Chapter III: Greeting and Farewell
greeting (挨拶) [名] a polite expression of goodwill
farewell (別れ) [名] a parting or goodbye
第3章: 挨拶と別れ

 Charlie Sloane, Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley left Avonlea the following Monday morning.
leave (後にする) [動] go away from
the following Monday morning (次の月曜日の朝) [名] the morning of the Monday after the current day
Anne had hoped for a fine day.
fine day (天気の良い日) [名] a day with good weather
Diana was to drive her to the station and they wanted this, their last drive together for some time, to be a pleasant one.
drive (送る) [動] take or carry someone or something in a vehicle
station (駅) [名] a terminal for trains or buses
drive (ドライブ) [名] a trip in a vehicle
But when Anne went to bed Sunday night the east wind was moaning around Green Gables with an ominous prophecy which was fulfilled in the morning.
east (東) [名] the direction toward the rising sun
moan (うめき声を上げる) [動] make a low, continuous sound of pain or suffering
prophecy (予言) [名] a prediction of what will happen in the future
ominous (不吉な) [形] giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
morning (朝) [名] the period of a day from sunrise to noon
Anne awoke to find raindrops pattering against her window and shadowing the pond’s gray surface with widening rings;
awake (目を覚ます) [動] stop sleeping
raindrop (雨粒) [名] a drop of rain
patter (打つ) [動] make a light, quick tapping sound
window (窓) [名] an opening in a wall or roof that lets in light and can be opened to let in air
shadow (描く) [動] cast a shadow over
surface (表面) [名] the top or outside layer of something
widen (広がる) [動] become or make wider
ring (輪) [名] a circular object
hills and sea were hidden in mist, and the whole world seemed dim and dreary.
hide (隠れる) [動] be or go out of sight
mist (霧) [名] a cloud of water droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the ground
whole (全体) [形] all of; the entire
seem (見える) [動] appear to be; give the impression of being
Anne dressed in the cheerless gray dawn, for an early start was necessary to catch the boat train;
dress (身支度をする) [動] put on clothes
dawn (夜明け) [名] the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
early (早朝) [形] happening or done before the usual or expected time
start (出発) [名] the beginning of a journey
necessary (必要である) [形] being essential, indispensable, or requisite
catch (乗る) [動] travel by means of
boat (船) [名] a vessel for transport by water
train (列車) [名] a vehicle consisting of a series of connected cars that is pulled by a locomotive and runs on a track
she struggled against the tears that would well up in her eyes in spite of herself.
struggle (闘う) [動] make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction
well up (浮かぶ) [動] to rise to the surface
in spite of (にもかかわらず) [前] without being influenced by; notwithstanding
herself (自分) [代] the female person or animal who is being discussed
She was leaving the home that was so dear to her, and something told her that she was leaving it forever, save as a holiday refuge.
dear (大切な) [形] regarded with deep affection
forever (永遠に) [副] for all time; eternally
holiday (休日) [名] a day on which work is suspended by law or custom
refuge (避難所) [名] a place that provides shelter or protection
Things would never be the same again;
same (元通り) [形] identical; not different
coming back for vacations would not be living there.
come back (帰ってくる) [動] return to a place
live (住む) [動] have as one's permanent home
And oh, how dear and beloved everything was—that little white porch room, sacred to the dreams of girlhood, the old Snow Queen at the window, the brook in the hollow, the Dryad’s Bubble, the Haunted Woods, and Lover’s Lane—all the thousand and one dear spots where memories of the old years bided.
beloved (愛おしい) [形] dearly loved
porch (ポーチ) [名] a covered platform projecting from the entrance of a building
sacred (神聖な) [形] consecrated to some deity, to some religious purpose, or to some special use
girlhood (少女時代) [名] the time or state of being a girl
Snow Queen (雪の女王) [名] a character in a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen
hollow (くぼみ) [名] a hole or depression
Dryad's Bubble (ドライアドの泡) [名] a spring in the Haunted Woods
Haunted Woods (幽霊の森) [名] a forest near Avonlea
bide (宿る) [動] to wait or remain
Could she ever be really happy anywhere else?
could (だろうか) [助] used to express possibility
anywhere (他の場所) [副] in or to any place
else (他の) [形] other than the one mentioned

 Breakfast at Green Gables that morning was a rather doleful meal.
breakfast (朝食) [名] the first meal of the day
that morning (その朝) [名] the morning of the day being discussed
rather (かなり) [副] to some extent; somewhat
doleful (悲惨な) [形] causing grief or pain
Davy, for the first time in his life probably, could not eat, but blubbered shamelessly over his porridge.
for the first time (初めて) [副] never before
in one's life (生まれて) [名] the period of time during which one is alive
probably (おそらく) [副] almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell
could not (できなかった) [助] be unable to
but (しかし) [接] on the contrary; rather
blubber (ぐちゃぐちゃにする) [動] weep or sob noisily
shamelessly (恥ずかしげもなく) [副] without shame
over (おかゆに) [前] above and across
porridge (おかゆ) [名] a food made from oatmeal or another meal or cereal boiled in water or milk
Nobody else seemed to have much appetite, save Dora, who tucked away her rations comfortably.
else (以外) [副] other than the one or ones mentioned
appetite (食欲) [名] a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food
tuck away (平らげる) [動] eat heartily
ration (配給品) [名] a fixed amount of food, gasoline, etc., that is given to each person during a time of shortage
Dora, like the immortal and most prudent Charlotte, who “went on cutting bread and butter” when her frenzied lover’s body had been carried past on a shutter, was one of those fortunate creatures who are seldom disturbed by anything.
immortal (不滅の) [形] living forever; never dying or decaying
prudent (賢明な) [形] acting with or showing care for the consequences of an action; careful
Charlotte (シャーロット) [名] a female given name
cut (切る) [動] divide or separate with a sharp-edged tool
bread (パン) [名] a food made of flour or meal that has been mixed with a liquid, usually water, and kneaded, shaped, and baked
butter (バター) [名] a pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning the cream of milk
lover (恋人) [名] a person having a sexual or romantic relationship with another person
body (遺体) [名] the physical structure, including the bones, flesh and organs, of a person or an animal
carry (運ぶ) [動] take or bring from one place to another
shutter (シャッター) [名] a movable cover or screen for a window or door
seldom (めったに~ない) [副] not often; rarely
disturb (動揺させる) [動] interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning of
creature (生き物) [名] a living being, especially an animal
Even at eight it took a great deal to ruffle Dora’s placidity.
even at (でさえ) [副] in spite of; although
eight (8歳) [名] the number 8
take a great deal (大変なことだった) [動] require a lot of effort or energy
ruffle (乱す) [動] disturb the smoothness or flatness of
placidity (穏やかさ) [名] the quality of being calm and peaceful
She was sorry Anne was going away, of course, but was that any reason why she should fail to appreciate a poached egg on toast?
be sorry (残念だ) [動] feel regret or guilt
fail to appreciate (食べられないわけではない) [動] not be able to enjoy or understand the full worth of something
poached egg (ポーチドエッグ) [名] an egg that has been cooked by poaching
toast (トースト) [名] a slice of bread that has been browned by toasting
Not at all.
not at all (全然) [副] to no extent or degree; not in the least
And, seeing that Davy could not eat his, Dora ate it for him.

 Promptly on time Diana appeared with horse and buggy, her rosy face glowing above her raincoat.
promptly (時間通りに) [副] without delay
on time (時間通りに) [副] punctually
appear (現れる) [動] come into sight
horse (馬) [名] a large four-legged mammal that has been domesticated by humans since prehistoric times
buggy (馬車) [名] a light horse-drawn carriage
glow (輝く) [動] emit light as a result of being heated
The good-byes had to be said then somehow.
good-bye (別れの言葉) [名] a phrase used to express a farewell
Mrs. Lynde came in from her quarters to give Anne a hearty embrace and warn her to be careful of her health, whatever she did.
come in (出てきて) [動] enter
quarter (部屋) [名] a room or set of rooms
give (抱きしめる) [動] transfer the possession of
hearty (心から) [形] very warm and friendly
embrace (抱擁) [名] an act of holding someone closely in one's arms
warn (注意する) [動] inform someone in advance of something
careful (気をつける) [形] taking care to avoid harm or damage
health (健康) [名] the condition of being sound in body and mind
Marilla, brusque and tearless, pecked Anne’s cheek and said she supposed they’d hear from her when she got settled.
brusque (ぶっきらぼうな) [形] abrupt or offhand in manner
tearless (涙も見せず) [形] without tears
peck (軽くキスをする) [動] kiss quickly and lightly
cheek (頬) [名] the side of the face below the eye and between the ear and the mouth
settle (落ち着く) [動] become calm or quiet
A casual observer might have concluded that Anne’s going mattered very little to her—unless said observer had happened to get a good look in her eyes.
casual (何気ない) [形] without definite or serious intention
observer (観察者) [名] a person who observes something
matter (重要である) [動] be of importance or significance
very little (あまり~ない) [副] not very much
unless (~でない限り) [接] except if; if not
said (~と述べた) [動] express (something) in words
happen (たまたま~する) [動] take place by chance
get a good look (よく見る) [動] look at something carefully
Dora kissed Anne primly and squeezed out two decorous little tears;
kiss (キスする) [動] touch with the lips as a sign of love, affection, greeting, or reverence
squeeze out (絞り出す) [動] extract by squeezing
but Davy, who had been crying on the back porch step ever since they rose from the table, refused to say good-bye at all.
rise (立ち上がる) [動] get up from a sitting or lying position
refuse (拒む) [動] be unwilling to do something
When he saw Anne coming towards him he sprang to his feet, bolted up the back stairs, and hid in a clothes closet, out of which he would not come.
come towards (来る) [動] move or travel toward
spring to one's feet (飛び起きる) [動] stand up quickly
bolt up (駆け上がる) [動] run up quickly
come out (出て来る) [動] move or travel from inside to outside
His muffled howls were the last sounds Anne heard as she left Green Gables.
muffled (くぐもった) [形] (of a sound) not clear or loud
howl (遠吠え) [名] a long, loud cry
sound (音) [名] a mechanical wave of compression and rarefaction, by which sound is transmitted in an elastic medium such as air

 It rained heavily all the way to Bright River, to which station they had to go, since the branch line train from Carmody did not connect with the boat train.
all the way (ずっと) [副] to the full extent or degree
Bright River (ブライト・リバー) [名] a river in Canada
Carmody (カーモディ) [名] a town in Canada
branch line (支線) [名] a secondary railway line
connect (接続する) [動] join or link together
boat train (連絡船の列車) [名] a train that connects with a boat
Charlie and Gilbert were on the station platform when they reached it, and the train was whistling.
Charlie (チャーリー) [名] a male given name
platform (ホーム) [名] a raised area of a railway station
whistle (汽笛を鳴らす) [動] make a whistling sound
Anne had just time to get her ticket and trunk check, say a hurried farewell to Diana, and hasten on board.
have just time (ちょうど時間がある) [動] have only a short time
ticket (切符) [名] a piece of paper or card that gives you the right to enter a place, travel on a vehicle, etc.
check (預かり証) [名] a written order to pay a stated sum from a particular account, whereas a cheque is a written order to pay a stated sum from a particular account
hurried (急いで) [形] done quickly
hasten (急ぐ) [動] be quick or hurry
on board (乗り込む) [副] on or in a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle
She wished she were going back with Diana to Avonlea; she knew she was going to die of homesickness.
wish (願う) [動] feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable
homesickness (ホームシック) [名] a feeling of longing for one's home
And oh, if only that dismal rain would stop pouring down as if the whole world were weeping over summer vanished and joys departed!
rain (雨) [名] water falling in drops from the sky
stop (やめる) [動] cease an action
pour down (降り注ぐ) [動] rain heavily
whole world (全世界) [名] the entire world
weep (嘆く) [動] cry
vanish (消失) [動] disappear
joy (喜び) [名] a feeling of great pleasure or happiness
Even Gilbert’s presence brought her no comfort, for Charlie Sloane was there, too, and Sloanishness could be tolerated only in fine weather.
presence (存在) [名] the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing
bring (もたらす) [動] cause to come to a place
comfort (慰め) [名] a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint
Sloanishness (スローンらしさ) [名] the quality of being like Charlie Sloane
fine weather (天気の良い日) [名] a day with good weather
It was absolutely insufferable in rain.
absolutely (絶対に) [副] without any doubt

 But when the boat steamed out of Charlottetown harbor things took a turn for the better.
steam (出港する) [動] move or travel by means of steam
Charlottetown (シャーロッタウン) [名] the capital of Prince Edward Island
harbor (港) [名] a sheltered place on the coast where ships can dock
take a turn (好転する) [動] change for the better
The rain ceased and the sun began to burst out goldenly now and again between the rents in the clouds, burnishing the gray seas with copper-hued radiance, and lighting up the mists that curtained the Island’s red shores with gleams of gold foretokening a fine day after all.
cease (やむ) [動] come or bring to an end
burst out (輝きだす) [動] suddenly and forcefully emerge
goldenly (金色に) [副] in a golden manner
now and again (時折) [副] occasionally
rent (切れ間) [名] a gap or break
cloud (雲) [名] a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere typically high above the general level of the ground
burnish (磨き上げる) [動] polish by rubbing
copper-hued (銅色の) [形] having a color like that of copper
light up (照らす) [動] make or become bright
curtain (覆う) [動] cover with or as if with a curtain
shore (海岸) [名] the land bordering the sea or a lake
gleam (輝き) [名] a small bright light
gold (金色) [名] a yellow precious metal of great value
foretoken (予感させる) [動] be a sign or warning that something, especially something bad, is going to happen
Besides, Charlie Sloane promptly became so seasick that he had to go below, and Anne and Gilbert were left alone on deck.
promptly (すぐに) [副] without delay; immediately
become (なる) [動] come to be
seasick (船酔い) [形] feeling sick as a result of the motion of a ship
go below (船室に行く) [動] go to a lower deck
be left alone (二人きりになる) [動] be left without any company
deck (甲板) [名] the floor of a ship

 “I am very glad that all the Sloanes get seasick as soon as they go on water,” thought Anne mercilessly.
as soon as (すぐに) [副] at the very moment that
get seasick (船酔いする) [動] become sick from the motion of a ship
mercilessly (情け容赦なく) [副] without mercy
“I am sure I couldn’t take my farewell look at the ‘ould sod’ with Charlie standing there pretending to look sentimentally at it, too.”
take a look (見る) [動] to direct one's gaze at something
sentimentally (感傷的に) [副] in a way that shows a lot of emotion, especially sadness, about the past

 “Well, we’re off,” remarked Gilbert unsentimentally.
unsentimentally (感傷を交えずに) [副] without sentiment or emotion

 “Yes, I feel like Byron’s ‘Childe Harold’—only it isn’t really my ‘native shore’ that I’m watching,” said Anne, winking her gray eyes vigorously.
Byron (バイロン) [名] George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, FRS (22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824), commonly known simply as Lord Byron, was an English poet, peer, and politician who became a revolutionary in the Greek War ...
Childe Harold (チャイルド・ハロルド) [名] Childe Harold's Pilgrimage is a long narrative poem in four cantos by Lord Byron, written between 1812 and 1818
native shore (故郷の岸辺) [名] the shore of one's homeland
wink (瞬く) [動] shut one eye briefly, typically to indicate that something is a joke or secret or as a signal of affection or greeting
“Nova Scotia is that, I suppose.
Nova Scotia (ノバスコシア) [名] a province of Canada
But one’s native shore is the land one loves the best, and that’s good old P.E.I. for me.
good old (古き良き) [形] something that is familiar and well-liked
P.E.I. (プリンスエドワード島) [名] Prince Edward Island
I can’t believe I didn’t always live here.
Those eleven years before I came seem like a bad dream.
those (その) [限] the
eleven years (十一年間) [名] a period of eleven years
before (前) [前] earlier than
It’s seven years since I crossed on this boat—the evening Mrs. Spencer brought me over from Hopetown.
seven years (七年前) [名] a period of seven years
cross (渡る) [動] go or move across or to the other side of
Hopetown (ホープタウン) [名] a town in the Canadian province of New Brunswick
I can see myself, in that dreadful old wincey dress and faded sailor hat, exploring decks and cabins with enraptured curiosity.
wincey (ウィンシー) [名] a lightweight cotton fabric
faded (色あせた) [形] having lost freshness or brilliance
sailor (セーラー) [名] a person who works on a ship
hat (帽子) [名] a covering for the head
explore (探検する) [動] travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it
cabin (船室) [名] a private room on a ship
curiosity (好奇心) [名] a strong desire to know or learn something
It was a fine evening; and how those red Island shores did gleam in the sunshine.
gleam (輝く) [動] to shine brightly, especially with reflected light
sunshine (日差し) [名] direct sunlight unbroken by cloud, especially over a comparatively large area
Now I’m crossing the strait again.
strait (海峡) [名] a narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water
Oh, Gilbert, I do hope I’ll like Redmond and Kingsport, but I’m sure I won’t!”

 “Where’s all your philosophy gone, Anne?”
philosophy (哲学) [名] the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline

 “It’s all submerged under a great, swamping wave of loneliness and homesickness.
loneliness (孤独) [名] the state of being alone
I’ve longed for three years to go to Redmond—and now I’m going—and I wish I weren’t!
long for (待ち望む) [動] to have a strong wish for something
three years (3年間) [名] a period of three years
wish (望む) [動] to want something to happen or be true
Never mind!
never mind (気にしないで) [動] don't worry about it
I shall be cheerful and philosophical again after I have just one good cry.
cheerful (元気) [形] having or showing a happy mood
philosophical (哲学的) [形] of or relating to philosophy
I must have that, ‘as a went’—and I’ll have to wait until I get into my boardinghouse bed tonight, wherever it may be, before I can have it.
have (買う) [動] buy
as a went (お土産に) [名] a souvenir
tonight (今夜) [名] the night of the present day
boardinghouse (下宿) [名] a house where people pay to live and eat
Then Anne will be herself again.
be oneself (元気になる) [動] be in one's normal or natural state
I wonder if Davy has come out of the closet yet.”
come out of the closet (カミングアウトする) [動] to reveal one's homosexuality

 It was nine that night when their train reached Kingsport, and they found themselves in the blue-white glare of the crowded station.
nine (九時) [名] the number 9
find oneself (いる) [動] be in a particular place or situation
blue-white (青白い) [形] of a color intermediate between blue and white
glare (光) [名] a bright light, especially one that shines directly into your eyes
crowded (混雑した) [形] full of people or things
Anne felt horribly bewildered, but a moment later she was seized by Priscilla Grant, who had come to Kingsport on Saturday.
horribly (ひどく) [副] in a very bad or unpleasant way
bewildered (当惑する) [形] confused and uncertain about what to do
seize (取り押さえる) [動] take hold of suddenly and forcibly
Saturday (土曜日) [名] the day of the week before Sunday and following Friday

 “Here you are, beloved!
here you are (やあ) [間] used to greet someone
beloved (愛しい人) [名] a person who is loved
And I suppose you’re as tired as I was when I got here Saturday night.”
as tired as (同じくらい疲れている) [形] to the same degree or extent
Saturday night (土曜日の夜) [名] the night of Saturday

 “Tired! Priscilla, don’t talk of it.
Priscilla (プリシラ) [名] a female given name
talk of (話す) [動] speak about
「疲れた! プリシラ、そんな話はやめて。
I’m tired, and green, and provincial, and only about ten years old.
green (未熟な) [形] lacking experience
provincial (田舎者の) [形] lacking sophistication
about (くらい) [副] approximately
ten years old (10歳) [名] a person who is ten years old
For pity’s sake take your poor, broken-down chum to some place where she can hear herself think.”
for pity's sake (お願いだから) [間] used to express a strong request
take (連れて行く) [動] carry or bring with oneself
broken-down (疲れ果てた) [形] in a state of collapse or decay
think (考える) [動] have a particular opinion, belief, or idea

 “I’ll take you right up to our boardinghouse.
right up to (まで) [副] all the way to
I’ve a cab ready outside.”
have a cab ready (タクシーを待たせてある) [動] have a taxi waiting
outside (外) [名] the space that is not inside

 “It’s such a blessing you’re here, Prissy.
blessing (幸い) [名] something that brings happiness or good fortune
here (ここ) [副] in this place
If you weren’t I think I should just sit down on my suitcase, here and now, and weep bitter tears.
if you weren't (あなたがいなかったら) [接] on the condition or supposition that; in the event that
suitcase (スーツケース) [名] a case with a handle and a hinged lid, used for carrying clothes and personal possessions
here and now (今ここで) [副] at this time and in this place
weep (流す) [動] shed tears
bitter (苦い) [形] having a sharp, pungent taste or smell
What a comfort one familiar face is in a howling wilderness of strangers!”
familiar (見知った) [形] well known from long or close association
howling (荒れ狂う) [形] very great or intense
wilderness (荒野) [名] an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region

 “Is that Gilbert Blythe over there, Anne?
over there (あそこ) [副] in or to that place
How he has grown up this past year!
this past year (この一年) [名] the year that has just ended
He was only a schoolboy when I taught in Carmody.
schoolboy (小学生) [名] a boy who attends school
teach (教える) [動] impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something
And of course that’s Charlie Sloane.
He hasn’t changed—couldn’t!
couldn't (変われない) [助] be unable to
He looked just like that when he was born, and he’ll look like that when he’s eighty.
look like (~のように見える) [動] have the same appearance as
when he was born (生まれた時) [名] the time when someone is born
when he's eighty (80歳) [名] the age of eighty
This way, dear.
this way (こっち) [副] in this direction
dear (お嬢さん) [名] a term of endearment
We’ll be home in twenty minutes.”
be home (家に着く) [動] arrive at one's house
twenty minutes (20分) [名] a period of time equal to 20 minutes

 “Home!” groaned Anne.
“You mean we’ll be in some horrible boardinghouse, in a still more horrible hall bedroom, looking out on a dingy back yard.”
horrible (ひどい) [形] causing or likely to cause horror; shocking
hall (廊下) [名] a corridor or wide space in a building
bedroom (寝室) [名] a room for sleeping
dingy (薄汚い) [形] dark and dirty
back yard (裏庭) [名] a yard behind a house

 “It isn’t a horrible boardinghouse, Anne-girl. Here’s our cab.
cab (タクシー) [名] a taxi
Hop in—the driver will get your trunk.
hop in (乗って) [動] get into a vehicle
driver (運転手) [名] a person who drives a vehicle
get (運んでくれる) [動] go and fetch
Oh, yes, the boardinghouse—it’s really a very nice place of its kind, as you’ll admit tomorrow morning when a good night’s sleep has turned your blues rosy pink.
admit (認める) [動] to recognize the existence or truth of
tomorrow morning (明日の朝) [名] the morning of the day after today
good night's sleep (ぐっすり眠る) [名] a night of restful sleep
turn (変わる) [動] to change in nature, condition, form, or appearance
rosy pink (バラ色) [名] a color intermediate between red and white, as of a rose
It’s a big, old-fashioned, gray stone house on St. John Street, just a nice little constitutional from Redmond.
big (大きい) [形] of great size or extent
old-fashioned (古風な) [形] of a style or design that is no longer current
stone (石造りの) [形] made of stone
St. John Street (セント・ジョン通り) [名] a street in the city of Redmond
little (ちょっと) [形] small in size, amount, or degree
constitutional (散歩) [名] a walk taken for exercise and to maintain or improve one's health
It used to be the ‘residence’ of great folk, but fashion has deserted St. John Street and its houses only dream now of better days.
used to (昔は) [助] did or was in the past
residence (住居) [名] the place where one lives
fashion (流行) [名] a popular trend
desert (捨てる) [動] leave someone or something
dream (夢見る) [動] have a dream
better days (昔) [名] a time in the past when things were better
They’re so big that people living in them have to take boarders just to fill up.
so big (とても大きい) [形] very large
take (受け入れる) [動] receive or accept
boarder (下宿人) [名] a person who pays for regular meals and a place to sleep in someone's home
At least, that is the reason our landladies are very anxious to impress on us.
at least (少なくとも) [副] not less than; as much as
landlady (大家さん) [名] a woman who owns and rents out land, a building, or an apartment
anxious (躍起になっている) [形] very eager or worried about something
impress (印象付ける) [動] to affect someone or something strongly
They’re delicious, Anne—our landladies, I mean.”
delicious (面白い) [形] very pleasant or attractive

 “How many are there?”
how many (何人) [名] the number of people
be there (いる) [動] be present

 “Two. Miss Hannah Harvey and Miss Ada Harvey.
Miss Hannah Harvey (ハンナ・ハーヴェイさん) [名] a woman who is not married
Miss Ada Harvey (エイダ・ハーヴェイさん) [名] a woman who is not married
They were born twins about fifty years ago.”
be born (生まれる) [動] come into existence
fifty (50) [名] the cardinal number that is equal to five times ten

 “I can’t get away from twins, it seems,” smiled Anne.
get away (逃れる) [動] escape from a situation
smile (笑う) [動] form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed
“Wherever I go they confront me.”
wherever (どこへ) [副] in or to whatever place
confront (出会う) [動] meet or come into the presence of

 “Oh, they’re not twins now, dear.
After they reached the age of thirty they never were twins again.
reach the age of (歳になる) [動] to become a certain age
thirty (30) [名] the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three
again (再び) [副] once more; another time; anew
Miss Hannah has grown old, not too gracefully, and Miss Ada has stayed thirty, less gracefully still.
Miss Hannah (ハンナさん) [名] a woman
grow old (年をとる) [動] become old
gracefully (優雅に) [副] in a graceful manner
Miss Ada (エイダさん) [名] a woman
stay (のままである) [動] remain in the same place or condition
less (さらに欠ける) [副] to a smaller extent
I don’t know whether Miss Hannah can smile or not;
whether (かどうか) [接] if
I’ve never caught her at it so far, but Miss Ada smiles all the time and that’s worse.
catch (見かける) [動] to see or notice
so far (今まで) [副] up to this point
all the time (いつも) [副] on every occasion; at all times
However, they’re nice, kind souls, and they take two boarders every year because Miss Hannah’s economical soul cannot bear to ‘waste room space’—not because they need to or have to, as Miss Ada has told me seven times since Saturday night.
every year (毎年) [副] annually
bear (耐える) [動] to tolerate or endure
need (必要) [名] a requirement for something
As for our rooms, I admit they are hall bedrooms, and mine does look out on the back yard.
as for (~については) [前] with regard to; concerning
look out (面している) [動] to face in a specified direction
Your room is a front one and looks out on Old St. John’s graveyard, which is just across the street.”
front (正面) [名] the side or part of something that faces forward or toward the viewer
Old St. John's graveyard (旧聖ヨハネ教会の墓地) [名] a cemetery

 “That sounds gruesome,” shivered Anne.
sound (聞こえる) [動] be perceived or understood
gruesome (恐ろしい) [形] causing disgust or horror
“I think I’d rather have the back yard view.”
view (景色) [名] what can be seen in a particular direction

 “Oh, no, you wouldn’t. Wait and see. Old St. John’s is a darling place.
wait and see (待っててごらんなさい) [動] wait for something to happen before taking action
Old St. John's (旧聖ヨハネ教会) [名] a church in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
darling (素敵な) [形] very attractive or charming
It’s been a graveyard so long that it’s ceased to be one and has become one of the sights of Kingsport. I was all through it yesterday for a pleasure exertion.
graveyard (墓地) [名] a place where dead people are buried
cease (なくなる) [動] come to an end
yesterday (昨日) [名] the day before today
pleasure (散歩) [名] an activity that you enjoy doing
exertion (運動) [名] a vigorous or violent effort
There’s a big stone wall and a row of enormous trees all around it, and rows of trees all through it, and the queerest old tombstones, with the queerest and quaintest inscriptions.
stone (石) [名] a hard solid nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material
wall (塀) [名] a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land
row (列) [名] a series of people or things arranged in a straight line
tree (木) [名] a woody perennial plant typically having a main stem or trunk and generally a distinct elevated crown
all around (周りに) [副] in every direction
all through (中にも) [副] in or through every part of
queer (奇妙な) [形] strange; odd
tombstone (墓石) [名] a stone that is placed over or on a grave
inscription (碑文) [名] words that are written or carved on a surface
You’ll go there to study, Anne, see if you don’t. Of course, nobody is ever buried there now.
bury (埋葬する) [動] put a dead body into the ground
But a few years ago they put up a beautiful monument to the memory of Nova Scotian soldiers who fell in the Crimean War. It is just opposite the entrance gates and there’s ‘scope for imagination’ in it, as you used to say.
a few years ago (数年前) [名] a small number of years in the past
put up (建てる) [動] build or construct
monument (記念碑) [名] a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event
memory (記念) [名] something that is remembered
Nova Scotian (ノバスコシアの) [形] of or relating to Nova Scotia
soldier (兵士) [名] a person who serves in an army
fall (亡くなる) [動] die in battle
Crimean War (クリミア戦争) [名] a war fought between Russia and an alliance of France, Britain, Turkey, and Sardinia from 1853 to 1856
just opposite (真向かいに) [副] directly across from
entrance gate (入り口の門) [名] a gate that allows people to enter a place
scope (余地) [名] the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant
Here’s your trunk at last—and the boys coming to say good night.
at last (やっと) [副] finally
Must I really shake hands with Charlie Sloane, Anne? His hands are always so cold and fishy-feeling. We must ask them to call occasionally.
shake hands (握手する) [動] clasp someone's right hand in one's own at meeting or parting, in reconciliation, or as a sign of agreement
fishy (魚みたいにヌルヌルしてる) [形] having the qualities of a fish
call (電話をかける) [動] communicate with someone by telephone
アン、本当にチャーリー・スローンと握手しなくちゃいけないの? 彼の手はいつも冷たくて魚みたいにヌルヌルしてるのよ。時々電話をかけるように言わなくちゃね。
Miss Hannah gravely told me we could have ‘young gentlemen callers’ two evenings in the week, if they went away at a reasonable hour;
have (迎える) [動] receive as a guest
young (若い) [形] having lived or existed for only a short time
gentleman (紳士) [名] a man who is well mannered, courteous, or honorable
caller (訪問者) [名] a person who visits
week (週) [名] a period of seven days
reasonable (適当な) [形] not extreme or excessive
and Miss Ada asked me, smiling, please to be sure they didn’t sit on her beautiful cushions.
ask (頼む) [動] make a request for something
be sure (気を付ける) [動] be certain or confident about something
I promised to see to it;
see to (そうする) [動] make sure that something is done
promise (約束する) [動] assure someone that one will or will not do something
but goodness knows where else they can sit, unless they sit on the floor, for there are cushions on everything.
goodness knows (わからない) [慣] I don't know
floor (床) [名] the lower surface of a room, on which people walk
Miss Ada even has an elaborate Battenburg one on top of the piano.”
elaborate (手の込んだ) [形] very complicated or detailed
Battenburg (バテンバーグ) [名] a type of cake or bread made with a light sponge cake and marzipan
one (クッション) [名] a thing that is the same as another thing already mentioned
top (上) [名] the highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something

 Anne was laughing by this time.
by this time (この時) [副] at this time; now
Priscilla’s gay chatter had the intended effect of cheering her up;
chatter (おしゃべり) [名] talk rapidly and incessantly
intended (意図した) [形] planned or meant
effect (効果) [名] a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
cheer up (元気づける) [動] make (someone) feel less sad or worried
homesickness vanished for the time being, and did not even return in full force when she finally found herself alone in her little bedroom.
for the time being (しばらくの間) [副] for the present; temporarily
full force (完全に) [名] the whole strength or power of something
She went to her window and looked out.
look out (外を見る) [動] direct one's gaze outward
The street below was dim and quiet.
street (道) [名] a road in a city, town, or village, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides
below (下) [副] at a lower level or position
Across it the moon was shining above the trees in Old St. John’s, just behind the great dark head of the lion on the monument.
across (向こう) [前] from one side to the other of
shine (輝く) [動] emit or reflect light
just (すぐ) [副] very recently; in the very recent past
dark (黒い) [形] with little or no light
lion (ライオン) [名] a large wild cat that lives in Africa and Asia
Anne wondered if it could have been only that morning that she had left Green Gables.
She had the sense of a long passage of time which one day of change and travel gives.
long (長い) [形] having a great distance or duration
passage (経過) [名] the process of moving through space or time
travel (旅) [名] the action of going from one place to another

 “I suppose that very moon is looking down on Green Gables now,” she mused.
very (あの) [形] the same
look down on (見下ろす) [動] look at someone or something from a higher position
muse (考え込む) [動] contemplate or think carefully about something
“But I won’t think about it—that way homesickness lies.
think about (考える) [動] direct one's mind toward someone or something; use one's mind actively to form connected ideas
I’m not even going to have my good cry.
not even (さえしない) [副] not at all; not a bit
I’ll put that off to a more convenient season, and just now I’ll go calmly and sensibly to bed and to sleep.”
put off (延期する) [動] postpone to a later time
convenient (都合のいい) [形] suitable for one's needs or purposes
season (季節) [名] one of the four divisions of the year
calmly (落ち着いて) [副] in a calm manner
sensibly (賢く) [副] in a sensible manner
sleep (寝る) [動] rest with the eyes closed