirley!”
idiot (馬鹿) [名] a stupid person

 “Do you call it idiotic to refuse to marry a man I don’t love?” said Anne coldly, goaded to reply.
reply (答える) [動] say something in response

 “You don’t know love when you see it.
You’ve tricked something out with your imagination that you think love, and you expect the real thing to look like that.
trick out (作り上げる) [動] to decorate or embellish
There, that’s the first sensible thing I’ve ever said in my life.
I wonder how I managed it?”
manage (言う) [動] be able to do something

 “Phil,” pleaded Anne, “please go away and leave me alone for a little while.
leave alone (一人にする) [動] not disturb or interfere with
My world has tumbled into pieces.
tumble (砕け散る) [動] fall suddenly and violently
I want to reconstruct it.”
reconstruct (再構築する) [動] build or form again

 “Without any Gilbert in it?” said Phil, going.
without (抜きで) [前] not having or including

 A world without any Gilbert in it!
Anne repeated the words drearily.
repeat (繰り返す) [動] say or do something again
drearily (悲しげに) [副] in a sad or dull way
Would it not be a very lonely, forlorn place?
Well, it was all Gilbert’s fault.
He had spoiled their beautiful comradeship.
She must just learn to live without it.