Chapter VII: Home Again
第七章: 再び故郷へ

 Those first three weeks at Redmond had seemed long;
three (三) [形] the number 3
but the rest of the term flew by on wings of wind.
term (学期) [名] a period of time during which a school holds classes
fly by (飛び去る) [動] pass quickly
Before they realized it the Redmond students found themselves in the grind of Christmas examinations, emerging therefrom more or less triumphantly.
grind (真っ只中) [名] a difficult and boring task
examination (試験) [名] a formal test of knowledge or skill
emerge (抜け出す) [動] move out of or away from something
triumphantly (勝ち誇ったように) [副] in a triumphant manner
The honor of leading in the Freshman classes fluctuated between Anne, Gilbert and Philippa; Priscilla did very well;
fluctuate (争う) [動] vary or change, especially in an irregular manner
do well (優秀だ) [動] perform well
Charlie Sloane scraped through respectably, and comported himself as complacently as if he had led in everything.
scrape through (合格する) [動] pass an exam with difficulty
respectably (立派に) [副] in a respectable manner
comport oneself (振る舞う) [動] behave in a specified manner
complacently (悠然と) [副] in a self-satisfied manner

 “I can’t really believe that this time tomorrow I’ll be in Green Gables,” said Anne on the night before departure.
this time tomorrow (明日の今頃) [名] the same time tomorrow
the night before (前夜) [名] the night preceding a particular day
departure (出発) [名] the act of leaving a place
“But I shall be. And you, Phil, will be in Bolingbroke with Alec and Alonzo.”
Phil (フィリッパ) [名] a short form of the name Philippa

 “I’m longing to see them,” admitted Phil, between the chocolate she was nibbling.
between (かじりながら) [前] in the time or space separating two things
chocolate (チョコレート) [名] a food made from roasted and ground cacao seeds
“They really are such dear boys, you know.
such (こんな) [形] of the type or kind described
There’s to be no end of dances and drives and general jamborees.
no end of (続く) [名] a lot of
dance (ダンス) [名] a social gathering for dancing
general (大騒ぎ) [形] involving or affecting the whole
I shall never forgive you, Queen Anne, for not coming home with me for the holidays.”
holiday (休暇) [名] a day on which one is exempt from work

 “‘Never’ means three days with you, Phil.
three days (三日間) [名] a period of three days
It was dear of you to ask me—and I’d love to go to Bolingbroke some day.
dear (ありがとう) [形] used as a term of endearment
But I can’t go this year—I must go home.
You don’t know how my heart longs for it.”
long for (帰りたい) [動] to feel a strong desire or wish for

 “You won’t have much of a time,” said Phil scornfully.
have much of a time (楽しい時間を過ごす) [動] have a lot of fun
scornfully (軽蔑したように) [副] in a scornful manner
“There’ll be one or two quilting parties, I suppose;
one or two (1回か2回) [名] a small number
quilting party (キルトを縫う会) [名] a social gathering at which people work together to make a quilt
and all the old gossips will talk you over to your face and behind your back.
talk over (噂する) [動] discuss or examine in detail
face (面と向かって) [名] the front of a person's head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear
You’ll die of lonesomeness, child.”
lonesomeness (孤独) [名] the state of being alone or lonely

 “In Avonlea?” said Anne, highly amused.
highly (非常に) [副] to a great degree or extent
amused (面白がる) [形] find something funny or entertaining

 “Now, if you’d come with me you’d have a perfectly gorgeous time.
come with (一緒に来る) [動] accompany
have a time (時を過ごす) [動] experience something
Bolingbroke would go wild over you, Queen Anne—your hair and your style and, oh, everything!
go wild (夢中になる) [動] become very enthusiastic or excited
style (スタイル) [名] a distinctive manner of doing something
You’re so different.
You’d be such a success—and I would bask in reflected glory—‘not the rose but near the rose.’
such a success (大成功) [名] a great success
bask in (浴する) [動] enjoy or take delight in
reflected glory (栄光) [名] the glory that comes from being associated with someone or something that is successful or famous
not the rose but near the rose (バラではないがバラの近くに) [名] a quotation from a poem by Emily Dickinson
Do come, after all, Anne.”

 “Your picture of social triumphs is quite fascinating, Phil, but I’ll paint one to offset it.
picture (絵) [名] a representation of a person, animal, or thing in a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.
social (社交界) [形] of or relating to society or its organization
fascinating (魅力的) [形] extremely interesting or appealing
paint (描く) [動] represent in a picture
offset (相殺する) [動] compensate for or counterbalance
I’m going home to an old country farmhouse, once green, rather faded now, set among leafless apple orchards.
farmhouse (農家) [名] a house on a farm
fade (色あせる) [動] lose brightness or vividness
set (囲まれる) [動] be situated in a specified place
leafless (葉のない) [形] having no leaves
There is a brook below and a December fir wood beyond, where I’ve heard harps swept by the fingers of rain and wind.
December (12月) [名] the twelfth month of the year
harp (ハープ) [名] a musical instrument with strings that are plucked with the fingers
There is a pond nearby that will be gray and brooding now.
nearby (近くに) [副] close; not far
brood (陰気になっている) [動] to think or worry about something in a sad or angry way
There will be two oldish ladies in the house, one tall and thin, one short and fat;
oldish (年配の) [形] somewhat old
lady (女性) [名] a woman of refinement
one (一人) [名] the number 1
tall (背が高い) [形] of more than average height
thin (痩せている) [形] having little flesh or fat on the body
fat (太っている) [形] having a lot of flesh or fat on the body
and there will be two twins, one a perfect model, the other what Mrs. Lynde calls a ‘holy terror.’
model (模範生) [名] a person who is admired and emulated
other (もう一人) [形] used to refer to a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about
holy terror (恐ろしい子) [名] a person who is mischievous or troublesome
There will be a little room upstairs over the porch, where old dreams hang thick, and a big, fat, glorious feather bed which will almost seem the height of luxury after a boardinghouse mattress.
upstairs (上の階) [名] the floor or floors of a building above the ground floor
hang (詰まっている) [動] be suspended or held up
thick (ぎっしり) [形] having a large distance between opposite sides
fat (ふかふかの) [形] having a large amount of excess flesh
glorious (とても贅沢に見える) [形] having or worthy of glory
feather bed (羽毛のベッド) [名] a bed with a mattress filled with feathers
mattress (マットレス) [名] a large, flat pad for supporting a person's body while sleeping
How do you like my picture, Phil?”
how do you like (どうですか) [動] what is your opinion of

 “It seems a very dull one,” said Phil, with a grimace.
grimace (しかめる) [動] make a distorted expression of the face

 “Oh, but I’ve left out the transforming thing,” said Anne softly.
leave out (忘れる) [動] fail to include
transform (変身させる) [動] change in form, appearance, or structure
“There’ll be love there, Phil—faithful, tender love, such as I’ll never find anywhere else in the world—love that’s waiting for me.
tender (優しい) [形] expressing gentleness or warmth
such as (のような) [接] for example
waiting (待っている) [動] stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens
That makes my picture a masterpiece, doesn’t it, even if the colors are not very brilliant?”
masterpiece (傑作) [名] a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship

 Phil silently got up, tossed her box of chocolates away, went up to Anne, and put her arms about her.
toss (投げ捨てる) [動] throw or fling something somewhere with a quick, light movement
go up (行く) [動] move or travel toward a higher place or position
put one's arms about (抱きしめる) [動] put one's arms around someone

 “Anne, I wish I was like you,” she said soberly.
soberly (真面目な顔で) [副] in a serious manner

 Diana met Anne at the Carmody station the next night, and they drove home together under silent, star-sown depths of sky.
next night (翌夜) [名] the night after the present one
drive (帰る) [動] go or travel by car
silent (静かな) [形] making no sound
Green Gables had a very festal appearance as they drove up the lane.
have a very festal appearance (とてもお祭り気分だった) [動] seem to be very festive
drive up (登っていく) [動] go up
There was a light in every window, the glow breaking out through the darkness like flame-red blossoms swung against the dark background of the Haunted Wood.
There was (あった) [動] to exist
break out (突き破る) [動] to escape from a place
flame (炎) [名] a hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by a chemical reaction
swing (揺れる) [動] to move or cause to move back and forth or from side to side
background (背景) [名] the part of a scene that is farthest from the viewer
And in the yard was a brave bonfire with two gay little figures dancing around it, one of which gave an unearthly yell as the buggy turned in under the poplars.
brave (勇壮な) [形] courageous
bonfire (焚き火) [名] a large outdoor fire
figure (人影) [名] a person
poplar (ポプラ) [名] a type of tree

 “Davy means that for an Indian war-whoop,” said Diana.
mean (つもり) [動] intend to convey
war-whoop (雄叫び) [名] a loud cry or yell
“Mr. Harrison’s hired boy taught it to him, and he’s been practicing it up to welcome you with.
Mr. Harrison (ハリソンさん) [名] a man with the last name Harrison
hired boy (雇い手) [名] a boy who is hired to do work
practice (練習する) [動] perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency
Mrs. Lynde says it has worn her nerves to a frazzle.
wear (擦り切れる) [動] to cause to deteriorate or become damaged through use
nerve (神経) [名] a bundle of fibers that transmits impulses between the brain or spinal cord and other parts of the body
He creeps up behind her, you know, and then lets go.
let go (放す) [動] release one's hold on something
He was determined to have a bonfire for you, too.
be determined to (決める) [動] be very determined to do something
have (焚く) [動] make or build a fire
bonfire (かがり火) [名] a large open-air fire
He’s been piling up branches for a fortnight and pestering Marilla to be let pour some kerosene oil over it before setting it on fire.
pile up (積み上げる) [動] to accumulate or be accumulated in a pile
branch (枝) [名] a woody stem growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub
fortnight (二週間) [名] a period of two weeks
pester (困らせる) [動] to trouble or annoy with frequent or persistent requests, questions, or interruptions
pour (かける) [動] to cause to flow in a stream
kerosene oil (灯油) [名] a light fuel oil obtained by distilling petroleum
set on fire (火をつける) [動] to cause to burn
I guess she did, by the smell, though Mrs. Lynde said up to the last that Davy would blow himself and everybody else up if he was let.”
smell (匂い) [名] the property of a substance that is perceived by the olfactory system
up to the last (最後まで) [副] until the very end
blow up (吹き飛ばす) [動] explode
himself (自分) [代] the male person being discussed
everybody else (みんな) [代] all the other people
let (渡す) [動] allow to do something

 Anne was out of the buggy by this time, and Davy was rapturously hugging her knees, while even Dora was clinging to her hand.
be out of (降りる) [動] leave or depart from
rapturously (喜び) [副] in a state of great happiness or joy
knee (膝) [名] the joint between the thigh and the lower leg
cling (しがみつく) [動] hold on tightly to something

 “Isn’t that a bully bonfire, Anne?
bully (すごい) [形] very good
Just let me show you how to poke it—see the sparks?
poke (突っつく) [動] push or jab with a finger or pointed object
spark (火花) [名] a small fiery particle thrown off from a burning substance
I did it for you, Anne, ’cause I was so glad you were coming home.”

 The kitchen door opened and Marilla’s spare form darkened against the inner light.
spare (痩せた) [形] thin
darken (暗く見える) [動] make or become dark or darker
inner (中の) [形] inside; interior
She preferred to meet Anne in the shadows, for she was horribly afraid that she was going to cry with joy—she, stern, repressed Marilla, who thought all display of deep emotion unseemly.
prefer (好む) [動] like (something) better than another
stern (厳しい) [形] strict or severe
repress (抑圧する) [動] keep under control by force
unseemly (見苦しい) [形] not decent or proper
Mrs. Lynde was behind her, sonsy, kindly, matronly, as of yore.
sonsy (愛想がよい) [形] cheerful and good-natured
kindly (親切) [形] having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature
matronly (母性的) [形] having the characteristics of a mother
yore (昔) [名] time long past
The love that Anne had told Phil was waiting for her surrounded her and enfolded her with its blessing and its sweetness.
enfold (包み込む) [動] wrap up or cover
blessing (祝福) [名] a prayer asking for divine favor and protection
sweetness (甘美さ) [名] the quality of being sweet
Nothing, after all, could compare with old ties, old friends, and old Green Gables!
nothing (何もない) [名] not a thing; no single thing
compare (匹敵する) [動] be similar or have a likeness to
tie (絆) [名] a bond or connection between people
How starry Anne’s eyes were as they sat down to the loaded supper table, how pink her cheeks, how silver-clear her laughter!
sit down (着く) [動] take a seat
loaded (いっぱいの) [形] filled to capacity
table (食卓) [名] a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at
pink (ピンク色) [形] of a color intermediate between red and white
silver (銀色) [形] of a color intermediate between white and gray
And Diana was going to stay all night, too.
stay (泊まる) [動] remain in a place
How like the dear old times it was!
how (なんて) [副] to what extent or degree
like (ようだ) [動] be similar to
dear (懐かしい) [形] beloved or cherished
And the rose-bud tea-set graced the table!
rose-bud (バラのつぼみ) [名] the flower bud of a rose
tea-set (ティーセット) [名] a set of dishes for serving tea
grace (飾る) [動] make more attractive or elegant
With Marilla the force of nature could no further go.
with (にとって) [前] in the case of
force (力) [名] strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
nature (自然) [名] the physical world and everything in it

 “I suppose you and Diana will now proceed to talk all night,” said Marilla sarcastically, as the girls went upstairs.
proceed (進む) [動] follow a certain course
upstairs (二階) [副] to or on an upper floor
Marilla was always sarcastic after any self-betrayal.
sarcastic (皮肉な) [形] marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt

 “Yes,” agreed Anne gaily, “but I’m going to put Davy to bed first.
agree (答える) [動] say yes to
first (まず) [副] before anything else; initially
He insists on that.”
insist (言う) [動] demand something forcefully, urgently, or emphatically

 “You bet,” said Davy, as they went along the hall.
bet (もちろん) [動] risk something, usually a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event
go along (歩いて行く) [動] move or travel in a specified direction
“I want somebody to say my prayers to again.
It’s no fun saying them alone.”
no fun (つまらない) [形] not enjoyable

 “You don’t say them alone, Davy.
God is always with you to hear you.”
with (共に) [前] in the company of

 “Well, I can’t see Him,” objected Davy.
object (反論する) [動] express an objection
“I want to pray to somebody I can see, but I won’t say them to Mrs. Lynde or Marilla, there now!”

 Nevertheless, when Davy was garbed in his gray flannel nighty, he did not seem in a hurry to begin.
nevertheless (それでも) [副] in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same
when (すると) [接] at or during the time that
garb (着る) [動] to clothe
flannel (フランネル) [名] a soft woven fabric, usually of wool or a wool blend
nighty (寝間着) [名] a nightgown
seem (よう) [動] to appear to be
hurry (急ぐ) [動] to move or act with haste
He stood before Anne, shuffling one bare foot over the other, and looked undecided.
shuffle (重ねる) [動] move or walk by dragging one's feet
bare foot (素足) [名] a foot that is not wearing a shoe or sock

 “Come, dear, kneel down,” said Anne.
kneel (跪く) [動] be in or assume a position in which the body is supported by the knees
down (下ろす) [副] to or in a lower place or position

 Davy came and buried his head in Anne’s lap, but he did not kneel down.
bury (埋める) [動] put or hide under the ground
lap (膝) [名] the flat area between the waist and the knees of a seated person

 “Anne,” he said in a muffled voice.
“I don’t feel like praying after all.
I haven’t felt like it for a week now.
I—I didnt’t pray last night nor the night before.”
the night before (一昨夜) [名] the night before the night before the present day

 “Why not, Davy?” asked Anne gently.
gently (優しく) [副] in a gentle manner

 “You—you won’t be mad if I tell you?” implored Davy.
be mad (怒る) [動] be angry
implore (懇願する) [動] beg someone earnestly to do something

 Anne lifted the little gray-flannelled body on her knee and cuddled his head on her arm.
lift (抱き上げる) [動] raise to a higher position
cuddle (抱きかかえる) [動] hold close in one's arms

 “Do I ever get ‘mad’ when you tell me things, Davy?”
get mad (怒る) [動] become angry

 “No-o-o, you never do.
But you get sorry, and that’s worse.
get sorry (悲しむ) [動] feel regret or guilt
You’ll be awful sorry when I tell you this, Anne—and you’ll be ’shamed of me, I s’pose.”
sorry (悲しむ) [形] feeling sadness, sympathy, or regret
be ashamed of (恥ずかしく思う) [動] feel shame or guilt about

 “Have you done something naughty, Davy, and is that why you can’t say your prayers?”
do something naughty (何か悪いことをする) [動] do something that is not good or proper
say one's prayers (お祈りをする) [動] pray

 “No, I haven’t done anything naughty—yet.
naughty (悪い) [形] disobedient; badly behaved
But I want to do it.”

 “What is it, Davy?”

 “I—I want to say a bad word, Anne,” blurted out Davy, with a desperate effort.
bad word (悪い言葉) [名] a word that is considered vulgar or obscene
blurt out (口走る) [動] say something without thinking
desperate (必死の) [形] having lost all hope
“I heard Mr. Harrison’s hired boy say it one day last week, and ever since I’ve been wanting to say it all the time—even when I’m saying my prayers.”
hired boy (雇い人) [名] a boy who is employed by someone
all the time (ずっと) [副] continuously
even when (でさえ) [副] in spite of the fact that

 “Say it then, Davy.”
then (じゃあ) [副] at that time; at the time in question

 Davy lifted his flushed face in amazement.
lift (上げる) [動] move something to a higher position
flush (赤くなる) [動] become red
amazement (驚き) [名] a feeling of great surprise or wonder

 “But, Anne, it’s an awful bad word.”

 “Say it!”

 Davy gave her another incredulous look, then in a low voice he said the dreadful word.
voice (声) [名] the sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song
The next minute his face was burrowing against her.
the next minute (次の瞬間) [名] a very short time later
burrow (押し付ける) [動] dig a hole in the ground
against (-に) [前] in opposition to

 “Oh, Anne, I’ll never say it again—never.
I’ll never want to say it again.
I knew it was bad, but I didn’t s’pose it was so—so—I didn’t s’pose it was like that.”
didn't s'pose (思わなかった) [動] did not suppose
so (そんなに) [副] to such a great extent
like that (そんな風に) [副] in that manner

 “No, I don’t think you’ll ever want to say it again, Davy—or think it, either.
And I wouldn’t go about much with Mr. Harrison’s hired boy if I were you.”
go about (付き合う) [動] associate with

 “He can make bully war-whoops,” said Davy a little regretfully.
make (上げる) [動] produce or create
regretfully (残念そうに) [副] in a way that shows you are sorry about something

 “But you don’t want your mind filled with bad words, do you, Davy—words that will poison it and drive out all that is good and manly?”
mind (心) [名] the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought
word (言葉) [名] a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed
poison (毒する) [動] kill or injure by administering poison
drive out (追い出す) [動] force to leave a place
manly (男らしい) [形] having or showing qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men

 “No,” said Davy, owl-eyed with introspection.
owl-eyed (内省的な目) [形] having large, round eyes
introspection (内省) [名] the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional state

 “Then don’t go with those people who use them.
go with (付き合う) [動] associate with
those (そういう) [形] the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified
And now do you feel as if you could say your prayers, Davy?”

 “Oh, yes,” said Davy, eagerly wriggling down on his knees, “I can say them now all right.
Oh, yes (ああ、そう) [間] an expression of surprise or disappointment
wriggle (身をよじる) [動] move or cause to move up and down or from side to side with small rapid movements
all right (ちゃんと) [副] satisfactorily; well
I ain’t scared now to say ‘if I should die before I wake,’ like I was when I was wanting to say that word.”
ain't (怖くない) [動] am not; are not; is not
wake (目覚める) [動] stop sleeping

 Probably Anne and Diana did empty out their souls to each other that night, but no record of their confidences has been preserved.
empty out (打ち明ける) [動] to tell someone everything you know about something
each other (互いに) [代] used to refer to two or more people or things that are involved in the same action
confidence (秘密) [名] a secret that is not to be told to others
record (記録) [名] a permanent account of something
preserve (残す) [動] to keep something in its original state
They both looked as fresh and bright-eyed at breakfast as only youth can look after unlawful hours of revelry and confession.
fresh (清々しい) [形] recently produced or harvested
bright-eyed (目の輝いた) [形] having bright eyes
look after (持つ) [動] to take care of
unlawful (夜更かし) [形] not conforming to or permitted by law
hour (時間) [名] a period of time equal to 60 minutes
revelry (告白) [名] boisterous partying
confession (告白) [名] a statement admitting that you have done something wrong
There had been no snow up to this time, but as Diana crossed the old log bridge on her homeward way the white flakes were beginning to flutter down over the fields and woods, russet and gray in their dreamless sleep.
up to this time (これまで) [副] until now
snow (雪) [名] frozen water that falls from the sky
log bridge (丸太橋) [名] a bridge made of logs
homeward (帰り道) [形] going or leading toward home
flake (雪片) [名] a small, thin piece of something
flutter (舞い降りる) [動] move or fly with a light, rapid, irregular motion
russet (赤褐色) [名] a strong brown color
dreamless (夢も見ずに) [形] without dreams
Soon the far-away slopes and hills were dim and wraith-like through their gauzy scarfing, as if pale autumn had flung a misty bridal veil over her hair and was waiting for her wintry bridegroom.
soon (やがて) [副] in a short time
far-away (遠くの) [形] distant
slope (斜面) [名] a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than the other
wraith (幽霊) [名] a ghost or apparition
gauzy (薄い) [形] made of or resembling gauze
scarfing (スカーフ) [名] a piece of fabric worn around the neck or head
fling (かぶる) [動] throw or move with force or violence
misty (霧のような) [形] filled or abounding with mist
bridal (花嫁の) [形] of or relating to a bride or a wedding
veil (ベール) [名] a piece of fine material worn by a woman over her head and face
wintry (冬の) [形] characteristic of or occurring in winter
bridegroom (花婿) [名] a man who is about to be married or has just been married
So they had a white Christmas after all, and a very pleasant day it was.
white Christmas (ホワイトクリスマス) [名] a Christmas with snow
In the forenoon letters and gifts came from Miss Lavendar and Paul; Anne opened them in the cheerful Green Gables kitchen, which was filled with what Davy, sniffing in ecstasy, called “pretty smells.”
gift (贈り物) [名] something that is given
Paul (ポール) [名] a character in the story
open (開封する) [動] make or become open
cheerful (陽気な) [形] happy and positive
sniff (嗅ぐ) [動] draw air into the nose with a sniff
ecstasy (恍惚) [名] an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement

 “Miss Lavendar and Mr. Irving are settled in their new home now,” reported Anne.
Mr. Irving (アーヴィングさん) [名] a character in the story
“I am sure Miss Lavendar is perfectly happy—I know it by the general tone of her letter—but there’s a note from Charlotta the Fourth.
general tone (全体的な調子) [名] the overall mood or atmosphere of something
Charlotta the Fourth (四代目シャーロッタ) [名] a character in the story
She doesn’t like Boston at all, and she is fearfully homesick.
at all (全然) [副] in any way; to any extent
fearfully (ひどく) [副] to a great extent; very much
homesick (ホームシック) [形] longing for home
Miss Lavendar wants me to go through to Echo Lodge some day while I’m home and light a fire to air it, and see that the cushions aren’t getting moldy.
want (言ってます) [動] wish or hope for
go through (行って) [動] move through or across
Echo Lodge (エコー・ロッジ) [名] a place in the story
light a fire (火をつけて) [動] cause a fire to start burning
air (換気し) [動] cause fresh air to circulate freely
get moldy (カビが生えていないか) [動] become covered with mold
I think I’ll get Diana to go over with me next week, and we can spend the evening with Theodora Dix.
get (誘う) [動] cause to come or go
go over (行く) [動] visit
I want to see Theodora.
By the way, is Ludovic Speed still going to see her?”
by the way (ところで) [副] incidentally
Ludovic Speed (ルドヴィック・スピード) [名] a character in the story
go to see (会いに行く) [動] visit

 “They say so,” said Marilla, “and he’s likely to continue it.
say so (そう言う) [動] say that something is the case
Folks have given up expecting that that courtship will ever arrive anywhere.”
give up (捨てる) [動] stop doing something
expect (期待する) [動] regard something as likely to happen

 “I’d hurry him up a bit, if I was Theodora, that’s what,” said Mrs. Lynde.
hurry up (急かす) [動] cause to move or act more quickly
a bit (少し) [副] to a small extent
if I was (もし私が~なら) [接] on the condition or supposition that; in the event that
Theodora (セオドラ) [名] a female given name
that's what (そうするよ) [間] that is the thing that I would do
And there is not the slightest doubt but that she would.
there is not (ない) [動] not exist
slightest (少しの) [形] very small in degree; inconsiderable
doubt (疑い) [名] a feeling of uncertainty about the truth or existence of something

 There was also a characteristic scrawl from Philippa, full of Alec and Alonzo, what they said and what they did, and how they looked when they saw her.
characteristic (特徴的な) [形] serving to identify or distinguish
scrawl (走り書き) [名] a piece of writing that is done quickly and carelessly
how (どのように) [副] in what way or manner
when (とき) [接] at the time that

 “But I can’t make up my mind yet which to marry,” wrote Phil.
“I do wish you had come with me to decide for me.
Some one will have to.
some one (誰か) [名] an unspecified person
When I saw Alec my heart gave a great thump and I thought, ‘He might be the right one.’
give a great thump (ドキドキする) [動] beat or throb strongly or heavily
right (運命の) [形] correct or true
And then, when Alonzo came, thump went my heart again.
heart (心臓) [名] the hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels by rhythmic contraction and dilation
thump (ドキドキ) [名] a heavy dull sound
So that’s no guide, though it should be, according to all the novels I’ve ever read.
that (それ) [代] the thing or person that is mentioned
no (ない) [形] not any
guide (指針) [名] a person who shows the way
should (べき) [助] used to express obligation, duty, or correctness
novel (小説) [名] a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism
Now, Anne, your heart wouldn’t thump for anybody but the genuine Prince Charming, would it?
thump (ドキドキする) [動] beat or strike heavily or loudly
genuine (本物の) [形] real; true
Prince Charming (白馬の王子様) [名] a handsome and idealized romantic hero
There must be something radically wrong with mine.
radically (根本的に) [副] in a radical manner
wrong (間違っている) [形] not correct or true
But I’m having a perfectly gorgeous time.
How I wish you were here!
It’s snowing today, and I’m rapturous.
rapturous (うっとりした) [形] feeling or expressing great happiness or pleasure
I was so afraid we’d have a green Christmas and I loathe them.
be afraid (心配する) [動] be worried or anxious
green Christmas (緑のクリスマス) [名] a Christmas without snow
loathe (嫌う) [動] dislike greatly
You know, when Christmas is a dirty grayey-browney affair, looking as if it had been left over a hundred years ago and had been in soak ever since, it is called a green Christmas!
dirty (汚れた) [形] not clean
grayey-browney (灰色がかった茶色の) [形] of a color intermediate between gray and brown
affair (出来事) [名] something that happens or takes place
hundred (百) [名] the number 100
ago (前に) [副] earlier
soak (浸かる) [動] be immersed in liquid
ever since (それ以来ずっと) [副] continuously from a particular time in the past
Don’t ask me why.
why (理由) [名] the reason or cause for which something is done or for which something happens
As Lord Dundreary says, ‘there are thome thingth no fellow can underthtand.’
Lord Dundreary (ダンドリ卿) [名] a character in the play "Our American Cousin"
there be (ある) [動] exist

 “Anne, did you ever get on a street car and then discover that you hadn’t any money with you to pay your fare?
get on (乗る) [動] go onto or into
street car (路面電車) [名] a passenger vehicle that runs on rails in the street
discover (気づく) [動] become aware of
I did, the other day.
the other day (先日) [名] a few days ago
It’s quite awful.
I had a nickel with me when I got on the car.
nickel (5セント玉) [名] a United States coin worth five cents
I thought it was in the left pocket of my coat.
left (左) [形] on or to the side of the body that is to the north when the person is facing east
pocket (ポケット) [名] a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles
When I got settled down comfortably I felt for it.
comfortably (楽に) [副] in a way that is comfortable
feel for (探す) [動] try to find by touching
It wasn’t there.
be not there (そこにない) [動] not be present
I had a cold chill.
have a cold chill (寒気がする) [動] feel cold
I felt in the other pocket.
feel (探す) [動] to search for something by touching
other (もう一つの) [形] the remaining one of two or more people or things
Not there.
I had another chill.
chill (寒気) [名] a feeling of coldness
Then I felt in a little inside pocket.
All in vain.
in vain (無駄に) [副] to no purpose; without success
I had two chills at once.

 “I took off my gloves, laid them on the seat, and went over all my pockets again.
take off (脱ぐ) [動] remove an item of clothing
glove (手袋) [名] a covering for the hand
seat (座席) [名] a place where someone may sit
go over (探す) [動] examine or inspect
It was not there.
I stood up and shook myself, and then looked on the floor.
stand up (立ち上がる) [動] rise to a standing position
shake (震わせる) [動] move or cause to move up and down or from side to side with small rapid movements
look (見る) [動] direct one's gaze at
The car was full of people, who were going home from the opera, and they all stared at me, but I was past caring for a little thing like that.
car (車) [名] a wheeled, self-propelled vehicle used for transportation
people (人) [名] human beings in general or considered collectively
stare (じろじろ見る) [動] to look fixedly or intently

 “But I could not find my fare.
fare (運賃) [名] the money a passenger pays to travel on a vehicle
I concluded I must have put it in my mouth and swallowed it inadvertently.
swallow (飲み込む) [動] cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach
inadvertently (うっかり) [副] without intention or by accident

 “I didn’t know what to do.
Would the conductor, I wondered, stop the car and put me off in ignominy and shame?
conductor (車掌) [名] a person who collects fares on a public transport vehicle
stop (止める) [動] cause to cease moving or operating
put off (降ろす) [動] cause to be delayed or postponed
ignominy (恥) [名] public disgrace or dishonor
shame (恥) [名] a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior
Was it possible that I could convince him that I was merely the victim of my own absentmindedness, and not an unprincipled creature trying to obtain a ride upon false pretenses?
merely (ただ) [副] only; simply
absentmindedness (ぼんやり) [名] the state of being forgetful or inattentive
unprincipled (無節操な) [形] lacking moral principles; unscrupulous
false pretenses (偽りのふり) [名] a representation of a fact that is not true
How I wished that Alec or Alonzo were there.
But they weren’t because I wanted them.
If I hadn’t wanted them they would have been there by the dozen.
dozen (たくさん) [名] a group of twelve things
And I couldn’t decide what to say to the conductor when he came around.
come around (来る) [動] to arrive or appear
As soon as I got one sentence of explanation mapped out in my mind I felt nobody could believe it and I must compose another.
get (考える) [動] receive, obtain, or have something
sentence (文) [名] a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or ...
explanation (説明) [名] a statement or account that makes something clear
map out (考える) [動] plan in detail
must (しなければならなかった) [助] be obliged to; should
compose (考える) [動] make up; constitute
It seemed there was nothing to do but trust in Providence, and for all the comfort that gave me I might as well have been the old lady who, when told by the captain during a storm that she must put her trust in the Almighty exclaimed, ‘Oh, Captain, is it as bad as that?’
Providence (神の摂理) [名] God or the power of God
trust (信じる) [動] have confidence in the reliability, truth, or ability of
storm (嵐) [名] a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, snow, or hail
captain (船長) [名] the person in charge of a ship
Almighty (全能の神) [名] God

 “Just at the conventional moment, when all hope had fled, and the conductor was holding out his box to the passenger next to me, I suddenly remembered where I had put that wretched coin of the realm.
conventional (決まりきった) [形] based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed
flee (消え去る) [動] run away from a place or situation of danger
hold out (差し出す) [動] stretch out so as to offer something to someone
passenger (乗客) [名] a person who is traveling in a vehicle, such as a bus, train, or airplane
wretched (惨めな) [形] extremely unhappy or unfortunate
coin (硬貨) [名] a piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money
realm (王国) [名] a kingdom
I hadn’t swallowed it after all.
I meekly fished it out of the index finger of my glove and poked it in the box.
meekly (おとなしく) [副] in a submissive manner
fish out (引っ張り出す) [動] to pull or take out
index finger (人差し指) [名] the finger next to the thumb
poke (突っ込む) [動] to push or jab with a finger or pointed object
I smiled at everybody and felt that it was a beautiful world.”

 The visit to Echo Lodge was not the least pleasant of many pleasant holiday outings.
visit (訪問) [名] the act of going to a place
least (最も) [形] smallest in amount or degree
outing (外出) [名] a short trip away from home
Anne and Diana went back to it by the old way of the beech woods, carrying a lunch basket with them.
beech wood (ブナの森) [名] a forest of beech trees
carry (持つ) [動] hold or support while moving
Echo Lodge, which had been closed ever since Miss Lavendar’s wedding, was briefly thrown open to wind and sunshine once more, and firelight glimmered again in the little rooms.
briefly (短時間) [副] for a short time
firelight (火の光) [名] the light produced by a fire
glimmer (ちらちらと輝く) [動] shine or glow with a faint or unsteady light
The perfume of Miss Lavendar’s rose bowl still filled the air.
perfume (香り) [名] a pleasant smell
It was hardly possible to believe that Miss Lavendar would not come tripping in presently, with her brown eyes a-star with welcome, and that Charlotta the Fourth, blue of bow and wide of smile, would not pop through the door.
brown eyes (茶色の瞳) [名] eyes that are brown in color
welcome (歓迎) [名] a kind or glad reception
bow (リボン) [名] a knot tied with two loops and two loose ends, used especially for tying shoelaces and decorative ribbons
wide (満面の) [形] having a specified distance from side to side
Paul, too, seemed hovering around, with his fairy fancies.
too (また) [副] in addition; also; as well
hover (うろつく) [動] remain in one place in the air
around (辺り) [副] in all directions; on all sides
fairy (妖精) [名] a small imaginary being of human form that has magical powers and lives in the woods

 “It really makes me feel a little bit like a ghost revisiting the old time glimpses of the moon,” laughed Anne.
a little bit (少し) [副] to a small extent
revisit (再訪する) [動] visit again
old time (昔) [名] a time in the past
glimpse (光景) [名] a brief, incomplete view or look
“Let’s go out and see if the echoes are at home.
go out (外に出る) [動] leave a place
Bring the old horn.
horn (角笛) [名] a musical instrument made of a horn
It is still behind the kitchen door.”

 The echoes were at home, over the white river, as silver-clear and multitudinous as ever;
at home (家にいるよう) [副] in one's own home
river (川) [名] a large natural stream of water
silver-clear (銀色に澄んで) [形] having the color or luster of silver
multitudinous (数多く) [形] very numerous
and when they had ceased to answer the girls locked up Echo Lodge again
lock up (閉め切る) [動] fasten or secure (something) with a lock
and went away in the perfect half hour that follows the rose and saffron of a winter sunset.
half hour (半時間) [名] a period of 30 minutes
winter (冬) [名] the season of the year that is coldest