Chapter IV: April’s Lady
Chapter IV (第4章) [名] the fourth chapter
April (4月) [名] the fourth month of the year
Lady (淑女) [名] a woman of good breeding, refinement, and gentle manners
第4章: 4月の淑女

 Kingsport is a quaint old town, hearking back to early Colonial days, and wrapped in its ancient atmosphere, as some fine old dame in garments fashioned like those of her youth.
quaint (趣のある) [形] attractive in an old-fashioned or unusual way
town (町) [名] an urban area that has a name, defined boundaries, and local government, and that is generally larger than a village and smaller than a city
hearken back (思わせる) [動] go back in thought or time
Colonial (植民地) [形] of or relating to a colony or colonialism
wrap (包まれる) [動] cover or enclose with paper or other material
ancient (古代) [形] belonging to the very distant past
youth (若い頃) [名] the period of life when one is young
Here and there it sprouts out into modernity, but at heart it is still unspoiled;
here and there (そこここに) [副] in various places
sprout (芽生える) [動] begin to grow
modernity (近代的なもの) [名] the quality or state of being modern
at heart (心は) [副] in reality; actually
unspoiled (汚されていない) [形] not damaged or spoiled
it is full of curious relics, and haloed by the romance of many legends of the past.
be full of (いっぱいである) [動] be filled with
curious (興味深い) [形] eager to know or learn something
relic (遺物) [名] something that has survived from an earlier time
halo (包む) [動] surround with a halo
romance (ロマンス) [名] a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love
legend (伝説) [名] a story from the past that is not true
Once it was a mere frontier station on the fringe of the wilderness, and those were the days when Indians kept life from being monotonous to the settlers.
once (かつて) [副] at some earlier time
fringe (端) [名] the outer edge of something
frontier (辺境) [名] the extreme limit of settled land
Indian (インディアン) [名] a member of any of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
keep (しないようにしていた) [動] cause to remain in a specified state
life (生活) [名] the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death
monotonous (単調) [形] lacking in variety and interest
settler (入植者) [名] a person who moves to a new area to establish a permanent residence
Then it grew to be a bone of contention between the British and the French, being occupied now by the one and now by the other, emerging from each occupation with some fresh scar of battling nations branded on it.
grow (なる) [動] become
bone of contention (争いの種) [名] a subject or issue over which there is continuing disagreement
British (イギリス) [名] a citizen of the United Kingdom
French (フランス) [名] a citizen of France
be occupied (占領される) [動] be taken over by military force
emerge (刻み込まれる) [動] come out from hiding or from a place of confinement
occupation (占領) [名] the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force
nation (国) [名] a large group of people who share a language, culture, history, and usually a territory

 It has in its park a martello tower, autographed all over by tourists, a dismantled old French fort on the hills beyond the town, and several antiquated cannon in its public squares.
park (公園) [名] a large area of land with grass and trees, in a town, where people go in order to relax and enjoy themselves
martello tower (マルテロ塔) [名] a small circular fort
tourist (観光客) [名] a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure
fort (要塞) [名] a military building designed to be defended
public square (広場) [名] an open area in a town or city where people can go
cannon (大砲) [名] a large gun that is usually mounted on wheels
It has other historic spots also, which may be hunted out by the curious, and none is more quaint and delightful than Old St. John’s Cemetery at the very core of the town, with streets of quiet, old-time houses on two sides, and busy, bustling, modern thoroughfares on the others.
historic (歴史的な) [形] of or concerning history or past events
spot (スポット) [名] a particular place, area, or location
hunt out (探し出す) [動] to search for and find
Old St. John's Cemetery (旧聖ヨハネ墓地) [名] a cemetery in the town of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
very core (中心部) [名] the most important or central part of something
old-time (昔ながらの) [形] of or relating to a time in the past
busy (賑やかな) [形] having a great deal to do
bustling (賑やかな) [形] full of movement and activity
modern (現代的な) [形] of or relating to the present time, or to the period from the end of the Middle Ages to the present time
thoroughfare (大通り) [名] a road or street with heavy traffic
Every citizen of Kingsport feels a thrill of possessive pride in Old St. John’s, for, if he be of any pretensions at all, he has an ancestor buried there, with a queer, crooked slab at his head, or else sprawling protectively over the grave, on which all the main facts of his history are recorded.
citizen (市民) [名] an inhabitant of a city or town; especially : one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman
Old St. John's (旧聖ヨハネ墓地) [名] a cemetery in Kingsport
thrill (感動) [名] a feeling of excitement
possessive (所有欲) [形] of or relating to a grammatical case that indicates possession
pride (誇り) [名] a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements
at all (何か) [副] to any extent or degree
pretension (主張) [名] a claim to something
ancestor (祖先) [名] a person from whom one is descended
crooked (曲がった) [形] not straight
slab (石板) [名] a thick, flat piece of stone
else (そうでなければ) [副] otherwise
sprawl (広がる) [動] to spread out in a careless or untidy way
protectively (保護するように) [副] in a way that protects
grave (墓) [名] a location where a dead body (typically that of a human, although sometimes that of an animal) is buried
on which (そこに) [関] on the thing that
all (すべての) [限] the whole amount of
main (主要な) [形] most important
fact (事実) [名] a thing that is known or proved to be true
record (記録する) [動] to set down in writing
For the most part no great art or skill was lavished on those old tombstones.
for the most part (ほとんどの場合) [副] usually; in most cases
no great art (素晴らしい芸術はない) [名] something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings
skill (技能) [名] the ability to do something well
lavish (惜しみなく注ぐ) [動] to spend or give in a generous and unrestrained way
The larger number are of roughly chiselled brown or gray native stone, and only in a few cases is there any attempt at ornamentation.
larger number (多く) [名] a majority
roughly (粗く) [副] in a rough manner
chisel (彫る) [動] cut or shape with a chisel
brown (茶色) [形] of the color intermediate between red and yellow in the visible spectrum
native stone (天然石) [名] a stone that is found in nature
only in a few cases (ごくわずか) [副] only in a small number of instances
ornamentation (装飾) [名] decoration
Some are adorned with skull and cross-bones, and this grizzly decoration is frequently coupled with a cherub’s head.
skull (どくろ) [名] the bony part of the head that encloses the brain
cross-bones (交差した骨) [名] two bones placed across each other
adorn (飾る) [動] to be an attractive addition to
grizzly (恐ろしい) [形] causing horror or disgust
decoration (装飾) [名] something that is added to something else in order to make it more attractive
cherub (天使) [名] an angel, especially a child with wings
Many are prostrate and in ruins.
many (多く) [形] a large number of
prostrate (倒れる) [動] lying face down on the ground
ruin (廃墟) [名] the state of decay, collapse, or destruction
Into almost all Time’s tooth has been gnawing, until some inscriptions have been completely effaced, and others can only be deciphered with difficulty.
almost all (ほとんどすべて) [名] the majority of
tooth (歯) [名] a hard, bony structure in the mouth used for biting and chewing
gnaw (かみつく) [動] bite or chew on something persistently
completely (完全に) [副] totally; utterly
efface (消す) [動] wipe or rub out
decipher (解読する) [動] convert from a code or cipher into ordinary language
The graveyard is very full and very bowery, for it is surrounded and intersected by rows of elms and willows, beneath whose shade the sleepers must lie very dreamlessly, forever crooned to by the winds and leaves over them, and quite undisturbed by the clamor of traffic just beyond.
full (混み合っている) [形] having a great deal or many
bowery (木陰がある) [形] having a shady place
surround (囲まれている) [動] be around something on all sides
intersect (交差している) [動] cross or cut across each other
elm (ニレ) [名] a type of tree
willow (柳) [名] a type of tree
shade (木陰) [名] comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight
sleeper (眠る人) [名] a person who is sleeping
dreamlessly (夢も見ずに) [副] without dreaming
croon (歌いかける) [動] sing or hum softly
traffic (交通) [名] the movement of people or vehicles
clamor (喧騒) [名] a loud and confused noise
undisturbed (邪魔されていない) [形] not bothered or interrupted

 Anne took the first of many rambles in Old St. John’s the next afternoon.
take (出かける) [動] go on or to
ramble (散策) [名] a walk for pleasure, typically in the countryside
Old St. John's (オールド・セント・ジョンズ) [名] a city in Canada
next afternoon (翌日の午後) [名] the afternoon of the day after the present day
She and Priscilla had gone to Redmond in the forenoon and registered as students, after which there was nothing more to do that day.
forenoon (午前中) [名] the time of day from sunrise to noon
register (登録する) [動] enter or record on an official list or directory
The girls gladly made their escape, for it was not exhilarating to be surrounded by crowds of strangers, most of whom had a rather alien appearance, as if not quite sure where they belonged.
make one's escape (逃げ出す) [動] get away from a place or situation
gladly (喜んで) [副] with pleasure
crowd (群衆) [名] a large number of people gathered together
exhilarating (爽快な) [形] causing great happiness or exhilaration
appearance (外見) [名] the way that someone or something looks
belong (属する) [動] be a member of a group or organization

 The “freshettes” stood about in detached groups of two or three, looking askance at each other;
freshette (新入生) [名] a first-year female student
stand about (立っている) [動] be in a standing position
detached (離れた) [形] separate or disconnected
group (集団) [名] a collection of people or things
two or three (二、三人) [名] a small number of people
look askance (横目でちらちら見る) [動] look at someone or something with disapproval or suspicion
the “freshies,” wiser in their day and generation, had banded themselves together on the big staircase of the entrance hall, where they were shouting out glees with all the vigor of youthful lungs, as a species of defiance to their traditional enemies, the Sophomores, a few of whom were prowling loftily about, looking properly disdainful of the “unlicked cubs” on the stairs.
freshie (新入生) [名] a first-year student
wiser (賢い) [形] having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
generation (世代) [名] all of the people born and living at about the same time
band together (集まる) [動] to come together as a group
entrance hall (玄関ホール) [名] a large room just inside the main entrance of a building
big staircase (大きな階段) [名] a large set of steps
lung (肺) [名] either of the two organs that fill most of the chest cavity and supply the body with oxygen
vigor (力) [名] physical or mental strength or energy
glee (歓声) [名] great happiness or joy
shout out (叫ぶ) [動] to say something very loudly
defiance (挑戦) [名] open resistance to someone or something
species (一種) [名] a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
traditional (伝統的) [形] existing in or as part of a tradition; handed down from the past
enemy (敵) [名] a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something
sophomore (二年生) [名] a student in the second year of a four-year college or high school
a few of whom (数人) [名] a small number of people
prowl (歩き回る) [動] to move about restlessly and stealthily
loftily (堂々と) [副] in a proud and haughty manner
disdainful (軽蔑した) [形] showing a lack of respect for someone or something
unlicked cub (未熟な子熊) [名] a young bear that has not yet been licked into shape by its mother
properly (見下しながら) [副] in a correct or appropriate manner
Gilbert and Charlie were nowhere to be seen.
nowhere (どこにも) [副] not anywhere
be seen (見える) [動] be visible

 “Little did I think the day would ever come when I’d be glad of the sight of a Sloane,” said Priscilla, as they crossed the campus, “but I’d welcome Charlie’s goggle eyes almost ecstatically.
little (少しも) [副] not at all
sight (光景) [名] something that is seen
cross (横切る) [動] move or travel from one side of something to the other
campus (キャンパス) [名] the grounds and buildings of a college or university
welcome (歓迎する) [動] greet or receive someone cordially and hospitably
goggle (ぎょろりとした) [形] having bulging or rolling eyes
ecstatically (狂喜乱舞して) [副] in an ecstatic manner
At least, they’d be familiar eyes.”
be familiar (見慣れた) [動] well known from long or close association

 “Oh,” sighed Anne.
“I can’t describe how I felt when I was standing there, waiting my turn to be registered—as insignificant as the teeniest drop in a most enormous bucket.
stand (立つ) [動] be in or assume a position in which you put your weight chiefly on your feet and not on your knees or other body parts
turn (順番) [名] an opportunity or chance to do something
insignificant (取るに足りない) [形] unimportant or of minor importance
drop (一滴) [名] a small round mass of liquid
bucket (バケツ) [名] a cylindrical container with a handle, used to hold and carry liquids
It’s bad enough to feel insignificant, but it’s unbearable to have it grained into your soul that you will never, can never, be anything but insignificant, and that is how I did feel—as if I were invisible to the naked eye and some of those Sophs might step on me.
feel insignificant (取るに足りない存在だと感じる) [動] feel like one is not important or worthy
bad enough (十分に辛い) [形] unpleasant to a sufficient degree
naked eye (肉眼) [名] the eye unaided by an optical instrument
step on (踏みつける) [動] set one's foot on something
I knew I would go down to my grave unwept, unhonored and unsung.”
go down (入る) [動] move or travel from a higher to a lower place
unwept (泣かれない) [形] not mourned or lamented
unhonored (敬われない) [形] not respected or revered
unsung (歌われない) [形] not celebrated or praised

 “Wait till next year,” comforted Priscilla.
next year (来年) [名] the year after this one
comfort (慰める) [動] make (someone) feel less unhappy, worried, or upset
“Then we’ll be able to look as bored and sophisticated as any Sophomore of them all.
be able to (できる) [助] have the ability to do something
bored (退屈な) [形] feeling uninterested and impatient
sophisticated (洗練された) [形] having, showing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
No doubt it is rather dreadful to feel insignificant;
no doubt (確かに) [副] certainly; without doubt
rather (恐ろしい) [副] to some extent; quite; fairly
dreadful (恐ろしい) [形] causing or likely to cause great fear or suffering
but I think it’s better than to feel as big and awkward as I did—as if I were sprawled all over Redmond.
awkward (ぎこちない) [形] lacking skill or grace in movement or action
all over (中に) [副] throughout
That’s how I felt—I suppose because I was a good two inches taller than any one else in the crowd.
that's how I felt (そう感じた) [句] that is how I felt
good two inches (2インチも) [句] two inches
taller (背が高い) [形] of more than average height
anyone else (誰よりも) [句] anyone other than the person mentioned
I wasn’t afraid a Soph might walk over me;
be afraid (恐れる) [動] be scared or frightened
walk over (無視する) [動] ignore or disregard
I was afraid they’d take me for an elephant, or an overgrown sample of a potato-fed Islander.”
take for (思う) [動] consider or regard as being
elephant (象) [名] the largest land mammal
overgrown (育ちすぎた) [形] having grown too large
sample (見本) [名] a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like
Islander (島民) [名] a person who lives on an island

 “I suppose the trouble is we can’t forgive big Redmond for not being little Queen’s,” said Anne, gathering about her the shreds of her old cheerful philosophy to cover her nakedness of spirit.
forgive (許す) [動] stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake
about (について) [前] on the subject of
shred (断片) [名] a small piece torn or cut from something
cover (覆う) [動] be or provide a covering for
nakedness (裸) [名] the state of being without clothes
spirit (心) [名] the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul
“When we left Queen’s we knew everybody and had a place of our own.
I suppose we have been unconsciously expecting to take life up at Redmond just where we left off at Queen’s, and now we feel as if the ground had slipped from under our feet.
take up (始める) [動] start doing something
leave off (中断する) [動] stop doing something
slip (滑り落ちる) [動] move or cause to move smoothly and quickly
I’m thankful that neither Mrs. Lynde nor Mrs. Elisha Wright know, or ever will know, my state of mind at present.
Mrs. Elisha Wright (エリシャ・ライト夫人) [名] a woman who is married to Mr. Elisha Wright
state of mind (心の状態) [名] a person's mood or mental state
at present (今の) [形] at the present time; now
They would exult in saying ‘I told you so,’ and be convinced it was the beginning of the end.
exult (喜ぶ) [動] be extremely happy
beginning (始まり) [名] the point in time or space at which something starts
Whereas it is just the end of the beginning.”
whereas (でも) [接] on the other hand; in contrast

 “Exactly. That sounds more Anneish.
exactly (その通り) [副] in exact terms; precisely
sound (らしい) [動] seem or appear to be
Anneish (アンらしい) [形] like Anne
In a little while we’ll be acclimated and acquainted, and all will be well.
in a little while (しばらくすれば) [副] soon
be acclimated (慣れる) [動] become accustomed to a new climate or environment
be acquainted (知り合いになる) [動] come to know someone or something
all will be well (万事うまくいく) [句] everything will be fine
Anne, did you notice the girl who stood alone just outside the door of the coeds’ dressing room all the morning—the pretty one with the brown eyes and crooked mouth?”
notice (気づく) [動] become aware of
door (ドア) [名] a hinged barrier used to close an entrance to a room or building
dressing room (更衣室) [名] a room where people change their clothes
all the morning (今朝ずっと) [名] the period of time from sunrise to noon
mouth (口) [名] the opening and cavity in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in and vocal sounds are emitted
アン、今朝ずっと女子更衣室のすぐ外で一人ぼっちで立っていた女の子に気づいた? 茶色い目で口が曲がった可愛い子よ。」

 “Yes, I did. I noticed her particularly because she seemed the only creature there who looked as lonely and friendless as I felt.
particularly (特に) [副] to a higher degree than is usual or average
lonely (孤独な) [形] without company
friendless (友達がいない) [形] without friends
I had you, but she had no one.”
no one (誰もいない) [代] not a single person

 “I think she felt pretty all-by-herselfish, too.
pretty (かなり) [副] to a moderately high degree
all-by-herselfish (孤独) [形] being or done without the company of others
Several times I saw her make a motion as if to cross over to us, but she never did it—too shy, I suppose.
several times (何度か) [副] more than once
cross over (渡って来る) [動] go from one side to the other
too (あまりに) [副] to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible
shy (恥ずかしがり屋) [形] being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people
I wished she would come.
would (来てくれたら) [助] used to express a wish or hope
If I hadn’t felt so much like the aforesaid elephant I’d have gone to her.
aforesaid (前述の) [形] mentioned previously
But I couldn’t lumber across that big hall with all those boys howling on the stairs.
lumber (横切る) [動] move or walk in a slow, heavy, awkward way
howl (叫ぶ) [動] make a long, loud, mournful cry
She was the prettiest freshette I saw today, but probably favor is deceitful and even beauty is vain on your first day at Redmond,” concluded Priscilla with a laugh.
pretty (きれいな) [形] pleasing to the eye or the ear
today (今日) [名] the present day
favor (好意) [名] a kind or helpful act
deceitful (欺瞞的な) [形] intended to deceive
beauty (美しさ) [名] the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit
vain (無駄な) [形] having no real value or importance
first day (初日) [名] the first day of a period of time

 “I’m going across to Old St. John’s after lunch,” said Anne.
go across (行く) [動] move or travel from one place to another
after lunch (昼食後) [名] the time after lunch
“I don’t know that a graveyard is a very good place to go to get cheered up, but it seems the only get-at-able place where there are trees, and trees I must have.
get cheered up (元気を取り戻す) [動] become more cheerful
only (唯一の) [形] being the only one
I’ll sit on one of those old slabs and shut my eyes and imagine I’m in the Avonlea woods.”
slab (墓石) [名] a large, thick, flat piece of stone
shut (閉じる) [動] move or cause to move into a position that covers an opening

 Anne did not do that, however, for she found enough of interest in Old St. John’s to keep her eyes wide open.
enough (十分) [形] as much or as many as required
interest (興味) [名] a feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone
keep (保つ) [動] continue to have, do, or be
They went in by the entrance gates, past the simple, massive, stone arch surmounted by the great lion of England.
go in (入る) [動] move or travel into
entrance gate (入口の門) [名] a gate that allows access to a place
past (通り過ぎる) [前] beyond in time; later than
simple (シンプルな) [形] not complicated or elaborate
massive (巨大な) [形] of great mass or weight
stone arch (石のアーチ) [名] an arch made of stone
surmount (乗る) [動] be or go over the top of
great lion (大きなライオン) [名] a large lion
England (イギリス) [名] a country in Europe

 “‘And on Inkerman yet the wild bramble is gory, And those bleak heights henceforth shall be famous in story,’”
Inkerman (インカーマン) [名] a village in the Crimea
bramble (イバラ) [名] a prickly shrub
gory (血まみれ) [形] covered in blood
bleak (荒涼とした) [形] lacking in warmth or brightness
height (高台) [名] the distance from the top to the bottom of something
henceforth (これから) [副] from this time on
famous (有名) [形] known about by many people

 quoted Anne, looking at it with a thrill.
They found themselves in a dim, cool, green place where winds were fond of purring.
cool (涼しい) [形] moderately cold
be fond of (好きである) [動] like very much
Up and down the long grassy aisles they wandered, reading the quaint, voluminous epitaphs, carved in an age that had more leisure than our own.
up and down (行ったり来たり) [副] to and fro
grassy (芝生の) [形] covered with grass
aisle (通路) [名] a passage between rows of seats
wander (さまよう) [動] move about aimlessly
voluminous (膨大な) [形] large in size or amount
epitaph (碑文) [名] a phrase or statement written in memory of a person who has died, especially on a gravestone
carve (刻む) [動] cut (something) out of a hard material
age (時代) [名] a period of time in which events occur and things change
leisure (余裕) [名] time available for relaxation or enjoyment

 “‘Here lieth the body of Albert Crawford, Esq.,’” read Anne from a worn, gray slab, “‘for many years Keeper of His Majesty’s Ordnance at Kingsport.
Albert Crawford (アルバート・クロフォード) [名] a male given name
Esq. (氏) [名] a title of courtesy for a man
read (読み上げる) [動] look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words by interpreting the characters that form them
worn (すり減った) [形] damaged or impaired by wear or use
many years (長年) [名] a long period of time
Keeper (管理人) [名] a person who has the care, custody, or management of something
Majesty (陛下) [名] a title used to address or refer to a sovereign
Ordnance (兵器) [名] military weapons and ammunition
He served in the army till the peace of 1763, when he retired from bad health.
serve (勤務する) [動] work as a servant
army (軍) [名] the military forces of a country
peace (和平) [名] a state of tranquility or quiet
retire (退役する) [動] withdraw from one's position or occupation
He was a brave officer, the best of husbands, the best of fathers, the best of friends.
officer (将校) [名] a person holding a position of authority or command in the armed forces
husband (夫) [名] a married man
He died October 29th, 1792, aged 84 years.’
October 29th, 1792 (1792年10月29日) [名] a date
aged 84 years (84歳) [名] an age
There’s an epitaph for you, Prissy.
epitaph (墓碑銘) [名] a brief inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there
Prissy (プリッシー) [名] a character in the story
There is certainly some ‘scope for imagination’ in it.
How full such a life must have been of adventure!
adventure (冒険) [名] an unusual and exciting experience or activity
And as for his personal qualities, I’m sure human eulogy couldn’t go further.
personal (個人的な) [形] of or concerning a particular person
quality (資質) [名] a feature or characteristic belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it
human (人間の) [形] of or characteristic of humankind or human beings
eulogy (賛辞) [名] a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has recently died
I wonder if they told him he was all those best things while he was alive.”
while (間に) [接] during the time that
alive (生きている) [形] having life; living

 “Here’s another,” said Priscilla.
another (もう1つ) [代] an additional one
listen (聞いて) [動] give one's attention to a sound or action

 ‘To the memory of Alexander Ross, who died on the 22nd of September, 1840, aged 43 years.
Alexander Ross (アレキサンダー・ロス) [名] a person's name
22nd (22日) [名] the ordinal number of twenty-two
September (9月) [名] the ninth month of the year
1840 (1840年) [名] the year one thousand eight hundred forty
aged (歳) [形] having lived for a specified length of time
43 years (43歳) [名] the age of forty-three
This is raised as a tribute of affection by one whom he served so faithfully for 27 years that he was regarded as a friend, deserving the fullest confidence and attachment.’”
raise (掲げる) [動] lift or move to a higher position
tribute (賛辞) [名] an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration
affection (愛情) [名] a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something
serve (仕える) [動] work for as a servant
27 years (27年間) [名] a period of 27 years
regard (見なす) [動] think of or consider in a specified way
deserve (値する) [動] be worthy of or entitled to
confidence (信頼) [名] the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust
attachment (愛着) [名] a feeling of affection or loyalty

 “A very good epitaph,” commented Anne thoughtfully.
“I wouldn’t wish a better.
We are all servants of some sort, and if the fact that we are faithful can be truthfully inscribed on our tombstones nothing more need be added.
servant (召使) [名] a person who performs duties for others, especially a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant
add (付け加える) [動] say or write something further
Here’s a sorrowful little gray stone, Prissy—‘to the memory of a favorite child.’
sorrowful (悲しげな) [形] feeling or showing sorrow
And here is another ‘erected to the memory of one who is buried elsewhere.’ I wonder where that unknown grave is.
erect (建てる) [動] construct or build
one (人) [名] a person
elsewhere (他の場所) [副] in or to some other place
Really, Pris, the graveyards of today will never be as interesting as this.
interesting (興味深い) [形] holding or catching the attention
You were right—I shall come here often.
be right (言う通りである) [動] be correct or true
I love it already.
already (もう) [副] before or by now or the time in question
I see we’re not alone here—there’s a girl down at the end of this avenue.”
alone (だけ) [形] without any other people
avenue (道) [名] a broad road, often with trees on each side

 “Yes, and I believe it’s the very girl we saw at Redmond this morning.
this morning (今朝) [名] the morning of the current day
I’ve been watching her for five minutes.
five minutes (5分間) [名] a period of time equal to 300 seconds
She has started to come up the avenue exactly half a dozen times, and half a dozen times has she turned and gone back.
start to (始める) [動] begin to do something
come up (登る) [動] move from a lower to a higher position
exactly (ちょうど) [副] precisely; accurately
half a dozen (半ダース) [名] six
turn (引き返す) [動] change direction, position, or course
Either she’s dreadfully shy or she has got something on her conscience.
either (どちらか) [接] used to introduce two alternatives
dreadfully (ひどく) [副] extremely
conscience (良心) [名] a person's moral sense of right and wrong
Let’s go and meet her.
meet (会う) [動] come into the presence of
It’s easier to get acquainted in a graveyard than at Redmond, I believe.”
get acquainted (知り合いになる) [動] come to know someone

 They walked down the long grassy arcade towards the stranger, who was sitting on a gray slab under an enormous willow.
walk down (歩いて行く) [動] move at a regular and fairly slow pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once
arcade (アーケード) [名] a covered passageway with shops along one or both sides
enormous (巨大な) [形] extremely large or great
She was certainly very pretty, with a vivid, irregular, bewitching type of prettiness.
certainly (確かに) [副] without doubt
pretty (かわいらしい) [形] attractive in a delicate way
vivid (鮮やかな) [形] producing a strong impression
irregular (不規則な) [形] not regular
bewitching (魅惑的な) [形] very attractive or charming
There was a gloss as of brown nuts on her satin-smooth hair and a soft, ripe glow on her round cheeks.
gloss (光沢) [名] a shiny and smooth surface
nut (ナッツ) [名] a dry fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel
satin-smooth (サテンのように滑らかな) [形] having a smooth, shiny surface
soft (柔らかい) [形] not hard or firm to the touch
ripe (熟した) [形] (of fruit or grain) ready to be eaten
glow (輝き) [名] a light that is not very bright
Her eyes were big and brown and velvety, under oddly-pointed black brows, and her crooked mouth was rose-red.
velvety (ビロードのような) [形] smooth and soft like velvet
oddly (奇妙に) [副] in a strange or unusual way
pointed (尖った) [形] having a sharp or tapered end
black (黒い) [形] of the color darkest in the spectrum
brow (眉) [名] the part of the face above the eyes
rose-red (バラ色) [形] of a deep pink color
She wore a smart brown suit, with two very modish little shoes peeping from beneath it;
wear (着る) [動] have on one's person
smart (粋な) [形] neat, tidy, and stylish
suit (スーツ) [名] a set of clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or skirt
peep (のぞく) [動] look quickly and furtively
and her hat of dull pink straw, wreathed with golden-brown poppies, had the indefinable, unmistakable air which pertains to the “creation” of an artist in millinery.
pink (ピンク) [名] a color intermediate between red and white
straw (麦わら) [名] dried stalks of grain
wreathe (巻きつける) [動] to form into a wreath
golden-brown (金茶色) [形] of a color intermediate between gold and brown
poppy (ケシ) [名] a plant with showy flowers
indefinable (言葉では言い表せない) [形] too indefinite to be defined
unmistakable (紛れもない) [形] that cannot be mistaken or misunderstood
air (雰囲気) [名] the general mood or tone of a place or situation
pertain (特有の) [動] to be appropriate or suitable
creation (作品) [名] something that is created
artist (帽子職人) [名] a person who creates art
Priscilla had a sudden stinging consciousness that her own hat had been trimmed by her village store milliner, and Anne wondered uncomfortably if the blouse she had made herself, and which Mrs. Lynde had fitted, looked very countrified and home-made besides the stranger’s smart attire.
sudden (急に) [形] happening or done quickly and without warning or preparation
stinging (痛烈な) [形] causing a sharp pain or stinging sensation
consciousness (意識) [名] the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings
store (店) [名] a place where goods or services are sold
milliner (帽子屋) [名] a person who makes or sells hats
uncomfortably (不安に) [副] in a way that makes one feel awkward or uneasy
make (作る) [動] create or produce something
Lynde (リンド) [名] a surname
fit (合わせる) [動] be of the right shape and size
attire (装い) [名] clothes or style of dress
For a moment both girls felt like turning back.
for a moment (一瞬) [名] a very short period of time
feel like (~したい気持ちになる) [動] to be inclined to do something
turn back (引き返す) [動] to go back in the direction from which you came

 But they had already stopped and turned towards the gray slab.
stop (立ち止まる) [動] cease moving
turn (向く) [動] change direction
It was too late to retreat, for the brown-eyed girl had evidently concluded that they were coming to speak to her.
too late (遅すぎる) [副] after the time when something should have been done
retreat (退却する) [動] move back or withdraw
brown-eyed (茶色い目の) [形] having brown eyes
Instantly she sprang up and came forward with outstretched hand and a gay, friendly smile in which there seemed not a shadow of either shyness or burdened conscience.
instantly (すぐに) [副] without delay or hesitation; immediately
spring up (立ち上がる) [動] rise quickly or suddenly
come forward (前に出る) [動] move or be placed in front of something
outstretched (差し伸べた) [形] extended to the full
shyness (恥ずかしさ) [名] the quality or state of being shy

 “Oh, I want to know who you two girls are,” she exclaimed eagerly.
eagerly (熱心に) [副] in an eager manner
“I’ve been dying to know.
be dying to (知りたくてたまらない) [動] be very eager to do something
I saw you at Redmond this morning.
Say, wasn’t it awful there?
say (ねえ) [間] used to attract someone's attention
awful (ひどい) [形] very bad or unpleasant
For the time I wished I had stayed home and got married.”
for the time (しばらく) [副] for a short period of time
stay home (家にいた) [動] remain in one's home
get married (結婚する) [動] enter into a marriage

 Anne and Priscilla both broke into unconstrained laughter at this unexpected conclusion.
break into (大笑いする) [動] start doing something suddenly
unconstrained (意外な) [形] not limited or restricted
unexpected (意外な) [形] not expected or regarded as likely to happen
conclusion (結論) [名] the end or finish of something
The brown-eyed girl laughed, too.

 “I really did. I could have, you know.
could (できた) [助] be able to; have the ability to
you know (そうすることもできたのよ) [句] you know; you see; you understand
Come, let’s all sit down on this gravestone and get acquainted.
It won’t be hard.
hard (難しい) [形] not easy; requiring much effort
I know we’re going to adore each other—I knew it as soon as I saw you at Redmond this morning.
adore (仲良くなる) [動] love and respect someone deeply
each other (お互い) [代] used to indicate that each of two or more people does the same thing to or for the other or others
as soon as (〜するとすぐに) [接] immediately after
I wanted so much to go right over and hug you both.”
go right over (駆け寄る) [動] go to a place quickly
hug (抱きしめる) [動] put one's arms around someone and hold them tightly

 “Why didn’t you?” asked Priscilla.

 “Because I simply couldn’t make up my mind to do it.
make up one's mind (決心する) [動] reach, make, or come to a decision about something
simply (ただ) [副] in a simple manner
couldn't (できなかった) [助] can not; unable to
I never can make up my mind about anything myself—I’m always afflicted with indecision.
afflicted (困る) [動] cause pain or suffering to
indecision (優柔不断) [名] the inability to make a decision
Just as soon as I decide to do something I feel in my bones that another course would be the correct one.
just as soon as (するとすぐに) [接] immediately after
decide (決める) [動] reach, make, or come to a decision about something
feel in one's bones (直感で感じる) [動] have a strong feeling or belief about something
course (道) [名] a way of doing something
correct (正しい) [形] free from error; in accordance with fact or truth
It’s a dreadful misfortune, but I was born that way, and there is no use in blaming me for it, as some people do.
misfortune (不幸) [名] bad luck
blame (せいにする) [動] hold (someone or something) responsible for a fault or wrong
some people (一部の人) [名] a small number of people
So I couldn’t make up my mind to go and speak to you, much as I wanted to.”
much as (どんなに) [副] to the extent or degree that

 “We thought you were too shy,” said Anne.

 “No, no, dear. Shyness isn’t among the many failings—or virtues—of Philippa Gordon—Phil for short.
no, no (いいえ、いいえ) [間] used to express negation, denial, or refusal
dear (いいえ) [名] a beloved person
among (の中に) [前] in the middle of; surrounded by
failing (欠点) [名] a weakness or defect in someone or something
virtue (美徳) [名] a quality considered morally good or desirable
Philippa Gordon (フィリッパ・ゴードン) [名] a character in the story
Phil (フィル) [名] a nickname for Philippa
Do call me Phil right off.
right off (すぐに) [副] immediately
Now, what are your handles?”
handle (あだ名) [名] a name that is given to a person, often as a joke or in a friendly way

 “She’s Priscilla Grant,” said Anne, pointing.
point (指さす) [動] direct someone's attention to something by extending one's finger

 “And she’s Anne Shirley,” said Priscilla, pointing in turn.
she (彼女) [代] a female person or animal that is being discussed
pointing (指さしながら) [動] direct one's finger at

 “And we’re from the Island,” said both together.
be from (出身である) [動] come from; be a native of

 “I hail from Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia,” said Philippa.
hail from (出身である) [動] come from
Bolingbroke (ボーリングブローク) [名] a town in Nova Scotia
Philippa (フィリッパ) [名] a female given name

 “Bolingbroke!” exclaimed Anne.
“Why, that is where I was born.”

 “Do you really mean it?
mean (そう) [動] intend to convey, indicate, or refer to
Why, that makes you a Bluenose after all.”
make (なる) [動] become
Bluenose (ブルーノーズ) [名] a person from Nova Scotia

 “No, it doesn’t,” retorted Anne.
retort (言い返す) [動] say something in reply, usually something quick and angry
“Wasn’t it Dan O’Connell who said that if a man was born in a stable it didn’t make him a horse?
Dan O'Connell (ダン・オコンネル) [名] an Irish political leader
stable (馬小屋) [名] a building for housing horses
I’m Island to the core.”
to the core (뼛속까지) [副] completely; thoroughly
私は뼛속까지 섬사람이에요」

 “Well, I’m glad you were born in Bolingbroke anyway.
be glad (よかった) [動] feel pleased about something
It makes us kind of neighbors, doesn’t it?
kind of (みたいなもの) [副] to some extent or in some way
And I like that, because when I tell you secrets it won’t be as if I were telling them to a stranger.
secret (秘密) [名] something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others
I have to tell them.
I can’t keep secrets—it’s no use to try.
keep a secret (秘密を守る) [動] not tell anyone about something
it's no use (無駄だ) [熟] it is pointless or futile
That’s my worst failing—that, and indecision, as aforesaid.
worst (最大の) [形] of the poorest quality or the lowest standard; least good or desirable
aforesaid (前述の通り) [形] mentioned or referred to earlier
Would you believe it?—it took me half an hour to decide which hat to wear when I was coming here—here, to a graveyard!
take (かかる) [動] require (a period of time)
half an hour (30分) [名] a period of time equal to thirty minutes
信じられる? ここに来るのにどの帽子をかぶるか決めるのに30分もかかったのよ、ここ、墓場なのに!
At first I inclined to my brown one with the feather;
at first (最初は) [副] in the beginning; initially
incline (しようと思った) [動] be disposed or willing
feather (羽根) [名] one of the light appendages growing from a bird's skin
but as soon as I put it on I thought this pink one with the floppy brim would be more becoming.
put on (かぶる) [動] put clothes on one's body
floppy (広い) [形] soft and flexible
brim (つば) [名] the projecting edge of a hat
When I got it pinned in place I liked the brown one better.
pin (留める) [動] fasten or attach with a pin
place (場所) [名] a particular position or point in space
At last I put them close together on the bed, shut my eyes, and jabbed with a hat pin.
put (置く) [動] move something to a specified place
close together (並べて) [副] near each other
jab (突き刺す) [動] poke or stab quickly and sharply
The pin speared the pink one, so I put it on.
pin (ピン) [名] a short, thin, sharp piece of metal with a point at one end and a head at the other
spear (刺さる) [動] pierce with a spear or other sharp object
It is becoming, isn’t it?
isn't it (でしょ) [他] used in speech as a tag question to turn a statement into a yes-no question
Tell me, what do you think of my looks?”
look (容姿) [名] the way that someone or something appears

 At this naive demand, made in a perfectly serious tone, Priscilla laughed again.
naive (無邪気な) [形] lacking in experience or understanding
demand (質問) [名] a request for something
perfectly (真面目な) [副] in a perfect manner
serious (真面目な) [形] requiring much thought or work
But Anne said, impulsively squeezing Philippa’s hand,
impulsively (衝動的に) [副] without forethought or planning
squeeze (握りしめる) [動] apply pressure to from both sides

 “We thought this morning that you were the prettiest girl we saw at Redmond.”

 Philippa’s crooked mouth flashed into a bewitching, crooked smile over very white little teeth.
flash (浮かべる) [動] to come or go quickly
bewitching (うっとりするような) [形] extremely attractive or charming

 “I thought that myself,” was her next astounding statement, “but I wanted some one else’s opinion to bolster mine up.
I thought that myself (私もそう思ってたのよ) [代] the speaker or writer
bolster up (補強する) [動] to support or strengthen
I can’t decide even on my own appearance.
Just as soon as I’ve decided that I’m pretty I begin to feel miserably that I’m not.
begin (始める) [動] start to do something
miserably (惨めに) [副] in a very unhappy way
Besides, have a horrible old great-aunt who is always saying to me, with a mournful sigh, ‘You were such a pretty baby.
great-aunt (大叔母) [名] the sister of one's grandparent
mournful (悲しげな) [形] feeling or showing great sadness
It’s strange how children change when they grow up.’
I adore aunts, but I detest great-aunts.
detest (大嫌い) [動] dislike intensely
Please tell me quite often that I am pretty, if you don’t mind.
mind (嫌でなければ) [動] be bothered or annoyed by
I feel so much more comfortable when I can believe I’m pretty.
comfortable (楽になる) [形] free from stress or anxiety
And I’ll be just as obliging to you if you want me to—I can be, with a clear conscience.”
just as (同じように) [副] to the same degree or extent
obliging (親切にする) [形] willing to do things for others
if you want me to (もしあなたが望むなら) [条] if you want me to do something
I can be (そうできるよ) [動] I can do something
with a clear conscience (良心の呵責なく) [副] without feeling guilty

 “Thanks,” laughed Anne, “but Priscilla and I are so firmly convinced of our own good looks that we don’t need any assurance about them, so you needn’t trouble.”
thanks (ありがとう) [間] an expression of gratitude
firmly (固く) [副] in a firm manner
convince (確信する) [動] cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something
good look (容姿) [名] the way that someone or something looks
assurance (保証) [名] a promise or statement that gives someone confidence

 “Oh, you’re laughing at me.
laugh at (笑う) [動] to make fun of
I know you think I’m abominably vain, but I’m not.
abominably (ひどく) [副] in a very bad or unpleasant way
vain (うぬぼれている) [形] having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth
There really isn’t one spark of vanity in me.
spark (かけら) [名] a small piece of something
vanity (うぬぼれ) [名] excessive pride in oneself or one's appearance
And I’m never a bit grudging about paying compliments to other girls when they deserve them.
pay (払う) [動] give money that is owed
compliment (褒める) [名] a polite expression of praise or admiration
grudge (惜しむ) [動] be unwilling to give or allow
I’m so glad I know you folks.
know (知り合う) [動] be familiar with; have knowledge of
I came up on Saturday and I’ve nearly died of homesickness ever since.
come up (来る) [動] move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker
It’s a horrible feeling, isn’t it?
feeling (気持ち) [名] an emotional state or reaction
In Bolingbroke I’m an important personage, and in Kingsport I’m just nobody!
important (重要な) [形] of great significance or value
personage (人物) [名] a person of importance or distinction
nobody (無名の人間) [名] a person of no importance or influence
There were times when I could feel my soul turning a delicate blue.
Where do you hang out?”
hang out (たむろする) [動] spend a lot of time in a place

 “Thirty-eight St. John’s Street.”
Thirty-eight (38) [名] a number
St. John's Street (セント・ジョンズ通り) [名] a street

 “Better and better.
better (ますますいい) [形] of a more excellent or effective type or quality
Why, I’m just around the corner on Wallace Street.
just around the corner (すぐそこ) [副] very close; nearby
Wallace Street (ウォレス通り) [名] a street in the town of Avonlea
I don’t like my boardinghouse, though.
It’s bleak and lonesome, and my room looks out on such an unholy back yard.
bleak (殺風景な) [形] lacking in features or vegetation
lonesome (寂しい) [形] sad because one has no friends or company
look out on (面している) [動] have a view of
unholy (不浄な) [形] wicked or profane
It’s the ugliest place in the world.
ugly (醜い) [形] unpleasant to look at
As for cats—well, surely all the Kingsport cats can’t congregate there at night, but half of them must.
surely (きっと) [副] certainly; definitely
congregate (集まる) [動] come together as a group
must (違いない) [助] be obliged to; have to
I adore cats on hearth rugs, snoozing before nice, friendly fires, but cats in back yards at midnight are totally different animals.
hearth rug (暖炉の前の敷物) [名] a small rug placed in front of a fireplace
snooze (うたた寝) [動] have a short, light sleep
midnight (真夜中) [名] the middle of the night; 12 o'clock at night
totally (全く) [副] completely; absolutely
The first night I was here I cried all night, and so did the cats.
first night (最初の夜) [名] the night of the first day
all night (一晩中) [副] throughout the night
so (そう) [副] in the same way
You should have seen my nose in the morning.
How I wished I had never left home!”
leave home (家を出る) [動] go away from home

 “I don’t know how you managed to make up your mind to come to Redmond at all, if you are really such an undecided person,” said amused Priscilla.
at all (全く) [副] to the slightest extent or degree; in the least
undecided (優柔不断な) [形] not having made a decision
amused (面白がって) [形] finding something funny or entertaining

 “Bless your heart, honey, I didn’t.
bless (心配しないで) [動] to make the sign of the cross over
honey (ハニー) [名] a sweet sticky yellowish fluid made by bees
didn't (しなかった) [動] did not
It was father who wanted me to come here.
want (望む) [動] to feel a need or a wish for
His heart was set on it—why, I don’t know.
set on (決意する) [動] be determined to do something
It seems perfectly ridiculous to think of me studying for a B.A. degree, doesn’t it?
B.A. degree (学士号) [名] a bachelor's degree
perfectly (まったく) [副] completely
ridiculous (ばかげた) [形] causing laughter because of being foolish or absurd
Not but what I can do it, all right.
not but what (かどうかは別として) [接] although
do (できる) [動] perform or carry out
all right (大丈夫) [副] satisfactory or acceptable
I have heaps of brains.”
heap (山) [名] a large number or amount of something

 “Oh!” said Priscilla vaguely.
vaguely (漠然と) [副] in a way that is not clear or definite

 “Yes. But it’s such hard work to use them.
yes (そう) [副] a word used to give a positive response
hard work (大変な仕事) [名] a task or activity that is difficult or requires a lot of effort
And B.A.’s are such learned, dignified, wise, solemn creatures—they must be.
B.A. (学士号) [名] a bachelor's degree
learned (博識な) [形] having or showing great knowledge or learning
dignified (威厳のある) [形] having or showing dignity
wise (賢い) [形] having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
solemn (真面目な) [形] serious and dignified
No, I didn’t want to come to Redmond.
I did it just to oblige father.
oblige (従う) [動] do as someone asks or requests
He is such a duck.
such (本当に) [副] to a very great degree or extent
duck (お人好し) [名] a person who is easily deceived or imposed on
Besides, I knew if I stayed home I’d have to get married.
Mother wanted that—wanted it decidedly.
Mother has plenty of decision.
plenty of (富んでいる) [形] having a lot of something
decision (決断力) [名] the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively
But I really hated the thought of being married for a few years yet.
I want to have heaps of fun before I settle down.
have heaps of (山ほど持つ) [動] have a lot of
before (前に) [接] earlier than; prior to
And, ridiculous as the idea of my being a B.A. is, the idea of my being an old married woman is still more absurd, isn’t it?
married (既婚) [形] being in a state of marriage
absurd (ばかげている) [形] ridiculously incongruous or inappropriate
I’m only eighteen.
No, I concluded I would rather come to Redmond than be married.
Besides, how could I ever have made up my mind which man to marry?”

 “Were there so many?” laughed Anne.

 “Heaps. The boys like me awfully—they really do.
awfully (とても) [副] very much
But there were only two that mattered.
The rest were all too young and too poor.
rest (残り) [名] the remaining part
poor (貧しい) [形] having little money or few possessions
I must marry a rich man, you know.”

 “Why must you?”

 “Honey, you couldn’t imagine me being a poor man’s wife, could you?
poor (貧乏な) [形] having little or no money or wealth
wife (妻) [名] a married woman
I can’t do a single useful thing, and I am very extravagant.
useful (役に立つ) [形] able to be used for a particular purpose
extravagant (贅沢な) [形] spending a lot of money in a careless or wasteful way
Oh, no, my husband must have heaps of money.
no (いや) [間] an expression of denial or refusal
heap (お金持ち) [名] a large amount of something
So that narrowed them down to two.
narrow down (絞る) [動] reduce the number of options
But I couldn’t decide between two any easier than between two hundred.
two hundred (二百人) [名] the number 200
I knew perfectly well that whichever one I chose I’d regret all my life that I hadn’t married the other.”
whichever (どちらでも) [代] no matter which
choose (選ぶ) [動] pick out or select from a number of alternatives
regret (後悔する) [動] feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done)
all my life (一生) [名] the entire period of a person's life

 “Didn’t you—love—either of them?” asked Anne, a little hesitatingly.
either (どちらも) [限] one or the other of two people or things
It was not easy for her to speak to a stranger of the great mystery and transformation of life.
easy (簡単な) [形] able to be achieved without great effort
mystery (神秘) [名] something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

 “Goodness, no. I couldn’t love anybody. It isn’t in me.
goodness (いいえ) [名] the quality of being good
anybody (誰も) [代] any person
isn't (ない) [助] is not
in (に) [前] within the limits or bounds of
Besides I wouldn’t want to.
Being in love makes you a perfect slave, I think.
be in love (恋をする) [動] feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone
perfect (完全な) [形] complete and correct in every way
slave (奴隷) [名] a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them
And it would give a man such power to hurt you.
give (与える) [動] cause someone to have or receive something
power (力) [名] the ability to do something or act in a particular way
I’d be afraid.
be afraid (怖い) [動] feel fear or worry
No, no, Alec and Alonzo are two dear boys, and I like them both so much that I really don’t know which I like the better.
Alec (アレック) [名] a male given name
Alonzo (アロンゾ) [名] a male given name
dear (素敵な) [形] very good or pleasing
so much (とても) [副] to a very great extent
which (どちら) [限] the one or ones out of a set from which to choose
That is the trouble.
that (それが) [代] the thing or things mentioned before
Alec is the best looking, of course, and I simply couldn’t marry a man who wasn’t handsome.
best looking (一番かっこいい) [形] most attractive
couldn't (できない) [助] can not
He is good-tempered too, and has lovely, curly, black hair.
good-tempered (気立てがよい) [形] having a pleasant and friendly personality
lovely (素敵な) [形] very beautiful or attractive
curly (巻き毛の) [形] having or forming curls
He’s rather too perfect—I don’t believe I’d like a perfect husband—somebody I could never find fault with.”
fault (欠点) [名] a defect or weakness in a person or thing

 “Then why not marry Alonzo?”
asked Priscilla gravely.

 “Think of marrying a name like Alonzo!” said Phil dolefully.
think of (考える) [動] direct one's mind toward someone or something; use one's mind actively to form connected ideas
name (名前) [名] a word or set of words using which a person is referred to
dolefully (悲しそうに) [副] in a sad manner
“I don’t believe I could endure it.
endure (耐える) [動] tolerate something unpleasant
But he has a classic nose, and it would be a comfort to have a nose in the family that could be depended on.
family (家族) [名] a group of people who are related to each other
depend on (頼る) [動] rely on; trust in
I can’t depend on mine.
depend on (頼りにする) [動] rely on
mine (自分の) [代] belonging to or connected with the speaker
So far, it takes after the Gordon pattern, but I’m so afraid it will develop Byrne tendencies as I grow older.
take after (似ている) [動] resemble in appearance or character
Gordon (ゴードン) [名] a family name
pattern (型) [名] a model or design
afraid (心配だ) [形] feeling fear or worry
develop (出てくる) [動] come into existence or prominence
Byrne (バーン) [名] a family name
tendency (傾向) [名] a general direction in which something is developing or changing
I examine it every day anxiously to make sure it’s still Gordon.
examine (調べる) [動] inspect closely and thoroughly
every day (毎日) [副] on each day
anxiously (心配そうに) [副] in a worried or nervous way
make sure (確認する) [動] find out or check that something is true or correct
Mother was a Byrne and has the Byrne nose in the Byrnest degree.
degree (度合い) [名] the extent to which something happens or is present
Wait till you see it.
I adore nice noses.
Your nose is awfully nice, Anne Shirley.
awfully (すごく) [副] very
nice (素敵) [形] pleasant; attractive; good
Alonzo’s nose nearly turned the balance in his favor.
turn the balance (傾きそうだった) [動] to change the situation so that one side has an advantage
favor (有利) [名] an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual
But Alonzo! No, I couldn’t decide.
でもアロンゾ! いや、決められない。
If I could have done as I did with the hats—stood them both up together, shut my eyes, and jabbed with a hatpin—it would have been quite easy.”
stand up (立たせる) [動] to be in or assume an upright position

 “What did Alec and Alonzo feel like when you came away?”
come away (帰って来る) [動] leave a place
feel like (どんな気持ちだった) [動] be in the mood for
queried Priscilla.
query (尋ねる) [動] ask a question about

 “Oh, they still have hope.
I told them they’d have to wait till I could make up my mind.
They’re quite willing to wait.
quite (喜んで) [副] to a certain extent; fairly
willing (つもり) [形] ready, eager, or prepared to do something
They both worship me, you know.
Meanwhile, I intend to have a good time.
meanwhile (その間に) [副] in the intervening period of time
intend (つもり) [動] have as one's purpose or intention
have a good time (楽しい時間を過ごす) [動] enjoy oneself
I expect I shall have heaps of beaux at Redmond.
expect (思う) [動] to think or believe that something is likely to happen
have (できる) [動] to possess, own, or hold
beau (ボーイフレンド) [名] a boyfriend or lover
I can’t be happy unless I have, you know.
be happy (幸せになる) [動] feel or show pleasure or contentment
But don’t you think the freshmen are fearfully homely?
freshman (新入生) [名] a student in the first year of college or high school
fearfully (恐ろしく) [副] in a fearful manner
homely (垢抜けない) [形] not good-looking
I saw only one really handsome fellow among them.
only (一人しか) [副] and no one or nothing more or else
He went away before you came.
I heard his chum call him Gilbert.
His chum had eyes that stuck out that far.
stick out (出ている) [動] project beyond the surrounding area
But you’re not going yet, girls?
yet (まだ) [副] up until the present time; so far
Don’t go yet.”

 “I think we must,” said Anne, rather coldly.
rather (冷たく) [副] to some extent; to a certain degree
“It’s getting late, and I’ve some work to do.”
get late (遅くなる) [動] become late
work (仕事) [名] an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose of result

 “But you’ll both come to see me, won’t you?” asked Philippa, getting up and putting an arm around each.
come to see (会いに来る) [動] visit
get up (立ち上がる) [動] rise to a standing position
put an arm around (腕を回す) [動] put one's arm around someone
“And let me come to see you.
let (させて) [動] allow to
I want to be chummy with you.
be chummy with (仲良くする) [動] be friendly with
I’ve taken such a fancy to you both.
take a fancy to (気に入る) [動] to develop a liking for
And I haven’t quite disgusted you with my frivolity, have I?”
disgust (うんざりさせる) [動] cause to feel disgust
frivolity (軽薄さ) [名] lack of seriousness or importance

 “Not quite,” laughed Anne, responding to Phil’s squeeze, with a return of cordiality.
not quite (そうでもない) [副] not completely or entirely
respond (返礼する) [動] say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done
squeeze (握り返し) [名] an act of squeezing
cordiality (心からの) [名] warmth and friendliness

 “Because I’m not half so silly as I seem on the surface, you know.
You just accept Philippa Gordon, as the Lord made her, with all her faults, and I believe you’ll come to like her.
accept (受け入れる) [動] to take or receive something offered
Lord (神) [名] the creator and ruler of the universe
come to (~になる) [動] to reach a certain state or condition
Isn’t this graveyard a sweet place?
sweet (素敵な) [形] very good or pleasant
I’d love to be buried here.
love (大好き) [動] be extremely fond of
be buried (埋葬される) [動] be interred in a grave or tomb
Here’s a grave I didn’t see before—this one in the iron railing—oh, girls, look, see—the stone says it’s the grave of a middy who was killed in the fight between the Shannon and the Chesapeake.
iron (鉄) [名] a hard, strong, magnetic, malleable metal
railing (柵) [名] a fence or barrier made of rails
fight (戦い) [名] a violent confrontation of opposing military forces in a war
kill (殺す) [動] cause the death of
middy (士官候補生) [名] a naval cadet
Just fancy!”
fancy (想像する) [動] to imagine or suppose

 Anne paused by the railing and looked at the worn stone, her pulses thrilling with sudden excitement.
pause (立ち止まる) [動] stop temporarily
look at (見る) [動] direct one's gaze toward
pulse (脈) [名] the regular throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them
The old graveyard, with its over-arching trees and long aisles of shadows, faded from her sight.
over-arching (覆いかぶさる) [形] forming an arch over something
fade (消える) [動] gradually grow faint or dim
sight (視界) [名] the ability to see; vision
Instead, she saw the Kingsport Harbor of nearly a century agone.
instead (代わりに) [副] as an alternative or substitute for
nearly (近く) [副] almost
century (世紀) [名] a period of 100 years
agone (前) [副] ago
Out of the mist came slowly a great frigate, brilliant with “the meteor flag of England.”
out of (中から) [前] from inside
slowly (ゆっくりと) [副] in a slow manner
frigate (フリゲート艦) [名] a relatively small warship
brilliant (掲げた) [形] very bright or vivid
Behind her was another, with a still, heroic form, wrapped in his own starry flag, lying on the quarter deck—the gallant Lawrence.
another (もう一人) [代] an additional person or thing
heroic (英雄的な) [形] having the characteristics of a hero
form (姿) [名] the visible shape or configuration of something
starry (星条旗) [形] full of stars
flag (旗) [名] a piece of fabric with a distinctive design that is used as a symbol or as a signaling device
quarter deck (クォーターデッキ) [名] the part of the upper deck of a ship abaft the mainmast, traditionally reserved for officers
gallant (勇敢な) [形] courageous; brave
Lawrence (ローレンス) [名] a city in northeastern Kansas
Time’s finger had turned back his pages, and that was the Shannon sailing triumphant up the bay with the Chesapeake as her prize.
page (ページ) [名] one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, or newspaper
triumphant (勝ち誇った) [形] having won a battle or contest
bay (湾) [名] a body of water that is connected to a larger body of water and almost surrounded by land
prize (戦利品) [名] something that is won as a reward for victory or success

 “Come back, Anne Shirley—come back,” laughed Philippa, pulling her arm.
pull (引っ張った) [動] exert force on something so as to move it toward oneself or the origin of the force
“You’re a hundred years away from us. Come back.”
a hundred years (百年) [名] a period of 100 years
away from (離れている) [副] not near or close to

 Anne came back with a sigh;
her eyes were shining softly.

 “I’ve always loved that old story,” she said, “and although the English won that victory, I think it was because of the brave, defeated commander I love it.
old story (古い話) [名] a story that has been told for a long time
English (イギリス) [名] the language of England
victory (勝利) [名] an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition
defeated (敗北した) [形] having been beaten in a battle or other contest
commander (指揮官) [名] a person in charge of a military operation
This grave seems to bring it so near and make it so real.
bring (持ってくる) [動] cause to come or go to a place
real (現実的) [形] existing or happening in fact or actuality
This poor little middy was only eighteen.
He ‘died of desperate wounds received in gallant action’—so reads his epitaph.
wound (傷) [名] physical injury or wound
action (行動) [名] something done or performed
It is such as a soldier might wish for.”

 Before she turned away, Anne unpinned the little cluster of purple pansies she wore and dropped it softly on the grave of the boy who had perished in the great sea-duel.
turn away (背を向ける) [動] change direction so as to face in a different direction
unpin (外す) [動] unfasten or detach by removing a pin
cluster (房) [名] a collection of things
purple (紫色の) [形] of a color intermediate between red and blue
pansy (パンジー) [名] a plant with large, velvety petals
drop (落とす) [動] let or cause to fall
softly (そっと) [副] gently; quietly
boy (少年) [名] a male child or young man
perish (死ぬ) [動] die
duel (戦い) [名] a contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor

 “Well, what do you think of our new friend?” asked Priscilla, when Phil had left them.

 “I like her. There is something very lovable about her, in spite of all her nonsense.
nonsense (ナンセンス) [名] words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas
I believe, as she says herself, that she isn’t half as silly as she sounds.
silly (愚かな) [形] lacking in common sense or judgment
She’s a dear, kissable baby—and I don’t know that she’ll ever really grow up.”
kissable (キスしたくなるような) [形] attractive or charming

 “I like her, too,” said Priscilla, decidedly.
decidedly (断言した) [副] in a manner that is decided or definite
“She talks as much about boys as Ruby Gillis does.
as much as (同じくらい) [副] to the same extent or degree
But it always enrages or sickens me to hear Ruby, whereas I just wanted to laugh good-naturedly at Phil.
enrage (激怒させる) [動] make very angry
sicken (気分を悪くさせる) [動] make sick
Now, what is the why of that?”

 “There is a difference,” said Anne meditatively.
difference (違い) [名] the state or relation of being different
meditatively (考え込んだ) [副] in a thoughtful manner
“I think it’s because Ruby is really so conscious of boys.
Ruby (ルビー) [名] a red gemstone
conscious (意識している) [形] aware of and responding to one's surroundings
She plays at love and love-making. Besides, you feel, when she is boasting of her beaux that she is doing it to rub it well into you that you haven’t half so many.
play at (ごっこをする) [動] pretend to do something
boast (自慢する) [動] speak too proudly about oneself or one's achievements
rub (擦り込む) [動] move something against something else with pressure
Now, when Phil talks of her beaux it sounds as if she was just speaking of chums.
sound as if (聞こえる) [動] seem to be
She really looks upon boys as good comrades, and she is pleased when she has dozens of them tagging round, simply because she likes to be popular and to be thought popular.
look upon (思う) [動] consider or regard in a specified way
pleased (喜ぶ) [形] feeling or showing pleasure or satisfaction
dozen (何十) [名] a group of twelve
tag (群がる) [動] follow closely
popular (人気者) [形] liked or admired by many people
Even Alex and Alonzo—I’ll never be able to think of those two names separately after this—are to her just two playfellows who want her to play with them all their lives.
Alex (アレックス) [名] a male given name
separately (別々に) [副] not together; apart
playfellow (遊び仲間) [名] a companion in play
play with (一緒に遊ぶ) [動] to engage in an activity for enjoyment and recreation
all their lives (一生) [名] the entire period of someone's existence
I’m glad we met her, and I’m glad we went to Old St. John’s. I believe I’ve put forth a tiny soul-root into Kingsport soil this afternoon.
put forth (張る) [動] to make an effort
tiny (小さな) [形] very small
root (根) [名] the part of a plant that grows down into the soil
this afternoon (今日の午後) [名] the period of time from noon to evening on the current day
I hope so. I hate to feel transplanted.”