Chapter VI: In the Park
第六章: 公園で

 “What are you going to do with yourselves today, girls?” asked Philippa, popping into Anne’s room one Saturday afternoon.
what are you going to do (何をするの) [他] what do you plan to do
pop into (飛び込む) [動] come or go into or out of a place quickly or briefly
Anne's room (アンの部屋) [名] the room that belongs to Anne
one Saturday afternoon (ある土曜日の午後) [名] the afternoon of a particular Saturday

 “We are going for a walk in the park,” answered Anne.
go for a walk (散歩する) [動] walk for exercise or pleasure
“I ought to stay in and finish my blouse.
stay in (家にいる) [動] remain indoors
finish (仕上げる) [動] bring to an end; complete
But I couldn’t sew on a day like this.
There’s something in the air that gets into my blood and makes a sort of glory in my soul.
blood (血) [名] the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of people and vertebrate animals
My fingers would twitch and I’d sew a crooked seam.
twitch (ピクピクする) [動] make a short, sudden, jerking movement
So it’s ho for the park and the pines.”

 “Does ‘we’ include any one but yourself and Priscilla?”
include (含まれる) [動] comprise or contain as a part
but (以外に) [前] other than
yourself (あなた) [代] the person being addressed

 “Yes, it includes Gilbert and Charlie, and we’ll be very glad if it will include you, also.”

 “But,” said Philippa dolefully, “if I go I’ll have to be gooseberry, and that will be a new experience for Philippa Gordon.”
gooseberry (お邪魔虫) [名] a person who is unwanted in a social situation

 “Well, new experiences are broadening.
broaden (広げる) [動] make or become wider
Come along, and you’ll be able to sympathize with all poor souls who have to play gooseberry often.
come along (一緒に行く) [動] accompany someone
sympathize (同情する) [動] feel or express sympathy
poor soul (哀れな魂) [名] a person who is in a difficult or unfortunate situation
play gooseberry (お邪魔虫を演じる) [動] be a third person in a group of two people, especially two lovers, who would prefer to be alone
But where are all the victims?”
where (どこ) [副] in or to what place or position

 “Oh, I was tired of them all and simply couldn’t be bothered with any of them today.
be tired of (飽き飽きする) [動] be bored with
couldn't be bothered with (構ってられない) [動] not be interested in
Besides, I’ve been feeling a little blue—just a pale, elusive azure.
feel blue (憂鬱な気分) [動] be sad or unhappy
azure (青い) [形] of a sky-blue color
It isn’t serious enough for anything darker.
I wrote Alec and Alonzo last week.
I put the letters into envelopes and addressed them, but I didn’t seal them up.
envelope (封筒) [名] a flat paper container with a sealable flap used to enclose a letter or document
address (宛名) [名] the location of a person's home or business
seal (封をする) [動] close or fasten securely
That evening something funny happened.
that evening (その夜) [名] the evening of the day being discussed
something funny (おかしなことが) [名] something that is amusing or comical
That is, Alec would think it funny, but Alonzo wouldn’t be likely to.
that is (つまり) [副] in other words; to put it differently
be likely to (そうは思わないかもしれない) [動] be probable or expected
I was in a hurry, so I snatched Alec’s letter—as I thought—out of the envelope and scribbled down a postscript.
be in a hurry (急ぐ) [動] be in a rush
snatch (取り出す) [動] grab something suddenly or quickly
scribble (走り書きする) [動] write or draw carelessly or hurriedly
Then I mailed both letters.
then (それから) [副] after that; afterwards
mail (投函する) [動] send a letter or parcel by post
I got Alonzo’s reply this morning.
reply (返事) [名] an answer or response
Girls, I had put that postscript to his letter and he was furious.
put (書いてしまう) [動] to write or express something in a particular way
furious (激怒している) [形] extremely angry
Of course he’ll get over it—and I don’t care if he doesn’t—but it spoiled my day.
get over (乗り越える) [動] recover from
don't care (構わない) [動] be indifferent to
So I thought I’d come to you darlings to get cheered up.
cheer up (元気を出す) [動] become more cheerful or optimistic
After the football season opens I won’t have any spare Saturday afternoons.
football season (フットボールのシーズン) [名] the time of year when football games are played
open (始まる) [動] start or begin
Saturday afternoon (土曜日の午後) [名] the time from noon to evening on the day of the week before Sunday and following Friday
I adore football.
I’ve got the most gorgeous cap and sweater striped in Redmond colors to wear to the games.
get (買う) [動] obtain by purchase
gorgeous (素敵な) [形] very beautiful or attractive
cap (帽子) [名] a head covering with a brim and no earflaps
sweater (セーター) [名] a pullover garment made of wool or other warm fabric
stripe (ストライプ) [名] a long, narrow band of a different color or texture from the rest of the surface
color (色) [名] the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light
game (試合) [名] a contest with rules to determine a winner
To be sure, a little way off I’ll look like a walking barber’s pole.
a little way off (少し離れたところ) [名] a short distance away
barber (理髪師) [名] a person who cuts men's hair and shaves or trims beards
pole (看板) [名] a long thin piece of wood or metal
Do you know that that Gilbert of yours has been elected Captain of the Freshman football team?”
do you know (知っている) [動] be aware of
that that (あの) [限] the one mentioned before
of yours (あなたの) [限] belonging to or connected with the person or thing mentioned
has been elected (選ばれた) [動] have been chosen
Captain (キャプテン) [名] the leader of a team
football team (フットボールチーム) [名] a group of players forming one side in a football game

 “Yes, he told us so last evening,” said Priscilla, seeing that outraged Anne would not answer.
last evening (昨日の夕方) [名] the evening of the previous day
outraged (怒った) [形] very angry
“He and Charlie were down.
be down (来ていた) [動] to be in a lower place
We knew they were coming, so we painstakingly put out of sight or out of reach all Miss Ada’s cushions.
put out of sight (見えないようにする) [動] hide
put out of reach (手の届かないようにする) [動] make inaccessible
That very elaborate one with the raised embroidery I dropped on the floor in the corner behind the chair it was on.
raise (浮き彫りの) [動] cause to rise
embroidery (刺繍) [名] the art or process of forming decorative patterns by sewing on fabric
corner (隅) [名] the area or space where two or more sides or edges meet
chair (椅子) [名] a seat with a back, usually for one person
I thought it would be safe there.
safe (安全) [形] free from danger or risk; not likely to cause or lead to harm, injury, or loss
But would you believe it?
would (だろうか) [助] used to express a polite request
Charlie Sloane made for that chair, noticed the cushion behind it, solemnly fished it up, and sat on it the whole evening.
make for (座る) [動] go towards
fish up (拾い上げる) [動] pick up
sit on (座る) [動] be in or assume a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's upper body is more or less upright
whole (ずっと) [形] all of; the entire amount of
Such a wreck of a cushion as it was!
such a wreck (あんなにボロボロ) [名] a very bad condition
Poor Miss Ada asked me today, still smiling, but oh, so reproachfully, why I had allowed it to be sat upon.
reproachfully (非難がましく) [副] in a way that expresses disapproval
I told her I hadn’t—that it was a matter of predestination coupled with inveterate Sloanishness and I wasn’t a match for both combined.”
hadn't (しなかった) [助] had not
predestination (運命) [名] the doctrine that God has foreordained all things
couple (相まって) [動] join or connect
inveterate (根っからの) [形] having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change
match (相手) [名] a person or thing equal or similar to another in some respect

 “Miss Ada’s cushions are really getting on my nerves,” said Anne.
get on one's nerves (参る) [動] to annoy or irritate someone
“She finished two new ones last week, stuffed and embroidered within an inch of their lives.
stuff (詰め物をする) [動] fill tightly with something
embroider (刺繍する) [動] decorate with needlework
There being absolutely no other cushionless place to put them she stood them up against the wall on the stair landing.
absolutely (全く) [副] completely; totally
no other (他にない) [限] not any other
stand up (立てかける) [動] be in or assume a standing position
stair landing (階段の踊り場) [名] a platform between two flights of stairs
They topple over half the time and if we come up or down the stairs in the dark we fall over them.
topple over (倒れる) [動] fall over
half the time (半分) [名] half of the time
go down (下りる) [動] move from a higher to a lower position
fall over (つまずく) [動] trip and fall
Last Sunday, when Dr. Davis prayed for all those exposed to the perils of the sea, I added in thought ‘and for all those who live in houses where cushions are loved not wisely but too well!’
last Sunday (先週の日曜日) [名] the Sunday before the present one
Dr. Davis (デイビス先生) [名] a doctor named Davis
peril (危険) [名] a situation that is very dangerous
thought (心) [名] the mind or the intellect
There! we’re ready, and I see the boys coming through Old St. John’s.
there (さあ) [副] used to express satisfaction or relief
be ready (準備ができる) [動] be prepared or available for use
Do you cast in your lot with us, Phil?”
cast in one's lot with (運命を共にする) [動] to join with others in a particular situation or enterprise

 “I’ll go, if I can walk with Priscilla and Charlie.
That will be a bearable degree of gooseberry.
bearable (我慢できる) [形] able to be endured
That Gilbert of yours is a darling, Anne, but why does he go around so much with Goggle-eyes?”
darling (素敵な人) [名] a person who is very much loved
go around (一緒にいる) [動] be in the company of
Goggle-eyes (目が飛び出た子) [名] a person with bulging eyes

 Anne stiffened.
stiffen (身を固くする) [動] become rigid or stiff
She had no great liking for Charlie Sloane;
have no great liking for (あまり好きではなかった) [動] not like very much
but he was of Avonlea, so no outsider had any business to laugh at him.
be of (出身である) [動] be a member of

 “Charlie and Gilbert have always been friends,” she said coldly.
have always been (ずっと~だ) [動] have been for a long time
coldly (冷たく) [副] in a cold manner
“Charlie is a nice boy.
He’s not to blame for his eyes.”
blame (せい) [名] responsibility for a fault or wrong

 “Don’t tell me that! He is!
don't (いけない) [助] do not
he (彼) [代] the man being discussed
「そんなこと言わないで! 彼は!
He must have done something dreadful in a previous existence to be punished with such eyes.
must have done (したに違いない) [助] be very likely to have done
previous (前世) [形] existing or happening before in time or order
be punished (罰せられる) [動] inflict a penalty or sanction on (someone) as retribution for an offense
Pris and I are going to have such sport with him this afternoon.
Pris (プリス) [名] a female given name
have such sport (とても楽しい時間を過ごす) [動] have a lot of fun
We’ll make fun of him to his face and he’ll never know it.”
to one's face (面前で) [副] in front of someone

 Doubtless, “the abandoned P’s,” as Anne called them, did carry out their amiable intentions.
Doubtless (間違いなく) [副] without doubt; certainly
abandoned (見捨てられた) [形] having been deserted or left
P (P) [名] the 16th letter of the English alphabet
carry out (実行する) [動] to perform or complete
intention (意図) [名] an aim or plan
But Sloane was blissfully ignorant;
blissfully (至福の) [副] in a very happy way
ignorant (無知) [形] lacking knowledge or awareness in general
he thought he was quite a fine fellow to be walking with two such coeds, especially Philippa Gordon, the class beauty and belle.
beauty (美人) [名] a person who is very attractive
belle (人気者) [名] a woman who is very attractive and popular
It must surely impress Anne.
impress (感動する) [動] affect someone deeply
She would see that some people appreciated him at his real value.
see (知る) [動] get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
real value (正当な価値) [名] the true worth of something

 Gilbert and Anne loitered a little behind the others, enjoying the calm, still beauty of the autumn afternoon under the pines of the park, on the road that climbed and twisted round the harbor shore.
loiter (歩く) [動] walk slowly and aimlessly
the others (他の人) [名] the remaining people
calm (穏やか) [形] not stormy or turbulent
afternoon (午後) [名] the time from noon to evening
round (周り) [前] on every side of

 “The silence here is like a prayer, isn’t it?” said Anne, her face upturned to the shining sky.
upturn (見上げる) [動] turn upwards
“How I love the pines!
They seem to strike their roots deep into the romance of all the ages.
strike (根を下ろす) [動] to take root
It is so comforting to creep away now and then for a good talk with them.
creep away (忍び寄る) [動] move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being seen or heard
now and then (時々) [副] occasionally; from time to time
good talk (ゆっくり話す) [名] a conversation that is enjoyable or interesting
I always feel so happy out here.”
happy (幸せ) [形] feeling or showing pleasure or contentment

 “‘And so in mountain solitudes o’ertaken As by some spell divine, Their cares drop from them like the needles shaken From out the gusty pine,’”
mountain (山) [名] a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level or a large steep hill
solitude (孤独) [名] the state of being alone
divine (神) [形] of or relating to a god
care (心配) [名] worry, anxiety, or concern
drop (落ちる) [動] fall or cause to fall
needle (針) [名] a small, thin, sharp-pointed piece of metal with a hole at one end for thread

 quoted Gilbert.

 “They make our little ambitions seem rather petty, don’t they, Anne?”
make (見せる) [動] cause to appear
petty (小さい) [形] of little importance; trivial
don't (ね) [助] used in questions and negative statements

 “I think, if ever any great sorrow came to me, I would come to the pines for comfort,” said Anne dreamily.
sorrow (悲しみ) [名] a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others

 “I hope no great sorrow ever will come to you, Anne,” said Gilbert, who could not connect the idea of sorrow with the vivid, joyous creature beside him, unwitting that those who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths, and that the natures which enjoy most keenly are those which also suffer most sharply.
connect (結びつける) [動] join or fasten together
vivid (生き生きとした) [形] producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
joyous (陽気な) [形] feeling or showing great happiness
unwitting (知らない) [形] not knowing or realizing something
soar (舞い上がる) [動] fly or rise high in the air
plunge (落ち込む) [動] fall or move suddenly and rapidly
depth (深いところ) [名] the distance from the top to the bottom of something
keenly (鋭く) [副] in an enthusiastic or eager way
suffer (苦しむ) [動] experience or be subjected to something bad or unpleasant

 “But there must—sometime,” mused Anne.
sometime (いつか) [副] at some unspecified or unknown time in the future
“Life seems like a cup of glory held to my lips just now.
cup (杯) [名] a small container with a handle, used for drinking from
hold (当てる) [動] keep or maintain in a specified state, position, or course
But there must be some bitterness in it—there is in every cup.
I shall taste mine some day.
taste (味わう) [動] to experience the flavor of
Well, I hope I shall be strong and brave to meet it.
strong (強い) [形] having the power to perform well or to withstand
And I hope it won’t be through my own fault that it will come.
through (によって) [前] by means of
fault (過ち) [名] a mistake or error
Do you remember what Dr. Davis said last Sunday evening—that the sorrows God sent us brought comfort and strength with them, while the sorrows we brought on ourselves, through folly or wickedness, were by far the hardest to bear?
last Sunday evening (先週の日曜日の夕方) [名] the evening of the Sunday before the current one
folly (愚かさ) [名] foolishness; lack of good sense or judgment
wickedness (邪悪さ) [名] the quality of being evil or morally wrong
デイビス先生が先週の日曜日の夕方におっしゃったことを覚えている? 神が私たちに送った悲しみは慰めと強さをもたらす一方で、愚かさや邪悪さによって私たち自身が招いた悲しみは、耐え難いものであるということ。
But we mustn’t talk of sorrow on an afternoon like this.
It’s meant for the sheer joy of living, isn’t it?”
sheer (純粋な) [形] nothing other than; unmixed with anything else

 “If I had my way I’d shut everything out of your life but happiness and pleasure, Anne,” said Gilbert in the tone that meant “danger ahead.”
have one's way (思い通りになる) [動] get what one wants
shut out (締め出す) [動] exclude or reject
happiness (幸福) [名] the state of being happy
pleasure (喜び) [名] a feeling of satisfaction or enjoyment
danger (危険) [名] the possibility of suffering harm or injury

 “Then you would be very unwise,” rejoined Anne hastily.
unwise (賢くない) [形] foolish or ill-advised
rejoin (答える) [動] say something in reply
hastily (急いで) [副] quickly and carelessly
“I’m sure no life can be properly developed and rounded out without some trial and sorrow—though I suppose it is only when we are pretty comfortable that we admit it.
properly (正しく) [副] in a correct manner
round out (完成する) [動] to make or become complete or perfect
trial (試練) [名] a test of the quality of something
comfortable (快適な) [形] providing physical ease and relaxation
Come—the others have got to the pavilion and are beckoning to us.”
others (みんな) [名] the remaining people or things
pavilion (パビリオン) [名] a large tent
beckon (手招きする) [動] signal with a gesture

 They all sat down in the little pavilion to watch an autumn sunset of deep red fire and pallid gold.
deep (真っ赤な) [形] having a specified quality to a great or intense degree
red (赤) [形] of a color intermediate between orange and violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies
fire (火) [名] the state or fact of burning
pallid (淡い) [形] lacking in color
To their left lay Kingsport, its roofs and spires dim in their shroud of violet smoke.
to the left (左手) [名] the direction that is on the same side of your body as your left hand
lie (ある) [動] be in or assume a horizontal or resting position
roof (屋根) [名] the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle
spire (尖塔) [名] a tall, narrow tower on a building, typically a church or cathedral, typically forming a tapering point at the top of a structure
dim (ぼんやり) [形] not bright or distinct
shroud (覆う) [名] a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial
smoke (煙) [名] a visible suspension of carbon or other particles in the air, typically one emitted from a burning substance
To their right lay the harbor, taking on tints of rose and copper as it stretched out into the sunset.
to the right (右手) [名] the right-hand side
lay (ある) [動] be in a specified state or condition
take on (帯びる) [動] assume or acquire
tint (色合い) [名] a shade or variety of a color
copper (銅色) [名] a shade of orange
stretch out (伸びる) [動] extend one's body or a part of it
Before them the water shimmered, satin smooth and silver gray, and beyond, clean shaven William’s Island loomed out of the mist, guarding the town like a sturdy bulldog.
shimmer (きらめく) [動] shine with a soft light
smooth (滑らか) [形] having a surface without roughness or projections
silver (シルバー) [名] a white precious metal
gray (グレー) [名] a color intermediate between black and white
shaven (剃られた) [形] having had the hair removed from the face or head
loom (現れる) [動] appear in an impressive or awesome manner
guard (守る) [動] watch over in order to protect or control
sturdy (頑丈な) [形] strong and solid
bulldog (ブルドッグ) [名] a sturdy, heavily built dog with a short neck and powerful jaws
Its lighthouse beacon flared through the mist like a baleful star, and was answered by another in the far horizon.
lighthouse (灯台) [名] a tower or other structure that emits a light or radio beacon to warn ships at sea
beacon (光) [名] a light or other signal that warns or guides
flare (輝く) [動] to burn with a sudden intensity
baleful (不吉な) [形] harmful or malignant in intent or effect
answer (応える) [動] to reply to
horizon (地平線) [名] the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet

 “Did you ever see such a strong-looking place?” asked Philippa.
strong-looking (頑丈そうな) [形] appearing to be strong
“I don’t want William’s Island especially, but I’m sure I couldn’t get it if I did.
William's Island (ウィリアム島) [名] an island in the North Atlantic Ocean
get (手に入れられない) [動] receive or be given
Look at that sentry on the summit of the fort, right beside the flag.
sentry (歩哨) [名] a soldier stationed to keep guard
summit (頂上) [名] the highest point of a hill or mountain
right (すぐ) [副] immediately; without delay
beside (横) [前] at the side of
Doesn’t he look as if he had stepped out of a romance?”
look as if (まるで〜みたいだ) [動] appear to be
step out of (抜け出す) [動] leave a place or situation

 “Speaking of romance,” said Priscilla, “we’ve been looking for heather—but, of course, we couldn’t find any.
speaking of (といえば) [動] talking about
heather (ヘザー) [名] a low-growing shrub with small pink or white flowers
It’s too late in the season, I suppose.”

 “Heather!” exclaimed Anne.
“Heather doesn’t grow in America, does it?”
America (アメリカ) [名] the United States of America

 “There are just two patches of it in the whole continent,” said Phil, “one right here in the park, and one somewhere else in Nova Scotia, I forget where.
continent (大陸) [名] one of the main continuous bodies of land on the earth's surface
patch (群生地) [名] a small area of land
The famous Highland Regiment, the Black Watch, camped here one year, and, when the men shook out the straw of their beds in the spring, some seeds of heather took root.”
Highland Regiment (ハイランド連隊) [名] a regiment of the British Army
Black Watch (ブラックウォッチ) [名] a regiment of the British Army
camp (キャンプする) [動] live temporarily in a camp
year (一年) [名] the period of time that the earth takes to make one complete orbit of the sun
take root (根付く) [動] become established or settled

 “Oh, how delightful!” said enchanted Anne.
delightful (素敵) [形] very pleasing
enchanted (うっとりした) [形] filled with delight

 “Let’s go home around by Spofford Avenue,” suggested Gilbert.
Spofford Avenue (スポフォード通り) [名] a street in the town of Avonlea
suggest (提案する) [動] put forward for consideration or discussion
“We can see all ‘the handsome houses where the wealthy nobles dwell.’
wealthy (裕福な) [形] having a great deal of money, resources, or assets
noble (貴族) [名] a person of noble rank or birth
dwell (住む) [動] live in or at a particular place
Spofford Avenue is the finest residential street in Kingsport.
finest (一番立派な) [形] of the highest quality
residential (住宅街) [形] used as a residence
Nobody can build on it unless he’s a millionaire.”
build (建てる) [動] construct (something) by putting parts or material together over a period of time
millionaire (億万長者) [名] a person whose wealth is greater than one million dollars or pounds

 “Oh, do,” said Phil.
“There’s a perfectly killing little place I want to show you, Anne.
killing (素敵な) [形] very impressive or attractive
it wasn’t built by a millionaire.
It’s the first place after you leave the park, and must have grown while Spofford Avenue was still a country road.
first place (最初の場所) [名] the first position in a race or competition
It did grow—it wasn’t built!
I don’t care for the houses on the Avenue.
care for (好きである) [動] like or be fond of
on (沿い) [前] at or near the edge of
They’re too brand new and plateglassy.
brand new (新品) [形] completely new
plateglassy (ガラス張り) [形] having large sheets of glass
But this little spot is a dream—and its name—but wait till you see it.”

 They saw it as they walked up the pine-fringed hill from the park.
walk up (登る) [動] go up
Just on the crest, where Spofford Avenue petered out into a plain road, was a little white frame house with groups of pines on either side of it, stretching their arms protectingly over its low roof.
crest (頂上) [名] the top of a hill or mountain
peter out (消えていく) [動] gradually diminish or stop
plain road (平坦な道) [名] a road that is flat and has no hills
little white frame house (小さな白い木造の家) [名] a small house made of wood
either side (両側) [名] one or the other of two sides
group (群生) [名] a collection of things or people
stretch (伸ばす) [動] extend one's body or a part of it
arm (腕) [名] an upper limb of the human body
It was covered with red and gold vines, through which its green-shuttered windows peeped.
vine (つる) [名] a climbing or trailing woody plant
Before it was a tiny garden, surrounded by a low stone wall.
October though it was, the garden was still very sweet with dear, old-fashioned, unworldly flowers and shrubs—sweet may, southern-wood, lemon verbena, alyssum, petunias, marigolds and chrysanthemums.
October (10月) [名] the tenth month of the year
unworldly (世俗離れした) [形] not of this world; spiritual
flower (花) [名] the seed-bearing part of a plant
shrub (低木) [名] a woody plant that is smaller than a tree
sweet may (スイートメイ) [名] a species of hawthorn
southern-wood (サザンウッド) [名] a species of artemisia
lemon verbena (レモンバーベナ) [名] a species of verbena
alyssum (アリッサム) [名] a genus of plants in the mustard family
petunia (ペチュニア) [名] a genus of plants in the nightshade family
marigold (マリーゴールド) [名] a genus of plants in the daisy family
chrysanthemum (菊) [名] a genus of plants in the daisy family
A tiny brick wall, in herring-bone pattern, led from the gate to the front porch.
brick (レンガ) [名] a block of clay hardened by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln
herring-bone pattern (ヘリンボーン模様) [名] a pattern consisting of rows of short parallel lines, with each row slanting in the opposite direction from the one above and below it
lead (続く) [動] go or travel in a specified direction
front porch (玄関ポーチ) [名] a porch at the front of a house
The whole place might have been transplanted from some remote country village;
whole (まるで) [形] complete; entire
might have been (だったかもしれない) [助] a possibility in the past
transplanted (移植された) [動] move something from one place to another
yet there was something about it that made its nearest neighbor, the big lawn-encircled palace of a tobacco king, look exceedingly crude and showy and ill-bred by contrast.
yet (それでも) [副] nevertheless; in spite of that
there was something about it (この家には何かがあった) [名] something about the house
nearest (すぐ隣の) [形] closest
lawn (芝生) [名] an area of short, regularly mown grass in the garden of a house or park
encircled (囲まれた) [動] form a circle around
palace (宮殿) [名] a large, impressive building, usually made of stone, which was historically built for a king or queen
exceedingly (とても) [副] to a very great degree
showy (派手な) [形] very bright or noticeable in appearance
ill-bred (育ちが悪い) [形] badly brought up; lacking good manners
As Phil said, it was the difference between being born and being made.
be made (作られる) [動] be created or produced

 “It’s the dearest place I ever saw,” said Anne delightedly.
dearest (一番素敵な) [形] most beloved or cherished
“It gives me one of my old, delightful funny aches.
give (する) [動] cause to have or receive
ache (痛み) [名] a continuous dull pain
It’s dearer and quainter than even Miss Lavendar’s stone house.”

 “It’s the name I want you to notice especially,” said Phil.
notice (注目) [動] perceive or become aware of
“Look—in white letters, around the archway over the gate. ‘Patty’s Place.’ Isn’t that killing?
look (見て) [動] direct one's gaze
letter (文字) [名] a symbol representing one or more of the sounds used in speech
archway (アーチ) [名] a curved structure with a flat upper surface and two sides that support it
Patty's Place (パティの家) [名] the name of a house
killing (素敵) [形] very good or impressive
Especially on this Avenue of Pinehursts and Elmwolds and Cedarcrofts?
Pinehursts (パインハースト) [名] a town in North Carolina
Elmwolds (エルムウォルド) [名] a town in North Carolina
Cedarcrofts (シーダークロフト) [名] a town in North Carolina
Avenue (通り) [名] a wide street, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides
‘Patty’s Place,’ if you please!
if you please (なんて素敵でしょう) [間] used to express a polite request
I adore it.”

 “Have you any idea who Patty is?”
have any idea (知っている) [動] know something
who (誰) [代] what or which person or people
Patty (パティ) [名] a female given name
asked Priscilla.

 “Patty Spofford is the name of the old lady who owns it, I’ve discovered.
Patty Spofford (パティ・スポフォード) [名] the name of the old lady who owns it
old lady (老婦人) [名] an elderly woman
own (所有する) [動] have as property; have belonging to (oneself)
She lives there with her niece, and they’ve lived there for hundreds of years, more or less—maybe a little less, Anne.
niece (姪) [名] the daughter of one's brother or sister
hundreds of years (何百年も) [名] a very long time
more or less (多かれ少なかれ) [副] approximately
a little less (少し少ない) [形] not as much as expected or required
Exaggeration is merely a flight of poetic fancy.
exaggeration (誇張) [名] a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is
merely (すぎない) [副] no more than; only
flight (飛翔) [名] the action or manner of flying or moving through the air
fancy (空想) [名] the power or ability to imagine things that are not real
I understand that wealthy folk have tried to buy the lot time and again—it’s really worth a small fortune now, you know—but ‘Patty’ won’t sell upon any consideration.
folk (人々) [名] people in general
try (試みる) [動] make an attempt
time and again (何度も何度も) [副] repeatedly
lot (土地) [名] a piece of land
worth (価値がある) [形] having a specified value
small fortune (大金) [名] a large amount of money
consideration (頼み) [名] a fact or circumstance to be taken into account when making a decision
And there’s an apple orchard behind the house in place of a back yard—you’ll see it when we get a little past—a real apple orchard on Spofford Avenue!”
apple orchard (リンゴ園) [名] a place where apples are grown
get a little past (もう少し先に行く) [動] go a little further

 “I’m going to dream about ‘Patty’s Place’ tonight,” said Anne.
“Why, I feel as if I belonged to it.
feel as if (まるで...のように感じる) [動] have a feeling or impression of
I wonder if, by any chance, we’ll ever see the inside of it.”
by any chance (ひょっとしたら) [副] possibly; perhaps

 “It isn’t likely,” said Priscilla.
be likely (ありそう) [動] probable; having a high probability of occurring or being true

 Anne smiled mysteriously.
smile (微笑む) [動] to form a smile

 “No, it isn’t likely.
But I believe it will happen.
happen (起こる) [動] take place; occur
I have a queer, creepy, crawly feeling—you can call it a presentiment, if you like—that ‘Patty’s Place’ and I are going to be better acquainted yet.”
creepy (ぞくぞくするような) [形] causing a feeling of fear or unease
crawly (虫が這うような) [形] having or seeming to have crawling things on it
presentiment (予感) [名] a feeling that something is going to happen
acquainted (親しくなる) [動] have knowledge of