Chapter X: Patty’s Place
Chapter X (第十章) [名] the tenth chapter
第十章: パティの家

 The next evening found them treading resolutely the herring-bone walk through the tiny garden.
tread (歩く) [動] walk or step on
herring-bone (ヘリンボーン模様) [名] a pattern consisting of rows of short parallel lines, with each row slanting in the opposite direction from the previous one
walk (小道) [名] a path for walking
The April wind was filling the pine trees with its roundelay, and the grove was alive with robins—great, plump, saucy fellows, strutting along the paths.
pine tree (松の木) [名] an evergreen coniferous tree
roundelay (歌) [名] a simple song with a refrain
robin (ロビン) [名] a small North American thrush with a reddish breast
great (大きい) [形] of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above average
plump (ふっくらした) [形] having a full rounded shape
saucy (生意気な) [形] bold and confident in a way that is rude or disrespectful
strut (気取って歩く) [動] walk in a proud and confident way
The girls rang rather timidly, and were admitted by a grim and ancient handmaiden.
ring (鳴らす) [動] cause to make a sound
timidly (臆病に) [副] in a shy or fearful way
admit (通す) [動] allow to enter
grim (厳めしい) [形] stern or forbidding in appearance
handmaiden (女中) [名] a female servant
The door opened directly into a large living-room, where by a cheery little fire sat two other ladies, both of whom were also grim and ancient.
open directly into (直接通じる) [動] lead directly into
living-room (居間) [名] a room in a house for general everyday use
cheery (陽気な) [形] happy and cheerful
sit (すわる) [動] be in or assume a position in which your weight is supported by your buttocks rather than your feet and your upper body is more or less upright
Except that one looked to be about seventy and the other fifty, there seemed little difference between them.
seventy (七十) [名] the cardinal number that is the product of seven and ten
little (ほとんどない) [形] small in size or amount
Each had amazingly big, light-blue eyes behind steel-rimmed spectacles;
amazingly (驚くほど) [副] in a way that causes surprise or wonder
light-blue (水色) [形] of a light shade of blue
steel-rimmed (鉄の縁の) [形] having a frame or border made of steel
spectacle (眼鏡) [名] a device consisting of two lenses and a frame held by a bridge over the nose and temples that is used to correct vision or protect the eyes
each wore a cap and a gray shawl;
each (二人とも) [形] every one of two or more people or things
shawl (ショール) [名] a large piece of fabric worn over the shoulders or head
each was knitting without haste and without rest;
without haste (急ぐこともなく) [副] not in a hurry
without rest (休むこともなく) [副] without stopping
each rocked placidly and looked at the girls without speaking;
rock (揺れる) [動] move or cause to move slowly and gently from side to side or back and forth
placidly (穏やかに) [副] in a calm and peaceful manner
and just behind each sat a large white china dog, with round green spots all over it, a green nose and green ears.
just behind (すぐ後ろ) [副] immediately to the rear of
china (陶器) [名] a hard, fine-grained, usually white, translucent or semitranslucent ceramic ware
dog (犬) [名] a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice
Those dogs captured Anne’s fancy on the spot;
capture (夢中にする) [動] attract and hold the attention of
they seemed like the twin guardian deities of Patty’s Place.
guardian (守る) [名] a person who has legal authority and responsibility for the care of another person
deity (神様) [名] a being with supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshipped by a people, especially in a polytheistic religion

 For a few minutes nobody spoke.
for a few minutes (数分間) [名] a period of time lasting for a few minutes
speak (口をきく) [動] say something; talk
The girls were too nervous to find words, and neither the ancient ladies nor the china dogs seemed conversationally inclined.
nervous (緊張した) [形] feeling or showing nervousness
conversationally (会話に) [副] in a conversational manner
inclined (乗り気) [形] having a tendency or preference
Anne glanced about the room.
glance (見回す) [動] take a quick look at
What a dear place it was!
what (なんて) [間] how
Another door opened out of it directly into the pine grove and the robins came boldly up on the very step.
another (もう一つの) [形] one more; an additional
open (通じる) [動] to give access to
directly (直接) [副] without changing direction or stopping
grove (林) [名] a small wood or group of trees
boldly (堂々と) [副] in a confident and courageous way
The floor was spotted with round, braided mats, such as Marilla made at Green Gables, but which were considered out of date everywhere else, even in Avonlea.
spot (敷く) [動] place or position in a particular place
mat (マット) [名] a small piece of carpet
date (時代) [名] a particular period of time in history
consider (考える) [動] think carefully about
And yet here they were on Spofford Avenue!
A big, polished grandfather’s clock ticked loudly and solemnly in a corner.
polished (磨き上げられた) [形] having a smooth and shiny surface
grandfather's clock (祖父の時計) [名] a tall, freestanding, weight-driven pendulum clock with a case
tick (時を刻む) [動] make a sound like that of a clock or watch
loudly (大音響で) [副] at a high volume
There were delightful little cupboards over the mantelpiece, behind whose glass doors gleamed quaint bits of china.
mantelpiece (マントルピース) [名] a shelf above a fireplace
cupboard (食器棚) [名] a place, usually with a door and shelves, where things can be stored
glass door (ガラスの扉) [名] a door made of glass
gleam (きらめく) [動] shine brightly
bit (かけら) [名] a small piece of something
china (陶磁器) [名] a type of porcelain that is made in China
The walls were hung with old prints and silhouettes.
hang (掛ける) [動] be suspended or be suspended from
print (版画) [名] a copy of a document
silhouette (シルエット) [名] the dark shape and outline of someone or something viewed against a lighter background, especially in dim light
In one corner the stairs went up, and at the first low turn was a long window with an inviting seat.
corner (片隅) [名] the area or region farthest from the center
go up (上がる) [動] move from a lower to a higher position
turn (踊り場) [名] a change of direction, position, or course
It was all just as Anne had known it must be.

 By this time the silence had grown too dreadful, and Priscilla nudged Anne to intimate that she must speak.
by this time (この時までには) [副] at this point in time
nudge (つつく) [動] push or touch someone or something gently
intimate (合図する) [動] to make known indirectly

 “We—we—saw by your sign that this house is to let,” said Anne faintly, addressing the older lady, who was evidently Miss Patty Spofford.
address (言う) [動] speak to
older (年配の) [形] having lived for a long time
Miss Patty Spofford (パティ・スポフォード嬢) [名] a woman

 “Oh, yes,” said Miss Patty.
Miss Patty (パティ嬢) [名] a character in the story
“I intended to take that sign down today.”
take down (下ろす) [動] remove from a higher position

 “Then—then we are too late,” said Anne sorrowfully.
sorrowfully (悲しそうに) [副] in a sorrowful manner
“You’ve let it to some one else?”
some one else (他の人) [名] a person other than the one already mentioned

 “No, but we have decided not to let it at all.”

 “Oh, I’m so sorry,” exclaimed Anne impulsively.
impulsively (思わず) [副] without thinking or planning
“I love this place so.
love (気に入る) [動] be fond of; like very much
I did hope we could have got it.”

 Then did Miss Patty lay down her knitting, take off her specs, rub them, put them on again, and for the first time look at Anne as at a human being.
lay down (置く) [動] put something down
take off (はずす) [動] remove something
rub (拭く) [動] clean or polish by rubbing
put on (かける) [動] put something on
The other lady followed her example so perfectly that she might as well have been a reflection in a mirror.
follow (従う) [動] go after someone or something
example (手本) [名] a person or thing regarded as a perfect specimen of something
reflection (映った姿) [名] the throwing back by a surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it

 “You love it,” said Miss Patty with emphasis.
“Does that mean that you really love it?
Or that you merely like the looks of it?
The girls nowadays indulge in such exaggerated statements that one never can tell what they do mean.
nowadays (最近) [副] in these times; at present
exaggerated (大げさな) [形] too much or too great
statement (言い方) [名] something that is said or written
tell (わかる) [動] communicate or express by speech or other methods
mean (意味) [名] what is meant or intended
It wasn’t so in my young days.
young day (若い頃) [名] the time when one is young
Then a girl did not say she loved turnips, in just the same tone as she might have said she loved her mother or her Savior.”
Savior (救い主) [名] a person who saves someone or something from danger or difficulty

 Anne’s conscience bore her up.
bear up (支える) [動] to support or sustain

 “I really do love it,” she said gently.
“I’ve loved it ever since I saw it last fall.
last fall (去年の秋) [名] the autumn of the previous year
My two college chums and I want to keep house next year instead of boarding, so we are looking for a little place to rent;
keep house (家を持ちたい) [動] to manage a household
boarding (下宿) [名] the provision of regular meals when one is not living at home
and when I saw that this house was to let I was so happy.”

 “If you love it, you can have it,” said Miss Patty.
have (借りる) [動] take or hold in one's possession
“Maria and I decided today that we would not let it after all, because we did not like any of the people who have wanted it.
Maria (マリア) [名] a female given name
We don’t have to let it.
We can afford to go to Europe even if we don’t let it.
Europe (ヨーロッパ) [名] a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere
It would help us out, but not for gold will I let my home pass into the possession of such people as have come here and looked at it.
help out (助かる) [動] to be of use or assistance
gold (お金) [名] a precious metal of high economic value
pass into (貸す) [動] be given to
possession (所有) [名] the state of having, owning, or controlling something
You are different.
be different (違う) [動] be unlike or dissimilar
I believe you do love it and will be good to it.
be good to (大切にする) [動] treat well
You can have it.”

 “If—if we can afford to pay what you ask for it,” hesitated Anne.
ask for (提示する) [動] request to be given or allowed to have

 Miss Patty named the amount required.
name (言う) [動] give a name to
amount (金額) [名] a quantity of something
Anne and Priscilla looked at each other.
look at (顔を見合わせる) [動] to direct one's gaze toward
Priscilla shook her head.

 “I’m afraid we can’t afford quite so much,” said Anne, choking back her disappointment.
choke back (こらえる) [動] to hold back or restrain
“You see, we are only college girls and we are poor.”
college girl (女子大生) [名] a girl who is enrolled in a college

 “What were you thinking you could afford?” demanded Miss Patty, ceasing not to knit.
cease (止める) [動] stop doing something
knit (編み物) [名] the activity or hobby of making clothes or other articles by knitting

 Anne named her amount.
Miss Patty nodded gravely.

 “That will do. As I told you, it is not strictly necessary that we should let it at all.
do (いい) [動] be sufficient or adequate
We are not rich, but we have enough to go to Europe on.
I have never been in Europe in my life, and never expected or wanted to go.
have never been (行ったことがない) [動] have not experienced something
in my life (今まで) [副] ever; at any time
never expected (行くつもりもなかった) [動] did not think or believe something would happen
never wanted (行きたくもなかった) [動] did not wish or desire something
But my niece there, Maria Spofford, has taken a fancy to go.
Now, you know a young person like Maria can’t go globetrotting alone.”
person (人) [名] a human being regarded as an individual
globetrotting (世界旅行) [名] traveling all over the world

 “No—I—I suppose not,” murmured Anne, seeing that Miss Patty was quite solemnly in earnest.
that (~ということ) [接] used to introduce a clause that expresses a fact, reason, or result
in earnest (真剣に) [副] with a serious intention

 “Of course not. So I have to go along to look after her.
not (違う) [副] a word used to express negation
go along (一緒に行く) [動] accompany someone
look after (面倒を見る) [動] take care of
I expect to enjoy it, too;
I’m seventy years old, but I’m not tired of living yet.
seventy years old (七十歳) [名] an age
tired of (飽きる) [形] bored with
living (生きる) [動] be alive
I daresay I’d have gone to Europe before if the idea had occurred to me.
daresay (思う) [動] to be fairly sure or certain
have gone (行っていた) [動] to have traveled to a place
We shall be away for two years, perhaps three.
be away (留守にする) [動] be absent from a place
two years (二年) [名] a period of time equal to 24 months
three (三年) [名] a period of time equal to 36 months
We sail in June and we shall send you the key, and leave all in order for you to take possession when you choose.
June (六月) [名] the sixth month of the year
key (鍵) [名] a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock
take possession (住む) [動] have as one's own; own
We shall pack away a few things we prize especially, but all the rest will be left.”
pack away (荷造りする) [動] put things into a container for storage or transport
prize (大事なもの) [名] something of great value or worth

 “Will you leave the china dogs?” asked Anne timidly.
leave (残す) [動] not take with one when one goes away

 “Would you like me to?”
would you like me to (残しておいてほしいの) [動] would you like me to do something

 “Oh, indeed, yes.
indeed (もちろん) [副] really; truly; certainly
They are delightful.”
delightful (素敵な) [形] very pleasant or attractive

 A pleased expression came into Miss Patty’s face.
come into (浮かぶ) [動] to come to be in a certain state or condition

 “I think a great deal of those dogs,” she said proudly.
a great deal of (とても大事にする) [名] a lot of
proudly (誇らしげに) [副] in a proud manner
“They are over a hundred years old, and they have sat on either side of this fireplace ever since my brother Aaron brought them from London fifty years ago.
over a hundred years old (百年以上も前の) [形] more than a hundred years old
fifty years ago (五十年前) [名] fifty years before the present time
Spofford Avenue was called after my brother Aaron.”
be called after (ちなんで名付けられる) [動] be named after
Aaron (アーロン) [名] a male given name

 “A fine man he was,” said Miss Maria, speaking for the first time.
“Ah, you don’t see the like of him nowadays.”

 “He was a good uncle to you, Maria,” said Miss Patty, with evident emotion.
uncle (おじさん) [名] the brother of one's mother or father
evident (明らかな) [形] obvious to the eye or mind
emotion (感動) [名] a strong feeling
“You do well to remember him.”

 “I shall always remember him,” said Miss Maria solemnly.
“I can see him, this minute, standing there before that fire, with his hands under his coat-tails, beaming on us.”
this minute (今でも) [副] at this very moment
fire (暖炉) [名] a place in a room where a fire is made
coat-tail (コートの裾) [名] the lower or trailing part of a coat
beam (微笑みかける) [動] smile radiantly

 Miss Maria took out her handkerchief and wiped her eyes;
take out (取り出す) [動] remove something from a place
handkerchief (ハンカチ) [名] a small square of cloth used for wiping the nose or mouth
wipe (拭く) [動] clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth or towel
but Miss Patty came resolutely back from the regions of sentiment to those of business.
region (領域) [名] an area of land
sentiment (感傷) [名] a thought, view, or attitude prompted by feeling
business (現実) [名] a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade

 “I shall leave the dogs where they are, if you will promise to be very careful of them,” she said.
take care of (世話をする) [動] be responsible for
“Their names are Gog and Magog.
Gog (ゴグ) [名] a biblical figure
Magog (マゴグ) [名] a biblical figure
Gog looks to the right and Magog to the left.
right (右) [名] the side of the body that is to the east when the person is facing north
And there’s just one thing more.
just one thing (もう一つだけ) [名] a single item
You don’t object, I hope, to this house being called Patty’s Place?”
object (反対する) [動] express opposition to or disapproval of

 “No, indeed. We think that is one of the nicest things about it.”
one of the (一つの) [名] a single thing or person
nicest (素敵な) [形] very pleasant or attractive

 “You have sense, I see,” said Miss Patty in a tone of great satisfaction.
have sense (分別がある) [動] be wise or sensible
see (わかる) [動] perceive or notice
great satisfaction (とても満足) [名] a feeling of fulfillment or happiness
“Would you believe it?
All the people who came here to rent the house wanted to know if they couldn’t take the name off the gate during their occupation of it.
take (外す) [動] remove something from a place
occupation (住んでいる間) [名] the action or fact of living in or occupying a place
I told them roundly that the name went with the house.
roundly (はっきり) [副] in a direct and forceful way
go with (セットだ) [動] be included with or added to something else
This has been Patty’s Place ever since my brother Aaron left it to me in his will, and Patty’s Place it shall remain until I die and Maria dies.
will (遺言) [名] a legal document that sets out a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property after their death
After that happens the next possessor can call it any fool name he likes,” concluded Miss Patty, much as she might have said, “After that—the deluge.”
after that (その後) [副] after that time
next (次の) [形] immediately following the time of writing or speaking
possessor (所有者) [名] a person who owns something
fool (馬鹿げた) [形] foolish; stupid
much (とても) [副] to a great extent or degree
might (かもしれない) [助] expressing possibility
deluge (洪水) [名] a heavy downpour of rain
“And now, wouldn’t you like to go over the house and see it all before we consider the bargain made?”
go over (見て回る) [動] to examine or inspect
bargain (契約) [名] an agreement between two or more parties

 Further exploration still further delighted the girls.
further (更に) [副] to a greater extent or degree
exploration (探検) [名] the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it
still further (更に) [副] to a greater extent or degree
delight (喜ぶ) [動] to give great pleasure or satisfaction to
Besides the big living-room, there was a kitchen and a small bedroom downstairs.
small (小さな) [形] of a size that is less than normal or usual
downstairs (階下) [副] on or to a lower floor
Upstairs were three rooms, one large and two small.
large (大きい) [形] of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity
Anne took an especial fancy to one of the small ones, looking out into the big pines, and hoped it would be hers.
look out (見渡す) [動] to look at something from a high place
It was papered in pale blue and had a little, old-timey toilet table with sconces for candles.
paper (貼る) [動] cover with wallpaper
pale blue (淡い青) [名] a light shade of blue
old-timey (古風な) [形] of or in a style that is no longer current
toilet table (化粧台) [名] a dressing table
sconce (ろうそく立て) [名] a wall bracket for holding a candle or light
There was a diamond-paned window with a seat under the blue muslin frills that would be a satisfying spot for studying or dreaming.
diamond-paned window (菱形の窓) [名] a window with diamond-shaped panes
muslin (モスリン) [名] a cotton fabric of plain weave
frill (フリル) [名] a strip of gathered or pleated material used as a decorative edging
satisfying (満足のいく) [形] giving fulfillment or the pleasure of having done or achieved something

 “It’s all so delicious that I know we are going to wake up and find it a fleeting vision of the night,” said Priscilla as they went away.
delicious (おいしい) [形] having a pleasant taste
wake up (目が覚める) [動] stop sleeping
go away (帰り際に) [動] leave

 “Miss Patty and Miss Maria are hardly such stuff as dreams are made of,” laughed Anne.
such stuff as dreams are made of (夢のような人) [名] a person who is very attractive or desirable
“Can you fancy them ‘globe-trotting’—especially in those shawls and caps?”
globe-trotting (世界旅行) [名] traveling around the world

 “I suppose they’ll take them off when they really begin to trot,” said Priscilla, “but I know they’ll take their knitting with them everywhere.
trot (走り回る) [動] run at a speed between a walk and a run
knitting (編み物) [名] the activity or hobby of making clothes or other articles by knitting
They simply couldn’t be parted from it.
be parted from (離れられない) [動] be separated from
They will walk about Westminster Abbey and knit, I feel sure.
walk about (歩き回る) [動] walk around
Westminster Abbey (ウェストミンスター寺院) [名] a large church in London
knit (編み物をする) [動] make something by knitting
feel sure (確信する) [動] be certain about something
Meanwhile, Anne, we shall be living in Patty’s Place—and on Spofford Avenue.
live (暮らす) [動] be alive
I feel like a millionairess even now.”
even now (今でも) [副] at this time; now
millionairess (億万長者) [名] a woman who has a lot of money

 “I feel like one of the morning stars that sang for joy,” said Anne.
feel like (気分になる) [動] to be in the mood for

 Phil Gordon crept into Thirty-eight, St. John’s, that night and flung herself on Anne’s bed.
Phil Gordon (フィル・ゴードン) [名] a character in the story
creep into (忍び込む) [動] move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being seen or heard
Thirty-eight (三十八番地) [名] a street address
fling oneself on (身を投げ出す) [動] throw oneself on
Anne's bed (アンのベッド) [名] the bed belonging to Anne

 “Girls, dear, I’m tired to death.
I feel like the man without a country—or was it without a shadow?
country (国) [名] a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory
I forget which.
Anyway, I’ve been packing up.”
anyway (とにかく) [副] in any case; at any rate
pack up (荷造りする) [動] put things into a suitcase or other container in preparation for a journey

 “And I suppose you are worn out because you couldn’t decide which things to pack first, or where to put them,” laughed Priscilla.
worn out (疲れ果てた) [形] exhausted
first (最初に) [副] before any other person or thing

 “E-zackly. And when I had got everything jammed in somehow, and my landlady and her maid had both sat on it while I locked it, I discovered I had packed a whole lot of things I wanted for Convocation at the very bottom.
jam (詰め込む) [動] to pack tightly
landlady (下宿のおかみさん) [名] a woman who owns a house or apartment building and rents rooms or apartments to people
maid (メイド) [名] a female domestic servant
lock (鍵をかける) [動] fasten or secure (something) with a lock
discover (気がつく) [動] to notice or realize something
pack (詰め込む) [動] to put things into a container
bottom (一番下) [名] the lowest part of something
I had to unlock the old thing and poke and dive into it for an hour before I fished out what I wanted.
unlock (鍵を開ける) [動] release the lock of
poke (探り回る) [動] push or thrust with a finger or pointed object
dive (探り回る) [動] plunge into water head first
fish out (取り出す) [動] take out of a liquid
I would get hold of something that felt like what I was looking for, and I’d yank it up, and it would be something else.
get hold of (つかむ) [動] to take and hold something firmly
feel like (~のような感触がする) [動] to have a particular feeling or quality
yank (引っ張り出す) [動] to pull something with a quick, strong movement
something else (別のもの) [名] an alternative thing
No, Anne, I did not swear.”

 “I didn’t say you did.”

 “Well, you looked it.
But I admit my thoughts verged on the profane.
verge on (~になりかけた) [動] be very close to a particular state or condition
profane (冒涜的) [形] not concerned with religion or religious purposes
And I have such a cold in the head—I can do nothing but sniffle, sigh and sneeze.
have a cold (風邪をひく) [動] be sick with a cold
sniffle (鼻をすする) [動] to breathe audibly through a congested nose
sneeze (くしゃみをする) [動] to make an involuntary, explosive sound through the nose and mouth, usually caused by irritation of the nasal passages
Isn’t that alliterative agony for you?
alliterative (頭韻を踏んだ) [形] having the same initial consonant sound
agony (苦しみ) [名] extreme physical or mental suffering
Queen Anne, do say something to cheer me up.”

 “Remember that next Thursday night, you’ll be back in the land of Alec and Alonzo,” suggested Anne.
next Thursday night (来週の木曜日の夜) [名] the night of the day after tomorrow

 Phil shook her head dolefully.

 “More alliteration. No, I don’t want Alec and Alonzo when I have a cold in the head.
alliteration (頭韻) [名] the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words
have a cold in the head (頭が冷えている) [動] have a cold
But what has happened you two?
Now that I look at you closely you seem all lighted up with an internal iridescence.
light up (輝く) [動] become bright or brighter
internal (内側) [形] inside; inner
iridescence (虹色) [名] a lustrous rainbow-like play of color caused by differential refraction of light that produces different colors
Why, you’re actually shining!
What’s up?”
what's up (何があったの) [句] what is the matter?

 “We are going to live in Patty’s Place next winter,” said Anne triumphantly.
next winter (来年の冬) [名] the winter of the year after this one
“Live, mark you, not board!
We’ve rented it, and Stella Maynard is coming, and her aunt is going to keep house for us.”

 Phil bounced up, wiped her nose, and fell on her knees before Anne.
bounce up (跳ね起きる) [動] jump up
fall on one's knees (ひざまずく) [動] go down on one's knees

 “Girls—girls—let me come, too.
Oh, I’ll be so good.
be good (いい子にする) [動] behave well
If there’s no room for me I’ll sleep in the little doghouse in the orchard—I’ve seen it.
doghouse (犬小屋) [名] a small shelter for a dog
Only let me come.”

 “Get up, you goose.”
goose (まぬけた人) [名] a silly or foolish person

 “I won’t stir off my marrow bones till you tell me I can live with you next winter.”
stir off (動かない) [動] not move
marrow bone (骨髄) [名] the soft tissue inside the bones

 Anne and Priscilla looked at each other.
Then Anne said slowly, “Phil dear, we’d love to have you.
But we may as well speak plainly.
may as well (~した方がいい) [動] should do something because there is no reason not to
speak plainly (はっきりと話す) [動] speak in a way that is easy to understand
I’m poor—Pris is poor—Stella Maynard is poor—our housekeeping will have to be very simple and our table plain.
simple (質素) [形] plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design
You’d have to live as we would.
live (生活する) [動] be alive; have life
Now, you are rich and your boardinghouse fare attests the fact.”
fare (食事) [名] the food served in a restaurant or hotel
attest (証明する) [動] to provide evidence for the truth or existence of

 “Oh, what do I care for that?” demanded Phil tragically.
demand (言う) [動] say something in a forceful way
tragically (悲劇的に) [副] in a tragic way
“Better a dinner of herbs where your chums are than a stalled ox in a lonely boardinghouse.
better (より良い) [形] more desirable, satisfactory, or effective
dinner (夕食) [名] the main meal of the day, typically eaten in the evening
herb (野菜) [名] a plant with savory or aromatic properties that is used for flavoring and garnishing food, medicinal purposes, or for fragrances; an herb
Don’t think I’m all stomach, girls.
all stomach (食いしん坊) [名] a person who eats a lot
I’ll be willing to live on bread and water—with just a leetle jam—if you’ll let me come.”
live on (生きていく) [動] to continue to live
jam (ジャム) [名] a sweet food made from fruit and sugar

 “And then,” continued Anne, “there will be a good deal of work to be done.
Stella’s aunt can’t do it all.
Stella's aunt (ステラの叔母さん) [名] Stella's aunt
We all expect to have our chores to do.
chore (雑用) [名] a routine task, especially a household one
Now, you—”

 “Toil not, neither do I spin,” finished Philippa.
toil (働く) [動] work extremely hard
neither (~もせず) [接] not either
“But I’ll learn to do things.
You’ll only have to show me once.
only (一度) [副] not more than; solely
show (見せる) [動] cause or allow to be seen; display
me (私に) [代] the speaker or writer
I can make my own bed to begin with.
to begin with (まず) [副] first of all; initially
make one's own bed (自分のベッドは自分でできる) [動] make one's own bed
And remember that, though I can’t cook, I can keep my temper.
cook (料理する) [動] prepare food by heating it
That’s something.
And I never growl about the weather.
growl (不平を言う) [動] utter a deep guttural sound of anger
That’s more.
Oh, please, please!
please (お願い) [動] make or try to make someone happy or satisfied
I never wanted anything so much in my life—and this floor is awfully hard.”

 “There’s just one more thing,” said Priscilla resolutely.
just one more thing (あともう一つだけ) [名] one more thing
“You, Phil, as all Redmond knows, entertain callers almost every evening.
entertain (もてなす) [動] provide entertainment for
Now, at Patty’s Place we can’t do that.
We have decided that we shall be at home to our friends on Friday evenings only.
Friday (金曜日) [名] the sixth day of the week
If you come with us you’ll have to abide by that rule.”
abide by (従う) [動] accept or act in accordance with
rule (ルール) [名] a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc

 “Well, you don’t think I’ll mind that, do you?
Why, I’m glad of it.
I knew I should have had some such rule myself, but I hadn’t enough decision to make it or stick to it.
have some such rule (そのようなルールを持つ) [動] have a rule like that
stick to (従う) [動] continue doing something; persist in
When I can shuffle off the responsibility on you it will be a real relief.
shuffle off (転嫁する) [動] to get rid of or pass on to someone else
relief (安心) [名] a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress
If you won’t let me cast in my lot with you I’ll die of the disappointment and then I’ll come back and haunt you.
cast in one's lot with (加わる) [動] to join or associate oneself with
die of (死んでしまう) [動] to stop living
haunt (悩ませる) [動] to visit or inhabit frequently
I’ll camp on the very doorstep of Patty’s Place and you won’t be able to go out or come in without falling over my spook.”
doorstep (玄関先) [名] the step leading up to the door of a house
come in (入る) [動] go or come into a place
fall over (ぶつかる) [動] hit or strike against something

 Again Anne and Priscilla exchanged eloquent looks.
exchange (交わす) [動] give and receive something in return
look (視線) [名] the action of directing one's gaze in a specified direction

 “Well,” said Anne, “of course we can’t promise to take you until we’ve consulted with Stella;
consulted (相談する) [動] seek information or advice from
but I don’t think she’ll object, and, as far as we are concerned, you may come and glad welcome.”
as far as (に関する限り) [接] to the extent or degree that
concerned (関する) [形] interested in or worried about something

 “If you get tired of our simple life you can leave us, and no questions asked,” added Priscilla.
get tired of (飽きる) [動] become bored with

 Phil sprang up, hugged them both jubilantly, and went on her way rejoicing.
spring up (飛び上がる) [動] jump up
jubilantly (喜び) [副] in a joyful manner

 “I hope things will go right,” said Priscilla soberly.
go right (うまくいく) [動] happen in a way that is desired or expected

 “We must make them go right,” avowed Anne.
right (うまく) [副] in a good or proper way
avowed (誓った) [動] declare or assert openly, boldly, or strongly
“I think Phil will fit into our ’appy little ’ome very well.”
fit into (合う) [動] be of the right shape or size to go into or onto something
very well (とてもよく) [副] to a high degree or level

 “Oh, Phil’s a dear to rattle round with and be chums.
rattle round (遊ぶ) [動] to move around quickly and carelessly
be chums (仲良くする) [動] to be friends with someone
And, of course, the more there are of us the easier it will be on our slim purses.
the more (人数が増えれば増えるほど) [限] a larger amount or number of
the easier (楽になる) [形] less difficult or demanding
slim (薄い) [形] of small width or thickness
purse (財布) [名] a small pouch of leather or plastic used for carrying money, typically by a woman
But how will she be to live with?
live with (一緒に住む) [動] share a home with
You have to summer and winter with any one before you know if she’s livable or not.”
livable (住める) [形] able to be lived in

 “Oh, well, we’ll all be put to the test, as far as that goes.
put to the test (試される) [動] be put to the test
as far as that goes (それなら) [副] to the extent that; to the degree that
And we must quit us like sensible folk, living and let live.
quit (振る舞う) [動] behave in a particular manner
let live (生かす) [動] allow to live
Phil isn’t selfish, though she’s a little thoughtless, and I believe we will all get on beautifully in Patty’s Place.”
selfish (利己的) [形] concerned chiefly with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others
thoughtless (軽率) [形] lacking care for others
get on (やっていく) [動] to manage or fare in a specified way
beautifully (うまく) [副] in a beautiful manner