Chapter XVIII: Miss Josephine Remembers the Anne-girl
第18章: ジョセフィンさんがアンのことを思い出す

 When Christmas holidays came the girls of Patty’s Place scattered to their respective homes, but Aunt Jamesina elected to stay where she was.
Christmas holidays (クリスマス休暇) [名] the period around Christmas when schools and many businesses are closed
scatter (散らばる) [動] throw around in an untidy way
respective (それぞれの) [形] belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things mentioned
elect (決める) [動] choose or decide by voting
stay (残る) [動] continue to be in the same place

 “I couldn’t go to any of the places I’ve been invited and take those three cats,” she said.
“And I’m not going to leave the poor creatures here alone for nearly three weeks.
If we had any decent neighbors who would feed them I might, but there’s nothing except millionaires on this street.
So I’ll stay here and keep Patty’s Place warm for you.”

 Anne went home with the usual joyous anticipations—which were not wholly fulfilled.
joyous (楽しい) [形] full of joy or happiness
anticipation (期待) [名] the expectation of something; the act of looking forward to something
wholly (完全に) [副] completely; entirely
She found Avonlea in the grip of such an early, cold, and stormy winter as even the “oldest inhabitant” could not recall.
grip (真っ只中) [名] a strong and unpleasant effect
oldest (最年長の) [形] having lived or existed for a long time
inhabitant (住人) [名] a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place
Green Gables was literally hemmed in by huge drifts.
literally (文字通り) [副] in a literal manner or sense; exactly
drift (吹きだまり) [名] a bank of snow heaped up by the wind
Almost every day of that ill-starred vacation it stormed fiercely;
almost every day (ほとんど毎日) [副] on nearly all days
ill-starred (不運な) [形] unlucky
fiercely (激しく) [副] in a violent or intense manner
and even on fine days it drifted unceasingly.
unceasingly (絶え間なく) [副] without stopping
No sooner were the roads broken than they filled in again.
no sooner (すぐに) [副] very soon after
be broken (除雪される) [動] be cleared of snow
fill in (埋まる) [動] become full or blocked up
It was almost impossible to stir out.
stir out (外出する) [動] go out; leave one's house
The A.V.I.S. tried, on three evenings, to have a party in honor of the college students, and on each evening the storm was so wild that nobody could go, so they gave up the attempt in despair.
have a party (パーティーを開く) [動] have a social gathering of invited guests
in honor of (歓迎する) [前] in recognition of
on each evening (毎晩) [副] every evening
so wild (ひどい) [形] very bad or serious
give up (あきらめる) [動] stop trying to do or achieve something
in despair (絶望して) [副] the complete loss or absence of hope
Anne, despite her love of and loyalty to Green Gables, could not help thinking longingly of Patty’s Place, its cosy open fire, Aunt Jamesina’s mirthful eyes, the three cats, the merry chatter of the girls, the pleasantness of Friday evenings when college friends dropped in to talk of grave and gay.
loyalty (忠実) [名] the quality of being loyal
could not help (禁じ得なかった) [動] be unable to refrain from doing something
think longingly (恋しく思う) [動] to think about something with a strong feeling of wanting it
cosy (居心地の良い) [形] warm and comfortable
mirthful (陽気な) [形] full of mirth; merry
three (三匹) [形] the number after two and before four
pleasantness (楽しさ) [名] the quality of being pleasant
grave (真面目な) [形] requiring much thought or work
gay (楽しい) [形] lighthearted and carefree

 Anne was lonely; Diana, during the whole of the holidays, was imprisoned at home with a bad attack of bronchitis.
during (ずっと) [前] throughout the duration of
the holidays (休暇) [名] a day or period of time on which one does not go to work or school
imprisoned (出られない) [動] put or keep in prison or a similar place of confinement
bronchitis (気管支炎) [名] inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes
She could not come to Green Gables and it was rarely Anne could get to Orchard Slope, for the old way through the Haunted Wood was impassable with drifts, and the long way over the frozen Lake of Shining Waters was almost as bad.
Orchard Slope (オルチャード・スロープ) [名] the name of a farm
Lake of Shining Waters (輝く湖) [名] the name of a lake
Ruby Gillis was sleeping in the white-heaped graveyard;
Jane Andrews was teaching a school on western prairies.
Gilbert, to be sure, was still faithful, and waded up to Green Gables every possible evening.
still (相変わらず) [副] even now or at this time; yet
wade (歩く) [動] walk through water
But Gilbert’s visits were not what they once were.
be not what they once were (以前とは違っていた) [動] be different from what they used to be
Anne almost dreaded them.
It was very disconcerting to look up in the midst of a sudden silence and find Gilbert’s hazel eyes fixed upon her with a quite unmistakable expression in their grave depths;
in the midst of (真っ只中に) [前] in the middle of
look up (顔を上げる) [動] direct one's gaze upward
hazel (ヘーゼル色) [形] of a light brown or greenish-brown color
fix (見つめる) [動] direct one's gaze steadily and intently on
grave (深い) [形] of importance or significance
expression (表情) [名] the way in which one expresses oneself
disconcerting (当惑させられる) [形] causing one to feel confused or embarrassed
and it was still more disconcerting to find herself blushing hotly and uncomfortably under his gaze, just as if—just as if—well, it was very embarrassing.
uncomfortably (不快に) [副] in an uncomfortable manner
gaze (視線) [名] a steady intent look
just as if (まるで) [副] as if
embarrassing (恥ずかしい) [形] causing one to feel shame or embarrassment
Anne wished herself back at Patty’s Place, where there was always somebody else about to take the edge off a delicate situation.
somebody else (誰か) [名] some other person
about to (しようとしている) [動] on the point of doing something
take the edge off (緊張をほぐす) [動] to make something less intense or severe
delicate situation (微妙な状況) [名] a situation that is difficult to deal with or handle
At Green Gables Marilla went promptly to Mrs. Lynde’s domain when Gilbert came and insisted on taking the twins with her.
domain (家) [名] the area over which a person has control
The significance of this was unmistakable and Anne was in a helpless fury over it.
significance (意味) [名] the quality of being important
fury (怒り) [名] a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility

 Davy, however, was perfectly happy.
however (しかし) [副] nevertheless; on the other hand
He reveled in getting out in the morning and shoveling out the paths to the well and henhouse.
revel in (夢中になる) [動] take great pleasure in
shovel (掘り起こす) [動] dig with a shovel
well (井戸) [名] a hole dug in the ground to obtain water
He gloried in the Christmas-tide delicacies which Marilla and Mrs. Lynde vied with each other in preparing for Anne, and he was reading an enthralling tale, in a school library book, of a wonderful hero who seemed blessed with a miraculous faculty for getting into scrapes from which he was usually delivered by an earthquake or a volcanic explosion, which blew him high and dry out of his troubles, landed him in a fortune, and closed the story with proper éclat.
glory in (自慢する) [動] take great pride in
Christmas-tide (クリスマス) [名] the season of Christmas
delicacy (珍味) [名] a choice or expensive food
vie with (競い合う) [動] compete eagerly with
prepare (用意する) [動] make ready for use or consideration
enthralling (魅惑的な) [形] extremely interesting or appealing
tale (物語) [名] a story about legendary or supernatural beings or events
school library (学校の図書館) [名] a library in a school
book (本) [名] a written or printed work consisting of pages bound together between two covers
wonderful (素晴らしい) [形] extremely good or impressive
blessed (恵まれている) [形] having received a special favor or gift
miraculous (奇跡的な) [形] of the nature of a miracle
faculty (能力) [名] an inherent mental or physical power
scrape (トラブル) [名] a difficult or unpleasant situation
usually (通常) [副] in most cases; more often than not
deliver (救う) [動] rescue from danger or harm
volcanic explosion (火山の爆発) [名] a violent eruption of a volcano
high (高く) [副] to or at a great height
dry (抜け出す) [動] make or become free from moisture
land (恵まれる) [動] come or bring to a specified place
fortune (幸運) [名] chance or luck as an external, arbitrary force affecting human affairs
close (終える) [動] bring or come to an end
proper (適切な) [形] truly or strictly so called
éclat (栄光) [名] brilliant or conspicuous success or distinction

 “I tell you it’s a bully story, Anne,” he said ecstatically.
ecstatically (有頂天になって) [副] in a state of very great happiness
“I’d ever so much rather read it than the Bible.”

 “Would you?” smiled Anne.

 Davy peered curiously at her.

 “You don’t seem a bit shocked, Anne.
shocked (驚く) [形] surprised and upset
Mrs. Lynde was awful shocked when I said it to her.”
shocked (驚いた) [形] surprised or astonished

 “No, I’m not shocked, Davy.
be not shocked (驚いてはいないよ) [動] not be surprised
I think it’s quite natural that a nine-year-old boy would sooner read an adventure story than the Bible.
nine-year-old (9歳の) [形] being nine years old
sooner (むしろ) [副] more readily or willingly
But when you are older I hope and think that you will realize what a wonderful book the Bible is.”
when you are older (大きくなったら) [副] at a later time

 “Oh, I think some parts of it are fine,” conceded Davy.
some parts of (一部) [名] a portion of something
“That story about Joseph now—it’s bully.
Joseph (ヨセフ) [名] a son of Jacob and Rachel and the eleventh of the twelve patriarchs of Israel
bully (素晴らしい) [形] very good; excellent
But if I’d been Joseph I wouldn’t have forgive the brothers.
if I'd been (もし私が~だったら) [条] if I had been
No, siree, Anne. I’d have cut all their heads off.
no, siree (絶対に許さない) [間] an emphatic expression of denial
cut off (切り落とす) [動] remove by cutting
Mrs. Lynde was awful mad when I said that and shut the Bible up and said she’d never read me any more of it if I talked like that.
So I don’t talk now when she reads it Sunday afternoons;
I just think things and say them to Milty Boulter next day in school.
next day (翌日) [名] the day after today
I told Milty the story about Elisha and the bears and it scared him so he’s never made fun of Mr. Harrison’s bald head once.
bear (熊) [名] a large, heavy mammal that lives in the northern hemisphere and has thick fur and sharp claws
scare (怖がる) [動] cause to be afraid or anxious
Are there any bears on P.E. Island, Anne? I want to know.”
プリンス・エドワード島に熊はいるのかい、アン? 知りたいな。」

 “Not nowadays,” said Anne, absently, as the wind blew a scud of snow against the window.
“Oh, dear, will it ever stop storming.”
stop (止む) [動] cease to happen or exist

 “God knows,” said Davy airily, preparing to resume his reading.
airily (気楽に) [副] in a light-hearted manner

 Anne was shocked this time.
this time (今度は) [副] on this occasion; now

 “Davy!” she exclaimed reproachfully.

 “Mrs. Lynde says that,” protested Davy.
“One night last week Marilla said ‘Will Ludovic Speed and Theodora Dix ever get married?”
Theodora Dix (セオドラ・ディックス) [名] a female given name
and Mrs. Lynde said, “‘God knows’—just like that.”

 “Well, it wasn’t right for her to say it,” said Anne, promptly deciding upon which horn of this dilemma to empale herself.
dilemma (ジレンマ) [名] a situation in which a difficult or unpleasant choice has to be made between two or more alternatives
empale (突き刺す) [動] pierce with a sharp object
“It isn’t right for anybody to take that name in vain or speak it lightly, Davy.
take in vain (無駄にする) [動] use or treat something carelessly or disrespectfully
speak lightly (軽々しく口にする) [動] say something without giving it enough thought or consideration
Don’t ever do it again.”

 “Not if I say it slow and solemn, like the minister?” queried Davy gravely.
slowly (ゆっくり) [副] at a low speed

 “No, not even then.”

 “Well, I won’t. Ludovic Speed and Theodora Dix live in Middle Grafton and Mrs. Rachel says he has been courting her for a hundred years.
Middle Grafton (ミドル・グラフトン) [名] a place name
Mrs. Rachel (レイチェルさん) [名] a woman's name
Won’t they soon be too old to get married, Anne?
too old (年を取りすぎている) [形] having lived for a long time
I hope Gilbert won’t court you that long.
court (求婚する) [動] try to win the love of
long (長く) [副] for a long time
When are you going to be married, Anne?
when (いつ) [副] at what time
Mrs. Lynde says it’s a sure thing.”
Mrs. Lynde (リンドさん) [名] a woman who lives in Avonlea
sure thing (確実なこと) [名] something that is certain to happen or be true

 “Mrs. Lynde is a—” began Anne hotly;
begin (言い始める) [動] start to say something
then stopped.
“Awful old gossip,” completed Davy calmly.
gossip (噂好き) [名] a person who likes talking about other people's private lives
complete (言い終える) [動] finish
“That’s what every one calls her.
what (もの) [代] the thing or things mentioned before
every one (みんな) [代] each person in a group
But is it a sure thing, Anne?
sure (確か) [形] certain; confident
I want to know.”

 “You’re a very silly little boy, Davy,” said Anne, stalking haughtily out of the room.
haughtily (傲慢に) [副] in a proud and arrogant manner
stalk (出て行く) [動] walk in a stiff, proud, or angry manner
The kitchen was deserted and she sat down by the window in the fast falling wintry twilight.
desert (空っぽ) [形] empty of people
fast (急速に) [副] at high speed
The sun had set and the wind had died down.
sun (日) [名] the star that the Earth revolves around
die down (止む) [動] become less strong or intense
A pale chilly moon looked out behind a bank of purple clouds in the west.
look out (のぞく) [動] be visible
bank (雲) [名] a mass of cloud or fog
The sky faded out, but the strip of yellow along the western horizon grew brighter and fiercer, as if all the stray gleams of light were concentrating in one spot;
fade out (色あせる) [動] gradually disappear
strip (帯) [名] a long, narrow piece of something
stray (光) [名] a lost or homeless person or animal
concentrate (集中する) [動] focus all of one's attention on something
spot (一点) [名] a particular place, point, or area
the distant hills, rimmed with priest-like firs, stood out in dark distinctness against it.
rim (縁取る) [動] form the edge of
priest (僧侶) [名] a person who performs religious ceremonies
stand out (際立つ) [動] be easily noticeable
Anne looked across the still, white fields, cold and lifeless in the harsh light of that grim sunset, and sighed.
look across (見渡す) [動] look over or across
lifeless (生気のない) [形] dead
harsh (厳しい) [形] unpleasantly rough or violent; severe
She was very lonely; and she was sad at heart; for she was wondering if she would be able to return to Redmond next year.
It did not seem likely.
likely (ありそう) [形] probable; expected
The only scholarship possible in the Sophomore year was a very small affair.
the only (唯一の) [形] the one and only
possible (可能な) [形] able to be done or achieved
affair (もの) [名] a matter or concern
She would not take Marilla’s money;
would not (受け取らなかった) [助] refused to
and there seemed little prospect of being able to earn enough in the summer vacation.
summer vacation (夏休み) [名] a holiday during the summer

 “I suppose I’ll just have to drop out next year,” she thought drearily, “and teach a district school again until I earn enough to finish my course.
drop out (退学する) [動] leave school or college before completing a course
dreary (悲しげな) [形] sad or dull
district school (地区の学校) [名] a school in a particular area
And by that time all my old class will have graduated and Patty’s Place will be out of the question.
by that time (その時までには) [副] at or before the time mentioned
will have graduated (卒業しているだろう) [動] complete a course of study or training
out of the question (問題外) [形] not worth considering; not possible
But there! I’m not going to be a coward.
coward (臆病者) [名] a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things
I’m thankful I can earn my way through if necessary.”
earn one's way (自分の道を切り開く) [動] to make enough money to pay for one's own expenses
thankful (感謝している) [形] grateful

 “Here’s Mr. Harrison wading up the lane,” announced Davy, running out.
run out (走り出る) [動] leave a place quickly
“I hope he’s brought the mail.
It’s three days since we got it.
I want to see what them pesky Grits are doing.
pesky (厄介な) [形] causing trouble or annoyance
Grits (自由党) [名] a member of the Liberal Party of Canada
I’m a Conservative, Anne.
Conservative (保守党) [名] a member of the Conservative Party
And I tell you, you have to keep your eye on them Grits.”
keep an eye on (目を光らせる) [動] watch closely

 Mr. Harrison had brought the mail, and merry letters from Stella and Priscilla and Phil soon dissipated Anne’s blues.
bring (届ける) [動] take or carry something to a place
mail (郵便物) [名] letters and packages delivered by the post office
dissipate (吹き飛ばす) [動] (of a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to disappear
Aunt Jamesina, too, had written, saying that she was keeping the hearth-fire alight, and that the cats were all well, and the house plants doing fine.
hearth-fire (暖炉の火) [名] a fire in a fireplace
alight (ともす) [動] set on fire
house plant (観葉植物) [名] a plant that is grown indoors
do fine (すくすく育つ) [動] grow well

 “The weather has been real cold,” she wrote, “so I let the cats sleep in the house—Rusty and Joseph on the sofa in the living-room, and the Sarah-cat on the foot of my bed.
It’s real company to hear her purring when I wake up in the night and think of my poor daughter in the foreign field.
company (心強い) [名] a person or thing that provides companionship or entertainment
If it was anywhere but in India I wouldn’t worry, but they say the snakes out there are terrible.
India (インド) [名] a country in South Asia
snake (蛇) [名] a legless reptile
terrible (恐ろしい) [形] causing or likely to cause terror; dreadful; awful
It takes all the Sarah-cats’s purring to drive away the thought of those snakes.
drive away (忘れる) [動] cause to go away
I have enough faith for everything but the snakes.
have enough faith (信じられる) [動] believe in something
I can’t think why Providence ever made them.
Providence (神様) [名] God
Sometimes I don’t think He did.
do (作る) [動] make, produce, or create
I’m inclined to believe the Old Harry had a hand in making them.”
Old Harry (悪魔) [名] the devil
have a hand in (関与する) [動] be involved in

 Anne had left a thin, typewritten communication till the last, thinking it unimportant.
communication (手紙) [名] a letter or other written message
When she had read it she sat very still, with tears in her eyes.
still (じっと) [副] without moving

 “What is the matter, Anne?”
asked Marilla.

 “Miss Josephine Barry is dead,” said Anne, in a low tone.
Josephine Barry (ジョセフィン・バリー) [名] a character in the story
be dead (亡くなる) [動] to be no longer alive
in a low tone (低い声で) [副] in a quiet voice

 “So she has gone at last,” said Marilla.
“Well, she has been sick for over a year, and the Barrys have been expecting to hear of her death any time.
over a year (一年以上) [名] a period of time longer than one year
Barrys (バリー) [名] a family name
any time (いつでも) [名] at any time; whenever
It is well she is at rest for she has suffered dreadfully, Anne.
be at rest (安らかに眠れる) [動] be in a state of peace or tranquility
She was always kind to you.”

 “She has been kind to the last, Marilla.
be kind to (優しくする) [動] treat someone or something well
the last (最後) [名] the end of something
This letter is from her lawyer.
lawyer (弁護士) [名] a person who is a member of the legal profession
She has left me a thousand dollars in her will.”
dollar (ドル) [名] the basic monetary unit of the United States

 “Gracious, ain’t that an awful lot of money,” exclaimed Davy.
gracious (わあ) [形] very generous or kind
“She’s the woman you and Diana lit on when you jumped into the spare room bed, ain’t she?
jump into (飛び込む) [動] to get into something suddenly and with force
Diana told me that story.
Is that why she left you so much?”
so much (そんなにたくさん) [副] a lot; a great deal

 “Hush, Davy,” said Anne gently.
hush (静かに) [動] be quiet
She slipped away to the porch gable with a full heart, leaving Marilla and Mrs. Lynde to talk over the news to their hearts’ content.
slip away (抜け出す) [動] leave quietly or secretly
full heart (満ち足りた気持ち) [名] a feeling of satisfaction
heart's content (心ゆくまで) [名] to the full extent of one's desires

 “Do you s’pose Anne will ever get married now?” speculated Davy anxiously.
speculate (考える) [動] make a guess or form an opinion about something without having all the facts
“When Dorcas Sloane got married last summer she said if she’d had enough money to live on she’d never have been bothered with a man, but even a widower with eight children was better’n living with a sister-in-law.”
last summer (去年の夏) [名] the summer of the previous year
live on (生活する) [動] continue to live
bother (面倒くさい) [動] cause annoyance or difficulty for
widower (男やもめ) [名] a man whose wife has died
sister-in-law (義理の妹) [名] the sister of one's spouse or partner

 “Davy Keith, do hold your tongue,” said Mrs. Rachel severely.
hold one's tongue (黙る) [動] refrain from speaking
“The way you talk is scandalous for a small boy, that’s what.”